The Church of The Holy Name of Jesus
The Church of The Holy Name of Jesus
The Church of The Holy Name of Jesus The Franciscan Friars 207 West 96th Street New York, New York 10025 Our Mission Statement The Parish of the Holy Name of Jesus is a vibrant urban ministry in the Roman Catholic Church within the Franciscan tradition. In our rich diversity of cultures and languages, we seek to be open to God’s spirit so that we might grow in the faith that makes us one and give witness to the presence of Christ in our daily lives. As instruments of God’s peace, we reach out to and welcome all people with a special concern for the poor, the alienated, and the immigrant. We do this through worship, education, and outreach in fulfilling our dream that all might be served in the spirit of St. Francis. La paroisse de Holy Name est une vibrante communauté urbaine et catholique, animée par la Congrégation Franciscaine. Sa grande diversité culturelle et linguistique lui permet de toucher différents groupes ethniques, et de leur dispenser la foi divine et Chrétienne qui se réflete dans leur vie quotidienne. Et comme instruments de la paix préconisée par Dieu, les paroissiens de Holy Name cherchent et accueillent tous les frères et particulièrement les pauvres, les inadaptés les laissés pour compte et les immigrants. Nous accomplissons cette tâche par le culte, la prière, l’ éducation, et par là nous réalisons notre rêve de servir tous les enfants de Dieu, selon l’esprit de Saint François d’ Assise. La Parroquia del Santo Nombre de Jesús es un ministerio Franciscano urbano dinámico de la Iglesia Católica Romana. En la diversidad y riqueza de culturas y lenguas tratmos de mantenernos abiertos al espíritu de Dios, para así crecer en la fe que nos hace uno y dar testimonio de la presencia de Cristo en nuestra vida diaria. Como artesanos de la paz de Dios aceptamos y acogemos a todos especialmente a los pobres, los alienados y los inmigrantes a través de nuestros servicios litúrgicos, educación. Para que nuestro deseo de server a todos en el espíritu de San Francisco sea una realidad. THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 27, 2011 &KXUFKRIWKH+RO\1DPHRI-HVXV )UDQFLVFDQ)ULDUV *22')5,'$<$35,/ 9LHUQHV6DQWR9HQGUHGL6DLQW +RO\:HHN6FKHGXOH $SULO$SULO 3$/0681'$<$35,/ 'RPLQJRGH5DPRV'LPDQFKHGHV5DPHDX[ $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 $0 $0 30 30 30 9LJLO0DVVLQ(QJOLVK 0DVVLQ(QJOLVK 0LVDHQ(VSDxRO 0DVVLQ(QJOLVK 0HVVHHQ.UH\RO)UDQoDLV 0DVVLQ(QJOLVK 021'$<78(6'$<:('1(6'$< 5HJXODUVFKHGXOHRI0DVVHV +2/<6$785'$<$35,/ 6DEDGR6DQWR6DPHGL6DLQW 7KHFKXUFKLVFORVHGXQWLO30 30 7KH(DVWHU9LJLO 9LJLOLD3DVFXDO9HLOOpH3DVFDOH 5HDGLQJVDQGPXVLFLQ(QJOLVK.UH\RO )UHQFKDQG6SDQLVK ($67(5681'$<$35,/ 'RPLQJRGH5HVXUUHFFLyQ 'LPDQFKHGH3kTXHV :('1(6'$<$35,/ 30 7HQHEUDH6HUYLFH +2/<7+856'$<$35,/ -XHYHV6DQWR-HXGL6DLQW 30 7KH0DVVRIWKH/RUG·V6XSSHU /D8OWLPD&HQD'HUQLpUH&HQH &KHPLQGHOD&URL[ 6WDWLRQVRIWKH&URVV /LWXUJ\RIWKH/RUG·V3DVVLRQ /D3DVVLRQHQ)UDQoDLV 3URFHVLyQGHO9LD&UXFLV 3DVLyQGH1XHVWUR6U-HVXFULVWR 0DLQ&KXUFK6DFUHG+HDUW$OWDU 30$0 3ULYDWH$GRUDWLRQRIWKH %OHVVHG6DFUDPHQW $0 0DVVLQ(QJOLVK $0 0LVDHQ(VSDxRO 30 0DVVLQ(QJOLVK 30 0HVVHHQ.UH\RO)UDQoDLV ($67(5021'$<$35,/ 30 0DVVLQ(QJOLVK STEWARDSHIP AT HOLY NAME: In the book of Exodus, God commands us to have no other gods. The message of Stewardship challenges us not to place anything, especially material goods, ahead of devotion to God CELEBRATING THE EUCHARIST Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil: 5:30 P.M., Sunday: 9:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M.(Spanish), 12:00 P.M., 1:30 P.M. (French), 5:30 P.M. Weekday Masses Monday-Friday: 7:00 A.M., 12:00 P.M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 A.M. (Spanish) Friday: 6:30 P.M. (French) Saturday: 9:00 A.M. CHURCH IS OPEN Weekdays 6:30 AM - 2:00 PM Weekends 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM Federal Holidays 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM ++++++++ NOVENA Miraculous Medal - Monday after 12:00 Noon Mass. St. Anthony of Padua - Tuesday after 12:00 Noon Mass. Our Lady of Perpetual Help—Saturday after 9:00 AM Mass and Wednesday at 5:30 PM. STAYING IN TOUCH Church of the Holy Name of Jesus 207 West 96th Street New York, New York 10025 Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Parish Website: 212-749-0276 212-749-2045 [email protected] Pastoral Staff Fr. Daniel Kenna, O.F.M., Pastor Fr. Lawrence Ford, O.F.M., Parochial Vicar Fr. Michael McDonnell, O.F.M., Parochial Vicar Fr. Gonzalo Torres, O.F.M., Parochial Vicar Fr. Evariste Ouedraogo, Parochial Vicar Reverend Mr. Andre Alexandre, Deacon Friars in Residence: Fr. Matthew Pravetz, O.F.M. Fr. Brian Jordan, O.F.M. CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS Baptism: Arrangements for Baptism should be made one month in advance. To schedule, please visit the Parish Office or call 212-749-0276, x10 for more information. Baptisms are celebrated in French on the first Sunday of the month, English on the second and Spanish on the third. Parents and Godparents are asked to participate in a Baptism Preparation Program prior to their child’s baptism. Please Note: There are no Baptisms during the season of Lent. Marriage: To schedule your wedding and/or register for our Marriage Preparation Program, please call the Parish Office at least six months prior to your anticipated date. Reconciliation: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M, Saturday 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. or anytime by appointment through the Parish Office. Sacrament of the Sick.: If you or a loved one is ill or hospitalized, please contact the Parish Office to arrange for home, convalescent or hospital visitation and celebration of the sacrament Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of the month from 12:30 P.M. – 1:30 P.M. Please Pray for the Sick of our Parish Mary Gleason German Suarez Myra Quinones Adelia Purisima Margarita Medina Javier Apolinar Alex Torres Connie Christopher Charles Dantzler Lidia Sierra Rosa Hernandez Elvira Radraza Victoria Angelo Anne Rudder Bernie Bennett Rosa Nuñez Paul Bringman Margaret Mosunic Raymond Ford Elba Espinal Rosemary Fuentes Irene Bermudez Carmen Solis Lehanna Brown If you would like to add someone you know who is ill please call the Parish Office at 212-749-0276, x 10. † Pray for the Deceased members of Holy Name Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of those who died this past week, especially Eugene Dessources and Bette Knight. Please join us in praying that their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, may rest in peace now and forever. Tuesday Lenten Vespers Series Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society of Holy Name of Jesus Church sponsors two pilgrimages: Theme: “What Are the Penitential Psalms? Are they psalms I can pray with?” Do we recognize sin and its consequences in our lives? Can we acknowledge our sin and our guilt? Sorrow and confession lead to a true returning to God and to the joy of being forgiven. The Penitential Psalms inspired words-express all human feelings, fumblings, failings and joy! 3/29 Psalm 51 Sr. Mary Petrosky, FMM “Oh my God, I am so guilty and ashamed!” 4/5 Psalm 143 John Stimpson “Turn me around, Lord—change my heart.” 4/12 Psalm 32 Fr. Matthew Pravetz, OFM “Oh the joy of being forgiven!” *Reconciliation Service with the opportunity for individual confession follows this reflection. 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM Vespers in the Chapel Simple Supper Reflection Weekly Collection: The total collection for last weekend was $11,583.00. The second collection for next weekend, Sunday, April 3 will be for The Catholic Relief Services. Thank you for your continued support. 1) Sunday, May 1, 2011 to National Shrine of the Divine Mercy, Stockbridge, MA . Roundtrip Bus $45 2) Friday, May 13, 2011 to Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine, Washington, NJ. Roundtrip Bus $30. Bus will depart in front of Holy Name of Jesus Church at 96 Street and Amsterdam Avenue at 8:00AM and leaves the Shrine at 4:30pm. Space is limited. First come first served. If interested, please mail a check payable to: Veronica Rosario, 711 Amsterdam Avenue, 4-I, New York, NY 10025. For further information please call 212/865 -1623, leave a message and we will return your call ASAP or email at [email protected]. Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation: This committee provides educational programs and service opportunities for the members of the parish. The committee works closely with our neighboring churches and the Franciscan Province of the Holy Name in exploring the wide range of issues of peace, social justice and the environment. To become involved in this important ministry or to receive more information, please contact Janet Curley at 646-591-4022. Interested in softball? Consider joining the Holy Name Fryers Softball Team—part of the Saints and Sinners League of the NY Archdiocese. Spring 2011 Season. Age range for players is 20 and up. All teams are co-ed. For more information contact: Colette-at [email protected]. Liturgical Ministry: Each of our masses has a team that is responsible for ministering at the liturgy. Included on the team are Lectors, Ministers of Hospitality, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Altar Servers. These ministries are open to all and provide an opportunity of sharing some of your time and talent with the community. Training is provided. If you would like more information, please contact the Parish Office. 2nd Annual Pilgrimage of New York. Sponsored in part by Holy Name Young/ Contemporary Adults. Free registration ends on April 2nd. For more information visit:http:// Music Ministry: We have five active choirs in the parish. Children’s Faith Formation: Our Religious Education programs are designed to provide for the faith formation and spiritual development of children from kindergarten through eighth grade. Children also receive preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist in the third grade and Confirmation in the ninth grade. The program includes instruction in small classes, retreats and other experiences throughout the year. Volunteer teachers and assistants are needed and alSupport our Lenten Food Drive sponsored by the members of St. Mary of the Angels Fraternity (SFO). Bags will be distributed at all the Masses the weekend of April 2nd and 3rd . Please stop at the Welcome table located at the entrance of the Church for detailed information. Joining one of the choirs is a great way to get involved in parish life and networks you with a social community that is made up of friends and neighbors from all five boroughs. So consider participating in one of our choirs: 12:00 Noon: 9:00 A.M.: 10:30 A.M.: 1:30 P.M.: 5:30 P.M.: Traditional Choir Children’s Choir Spanish Choir French Choir Contemporary Choir All choirs sing on Sunday, from September through early June. Additional liturgies are sung for Christmas, Holy Week and Easter. Rehearsals are just before each Sunday Mass, with the exception of the French choir, which rehearses on Saturdays. For further information contact our Director of Music, Peter Adamczyk in the Parish Office, (212) 7490276, x 18. ,,,'RPLQJR'H&XDUHVPD GHPDU]RGH SAMEDI 26 et DIMANCHE 27 MARS 2011 3ème dimanche du Carême Oración y Reflexión Vespertina los martes de la Cuaresma: Todos los martes de la cuaresma (marzo 22 y 29 y abril 5 y 12) habrá una charla (en inglés) a las 6:30PM seguida de una cena simple y reflexión. En la Capilla de Santa María de los Ángeles. El martes 12, se escucharán confesiones (en inglés, español y francés) después de la reflexión. "Veuillez noter les horaires pour la periode des fetes Anuncio: El programa de la semana santa esta incluido en la pagina 2 del boletin. (O &tUFXOR GH 2UDFLyQ VHUHXQHORVPtHUFROHVGH30 30HQODLJOHVLD Oremos Por Nuestros Enfermos Queremos orar por todos los enfermos en nuestra paroquia, especialmente por, Lidia Sierra Rosa Hernandez Elvira Radraza Irene Bermudez Carmen Solis Elba Espinal Ely Cruz German Suarez Myra Quinones Adelia Purisima Margarita Medina Mary Gleason, Anne Rudder Bernie Bennett Rosa Nuñez Javier Apolinar Si desea añadir alguien que esta enfermo o si necesita que el padre visite alguien en el hospital, favor de llamar al 212-749-0276 on ext. 10. Nuestro Mas sentido pésame a la familias Roque Jorge, Eugene Dessource y Bette Knight que fallecieron esta semana pasada, Oremos por sus eterno descanso y por todos los difuntos. /D GHVSHQVD GH FRPLGD QHFHVLWD QXHVWUD D\XGD +DEUi XQD FDPSDxD SDUD FROHFWDU FRPLGD SDWURFLQDGD SRU ORV PLHPEURV GH OD )UDWHUQLGDG GH 6DQWD 0DUtD GH ORV ÉQJHOHV 6)2 6H GLVWULEXLUiQ EROVDV ODVPLVDV GHO ILQ GH VHPDQD GH DEULO\3RUIDYRUUHJUHVDUODVFRQODWDVGHFRPLGDMDPyQ VRSDVYHJHWDOHVFHUHDOHVDUUR]HWF3RUIDYRUQRWUDHUER WHOODV GH YLGULR 3RU IDYRU SDVH SRU OD PHVD GH ELHQYHQLGD ORFDOL]DGDHQODHQWUDGDGHODLJOHVLDSDUDREWHQHUPiVLQIRUPD FLyQ Venta de comida: La sociedad del Sagrado Corazon tendra su venta de comida el Domingo 3 de abril y el grupo juvenile el domingo 10 de abril y la sociedad de Altagracia el 17 de abril de 9am-2pm en la cafeteria de la escuela. &ROHFWD 6HPDQDO /DFROHFWDGHOSDVDGRILQGHVHPDQDIXH GH /D VHJXQGD FROHFWD SDUD HO SUR[LPR GR PLQJRGHDEULOVHUDSDUD´&DWKROLF5HOLHI)XQGµ a la page 2 du bulletin paroissial" MARDIS SOIR PRIERES DU CAREME 2011 (Vêpres) et Réflexions(29 mars, 5 et 12 avril) à 6h30 dans la Chapelle St. Mary of the Angels. A 7h repas simple: soupe et salade. Réflexions immédiatement après le repas. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus ! Amenez un ami ! Nous ferons une seule quête. DEPISTAGE GRATUIT : Le programme de Harlem Hospital offre le dépistage gratuit, chaque mois, pour la tension arterielle et le taux de glucose dans le sang. Des informations supplémen- taire seront fournies au Centre pour les Seniors, ou en appelant le 212-932-8040 ext. 32 Les membres du Club Our Lady of Perpetual Help de Holy Name of Jesus organisent deux pélérinages : Dimanche 1er mai, 2011, au Tombeau National de Divine Mercy, Stockbridge, Massachusetts Aller-retour : $45. Vendredi 13 mai, 2011 à la Chapelle de Immaculate Heart Of Mary, Washington, New Jersey Aller-retour : $30. Les autobus partiront de l’Eglise Holy Name of Jesus, 96ème rue et Amsterdam Avenue à 8heures et partiront du lieu de Pélerinage à 4h30. Les places sont limitées, inscrivez-vous sans attendre. Les personnes intéressées sont priées d’envoyer un chèque à Veronica Rosario 711 Amsterdam Avenue apt. 4-1 New York, N.Y. 10025. Si vous désirez des renseignements complémentaires téléphonez au 212-865-1623, laissez un message et votre numéro de téléphone, on vous répondra sous peu. Adresse email : [email protected] SINCERES CONDOLEANCES aux parents et amis de Eugene Dessources décédé cette semaine, unissons-nou sen prières pour que son âme et celle des fidèles trépassés, par la miséricorde de Dieu, reposent en paix maintenant et pour toujours. ANNONCE IMPORTANTE : Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que cette année l’ordination des prêtres dans la Province de Holy Name se fera ici à Holy Name. En effet, dans notre communauté, le 21 mai, Frère Ciduane Joseph, qui était en stage avec nous l’année dernière et Frère Erick Lopez, qui était également en stage chez nous durant l’été il y a quelques années, seront ordonnés prêtres par le Cardinal Théodore McCarrick, archevèque retraité de Washington, D.C. Nous esperons que vous viendrez nombreux participer à cette très belle liturgie. QUETES DE LA SEMAINE: Total des quêtes de la semaine dernière: $11,583.00. Dim.3 avril: 2ème quête pour les travaux du Secours Catholique Merci d’avance pour vos généreuses donations. OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVOLVEMENT PASTORAL CARE ADMINISTRATION Finance Council Fr. Dan Collection Counters Pat Friel Volunteer Receptionists Sr. Mary Website Heather Dilbeck Welcoming Jackie Espinal Annual Block Party Mildred Morency 212-749-0276 Ministry to the Homebound Sr. Maria-Teresa 212-749-0276 ORGANIZATIONS / GROUPS / SOCITIES 212-662-9459 212-749-0276 212-749-0276 212-749-0276 212-932-8040 FAITH FORMATION Rito de Iniciacion Cristiano para Adultos Fr. Gonzalo 212-749-0276 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Mary Widhalm 212-866-6797 Rite of Christian Initiation of Children Veronica Soto 212-749-0276 Children’s Faith Formation Veronica Soto 212-749-0276 Adult Faith Formation Anne Mc Cormick 212-724-1885 Baptism Preparation Team Fr. Dan 212-749-0276 Marriage Preparation Team Fr. Dan 212-749-0276 Stewardship Mike Archer 212-579-7868 Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation Janet Curley 646-591-4022 LITURGICAL MINISTRY Music Ministry Peter Adamczyk 212-749-0276 Eucharistic Minister Coordinators 5:30 Marianne Devirgiliis 212-280-2671 9:00 Frances Tome 212-865-8538 10:30 Sr. Maria-Teresa 212-749-0276 12:00 Anne McCormick 212-724-1885 1:30 Andre Alexandre 212-749-0276 5:30 David Steinberg 212-873-8988 Lectors/Altar Servers/Ushers Fr. Gonzalo 212-749-0276 Liturgy Committee Ciara Diseta 212-706-2037 Church Environment Pablo Rubio 212-749-0276 Contemporary Adults Colette Prophet 917-744-7254 Secular Franciscans (English) Phyllis Cooke 212-866-3094 Secular Franciscans (Spanish) Betzaida Santiago 212-242-6204 Providencia Victoria Velazquez 917-207-2886 Altagracia Mercedes Gonzalez 212-662-9908 Sacred Heart Iris Real 212-666-3040 Caridad del Cobre Eneida Fernandez 212-222-0346 Guadalupe Irene Chavez 212-678-5080 Grupo Guadalupano Ricardo Perez 917-569-7198 Maman Marie Mimi Simon 212-932-7653 Lady of Perpetual Help (Filipino) Veronica Rosario 212-865-1623 French Prayer Group Fr. Evariste Ouedraogo 212-749-0276 Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group Hilda Barral 212-749-3534 Centering Prayer Group Georgetta Richards 212-222-5729 HOLY NAME SCHOOL John Joven 212-749-1240 FRANCISCAN COMMUNITY CENTER Executive Director’ Mildred Morency Senior Services Carmen Iris Cruz Youth Services Kenny Marrero Food Pantry Nathanial Davis Thrift Store Ralph Lusich Tutorial Program Jeff Smith Performing Arts Michael Pantone Sandwich Line Sophia Goitia 212-932-8040 212-932-8040 212-932-8040 212-932-8040 212-932-8040 212-932-8040 212-932-8040 212-932-8040 Church of the Holy Name 207 West 96th Street New York, New York 10025 :HOFRPH%LHQYHQLGR%LHQYHQXH :HDUHSOHDVHGWKDW\RXKDYHFKRVHQWREHFRPHDSDUWRIRXUIDLWKFRPPXQLW\3OHDVHSURYLGHWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQWKDWZHPLJKWEHWWHUVHUYH\RXUQHHGV 2QFHFRPSOHWHG\RXPD\SODFHWKLVIRUPLQWKHFROOHFWLRQEDVNHWPDLOLWWRXVRUGURSLWRIIDWWKH3DULVK2IILFH 'DWHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB )LUVW1DPH1RPEUH3UHQRPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB6SRXVH¶V1DPH(VSRVRDBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB /DVW1DPH$SHOOLGR1RPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &KLOGUHQ¶V1DPHV+LMRVDV(QIDQWVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $JH(GDGBBBBBBB BBBBBBB BBBBBBB 6WUHHW$GGUHVV'LUHFFLyQ$GUHVVHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $SWBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &LW\&XLGDG9LOOHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6WDWH(VWDGR(WDWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 7HOHSKRQH7HOpIRQRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB =LS&RGH&RGLFRBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &HOOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (PDLO&RUUHR(OHFWURQLFRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2FFXSDWLRQ2FXSDFLyQBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB(PSOR\HU(PSOHDGR(PSOR\HXUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3UHYLRXV3DULVK,QYROYHPHQWV 3DUWLFLSDFLyQ$QWHULRUHQ3DUURTXLD (QJDJHPHQWVSDURLVVLDX[DQWHULHXUVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,ZRXOGOLNHWRVKDUHDSRUWLRQRIP\ILQDQFLDOWUHDVXUHDW+RO\1DPHE\ 4XLVLHUDFRPSDUWLUXQDSDUWHGHPLVILQDQ]DVD+RO\1DPH -¶DLPHUDLVGRQQHUXQHSDUWLHGHPHVELHQVILQDQFLHUVD+RO\1DPH BBBBBBBUHFHLYLQJZHHNO\FRQWULEXWLRQHQYHORSHV (QVREUHVVHPDQDOHV (QUHFHYDQWOHVHQYHORSSHVGHFRQWULEXWLRQHEGRPDGDLUH BBBBBBBSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKHSDULVK¶VPRQWKO\DXWRPDWHGJLYLQJSURJUDPZZZ3DULVK3D\FRP 3DUWLFLSDQGRHQHOSDJRPHQVXDO 3DUODSDUWLFLSDWLRQDXWRPDWLTXHPHQVXHOOH3DULVK3D\ Suggestions/Questions:_______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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