Phrases: Personal | E-Mail (English-French)


Phrases: Personal | E-Mail (English-French)
Letter - Address
Mr. N. Summerbee
335 Main Street
New York NY 92926
Standard English Address format:
name of recipient
street number + street name
name of town + region/state + zip/postal code.
Clarisse Beaulieu
18, rue du Bac
75500 Paris.
Jeremy Rhodes
212 Silverback Drive
California Springs CA 92926
American address format:
Name of recipient
Street number + street name
Name of town + state abbreviation + zip code
Jeremy Rhodes
212 Silverback Drive
California Springs CA 92926
Adam Smith
8 Crossfield Road
Selly Oak
West Midlands
B29 1WQ
British and Irish address format:
Name of recipient
Number + street name
Town/city name
Postal code
Adam Smith
8 Crossfield Road
Selly Oak
West Midlands
B29 1WQ
Sally Davies
Claude Dubois
155 Mountain Rise
44, rue des Océans
Antogonish NS B2G 5T8
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A3
Canadian address format:
Name of recipient
Street number + street name
Name of town + province abbreviation + postal code
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Celia Jones
47 Herbert Street
Perth WA 6018
Australian address format:
Name of recipient
Street number + street name
Name of province
Town/city name + postal code
Jacques Durant
rue des Fleurs 25
1000 Bruxelles.
Alex Marshall
745 King Street
West End, Wellington 0680
New Zealand address format:
Name of recipient
Number + street name
Suburb/RD number/PO box
Town/city + postal code
Stéphane Bajon
50 avenue de la République
1500 Genève.
Letter - Opening
Dear John,
Informal, standard way of addressing a friend
Cher Benjamin,
Dear Mum / Dad,
Informal, standard way of addressing your parents
Chère Maman / Cher Papa,
Dear Uncle Jerome,
Cher Oncle Jeremy,
Informal, standard way of addressing a member of your family
Hello John,
Informal, standard way of addressing a friend
Salut Sylvain,
Hey John,
Very informal, standard way of addressing a friend
Coucou Daniel,
Informal, direct way of addressing a friend
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My Dear,
Very informal, used when addressing a loved one
Mon chéri / Ma chérie,
My Dearest,
Very informal, used when addressing a partner
Mon cher et tendre / ma chère et tendre
Dearest John,
Informal, used when addressing a partner
Mon très cher Christophe,
Thank you for your letter.
Used when replying to correspondence
Merci pour votre lettre.
It was good to hear from you again.
Used when replying to correspondence
Cela m'a fait plaisir d'avoir des nouvelles.
I am very sorry I haven't written for so long.
Je suis désolé de ne pas t'avoir écrit depuis si longtemps.
Used when writing to an old friend you haven't contacted for a while
It's such a long time since we had any contact.
Cela fait si longtemps que l'on ne s'est pas contacté.
Used when writing to an old friend you haven't contacted for a long time
Letter - Main Body
I am writing to tell you that…
Used when you have important news
Je t'écris pour te dire que...
Have you made any plans for…?
As-tu prévu quelque chose pour...?
Used when you want to invite someone to an event or meet up with them
Many thanks for sending / inviting / enclosing…
Merci pour l'envoi de / l'invitation pour / l'information
Used when thanking someone for sending something / inviting someone somewhere / enclosing some information
I am very grateful to you for letting me know /
Je te suis très reconnaissant(e) de m'avoir fait savoir que
offering me / writing to me…
/ offert / écrit...
Used when sincerely thanking someone for telling you something / offering you something / writing to you
regarding something
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It was so kind of you to write / invite me / send
Ce fut très aimable à toi de m'écrire / m' inviter /
Used when you sincerely appreciate something someone wrote to you / invited you to / sent you
I am delighted to announce that…
Used when announcing good news to friends
J'ai la joie de vous annoncer que...
I was delighted to hear that…
Used when relaying a message or news
J'ai eu la joie d'apprendre que...
I am sorry to inform you that…
Used when announcing bad news to friends
J'ai le regret de vous informer que...
I was so sorry to hear that…
J'ai été désolé(e) d'apprendre que...
Used when comforting a friend regarding bad news that they had
Letter - Closing
Give my love to…and tell them how much I miss
Transmets mon salutations à... et dis lui qu'il/elle me
Used when you want to tell someone you miss them via the recipient of the letter
…sends his / her love.
...envoie ses salutations.
Used when adding someone else's regards to a letter
Say hello to…for me.
Dis bonjour à... de ma part.
Used when wanting to acknowledge someone else via the person to whom you are writing
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Used when you want to receive a letter in reply
Dans l'attente d'une réponse très prochaine de ta part.
Write back soon.
Écris-moi vite.
Direct, used when you want to receive a letter in reply
Do write back when…
Écris-moi quand...
Used when you want the recipient to reply only when they have news of something
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Send me news, when you know anything more.
Envoie-moi des nouvelles quand tu en sauras plus.
Used when you want the recipient to reply only when they have news of something
Take care.
Used when writing to family and friends
Prends soin de toi.
I love you.
Used when writing to your partner
Je t'aime.
Best wishes,
Tous mes vœux,
Informal, used between family, friends or colleagues
With best wishes,
Informal, used when writing to family or friends
Kindest regards,
Informal, used when writing to family or friends
All the best,
Informal, used when writing to family or friends
Bien à vous/toi,
All my love,
Informal, used when writing to family or friends
Lots of love,
Informal, used when writing to family
Much love,
Informal, used when writing to family
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