Samuel Farrugia Samuel Farrugia


Samuel Farrugia Samuel Farrugia
Samuel Farrugia
Nouveau stagiaire pour l’ordinariat militaire à notre paroisse.
Les Forces Armées Canadiennes nous demandent d’accueillir Monsieur
Samuel Farrugia pour une durée de deux ans afin de faire un stage
paroissial à temps plein chez nous. Il sera impliqué dans plusieurs de nos
activités afin d’acquérir une plus grande expérience pastorale afin de
devenir un aumônier militaire (agent de pastorale laïc).
Bienvenue à Monsieur Samuel Farrugia.
Abbé Bertrand Montpetit, curé
Samuel Farrugia
New intern for the military ordinariate in our parish.
The Canadian Armed Forces asked us to welcome Mr. Samuel Farrugia
for a period of two years to do a full-time parish internship with us. He will
be involved in several of our activities to acquire greater pastoral
experience in view to becoming a military chaplain (lay pastoral
Welcome to Mr. Samuel Farrugia.
Father Bertrand Montpetit, pastor
Bible Study starting September 12 being given by Margaret Million:
Mondays : 7 – 9.30 p.m.
Tuesdays : 10 – 11.30 a.m.
For information, call 514.696.6451
Collecte de la semaine
Donations for the week -
10.09 – 11.09
Quêtes Régulières /Regular Collection
$ 5,008.00
Helping Others
Needs of the Church in Canada
Year to date
Budget Goal
Campagne de Financement / Fundraising
$ 22,97800
$ 50,000.00
Syrian Refugees
$ 23,006.10
$ 30,000.00
Saturday, Sept. 24 samedi, 24 sept.
Jos Rettino
Margaret & Sylvester Yiptong
Sunday, Sept. 25 dimanche, 25 sept.
Remus Contrevida
Sisters & Family
Gérard Bellemare
St. Luke’s Parish
Raul Coutinho
The Brauer Family
Monday, Sept. 26 lundi, 26 sept
Paul & Renée Barbedette
La Famille Simon
Tuesday, Sept. 27 mardi, 27 sept
Community Mass / Messe Communautaire
Wednesday, Sept. 28 mercredi, 28 sept
In Thanksgiving
The Simon Family
Anthony Fernandes
His Family
Thursday, Sept. 29 jeudi, 29 sept
Marguerite Khadij
Sa Famille
** Gisèle Edgington
La Famille
Friday, Sept. 30 vendredi, 30 sept
Janet Ellement
In Thanksgiving
Saturday, Oct. 01
Loving Family
Caeser & Flo D’Silva
samedi, 01 oct.
For the Community & Intentions
of Parishioners
Rev. Fr. Bertrand Montpetit
Sunday, Oct. 02 dimanche, 02 oct
Pat O’Connor
Pour la communauté et les
Intentions des paroissiens
Antonio Miaito
Sanctuary Lamp/
Lampe du Sanctuaire
Prayers & Healing
Andi & Jean La Rivière
L’Abbé Bertrand Montpetit
Isabel Miaito
26.09..2016 – 02.10.2016
A Parishioner
** The second Intentions are being honoured by another priest.
** Les deuxièmes intentions sont assurées par un prêtre de l’extérieur.
Aide Alimentaire et matérielle au
Food Bank and material as required
Online registration is now available through our parish
website: -  Click on the “Register Now” on
the left side.  The username and password you will need to
register your child/ren has been emailed
to all returning families. Call the Faith Education Office 514683-4941 if you have misplaced it! There will be a
$25. late fee per family after July 31 so register soon!
For new families, you will need to click on the link for new registrations. Enter
the New User Key: STL2016 and your child's first and last name to generate a
username and password needed to log in. We look forward to partnering with
your family in passing on our faith to our children.
C’est le temps de s’inscrire au caté !
Inscrire son enfant au caté, c'est lui permettre de rencontrer Jésus et de
découvrir que Dieu aime chacun d'entre nous; c'est lui faire connaître la
richesse de la tradition chrétienne. C'est aussi lui donner l'occasion de
réfléchir aux questions qu'il se pose sur lui-même, le monde et Dieu.
Avec d'autres chrétiens : enfants, adultes,
catéchètes, prêtres...
Comment inscrire son enfant aux parcours
Si votre enfant a sept ans et plus.
Prendre contact avec Carole B. Roy en
appelant le 514-683-4941 ou par internet
[email protected]
Nous vous encourageons d’inscrire votre
enfant immédiatement afin que nous
puissions bien préparer son accueil au mois
de septembre.
Pour les jeunes du secondaire qui désirent se préparer au baptême,
première Communion ou Confirmation Nouveau programme Caté=Ado
(vendredi soir)
THE ANGELS OF MERCY is a parish organization which operates from
November to May providing a healthy meal and warm clothing to the
homeless people of Montreal. We are in need of a bookkeeper and an
assistant to the Director. These are not time consuming positions.
Please consider becoming a part of this wonderful ministry and joining
us in making a difference in the lives of our homeless brothers and
sisters, by being the hands and feet of Jesus. Catherine Lemieux
514-684-1606 or Christine Agombar 514-626-8611. We look forward
to welcoming you on board!
Angela Bardosh
Angels of Mercy
You are in our prayers!
In the coming weeks, we will reach out to every home on the territory of St.
Luke’s parish. We will be delivering a short letter that says, we pray for them. If
people wish, they may send us a prayer intention by email or just write their
prayer intention on plain paper and bring it to the office. We will pray regularly
for them by a petition at Sunday mass.
In this letter we will also invite people to come to five prayer gatherings at 8:00
pm on the following dates: October 18th and November 15th, 2016; January
17th, March 21st and May 16th, 2017. This is will be a 20 minute prayer
gathering, followed by a time of fellowship. Everyone is welcome.
Through this activity our hope is to attain 2 goals:
1. Support everyone with our prayer who is living in St. Luke’s parish;
2. Reach out to new people who don’t come to church. It is our humble wish to
evangelize and hope that people who don’t come to church will now come to live
their faith.
There are about 10 000 homes on the territory of our parish. We need about 150
volunteers to deliver a copy of this letter. Each one would deliver 50 to 100
letters. After, this week’s mass and the following weekends in September, you
may register for this task in the parish hall.
For more information: Fr Bertrand, Maria Ruocco or Tony Rettino by
email: [email protected]
Nous prions pour vous!
Au cours des prochaines semaines, nous souhaitons livrer une lettre à toutes les
résidences sur le territoire de la paroisse Saint-Luc afin de leur dire que nous
prions pour eux. S’ils les gens le souhaitent, ils pourront nous envoyer une
intention de prière par courriel ou en l’écrivant sur une feuille qu’ils
l’apporteront au bureau. Nous prierons régulièrement pour eux par une intention
à la messe du dimanche.
Sur cette lettre, nous invitons également les gens à venir à 5 moments de prière à
20h00 aux dates suivantes : 18 octobre et 15 novembre 2016 ; 17 janvier, 21
mars et 16 mai
2017. Ce n’est pas une masse mais une prière d’environ 20 minutes suivie d’un
moment de fraternité. Tout le monde est bienvenu.
Par cette activité, nous voulons atteindre 2 objectifs :
1. Soutenir de notre prière tous ceux qui vivent dans la paroisse Saint-Luc;
2. Rejoindre de nouvelles personnes qui ne viennent pas à l’église. Nous
souhaitons humblement évangéliser et nous espérons que de nouvelles personnes
viendront vivre leur foi à notre église.
Nous avons environ 10 000 résidences sur le territoire de notre paroisse. Il faut
environ 150 bénévoles pour livrer chacun 50 à 100 lettres. Après la messe, cette
semaine et les autres week-ends de septembre, vous pouvez vous inscrire dans la
salle paroissiale afin d’accomplir cette tâche.
Pour nous plus d’information, contactez : abbé Bertrand, Maria Ruocco ou
Tony Rettino par courriel : [email protected]
September – October Faith and Family Upcoming Events
Catechists Gathering: Monday, October 3 at 7pm in the Parish Hall
For catechists and those who might like to explore the idea of
becoming a catechists or if you would like to treat yourself to
a wonderful evening for your soul.
Our guest speaker is Lucie McElligott and we will be exploring
Mindfulness:Being Still and Being in the Present
All are welcome. Please RSVP. [email protected]
Children’s Liturgy begins – September 24/25 at all weekend Masses
Blessing of the School Bags - September 24/25 at all weekend Masses
Level 6: Class #1 September 30, October 1 & 5
Parent child Gathering: Wednesday, October 12 - 7 p.m.
Rougemont Monastery: Saturday, October 8, 2016
Come and explore a real monastery and then pick apples.
Reasonable price but places are VERY limited.
Levels 2+5: Catechism classes begin at the parish:
September 28 & 30 to October 1
October 12, 14, 15
October 19, 21, 22
October 26, 28, 29
Level 4 Pastoral Activity (parents and children)
Saturday, October 1: 1 – 3 p.m. The Bible, Parish Hall
CAFÉ : September 28, 2016
Spirituality : A Family Affair
Guest Speaker : Anna Virgini
Parish Hall 7 – 9 p.m.
All parishioners and friends are welcome!
Freewill donations gladly accepted!
You are invited to a CONCERT given by the famous Korean
Women's Choir; on Saturday, October 15, at 7:00 p.m. in St.
Edmund of Canterbury Church, 105 Beaconsfield Blvd (corner of
St. Charles Blvd Beaconsfield, Qc H9W 3Z8. Admission is free.
A free-will donation will be greatly appreciated.
All the proceeds will go to support the Foundation for the Education
of Children in Uganda (FECU)
For info. call Fr. David: 514-213-5778 (cell); or Eunah Kim: 514502-0980. (Website:
Consider registering for the Parish Vitality Conference “Unleashing
Our Gifts”, to be held at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral, Nov.
10, and La Plaza – Holiday Inn, Nov. 11-12. Headlining the
conference is Deacon Keith Strohm, who will explore the different
ways that ordinary people like us - “called to do extraordinary
things” - can do so through the gifts we have received from God. In
addition to delivering the keynote address, the contributing
authorto Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples will also
give four of the 17 “How-To” workshops being offered.
The conference schedule, list of workshops and registration
information are in a brochureavailable here in our parish or online
Wendy Aitken represented our parish at a conference publicity
meeting last week and is available to answer questions and
distribute brochures.
What are the “rewards” of caring for the needs of the poor?
Quelles sont les «récompenses» pour prendre soin des besoins
des plus pauvres?
Open House at The Sacred Heart School of Montreal.
5th and 6th grade girls considering enrolment at Sacred Heart -the English
Catholic all girls' high school in Montreal- are invited to visit the school
during Open House on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., or
on Tuesday, October 4, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. 3635 Atwater Avenue. Parking
For information 514-937-2845 or
“Resurrection of Our Lord Parish, Lachine will be holding its
Annual Bazaar October 22nd and 23rd (10h00 – 15h00 both
If you would like to rent a table (35$ one day / 50$ dollars two
days) please call 514-637-2379 or e-mail [email protected]
1. Ignatian Centre Giant Book Sale: Wednesday September 28 to
Saturday October 1, from 9 am to 4 pm at the Ignatian Centre,
4567 West Broadway, H4B 2A7. Thousands of books covering a
wide variety of subjects: history, novels, biographies, classics,
children’s books, spirituality and so much more! Books $1; large
volumes $2. Come by and buy! For more information, call 514481-1064 or email [email protected].
2. The First Spiritual Exercises: a training program with Father
Michael Hansen: In recent decades, The Spiritual Exercises of
St. Ignatius have been creatively adapted to accompany people in
every stage of their spiritual journey. The First Spiritual Exercises
(FSE) are one example of this flexibility - four guided retreats with
a common theme of inner peace which are based upon daily
prayer and spiritual conversation to share that experience.
Participants in this workshop hear first-hand, from the creator of
the FSE, how to offer them in and for a variety of life situations.
This workshop will describe how prayer exercises and spiritual
conversation are taught to groups, as well as how facilitators are
trained to lead people through the FSE and prepare others for this
Friday, October 14, from 7 to 9 pm and Saturday, October 15,
from 9 am to 4 pm (please bring a lunch).
At Loyola High School, 7272 Sherbrooke St. West. Cost $60. To
register, please contact the Ignatian Centre at 514-481-1064
or [email protected].
There will be a Come & See evening for single or married men who
may be called to the permanent diaconate, making Christ the
Servant present in the liturgy, in the proclamation of the Word, and
in the exercise of Charity. Come and see Thursday September 29th
at 6:00 pm at the Archdiocese, 2000 Sherbrooke West, parking via
Du Fort, or Guy-Concordia Metro.
Please call Deacon Michael Di Girolamo for info and to sign up,
514-925-4300, ext. 278.
Catholic Widow/ Widower Support Group
A new group has begun meeting to provide support and connection
to those who have lost a spouse. Drawing from our Catholic
tradition, this group will offer a chance to reflect, share and connect
with others who have experienced similar loss.
Our second meeting will be held on Monday October 3rd at
7:00p.m. at St. Edmund of Canterbury Parish 105 Beaconsfield
Blvd. , Beaconsfield, H9W 3Z8. Come and share your needs and
vision as this group takes shape!
Contact: Anne Parsons at 514-457-2183