Calendar of Events Upcoming events


Calendar of Events Upcoming events
July 2013
Calendar of Events
CDA National Office
If you would like to submit an upcoming event to the calendar or know of any events that
may be of interest to your colleagues please email it to Laura Craig at [email protected].
Events will be added to the Calendar of Events in the eBulletin as well as the on the CDA
Thank you.
Upcoming events
3rd Munich International Summer Academy of Practical Dermatology
Munich, Germany
July 22-26, 2013
Holiday Inn Munich –City Centre
Hochstrasse 3
81669 Munich
In order to provide continuing and enriching medical education in practical dermatology, a
one-week course will be offered from July 21-26, 2013. The curriculum will both review the
broad spectrum of clinical dermatology and introduce the latest scientific advances just
starting to impact on our field.
Program Overview
For more information visit:
American Academy of Dermatology – Summer Meeting
New York, New York
July 31-August 4, 2013
New York Hilton Midtown (formerly Hilton New York)
1335 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
AAD meeting details
Scientific Program Book
Meeting Registration
For more information visit:
8th South Asian Regional Conference of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology
Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
August 1-4, 2013
Waters Edge Hotel
316, Ethul Kotte Road,
Battaramulla, Sri Lanka.
Conference Catalogue
For more information visit:
CosDermIndia 2013 - 17th Annual Congress of the Cosmetic Dermatology Society (India)
August 29 – September 1, 2013
Hotel Le Meridien
Cochin, Kerala 682304
The theme of COSDERMINDIA2013, "Aesthetic Dermatology Update at God's Own County"
will suerly demonstrate how far Aesthetic dermatology has evolved as a science of beauty.
COSDERMINDIA2013 will provide platform for experts from diverse areas related to Aesthetic
Dermatology to meet, interact, and exchange ideas under one roof.
Congress Brochure
For more information visit:
CEPD Event – Pediatric Wound Care Symposium
Toronto, Ontario
November 1, 2013
SickKids Centre for Research and Learning
Toronto, Ontario
For more information:
Editorial Board/
Conseil de rédaction
Regional Editors /
Rédacteurs régionaux
National Editor/
Rédacteur en chef
Benjamin Barankin, MD
Toronto, ON
Charles W. Lynde, MD
Markham, ON
Marc Boucier, MD
Moncton, NB
Executive Director /
Directeure générale
Peter R. Hull, MD
Saskatoon, SK
Chantal Courchesne
Ottawa, ON
Robert Jackson, MD
Ottawa, ON
Ian Landells, MD
St. John’s, NL
Catherine McCuaig, MD
Montréal, QC
Kathleen Moses, MD
Ottawa, ON
Paul Kuzel, MD
Edmonton, AB
G. Daniel Schachter, MD
Toronto, MD
Victoria Taraska, MD
Winnipeg, MB
Catherine Zip, MD
Calgary, AB
The Canadian Dermatology Association eBulletin is issued
Statements and opinions expressed in the CDAeB
reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily
the CDA. The CDA does not assume responsibility or
liability for damages arising from errors or omissions,
or from the use of information or advice contained in
the CDAeB articles or letters.
monthly as a forum for Association News, information of
interest to members and for members’ opinions. Please notify
Les textes et les opinions publiés dans le eBACD
reflètent les points de vue de leurs auteurs et non pas
nécessairement ceux de l’ACD. L’ACD ne peut être
tenue responsable des dommages qui pourraient résulter d’erreurs ou d’omissions rélées à l’utilisation de
renseignements ou de conseils inclus dans les articles
ou lettres apparaissant dans le eBACD.
que pour recueillir leurs opinions. Prière d’aviser la Directeure
générale pour tout changement d’adresse.
the Executive Director of any change in address.
L’Association canadienne de dermatologie publie chaque mois
le eBulletin en tant que forum de nouvelles de l’Association,
d’informations qui pourraient intéresser nos membres, ainsi
425-1385 rue, Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K1H 8N4
Tel: (613) 738-1748 / 1-800-267-3376 | Fax: (613) 738-4695
[email protected]