Bulletin October 5, 2014
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes Please pray for… Prions pour… lundi/Monday, October 6, 2014 No mass! Pas de messe! The sick…Les malades... mardi/Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Bill Bulley, Yvette Bulley, Rita Charest, Bob Chauvin, Juliette Comartin, Rita Knapp, Jean-Guy Langlois, Estelle Lebert, Cathy Michaud, Charlene Parent, Brian Quick, Randy Reaume, Jeannette Rivest, Gerard Tremblay Sr., Ovelina Tremblay, Timothy Trepanier. No mass! Pas de messe! mercredi/Wednesday, October 8, 2014 No mass! Pas de messe! jeudi/Thursday, October 9, 2014 8:30 am (E) Hector Marentette & Rachel Larabee by sister Rose-Marie and family Brian Wilkinson Léonie Mailloux (5th ann.) by Elaine by the family vendredi/Friday, October 10, 2014 9:30 am (E) - Mass at Chez Nous Lodge with Anointing Deceased family members of Ray & Marcella Bellemore Alphonse Bonneau by Charles & Agnes Labonte Cecile Baillargeon by the Knights of Columbus 8783 samedi/Saturday, October 11, 2014 5:00 pm (E) For the intentions of the people of God dimanche/Sunday, October 12, 2014 9:00 am (F) Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu 11:00 am (E) For the intentions of the people of God 11:30 am Confessions Reminder: Massive Worship Youth Rally begins at 1:00 pm October 12th. Anointing of the Sick: Every four months, the Sacrament of the Sick is offered during the celebration of the Eucharist at Chez Nous Lodge. The rite of the anointing of the sick will be held on Friday, October 10th at the 9:30am mass in the Chez Nous Lodge chapel. Le sacrement des malades...sera célébré vendredi le 10 octobre à 9h30 dans la chapelle au Chez Nous Lodge. Our Collections September 28, 2014 Envelopes $4,467.00 + loose 109.00 $4,576.00 Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial 5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220 Comber, Ontario N0P 1J0 Office/Bureau FAX (519) 687-3118 (519) 687-2076 Website: www.visitation.dol.ca Email: [email protected] Father Bob’s Email: [email protected] Katherine’s Email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/VisitationParish Diocesan Assessment……….…...$80.00 Other donations…………….….$898.05 Weekend Masses Building Fund Saturday 5 pm (E) dimanche 9h (F) Sunday 11 am (E) Donations……...…………….…$722.00 Thank you! Merci! Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon…...1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Pastoral Team Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé Larry Lamphier, Permanent Deacon/Diacre permanent Katherine Marsh, Pastoral Minister/Youth Minister/ Agente de pastorale/pastoral-jeunesse Parish Staff Marie Tremblay, Financial Secretary Rachelle Moison, Secretary/Receptionist Debbie Rubin, Caretaker Randy Barrette, Maintenance Mariette Comartin, Housekeeper Kelly Authier, Choir Director ***** Baptism We have all been entrusted with gifts from God, gifts that are intended to be used in making His vineyard fruitful. As stewards of these gifts we are called to use them in building up the Kingdom. How are we sharing the gift of our lives to make this a better world? Does the manner in which we use and share our material wealth express our gratitude to God? At harvest time, God, the creator and giver of all good gifts, will ask each of us for an accounting of how we used them. Stewardship Office, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg Celebrated once a month during weekend masses. Registration in the parish is required. Preparation is mandatory. Reconciliation Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon or by appointment. Marriage At least one party must be a registered member of the parish. Minimum 6 months notification. Mandatory marriage preparation course. Ministry to the Sick Communion to shut-ins every first Friday. Hospital visits upon request. Sacrament of the Sick upon request. 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27e dimanche du temps ordinaire October 5, 2014 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time: To seek what is true, honorable, just and pure. We have been given life by our Creator, who nurtures and sustains us. Yet, each day, we Christians are asked to choose between God’s commands and society’s norms. Whom shall we follow? If we bear in mind that we have been called to bear fruit in God’s kingdom, we shall have no anxiety about facing God’s certain judgement. 27e dimanche du temps ordinaire: Amour déçu? Ce dimanche nous renvoie à nos choix fondamentaux. Nous sommes invités à nous laisser profondément aimer et soutenir par Dieu. Les propos de saint Paul seront source d’action de grâce en ce dimanche. Ne laissons pas le ton grave de la première lecture et de l’évangile masquer la joie de la Bonne Nouvelle. La résurrection de Jésus apporte une lumière d’espérance sur ces scènes à première vue dramatiques. The readings…Les lectures... October 12 Isaiah 25:6-10a Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20 Matthew 22:1-14 le 12 octobre Isaïe 25, 6-9 Philippiens 4, 12-14.19-20 Matthieu 22, 1-14 New Children’s Liturgy of the Word has begun. There’s no need to register for this program. Simply sign your children in on arrival at 11:00 am Sunday mass. COR 45: Applications are now available for the upcoming COR weekend to be offered at l’Essor High School, Friday November 21st to Sunday November 23rd. Applicants must be 16 to 19 years of age. The cost is $50.00 per person. As a limited number of candidates will be accepted, apply now to guarantee your place. Applications are available from the parish office Monday to Thursday, in the sacristy on weekends and now also available on our website, [email protected] under the “Youth” tab. Employment opportunity Visitation Parish is now accepting applications for a Caretaker. The caretaker performs a wide range of duties related to keeping the building and yard attractive, clean, safe and functional. This position requires the ability to pay close attention to detail, work in co-operation with others and perform medium to heavy work including washing windows, washing and waxing floors and removing snow from walkways. Candidates should be able to work independently, be well motivated, proactive, and have basic organizational skills to manage workload priorities. Hours of work: Full Time Permanent 22 hrs per week Salary, benefits and pension: In accordance with diocesan policy Closing date: Start date: October 24, 2014 December 2, 2014 Please forward your résumé with 2 work-related reference letters by Friday, October 24th, 2014 to: Visitation Parish Attention: Selection Committee 5407 Comber Sideroad, Box 220 Comber, ON N0P 1J0 Attention those involved in liturgy… including Eucharistic Ministers, readers, greeters, ushers, adult altar servers, cantors, choir & chorale and sacristans. You are all invited to a workshop that will take place at Good Shepherd Parish, St. Gregory site on October 25th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm with lunch provided at no cost. Dan Schutte will be directing this very informative and interesting workshop. It would be much appreciated if all ministerial members could kindly RSVP by calling the parish office at 519-687-3118 before October 17th. This would greatly assist the Ladies Auxiliary women, who have graciously volunteered to purchase and prepare our lunch, to serve and welcome us. Massive Worship Youth Rally The National Evangelization Team (N.E.T.) will be hosting the 4:12 Youth Commission launch and concert here at Visitation Parish on October 12th from 1:00-3:30 pm. Admission is free. The rally is tailored to grades 7-12. All are welcome and adults are needed to help run the event. Lunch is offered after mass for $5.00 – please purchase tickets in advance. For more information see www.fourtwelveYC.org Cursillo: Our monthly Ultreya for October will be held on Friday, October 10th at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Windsor beginning at 7:00 pm. Join us for some fellowship! Réunions… Meetings… Winners of Autumn Fest Bazaar Mon. Oct. 6 @ 7:00 pm CWL Exec. Mtg-library Tue. Oct. 7 @ 9:15 pm Bereavement Committee Meeting - library Wed. Oct. 8 @ 7:00 pm Chorale Thu. Oct. 9 @ 7:00 pm Squires - Hall A @ 7:00 pm Baptism Prep. - library 3rd Annual Soup Competition Sunday, November 9th from Noon to 2:30 p.m. at the Visitation Parish Hall. All the Soup you can Eat. Admission Fee at the door only is $ 10.00 per/adult (Tea or Coffee) included and $5.00(10 years and under). Hot dog combos for $5.00. Desserts $1.00 each. There will also be a 50/50 Draw. All proceeds to support the Building Fund. Come out and join us for some fantastic homemade soup. For more information about this event, please contact the Parish Office at (519) 687-3118. Thank you: From the DGK Gerald and myself, a huge thank you to all the parishioners and friends who came and supported the sold out Knights of Columbus Men’s and Ladies BBQ. Thanks to the Squires, Squirettes, Knights and their wives and everyone who helped us to make this event as successful as it was. GK Maurice Also...a notice of motion was made at our last general Knights of Columbus meeting. The notice of motion is to purchase 1 section of stage at a total price of $2,144.17 to be paid on arrival of the stage. A vote will take place at the next general meeting which is on Tuesday, October 21st. The meeting begins at 7:30 pm. You’re invited to a: “Mother Goose Baby Shower” Saturday, October 25th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Visitation Parish Hall. For the needs of Moms at Our Lady of Guadalupe Home. Pick up your “reserve” ticket and “gift tags” at weekend masses in October. Sponsored by the Squirettes of Mary and the CWL. Blanket Raffle License No. M724698 Saturday, September 27th, 2014 Main Bazaar Raffle 1ST Prize: Ginette Levesque - Ticket No. 789 - $500 Cash 2nd Prize: Jean Worobetz - Ticket No. 1884 - $200 Cash 3rd Prize: J.P. Drouillard - Ticket No. 1592 - $100 Cash Grocery Gift Cards 1) Karen Belisle - PC - $50.00 2) Rose Brissette - Foodland - $50.00 3) Susan Couture - PC - $50.00 Autumn Fest Raffle 1. Cathy Pinsonneault - Machine Quilt 2. Sarah Thibert - Basket of Jams 3. Morgan Earish - Makeup Case 4. Cheryl Gottero - Pamper Basket 5. Dorothy Tellier - Hand Knit Irish Lace 6. Barbara Mailloux - Autumn Floral Arrangement 7. Yvette Gaudette - Mini Kobo & Cover E-reader 8. Monique Marentette - Coffee Carousel, Napkins, Coffee 9. Pauline Zurczak - Die-cast John Deere 5420 1/16 10. Florence Rivest - George Foreman Grill Bake Sale Raffle 1) Sharon Comartin - Autumn Centerpiece 2) Pauline Zurczak - Basket of Apples 3) Theresa McLeod - Betty Crocker Storage Containers Children’s Coloring Contest Ages 3 - 6 category - Sophie Pineault Ages 7 - 9 category - Georgia Evon Experience an Evening with Dan Schutte in Concert Sponsored by Good Shepherd Parish on Friday, October 24th, 2014 at 7:00 pm. at Good Shepherd Parish - St. Gregory Site. Tickets are $15 each and are available by calling our parish office at 519-687-3118. About Dan Schutte...Dan has been composing music for worship for more than 30 years, including extensive collaboration with the St. Louis Jesuits. His more recent pieces exhibit an enduring ability to reach into people’s hearts and draw them into prayer. He is one of the best-known, most prolific and influential composers of music for the liturgy today. Prayer Intentions The Visitation Intercessors would like to pray for your intentions. Please fill out your intention below and place it in the collection basket during the offertory. Our prayer team commits to pray daily for the intentions of our Parish. Intentions de prière Nous voulons prier pour vos intentions. S'il vous plaît remplir votre intention ci-dessous et le placer dans le panier d'offertoire. Notre équipe de prière s'engage à prier tous les jours pour les intentions de notre paroisse. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
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