EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 5, 2012 To Live Is To Change 2560 Tilson Road Decatur, GA 30032 Main: 404-241-5862 Fax: 404-241-5839 Price Hall : 404-241-1795 Website: www.stspandp.com Dates to Remember Sept. 9-First Day of Sunday School Sept. 28-30-Women’s Retreat Sept. 30-RCIA Classes Begin Oct. 6-Baptism Class Oct. 6-Lector’s Workshop Oct. 6-Steak & Chicken Dinner Oct. 7-Life Chain Oct. 13-Welcome Ministers’ Workshop Oct. 27-Choir Concert Nov. 10-Liturgy Education Day Nov. 10-KPCLA Prayer Breakfast Nov. 17/18-Craft Bazaar Nov. 17-Women’s Council General Mtg. Blessed John Henry Newman once wrote, “To live is to change, and to change often is to become perfect.” Change is nothing new to Ss. Peter & Paul. Sometimes it can be difficult, as it was when the IHM Sisters left. Other times, it can be joyful, such as the new addition to the Church is proving to be. Yet, we are more than buildings, living stones as one of our patrons reminds us. So with that in mind, we must say farewell to Oliver Mahone. Oliver has served this parish tirelessly for almost 15 years. His hard work and dedication have been vital to this community, and if I may be so bold to speak on behalf of not just myself but my predecessors, we are truly grateful. Please join me in wishing him nothing but good health and success in his future endeavors. Mr. Ron Whalen has joined us as our new Business Manager. Ron has a wealth of experience from previous parishes, which will only help us in this time of transition. And speaking of transitions, it is with a very heavy heart that we must also say good-bye to Carl Gales. Carl has accepted a prestigious position out of state and so we’ll only have him for a few more weeks. It goes without saying that Carl’s impact on the parish has been nothing less than extraordinary. His skill, talent and ministry have enriched everyone who has walked through our doors. It can be said with great conviction that our music ministry is one of the best in the Archdiocese, and maybe even in the whole city! That doesn’t just happen. It’s been Carl’s hard work and profound dedication to this parish and his love of the Lord that shines through Sunday after Sunday. On a personal note, his kindness to me during my first year here has been a great gift, and I think I speak for everyone when I say it’s going to be hard to imagine Ss. Peter & Paul without him. Yet, that is what we must do. The two of us are working closely to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. During these moments of change, I’m reminded of the disciples in the Gospels who’s lives were transformed so abruptly and unexpectedly with just two words: Follow Me. So if we hit a few bumps in the next few weeks, please know I’m sorry. However, I’m also abundantly confident that the Holy Spirit has gotten us this far and will only take us farther. Please pray for Oliver, Ron and Carl during this time of transition; and let us continue to give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever! fb 2012 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Parish Goal: $52,200 Amount Pledged: $39,481 Amount Paid: $23,980 (As of 7/27/2012) Parish Office (404) 241-5862 Fax (404) 241-5839 Sacramental Emergencies only (678) 561-3676 Clergy Rev. Bryan D. Small, Pastor, ext. 102 [email protected] Rev. Mr. Alfred Mitchell, Deacon [email protected] Rev. Mr. Jerry M. Lett, Deacon [email protected] Rev. Mr. Augustin Pierre-Louis, Deacon [email protected] Parish Staff Gloria George-Patrick, ext. 103 Religious Ed. Director [email protected] Oliver Mahone, ext. 101 Business Manager [email protected] Marie Fujioka, ext. 100 Administrative Assistant [email protected] Carl Gales, ext. 108 Director of Music & Liturgy [email protected] William Hutson Maintenance Haitian Community, ext. 305 August 5, 2012 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday, 6th 8:30AM Communion Service Wednesday, 8th 6:30PM Tashia Mitchell, r’cvy. Friday, 10th 8:30AM Donell Baxter, Jr., r’cvy. Saturday, 11th 8:30AM Dolores Beltran Carrier, d’csd. 4:30PM Confessions 5:00PM Porscha Bryant Sunday 12th 8:30AM Christine Chapman, b’day. 11:30AM For the people of Sts. Peter and Paul 1:30PM Robert Roc, b’day. This Coming Week Monday, 6th Novena 7:00PM-Chapel Women of Faith 7:00PM-Classroom Tuesday, 7th Evangelization Committee 7:30PM-Parish Office (C) SVDP Circle 7:00PM-Parish Office (M) Wednesday, 8th Bible Study 10:30AM-Parish Office (C) Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM-Church Youth Group 7:00PM-Parish Office (C) Thursday, 9th Haitian Rehearsal 7:00PM-Church KPCLA Executive Board 7:30PM-Parish Office (C) Friday, 10th St. James Wedding 4:00PM-Church Saturday, 11th Bible Study 9:00AM-Parish Office Outreach 9:45-11:00AM Peace & Justice 10:00AM-Parish Office (M) Storytelling Class 10:00AM-Classroom OLPH Raffle Tickets sold after evening Mass Sunday, 12th OLPH Raffle Tickets sold after Masses SVDP Circle Coffee & Donuts 10:00AM-Price Hall KPCLA 1:00PM-Classroom SVDP Circle Coffee & Donuts 1:00PM-Price Hall KPC 1:30PM-Parish Office (C) Stewardship-A Disciple’s Response God bless you all for your generous offering! July 29th $8,306.54 Children’s Offertory $58.25 Building Fund $11,727.18 Pennies from Heaven $35.05 Stewards develop a deep trust in God...so deep that we can give our last dollar, or our last fifteen minutes of time, with full confidence that there will always be enough money and enough time to meet our own needs. Readings for the Week Monday, 6th The Transfiguration of the Lord Dn 7:9-10,13-14 Ps 97:1-2,5-6,9 2 Pt 1:16-19 Mk 9:2-10 Tuesday, 7th St. Sixtus II Jer 30:1-2,12-15,18-22 Ps 102:16-23,29 Mt 14:22-36 Wednesday, 8th St. Dominic Jer 31:1-7 (Ps) Jer 31:10-13 Mt 15:21-28 Thursday, 9th St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Jer 31:31-34 Ps 51:12-15,18-19 Mt 16:13-23 Friday, 10th St. Lawrence 2 Cor 9:6-10 Ps 112:1-2,5-9 Jn 12:24-26 Saturday, 11th St. Clare Hb 1:12-2:4 Ps 9:8-13 Mt 17:14-20 Sunday 12th Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 19:4-8 Ps 34:2-9 Eph 4:30-5:2 Jn 6:41-51 Come to the Movies On August 12th at 10:15AM in the first classroom on the right, we will be presenting Anthony Hopkins and Robert Foxworth in “Peter and Paul” Part 2. This film shows the struggle of the young church; and how Peter and Paul, though very different, worked together to strengthen and spread the faith. If you missed Part 1 last week, it will be run again at 11:30AM. For more information, contact Ann Marie Baggett at (404) 377-5627. 2012 Men’s Club Retreat The Sts. Peter and Paul Men’s Club will host its 20th Annual Men’s Retreat from Friday evening, November 30th through Sunday noon, December 2nd, at the Carmel Retreat Center, 415 Old Collins Rd., Hoschton 30548. The total cost is $150, which includes food and lodging. A deposit of $50 will reserve your place. The balance will be due at close of business on Tuesday, November 27th. Payments can be made to Marie Fujioka at the Parish Office. For more information, you can contact Rod Jones (404) 509-4898, [email protected] or Deacon Alfred Mitchell (404) 288-7804, [email protected]. PRAYER FOR THE SICK Please pray for the sick of our parish and those who have asked for our prayers, especially: Ulysses Bailey Jr., Porscha Bryant, Jerome & Lula Bullard, Ephraim Burrell, Stephanie Cooper, Ida Cruse, Phyllis Daniel, Patricia Davis, Webert Devilme, Jean Driskell, Christine Edwards, Barbara Boswell Fields, Mary Flournoy, Elaine Galbreath, Sharon Giles, Myeshia Moore Gordon, Yohannes Hamido, Laura Hassell, Grace Hodge, Brittany Ivory-Brown, Joseph Mario Jean-Louis, Rosemary Jean-Louis, Yvonne Kage, Dot Lewis, Rita Maag, Beverly Maxwell, Elsa McBean, Barbara McElrath, Dianna Menefield, Lenagray Milner, Christopher Nicholas, Dulcie Philip, Rita Powell, Grace Powers, William O’Neal, Lynette Reid, Charles & Emma Reynolds, Audrey Shirley, John Sylvester, Roland Woods, Donald & Robbie Wright, Sharon Wyatt Please help us to keep our prayer list updated-by adding or removing names. Thank you. Sacramental Schedule Baby Items Needed Altar Servers’ Schedule For 8/11-12/12 5:00PM Mass Nnamdi Baker 8:30AM Mass Trace Dorsey Michael Lockhart 11:30AM Mass Issis Haydel Brianna Smith Jordan Williams 1:30PM Mass Jonathan Chery Shelsie Jeudy Catholic Charities Atlanta is currently in need of the following infant items for our Pregnancy, Parenting & Post Adoption Program: infant and/or toddler car seats, Pack ‘N Play cribs (new or gently used), baby wipes, disposable diapers (newborn to size 6), grocery gift cards for baby food, and infant clothes. For more information about donating, please contact Sandy Thompson at (404) 978-2777 or at [email protected]. Kindred Spirits Kindred Spirits is a singles group based at the Cathedral of Christ the King but serving ALL SINGLES, 50 plus (although we are inclusive of those a bit younger), single, divorced, or widowed, in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Our mission is to foster a Christ-centered community through social activities, spiritual enrichment, and outreach service programs. Our next monthly gathering is Sunday, August 12th at 6:30PM (meet at 5:15PM for 5:30 Mass) in Conference Room 1. Come and enjoy a funfilled, active evening while enjoying an Italian Feast without the long flight to Italy! If you have a traditional Italian side dish you would like to share with Kindred Spirits friends, bring it along. Most importantly, bring yourself! Visit www/ kindredspiritsatlanta.org or call Colin Campbell (678) 468-7582 or Susan Brossoie (678)327-7112 for more information. Many Thanks The Men’s Club thanks our parishioners and well-wishers for their support of the activities of the Men’s Club, including the 5th Sunday Breakfast on July 29th. Taste of Most Blessed Sacrament The annual “Taste Dinner” of the Most Blessed Sacrament Church Men’s Club is being held Saturday, August 18th, 5:00-7:00PM. This special culinary celebration is prepared by some of the best male chefs of the parish, and offers a variety of main dishes, vegetable items, and desserts. The event will be held in the Parish Center of Most Blessed Sacrament Church, 2971 Butner Rd. SW, Atlanta 30331, (404) 3490176. Tickets can be purchased at the door for only $10 for adults, $5 for child’s plate, and you may dine in or take out. For more information or advance tickets, visit our website at www.mbschurch.com. The End Is Near! The Georgia Dept. of Revenue is approving education expense tax credits at a rapid pace. As of July 20th, the DOR had approved $39.3 million in tax credits. In 2011, the tax credit cap was met in November. This year, the cap is likely to be met in August. In 2011, 2,700 Georgia taxpayers were denied participation in the education expense tax credit program. Included in this number were more than 500 GRACE-affiliated taxpayers. Don’t let this happen to you in 2012! Apply today for your tax credit approval. For information and forms, contact GRACE Scholars (404) 920-7900 or www.gracescholars.org. Haitian Corner Le vrai Pain de vie Les lectures bibliques de ce dimanche nous parlent de la situation dramatique de ceux qui sont tenaillés par la faim. C'était le cas pour les hébreux lorsqu'ils ont été libérés de l'esclavage d’Égypte. Sous la conduite de Moïse, ils se sont mis en marche vers la Terre promise. Mais en attendant, ils se retrouvent dans le désert et la vie y est dure. Ils se sont trouvés affrontés au manque de nourriture et à la faim ; le ton s'est mis à monter ; ils ont récriminé contre Moïse et Aaron. Ils regrettent les marmites et le pain qu'ils avaient à satiété en Égypte. Venir mourir dans le désert, ça n'a pas de sens. Ces récriminations, Dieu les entend. Et le livre de l'Exode nous donne la réponse de Dieu. En nous rapportant ces événements, les croyants qui ont rédigé ce livre veulent nous transmettre un message de la plus haute importance. Ils ne cessent de nous dire que, même dans les situations les plus difficiles, Dieu ne nous abandonne pas. Il faut lui faire confiance contre vents et marées. Le véritable bonheur c'est de suivre sa loi et son enseignement. C'est le pain que le Seigneur nous donne à manger ; et il est chaque jour à notre disposition. L’Évangile de ce dimanche vient compléter cet enseignement ; il fait suite au récit de la multiplication des pains ; Jésus vient de nourrir une foule affamée. Pour tous ces pauvres gens c'est quelque chose d'extraordinaire. Ils pensent avoir trouvé en lui le roi qui répondra à tous leurs besoins. Mais Jésus ne l'entend pas ainsi. Ce n'est pas sa mission. Il a beaucoup mieux à proposer. C'est important pour nous aussi : en effet, nos prières se limitent souvent à des demandes matérielles terre-à-terre. Nous oublions alors ce qui est bien plus important. Et c'est cela que Jésus voudrait nous faire découvrir. En ce jour, nous venons vers toi Seigneur. Toi seul peux nous guider sur le chemin de la vraie conversion. Garde-nous fidèles à tes paroles car elles sont celles de la Vie Eternelle. Amen
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