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Offices: 200, 5110 - 50th Ave., Cold Lake, AB T: 780.594.0299 And Please call 780-594-5206 to book. 4909 - 50th Ave., Bonnyville, AB T: 780.826.3312 www.gmwllp.ca Toll Free: 877.594.0299 Volume 49 Number 35 www.thecouriernewspaper.ca September 13, 2016 CFB Cold Lake Welcomes Its New Arrivals Weather Tuesday Wednesday High 21oC High 21oC Low 6 oC Low 6 oC Mainly Sunny w/ Wind Sunny Thursday Friday High 19oC Low 7oC Sunny High 23oC Low 7oC Sunny The weather is provided by The 4 Wing Meteorology Office Local 8001 Local News Wing Charities Events 2 Successful and Fun 10 FTTS Conducts 3 Landing Gear Training with USN and Swiss Engineers Flight Engineer 4 Recruiting Team Coming to Cold Lake Health Promotion 5 Run For Terry, Help 5 Defeat Cancer 4 Wing Pulls Together 5 for Charity CFMWS Survey Makes 6 a Difference 401 Squadron 8 Promotions MP Relay Ride Raises 8 Thousands for Blind Children Weekly Classified Section Movies Padre’s Corner Entertainment 4 4 6 7 Jeff Gaye Capt Sheri Muggaberg, Capt Steve Hurlbut, their daughter Avery and their son Taylor enjoyed meeting people at the 4 Wing Welcome last Thursday. Jeff Gaye New arrivals to CFB Cold Lake were given a hearty welcome last Thursday. The Wing Welcome event began with a briefing in the 4 Wing Theatre. Attendance was mandatory for newly-arrived military personnel, and family members were also invited. 4 Wing Commander Col Paul Doyle gave a background on the base’s history and its operational importance. He said that military members and their families form about a third of Cold Lake’s population and are an important part of the community. “Whether it’s in town or on the base, you’ll see military people taking an active role in the community,” he said, and this is key to enjoying a posting here. “There’s lots to do in Cold Lake. I encourage you to get out and be active.” Col Doyle also spoke of the professional opportunities of working on an operational base, including the likelihood of deployment. “I call it ‘Op Next,’” he said. “Our next operation is not a question of if, but of when.” Cold Lake Mayor Craig Copeland extended a welcome on behalf of the city. He spoke of his own origins in New York City and his youth in Toronto, and said that even with his urban roots he is happy to live in Cold Lake. Copeland gave a “wartsand-all” assessment of Cold Lake, advising members of the challenges as well as the advantages of living here. In particular, he said there is a shortage of family doctors, and urged members and their families to take advantage of the Primary Care Network’s Kingsway Clinic located in the Canex mall. Command teams from units on base introduced themselves and explained their respective units’ roles. After the briefing, the newcomers were invited to tour display tables for the various organizations that provide services to the military community. A barbecue supper followed, with birthday cakes marking the 25th anniversary of Military Family Services and the 20th anniversary of Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services. The 4 Wing Pipes and Drums and the 4 Wing Band provided entertainment. 4 Wing MFRC held its annual general meeting after supper, while the 4 Wing Movie Club offered a free movie to entertain the children. Page 2 The Courier News & Publishing Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Wing Charities Events Successful and Fun WO PA Schwindt, Deputy Wing Charities Officer 4 Wing Charities was busy last Thursday, running the“CF-18 Pull” and “Bail or Jail” fundraising events. Cpl Dan Emond, AETE Charity Rep, coordinated the CF- 18 Pull. Teams of 10 were required to pull a CF-18 Hornet 20 metres as quickly as possible. Each team paid a $50.00 fee to participate, and six teams signed on: AETE, Wing HQ, Wing Ops, 22CFHSC, 401 Squadron, and Wing CE/ RP Ops. All teams posted coordinated the “Jail or impressive times. The Bail” event, held in the CE and RP Ops team Canex lobby. For this won the 2016 bragging event, unit personnel rights by crossing the raised a “reward” for the 20-metre mark in “arrest” of a superior or 10.20 seconds. The six co-worker at the rate of teams contributed $5.00 for each minute $310.00 to the Wing of jail time. To ensure minimal disruption to Charity fund. Cpl Tara Frerichs, the work schedule, the W Replen Charity Rep, maximum jail term was 30 minutes, but there was no limit to reward raised. If the arrested member wanted to avoid jail time, they had to pay bail equal to the amount of reward raised. One member paid $40.00 to avoid eight minutes of jail time. Ten members from militaire arrêté souhaitait 409 Squadron, 410 éviter de faire de la Squadron, 22 CFHSC, prison, il devait payer W Replen and W Admin, une caution équivalente found themselves au montant amassé arrested. One unit pour la récompense. Un definitely wanted to have militaire a d’ailleurs their boss locked up – 22 payé 40 $ pour éviter de CFHSC raised $235.00 to passer huit minutes en arrest Maj Dionne. prison. The Jail or Bail event Dix militaires, du raised $901.00. 409 Esc, du 410 Esc, du 22 In total, the two events CSSFC, du Réappro Ere raised $1,211.00. 4 Wing et de l’Admin Ere, ont été Charities would like to arrêtés. Une unité voulait pass on a heartfelt thank définitivement faire incarcérer son supérieur – le 22 CSSFC a amassé 235 $ pour l’arrestation Jeff Gaye du Maj Dionne. L’activité « In the spirit of last Incarcération et caution week’s Wing Welcome, » a permis d’amasser 901 we’d like to welcome $. our new readers to Au total, les deux activités ont permis The Courier. de recueillir la somme We are 4 de 1211 $. Le comité Wing’s community de bienfaisance weekly newspaper. de la 4e Escadre Admittedly, we are souhaite remercier not the kind of paper chaleureusement les organisateurs ainsi that takes you half que tous ceux qui ont the morning to read, contribué à la réussite de but we’re a good ces activités et au plaisir companion to a large que nous avons eu au cup of coffee. Two or cours de cette incroyable three cups, if you’re journée. Les activités du comité de bienfaisance de l’Escadre – réussies et amusantes! Adj P.A. Schwindt, responsable adjointe des œuvres de bienfaisance de l’Escadre Jeudi dernier, le comité de bienfaisance de la 4e Escadre était bien occupé à organiser les activités de financement « Tir d’un aéronef CF 18 » et « Incarcération et caution ». Le Cpl Dan Emond, représentant du comité de bienfaisance du Centre d’essais techniques (Aéronautique) (CETA), a assuré la coordination de l’activité qui consistait à tirer un aéronef CF-18. Des équipes formées de 10 personnes devaient tirer le plus rapidement possible un aéronef CF-18 sur 20 mètres. Chaque équipe devait payer des frais de 50 $ pour participer à l’activité, à laquelle les six équipes suivantes se sont inscrites : CETA, QG Ere, Ops Ere, 22 CSSFC, 401 Esc, Esc GC et Ops Imm. Toutes les équipes ont obtenu des résultats impressionnants. Les équipes Esc GC et Ops Imm ont remporté le droit se vanter en traversant la ligne de 20 mètres en 10,20 secondes. Les six équipes ont permis d’amasser 310 $ pour la caisse de bienfaisance de l’Escadre. Le Cpl Tara Frerichs, représentant du comité de bienfaisance de l’Escadron de réapprov i sion nement de l’Escadre, a assuré la coordination de l’activité « Incarcération et caution », qui a eu lieu dans le hall d’entrée du Canex. Au cours de cette activité, le personnel de l’unité devait recueillir l’argent de la « récompense » offerte pour l’« arrestation » d’un supérieur ou d’un collègue, au coût de 5 $ pour chaque minute que cette personne devait passer en prison. Afin de perturber le moins possible l’horaire de travail, le temps d’incarcération maximal avait été fixé à 30 minutes, mais aucune limite n’avait été imposée pour le montant de la récompense. Si le inclined to solve our Sudoku and crossword puzzles. We take pride in our crisp-yet-lively writing (you say you’ve noticed?) and our nearflawless typography. Our famous typo challenge is your guarantee of quality – find a typo, coffee’s on us. Find a typo in a headline, we’ll buy you lunch! We are not journalists in the Cpl Berger, Wing Imaging 22 CFHSC Commanding Officer Maj Luc Dionne managed to make bail despite facing a litany of charges. you to the organizers and everyone who added to pure sense. We’re a Canadian Forces Newspaper, published under the auspices of Personnel Support Programs and under the supervision of 4 Wing Public Affairs. You won’t find politics, scandal, gossip, celebrities or any of the other stuff that can make a newspaper fun. But we convey information that has a bearing on military life and military family life. Most of what you’ll read is good news, but we understand bad news can also be important information. We’ll do our best to keep you informed. And yes, we report the official version of events. On the other hand, we deliver it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. We understand the military, so we get the information right. Advertising is important to us, and the fun and success of this amazing day. we’d like you to see it as important to you. Our advertisers want to reach out to the 4 Wing community, and we’d be pleased if you read the ads in the paper and give our local merchants a chance to serve you. Aussi, The Courier est le seul journal dans la région qui offre au moins un petit peu de contenu en français. C’est une priorité pour nous de traduire les articles qui concernent les familles et la communauté. Welcome to Cold Lake, welcome to 4 Wing, welcome to The Courier! From the Editor’s Desk NEWS Tuesday, September 13, 2016 The Courier News & Publishing Page 3 10 FTTS Conducts Landing Gear Training with US Navy and Swiss Engineers WO PAuL SWAnSBurG, 10 fTTS (Switzerland), a contractor in Emmen that specializes in maintenance repair, overhaul work, modifications and system upgrades, sent two mechanical engineers to train on landing gear and door rigging procedures. Captain Bruno Carrard, an engineer from Payerne Airforce base, also participated in the training, which gave him a better appreciation for the work his maintenance team does at home. The visitors were introduced to other areas of 4 Wing during their stay. The engineers enjoyed a familiarization ride in a CH-146 Griffon helicopter courtesy of Maj Steels and the team at 417 Squadron, giving them an overview of the Cold Lake landscape. LCol Armstrong, and the 1 AMS Component Shop and Phase Line personnel, provided some parts insight and practical maintenance training. Col Barker and the engineers at AETE provided a tour of their facility and a detailed description of what they provide on the wing and across the country. The training gave 10 FTTS the opportunity to showcase their professionalism and offer a look at how they train future technicians for the CF-188 Fleet. It also provided a chance for staff to learn from the visiting engineers and build an information gateway for the future. 10 FTTS Commanding Officer Maj Jonathon Pilon was pleased the squadron 10 Field Technical Training Squadron (10 FTTS) recently hosted a group of engineers for F-18 specialized landing gear training. The group included F-18 Hornet fleet-specific US Navy (USN) and Swiss engineers, who gained two weeks of hands-on exposure to various landing gear systems. This is the second year the USN engineers from NAVAIR at North Island in San Diego, California participated, and the first time for the Swiss. The visit gave them practical experience they are unable to get in their working environments. In addition to training, USN personnel trialled new practical procedures and tested new tooling methods. These trials will help the aerospace engineers re-write or correct their technical publications and give them a better visualization of the complex system Cpl St-Cyr, 10 fTTS imaging components. visiting engineers reto del-fatti (ruAG, left), Phillip vu (uSn) and Jason feibisch RUAG Aviation (uSn) perform main landing gear door rigging. had the opportunity to work with the American and Swiss engineers. “We look forward to future partnerships with our fighter world allies, and we hope to see another group next year,” he said. TAKE MY CARD Cold Lake Business Directory Dentist Optometrist OPTOMETRISTS 5205 - 51 Ave Cold Lake, AB Clinic Hours Mon 7 am-5 pm Tues-Thurs 7 am-8 pm Fri 7 am-4 pm Dr. Ross Campbell Dr. John Barkley Dr. Blake Dornstauder 780-594-5755 À°Ê>Û`ÊÜÀÞÊEÊÃÃV>Ìià À°Ê>Û`ÊÜÀÞÊEÊÃÃV>Ìià À°Ê>Àà >Ê>ÀÀÌÌ À°Ê>Àà >Ê>ÀÀÌÌ À°Ê/ÀiÌÊiÛ>à À°Ê- iÀÀÊÊ6>ÊÀi iiÀ>ÊiÌÃÌÀÞÊÊvviÀ}Ê«>ÌÃ]Ê ÀÌ `ÌVÃÊ>`Ê°6°ÊÃi`>ÌÊ`iÌÃÌÀ Þ ÃÃ}ÊÌiiÌ ÊÀÊÃiÊ`iÌÕÀiöÊÀiiÊ«>ÌÊVÃÕÌ>Ìð >V}Ê>Û>>LiÊ" ° xÓÓxÊxxÊ-ÌÀiiÌ]Ê `Ê>iÊÇnäx{xäxÈ Dentist Denture Care DR. MAY CONLIN Hon. B.Sc., D.M.D. General Dentists 780-594-5150 gentle hands, caring professionals 5213 - 51 Ave Cold Lake www.lakecentredental.com “We don’t cut corners, we clean ‘em” 7iÊÛiÊÌÊii«ÊÕÀ VÕÌÞÊÃ}t www.ColdLakeEyeCare.com DR. ERIC HANSEN Hon. B.Sc. D.D.S Building Maintenance Commercial Cleaning Post-Construction Clean-Up Move-Out/March-Out Cleaning Move- JHOANA & ALEX 780-813-2004/ 780-545-4482 www.facebook.com/EuroshineCL Floor Stripping and Waxing Spring Cleaning And Much More! A Dentist Page 4 The Courier News & Publishing The Courier News & Publishing Centennial Building(#67) PO Box 6190 Stn Forces Cold Lake, AB T9M 2C5 Phone: (780) 594-5206 Fax: (780) 594-2139 Email: [email protected] The Courier Staff PUBLIC AFFAIRS Capt Mat Strong MANAGER Connie Lavigne EDITOR/REPORTER Jeff Gaye PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Nora Chachula ADMIN/SALES Angela Hetherington Deadline Wednesday at 1500 hrs for the following Tuesday The Courier is published weekly with the permission of the 4 Wing Cold Lake Wing Commander Col Doyle. The opinions expressed are those of the contributor and do not reflect those of the Editor, Canadian Forces, or DND. The Editor reserves the right to reject, edit, or condense any editorial or advertising material. Printed by Star Press, Wainwright, AB. Publié hebdomadairement avec la permission du Commandant de l’escadre, le col Doyle. Les opinions personnelles exprimées dans ce journal sont celles des collaborateurs et ne représentent pas les opinions de la rédaction, des Forces canadiennes ou du Ministrère de la Défense nationale. La rédaction se réserve le droit de refuser, d’éditer ou de condenser tout article et matériel de réclame soumis. Imprimé par Star Press, Wainwright, AB. Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Flight Engineer Recruiting Team Coming to Cold Lake Jeff GAye and troubleshooting procedures, hoisting, If you think you’d door gunning, system be interested in a career operation and change to Flight Engineer, monitoring,” MCpl Bush you’ll want to attend a said. Flight Engineers briefing on September work in Search and Rescue, 20. Tactical Helicopter, A team from 426 Transport, and Long Transport Training Range Patrols, on a wide Squadron is on a range of aircraft types. recruiting tour, looking Flight Engineer is not for suitable candidates for a direct-entry occupation. the Flight Engineer trade. As such, candidates are The demand for qualified recruited from Aviation Flight Engineers is Systems (AVN) or expected to increase in Avionics Systems (AVS) the next few years, said trades. They also accept MCpl Jessie Bush, a Flight Air Weapons Systems Engineer instructor with technicians with AVN 426 Squadron. experience. Applicants “The life expectancies must have at least four of the airframes we are years of post-QL3 currently employed experience. on are projected to be “A successful extended, and as new candidate requires a aircraft are procured high level of technical we’ll need to fill those experience, physical positions,” MCpl Bush and mental stamina, the said. ability to perform under Flight Engineers are stress, good decision the technical authority making capabilities, onboard an aircraft. “We and the integrity to are responsible to the work independently aircraft commander to with little supervision,” maintain serviceability MCpl Bush said. “A and carry out in-flight clear vocal expression is duties, such as emergency a huge benefit and the confidence to conduct briefings to any rank is an asset as we brief the crew and sometimes passengers onboard our platforms.” “The occupation is a challenging one, so to be successful one must be motivated to make the change.” Selected candidates attend a QL5 course for introductory and refresher training on aircraft systems, weight and balance, meteorology, airmanship and dangerous cargo and more. From there the member is posted to the fleet they will specialize on and attend common aircrew courses such as land survival training, sea survival training, aeromedical training; and fleet-specific courses like rotary wing underwater egress training, advanced survival, and arctic survival. Flight Engineers then complete an AVN/ AVS maintenance course before going on to their flying phase and subsequent on-job Member of: Guidelines for Submissions The Courier News & Publishing welcomes voluntary article and photographic submissions from all members of our military community. We work hard with a limited staff to bring you a good quality newspaper. You can help us by following these guidelines when submitting your articles and photographs: Articles should be sent in Microsoft Word. Aim for a word count of 300. Please keep bolded characters to a minimum and refrain from using other font styles (italics, underlining, centering, etc.). Spell out acronyms on first reference and then abbreviate in subsequent references. Articles must include author’s full name and rank for attribution. Also include a daytime phone number. Do not include photos or graphics within typed pages. Send them as separate files. Photographs may be delivered electronically as ‘jpeg’ or ‘tiff ’ files with a resolution of 300 dpi, by hand, or by CR mail. (Please do not send photos embedded in article text!) Indicate photographer’s full name and rank for attribution. All photographs depicting military honours and awards are published as ‘head & shoulder’ photos on our Accolades page. dnd Search and rescue missions are an exciting part of a flight engineer’s job. training, after which they will be considered operational. “It may seem like a lot but the time really does fly!” MCpl Bush said. The briefing will be begin at 9:30 Tuesday, September 20 at the 4 Wing Theatre, and should run about an hour and a half. Interested members who can’t attend the briefing might want to talk with a Flight Engineer and the Wing Personnel Selection Officer for complete information, MCpl Bush said. This Week’s Movies / À l’affiche cette semaine Jeff GAye W e d n e s d a y , September 14, 7:00 pm: Easy A (2010) – Emma Stone plays a straitlaced teen who fibs when telling a friend about her Wed., Sept. 14 - 7 pm boring weekend. The Easy A little lie becomes a big Fri., Sept. 16 - 7 pm rumour with unintended Captain America: consequences. Rated PG. Civil War Friday, September Dimanche, le 18 16, 7:00 pm: Captain septembre à midi: America: Civil War Dragons (2016) – The Avengers are Sun., Sept. 18 - 2 pm divided between Captain How to Train Your Dragon America, who feels superheroes should have a free hand in fighting ends up making friends evil, and Iron Man, with one of them. This who thinks they should changes his whole outlook be subject to civilian on dragons, as he learns there is much more to oversight. Rated PG. Dimanche, le 18 them than he thought. septembre à midi: Rated G. 4 Wing Movie Club Dragons (2010 ) - Un Jeune Viking se livrant presentations are shown à la chasse aux dragons at the 4 Wing Theatre. finit par devenir ami avec Admission is free to l’un d’eux. Ceci change defence team members, complètement son your CF One card is opinion sur les dragons the preferred form of et il apprend qu’il y a identification. Les films du cinébeaucoup plus sur ces adversaires qu’il ne le club de la 4e Escadre sont projetés dans l’amphithéâtre pensait. (G) Sunday, September de la 4e Escadre. Entrée 18, 2:00 pm: How To gratuite pour les membres Train Your Dragon (2010) de l’Équipe de la Défense; - A young Viking sets la carte UneFC est la forme out to hunt dragons but d’identification privilégiée. CLASSIFIEDS McDonalds Cold Lake HELP WANTED FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR PERMANENT FULL-TIME $14.01/HR FOR 35 HOURS PER WEEK Starting wage plus benefits package (Basic dental, vision, health, prescription) • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food, establish work schedule, ensure food service and quality control, maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastages • Must have 1 year or less than 2 years experience in Food industry. • Must be available days, nights and weekends. Apply in person or by resume to Gerbenco Holdings ltd. o/a McDonalds Restaurant 4702 43 Ave. Cold Lake, AB T9M 1M9 780-594-2223 [email protected] Special Olympics Lakeland Bowling Mondays at 5:45 pm at Marina Bowl in Cold Lake North. Volunteers Wanted! New athletes welcome! Transportation from Bonnyville available. Email specialolympicslakeland@ gmail.com for more information. Cold Lake Food Bank 5216 55A Street, Cold Lake. 780-201-6589. Open on Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm and Fridays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. PERSONNEL SUPPORT PROGRAMS Tuesday, September 13, 2016 The Courier News & Publishing Page 5 Eat Your Cutlery! TAMMy BuCHAnAn, HeALTH PrOMOTiOn SPeCiALiST We all strive to eat a balanced diet with the required fruits and veggies, whole grains, fish or meat alternatives, and low-fat milk products. So, where does edible food packaging and edible cutlery fit in? Could it be a dietary win and an environmental win? I was listening to the radio recently and heard some unique ideas coming down the pipe. A biodegradable milk protein film is being researched to be used for packaging in the United States. This product would be edible, or if you did throw it away it would not take 450 years to decompose like a plastic bottle. Its structure is similar to plastic wrap but would keep the product it is protecting fresher, as it blocks out oxygen better than regular wrap. Because it is made of a milk product, consumers who can safely eat dairy will also be able to eat the packaging. The products they are currently testing do not have any flavor, but that could change, like the edible cutlery now available in India. You can choose from plain, spicy, or a sweet spoon to complement the dish you are eating! These baked spoons are made of rice, wheat flour, and millet. Currently, the manufacturer is looking at expanding into edible forks and chopsticks. With all innovative ideas there are positive and negative impacts. A win for the environment is that edible packaging and cutlery reduces waste in our landfills. India throws away 120 Health Promotion Derek Coe & Tammy Buchanan Health Can Be Catching billion pieces of plastic (780) 840-8000 extension cutlery each year, and 6958. edible spoons may help (Resources: Canada’s change that statistic. Food Guide – Health Canada; We will have to wait for Casein Films: Bonnaillie, the products to become Zhang, Akkurt, Yam, available here to see if Tomasula – Polymers 2014 there is a dietary win as - The Effects of Formulation, well. Environmental Conditions If you have any and the Addition of Citric nutrition questions, Pectin on the Structure please contact the Health and Mechanical Properties; Promotion Department at Bonnaillie and Tomasula – Polymers 2015 – Application of Humidity-Controlled Dynamic Mechanical Analysis to MositureSensitive Edible Casin Films for Use in Food Packaging; Kelmachter – India’s Edible Cutlery Points the Way for a Zero-Waste Future; Noakes – CBC News – Milk Protein Used to Make Biodegradable Food Wrap) Run For Terry, Help Defeat Cancer THe COurier This weekend Canada celebrates a national hero by remembering his quest to find a cure for cancer. On Sunday, September 18, Canadians will run, walk and roll in hundreds of Terry Fox Runs across the country. 4 Wing will do its part through its annual Terry Fox Works celebrations on Friday. The event will raise funds and awareness in support of cancer research. The 4 Wing Terry Fox Works event will begin at 8:00 Friday morning at the Col JJ Parr Sports Centre. The day’s schedule is as follows: • 8:00 am: Last minute registration • 8:30 to 10:30: Head Shave, “Pull-the-Pumper” Challenge and Tug-ofWar • 10:30: Wing Canada - one dollar for raised over $700 million Commander’s Address for cancer research. • 10:35: Pre-run warm every Canadian. Though cancer Friday’s Terry up • 10:45: Terry Fox forced him to stop near Fox Works day will Thunder Bay after 143 also draw the annual Run (walk, roll) days, the contributions Wing Commander’s • 11:30: Lunch Terry Fox set out on kept coming in. By Wellness Challenge to a his Marathon of Hope February of 1981, he conclusion. Terry Fox Works can in 1980, running the had succeeded in raising equivalent of a marathon a dollar per Canadian, always use some volunteer race – 42 kilometres – with $24.17 million. Terry help. Those interested in every day. His goal was died in June of that year. volunteering for the event to match his fundraising To date, The Terry can contact Yolanda Foundation has Janssen at 780-594-6006. to the population of Fox 4 Wing Pulls Together for Charity Jeff Gaye Jeff Gaye There were approximately 700 participants in last year’s Terry fox Works run. Members of the 401 Squadron team lean into their attempt to win the Wing Charities Cf-18 Pull last Thursday. See story on page 2 for details. Page 6 The Courier News & Publishing Tuesday, September 13, 2016 CFMWS Survey Makes a Difference The Courier You can have a direct impact on the quality of life in Cold Lake by participating in the annual Community Needs Assessment (CNA). The annual online survey is at www. cfmws.com/CNA. Information from the survey is used by Personnel Support Programs (PSP) and Military Family Resource Centres (MFRCs) to assess how they can improve service to military community. The CNA is a very members and their families. important tool for us.” 4 Wing MFRC Executive Director Some of the programs offered by Elizabeth Morris says the CNA plays a MFRC are deployment and separation big role in the MFRC board’s decision- support, child care services, life skills courses, and social work. making. 4 Wing Commander Col Paul Doyle “We’re here to serve the military community’s needs,” Morris said. “If says the CNA gives MFRC and PSP hard our programming doesn’t meet their information to guide their decisions. “As a result of previous Community needs, we’re missing the mark.” “We’re always looking for feedback Needs Assessments, our partners at the to make sure we can match our MFRC and PSP now offer the 4 Wing programming to the needs of the defence team dozens of worthwhile programs and services, including greater access to free facilities, a variety of courses to enhance life skills, affordable community recreation opportunities, special interest workshops and a number of leisure travel options,” he said. “I encourage all members, their families and loved ones to participate in this survey to help our MFRC and PSP programs move forward.” The survey is open until September 23. Le sondage du SBMFC fait une différence THE COURIER Vous pouvez avoir une incidence directe sur la qualité de vie à Cold Lake en participant à l’évaluation annuelle des besoins de la communauté. Le sondage annuel est affiché sur www.cfmws.com/CNA. L’information recueillie grâce au sondage sert au Programme de soutien du personnel (PSP) et au Centre de ressources pour les familles des militaires (CRFM) pour savoir comment améliorer les services qu’ils offrent aux militaires et à leur famille. La directrice générale du CRFM de la 4e Escadre, Elizabeth Morris, déclare que l’évaluation des besoins de la communauté joue un grand rôle dans les prises de décision du conseil d’administration du CRFM. « Nous sommes ici pour répondre aux besoins de la communauté militaire, dit-elle. Si nos programmes ne répondent pas à leurs besoins, nous échouons à notre mission. » « Nous sommes toujours en quête de rétroactions pour nous assurer que nos programmes correspondent aux besoins de la communauté. L’évaluation des besoins de la communauté est un outil très important pour nous. » Parmi les programmes offerts par le CRFM, mentionnons le soutien pour le déploiement et la séparation, des services de garde d’enfants, des cours sur les compétences de vie et du travail social. Le commandant de la 4e Escadre, le Col Paul Doyle, explique que l’évaluation des besoins de la communauté procure au CRFM et au PSP des données concrètes pour guider leurs décisions. « Grâce aux évaluations des besoins de la communauté antérieurs, nos partenaires des CRFM et des PSP offrent maintenant à l’équipe de la 4e Escadre des dizaines de programmes et de services pratiques, notamment un plus grand accès à des installations gratuites, divers cours de développement des compétences de vie, des ateliers d’intérêt particulier et différentes possibilités de voyage d’agrément », affirme-t-il. « J’encourage tous les militaires et leur famille à participer à ce sondage pour aider à faire progresser les programmes du PSP et du CRFM. » Le sondage est ouvert jusqu’au 23 septembre. Battle of Britain Parade: The Reason for the Ceremony Padre Christopher Willis Preparations are underway for the annual Battle of Britain commemoration at the Cold Lake North cenotaph. Padre Jonczyk is preparing an invocation. Personnel are preparing for the parade. But sometimes while we are busy preparing for an occasion we can lose sight of the reason for the ceremony. Our ceremonies on September 18 will mark 76 years since the the tide of impending Europe may be free and the Battle of Britain, the first defeat that Winston life of the world may move major battle to be fought Churchill warned of in forward into broad, sunlit exclusively between air his address to Parliament uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including forces. The RAF and its in June 1940: allies faced off against “The Battle of Britain the United States, including the Luftwaffe in the skies is about to begin. Upon this all that we have known and over British territory battle depends the survival cared for, will sink into the from July 10 to October of Christian civilization. abyss of a new Dark Age 31, 1940. Canadians Upon it depends our own made more sinister, and were heavily involved, British life and the long perhaps more protracted, with 112 of our pilots continuity of our institutions by the lights of a perverted flying sorties. In all 1,495 and our Empire. The whole science. Let us therefore allied air crew sacrificed fury and might of the enemy brace ourselves to our duties, their lives, including 47 must very soon be turned and so bear ourselves that, on us. Hitler knows that if the British Empire and Canadians. The loyalty and he will have to break us in its Commonwealth last for courage shown by our this island or lose the war. If a thousand years, men will personnel helped stem we can stand up to him, all still say, ‘This was their Padre’s Corner St. Mark’s Protestant Chapel [Across from Art Smith Aviation Academy] Sacraments For information on Spiritual guidance, Baptism, or to register for Marriage Preparation Courses call the office. You must register six months in advance and please note that marriage preparation is required. Funerals and memorial services can be requested by first contacting our Administrative Assistant. Chapel Life Programming All local military/DND and visiting military/ DND personnel and their families are welcome and encouraged to join our opportunities of worship, social events, and charitable service activities. St. Mark’s Ladies Guild and St. Mark’s Men’s Fellowship are always open to receiving new members. • Men’s Monthly Fellowship Breakfast, last Saturday of the month 8:30 am, September to May. • Military Christian Fellowship, Wednesdays 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, September to June. finest hour.’” perspectives, and politics As I meditated on not in line with that the occasion a Scripture of Hitler’s destructive came to mind. “Very worldview. rarely would anyone die for Such occasions a righteous person; though provide unique for a good person someone opportunities for spiritual might possibly dare to die” and moral evaluation (Romans 5:7). What a of the values we hold unique time in history, dear, particularly those when so few gave so much of loyalty and courage. for so many. The sacrifice This week let’s take time did more than perpetuate to count the cost of such and consider Christian civilization. values It helped save Jewish our grasp of the baton civilization from the that’s been passed to midst of holocaust, and our RCAF from those the freedom of peoples who so bravely served of all religions, faiths, before us. Sunday Service 10:30 am Divine Worship Communion - 1st Sunday of the month Sunday School - September to June Chaplains - Protestant Padre David Stewart (Pres) ....................... 8167 Padre Christopher Willis (EFCC)............. 8169 Holy Name Roman Catholic Chapel [Corner of Kingsway and Queensway] Sacraments Sunday Eucharist 11:00 am in English Children’s Liturgy - September to June Chaplains - Roman Catholic Information on Baptism, 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders/Ordination, or Sacrament of the Sick, you may contact any of the RC chaplains or the Administrative Assistant. A pre-matrimony (marriage) course is mandatory with a minimum of six months - preferably one year - notice prior to the intended wedding date. Sacrament/Anointing of the Sick or Sacrament of Reconciliation can be at any opportunity upon request to a priest. Funerals and memorial services can be requested by first contacting our Administrative Assistant. Padre Jacques Tremblay...............................7975 Padre Zbigniew Jonczyk.............................8170 Padre Marcin Rosinski................................7969 Chapel Life Administrative Assistant: Nicole Laframboise..….....................7969 You may call her for more information or to register. [Our offices are located in Building 115 next to the CFHA.] All local RC military/DND and visiting RC military/ DND personnel and their families are welcome and encouraged to join our opportunities of worship, social events, and charitable service activities. Catholic Women’s League and Knights of Columbus are always open to receiving new members. Additionally, confidential pastoral counselling in regard to personal faith, family, or employment related matters can be available upon request/appointment. The Beehive Thrift Shop Hours: Tuesdays 1 pm - 3 pm Thursdays 7 pm - 9 pm Saturdays 10 am - 12 pm The Beehive Thrift Shop is now open in their new location behind the Expressmart Convenience Store and Gas Bar. We accept customer items on consignment; we gladly accept donations. Profits go back into the community. Phone 780-840-8000 ext. 4056 ENTERTAINMENT The Courier News & Publishing HOROSCOPES Fun in the Fall CAPRICORN - December 22 - January 19 A coworker assumes a new role and calls upon your talents. Accept the challenge, Capricorn. A promotion could be in order. A letter arrives. Crossword ACROSS 1. Jellied garnish 6. Sports figures 11. Costa del ___ 14. Ark contents 15. Hold while moving 16. “... ___ he drove out of sight” 17. Studies of words 19. Free from, with “of” 20. Cold one 21. Queen, maybe 22. Slang for relaxing/ watching television 23. Radioactive element used for cancer treatment 26. Easily taught 28. “Much ___ About Nothing” 29. Poison plant 33. Anita Brookner’s “Hotel du ___” 34. Haul 35. Change 36. At attention 39. Coastal raptors 41. Impolite dinner sound 43. Legal prefix 44. Brown shade 46. Boring 47. Depress, with “out” 48. Parenthesis, essentially 49. Book of maps 51. “Fantasy Island” prop 52. Football player Gale 55. To say again 57. “A Nightmare on ___ Street” 58. “___ moment” 60. Drag 61. “For shame!” 62. Opposite of a small company 67. Elephant’s weight, maybe 68. “Bye” in Spanish 69. Like “The X-Files” 70. “How ___ Has the Banshee Cried” (Thomas Moore poem) 71. Cantankerous 72. Affirm DOWN 1. Absorbed, as a cost 2. Boozehound 3. Be nosy 4. Poets’ feet 5. Group of singers 6. Boat with an open hold 7. What “it” plays 8. “Mi chiamano Mimi,” e.g. Page 7 AQUARIUS - January 20 - February 18 Come on Aquarius. They wouldn’t have asked if they didn’t want to know. Make no bones about it. The debate at work reaches a fever pitch. PISCES - February 19 - March 20 Budget crunching pays off with a nest egg much larger than expected. Keep at it, Pisces, and you’ll soon have what you need. ARIES - March 21 - April 19 Under the impression that someone near is not playing with a full deck? You could be right, Aries, but it’s not your place to find out. TAURUS - April 20 - May 20 No dice, Taurus. No matter what you say or do, a loved one is not going to take you up on your offer. Leave it be. The demands at home are overwhelming. 9. Current 10. Part of a heartbeat 11. Able to be worked on 12. Architectural projection 13. Pigeon’s perch 18. Like monkeys 23. Hotel posting 24. Be crazy about 25. First payment before paying the rest 27. Be a kvetch 30. Kind of toast 31. Mature 32. Reef material 37. Barbaric 38. Dravidian language 40. “Your majesty” 42. Lighthouse 45. Circus performer 50. One thing after another 52. Brief brawl 53. Cool 54. Insinuating 56. Article of faith 59. Auspices 60. In use 63. Another term for AI 64. Victorian, for one 65. Be in session 66. “Comprende?” GEMINI - May 21 - June 21 Drat, Gemini. Someone new comes into the fold, and you get off on the wrong foot. Don’t worry. They will come around, and you will make quite the team. CANCER - June 22 - July 22 You’re on the same page, but that may not matter to a certain someone dead set on an idea. Turn your focus to matters you can change, Cancer. LEO - July 23 - August 22 An acquaintance goes over the top for an event. Enjoy, Leo. It will be some time before you come across such a spectacle again. A furry friend makes a run for it. VIRGO - August 23 - September 22 You go out on a limb at work, but it doesn’t pan out. Better luck next time, Virgo. And, yes, there will be a next time. A memento reappears. LIBRA - September 23 - October 22 Your boss is on the fence. Hmm, Libra, what to do, what to do? Know what you are getting into before you jump into the fray. Hopes rise at home. SCORPIO - October 23 - November 21 You cannot afford to pass the buck, Scorpio. Stick with it and put the pedal to the metal. A mystery deepens at home, and things get interesting. SAGITTARIUS - November 22 - December 21 Could a loved one be more inquisitive Sagittarius? They could, but it is up to you to tell them nicely to put a sock in it before tempers flare. A report is captivating. Jokes and Riddles Name That Singer Some kids and teens are great singers and have their own records. Here is a list of some popular kid or teen singers. Fill in the blanks to name the singer. 1) J A __ E N S __ I T __ 2) G R __ Y __ O N C H __ N __ E 3) C Y M __ __ O N I Q __ E 4) C __ D Y S I __ __ S O N 5) J U __ __ I N 6) J A __ O B 7) W I __ __ O W B I E __ E R L A __ I M __ R E S M __ T H Answers: 1) Jaden Smith, 2) Greyson Chance, 3) Cymphonique, 4) Cody Simpson, 5) Justin Bieber 6) Jacob Latimore, 7) Willow Smith Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Weekly Answers For this week’s answers, check out our website at www.thecouriernewspaper.ca Page 8 The Courier News & Publishing Tuesday, September 13, 2016 401 Squadron Promotions Cpl Manuela Berger 401 Squadron Commanding Officer LCol Joe Mullins and Squadron Chief Warrant Officer CWO Perry Heron recently promoted two squadron members. MCpl Aaron Kennedy, centre, at far left, and Cpl dylan neil were presented with their new ranks. MP Relay Ride Raises Thousands for Blind Children 11 MP fLiGHT Pet of the Week but most participate in a leg of the The MPNMRR riders left Cold relay. Lake Sunday, August 7 on the The riders were welcomed next leg of the ride. Sgt Franco The members of 11 MP Flight welcomed riders from to Cold Lake by a police escort. Fabris of 11 MP Flight said the visit the annual Military Police The big day was August 6, which was a great time and a successful National Motorcycle Relay Ride included live music, food, and lots fundraiser. “Everyone had an amazing (MPNMRR) to Cold Lake to of merchandise for sale. A major part of the event was the time,” he said. “The final numbers raise funds and awareness for the Military Police Fund for Blind Annual Poker Run, which attracted are still coming in as we are still Children (MPFBC). The bikes approximately 60 participants. The waiting on some large donations rolled in Friday, August 5, with Poker Run awarded first, second to be finalized, but to date we fundraising events taking place and third place prizes, including have raised over $13,300.00 in half the “pot” totalling $900.00 for pure financial donations for the over that weekend. MPFBC.” The fund is available to help the lucky winner. “We thank everyone who helped The event also included an visually impaired persons up to the online auction of a 2016 Victory us and participated in the event, as age of 21. The MPNMRR travels from Vegas motorcycle donated by this is for a great cause,” he said. coast to coast across Canada. Some Victory Motorcycles and Boundary 11 MP Flight has plans to make the event even bigger next year. riders travel the entire distance, Motorsports in Lloydminster. Johnny Bravo is a 2 month old male, energetic, friendly kitten that thinks he’s people. Johnny arrived alone the day he was born and had to be hand-reared by staff around the clock. We’re so happy he By: grew up to be a curious and friendly cat. SPOnSOred Adoption hours are between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. 7 days a week. Meet Johnny at the LHS! JOHNNY BRAVO Dr. Greg Benoit Dr. Robyn Shipclark Dr. Laura Kutryk 5508 - 50 Ave. PO Box 10 Cold Lake, AB. T9M 1P1 Phone 780-594-1255 Fax: 780-594-2714 Mon. - Fri.: 8 am - 6 pm Sat.: 9 am - 1 pm www.ANIMALHEALTHPROVIDERS.COM 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICES d/o Animal Health Providers Ltd. Submitted Local Military Police enjoyed a fun weekend and raised more than $13,000 for their Blind Children’s fund. This motorcycle was auctioned off as part of the national Military Police Motorcycle relay ride weekend August 5 to 7.
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28 April 2015, Vol. 48, Num 17
article et matériel de réclame
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Wainwright, AB.