Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes lundi/Monday January 2, 2012 No mass! - Pas de messe! mardi/Tuesday January 3, 2012 8:30 am (E) Michael & Beth Marchand Germaine Robert Intentions of Stan Balakowski by Doreen Marchand by Paula MacDonald by Taggart Assembly 0888 mercredi/Wednesday January 4, 2012 8:30 am (F) Linda Mailloux par Guy Mailloux et famille Irene Dupuis (1e ann.) par Mike et Bern Mullins Shirley Lebert (8e ann.) par Lorne et Cécile Lebert et famille jeudi/Thursday January 5, 2012 8:30 am (E) Margaret Bechard by her sister Irene Renaud Madeleine Mailloux by Corinne VanDenDriessche Denis Lachance by Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bellemore vendredi/Friday January 6, 2012 8:30 am (F) Anne Marie LeCunff Cécile J. Baillargeon Bernadette Schiller 9am - 2pm Please pray for...Prions pour… The deceased…Les défunts et défuntes Robert Poisson, uncle of Mariette Comartin Veronica Szedlak, mother of John Jr. The sick...Les malades Rick Campbell, Pauline Dupuis, Dave Duquette, Bill Kindl, Clarence & Rita Knapp, Donald Kreitzer, Marie Anne Labonté, Felix Laporte, Estelle Lebert, Norm Long, Denise Rivest, Tim Trepanier, John Yoworski Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial 5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220 Comber, Ontario N0P 1J0 Office/Bureau FAX Next Blood Donor Clinic (519) 687-3118 (519) 687-2076 Email: [email protected] Website: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 par René et Yvette Janisse par le testament par Maurice et Pauline Schiller Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament samedi/Saturday January 7, 2012 11:30 - noon Confessions 5:00 pm (E) For the intentions of the people of God dimanche/Sunday January 8, 2012 9:00 am (F) Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu 11:00 am (E) For the intentions of the people of God Fire: If you are interested in helping Robert E. Mailloux, who recently lost his home and belongings in a fire, please make donations to ‘Robert E. Mailloux’s Fire Account’, at the Woodslee Credit Union in Belle River. Our Collections Weekend Masses December 25, 2011 Saturday 5pm (E) dimanche 9h (F) Sunday 11 am (E) Envelopes $14,607.05 + loose 1,038.00 Total $15,645.05 Diocesan Assessment $55.00 Annonciation Cemetery $40.00 Offertory Envelopes $1,311.00 Building Fund Donations $2,250.00 Visitors’ Envelopes $492.00 Thank you! - Merci! Pour ceux et celles qui veulent aider Robert E. Mailloux après le feu qui a tout prit, veuillez svp faire vos dons au compte de ‘Robert E. Mailloux’s Fire Account’ au Woodslee Credit Union à Belle Rivière. Cursillo: Paroisse de la Visitation Parish All Cursillistas are invited to the next Ultreya on Friday, January 13, 2012 at Sacred Heart Parish in LaSalle beginning at 7:30 pm. Come join us for a time of prayer and fellowship as we begin the new year. Jesus is the supreme example and teacher of stewardship. After Jesus, it is the Blessed Virgin Mary who, by her example, most perfectly shows us the meaning of discipleship and stewardship. All of the essential elements are found in her life: she was called and gifted by God; she responded joyfully and generously; she was patient and persistent in her maternal role from the manger to the cross. The question in all of this is what about us? Do we also wish to be disciples and stewards? Stewardship Office, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9am to 12 noon…...1 pm to 4pm Pastoral Team Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé Jamie Soullière, Pastoral Minister/Agent de pastoral Larry Lamphier, Permanent Deacon/Diacre permanent Parish Staff Marie Tremblay, Financial Secretary Thérèse Mackay, Secretary/Receptionist Debbie Rubin, Caretaker Randy Barrette, Maintenance Mariette Comartin, Housekeeper Kelly Authier, Choir Director ***** Baptism Celebrated once a month during weekend masses. Registration in the parish is required. Preparation is mandatory. Reconciliation Saturday 11:30 to 12 noon or by appointment. Marriage At least one party must be a registered member of the parish. Minimum 6 months notification. Mandatory marriage preparation course. Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu Ministry to the Sick Communion to shut-ins every first Friday. Hospital visits upon request. Sacrament of the Sick upon request. January 1, 2012 Mary, Mother of God: Although things may seem uncertain to us, God offers His blessings. He is willing to journey with us and offers us His graces just as He did with Mary, the Mother of God. Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu: Au début d’une nouvelle année, l’avenir peut sembler incertain. Dieu, pourtant, nous offre toujours sa bénédiction. Il s’engage à nous accompagner sur notre route et à nous donner toute sa faveur, comme il l’a fait d’une façon toute spécial et unique avec celle qu’il a choisie pour être la mère du Sauveur, Marie, la Mère de Dieu. Suivre les Rois mages: Au retour, à la suite du temps de Noël, les élèves de nos écoles catholiques vivront une activité sur le thème de l’Épiphanie. Celle-ci visera à nous rappeler que nous sommes toujours en route comme les Rois mages et que nous devons être aujourd’hui des témoins du grand cadeau de Dieu et de l’AVENTure que nous avons commencé ensemble. Réunions...Meetings this week… Mon. Jan. 2 @ 7:00 pm CWL Exec., library Wed. Jan. 4 @ 7:30 pm Choir practice Sat. Jan. 7 @ 11:00 am Following the Wise Men: When the students return from their Christmas holidays the story of the Epiphany will be read to them and the impact it had on their lives. This will remind them that we are pilgrims, always showing others what a great gift that we have in Jesus. So our ADVENTure never ends. Un mot du curé: J’aimerais vous remercié tous et toutes pour les cartes et souhaits de Noël ainsi que pour les beaux cadeaux. J’espère que la nouvelle année nous apportera bonne santé, des bénédictions et que l’amour inlassable de Dieu nous soutiendra. Thank you! We would like to thank you, one and all, for the many good wishes, cards and gifts. Your generosity is beautiful. May the new year be filled with abundant joy. année sera célébrée en français pour les élèves des écoles St-Ambroise et St-Paul. Il y aura une réunion très importante pour les élèves et parents, le mercredi 11 janvier à 18h30 dans la salle paroissiale. Veuillez svp vous assurer d’y être afin de vous enregistrer et recevoir toutes les informations nécessaires! Nous vous remercions des souhaits et cartes de Noël et les beaux cadeaux. Votre générosité nous fait chaud au cœur. Que la nouvelle année vous comble de joie et bénédictions. Votre équipe pastorale et le personnel School at St. Joseph’s School, Tilbury, on Thursday, January 19th, 2012 from 7 to 9 pm. Please register at 519-352-0440 or 519-252-1171, ext. 3774. Liturgies: L’école St-Paul célèbrera une liturgie de la parole le jeudi 12 janvier à 9h15. L’école St-Ambroise aura leur liturgie le 12 janvier à 13h. Marriage Preparation Course: All parishioners who want to be married here this year must take a mandatory marriage preparation course. We will be offering our course Friday, March 2nd and Saturday, March 3rd. Please call the parish office at 519-687-3118 for more information or to register. Next Parish Breakfast...takes place Sunday, January 15th after the Sunday masses. All are welcome to join us. Cost is $5. Mass at Chez Nous Lodge...will be celebrated on Friday, January 13th at 9:30. All are welcome to attend. La messe… au Chez Nous Lodge sera célébrée le vendredi 13 janvier à 9h30. Tous sont les bienvenues. Bereavement and Personal Counselling: There are times in everyone’s life when loss or personal struggles seem insurmountable. Sister Pat Hogan CSJ has had wide experience both in personal and grief counselling. If you feel you would like a companion with whom to journey you can contact Sister Pat at 519-945-6450. Remember Our Children: Déjeuner: Le prochain déjeuner offert par le comité de prélèvement de fonds aura lieu le dimanche 15 janvier. Soyez des nôtres! Coût: 5$ Reminder: Our next Baptism Preparation Class will be held Thursday, January 12th at 7pm. Please call to register if you have not already done so. Liturgies: Our parish schools will celebrate liturgies next week, upon their return to classes. Our Lady of the Annunciation will celebrate at 9:15 am on Wednesday, January 11th. St. Paul School will have their liturgy on Thursday, January 12th at 9:15 am and St. Ambroise School will celebrate at 1pm on Thursday, January 12th. Pour étudiant(e)s de 5e à 8e année le vendredi 13 janvier, 2012 Prix d’entrée 5$ Foster Care & Adoption Information Night: This year our Confirmation will be in French. Students in grades 7 & 8 at École StAmbroise & École St-Paul, as well as, their parents must attend the mandatory registration & information meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 11th at 6:30 pm in the parish hall. Please mark your calendar NOW! Your Pastoral Team and Parish staff Merci! Executives of groups for Lenten Card Parties, library Confirmation Meeting: La confirmation…cette Friday, January 13th, 2012 Students—Grades 5 to 8 $5.00 Danse From the Pastor: I wish to thank you for the many cards, gifts and good wishes. May the new year bring us all blessings and good health and reassure us of God’s neverending love. ’Tween Dance Un rappel...que la prochaine réunion préparatoire pour le baptême aura lieu le jeudi 12 janvier. Veuillez vous inscrire si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait. Retrouvaille: 4 Stages of Marriage: The four stages of marriage are (1) Romance, (2) Disillusionment, (3) Misery, and (4) Awakening. Many marriages experience the first three stages. Marriages that end in divorce never make it to the 4th stage of Awakening. If your marriage suffers from Disillusionment or Misery, please contact Retrouvaille. For confidential information about, or to register for the upcoming program beginning with a weekend on February 10, 11, 12, 2012, call 1-800-705-6356. Marriage Tip: It’s too easy to settle into marriage and presume you will live long together. But life can be fleeting. Every day treat your spouse like this is the only day you have together. A support group, peer led by others who have felt your pain. We reach out to one another with kindness, understanding and hope. Our children of all ages, have died from many different causes, but our love for our children unites us. Monthly drop -in group for Parents, Grandparents and siblings (ages 16 & older). 4th Wednesday of each month 6:30 - 8:30 pm, 1400 Windsor Ave. (Large East Meeting Room). Supported by the Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch. Robbie Burns Night: Comber - St. Andrew’s United Church, 6425 Main St., Comber, presents a Robbie Burns Night, Saturday January 21st, 2012 at 6:30 pm. Cost: $15.00 per person. Tickets available at the church office (519-687-3174). Advance tickets only. Menu: Cock-a-leekie Soup, Scotch Meat Pies and Haggis, Mashed Tatties, Mashed Neeps, Peas. Dessert: Scottish Shortbread Entertainment: Burns Poetry, Scottish Dancing, Traditional Scottish Songs. Parenting Tip: Families spending time with families creates bonds of friendship and cements communities. Tell your children they also belong to a family of faith. Spend time with extended family, family friends and your parish family; you’ll benefit from all of them!
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