Diversity Day educates, entertains


Diversity Day educates, entertains
Colorado S prings M ilitary Newspaper Group
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Did you know?
Vol. 5 No. 29
Diversity Day educates, entertains
Did you know the Air Force’s instruction
on dress and personal appearance was
recently upgraded July 18? The difference
in the old and new AFI is that the tables
are now integrated into the text and the
interactive website is filled with more pictures to help clarify. Each uniform has its
own section, starting with the most formal
through the utility, physical training and
distinctive uniforms. Visit http://www.afpc.
af.mil/dress/index.asp to see the updated
AFI 36-2903. See page 6 for more info.
Base Briefs
Federal service class
The Schriever Airman and Family
Readiness Center and the Schriever
Civilian Personnel Office will team up
to bring you the 10 most crucial steps
in the process of applying for federal
employment Friday from 1 to 4 p.m.
at the Airman and Family Readiness
Center, Bldg T-65. It is helpful to have
navigated your way through some job
descriptions at www.usajobs.gov before coming to class. To sign up or for
more information contact the A&FRC
at 567-3920.
CDC parents invited to ice
cream social
The parent ice cream social will be
held at the child development center
today, from 2 to 2:30 p.m. All parents
with children in the CDC are encouraged to attend. For more details please
contact Cheryl Jensen at 567-4742.
Maintenance update at
north entrapment
There will be annual maintenance at
the north entrapment vehicle barrier
from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 25-28 the
north entrapment will be closed while
both barriers are removed to replace a
hydraulic hose. Rain date is July 26. All
other times during maintenance traffic
entering and leaving the entrapment
will be reduced to one lane only. For
more information, please contact Paul
Meyer at 567-7462.
Base hosts triathlon
The fitness center staff will be hosting a triathlon August 12. Competitors
will swim eight laps in the Tierra Vista
Community Pool, mountain bicycle 12
miles around the base perimeter, then
finish the event with a three mile run.
Registration is limited and must be
done before August 10. For more information, please contact Seth Cannello
at 567-6658.
More Briefs page 12
Raise your hand............................. 3
Congrats to NCOA grads................. 7
12th annual base picnic.................. 10
U.S. Air Force photos/Staff Sgt. Patrice Clarke
A member of the Seven Falls Indian Dancers performs a traditional “Eagle Dance” during Diversity Day July 15 at Schriever Air Force Base. Team Schriever members
were treated to cultural performances as well an ethnic food tasting during the event.
By Staff Sgt. Patrice Clarke
50th Space Wing Public Affairs
Team Schriever members were treated to
entertainment and good food during Diversity
Day as part of the base picnic July 15.
The 50th Space Wing Equal Opportunity
office put on the event with the intention
of educating members of diversity and the
importance of it to the mission and the U. S.
Air Force. The Department of Defense mandates that certain observances be recognized
throughout the year and the Schriever EO
team combined them into one performance
and food-packed event.
“I really enjoyed the entire event,” said
Senior Master Sgt. Jennifer Ellis, Air Force
Space Command. “This event really gave the
entire wing, as well as visitors like me, the
ability to see and enjoy the music, performers and food.”
The EO team has been putting on this event
for more than three years and plans to do it
for many more.
“We have been putting on a single Diversity
Day for a couple of years and it’s really catching on,” said Edward Vaughn, 50th Space
Wing EO specialist. “Our program has
been modeled by other programs at other
Diversity Day boasted food from three different cultures as well as performances from
eight different ethnic and cultural groups.
See Diversity page 4
50 FSS throws Block Party Blast
infrastructureand amenities usually found at larger bases,” said Lt.
Col. Jason Nahrgang, 50 FSS commander. “The BPB is one vehicle
Going to information tickets and travel to pick up tickets for we utilize to try to bridge this gap and provide new opportunities,
the weekend, grabbing a snack at outdoor recreation in Building incentives and support to the base community as a whole.”
The BPB has four ways to benefit cus300, or signing a child up for a Youth
tomers: Purchase for Prizes, TroopOn,
Recreation program? All of these things
Facebook Frenzy and Yes-2-Youth free
make individuals eligible to participate
mini-camps. Participating facilities inin the 50th Force Support Squadron
clude: Outdoor recreation, ITT, awards,
Block Party Blast.
framing and engraving, the main fit“Last fall Air Force Space Command
ness center and fitness center annex,
sent out a call for grant applications
the child development center, school
looking for ideas that encourage traffic
age program, and youth sports and
in [nonappropriated fund] activities and
produce better customer satisfaction,”
Purchase for Prizes is an appreciation
said Lynn Sleeth, 50 FSS marketing
program that provides patrons the opmanager. “We put together a package
portunity to enter into weekly drawings
that would have longevity and have infor prizes like tickets to local attractions,
terest for those working both inside and
gift baskets, apparel and free equipment
outside the restricted area and for housrentals and to enter a grand prize drawing residents. Not an easy job, since the
U.S. Air Force graphic/ 2nd Lt. Marie Denson
ing to win a 46-inch television.
two markets have such different wants
The 50th Force Support Squadron is hosting a Block Party
If $2.99 or less is spent at a parand needs. In March, we were informed
Blast. Participants are eligible to win weekly prizes and be
ticipating facility patrons receive one
that we won the grant for the package
entered to win a grand prize, 46-inch television. Grand Prize
entry form, per visit, to be entered in
and began the process to get the prowinners will be announced at the Block Party August 19.
the weekly drawing. Weekly drawings
gram started.”
are announced every Monday at www.
The AFSPC call for ideas resulted in
schrieverfss.com or the Schriever 50th Force Support Squadron
the 50 FSS Block Party Blast, which will occur over the next six weeks. Facebook page. For every $3 (up to $50) spent, one entry form is
The purpose of BPB is to introduce base members and residents to earned for the grand prize drawing; a purchase of more than $50
50 FSS services and to reward current customers with prizes.
See Blast page 5
“We understand that our installation does not have some of the
By 2nd Lt. Marie Denson
50th Space Wing Public Affairs
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
50 FSS repeats as bike relay champions
Hoggard flips way to strong person title
By Scott Prater
Schriever Sentinel
In an effort to present bicycle riders with
a fresh challenge, the 50th Civil Engineer
Squadron and 50th Space Wing Command
Chief, Chief Master Sgt. Randy LaCombe, combined to build a new course for Schriever’s latest
Mountain Bike Relay Race, held in conjunction
with the Schriever Base Picnic July 15.
Riders overwhelmingly agreed, the new
course was more challenging and provided
a more enjoyable competitive experience.
Despite the changes, however, the 50th Force
Support Squadron defended its title, blazing
through the 2.5 mile course in 35 minutes, 46
seconds, more than 4 minutes ahead of 50th
Space Communications Squadron.
“I think this race was a big jump in performance from the last one we rode,” said Derek
Hamby, 50 FSS team captain. “Eleven teams
competed, covering a wide variety of squadrons and the course provided much more of a
mountain bike challenge.”
Members of the 50 CES constructed berms,
table-top jumps and a feature known as
“woopdeedoos,” or a series of rolling bumps.
The highlight of the course was the mud bog.
Riders crested a hill during the second half of
the course, then coasted down a hill near the
north perimeter fence and splashed through a
water-filled pit. Many attempted to roll through
as fast as possible, resulting in some taking a
dive over their handle bars. Most preferred to
proceed cautiously, which carried the stuck-inknee-high-mud penalty. A slim few managed
to roll through unscathed.
Lead-off rider, Jeff Roob, gave 50 FSS more
than a one-minute lead on the rest of the field
and his teammates stretched it with each successive rider.
Hamby anchored the squad and added more
than a minute to the winning margin.
“We have a lot of mountain biking experience,” Hamby said. “Brandon Schirm and I
used to race, Jeff is an avid cyclist and Kyle
Cloppas is a real good runner, which transfers
well to this type of course. But, the level of
competition out here is real strong. The 50 SCS
had a real strong team, led by Scott Nicholson
and this race showed there are a lot of good
riders here.”
The 50 SCS crossed the finish line in 39:46
followed by 50 CES in third in 41:16. LaCombe
anchored 50th Space Wing Chiefs and Eagles
to sixth place in 42:43.
Mike Hoggard helped 2nd Space Operations
Squadron finish in 44:26, just minutes after he
won the Strongperson Competition.
In that event, competitors were charged with
flipping a 300-pound tractor tire, end over end,
for 50 feet. Once they pushed the tire past the
50-foot line they then had to push a Gator utility vehicle [with passenger] the entire 50-foot
length back to the start line.
Hoggard won the event by completing the two
chores in 39.95 seconds, one second ahead of
Bryan Bell, 50th Operations Support Squadron.
Bell’s wife, Westy Bell, won the female competition [with 200-pound tire] in 55.93 seconds.
“I did some Olympic weight lifting while I
was in college and that’s all about explosiveness, quickness and power,” Hoggard said. “I
also played football in college and pushing
the Gator seemed an awful lot like pushing a
blocking sled.”
A few of the competitors had trouble keeping
the tire in front of them as it flipped, but not
Hoggard, who figured experience was key to
flipping quickly.
“One thing you learn is to push evenly
with both arms,” he said. “If you don’t, the
tire doesn’t land flat and then it wobbles away
from you.”
U.S. Air Force photo/Scott Prater
Brandon Wilson, 4th Space Operations Squadron, attacks the mud bog during the anchor leg of the
Mountain Bike Relay Race July 15. Wilson and 4 SOPS took fifth place in the event, which ran in
conjunction with the Schriever’s 12th Annual Base Picnic.
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Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
A Leader’s Perspective
Raise your hand
Kathleen Gobos
[email protected]
Scott Prater
[email protected]
Advertising Director
Sue Hamilton
[email protected]
Tammy Fogall
[email protected]
Stacy Brack
[email protected]
Hyrum Choate
[email protected]
Rowdy Tompkins
[email protected]
Published by Colorado Springs Military Newspaper
Group, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S.
Air Force, under exclusive written contract with Schriever
Air Force Base and the 50th Space Wing. This civilian
enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for
members of the U.S. military services. Contents of the
Schriever Sentinel are not necessarily the official views
of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department
of Defense (DoD) or the Department of the Air Force.
The appearance of advertising in this publication
including inserts and supplements does not constitute endorsement by the DoD, the Department of the
Air Force, or the Colorado Springs Military Newspaper
Group of the products or services advertised. Everything
advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital
status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any
other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.
Editorial content is obtained from the Schriever AFB public website and based on news releases, features, editorials
and reports prepared by the DoD and Air Force newsgathering agencies and the Schriever AFB Public Affairs Office.
Commentary by
Lt. Col. Jasin Cooley
50th Security Forces Squadron commander
You have all stood tall and volunteered
to serve in the military of a nation at war.
This selfless act cannot be marginalized or
dismissed, and I feel privileged to work with
men and women of such character and ability.
Senior Airman Daniel West, 50th Security
Forces Squadron patrolman and response
force leader, recently asked me, “Have you
ever met Airmen whose motivation and drive
keeps you on your toes because they push you
to be better at your job?” I was humbled by the
thought and responded, “Yes, every day!”
To the Air Force’s misfortune, I have also
met Airmen utterly mired in drudgery, some
profoundly bored and others seriously unhappy about their decision to serve. I suspect
a sizeable portion of these bored and unhappy Airmen unconsciously wear blinders
which obscure the opportunities surrounding
them. The military as a whole has a lot to offer
Airmen in return for making the sacrifices
demanded of military service, but the burden
is largely on you to capitalize on these opportunities. You need to volunteer!
Will volunteering result in more work?
Absolutely! Consider this: your initial act
of volunteering for military service has undoubtedly caused you more work than most
of your civilian peers. But akin to those who
we used to call ‘dorm rats’ at Kunsan Air
Base — Airmen who never left base, those
who never again raised their hands when an
opportunity arose. Not only do they miss out
on enriching life experiences, they are most
certainly limiting their careers. First Lt. Jacob
Paulson, 50 SFS director of operations, recently stated, “Volunteering is the key to upward
mobility in the service.” Unfortunately, there
remains a strong tendency to avoid volunteering. This could not be more self-defeating.
From a practical standpoint, volunteering
for additional duties, community service and
career-broadening jobs helps win a reputation as a “go-getter.” Moreover, your wider
breadth of experience and expertise increases
Throughout my career I have heard security forces Airmen lament about the apparent
inaccessibility of staff jobs in the squadrons.
I suspect this is the case in most other units.
More often than not, these troops revealed
they never actually applied for a recently
advertised job. When asked for their ratio-
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See Volunteer page 6
Lt. Col. Jasin Cooley
50th Security Forces Squadron commander
What boots are authorized with each uniform?
A: The boot and uniform configurations along with sock and T-shirt authorized
are listed below. The boots and T-Shirt do not have to match.
Battle Dress Uniform: T-shirt — black or brown; ABU green boot — green
socks; Black boot — black or white socks
Airman Battle Uniform: T-shirt — desert sand; ABU green boot — green socks;
Tan boot — tan, black or green socks
Green flight suit: T-shirt — black, brown or desert sand; ABU boot — green
socks; Black boot — black socks
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Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
New consumer protection agency focuses on military members
By Scott Prater
Schriever Sentinel
The creation of a new federal bureau stands to benefit
financial-services consumers when it opens for business
today. Service members will receive specific attention as
the agency moves forward with a planned service member
subordinate organization.
President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010
last July, establishing the Consumer Financial Protection
“The new agency was created to help consumers avoid
financial scams and other abusive lending practices,” said
Christina Stump, community readiness consultant and certified financial counselor at Schriever’s Airman and Family
Readiness Center. “The new bureau’s job is to provide financial education to consumers, enforce current financial laws
and research and analyze information to better understand
consumers, financial services and financial markets.”
Recognizing that service members are often targeted by
deceptive lenders, the CFPB also established the Office of
Servicemember Affairs.
Holly Petraeus, wife of Army Gen. David H. Petraeus,
The Schriever
Straight Talk Line
From page 1
“There is just so much local
talent in the area that getting
performers to come out here was
not difficult,” said Vaughn.
Groups like the Celtic Step
Irish Dancers and the Oluwaseyi
Dancers, a West African dance
group, performed traditional
dances, while the Seven Falls
Indian Dancers and the U.S.
Paralympic Committee had
much audience participation.
An Airman with the 50th
Security Forces Squadron particularly enjoyed the Native
American performing group.
“I really enjoyed the performance because it reminded me
of home,” said Airman 1st Class
Michael Hopper. “[Diversity
Day] is a great event because I
was able to see not only performances from my own culture
and ethnicity, but those of other
cultures as well. It really brings
was chosen for the bureau’s implementation team, where
she’ll direct efforts to establish the OSMA. According to
an American Forces Press Service release, Petraeus will
work closely with the DoD to help ensure military families
receive the financial education needed to make wise financial decisions, to monitor and respond to complaints and
questions from military families, and to ensure that federal
and state agencies coordinate their activities to improve
consumer protection measures for military families.
“I am very excited about an agency dedicated to consumer protection, especially since our military members
are frequently targeted for affinity fraud,” said Christina
Fornander, accredited financial counselor at the Peterson
Airman and Family Readiness Center. “Military members
are usually young, just starting out and with a guaranteed
paycheck. It is comforting to know an agency with the training and knowledge about finances is actively looking out
for consumers.”
Stump provided examples of how predatory lending institutions might take advantage of service members. In the
past, credit card companies could increase revolving-credit
interest rates at any time, many times unbeknownst to a
The Schriever Straight Talk Line, 567-8255, is used
to disseminate information about a disturbance, crisis
or incident, exercise or real-world, on or off-base,
which might affect day-to-day activities of base personnel. The line will provide base personnel with accurate
information about the status of any disturbance or crisis situation and the actions taken or being taken.
home how diverse the Air Force
really is.”
The whole intent of the event
according to Vaughn is to get
people out of their cultural comfort zones.
“This year we observed our
participation numbers rise exponentially,” said Vaughn. “The
Schriever community came out
in force to observe, taste, participate and learn about the various
cultures that represent the fabric
of our Air Force.”
The event was highly successful, according to Vaughn, and
will only get better with each
“We are bound by DoD to
recognize certain cultures and
observances during this event,”
said Vaughn. “Schriever is
unique in that our commander
has opened the doors past those
observances. This is an evolving program. Any culture or
ethnicity that Team Schriever
members want celebrated here
could be and can be considered
for next year’s event.”
person who has opened the account. She indicated that
mortgage refinance loans are also very popular now, but
that deceptive lenders have been able to dupe consumers into
high-rate adjustable rate mortgages that generate exorbitant
fees to the mortgage brokers.
“There are a lot of scams going on right now,” Stump said.
“Now that this federal bureau has been established, the
OSMA can work directly with service members and provide
the protection they need so they don’t become a victim to
one of these scams. I think it should make service members
feel more comfortable because they know they have a source
they can go to with financial questions. In the past many
people didn’t know where to go.”
In a related development, the CFPB and the Judge Advocate
Generals of the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy
and Coast Guard announced an agreement on a Joint
Statement of Principles July 6, to provide stronger protections for service members and their families in connection
with consumer financial products.
The bureau will set up a Consumer Response Center in the
near future. Visit www. consumerfinance.gov with questions
or for more information.
50th Space Wing Public Affairs will activate and
maintain the Straight Talk Line, updating information
as received by the Crisis Action Team or On-Scene
Public Affairs representative.
For more information regarding the Straight Talk
Line, please contact 50th Space Wing Public Affairs
at 567-5040.
U.S. Air Force photos/Staff Sgt. Patrice Clarke
Chelsea Beauvais, a dancer with the Celtic Step Irish Dancers, performs a traditional Celtic dance during Diversity Day at Schriever
AFB July 15. Team Schriever members were treated to cultural performances as well an ethnic food tasting during the event.
Jake Billadeao, a member of the U.S.A. Paralympics, explains the workings of a hand tricycle to Kelsie Schaap
during Diversity Day July 15 at Schriever Air Force Base.
Team Schriever members participate in a dance put on by the Seven Falls Indian Dancers during
Diversity Day July 15 at Schriever Air Force Base.
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
From page 1
earns patrons 18 entry forms. The grand
prize winner will be announced August
19 at the block party.
“So if you’re just buying a drink at the
fitness center after your workout every
day, you can receive entries. The Purchase
for Prizes component is one way [50 FSS]
can show our appreciation to customers,”
said Sleeth.
The second facet is “TroopOn.” A deep
discount is offered each week at participating facilities. Every Thursday a new
TroopOn coupon is announced at the 50
FSS Facebook page. Patrons can print the
coupon off and present it to the cashier at
the participating facility to receive the discount. The TroopOn deals include offers
such as buy one adult tee-shirt at outdoor
recreation and get a child tee-shirt free.
Facebook Frenzy is the third component of the BPB. After 250 “likes” are
achieved for the 50 FSS Facebook page,
a random drawing will be conducted to
select a winner from the individuals who
“liked” the page and a $100 gift card will
be awarded to the lucky winner at the
August block party.
The last section is three, free youth
sports mini-camps and a bike rodeo. Each
participant of the mini-camps earns nine
grand prize entries. Each mini-camp is
one hour long and is scheduled as follows: July 29, baseball; August 5, soccer;
August 12, football. The camps are for
ages three to six from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
and seven and up from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45
p.m. A youth bike rodeo will take place
August 19 at the block party and rodeo
participants will also earn nine entries
into the grand prize drawing conducted
that day. The bike rodeo is for ages 3 to 18.
Featured events include steering control,
braking, accelerating and a combo mystery event. For more information about
the youth sports events or to sign up, call
“The whole thing culminates into the
block party [August 19],” said Sleeth. “We’re
going to have information tables out there,
a DJ, free food and prize drawings.”
The block party will be held outside the
Tierra Vista Community Center. All prize
entry forms can be dropped off at participating facilities. For further information,
contact 50 FSS Marketing at 567-4740.
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Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
USAF launches second GPS Block IIF satellite aboard Delta IV
By 2nd Lt. Caitlin Suttie
45th Space Wing Public Affairs
STATION, Fla — The U.S. Air Force
launched a United Launch Alliance Delta IVMedium rocket carrying the second Global
Positioning System IIF satellite at 2:41 a.m.
Eastern Daylight Time July 16 from Space
Launch Complex 37 at Cape Canaveral Air
Force Station, Fla.
“The 45th Space Wing, Space and Missile
Systems Center, GPS Wing, Boeing and
United Launch Alliance team are proud to
launch the second installment of the GPS
Block IIF,” said Brig. Gen. Ed Wilson, 45th
Space Wing commander, who served as
Launch Decision Authority. “This mission
proves yet again our ability to reliably deliver
national security space systems to orbit.”
The commander of Air Force Space
Command said he was pleased with the
second launch of the next-generation GPS
“This launch is an important step in the
continued evolution of our GPS capability,” said Gen. William L. Shelton, AFSPC
Commander. “With literally billions of civil,
commercial and defense users around the
globe, sustaining a vital GPS capability is
extremely important to us.”
GPS is a space-based, world-wide navigation system providing users with highly accurate, three-dimensional position, navigation
and timing information 24 hours a day in all
weather conditions. Every GPS satellite has
been launched from Cape Canaveral AFS.
The mission of the 45th Space Wing is
“One Team...Delivering Assured Space
Launch, Range and Combat Capabilities
for the Nation.”
Air Force releases updated dress and appearance instructions
By Eric M. Grill
Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs
Air Force’s instruction on dress and personal appearance
recently received an appearance upgrade with the release
of the updated instruction July 18.
Air Force Instruction 36-2903, Dress and Personal
Appearance, received the facelift after several years of interim updates as uniform items were introduced and phased
The last revision to the AFI was in 2006, prior to the release
of the Airman Battle Uniform, which replaces the Battle Dress
Uniform and Desert Camouflage Uniform Nov. 1.
Most of the changes to the AFI are more about mechanics
and clarification than new policy, said Ruth Ewalt, the Air
Force Uniform Programs and Policies chief at the Air Staff.
They are intended to make the AFI more user-friendly.
“The changes are a result of Airmen in the field requesting clarification, leadership approving more specific policy,
and the need to integrate information from the 98th virtual
uniform board and other wear policy approved since 2006,”
Ewalt said. “We added the ABU, green fleece, and physical
fitness uniform information not in the previous AFI and
corrected instances of conflicting information.”
For clarity and ease of reading, the chapters were rearranged and sections were made inclusive to eliminate turning
back and forth to configure a single uniform, she said. The
difference in the old and new AFI is that the tables are now
integrated into the text. Each uniform has its own section,
starting with the most formal through the utility, PT, and
distinctive uniforms.
One thing Airmen might notice is the amount of pictures
incorporated into the revised AFI.
From page 3
nale, the answer invariably resembles: “I
didn’t apply because only [insert radical,
rumor-inspired generalization here] get
those jobs.” Yet with troubling frequency, I
have had very few applicants for those staff
jobs — and occasionally no applicants
at all. This fear or aversion to volunteering becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as
squadron leadership must in turn ask for
applicants — which subsequently lead to
U.S. Air Force graphic
“Individuals learn and retain information differently,”
Ewalt said. “For some, a photo is a better tool than volumes of
text or audio. We wanted to make this AFI as ‘user-friendly’
as possible. It covers every Airman — from the first-day
recruit in Basic Military Training to the 30-plus-year career
Sections are also inclusive, listing all items that may and
must be worn with each particular uniform with the exception of outer garments which are covered in their own
The first three chapters cover the basic philosophy, appropriate circumstances to wear uniform items, how and where
to purchase them, roles and responsibilities, and grooming
and appearance standards.
Chapters four through seven cover uniforms worn and
maintained by all Air Force members: dress, utility, and
physical training uniforms. Chapters four and five include
the dress and utility uniforms. Chapter six explains outer gar-
impressions of favoritism.
The Air Force provides a thick catalog
of experiences, all at the low price of a
little extra work. In hindsight, even those
labor-intensive additional duties for which
I was “volun-told” to do provided many
enriching experiences.
Supervisors, there is a role for you too!
Taking care of people is a common phrase
in the Air Force lexicon, but I fear we
relegate this broad and important concept to a strictly defensive connotation,
keeping them fed and clothed, providing
fair evaluations, etc. Taking care of your
troops also means challenging them to
ments, headgear, rank insignia and accessories, and chapter
seven covers the physical training uniform.
The remaining chapters “customize” the uniforms of
unique populations and discuss badges, awards and decorations unique to individual Airmen.
The final chapter contains instructions for recommending changes to dress and personal appearance policy or
uniform designs.
The revised AFI also added a tattoo measurement tool
to standardize the process for Airmen and commanders to
determine if a tattoo meets standards.
“There is also a form to document tattoos that are borderline excessive or require a commander-approved waiver,”
Ewalt said. “The policy regarding what constitutes an excessive tattoo has not changed. The standard is still not more
than 25 percent of the exposed body part.”
The revision involved input from individuals of all ranks
and components of the Air Force, including Air Force Reserve
and Air National Guard members.
“This three-year effort included Airmen from all walks of
Air Force life, ... (including military) training instructors,
recruits, recruiters, first sergeants and Air Force leadership
from all levels, professional military education instructors,
functional communities, and support organizations to name
a few,” Ewalt said. “This Air Force instruction was influenced
by a huge population of Air Force service members because
it impacts the total force.”
For online dress and appearance information, go to the dress
and appearance webpage on the Air Force Personnel Center’s
website at http://www.afpc.af.mil/dress/index.asp.
For more information about personnel issues, visit the
Air Force personnel services website at https://gum-crm.
grow by providing them opportunities
to do so. Reflectively, I think all supervisors understand this necessitates their
troops’ volunteerism; however, relying
on them to volunteer may not always be
enough. Everyone has a comfort zone and
some people have a comfort zone barely
an inch wide. To erase the boundaries of
their troops’ comfort zones, I encourage
supervisors to not only actively seek additional opportunities for their subordinates,
but to sometimes provide a hint of extra
encouragement. Furthermore, supervisors
should not stand in the way of their troops
who are volunteering for jobs of increased
I will always remain humbled and honored to stand beside the fine Americans
who have raised their hands to answer our
Nation’s call. Volunteerism and selflessness was central to the formation of the
Republic and remains deeply rooted in the
American psyche. I hope all military members recognize further volunteerism is but
the next logical step after their first, profoundly selfless act of voluntarily swearing
to “support and defend the Constitution
of the United States.”
Volunteering enriches the person and
the Service.
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Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Congrats to Team Schriever’s NCOA grads
Congratulations to the 11-5 Vosler Noncommissioned Officer Academy graduates. The following Team Schriever members graduated July 15.
Tech. Sgt. Robert Bailey, 4th Space Operations Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Frank Castelluccio, 50th Civil Engineer Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Christopher Gremling, 527th Space Aggressor Squadron, Distinguished Graduate
Tech. Sgt. Sarah Gordon, 50th Contracting Squadron
Tech. Sgt. John Austin, 50th Space Communications Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Jesse Barnett, 595th Operations Support Squadron
Man on the street
What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever seen on Highway 94?
“A dead porcupine.”
— Senior Airman Ryan Meston,
4th Space Operation Squadron
“A creepy old man, hanging out
on the side of the road with a
van and trailer. Spray painted
on the side was, ‘On a quest
for God’ and he was waving to
everyone that passed.”
“An old television right in the
middle of the road.”
— Jeffery Kustanbauter,
50th Space Communcations
“No accident!”
“A group of cows trying to
escape from their encolsure.”
— Capt. Yingwai Chan,
4th Space Operations
— Ellen Prechtl,
50th Space Communications
— Senior Airman Scott Bouley,
50th Comptroller Squadron
“A truck with no windshield
in the middle of winter. The
man driving was wearing
goggles and a scarf!”
— Capt. Dane Robberson,
50th Operations Support
U.S. Air Force Photos/Staff Sgt. Erica Picariello)
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Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
71st annual Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Days Kick-Off Parade
U. S. Air Force photo/David Ahlschwede
U. S. Air Force photo/David Ahlschwede
Team Schriever members didn’t let a little rain dampen their spirit while they waved at the crowd in downtown
Colorado Springs during the 71st annual Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Days Kick-Off Parade, July 12. All parade
proceeds go directly toward a scholarship fund for children and spouses of local fallen or wounded soldiers.
Col. Stanley Stafira Jr., 50th Space Wing vice commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Randy LaCombe, 50th Space
Wing command chief, meets with Team Schriever members that rode the Schriever float throughout downtown
Colorado Springs, July 12. The Schriever float is one of 64 entries that participated in the 71st annual Pikes
Peak or Bust Rodeo Days Kick-Off Parade.
9th annual ‘Salute our Troops’ at the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Days touches home
U.S. Air Force photo/Denise Covington-Curtis
Recipients of the 9th annual “Salute our Troops” Medallion Ceremony, listened to retired Chief Master Sgt. Rick Darling, member of the Rotary
Club of Colorado Springs, as he provided instructions for entering the arena, July 15.
U.S. Air Force photo/Denise Covington-Curtis
Zoe Lerma, daughter of Staff Sgt. Patricia Lerma, Air Force Space
Command, stops to tell Col. Wayne Monteith, 50th Space Wing,
commander, Chief Master Sgt. Randy LaCombe, 50th Space Wing
command chief, she wants to join the Air Force; as they leave the
9th annual “Salute our Troops” at the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo
Days Norris-Penrose Event Center Indoor Arena, July 15. Colonel
Monteith, presiding officer, presented 43 service members, selected
by their senior noncommissioned officers at each of the major
military installations and units across the front range, medallions.
Zoe’s mother was one of 43 to receive the medal.
U.S. Air Force photo
U.S. Air Force photo
Staff Sgt. Jennifer Smith, 50th Space Wing judge advocate, receives
her medallion from Col. Wayne Monteith, 50th Space Wing commander
and Chief Master Sgt. Randy LaCombe, 50th Space Wing command
chief during the 9th annual “Salute our Troops” Medallion Ceremony
at the Norris-Penrose Event Center Indoor Arena, July 15. Colonel
Monteith was the presiding officer for this ceremony.
Senior Airman Timothy McCarthy, 4th Space Operations Squadron,
receives his medallion from Col. Wayne Monteith, 50th Space Wing
commander and Chief Master Sgt. Randy LaCombe, 50th Space Wing
command chief, during the 9th annual “Salute our Troops” Medallion
Ceremony at the Norris-Penrose Event Center Indoor Arena, July 15.
Colonel Monteith, the presiding officer, presents 43 military service
members with medallions at this ceremony.
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
U.S. Air Force photo/ Dave Ahlschwede
50 CPTS gains new CC
Col. Wayne Monteith, 50th Space Wing commander, passes the guidon to the new 50th Comptroller Squadron Commander,
Capt. Stephen Gray, during the 50 CPTS change of command ceremony here July 14.
Yoga may alleviate chronic pain — Yoga
fans are quick to tout the flexibility and stressrelieving benefits of this ancient practice, but
a new study suggests it may be an effective
pain-management tool as well. Researchers at
Harbor UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles,
Calif., found that just four weeks of regular yoga
sessions significantly reduced the frequency
and severity of chronic pain. Eighteen men
and women with persistent chronic pain attended 90-minute Iyengar yoga sessions, three
times per week for one month. Iyengar yoga
combines various yoga poses with meditative
breathing exercises. Using weekly questionnaires, researchers concluded participants
were using less pain medication and had
lower levels of anxiety than at the start of the
study. Mood significantly improved as well.
Lead investigator Dr. Sonia D. Gaur believes
yoga may be an effective pain management
tool for those who live with chronic pain, but
suggests more studies need to be done to
confirm these benefits.
History Quiz
Week of July 21, 2011
Answer to previous question: Can you identify
this aircraft and the years it was flown by crews of the
50th? The aircraft is the F-100D. The 50th operated
the F-100D from 1957 until 1966 when it converted to
the F-4. Congratulations to Bradley Baker, 4th Space
Operations Squadron, who correctly answered this quiz
question first.
This week’s question: Can you name the two most
recent campaign streamers awarded to the wing?
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Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Team Schriever has blast at
12th annual base picnic
Schriever's 12th Annual Base Picnic, held July 15, was open to all base personnel to come and enjoy free lunch, giveaways, games and more. More than 200 volunteers
were on hand to help set up and tear down the event contributing to its success. The picnic is a time to spend with family and friends as well as celebrate Diversity Day.
U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Erica Picariello
Capt. Nicholas Murray, 50th Operations Support Squadron, throws a softball at a target
July 15. Hitting the target would release water on Lt. Col. Theresa Malasavage, 50th
OSS commander, sitting inside a dunk tank. Patrons paid a small sum of money to try
to dunk various Team Schriever members during the 12th annual base picnic here.
U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Erica Picariello
Derek Hamby, Jeff Roob, Brandon Schirm and Kyle Cloppas, all from the 50th Force
Support Squadron, pose with their first place trophy after winning a bicycle relay race
July 15 during Schriever’s 12th Annual Base Picnic here. Eleven teams comprised of
forty-four Team Schriever members competed in the three mile race.
U.S. Air Force photo/Denise Covington-Curtis
Sophia Clements, daughter of Maj. Jacqueline Clements, a nurses supervisor from Fort Carson Army Post, dances with her mother as
part of Diversity Day during the 12th annual base picnic here, July 15.
U.S. Air Force photo/Denise Covington-Curtis
U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Erica Picariello
Col. Stanley Stafira Jr., 50th Space Wing vice commander, watches from the dunk tank as Paula Fraas, Schriever sexual assault
response coordinator, throws the ball and hits the target. Schriever personnel and their families enjoyed a day of fun at the 12th
annual base picnic July 15.
Alysia Doht, daughter of Tina Bachiller, 50th Space Wing program management
directorate, gets blue flowers painted on her face July 15 at Schriever’s 12th Annual
Base Picnic here.
U.S. Air Force photo/Denise Covington-Curtis
U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Erica Picariello
Senior Airman Jeremy Horton, 50th Security Forces Squadron, takes free chicken wings from a local business July 15 at
Schriever’s 12th Annual Base Picnic here.
Jasmine Harris, niece of Courtney Harris, a Schriever contractor, enjoys the jump at one of the many bungees available to the families
during the 12th annual base picnic here July 15. The base was open to all Schriever personnel to come out and enjoy free lunch,
giveaways, games and more.
U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Erica Picariello
U.S. Air Force photo/ 2nd Lt. Marie Denson
Lt. Col. Theresa Malasavage, 50th Operations Support Squadron
commander, wipes water from her face and hair after getting
soaked in the dunk tank July 15.
Maj. Wade McGrew, 22nd Space Operations Squadron director of operations, gets
splashed with cold water while sitting in the dunk tank, sponsored by the company
grade officer council.
U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Erica Picariello
U.S. Air Force photo/ 2nd Lt. Marie Denson
Team Schriever members and their families soap up in the foam pit at Schriever’s 12th Annual Base Picnic.
U.S. Air Force photo/ 2nd Lt. Marie Denson
Dancers performed here for Diversity Day during the 12th annual base picnic July 15.
2nd Lt. Adrian Law, 3rd Space Operations Squadron, recieves a plate of pulled pork, baked beans and cole slaw from 50th Force Support Squadron members
July 15 at Schriever’s 12th Annual Base picnic here.
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Base Briefs
Broncos cheerleaders visit
The Denver Broncos cheerleading squad
will visit Cheyenne Mountain Air Force
Station from noon to 2 p.m., and the
Peterson Fitness Center’s Gym from 2 to 4
p.m. Saturday. The event is free and open to
all eligible users of the respective facilities.
The cheerleaders will sign autographs and
be available for photos. For information call
New photos pick-up
The 50th Space Wing Multimedia center
has official photos of the new 50 SW/CV and
Secretary of Defense available to update unit
chain of command boards. Units need to
submit an AF Form 833 via email to 50 SW
Multimedia Center (Work Orders) to request
the photo be printed. For more information,
please call 567-5090.
Moving overseas
Smooth Move/Going Overseas is for
military members, DoD civilians, and their
families. The brief is designed to help reduce
the stress and confusion often associated
with moving. Information provided during
Smooth Move will include briefings from the
Finance Office, JPPSO, TRICARE, A&FRC,
and legal briefing. We will include Going
Overseas to address the unique needs of those
PCSing to overseas locations. Individual appointments are available if you are unable
to attend and need information on your
new location. The class is at the Airman
and Family Readiness Center, Bldg. T-65.
For more information, contact A&FRC at
FSS sponsors block party blast
Did you enter the Block Party Blast Prize
Drawing? If you did, visit schrieverfss.com
or search for Schriever50FSS on Facebook
to find out who won the weekly drawing.
Receive an entry for the grand prize drawing for every $3 you spend in the following
facilities. For purchases of $50 or more, you
receive 18 entries. The grand prize drawing
for a 46” LCD HDTV will be held August
19 at the 50 FSS Block Party Blast. Receive
one entry per visit for the weekly drawing
for purchases of $2.99 or less. Entries can be
picked up at the following facilities: Outdoor
Recreation/ITT/Awards and Engraving,
the Main Fitness Center and Annex, Child
Development Center (for CDC, School-Age
Program and Youth Sports and Recreation
Programs). For more information, contact
Lynn Sleeth at 567-4740.
Learn resume basics
The next Resume Basics class will be held
Wednesday from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Airman
and Family Readiness Center and will include an opportunity for a resume review.
The first hour will consist of basic information on formats, styles, purposes and how to
use the resume in a job search. Those who
would like to have their resume reviewed
will want to stay for the second half. For
more information and to register contact
the A&FRC at 567-3920.
Donate thru Textbooks 4 Troops
Interested in helping fellow Airmen in
pursuit of advanced knowledge? College
textbooks can be donated for the coming
semester. Please visit www.textbooks4troops.
org. The website provides a complete listing
of available and free textbooks for exchange
for local college courses. If a book is not listed
please contact Bekah Nugent to let her know
what is needed. Spread the word! The more
that know, the more books that become available! For more information contact Bekah
Nugent at 567-5234.
Register for youth flag football
The Youth Sports Office is opening registration for flag football. All youth of active
duty and retired military, contractors, NAF
and DoD civilians ages 3-18 years are eligible to play. Registration runs through July
29. The season will run August 6 through
September 24. Cost is $50 for youth ages 3-6
and $60 for youth ages 7-18. Cost includes
a team and individual picture, trophy and
end of season banquet. For more information, please contact Korey Kuykendall at
Renaissance tickets available
Renaissance Festival tickets are available
at ODR/ITT for every weekend through July
31. The festival is held Saturday and Sunday
from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., rain or shine. Enjoy
music, jousting, romance, more than 200
artisans and crafters, comedy, fantasy, rides,
games, adventure, juggling and more! An
adult ticket is $17.50 and a child ticket is
$8. For more information, contact Heather
Beal at 567-6050.
CPTS offers finance tip
Each employing activity shall be responsible for controlling overtime. Supervisors
shall ensure that overtime worked is covered
by funds targeted for their employing activity. For more information contact 50 CPTS
at 560-2010.
Youth hit the trails
The Youth Sports Office is planning a hiking camp August 1-5. The camp is open to
kids ages 10-18 of active duty and retired
military, NAF and DoD civilians and contractors; parents are also invited. We will
leave Schriever every morning at 9 a.m. and
hike a different, local trail every day. Hikes
will range in length from four to seven miles,
some will be strenuous. Cost is $50 per person. Call Korey Kuykendall at 567-2850 for
more details.
Sign-up for pre-deployment,
reintegration brief
If you need a pre-deployment or reintegration briefing please call Heidi Tintle at 5673920 to make an appointment. No walk-ins
unless it is short notice (within a week).
eBenefits Premium Account
Registration added on vOP.
Register for an eBenefits Premium
Account (www.eBenefits.va.gov). An eBenefits Premium Account will allow you
online access to your Official Air Force
Personnel Record (DD 214, Performance
Reports, etc.) after separation/retirement.
The Premium Account will also provide
online access to check the status of claims
with the Department of Veterans Affairs.
For more information, please contact David
Duhe at 567-5679.
Dive into summer swim hours
Lifeguards are available at the Tierra Vista
pool this summer. Guards will be on duty the
following hours: 6 to 10 a.m. Adult lap swim
is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. to
noon; open swim is Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday 12 to 2 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. Schriever
Child Development Center Summer Camp
Program swim time is Tuesday and Friday
2 to 4 p.m. All ID cardholders are eligible.
For more information, please contact Seth
Cannello at 567-6658.
Members in need of leave
Schriever AFB civilian employees
Cassandra Marshall (50th Space Wing
Protocol) and Anne Okoye (310th Space
Wing) are approved leave recipients through
VLTP due to their medical conditions. If any
civil service employee would like to donate
leave to these recipients, complete form OPM
630-A, Request to Donate Annual Leave to
Leave Recipient under the VLTP http://www.
(within agency) or form OPM 630-B https://
(outside agency). You may scan the signed
form and email to POC, fax to 567-2832 or
take it to Civilian Personnel office in Building
210, Room 137. For more information, please
contact David Duhe at 567-5679.
Review medical records for VA
If you are 180 days from separation or
retirement, now is the time to start your
disability claim with the Department of
Veterans Affairs. The initial medical records
review will be provided by the Disabled
American Veterans. If you are leaving the
military and have service related medical issues, it would be in your best interest to start
the process for a disability claim. Depending
on the extent of your disability, you may be
eligible for monthly monetary compensation,
veteran’s preference into federal service, and
many other benefits depending on the state
you decide to settle in. The records reviews
are by appointment only, so call early. You
must have a copy of your medical records
for this appointment. The one hour-long
briefing begins at 8 a.m. at the Airman and
Family Readiness Center, Bldg. T-65. For
more information, please contact Heidi
Tintle at 567-3920.
Check out base loan closet
Did you know the Schriever Airman and
Family Readiness Center Loan Closet is
available to anyone working at Schriever?
The loan closet is a free service providing
common household items for use during
PCS moves to or from Schriever. For more
information, please contact Heidi Tintle at
Get off to a Right Start
Right Start is a mandatory briefing for
all newly arrived military and DoD civilian
personnel, except military members scheduled to attend the First Term Airmen Center.
Right Start is held in Building 300, 8 a.m. to
2:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month.
Individuals should attend Right Start within
30 days of arrival. Please call 567-3920 to
confirm your attendance or for additional
Learn your survivor benefits
Individuals interested in applying for Air
Force Aid emergency assistance, to include
Falcon loans, should now apply online at
Login.aspx. After completing the application they should call the Airman and Family
Readiness Center at 567-3920 to make an
appointment. Also a copy of the current LES
is needed to complete the process.
Retiring. Hard to believe, isn’t it? After all
these years you and your family are about
to leave active duty to enjoy a well-earned
life in the civilian world. Right now your
mind is filled with thoughts of the many
things you must do to prepare for this major change. The move to and setting up of
a new home; new neighbors and schools;
a new job — all these things demand time
and attention. But before they get you too
wrapped up, there’s one decision you must
make that will last for the rest of your life
and beyond. Prior to retiring, you will have
a chance to enroll in the Survivor Benefit
Plan. For more information, please contact
Kevin Mitchell at 567-4037.
Outlook email changes made
Education grants available
Air Force Aid offers assistance
With the upcoming migration to AFNET,
personal folders stored on users H: drives
will be made unavailable to Outlook. The
process will be done in alphabetical order by
last name. The 50th Space Communication
Squadron has put together step-by-step directions to assist users in moving their personal
folders off network resources. This will be
a requirement before the migration begins.
The instructions can be found here: https://
Tutorial.aspx For more information, please
call 567-2666.
Check out eRetirement tool
The Employee Benefits Information System
launched a web tool that will allow Air Force
appropriated fund civilian employees to accomplish additional benefits-related actions
online. The eRetirement tool will help retiring civilians complete and print retirement
applications online. Employees will be able
to access the eRetirement module in EBIS
through the Air Force Portal or the Air
Force personnel services website. In addition, members can contact the Total Force
Service Center at 800-525-0102.
Complete sponsor training
Make incoming personnel’s arrival to
Schriever a positive experience by completing online sponsor training. Training is mandatory for newly assigned sponsors. Call the
Airman and Family Readiness Center for
access to the online training 567-7340.
Mom’s-to-be get close parking
Any woman who is in her third trimester
of pregnancy is entitled to park in designated
parking spaces at Schriever AFB (located
outside of Bldgs. 210, 200 and 120) if she has
a voucher to display on the dashboard of her
car. She may receive a voucher by bringing a
note from her doctor verifying that she is in
her third trimester to the Schriever Airman
and Family Readiness Center. For more
information, please contact Heidi Tintle at
The Air Force Aid Society provides $2,000
grants to selected sons and daughters of active duty, Title 10 AGR/Reservists on extended active duty, Title 32 AGR performing full-time active duty, retired, retired
Reservists with more than 20 qualifying
years of service, and deceased Air Force
members; spouses (residing stateside) of
active duty and Title 10 AGR/Reservists on
extended active duty; and surviving spouses
of deceased, for their undergraduate studies. Visit the Society’s web site at www.afas.
org for information and application for the
General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant
Program. For more information, please contact Heidi Tintle at 567-3920.
Need a listening ear?
The Military and Family Life Consultant
is here to listen and address marriage and
relationship issues, parenting, sibling and
family issues, communication challenges,
stress and anxiety, grief and loss, and daily
life issues. The MFLC is available every day,
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Airman and
Family Readiness Center, Bldg. T-65. Dropin appointments are available or you can
schedule a time by calling the MFLC directly
at 651-3379.
Attend the pre-separation
counseling briefing
The pre-separation counseling briefing
is the first step to separating or retiring
from the military. This briefing is mandatory and a prerequisite to all other transition-related briefings such as Transition
Assistance Program. During this briefing
you will learn about all the benefits and services available to you when you leave the
military. Documentation of this briefing is
accomplished through the completion of
the DD Form 2648. If you are a year from
separation or two years from retirement,
start the transition process now. The class
is every Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Airman
and Family Readiness Center, Bldg. T-65.
For more information, please contact Heidi
Tintle at 567-3920.
The Transcript can publish your NAME CHANGES • For more info call 634-1048
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Your source for affordable military
housing in the Colorado Springs area.
For advertising information call 329-5236
D i r e c t o r y
Ultimate Hair Salon
Rich Eddington
retired AF optometrist and former
Peterson AFB Chief of Optometry
• Perm • Color • Haircut
• High/Low Light • Wax • Facial
• Free eyebrow wax with any service
• Chemical service comes with haircut, eyebrow wax
and hand treatment
Cindy Oh
6130 Barnes Rd, Ste 128
North of Sky Sox Stadium across Barnes
Quality & Satisfaction Always Guaranteed
7611 N. Union Blvd
(719) 260-1198
Owner, Master Stylist
(Military spouse of 25 yrs)
10% military discount on
all spectacle and contact
lens purchases
Accept VSP, EyeMed, Optum
Health, TRICARE Prime
“A Vision Practice with a Vision”
Real. SeRiouS.
No matter how hard you work
your truck it’ll never lose that
long-lasting luster. LINE-X
bedliners withstand years
of heavy duty use and add
value to your investment.
Lifetime National Warranty
Always Be Remembered...
BBQ Grill Cleaning
Restoration & Repair
Let us serve you with the same great service you provide to our country.
SUBSCRIBE TO: Love From Beyond, so that you will never be forgotten. We give
our assurance that your loved ones will always hear from you should you lose your
life fighting for our freedom. Your spouse, children, parents and friends can have
the gift of your words and love, written by you and delivered by us.
You can be part of their lives for years after you are gone. What a special gift you
can offer them.
(719) 339-2604
Relax Therapy
Body Clean Massage
Hot Oil
MiLitary DiscOunt
4831 Barnes Rd, 80917
For more information please visit our
website at www.lovefrombeyond.net or
call a representative today at 888-610-5556
Line-X of Colorado Springs
905 S. Tejon
Glamour Girl Beauty Salon
Child Support
Spousal Maintenance
With over 15 years of
experience in Family Law, I
have the experience to make
a stressful time easier.
Love From Beyond
Call and find out about color
matching your vehicle.
100% Virgin Remy Indian Hair
Lasts for 1 full year
Before & After
Book your appointment
online TODAY!
Weaves - Extensions - Fusions - Braids
Perms - Cuts - Color - Up Do’s - Tanning
Airbrush Makeup - & Much Much More!
Kirk Garner, Lawyer
1401 Potter Dr.
Suite 102
The Small Business Directory is focused on helping up-and-coming
companies grow their customer base. Your ad will appear in the
Colorado Springs Business Journal, Fort Carson Mountaineer, Peterson
Space Observer and the Schriever Sentinel. Your targeted advertising
will reach over one third of El Paso County’s economy. Your ad will
reach affluent individuals and families who will grow your bottom line.
The World’s
Largest Full Service
Scrap Recycler
Top Prices Paid
We Accept:
• Automobiles
• Appliances
• Electronics
• Aluminum Cans
• Copper
• Brass and More
E. Las Vegas
CoLorado SpringS
Deadline is Wednesday at noon,
1 week prior to publication.
Advertising Rates
Bowies Gold
& Diamond
Exquisite Jewelry & Estate Jewelry.
In House Repair, Custom Designs.
15% Military Discount
2222 E Pikes Peak. • 473-1431
Single Total
Double Total
Need More Space?
Try Our Place!
Claremont Park
Self Storage
RV PaRkiNg &
5x10’s up to 15’x20’s Available
ADT Security, Manager
on Premises, Secured Entrance
Senior and Military Discounts
631 Meadowbrook Pwky.
Colorado Springs, CO 80915
For more information about advertising in the Small Business Directory, call 719-329-5236
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Welcome Home
Your source for affordable military
housing in the Colorado Springs area.
For advertising information call 329-5236
Representing VA (& all other) Buyers
Visit: www.FtCarsonHousing.Net
Selling Any/All Listings In Colorado Springs
Julie A Utschig
of the ordinary
Cell: 719-332-2702
[email protected]
Licensed 1984 & Insured
Can your Mortgage Lender do this?
Call Victor for Details
(719) 385-0777
We pride ourselves on providing superior customer service
and creating satisfied customers. From mortgage processing
and underwriting, to loan closing and funding, our expert
mortgage staff will efficiently expedite your entire transaction.
NMLS# 296856 - NMLS#394990
CO# 100023696
5 Bedrooms on 40 Acres
Take a short drive for a long list of
reasons to discover Meridian Ranch
Homes from the low $200s
to $500s on traditional to
2 acre home sites
Recreation Center
Minutes from
Colorado Springs
Parks and Playgrounds
Antler Creek Golf Course
and CreekView Grill
New Barn $189,900
2280 Sq. Ft. on Both Levels!
Outdoor Pool
Miles of Trails
Great Schools
Award Winning Builders
Competely Remodeled, Has Fireplace,
A/C, Appliances, Front Porch, Rear Deck,
Perfect For Animals or Small Business
Sherlock Holmes LLC
Jim (719) 475-0517 hm/wk
The Telluride • Model Home
2063 Velliquette Lane • Only $194,125
Air Conditioning Now Included!!!!!!
Other homes available for quick move:
1641 Silver Meadow for
1623 Silver Meadow Circle • NOW
2034 Lillian Way • $189,950
Inviting front porch on this
popular 2 story home! 3
bed/2.5 bathroom/2 car
garage home. Kitchen with
breakfast bar and pantry.
Great room with gas fire place.
Large master with 5 – piece
bathroom and walk-in closet.
Convenient upper level
laundry and roomy secondary
bedrooms! Full Stainless Steel
kitchen appliance package
included! Fenced backyard
and full landscaping also
1576 Fin SF/1576 Total SF
LOT 4727 SF MLS #585865
• Front/Rear Yard Landscaping
• Rear Yard Fencing
• Energy-Efficient Kitchen Appliances 25 cu. ft. Side-by-Side Refrigerator, Microwave,
Dishwasher, and Smooth Top Range/Oven
• Stunning Siding/Brick Exterior
• 2-Car Garage
• Gas Fireplace w/Blower Outlet
• 3 1/2" White Baseboard Trim
• Classy Brushed Nickel Lever Handles
• Attractive Brushed Nickel Light Fixtures
• 9-ft. Ceilings on Main Level
• Rounded Corners; Textured Walls and Ceilings
• White Arched Panel Interior Doors
• Low-E, Energy-Efficient Windows
Quality. Honesty. Integrity.
New Homes Coming Soon:
Creek Terrace, Fountain CO & Forest Meadows
in North East Colorado Springs!
Call Us For Details
It’s the way our homes are built;
it’s the way we do business.
Give us a call (719) 572-5285 • www.hallmark-homes.com
Model Hours-Wednesday – Saturday : 10am-5pm • Sunday : 1pm-5pm • Monday & Tuesday: CLOSED
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Welcome Home
Easy Access to Schriever, Peterson & Carson!
2587 Weyburn Way • $198,000
Popular 2-story floorplan with 4 large bedrooms
upstairs. Central air, gas fireplace, 5-piece master
bath. New roof & exterior paint (Dec. 2010). Huge
unfinished basement for future expansion!
Contact us today for a personal
showing of this home.
3460C Parkmoor Village Dr.
6590 Delmonico Dr #203 2 Bd, 2 Bths,
1226 Bristol Ave 2bd, 1 bth, home
3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths,
great Rockrimmon Complex w/tennis courts, w/detached garage! Large Backyard.
open floor plan and fireplace!
pool, & workout facility. D-20 Schools Minutes form World Arena & restaurants.
(719) 592-7200 office or (800) 577-9710 toll free
Visit our website, www.CliffJohnsonRealty.com for virtual
Cliff Johnson and Lori Jones
tours, photos,and a complete list of all our inventory Cliff Johnson Realty Investment Company
14515 Black Forest Rd • $475,000
Black Forest
SD 20
3 car
5 acres
MLS 669718
Dave Swint
719-535-7339 • [email protected]
Specializing in Home Sales
Property Management
For advertising information call 329-5236
Jo Ann Friedly & Andrea Rowley
WhEn ExPERIEncE coUntS
Your source for affordable military
housing in the Colorado Springs area.
2135 Southpark Rd • $204,000
Swint Realty CO, LLC
6189 Lehman Drive, Ste 200 • Colo. Springs, CO 80918
592-9700 • Cell: 964-5612• [email protected]
4348 Excursion Drive • $164,900
3 bds
2 baths
2 car
MLS 544525
14423 Tierra Dr • $379,500
3 bds
2 bths
2 car
2 acres
MLS 660432
Glen Eagle
5 bds
4 bths
3 car
MLS 591800
Dinky Smith CDPE, QSC
If you are facing
Contact me!
I specialize in Short Sales!
If you have affordable real estate listings, then your home needs
to be featured in Welcome Home!
For more information about Welcome Home call 329-5236
VA & FHA FinAncing AVAilAble
New Patio Homes
by Silverwood Homes
of 10 Parade of Homes aWards
2010 Parade of homeS winner
“BeSt oVerall home”
2010 Parade of homeS winner
“PeoPleS ChoiCe”
• Gated Community • Main Level Living
• Low Maintenance • Breathtaking Views
• A/C & Fireplace Included
• 2 & 3 Car Garages
• Full Finished Basements
• Walk-out Basements Available
• All Landscaping Included
• Great Southwest Location
Starting in the low $300’s.
Open Mon. - Sat. 10-5
Sun. 12-5
2130 Cheyenne Summer View (Lower Gold Camp Road, 1/3 Mile West of 21st Street)
Darrell Wass
RE/MAX Advantage Realty, Inc
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Welcome Home
Your source for affordable military
housing in the Colorado Springs area.
For advertising information call 329-5236
Karen Sweeney
Coldwell Banker
Fremont Realty, LLC
451 Crystal Hills Blvd.
Manitou • $299,900
Words Cannot Describe This Home! Amazing
4 Bed 3 Bath Home Nestled In Crystal Hills.
Clean And Ready For Move In With Too Many
Features To List. Full Finished Basement With
Huge Family Room, Detached 2 Car Garage
And Master Bed With Master Bathroom.
Automatic Sprinkler System, Central Air
And Covered Patio. Low Maintenance
Stucco Exterior, Newer Roof And Lovely
Landscaping. Wrap Around Drive-Way And
Corner Lot. Amazing Views All Around And
Wildlife Galore! Manitou Living At It’s Finest!
Log Home $439,900
Michael Bottenfield, Broker Associate
[email protected]
 Payoff Up To $16,680* Of Debt When
You Purchase Your New Home
 Receive Huge Closing Gifts Up To
$8,340* On New Construction
 Receive Huge Closing Gifts Up To
$4,170* On Existing Homes
 Find Out About Builder Incentives /
Quick Closings
 List Your Home Today For As Low
As 4.5% Listing Fee
Scott Coddington
[email protected]
Calculated on sales price of $417,000: VA Debt payoff up to
4% of the sales price. Closing gift based on 4% commission
on new construction & 3% commission on existing properties.
Buy Your Next Home With Us And Experience
“Our World of Promises Kept”
Delilah Peak Ranch Log Home on 35+ acres
of beautiful mountainside with incredible
views. Floor to ceiling windows. Vaulted wood
beamed ceilings in living rm, family rm, and
loft. Open kitchen with stainless steel
appliances and granite countertops.Large
master suite/bath with jetted tub. In floor heat.
Pine & Tile Floors.Acreage borders BLM.
Priced below appraised value. MLS# 42986
As a career military spouse,
I personally understand your needs.
Whether you are purchasing a home,
selling a home or relocating to
Colorado Springs, CALL ME TODAY.
Dana Williams
Dana Williams • 719-439-9411
[email protected]
All County Property Management
2216 Valley View Drive
Woodland Park, CO
(City Above the Clouds!)
Crestwood Park subdivision
Owned by Retired Military
Need to rent your home?
We’re Property Mgt Experts …..from marketing and
tenant screening to lease negotiation and rent collection
Need a place to live?
We represent several homes perfect for military families.
Properties range in all sizes and rents, we have one for
your needs.
Featured Property
2311 Springside Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO
3 beds / 2 baths
(Available 1 July)
thiS page!
Elevate your awareness by
sponsoring the Welcome Home
page weekly in all three military
newspapers. Your logo goes into the
top right hand corner and you receive
the bottom two boxes of the first page
to place your ads, information, phone
number and message.
Cost is $184 a
week with a 13 week
4 Bedrooms, 4 baths & 3 Car Attached Oversized Garage
4,989 s.f. Priced at $399,000 ($80/sq ft!) on 0.35 Acre
Great home for entertaining! Master suite features 2 sided gas log fireplace, jetted
tub & steam shower. Lower level walk-out with wet bar, huge game room area and
separate bedroom with full bath (ideal Mother-in-Law quarters). Hardwoods, tile &
carpet throughout, walk-in pantry, lots of storage space, gourmet kitchen open to
huge family room. Kitchen appliances remain. Large deck, gazebo with hot tub. Infloor radiant heat. Upper level laundry. City services and utilities, easy access to Hwy
24. Call today to see your new home.
If you have affordable
real estate listings,
then your home needs
to be featured in
Welcome Home!
For more information
about Welcome Home
call 329-5236
Wendy Thompson
(719) 687-4717
Advertising Rates
$65 per week
$57 per week
$53 per week
$46 per week
$45 per week
$40 per week
1-6 ads
7 ads
13 ads
17 ads
26 ads
52 ads
Ad Size: 5” x 2.2”
• Deadlines Wednesday, 12 noon,
1 week prior to publication
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
719 329.5236
[email protected]
31 E. Platte, Top Floor
Monday through Friday, 8:30-5
Deadline: Noon Tuesday!
Reach over 70,000 readers!
Rates vary, call for details. Prepayment is required. 3 line minimum. Please check your ad the first week of publication and call by noon the following Tuesday with chanegs or corrections.
This paper is not liable for errors after the first publication of an ad. Colorado Publishing Company is not liable for the content of advertisements. All real estate advertising is subject
to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968. We do not endorse any product or service and we reserve the right to refuse any advertising we deem inappropriate.
C.5.3.5. Real Estate Advertising. Advertising for off-post housing available for rent, sale or lease by an owner, manager, rental agency, agent or individual, shall include only those
available on a nondiscriminatory basis for all personnel. No facilities shall be advertised without the Colorado Publishing Company having been notified, in writing, that the owner,
manager, rental agency, agent or individual enforces open-housing practices.
3 Lines FREE for active-duty, retired military, and their dependents as well as civil service employees.3 Ways to place
your ad! Online at www.coloradopowerclassifieds.com Call (719) 329-5236 or fax this form to (719) 329-5237
Name____________________________________ Address _________________________________________
Category: __________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________
Grade ____________________ Unit ____________ Signature ________________________________________
My signature certifies that this advertisement is for the purpose of selling my personal property as a convenience to me or my dependents. It is not part
of a business enterprise, nor does it benefit anyone involved in a business enterprise. Any real estate advertised is made available without regard to race,
color, religious origin or sex of any individual.
Free ads in accordance with military regulations must be non-commercial and for personal property offered by local base or unit personnel without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex or religious origin. FREE ADS are limited
to one ad per household at 3 lines max. The editor and publisher reserve the right to edit ads, and/or not publish ads. NO DUTY PHONE NUMBERS WILL BE PRINTED. DEADLINE: Noon Tuesday
Open Daily from 10am to 10pm
60 min body massage – $45
45 min foot massage – $25
30 min body & 30 min foot massage – $38
3612 Galley Rd., Suite A • 358-7216
200 and save a life!
Millions of people rely on plasma donations to
improve the quality of their lives. As a new donor
you can earn $200 in two weeks!
Call or drop by
Biomat USA
3776 Airport Rd
Family Law, Divorce,
Child Custody and
Step-Parent Adoption.
Special Military Family Rates
Call Chamberland Law
719-527-3999 or
visit www.chamberlandlaw.com
We understand military families and their needs
Be A Blood Donor...
...and save lives!
Military Walk in night Weds 3-6pm.
Back pain, PTSD, get treated for $10.
598-9200. www.MsNeedles.com
Competitive Prices, Security, No move
in fees. Chelton Self Storage.
719-637-7545 or 866-530-7545
Everyone on base is getting
cheap eats, movie tickets,
2 for 1 and free stuff.
Get yours too.
Text CSPRINGS to 69302
Includes Head,
Shoulder, Neck, Arm
& Back Massage
4945 Cable Lane
Foot Massage
$25 / 60 Min
$39/60 min
$36/30 min foot &
30 min table massage
1835 S Academy Blvd
NE Corner of Academy & Chelton Blvd. Next to Library
719-339-8858 • Walk-ins available
e La
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Curtis Hartshorn, Evangelist
Full body table massage
Bible Study
9:30 am
10:30 am
Central United Methodist Church
4373 Galley Rd. Colorado Springs
All Are Welcome. www.cumccs.org
Can’t Figure Out What To Do
After You Separate?
For more info call 634-1048
Daily Operations On-Going
Great Customer Base & Reputation
Immediate Cash Flow – Will SBA
The Transcript
can publish your
22 Year Old Local Franchise Turn Key
Service Business For Sale
Ron 590-6218 (Evenings)
Local construction company is looking for a qualified Project Coordinator/ Electrician for the Trinidad Colorado area. Must have previous experience in scheduling multiple crews and
equipment, be a well organized individual who can plan work based on
employee and equipment availability.
Will be required to have Colorado License and work on his tools occasionally. Salary DOE, benefits, 401K,
ESOP, health insurance, vision, dental.
Respond to : Construction Company
PO BOX 369 Bloomfield, NM 87413
Pastor Charles Tedder
1980 Academy Suite S.
(back side Loaf n Jug)
(719) 358-1961
Sunday Morning 10:00am
Tuesday Night 7:00pm Covenant Connection International
Class “A” Food Delivery Drivers in
Denver, 10 Needed Immediately. Regional - 68K annual avg. + Benefits
4k Sign On Bonus! Must Apply at
Stay ahead of
the competition.
Online or Print.
Stay ahead of your competition with breaking
news from the CSBJ newsroom every day.
Sign up at www.csbj.com
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
For 38 Years!!!
Visit us for a savings certificate at
Call us at 442-2233
Quality, reconditioned stoves,
refrigerators, washers & dryers.
*Up to 2 year warranty
*Whirlpool - GE - Kenmore
*Visa, MC, checks welcomed
*Professional Delivery Team
Choose from over 150 appliances at
our clean, spacious showroom.
2200 East Platte Ave.
Whirlpool Dryer Like New $90
Call 719-205-6608/719-597-4107
Army Officer Dress Blues
Like new; 43R coat; 34R pants.
$100/set. Rob at 719-576-1757.
The Fort Carson Community
Glock 23compact 40S&W extra hicap mag, Hydra-Shok ammo leather
holsters, case $500 719-574-6543
Specializing in Military and Modern
Firearms. Most calibers of ammo
available. Leasures Treasures
2801 W. Colorado Ave., 80904,
719-635-8539 ext 150.
The Legal & Financial Community
VA Mortgage Rates are still at
Historical Lows! Renance today!
Call Victor 719-360-3767
The Peterson Air Force Base and
The NORAD Community
Queen PILLOWTOP Mattress Set
New in Plastic, Warranty. Can Deliver.
Queen size mattress, excellent condition
$70. Bakers rack, white $20. Kenmore
refrigerator $300. 719-574-4319
(303)-420-5000 or (800) 500-8955
The Business Community
Call 634-5905 to subscribe or for
targeted advertising opportunities
German Shepherd Puppies
Czech Border Patrol Bloodlines 6 females DOB 05/30/11. Avail 8/1 Full
AKC Reg $1500firm 719-884-1125
Fully furnished 20X12 Executive Office Suite. Phone service provided, fitness center and locker room. $750/mo.
call Tami for appointment at
719-272-8011 ext 1085.
For sale Miniature Schauzer loving and
playful 1 yr old dog $500
Pomaranian Puppies. Vet checked, 1st
shots. 7 weeks old. 719-510-4178.
$400,000 +.....$1,750
Call Cindy & Joy 719-440-0122
Prudential Rocky Mountain, REALTORS
Military References Available
13 + years as a
full time Realtor
Services are free for Buyers
Mike Porter 719-338-5664
Your Colorado Springs Realtor
Keller Williams Client Choice Realty
FSBO, veteran owned 6b/3ba/2car,
D-20, Views, 2 decks, fenced yd.
$190K. 6510 E. Wicklow Cir. 590-1799
Exceptionally kept up home in
Widefield. 4BR, 1½BA, nice area, good
school dist. $155,000. 719-322-8839
FOR SALE. 6840 Chesterfield. Small 3
BR, 2 ba, 1 car garage home on lg corner lot. Walk to school. NEW PRICE!
[email protected]
All real estate advertising in this
newspaper is subject to the Federal
Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes
it illegal to advertise any preference,
limitation or discrimination based on
race, color, religion or national origin,
or an intention to make such preference,
limitation or discrimination. The
Mountaineer shall not accept any
advertisement for real estate which is
in violation of the law. Our readers are
hereby informed that all dwellings
advertised in this newspaper are
available on an equal opportunity basis.
Rural Land. 2.5 acre, 5 acre. & 40 acre
lots with water tap. 719.491.1671
Reduced-$163k, 7 min-Pete East
gate, 9208 Chieftan, 3 flr, deck,
views, move-in rdy, 719-495-9476
Purchase your home for 0 Down!
Call Victor 719-385-0777
Above ground swimming pool. 5ft deep
and 18ft in diameter. $100. Call
The Schriever Air Force Base Community
FSBO - $325K. 3025 Flying Horse Rd,
80922. 5BR, 3.5BA, 3 car, AC, 3800
sqft, new patio, all appl. 719-597-6114
Real Estate
We have
FSBO, Excellent condition, custom
ranch, 3BR, 2BA, 2 car garage in Falcon Hills. For appt 719-338-0747
Guaranteed Military Approvals!
Rent To Own Contracts Offered On
Nice 2, 3, & 4 Bedroom Manufactured
Homes Located Just Minutes From Ft.
Carson. All Credit Accepted, Own
Today For Less Than Apartment Rent.
Please Call 1-888-265-1681.
Near downtown, Memorial Hosp,
Olympic Training Center
Don’t let the exterior fool you—
This is NOT a generic apartment
One bdrm units with all utilities
included $675-$750 Cats OK
719-650-8739 Direct Line
Fountain Springs Apartments
Huge 1-2-3 BR starting at just $705!
Full size washer/ dryer included, 24-hr
fitness center, swimming pool, gated
community & more. Call
2 Bd 1 Ba avail for rent by PAFB
6485 Omaha Blvd $595. Military discount. 719-358-8484
Blue Ridge Builders Inc;
“We are V.A. Certi¿ed
Our specialties include:
Call 719-543-4031 today, and let us help you build your dreams
Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Property Management
(719) 390-7824
1027 Drury Lane
277 Goosedown Ct.
1503 Willshire
322 Locust
1633 Wideeld
7375 Willow Pine Pl.
2 1/2
4BR, 31/2BA, 2car, finished basement,
shed, solar hot water, $1290, small pets
neg. Call 719-282-1637
5 acre horse property. 14925 Russell
Dr. 3BR, 2BA remodeled. 6 stall barn.
1075/mo. Avail 7/31/2011. Call Bob or
Carol Rushmore 528-6206.
3BR, 2.5BA, Includes all appliances.
$950 month, $600 deposit. Available
August 10. Call 719-432-8316
PT Cruiser for sale
PT Cruiser GT. Chilipepper red, 4 door,
FWD. $6450. Lee, 338-8905.
3455 Rebecca Ln ‘G’ $650
2Bd 1Ba Carport 862 SqFt
$750 includes all utilities
RE/MAX Properties 590-4735
AFFORDABLE - 1BR, Remodeled,
security doors, carpeted, oak cabinets,
coin-op laundry, downtown C.S.
$455/400 dep. 210 S Weber. Call
Haley Realty to see 634-3785.
Available August 1. 1900 sf total. Unfurnished 4BR (2up,2down) 2 bath.
Downtown, near Memorial Hospital and
the USOC. $1100/month plus utilities,
one year lease. Deposit required. Most
pets ok with approval and additional
one time fee. Nice front porch, fenced
yard, patio area and a one-car garage.
Above average home with gorgeous
hardwood floors. Gas fireplace and lots
of built in storage space. Recently remodeled.
HWHeat and updated
Application and credit/background check required. Email
your interest and contact information to
[email protected]
CENTRAL-Near schools. 2 BR, 1 BA
4PLX. kitchen/bath. 1 level,R-30 insul.
Storm windows, W/D hookups in
pantry. Inclds ,RF,DS,ceiling fans.
$625/400dep. HALEY REALTY
DOWNTOWN-Walk to work/ school/fun. FREE Wi-Fi, 1BR, 1BA, @ 604
N. Weber. #5, Sm. PET-OK, $600/500.
Having an
Open House?
Let all of our
readers know!
House for rent 1 bdrm, big fenced yard,
pets ok w/d near park & bike trail
$675mo plus deposit 719-229-3695
Tri-level 4BR, 2BA, 2GAR, FP,fenced,
Close to Montebello YMCA $995/
$895, 5081 Pickett Dr. HALEY
REALTY 634-3785
For more information call 719-329-5236
or email [email protected]
Purchase your home for 0 Down!
Call Victor 719-385-0777
Countryside 4BR, 1¾BA, 2 car Window, AC, Fireplace, low utilities. Avail
July 15. $1200 rent/dep. 382-7649
3bdr home for rent or rent to own
2bth, 1car, bi-lvl. Nice! 719-661-7748
Apts and Houses. From $425-$2000.
Call Clark at 719-964-4628
House for Rent
$1275, 3br and 2.5 baths. Please call
Bianca 915-276-8136.
1BR/1BA/1 gar condo. All appl, pool,
mountain views, clubhouse, next to Ute
Park. $850/mo. 1 yr. Call 637-8177.
3BR, 2BA, 2 car, single fam, avail now.
Community center w/ pool. $1150/mo.
Special for military. 719-640-1736
Powers/Dublin-Very clean townhome. 2
Master suites + loft, 2car attach gar, air,
all appl incl. W/D & trash p/u. End unit
borders small park. Avail Now.
$1100/mo. Call 719-495-1414
FEM/roomate wanted 1Bed/1Bath
gar,w/d,cable,inter net,living,kitch
area$400+1/3util. 719-388-6890
Furnished room for Rent / SW CS 10
mins to Ft Carson. Must love animals.
Shared kitchen & bath Cable, internet,
washer & dryer. $400/mo + ½ utilities
Call 719-233-3551
3 Bdrm Home
3 bdrm, 2 bath home w/ large garage
and yard. 719-282-3083.
The Transcript
can publish your
For more info call 634-1048
Antique Billiard Museum
3628 Citadel Dr N Colorado Springs,
CO 80909 / 719-597-9809 or
Diamond Billiards
3780 E Boulder St Colorado
Springs CO 80909 / 719-596-9516
Two great Billiard Rooms. Best equipment, pricing and pro shop.
Over 68 playing pool tables including regulation, snooker billiards
and diamond bar tables, 50 cents.
The Warehouse Restaurant
and Gallery
25 W. Cimarron St.
(2 Blocks East of I-25 on Exit 141)
Contemporary, delectable cuisine. The upscale yet casual turn-ofthe-century Warehouse Restaurant and Gallery creates the perfect
setting for business lunches, intimate dinners, dinner parties,
receptions, rehearsal dinners, reunions, events. Call us at 475-8880
for information. Military Discount - 10% off all regular-priced bar and
menu items in restaurant only. Happy Hour Mon.-Fri. 3:00 to 6:00.
Schnitzel Fritz
4037 Tutt Blvd., Colorado Springs
TEL. 719-573-2000
Mon-Sat 10am-7pm
(1 block South of Sky Sox Stadium)
*Bringing the BEST of Germany to COLORADO* Authentic
German Food. All NATURAL & FRESH Wiener-, Jaeger-, Rahm-,
Zugeuner-, Holsteiner-, or Zwiebelschnitzel. Bratwurst, Knackwurst,
Weisswurst, Sauerkraut, Red Cabbage, Spaetzle, Fried Potatoes.
Potato-, Cucumber-, Tomato- or Bean Salads. Enjoy our Daily
“Stammessem” (Specials) Sauerbraten, Gulasch, and more...
Jack Quinn’s
21 South Tejon
Owned by 4 USAFA Grads! Serving traditional Irish fare &
American cuisine for lunch & dinner. Happy Hour daily 3-6pm,
Live Irish Music Tues., Thurs., Sat. & Sun. with County El Paso,
Brian Clancy, Big Paddy & the Irish Session Musicians! Reader’s
Choice Voted Best Bar 2007 & 2010.
Townhouse Galley & Peterson. Mtn
Views, 2BR/1BA, 1600 sf, 1/2 finished
basement, f/p, AC, large deck, 2car carport, all appliances included & W/D.
$750/mo. 719-964-2306
Halla San Korean BBQ
1231 North Academy Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 622-9595
We have a new chef from Korea. No MSG. Come enjoy real
delicious Korean BBQ. Karaoke after 9pm.
To advertise in Cork ‘n Fork please call 719-329-5236
Rates are $35 per week with a 13 time commitment.
GMC Yukon 2004. Great cond., AWD
AC, am/fm/CD, DIC, 3rd row seat,
120k miles. $13500. 719-598-2187.
2007 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Blue 2
Door 3 Piece Hard Top. Paint And Interior Look New 18,300. 719-778-2037
The Transcript
can publish your
Broadmoor Bluffs area - SW
Luxury 3-bedroom home for lease.
Active military discount. 761-5756
Notices of
(precurser notice to adoption)
Ft Carson/Cheyenne Mtn—2BR, 2BA,
Loft, Patio, Fireplace, Appliances,
Garage. $925/mo. 719-338-1978
Rent to own / Buy. 2BR, 1.5BA, raised
ranch, FP, 1400sqft, 2 car, 5 min to
Carson and close to everything. Large
fenced in lot but quiet neighborhood.
$900/mo. Call (719) 390-2907
For more info call 634-1048
For Sale 2006 Kia Sportage LX 79K
miles 4X4 take over loan or $11,000
FIRM Email at [email protected]
For rent near PAFB Utils Incl
1stflrhome 2bd,1bth,livrm/w fireple
2464 Obsidian Forest Vw $1195
3Bd 2.5Ba Carport 1870 Sq Ft
Claremont Ranch Townhome
RE/MAX Properties 590-4735
Fantastic House Close To Fort Carson,
Peterson Air Force Base, Schools,
Shopping. Fenced Back Yard, 5 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 1 Car Garage, 1984
Ventura $1095/$995 Haley Realty
2005 Nissan Altima. Clean, 87k miles,
everything except GPS, 2.4 liter. $8800.
Call 440-2263.
94 Mazda pickup. 4X4, automatic,
$2500 obo. Call 719-434-8406
‘09 VW GTI 4d-SHARP! Black. Motegi
Racing rims. $20K FIRM. (1K under
Blue Book) 775-229-3606
1991 KTM 300cc 2 stroke $1200
20003 Suzuki 125 4 stroke $1800
719-369-2024 or 719-439-5656
2000 Victory (black) SHOW WINNER
Very nice, low miles, tons of billet, extras: $4,800 719-579-9513
01 Yamaha R6 Champion Edition.
$4000, low miles, never down.
[email protected]
2005 HD Heritage Soft tail Classic 3700
miles, 2 services performed, outstanding condition, $10,750. 719-425-0393
2008 SUZUKI C50 Boulevard, $3800
Stk #0105 719-599-5777
Your Affordable Powersports Source
1998 Rexhall Rexair RV
32 ft widebody, one owner, 52,500
miles, auto V-8, new appl & furn,
Call Bill or Phyllis
[email protected]
Have a Job or SSI
Need Transportation
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Schriever Sentinel
July 21, 2011
Front Range
Saturday, July 23, 2011 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
at Arnold Hall Ball Room
on the beautiful USAF Academy
FREE Continental style breakfast
FREE Lunch/appetizer spread
Information/vendor fair to
TRICARE information
Guest Speakers
Great Company