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police officer came up to the driver’s door and he immediately noticed a radar detector, in plain sight, sitting directly on the
Plus en détailTélécharger - Sécurité Publique | MRC des Collines-de
He is a white male, measuring approximately 1m70 and weighing 82 kg. At the time of this incident, he was wearing a dark coloured coat bearing white vertical stripes on the sides as well as a grey ...
Plus en détailTélécharger - Sécurité Publique | MRC des Collines-de
The bodies of the victims will be transported today to the Laboratory of Forensic Science and Medicine in Montreal, where autopsies will be performed in order to determine the exact cause of death.
Plus en détailTélécharger - Sécurité Publique | MRC des Collines-de
quatorze (14) points d’inaptitude, lui fut of $1,030.00, in addition to fourteen (14) remis. demerit points. Lors de l’interception, celui-ci mentionna au At the time of the interception, the drive...
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Cette deuxième arrestation a mené les policiers à perquisitionner une résidence située au 1258, de la route du Carrefour, à Val-des-Monts, où deux (2) hommes d’Ottawa furent arrêtés. Sur place, il ...
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In addition, at the time of the interception, our officers noticed a “Gopro” camera attached to the helmet of the fleeing driver. A memory card was found and we were able to view the recording and ...
Plus en détailTélécharger - Sécurité Publique | MRC des Collines-de
Sheila Caouette au 1-877-459-2422 – poste 3263, ou de manière anonyme via Info-crime au 1-800-711-1800.
Plus en détailTélécharger - Sécurité Publique | MRC des Collines-de
Obviously, when you say Halloween, you also mean candies. And this is why, during the evening of Halloween, our police officers will also be giving out these sought out treats! Don’t hesitate to as...
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