Le Piaf - Issue 6
Le Piaf - Issue 6
Page 1 Bulletin bimestriel de l’Alliance Française de Toledo Bimonthly newsletter of Toledo’s French Alliance Numéro/Issue 6 Août/August 2009 EDITORIAL Calendar of events August 12, 2009 ? Board Meeting at 7pm at the AFT suite Bonjour à toutes et à tous. September 12, 2009 ? Open House, AFT suite, 11am to 2pm Even though the summer is still in progress, we have been Soirée au restaurant @ september 16, 2009, 6:30pm (contact [email protected] for more information) already busy participating in events such as the Annual Annual Meeting 2009 Meeting 2009 at the Galerie th On June 17 , members of the Alliance Française de Toledo gathered in the evening at Saint Clair, the Bastille Day the Galerie Saint Clair downtown Toledo for the Annual Meeting 2009. Celebration near Dundee, and, The interior of this old warehouse was very charming with its old style brick walls, high for some of us, watching the ceiling, wood beams, steel rails and metal poles. Around 6pm, guests were welcomed entertaining Tour de France with typical French apéritifs: Ricard, Pernod (both a licorice based alcohol to mix with water), Kir (white wine mixed with Crème de Cassis), Noilly Prat (a dry vermouth), and Moreover Back to school is also Pineau des Charentes (a mix of grape juice with Cognac). A selection of cheese on its way ! We will have the accompanied the aperitifs. Open House early September Before dinner, a few old French songs were performed by Bruce Hammond, Cherie and start the regular activities Williams, and Colette, but unfortunately the audio system was not really giving credit to their performance. and classes right after. The first dish was a refreshing and flavorful cold soup, followed by a green salad and a Should you like to contribute surprising key lime sorbet that was acting like a “Trou Normand” (a little shot of Calvados your comments and articles, of Normandy that helps the digestion). It opened my palate for the main dish that was on BASTILLE DAY CELEBRATION 2008 please contact Rodolphe Jamet its way: a delicious plate filled with beef medallions, sautéed prawns, and a vegetable Toledo’s French Alliance celebrated Bastille Day with ‐ of course ‐ a gourmet "picnic". at [email protected]. Thank side. This combination of ingredients was a perfect match. For dessert we had a piece of Saturday, July 12, 44 members and friends of the Alliance gathered at Un Coup de Main, near Dundee, Michigan, where Georgeann Brown maintains a cooking school. a wonderful chocolate cake, but way too small ! Of course a selection of white and red you for your continued support Several folks arrived early to help Ms Brown put together a great menu, wines was offered to complete this perfect dinner. of AFT. complemented with wines from Maumee Wines. Fortified with good food, good drinks At the end of the meal our President, Marci Cannon Fisher, gave the report of all À bientôt. ! and fine conversation, the group belted the French National Anthem, La alliance for the last twelve months; a very activities and accomplishments of the out Marseillaise, with more enthusiasm than finesse. impressive curriculum that demonstrates the dynamism of the organization. The School There is a little video of the event, along with the menu, on the Alliance website at Director, Popi Grecos, added the school report and it showed again that the Alliance is a http://www.aftoledo.com/BastileDay08.htm. Events like this one nourish the social life great asset to the metro Toledo area. It is a wonderful place to learn the French language of our little Francophile community. (D.B) and culture with talented teachers in a friendly atmosphere. PRESENTATION I really enjoyed the evening.The meal was very nice but more importantly it was an The Alliance Française of opportunity for me to meet members that I didn’t know yet and share some quality time Toledo is an educational, with them in a mixed discussion of French and English! I was one of the last to leave this cultural non-profit place and it was past 10pm. So this just tells you how successful this evening was. I am organization. already looking forward to the next annual meeting. (Jean‐Marie Deschamps) Le réseau des Alliances La Chorale de l’AF de L’Assemblée Générale Its objectives are to Françaises de Chine connaît Providence, vient de Annuelle de la encourage and develop the un Tour de France 2009 développement très fêter ses 2 ans. Menés Fédération aura lieu à study and knowledge of the rapide. Depuis la première par Mme Duvillers, les Naples, Floride, du 22 Never mind economic misery or the shaky state of world affairs, the big excitement in France last French language and culture, ouverture à Canton en 1989, 25 choristes chantent au 26 octobre 2008. month was Le Tour de France. French has been wonderful dejob and to promote friendship il y television a maintenant 10 doing des a morceaux la covering the Les sujets de discussion Tour in recent years, but this year the coverage was superb. Helicopters brought us gorgeous Alliances dont Pékin et Renaissance ainsi que between the Francophone porteront surtout sur les Shanghai. Quatrebroadcast autres in High des Definition chansons during plus the three race’s spectacular scenery, views of changements the cycling apportés and American peoples. Alliances vont afin de in the populaires. Juillet, par leThe gouvernement de stage week event. penultimate began at ouvrir Montélimar Drome, En ending on top of the BOARD satisfaire la curiosité ils sont allés chanter à Nicolas Sarkozy. géant de Provence, Mont Ventoux in Vaucluse. 600,000 screaming spectators lined the road up Marci Cannon Fisher President croissante des Chinois pour Québec pour le 400ème Rodolphe Jamet Vice President the mountain under a scorching sun, while in nearby Avignon anniversaire the July festival played out to a la culture Française. de la ville. Thomas Reed Treasurer capacity crowd. Dave Barnes Secretary One might consider taking time out from other concerns to watch the 2010 Tour – on a Le Piaf mountain top in France or on US cable, while seeing the best of French countryside.(Dave Barnes) Page 2 ACTUALITÉS FRANCOPHONES * Le premier ministre français, François Fillon, a déclaré le 24 juillet que À La rentrée des classes (=back to school) 2008 a eu lieu en la diffusion (spreading) de la grippe A en France était « inévitable » mais France début septembre. À part (=except for) une courte grève (=strike) de certains enseignants à Paris, tous les écoliers, que le pays était « prêt »à l’affronter (to face). collégiens et lycéens ont repris les cours. * Lors de la visite en France du président camérounais Paul Biya, du 21 À Selon un sondage (=survey) de la SOFRES réalisé début au 25 juillet, le président Nicolas Sarkozy en a profité (to take advantage septembre 2008, 80% des Français interrogés préfèrent Barack Obama commeà futur président desde « poursuivre » États-Unis. La plupart des of) pour demander son homologue (to continue) et sondés (=surveyed persons)and ont d’ailleurs bonne opinion des « approfondir »(to reinforce improve) uneses « efforts » pour la Américains. démocratie et les droits de l’Homme. Il a également affirmé que la À Dans le cadre (=framework) de la lutte (=fight) contre les France pandémies, maintenait les (to ministres maintain) son aide européens de financière au désendettement la santé, présidés par la Française Roselyne Bachelot, et le secrétaire d’État américain à (debt clearing) et développement du Cameroun. la santé Michael Leavitt se sont réunis (=to get together) à * L’édition Tour de France a (=goal) été remporté (to (=to win) par le Angers2009 débutdu septembre 2008. Le but était d’élargir détenteur (holder) du Maillot jaune Alberto Contador de l’équipe Astana expand) la coopération internationale en partageant (=sharing) les connaissances surl’étape les virus.finale (final stage) à Paris. le dimanche 26 juillet (=knowledge) à l’arrivée de Lance Armstrong, coéquipier (team member) de Contador et septuple vainqueur du Tour, a obtenu la troisième place au classement général. MARC MAILLOUX, SPEAKER OF 2007 In October Bastille Day Celebration (July 12, 2009) 2007, the Alliance Française hosted reverend Marc Mailloux, and his wife Aline, for the presentation of his book “God With Carottes Provençales in hand, Harold and I set out for the still loves the French”. Alliance Française Bastille Day Celebration at the Dundee, MI About 25 people attended the presentation. home of Georgeann Brown and her husband, Mark. Our niece, With an enthusiastic and humorous tone, he described his life Jo Anna, joined us for the evening. experiences, related in the book, from his youth on the North East coast of the US to his actual teaching in the Antilles. The Marc French home perfect for this read country‐style some passages and gave was more the details about place them, like the anecdote about the Indian who gave him the bible when Marc celebration. The wine and appetizers such as shrimp, salmon went in India to find the Nirvana. Without being preachy, the spread, sun dried tomato pesto, and salmon rolls drew members speaker was thoughtful and teasing. The anecdote about the French and friends to the screened‐in porch. Meanwhile, several of the road employees who took two hours for lunch and decided not to food items were judged and the winners included a vegetable go back to work because the rain was starting to fall was the most hilarious and in the time very sourdough respectful toward the terrine, ratatouille, and same homemade bread made in employees who offered him to share the food without questions. the French style. Through the insightful observations of the French people, Marc gave the audience some flavor of France, a land where the religious Georgeann and Mark grilled boneless leg of lamb and salmon for practice is not very significant but where God feels at home. our The main dishes. specialties carried went in by other guests evening was French a success and everybody back home included carrots, quiche, goat cheese spread, and cassoulet. delighted. (R.J) THE PALATE Cherry clafoutis/Clafoutis aux cerises serves 6 to 8 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup light brown sugar, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp vanilla, 1/2 cup flour, 1/4 cup wheat flour, 2 cups or a handful of cherries. Mix together eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla, and flours. Pour enough batter into the prepared 2 quart baking dish to cover the bottom. Top with cherries, then pour the remaining batter on top of the fruit. Bake uncovered in center of oven 50 minutes-1 hour at 350°F, until surface is puffy and golden, and toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. Cool slightly before serving. (Cassandra Jamet) LA LANGUE Réponses (des questions dans Le Piaf #5) : Le signal de détresse Mayday provient de la phrase "Venez m'aider" (=come to my help).LA LANGUE Un bon jardinier a la main verte. Quelle est l’anagramme (mot obtenu par qu'une transposition des lettres Qu'est-ce croquignole : Tasty desserts followed, including palmiers, cheesecake, and d’un autre mot) de mare ? une chiquenaude sur la joue, un petit ANNUAL MEETING 2008 pound cake. biscuit frit et salé, ou une très jolie Éclisse (fém.): plaque at On June 11, 2008, 43 members of the Alliance Française of Toledo gatheredjeune fille ? servant à maintenir ensemble les Georgio’s Café International in downtown Toledo for its annual meeting. After dinner, attendees gathered on the porch to sing a rousing fragments d’un membre brisé ; Following a brief social period, Alliance members, Bruce Hammond and Cherie rendition of “La Marseillaise,” led by Marci Cannon Fisher, Une paronymie synonyme d’attelle.est un jeu de Williams, entertained the gathering by singing several French songs, in French of mots qui consiste à utiliser à la President of the Alliance Française de Toledo, and Cherie Jo : couché dans un un lit terme de l’hôpital ex course. militaire, le soldat Jean avait place d'un autre. Ex : un conflit dela Williams. in prepared French, byas well as in English, A delightfulConversations dinner, exquisitely Georgio’s followed. Marci Cannon jambe droite immobilisée par les canards. Fisher, President of the Alliance, introduced the officers for the upcoming year. continued throughout the evening, allowing us to become better éclisses. Tom Reed, Treasurer, the treasurer’s report, and Popi Grecos and reported on acquainted with area gave proponents of the French language De quel verbe vient le participe the school activities. Everyone found the evening to be most pleasant and Quelles lettres faut-il ajouter culture. Many rolled the boules de pétanque in the backyard : isseoir, issir, issoire ? enjoyable. We hope to see you at the next annual meeting June 2009. (T.R) passé issu à carpe pour obtenir un petit tapis ? before they bid each other “à bientôt”. (Eileen Hoffman). Réponses au prochain numéro Réponses au prochain numéro Feel free to contribute any kind of article to Le Piaf Feel free to contribute any kind of article to Le Piaf ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE Arts Council Lake Erie West Common Space 1700 N Reynolds Road Toledo, OH 43615 www.aftoledo.com current address Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Toledo Ohio Permit No. 770
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