617-779-3770 - The Boston Pilot


617-779-3770 - The Boston Pilot
JUNE 12, 2016
Sunday Readings
The first reading is taken from 2 Samuel 12:7-10; 13. This incident
in the life of King David has been preserved in the Sacred Scripture
because it contains a lesson for all men. It shows us the weakness
of human nature, even in one so exalted as the king whom God had
placed over his people. At the same time it shows the infinite mercy
of God when he is dealing with a repentant sinner.
The second reading is from St. Paul to the Galatians 2:16; 19-21. He
is speaking here to Peter who had come to Antioch and had given
some scandal to the Gentile Christians.
Saturday, June 11th
9:00 am: Memorial Mass……………...Marie Genevieve Vergin
Sunday, June 12th
7:00 am:Memorial Mass/Antime Chery & Anne Marie Joseph
11:00 am: Memorial Mass …………………Jeffrey Laurent
1:30 pm: Mass of Thanksgiving ………….Hector Bellevue
Monday, June 13th
9:00 am: Memorial Mass …………………...Philoxene Dorlus.
5:30 pm: Memorial Mass……………………… Ferdinand Pierre
The Gospel is from St. Luke 7:36-50. While the mercy of God for
sinners and the willingness, even eagerness, with which He welcomes back the sinner is the principal teaching in this gospel story,
most if not all of us, can be cheered by that teaching. But there are
two other lessons in it for us. The first lesson is that the pardoned
sinner should show gratitude to God. One of the greatest proofs of
gratitude is the firm resolution to avoid offending our good God
anymore. Do we really mean it when we solemnly promise in our
act of contrition in confession "never more to offend you and to
amend my life"?
Tuesday, June 14th
9:00 am: Mass of Thanksgiving ……………..Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, June 15th
9:00 am The Liturgy of the Hours……..Marie Antoine Legerme
Thursday, June 16th
9:00 am: Memorial Mass……………………..Abandonned Souls
Friday, June 17th
9:00 pm: Mass of Thanksgiving…………………Magalie Alphonse
5:30 pm: Mass of Thanksgiving ……………Fabiola Louis-Jacques
There is great danger that we may make this promise out of habit
of routine, without seriously intending or meaning what we say.
Non-Catholics often accuse us of hypocrisy in this. "You Catholics
can sin and just tell it in confession, be forgiven, and go back and
sin again." This is not so. The priest's power to forgive sin, given by
Christ himself, has effect only on a repentant sinner. If one goes to
confession with serious sins and has no intention of avoiding those
sins and the occasions which cause them, that person is not only
not forgiven, but is adding a further sin by abusing and insulting
God in that great gift of His mercy, the Sacrament of Penance. Such
cases are rare, thank God. We are repentant and we mean to avoid
such sins in future. However, the fact that one may fall again is always possible. This does not prove the previous confession to be
invalid. But the person's attempts to avoid the occasions will be
proof of sincere repentance. It will also be a sign of gratitude to the
merciful God who forgave the sins.
Saturday, June 18th
9:00 am: Memorial Mass………………………... Olga Zephirin
Now there was a sinful woman in the city who learned that
he was at table in the house of the Pharisee. Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment, she stood behind him at his feet
weeping and began to bathe his feet with her tears. Then she
wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and anointed them
with the ointment (Luke 7:37-38).
O God, strength of those who hope in you, graciously hear
our pleas, and, since without you mortal frailty can do nothing, grant us always the help of your grace, that in following
your commands we may please you by our resolve and our
deeds. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for
ever and ever.
The second reading is for those amongst us who succeed, thanks to
God's grace, in avoiding serious sins. We must avoid the sin of the
Pharisees. They were, on the whole, devout men and did many a
good deed. However, they gave all the credit, not to God, but to
themselves. They grew proud of their good works and despised all
others who did not do as they did.
Weekly Readings
Sun: Psalm 32:1,2,5,7,11; 2 Samuel 7-10,13; Galatians 2: 16,19-21;
Luke 7: 36-8:3 or 7: 36-50
Mon: Psalm 5: 2-7; 1King 21:1-16; Matthew 5: 38-42
Tue: Psalm 51: 3-6,11,16; 1Kings 21: 17-29; Matthew 5: 43-48
Wed: Psalm 31 : 20,21,24; 2 Kings 2:1, 6-14; Matthew 6: 1-6,16-18
Thurs: Psalm 97: 1-7; Sirach 48: 1-14; Matthew 6: 7-15
Fri: Psalm 132: 11-14,17,18; 2 Kings 11:1-4,9-18,20; Matthew 6: 1923
Sat: Psalm 89:4,529-34; 2 Chronicles 24: 17-25; Matthew 6:24-34
The good Christian must avoid any such temptation. We must never
say, as the Pharisee did, "thank God I am not like the rest of men,
tax-gatherers and sinners," but rather say what the saints said
when they saw or heard of some great sinner: "there would be St.
Francis only for the grace of God."
Excerpted from The Sunday Readings by Fr. Kevin O'Sullivan, O.F.M.
JUNE 12, 2016
11ieme Dimanche Ordinaire
Yon nouvo Mès kreyòl nan weekend.
Se pou moun ki pa gen chans vin lanmès 11 zè nan dimanch.
Lap fèt chak Samdi a 5 kè nan apremidi .
Program Daycare pou timoun yo pandan lanmès 11 zè a deja
komanse depi 11 aout.
Krik…Krak! Sen Matye repwann program katechis pou premyè Kominyion
Année C
2 Samuel 12: 7-10.13
Psaume 32, 2-5, 7, 11
Galates 2 : 16. 19-21
Luc 7 : 36- 8 :3
Mes frères et sœurs en Jésus-Christ, la foi en la miséricorde de Dieu qui ne désire rien tant que pardonner tes
péchés s’exprime tout au long de la Bible en images et
termes variées, parfois d’une audace extraordinaire. Le
pardon accorde par Dieu est, en même temps, d’une efficacité créatrice. Il change le cœur de celui qui l’accueille,
crée en lui un cœur pur, le renouvelle au plus profond de
son être (Ps 50,12). Seul le Créateur peut pardonner ainsi.
La Bible ne laisse aucun doute à ce sujet, pas plus, d’ailleurs, que le Sacrement de la pénitence et de la réconciliation d’aujourd’hui. La parole de pardon fait toujours
appel à l’autorité souveraine de Dieu : « Le Seigneur a
pardonné ton péché. »
S’il s’était contente de prêcher la miséricorde divine, et
d’exhorter les pécheurs à la conversion, Jésus aurait parlé comme les prophètes. Mais à une pècheresse venue
dans la maison du pharisien qui l’a invité. Il déclare :
« Tes péchés sont pardonnés. Ta foi t’a sauvée. »Il y a la
bien des sujets d’étonnement audace de cette femme qui
entre dans la maison d’un « pur », son comportement
plus encore la parole de Jésus qui pardonne les péchés.
Les chrétiens auxquels s’adresse est évangile pourraient être tentés de contempler cette scène comme de
loin, en se laissant seulement imprégner par les sentiments qu’elle suscite. Ils s’indigneraient alors de la réaction du pharisien sans penser à celle qu’ils auraient si une
telle femme entrant dans l’église où est célébrée l’Eucharistie, allait, sans rien dire ni se préoccuper de ceux qui
sont là, s’agenouiller en pleurs au pied de l’autel et y faire
brûler un encens de grand prix. Oublierions-nous que
tous, dans l’assemblée réunie autour de la Table du Seigneur, nous sommes des pécheurs pardonnés par la foi
en Jésus-Christ, et non à cause de nos mérites ou de nos
bonnes actions ?
L’attitude de Jésus invite chacun à purifier le regard
porté sur les autres. Lui, le Juste, il n’humilie pas les pécheurs, mais les accueille avec une extrême délicatesse. Il
sait que l’amour de Dieu peut être grand même chez les
pécheurs, d’autant plus grand qu’ils ont été pardonnés de
nombreux péchés.
N’oublions jamais que, l’Eucharistie est action de grâce
pour l’infinie miséricorde de Dieu révélée en Jésus-Christ
dont tous et toutes ont à proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle.
Rev. Paul Charly Chery
Month of June
06/12/16. Memorial Mass : Victor –Lumena Ancion
06/13/16. Memorial Mass: Patrick Walmé
06/19/16: Thanksgiving Mass: Bernard Lambert
06/15/16.Memorial Mass: ClairemiseJolicoeur /Clotaire Clervil
06/19/16: Thanksgiving Mass: Bernard Lambert
06/19/16.Thanksgiving Mass: Violette Clervil/ Joseph Jean
Luncheon lobster cruise
On the Spirit of Boston
Saturday August 13, 2016,11am-2pm.
If you are interested you can contact:
Sr. Adeline (617-259-7077) Sr. Claudemee (617-606-2085)
Sr. Ginette (508-933-0925) Sr. Marina( 617-287-8905)
Frère Gesner (857-312-444)
$80.00 per ticket. Deadline June 3rd.
Notre Dame du Mont Carmel New-York.
Départ 4.30AM.Du groupe Musiques/Chants
Samedi 16 Juillet Prix $65.00 par personne.
Deadline last week of June.
Concert Spirituel 06/18/16
Animé par Fr. Jean Gustave Miracle
Du groupe l’Unité de 7.00 PM à 10.00 PM.
Prix :$20.00 Adultes / $10.00 Kids.
Collection: 05/28/16: $1,793.00
06/05/16: $2.597.00
Seremoni Batèm:
Sen Matye: Samdi 11 JEN 2016 a 2 zè nan apremidi
Klas pou batèm:
Pou manman, papa, marenn ak parenn: Samdi 4JEN, 2016, a
midi,nan St. Matye.
Anrejistreman: Vini denpi konnye a. Anrejistreman ap fèt
nan Sent Matthew. Bienvenue!
Parish Bulletin Submission:
Marie Suze Pierre “[email protected]”
Joseph E Dorlus: [email protected]
617-298-0080 / Fax 617-298-2388
Mèsi pou anrejistre ou anrejistre nan Pawas la. Si w pankò fè
sa, fè l vit e ankouraje lòt moun fè l tou. N ap jwenn fòm yo
nan legliz la. Sa va pèmèt Pawas la avanse. Se pou Bondye
beni nou byen beni!
JUNE 12, 2016
Baptism for June 2016
Religious Education program: 9:00 am.-10:45 AM
Bernadette Obas: 617-298-0080
Confirmation Class: 12:30 –2:00 pm
Josette Beaubrun: 617-298-0080
Pope Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy,
Pou Batèm an kreol inskripsyion kòmanse
Registration in English is started.
English: Saturday, June 4, 2016; 12:00 noon
Français: Samedi, 4 juin, 2016 à 12:00 midi
Mattapan Campus:120 Babson Street, Mattapan, MA 02126
Baptism Date:
Francais: Samedi, 18 juin 2016 à 2:00 pm
English: Saturday, June 25 , 2016 @ 2:00 pm
Elizabeth Seton Academy is a successful all girls Catholic
college preparatory high school located in Dorchester,
MA that needs the support of our Catholic parishes to
offer our Catholic education to the young ladies of Boston.
Patty Bulman
Woule Woch: Samedi 4 juin 2016@ 7:00pm
Louanges Mariales:Dimanche 5 juin 2016 @ 7:00pm
Pa bliye! Pa blye!
13 juin 2016, à 7:00 tè nan aswè
Mès an lonè Notre Dam Fatima, apre Mès la posesyon nan
lari Mattapan, pote balèn nou.
Offertory Collection:
05/05/2016: $ 5101.65
Notre Dame du Mont Carmel, New York
Samedi 16 Juillet 2016
Sainte Anne
Fiskdale MA
Samedi 6 Aout 2016
Notre Dame de Fatima
Holliston MA
15 Octobre 2016
NB: N’hésitez pas à vous inscrire aujourd’hui même.
Veuillez nous contacter pour de plus amples informations.
Marianne Joassainte
Marie Carmel Aurelien
Gertha Alphonse
Mass for the youth: Sunday July 3rd at 9.30.AM
Feast for Saint Matthew:
September 17th and 18th2016.
Emmanuel Lebrun and Sumicko Charlene Homes
Jean Joseph Handy Morose and Carmelle Poteau
JUNE 12, 2016
8th Annual Archdiocesan Justice Convocation
JUSTICE IN THE WORLD, MERCY IN THE CHURCH Saturday, November 5, 2016, 8:30am-1:30pm BC High
School, 150 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125 Join
parishes from around the Archdiocese of Boston to
learn more about Catholic Social Teaching, celebrate the
work for justice going on, and find out concrete ways to
connect faith with action in the service of justice in your
local parishes.
Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy is now accepting
201617 school year! SPIICA is an elementary school with four
locations in Dorchester and Mattapan, and here your
child will enjoy a very challenging academic program in
an environment that provides a level of personal attention that ensures the cultivation of her/his special gifts.
Greeting from Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Archbishop of
Keynote Address by Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services
Keynote Address by James J. O'Connell, MD, Founder and President Boston Health Care for the Homeless
Small Faith-Sharing Group Session led by
Sister Honora Nolty, OP, Director of Development,
RENEW International
Mass celebrated by Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services
Extended Networking Coffee/Snack Break with wide
range of exhibitors and parish representative and
ethnic communities throughout the Archdiocese
Our school is open to children from age 2 years 9
months to 14 (grade 8). For more information, please
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any
questions. Thanks.
Registration Cost: $20, including coffee, tea, snacks, and
convocation materials
Registration will open soon - sign up early - sold out
last year! For more information, please contact Office
of Spiritual Life: 617-779-3640
St. Angela Merici Church
1548 Blue Hill Avenue
Mattapan, MA 02126
Telephone—617-298-0080 Fax—617-298-2388
Web Site— www.agmcatholic.org
St. Matthew Church
33 Stanton Street
Dorchester, MA 02124
Telephone—617-436-3590 Fax—617-287-2741
Web Site— www.agmcatholic.org
Sunday Masses:
Sunday: 7:00 am (bilingual) French-English
11:00 am (English)
1:30 pm (Haitian creole)
Weekday Mass: 9:00 am ( Bilingual,Monday through Saturday
Monday & Friday:
9:45 am ( Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ) all day
5:30 pm ( Benediction followed by the Mass )
Holiday Masses:
9:00 am / 5:30 pm / 7:00 pm as announced
Charismatic Renewal:
Tuesday: 7:00 pm ( Haitian creole ) Main Church
Holy Family Group: Saturday 4:30 pm ( Haitian Creole )
Church hall
Legion Of Mary: Saturday 2:00 pm (Haitian Creole)
Conference room
Marian Praises: ( Les Louanges mariales )
Sunday: 7:00 pm ( 1st Sunday of the month ) in French
( also every Sunday of October and May )
Ist Saturday of the month: Mille Ave ( in the chapel after
Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima: 13th of each month at
Sunday Masses:
Saturday:5:00 pm
Sunday: 9:30 am ( English )
11:00 am ( French creole )
Weekday Masses:
Monday through Wednesday: 5:00 pm (French / Haitian creole
Holiday Masses: As announced
Food Pantry:
Saturday: 9:00 am to 12.00 Noon
By SR. Mary Damian Powers, SM
Sponsored by St. Eulalia in Winchester
Charismatic Renewal:
Friday: 7:00 pm( Haitian creole ) in the Main Church
Sunday: 6:00 pm( Haitian creole ) in the Chapel
Wednesday –Adoration all day from 8:30 AM until 5PM Mass
Ist Saturday of the month: Mille Ave
Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima: 13th of each month at 6:00 pm
Legion of Mary: Saturday at 6pm (Haitian Creole) in the Chapel.
Rev. Vincent E. Daily, Pastor of:
St. Angela/St. Gregory/St. Matthew Collaborative
Rev. Paul Charly Chery, parochial vicar / Saint Matthew
Rev. Jean Gustave Miracle, Parochial Vicar / St Angela
Rev. Sandry Matondo/ St. Matthew/ In Residence
Mrs. Julie Hayes, Administrative Assistant/ Saint Gregory
Deacon Joseph E. Dorlus, Pastoral Associate
Ms. Marie Suze Pierre, Secretary / Saint Angela
Mrs. Colette Ostine, Secretary / Saint Matthew
Cheryl Jankord, Business Manager
Saint Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy, Mattapan Campus
Mrs Kathleen Aldridge, Principal. Phone # : 617-265-0019
St. Angela Merici - 1548 Blue Hill Ave. - Mattapan
Baptisms: Call Parish office for appointment.
Confessions: Call Parish office for appointment.
Marriage: Contact one of the Priests at least six (6) months in
Religious Education:
Grades: K—8
Sunday, 9:15 am to 10:45 am at the School ;
( Pope John Paul II Academy, Mattapan Campus )
High School Confirmation Program
Sunday afternoon as scheduled at the School
St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street - Dorchester
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Proclaiming the present Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said he wants to make it evident that the Church’s mission is
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