Bulletin October 19, 2014
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes lundi/Monday, October 20, 2014 Paroisse de la Visitation Parish The sick…Les malades... No mass! Pas de messe! mardi/Tuesday, October 21, 2014 8:30 am (E) Jeannette Gagnon (12th ann.) Roland Laporte Brian Wilkinson by Lionel and family by the K of C 3rd Degree by Elaine mercredi/Wednesday, October 22, 2014 8:30 am (F) Pauline Dupuis (1ere ann.) Laura Lanteigne Evelyn Duplessie (11e ann.) par Ernest et famille par la famille par la famille jeudi/Thursday, October 23, 2014 8:30 (E) Grace Donaldson by Lynn & Peter Hillier Hector Marentette & Rachel Larabee by sister Rose-Marie and family Intentions of Paul Tondreau by Betty & Bob Arsenault vendredi/Friday, October 24, 2014 8:30 am (F) Pete Donais Jean-Paul Papineau Solomon et Anne Marie LeCunff Please pray for… Prions pour… par Bernadette et famille par Paul et Lorraine Chauvin par testament samedi/Saturday, October 25, 2014 5:00 pm (E) For the intentions of the people of God Bill Bulley, Yvette Bulley, Rita Charest, Juliette Comartin, Rita Knapp, Jean-Guy Langlois, Estelle Lebert, Cathy Michaud, Charlene Parent, Brian Quick, Randy Reaume, Jeannette Rivest, Gerard Tremblay Sr., Timothy Trepanier. Our Collections October 12, 2014 Envelopes $5,491.00 + loose 157.50 $5,648.50 Thanksgiving Appeal…….…..$1,128.31 Diocesan Assessment……………$42.00 Building Fund 11:00 am (E) For the intentions of the people of God Sunday, November 9th from Noon to 2:30 pm at the Visitation Parish Hall. All the Soup you can Eat. Admission Fee at the door only is $10.00 per/adult (Tea or Coffee) included and $5.00 (for children 10 and under). Hot dog combos for $5.00. Desserts $1.00 each. There will also be a 50/50 Draw. All proceeds to support the Building Fund. Come out and join us for some fantastic homemade soup. For more information please contact the Parish Office at (519) 687-3118. Soup makers needed!!!! We still need more Soup-Makers. Please consider putting your favorite soup in the contest. We need at least 14 Soup- Makers in order to have this event. There are only 2 entries so far. Entry Forms are available in the foyer. Office/Bureau FAX (519) 687-3118 (519) 687-2076 Website: www.visitation.dol.ca Email: [email protected] Father Bob’s Email: [email protected] Katherine’s Email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/VisitationParish Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon…...1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Pastoral Team Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé Larry Lamphier, Permanent Deacon/Diacre permanent Katherine Marsh, Pastoral Minister/Youth Minister/ Agente de pastorale/pastoral-jeunesse Parish Staff Marie Tremblay, Financial Secretary Rachelle Moison, Secretary/Receptionist Debbie Rubin, Caretaker Randy Barrette, Maintenance Mariette Comartin, Housekeeper Kelly Authier, Choir Director Weekend Masses Blood Donor Clinic . . . Thursday, October 23rd from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in the parish hall. Clinique de prise de sang…aura lieu le jeudi 23 octobre de 17h à 20h dans la salle paroissiale. Thank you: 3rd Annual Soup Competition 5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220 Comber, Ontario N0P 1J0 Donations……...………….….…$585.00 Visitors Envelopes…………..…...$70.00 11:30 am Confessions dimanche/Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:00 am (F) Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu Michel et Yvette Gaudette - 40e anniversaire de mariage Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial The family of the late Alice Pinsonneault wish to extend special thanks to Father Bob for the beautiful funeral mass and homily. Thank you to the office staff, Deacon Larry, Katherine, the altar servers, Kelly Authier, choir members, Agnes Quick for saying the parish prayers, Brad Williamson, Joe Pinsonneault, Susie Dupuis, pall bearers and family members who did the eulogy, readings, letters and offertory. A sincere thank you to the funeral luncheon committee for the delicious meal, to those who brought desserts, sympathy cards, mass offerings and donations to the Parkinson Society and Parish Building Fund, also the members of the CWL for the prayers and honour guard at the funeral. Alice will be missed by many, but she will live in our hearts forever. Saturday 5 pm (E) dimanche 9h (F) Sunday 11 am (E) ***** Baptism Celebrated once a month during weekend masses. Registration in the parish is required. Preparation is mandatory. Reconciliation Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon or by appointment. Marriage At least one party must be a registered member of the parish. Minimum 6 months notification. Mandatory marriage preparation course. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29e dimanche du temps ordinaire Ministry to the Sick Communion to shut-ins every first Friday. Hospital visits upon request. Sacrament of the Sick upon request. October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus teaches us how to reconcile our earthly commitments with our obligations to God. Jesus challenges us to examine how we demonstrate our fidelity to Him while living in the world. Do worldly attachments or loyalties get in the way of our being faithful to Jesus and his teachings? Today’s readings show that there need not be a conflict between fulfilling our civil obligations and our obligations to God. 29e dimanche du temps ordinaire: À quelle effigie? La monnaie pour payer le tribut à Rome était frappée à l’effigie de l’empereur. S’appuyant sur cette évidence, le Seigneur rappelle qu’il faut remettre cette monnaie à César et rendre à Dieu ce qui lui revient. Par ce biais, Jésus nous invite à nous mettre au service de Dieu et de l’humanité. The readings…Les lectures... October 26 le 26 octobre Exodus 22:20-26 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Exode 22, 20-26 1 Thessaloniciens 1, 5c-10 Matthieu 22, 34-40 Last call! Réunions… World Mission Sunday Today, World Mission Sunday, with Catholics throughout the world, we are called to offer our prayers and generous financial support, through the Propagation of the Faith, for the worldwide mission of Jesus. Please offer prayer for work of the Church in the Missions today- Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands and Latin America and please be as generous as you can today, World Mission Sunday Journée Missionnaire Mondiale Aujourd’hui, Journée Missionnaire Mondiale, avec les catholiques dans le monde entier, nous sommes appelés à offrir nos prières et nos généreux soutiens financiers, par le biais de la Propagation de la foi, pour la mission dans le monde. Veuillez priez pour les travaux de l’Église des Missions aujourd’hui en Afrique, Asie, Îles du Pacifique et l’Amérique latine. Et s’il vous plaît être aussi généreux que possible en cette célébration de la Journée Mondiale des missions. Confirmation If your child attends an English public school and is in grade 7 or 8, or in high school and has not previously received this sacrament, please see Katherine or call the office for program and registration information. For more detailed information please visit http://holyspiritVP.blogspot.ca Employment opportunity: Caretaker position is available in our parish. Applications are being accepted until October 24th. Please call the parish office for more information at 519-687-3118. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Our Children’s liturgy of the word teachers need more helpers. If you love kids and love God, this could be the ministry for you. Please call Denise at 519-682-9196. Thank you...to those who contributed to our Thanksgiving Appeal. As you know, this money remains in our own parish to help pay for the ministries here at Visitation Parish. If you happened to be away last weekend, there are extra Thanksgiving Appeal envelopes under the faith bulletin board. It is your chance to give thanks to God for the many blessings in your life. Merci...à tous ceux et celles qui ont répondu à l’appel de la quête d’action de grâce. Comme vous y êtes conscients, toute argent collectionné par cette quête demeure dans notre paroisse pour les ministères. Pour les familles et individus qui étaient absents dimanche passé, il y a des enveloppes disponibles sur la tablette dans le couloir. Prenez le temps de Lui remercier de tous vos bienfaits. Thank you! Meetings… Confirmation Check-in question After watching and responding to all of session 1 in Decision Point, answer in your own words and according to your own understanding the following: What is the difference between God's dream for your life and "the world's" idea for your life? Name something specific you intend to do today to move towards becoming "the best version of yourself". Please include your full name, grade, and school on your response. Please submit to Miss Katherine at the parish office or email to [email protected] no later than October 20th. COR 45: Applications are now available for the upcoming COR weekend to be offered at l’Essor High School, Friday November 21st to Sunday November 23rd. Applicants must be 16 to 19 years of age. The cost is $50.00 per person. As a limited number of candidates will be accepted, apply now to guarantee your place. Applications are available from the parish office Monday to Thursday, in the sacristy on weekends and now also available on our website, [email protected] under the “Youth” tab. Mon. Oct. 20 @ 7:00 pm CWL General Mtg-Hall A Tue. Oct. 21 @ 7:30 pm K of C General Mtg-Hall A Wed. Oct. 22 @ 7:00 pm Chorale Brother Knights: Please be advised that the notice of motion made at our last general meeting will be discussed and voted on at our next general meeting which is to be held on October 21st. The meeting begins at 7:30 pm. GK Maurice CWL News October meeting: Monday, October 20th at 7:00 pm. Following the meeting portion we will be having nominations for 2015/2016 term as well as a guest speaker from The Windsor Youth Centre (WYC). Please join us for a great evening ! Elections: Your participation in selecting the new executive council for 2015/2016 is needed. Nomination forms are available on the desk in the foyer. Completed forms are to be deposited in the provided box. The deadline is Monday, October 27th, 2014. Those who are nominated will be contacted by telephone by the Nominations and Elections Committee Members. Elections will be held at the November 17th general membership meeting. For information please call Yvette at 519-798-5951 Regional Fall Day: Workshop taking place on Saturday, November 8th at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Windsor, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Topic: Spirituality Through Music. Cost of $8.00 lunch will be paid by Council. Sale of Special Pewter Christmas Ornaments - $20 each. Carpooling available. Contact Laurie Lassaline at 519-728-2807 by Sunday, October 26th to reserve your spot. “Mother Goose Baby Shower” for Mom & Baby needs of OLOG Home on Saturday, October 25th from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at Visitation Parish Hall. How can you help: 1)Pick up your free “RESERVE” ticket & “gift tag” 2)Purchase raffle tickets - $2 ea/3 for $5 3)Donate loose change to the Baby Formula fund Stop by our table in the foyer at weekend masses. Sponsored by Squirettes of Mary & Visitation CWL. The CWL Bazaar Committee is very pleased with the success of this year’s Autumn Fest Bazaar. This would not have been possible without all of your support. CWL Members who came out to help with the preparation days. Things went so well, from the mixing of dough, the baking of pies, tarts, etc. Your donations of penny sale items, baked goods and monetary donations were quite generous. Many of you gave your precious time selling raffle tickets at the grocery stores and helping out in a variety of ways on Bazaar day. Many of you shared your time and talents toward this successful fundraising event. Squirette’s who worked clearing the lunch tables, handled dishwashing duties and helped in the Children’s Room and the Used book table as well as the students who helped out. Local merchants who donated articles or gift certificates for the Penny Sale, those that allowed us to put up flyers, and to the Belle River Lions service club who advertised our event on their outdoor signage. Thanks to the Tilbury Times for coming to photograph and report the event. Craft vendors who sold their crafts and handmade goods, and to those who donated an article for the hourly draws. Parishioners and the public who attended this event and to those who donated children’s books/games/videos. All donations made at this table were clear profit and will be donated to children’s charities. Thanks to the men & women who loaded the remaining books after the 11:00 am mass. Husbands and family members of our ladies for their help with the setup of tables, the clean-up, delivery and pickup of the baker’s rack, putting up outdoor signs...it couldn’t happen without your assistance! Bazaar Committee members who dedicated many hours year round. As always, you ladies have done an outstanding job this year in fulfilling your responsibilities. Without your commitment this annual fundraising event could not happen. The days leading up to and including the bazaar day went without a hitch due to the superb organization of the committee! Many comments were made on the ambiance of our fall bazaar! Thank you from, Laurie Lassaline, Visitation CWL President/Autumn Fest Bazaar Committee Prayer Intentions The Visitation Intercessors would like to pray for your intentions. Please fill out your intention below and place it in the collection basket during the offertory. Our prayer team commits to pray daily for the intentions of our Parish. Intentions de prière Nous voulons prier pour vos intentions. S'il vous plaît remplir votre intention ci-dessous et le placer dans le panier d'offertoire. Notre équipe de prière s'engage à prier tous les jours pour les intentions de notre paroisse. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
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