Bulletin municipal - Avril 2012 - Baie
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Bulletin municipal - Baie
of The Bracelet Bash cause. The Bracelet Bash is a group of young Baie‑D’Urfé residents who are seeking to raise awareness and collect funds for Free the Children by selling the jewelry they make. ...
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All Baie-D’Urfé youths are invited to participate in the 2013 Pothole Challenge. Mayor Tutino, counting on our excellent Public Works staff, will personally pay 10$ to the first youth to signal a p...
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Les opinions exprimées dans cette chronique sont celles de l’auteur et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de l’ensemble du conseil municipal.
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2012 proved to be another good year for our town. As you will read in the Mayor’s report on the financial situation of the Town for the year 2012, a surplus of $1.72 million is projected for the 20...
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schools on their first day back was such a huge success that it is being repeated this year. I was proud that of the 5 cities served by Station 1, Baie-D’Urfé had the largest
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