Liberalea - City of Toronto


Liberalea - City of Toronto
Liberal Party of Canada
Parti Liberal du Canada
350 Albert. Suite 920
Ottawa, Ontario KlP 6M8
350 rue Albert, Suite 920
Ottawa (Ontario) KlP 6M8
September 302015
30 septembre 2015
TORONTO, ONTARIO MSH 2N2 srw Dear Ms. Bailao and Mr.Purves, Enclosed, please find the Liberal Party of Canada's formal response toyourquestionnaire. FormoreinfonnationontheLiberalPartyofCanada'svisionforCanada,pleasetakeamomenttoreviewourpoUdes online at site provides details on a Liberal government's policies, goals, and priorities.
On behalf of our Leader,Justin Trudeau, and the entire Liberal team, thank you for writingto identify the major concerns ofyour membership. We appreciate your interest in the Liberal Party of Canada'spoliciesas they relate to the issueswhich affect you. Sincerely, AnnaGainey, President Liberal Party of Canada
·-····· Chers Mme. Bailaoet M. Purves, Veuillez trouverci·joint la reponse fonnelle du Parti liberal du Canada avotrequestionnaire. Pour en apprendre davantage ausujet de lavisionque le Parti liberal a pourleCanada, prenezun momentpourconsulter nos politiques en ligne Ce site presentedes detailssur les politiques, les objectifs et les priorites
d'un gouvemementliberal. Au nom de notre chef, JustinTrudeau,et de son equipe touteentiere, je tiens avous remercier de nous avoirfait partdes inquietudesdevos membres. Nous sommes reconnaissants de 11nteretquevous portez aux politiquesdu Parti liberaldu Canada. parcequ'elles
concement lesquestionsqui vous touchent
Bien cordialement,
AnnaGainey, Presidente
Parti liberal du Canada
'fl @parti_liberal
II /LiberalCA
'fl @liberal_party
Liberal Party of Canada
Parti Liberal du Canada
350 Albert. Suite 920
Ottawa. Ontario KlP 6M8
350 rue Albert, Suite 920 Ottawa (Ontario) KlP 6M8 [LE FRANc;AIS SUIT L'ANGLAISJ
Close the Housing Gap
1. Funding Toronto CommunityHousingCapita/Repairs:Do yousupportaone-thirdfederalinvestmentof$864million
o\IE'I"10yeErsforcapit.alrepairs to Toronto CommunityHousingbuildings?
Helping municipalities provide and maintainaffordable housing for the mostwlnerableisa priority for the Liberal Party of
Canada.Webelievethat every Canadian has the right to safe. adequateand affordable housing. We understand that
affordable housing is a possiblesolution to manyofour society's challenges. Child poverty, strugglingveterans, high
student debt, and the precarious lives of peopleexperiencingmental andaddiction issues are all addressed with better
As part ofour new, ten-year invesbnentof nearly $20 billion in social infrastructure, a Liberalgovernmentwill prioritize
significant new investment inaffordable housingand seniors facilities. Wewill make an immediate down payment by
boostinginvestmentinsocial infrastructure by nearly $6 billion over the next four years.This investmentwill rere.v
federal leadershipin housing. help build more housing units and refurbishexistingones, renewcurrent co-operative
agreements, and provideoperational fundingsupportfor municipalities, lnduding renewing support fur Housing First
initiativesthat help homeless Canadiansfind stable housing.
operatingagreementsbackintosocia/housingtoensureresourr:esareavailabletoundertakecapit.a/repairs andprovide
affordable rents/housingsubsidies?
Ensuringthatmunicipalities havesubstantive, predictable, and sustainedfunding to provideaffordable housingis an
essential part of the Liberal plan for housing.Today, one in four Canadian households is paying more than it can afford fur
housing-or more than the recommended Hmit of 30 percent of income.Oneineighthouseholds cannotfind affordable
housingthatissafe.suitable, and well maintained.Without affordable housing. manyCanadians simplycannot make ends
meet It makes it harder to lookfur work. careforchi Idrel\ or to getand keep ajob. Stable, decent housingis essential to a
strong economy, and is crucial for the middle class and those working hard to join it
The HarperConservatives have refused totakefederal leadershipon housing. andare even in the process of ending rent­
geared-to-incomesupportforco-operatives andothersocial housing.
As noted above.a Liberalgoverrvnentwill boost investment in social infrastructure by nearly $6billion over the next four
years and $20 billion overthe nertten years.This investmentwill renewfederal leadershipin housing. help build more
housingunits and refurbishexistingones, renew rurrent co-operativeagreements, and provideoperational funding
support for municipalities,including renewingsupportfor Housing First initiativesthathelp homelessCanadiansfind
stable housing.
ALiberal governmentwill automatically transfer any uncommittedfederal infrastructurefunds near the end ofanyfiscal
year to municipalities, through a temporary top-up of the Gas Tax Fund.This will ensure that no committed infrastructure
"4 @parti_liberal
11 /LiberalCA
'JI @liberal_party
Liberal Party of Canada
Parti Liberal du Canada
350 Albert. Suite 920
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6M8
350 rue Albert. Suite 920 Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 6M8 3. Cra3tinga long-Term FederalHousingProgram:Do yousupportthe developmentofafully-funded, long-tenn federal
Yes. Wehave a comprehensive strategy to makeiteasier for Canadians from coast to coast to coast to find an affordable
placeto call home.
Liberal government will investin a National HousingStrategy that makesdirect investments in affordable housing,
provides tax incentives to expand affordable rental housing, improvesdatacollection. reviews policies on housing in high­
priced markets, and offers more flexibilityfor new home buyers.
Wewill increase the new residential rental property rebate on theGSTto 100 percent, eliminatingall GSTon new capital
investments inaffordable rental housing.This will end the tax penaltyondevelopers interested in building new, modestly
priced rental properties as 1r.1ell as provide $125 million peryearin tax incentivesto increase and substantiallyrenovate
thesupplyofrentalhousingacrossCanada WewillalsodirecttheCanadaMortgageanclHousingCorporationandthe
new Canada Infrastructure Bank to providefinancingto support construction by the private sector, socialenterprises, or
ops, and the not-for-profitsector of new, affordable rental housingformiddle-and low·income Canadians.
Further, we will modernize the existing Home Buyers' Planso that it helps more Canadiansfinance the purchase ofa
home. Wewill allowCanadians impacted by sudden andsignificantlifechanges,such as job relocation, the death of a
spouse. marital breakdown, or a decision to accommodate an elderlyfamily member,to access the program and use
money from their Registered RetirementSavings Planto buy a housewithout tax penalty.Wewillconduct an inventory of
affordable housingincommunitieswhere there isa pressing need. This work would be donein partnership with
municipalities, provinces, and territories as they develop their urban growth plans.
'# @parti_liberal
11 /LiberalCA
'# @liberal_party
liberal Party of Canada
Parti Liberal du Canada
350 Albert, Suite 920
Ottawa, Ontario KlP 6M8
350 rue Albert, Suite 920 Ottawa (Ontario) KlP 6M8 Close the Housi~Gap
investissementfederalsurdixansd'un tiersdes864millions de dollarsnecessairespoureffectuerdesniparationsaux
logementsdela TCH?
abordables pourles pluswlnerables. NousestimonsquechaqueCanadienne et chaque Canadien a droita un logement
securitaire,adequatetabordable,etnouscomprenons que le logement abordableconstitue unesolution possible a de
nombreux problemessociaux. La pauvreteinfantile, la detressedes ancienscombattants, le niveaud'endettement aeve
dedependance sont autant d'enjeux auxquelson peut plusfacilementrepondre grice ade meilleuresconditions de
Dans le cadre de notre nouvel engagement afaireoo nouvel investissementde presque 20 milliards de dollars surdix ans
dans les infrastructuressociales,ungouvemementliberal investira prioritairementdans les logementsabordablesetles
residences pour personnes agees. Nous procecterons immediatement aun versementinitial en rehaussant les
investissements dans !'infrastructuresociale de pres de 6 milliardsdedollars au cours des quatre prochaines annees.Cet
investissement se traduira par la relance du leadershipfederal en matiere de logement la constructiond'un plusgrand
nombre de logementset la renovationdelogements existant:s, le renouvellementdes ententes de cooperatives existantes
et un soutienfinancier operationnel aux municipalites, dont le retablissement du soutien au programme« Logement
d'abord •,qui aide lesCanadienneset les Canadiens sans abri atrouver un logement stable.
2 Reinvestirlesfondsprovenantdesacr:ordsd'exploitationvenantaecneance:Etes·vousenfaveurd'un
reinvestissementdans/es /ogementssociauxdufinancementprovenantdesaccordstederauxd'exploitationyenanta
foumirdessubventionsdesoutiena la /ocation/aulogementaprixabordab/e?
Une part essentielledu plan liberal pour le logementest deveiller ace que les municipalitesdisposent d'un financement
qu11 nepeutselepermettrepoursonloyer,depassantla limiterecommandeede 30%deson revenu. Un menagesurhuit
n'a pas acces a un logementabordable,securitaire, convenableetbienentretenu.Sans un logementabordable. de
nombreux CanadiensetCanadiennes ne parviennent pas ajoindre les deuxbouts. lls antainsi plus de difficulte a
rechertheret aobtenir unemploi OU aprendre soin de leurs enfants. L'acces aun logement stable etdecent est essentiel a
en faire partie.
Lesconservateurs de Stephen Harper refusent de faire preuve de leadershipdans le dossier du logement. etentendent
meme mettre progressivementfin auxsubventionsdestinees a indexerle loyersur le revenu, subventions actuellement
versees aux cooperatives de logementet ad'autresformules de logementsocial.
Comme incfique precedemment,ungouvemement liberal rehaussera nnvestissement dans!'infrastructuresocialede
pres de 6 milliards de dollarsau coursdes quatre prochaines annees etde pres de 20milliardsdedollars aucours des dix
prochainesannees. Cet investissementse traduira par la relancedu leadershipfederal en matierede logement la
construction d'unplusgrand nombrede logementset la renovationde logementsexistants, lerenouvellement des
ententes de cooperatives existantesetunsoutienfinancier operationnel aux municipalites, dont le retablissement du
'ti @parti_liberal
Ii /liberalCA
°# @liberal_party
Liberal Party of Canada
Parti Liberal du Canada
350Albert, Suite 920
Ottawa. Ontario KlP 6M8
350 rue Albert. Suite 920
Ottawa (Ontario) KlP 6M8
Un gouvernement liberal transfereraautomatiquementaux municipalites lefinancement federal reserveaux
infrastructures, mais non engage, par le biais d'un supplementtemporaire au Fonds de la taxe sur I'essencevers lafin de
chaque exercice. Nouseviteronsainsi que des fonds non engagessoient inutilises,en les investissanttoujours entotalite
dans des collectivitesde partout au pays.
3. Creerunprogrammefederalalongtenneenmatieredelogement:Etes-110USenfaveurdel'elaborationd'unestrateg;e
Oui. Nous avons une strategieglobalequi pennettra au·x Canadiennes et aux Canadiensd'unocean al'autrede trouver un
logementabordable plusfacilement
Pourremedier a la penuriede logements, ilfaut misersur une planification concertee de la partdesdifferentsordresde
gouvemement, de pair avec un financement soutenu. Un gouvemement liberal investira dans unestratEgienationaleen
matierede logement,quicomportera des investissementsdirectsdans le logementabordable,desincitations fiscales pour
favoriser l'offredelogements locatifsabordables, l'amelioration de lacoUectededonnees, l'examendes politiquesen
matieredelogementdans les marches oo lesprixsonteleves, sans oublierune plus grande latitudeaccordee aux
acheteursd'une premiere maison.
Nousaugmenterons a 100 %le remboursementdelaTPS pour les immeubles d'habitation locatifs neufs, cequieliminera
completement laTPSsurles nouveauxinvestissementsencapital dans le logement locatif abordable. Gracea cette
mesure, lespromoteursimmobilierssouhaitantconstruire de nouveaux logements locatifs aprixmodestes neseront plus
penalisessurle planfiscal, et des incitatifsfiscaux de l'ordre de 125 miUionsdedollars paran nee serontaccorctes pour
augmenterl'offrede logements locatifs partoutau Canada et effectuerdes renovations majeures aux logementsdeja
!'infrastructuredu Canadad'offrirdu financement poursoutenir laconstruction parlesecteur prive, lesentreprises
sociales, les cooperatives et les organismes a but non lucratitdenouveaux logements locatifsabordablesdestinesaux
Canadiennes et aux Canadiens a revenu moyen ou faible.
En outre, nousactualiserons le Regime cfaccessiona la proprieteafin qu'un grand nombre deCanacfienneset de
viventdeschangements importantsdans leurvie, parexemple une reinstallation,ledecesd'un conjoint,une rupture
conjugaleou ladecisiond'hebergerun membre age dela famille, d'acceder au programmeetd'utiliserJesfonds de leur
regime enregistre d'epargne-retraite pouracheterunemaisonsanspenalitefiscale. Nousdresserons l'inventairede tous
lesterrains et immeublestederaux inoccupes qui pourraientetre adaptes, et offrironsquelques-uns de cesterrains abas
prixpourque soient construits deslogements abordablesdans les communautes au ii existe un besoincriant Acettefin, le
gouvemementtravamera encollaboration avec lesmunicipalitt?s, les provinces et lesterritoires afin d'etablirdes plans de
'I @parti_liberal
IJ /liberalCA
'I @liberal_party