Classifieds – Job opportunities - Canadian Dermatology Association
Classifieds – Job opportunities - Canadian Dermatology Association
January 2016 Classifieds – Job opportunities Dermatologist who provides services to the local population within Calgary. This is a full-time/part time opportunities available for a Clinical Dermatologist in a Calgary Community clinic where you will join other physicians in providing medical, surgical and cosmetic services. Patient population is varied. Amenities include photo therapy, plastic surgery expertise and cosmetic technologies. For those interested, there may be opportunities to develop relations with the Section of Dermatology in Calgary and the University of Calgary, along with short-term work in other clinics. A Dermatologist with an interest in Mohs and Fellowship training is desirable. Clinic Information: Sante Medical serves residents of Southern Alberta and has an experienced staff that will facilitate the administration of the clinic leaving physicians free to focus on the practice of healthcare. The Clinic is well equipped, newly renovated, clean and spacious. We attempt to accommodate most schedules and interests. We are a multi-disciplinary team. If interested in learning more about this opportunity, please confidentially contact Louise Lambert @ 250-212-3674 or email [email protected] Beautiful Victoria, BC | Associate Dermatologist wanted Dr. Mark Lupin is expanding his high-end medical/cosmetic dermatology facility and is seeking a long-term dermatology associate. For more information, please contact Karen at (250) 598-3300 or [email protected]. SYNERGY BeauCare Clinic Our clinic is looking for a part-time on call/appointment only dermatologist or a doctor licenced to practice Botox and Fillers procedures, covering 2-3 days a week at our clinic location. It will be a percentage based arrangement that is negotiable. For more information, please contact: Yvette Jottyzy, Operations Manager 2200 W. 4th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V6K 1N8 604.734.3533 1.800.819.9630 [email protected] Exciting opportunity for Dermatologist to join busy well-established Dermatology practice in beautiful Victoria, BC. For more information please call: 250 858 4060 Dermatology Opportunity in Private Oakville Clinic Join a team of Dermatologists in a private clinic adjoining the new Oakville Hospital. The clinic is in a new medical office building in a busy, thriving and growing community. For more information please contact Rachel Gray [email protected] Dermatologist sought for Mount Royal, Quebec clinic Dermacure Clinic is affiliated with and is in the same premises as Saleh, Robin et Associés, and consists of one anesthesiologist, Dr. Morris Feinberg, three maxillofacial surgeons and four doctors in oral medicine. They are seeking a dermatologist interested in working privately in a wellestablished surgery center, in association with a medical spa located in the Town of Mount Royal. All options are open. Call Susie Saleh at 514-835-5053 Kelowna – Kamloops – Vernon: Dermatologists needed, Interior Health Authority, southern B.C. The Interior Health Authority (IHA) is one of five regional health authorities in B.C. covering a geographic area of 216,000 sq. km., provides service to approximately 750,000 residents and extends from the coastal mountains in the west to the Alberta border in the east, north to Williams Lake and south to the Washington State border and encompasses approximately one-third of the land mass of British Columbia. Opportunities: o o o Kamloops at the Royal Inland Hospital with 224 inpatient beds Kelowna at the Kelowna General Hospital with 350 inpatient beds Vernon at the Vernon Jubilee Hospital with 160 inpatient beds These opportunities are to be affiliated with University of BC, Dept. of Dermatology, with teaching opportunities. Qualifications: Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC), or Eligible for FRCPC. Compensation: Fee for Service estimating $300 – 400,000 +/- depending on patient volume. Applications will be accepted until suitable candidates are identified. Start date is flexible. If interested, please email: [email protected]. More job posting information can be found at our physician website: Hamilton: Botox, Juvederm and Laser practice available Long-term, well established BOTOX [therapeutic and cosmetic], Juvéderm & laser practice. Low cost of living, little competition and very pleasant location and life in Southern Ontario wine country. For more information, please contact Catherine Berlasso, Robbinex Inc., [email protected] 905-523-7510. Please pass this along if you know someone who might be interested. Editorial Board / Conseil de rédaction National editor/ Rédacteur en chef Regional editors / Rédacteurs régionaux Robert Jackson, MD Ottawa, ON Paul Kuzel, MD Edmonton, AB Charles W. Lynde, MD Markham, ON Benjamin Barankin, MD Toronto, ON Ian Landells, MD St. John’s, NL G. Daniel Schachter, MD Toronto, MD Chief Executive Officer/ Chef de la Direction Marc Bourcier, MD Moncton, NB Catherine McCuaig, MD Montréal, QC Victoria Taraska, MD Winnipeg, MB Chantal Courchesne Ottawa, ON Nicole Hawkins Scoon, MD Saskatoon, SK Kathleen Moses, MD Ottawa, ON Catherine Zip, MD Calgary, AB Statements and opinions expressed in the CDA eBulletin reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily the CDA. The CDA does not assume responsibility or liability for damages arising from errors or omissions or from the use of information or advice contained in the CDA eBulletin articles or letters. Les textes et les opinions publiés dans le bulletin électronique de l’ACD reflètent les points de vue de leurs auteurs et non pas nécessairement ceux de l’ACD. L’ACD ne peut être tenue responsable des dommages qui pourraient résulter d’erreurs ou d’omissions reliées à l’utilisation de renseignements ou de conseils inclus dans les articles ou lettres apparaissant dans le bulletin électronique. The Canadian Dermatology Association eBulletin is issued monthly as a forum for Association news, information of interest to members and for members’ opinions. Please notify the Chief Executive Officer of any change in address. L’Association canadienne de dermatologie publie chaque mois le bulletin électronique en tant que forum de nouvelles de l’Association, d’informations qui pourraient intéresser nos membres, ainsi que pour recueillir leurs opinions. Prière d’aviser Chantal Courchesne, chef de la direction, de tout changement d’adresse. CHANTAL COURCHESNE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER / CHEF de la DIRECTION 425-1385 rue, Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K1H 8N4 Tel: (613) 738-1748 / 1-800-267-3376 | Fax: (613) 738-4695 [email protected]
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