Saturday / samedi November 26 novembre
Saturday / samedi November 26 novembre
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME QUATORZIEME DIMANCHE DU TEMPS ORDINAIRE SATURDAY, July 6th (Glen Walter) Wedding : Justin Viau & Stephanie Theoret 16h00 (Lancaster) Pro Populo 17h30 (Glen Walter) Anita Brisson by Fern & Lillian Carriere SUNDAY, July 7th 09h00 (Glen Walter) 11h00 (Lancaster) MONDAY, July 8 09h30 (Lancaster) th Andre Bourdeau by Phillip & Moreen Tourangeau Cornelius, Henry, Michael & Roxanne Sommers by Regina Sommers Chateau Garden Nursing Home for the intentions of Sr. Jeannine Bissonette WEDNESDAY, July 10th 9h00 (Lancaster) Lucille Theoret by La famille Theoret THURSDAY, July 11th 9h00 (Glen Walter) Madeleine Lalonde-Landry by Roger & Georgina Thibodeau FRIDAY, July 12th 9h00 (Lancaster) 9h30 (Lancaster) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Barbara Cuggy by David Cuggy SATURDAY, July 13th 16h00 (Lancaster) Pro Populo 17h30 (Glen Walter) John (Jack) Taylor par Antonin & Micheline Dostie SUNDAY, July 14th 09h00 (Glen Walter) 11h00 (Lancaster) Ovila (Sam) Samson by Fr. Jacques Labelle Mario Gareau by Pat Family OUTDOOR HELP NEEDED AT JOURNEY TO THE FATHER (JTTF) In order to prepare the grounds at St. Raphael’s for the JTTF weekend conference, we will need some volunteers to help with grass cutting, hedge trimming, tree trimming, etc… If you are available on July14th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, please call Rick Jarvis at 613-347-1754 or email at: rickjarvis We thank you for your help. SOURCE DE VIE collectionne des sacs à dos nouveaux ou légèrement utilisés pour les écoliers orphelins en Tanzanie, Afrique. Nous avons assuré l’expédition gratuite et nous savons que ces enfants seront extrêmement reconnaissants. Veuillez contacter Marie au 613-938-9376 ou Carol au 613-932-0550 pour assurer la livraison ou la collecte. Toutes les donations seront très appréciées. Merci et que Dieu vous bénisse. WATER FOR LIFE is collecting new or slightly used school back packs for orphaned children in Tanzania, Africa. We have arranged for free shipping in the fall and we know that these children will be extremely grateful. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Please call Marie at 613-938-9376 or Carol at 613-932-0550 to arrange for delivery or pick-up. For those who are interested in purchasing a niche in the Precious Blood Columbarium, please see Father Jacques for more details and the cost. Please note that there is no HST added to the purchase of the niche. The columbarium is open all the time for people to visit. The door will be closed with a peg, but you can have access at any time . CATHOLIC BOOKSTORE SUMMER SALE / VENTE D’ÉTÉ À LA LIBRAIRIE CATHOLIQUE 146 Chevrier Ave, Cornwall 613-933-5099 We invite you to take advantage of our 20th Nous vous invitons à profiter de notre vente à Anniversary Sale beginning July 1st with l’occasion du 29e anniversaire de notre Centre discounts of up to 50% off on selected A partir du 1er juillet, des rabais allant jusqu’à BOOKS. During the month of August, there 50% sur certains livres. Au mois d’août, 15% will be 15% off ALL religious articles, de rabais sur tous les articles religieux, y including giftware, rosaries, crucifixes, compris divers cadeaux, chapelets, crucifix, statues, etc… Come and visit us. statues, etc… 59th PILGRIMAGE to Our Lady of Knock Shrine, St. Malachy’s Church, 3889 Rte 315, Mayo, QU, on Sunday, August 11, 2013: 11:00 Celebration of Holy Eucharist 12:30 Dinner at the Food Booths 1:45 Rosary procession to the Cemetery 2:30 Marian Hymns 2:45 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Blessing of Religious Articles Healing Service For more information: 819-986-37693 or fax: 819-961-3159 or email [email protected] or Calling All Kids If you are between the ages of 4 and 12 you are invited to the Faith Festival, a Catholic Vacation Bible School. There will be interesting crafts, games, songs and faith lessons. This year we have four week long VBSs, which run Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The cost is just $25 a child or $60 for a whole family. For more information and to register contact Johanna at 613-933-1138, ext. 31. Catholic Sports Camps Do you need something fun to get you out of the house and moving this summer!? How about a Catholic Sports Camp. This year’s camps will include sports like soccer, basketball, volleyball, as well as some non-traditional sports such as water balloon fights, bowling and zumba. In addition to the sport basics, kids will work on values such as patience, cooperation, teamwork and more. Not a big athlete? Don’t worry, these th th are fun non-competitive camps. The 2-day boys camp is August 19 and 20 . The 2-day nd rd girls camp is August 22 and 23 . They run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. both days, both camps. The cost is $30 per child, which includes lunch, a snack, t-shirt and more. Appel à tous les enfants Si vous êtes âgés de 4 à 12 ans, vous êtes invités au festival de la foi, une école biblique catholique des vacances. Il y aura du bricolage intéressant, des jeux, de la chanson et des leçons de foi. Cette année, nous aurons quatre semaines de l’école biblique catholique, qui vont du lundi au vendredi, de 9 a.m. à midi. Pour un enfant, c’est $25.00 et $60.00 pour toute une famille. Pour plus d’information et pour l’inscription, communiquez avec Johanna au 613-933-1138, poste 31. Camps sportifs catholiques Avez-vous besoin de quelque chose d’agréable pour vous faire sortir de la maison et vous mettre en mouvement cet été? Pourquoi pas un camp sportif catholique? Cette année, le camp comprendra des sports tels que le soccer, le basketball, le volleyball ainsi que des jeux hors de l’ordinaire comme un combat avec des ballons d’eau, le bowling et le zumba. En plus des sports de base, les enfants auront à examiner certaines valeurs comme la patience, la coopération, le travail en équipe et encore plus. Vous n’êtes pas tellement un gros athlète? Pas de problème. Ce sont des camps de plaisir et non à but compétitif. Le camp de deux jours pour garçons a lieu le 19 et le 20 août. Le camp de deux jours pour filles a lieu le 22 et le 23 août. Pour les deux jours, c’est de 9 a.m. à 16h pour les deux camps. Le coût est de $30.00 pour chaque enfant, ce qui comprend un lunch, un casse-croûte, un T-shirt et plus. th, Salem United Church, Summerstown-Summer Concert Series - Sunday, July 7 2013 at 7 p.m. - "Nearwater" - A Potpourri of Musical Genres - Freewill offering, Sing-along, and Refreshments. Pendant les mois de vacances, un bon nombre d’entre-vous assisteront à la messe du dimanche dans d’autres paroisses. Vous pouvez vous servir de vos enveloppes dans aucune autre église du diocèse (d’Alexandria/Cornwall) et elles vont nous revenir. Nous espérons que vous n’oublierez pas votre paroisse durant vos vacances, les dépenses continuent. La paroisse compte sur l’appui et la générosité de “tout son monde”. Merci d’avance pour votre co-opération! During the vacation months, a sacred time for holidays, a good number of our parishioners will probably be participating in Holy Mass in other parishes. We invite you to use your envelopes in any other church of the diocese (Alexandria/Cornwall) and they will come back to us. We hope that you will not forget your parish during your vacation time. Summer or not, expenses continue and we must be able to depend on “its entire people” for support. Thank you in advance for you cooperation. NOTICE The parishioners of Saint Joseph and Precious Blood Parishes who have children in grade 2 who are attending the public school system. If your child is ready to receive the Sacraments of Confession, Confirmation, and Communion, you are asked to register them at the parish office before September 30th, 2013. Please remember there is a COMMITMENT that is taken on behalf of the child and the parents. You must be registered and an active member of the parish! AVIS IMPORTANT Les paroissiens des Paroisses Saint-Joseph et Précieux-Sang, dont les enfants de 2ième année fréquentent l’école publique ou qui ont un enfant qui est prêt à recevoir les sacrements du Pardon, de Confirmation et de l’Eucharistie doivent contacter la paroisse et inscrire leur enfant avant le 30 septembre 2013. C’est une DÉMARCHE prise par les parents et l’enfant. Il faut être enregistré et membre active de la paroisse. Do you know someone who wants to become a Catholic…? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a journey of faith into the Roman Catholic Church. Anyone interested in joining the Church please call Sr. Jeannine at 347-1589 or Fr. Jacques at 931-1424. The Protestant Deviation This is one of the main distinctions between the different branches of Christianity. + Catholic Christians and Eastern Orthodox Christians have maintained the ancient faith in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. + But during the Protestant Reformation, which took place in northern Europe in the fifteen and sixteen hundreds, the different Protestant groups stopped believing in the real presence. + Martin Luther, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer, John Knox - these and other reformers started their own churches, breaking away from the Catholic Church. + It was during this period that the many different Protestant denominations began to appear: Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists... + The Puritans who arrived on the shores of Massachusetts in the 1600s, the ones Americans call "the pilgrims," were a spinoff of these reformed churches. All of these new Christian groups continued to celebrate some kind of communion service in their Sunday worship, at least once or twice a year. But none of them believed firmly and clearly that Jesus was truly present in the Eucharist. They all taught that Jesus was only speaking symbolically when he said, as we heard in today's Gospel, "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life." + But if Jesus had been speaking of a mere symbol, and not a real sacrament, would he have referred to eating and drinking his flesh and blood seven times? + Would he have made such an effort to explain that his flesh is "real food" and his blood "real drink" (verse 55)? + Would he have used two different verbs to make sure he was understood: "phago" (verses 50 and 51), which means to consume a meal, and then, after his listeners expressed shock and doubt, "trago" (verses 53-58), which means to gnaw, crunch, or chew, as when we eat raw vegetables, or when cattle graze on grass? No, Jesus meant exactly what he said: he is truly present in the Eucharist, because he loves us too much to abandon us.