Brise-galets: la Hermandad


Brise-galets: la Hermandad
Boletín informativo de la Hermandad de la Costa
Bulletin d'information des Frères de la Côte * Newsletter of the Brotherhood of the Coast
Notiziario dei Fratelli della Costa
Vol. XVI/4
No 59
Brise-galets: la Hermandad
The Brotherhood
of the Coast
Often during my voyage, people
have asked me "why are you in
such a hurry, why don't you take
the time to visit the Galapagos,
theTuamotu. the Fiji, why go to
Noumea from Tonga when the
regular route for everybody else
is to go direct to New Zealand,
I have a hard time explaining
that I am not just cruising around
the world. For me, this is a voyage to visit the brothers of the
coast along the way while I am
sailing to the Worldwide meeting of the brothers in Sydney,
and then sail back home, again
visiting the groups of brothers on
my way back, even if it sometimes mean taking a few hundred
miles detour. Again, since some
of the people who read this blog
are not sailors or even less brothers of the coast, maybe I should
explain a little. Since there are
more than 3000 brothers of the
coast worldwide in some
30 countries, there are probably
3000 definitions, each of them as
good as any.
Mine is that The brotherhood of
the coast is a community of seafarers who share the same love
of the sea and practice among
themselves the same solidarity
as if there were blood brother in
a closely knit family. To belong
to this community is an honor
that has to be earned. It cannot
be purchased or granted on a
simple request. One has to demonstrate over the course of several years that love of the sea
and strong sense of solidarity are
among your key values and that
you can fit well within the group
with whom you are acquainted.
Then the group might invite you
to join the co mmuni ty.
erhood. I am very much looking
forward to meeting brothers that
I have never met before in any of
the international meetings that I
have attended. This is for me
where the value and the purpose
of this trip lies and it is very
much worth taking the path
around South Africa and the
Cape of Good Hope.
Posted by Papy Jovial Thursday, August 26, 2010
From Bernard's blog:
Les Frères de la Côte
Très souvent pendant mon voyage, beaucoup de gens m'ont dit
"mais pourquoi es-tu si pressé,
pourquoi ne prends-tu pas le
temps de visiter les Galapagos,
les Tuamotu, les Fidji, pourquoi
aller à Noumea depuis Tonga,
alors que la route que tout le
monde prend pour aller en Nouvelle-Zélande est la route directe, etc…"
I have been a brother of the coast
for 24 years and I hope that I
will always remain worthy of
belonging to the brotherhood.
And this is why now that I have
left Australia and the meeting in
Sydney, my next big stop will be
Cape town and Saldanha bay
where there are brothers of the
coast of the South Africa broth-
J'ai un peu de mal à expliquer
qu'en fait, je ne fais pas une
croisière autour du monde. Pour
moi, je fais un voyage pour visiter les Frères de la Côte qui
sont sur la route de Sydney, participer à la réunion mondiale des
Frères à Sydney en Mars 2010,
puis sur le retour, visiter les
Frères qui se trouvent sur le
chemin, même si cela implique un
détour de quelques centaines de
cela vaut largement de faire ce
détour pour contourner l'Afrique
du Sud et le Cap de Bonne
Espérance !
Je sais que parmi les lecteurs, il y
en a qui ne sont pas marins, encore
moins Frères de la Côte, et j'ai
pensé qu'une petite explication
s'imposait. Il y a plus de 3000
Frères de la Côte dans le monde,
repartis dans une trentaine de
pays, et il y a sans doute 3000
définitions de ce que nous
représentons, toutes vraisemblablement aussi valables les unes
que les autres.
Extrait du blog de Bernard:
Pour moi, les Frères de la Côte,
c'est une communauté de gens de
mer qui partagent le même amour
de la mer, et pratiquent entre eux
la même solidarité que des Frères
de sang dans une famille unie.
Faire partie de cette communauté
est un honneur qui se mérite. Cela
ne peut pas s'acheter, et on ne peut
pas adhérer sur simple demande. Il
faut démontrer sur plusieurs années que l'on possède cet amour de
la mer et ce sens de la solidarité
qui sont nos valeurs essentielles.
Et si vous demontrez que vous
pouvez vous insérer harmonieusement dans le groupe de Frères
avec lequel vous êtes en contact,
ce groupe pourra alors éventuellement vous inviter à vous joindre à
notre communauté. Je suis Frère
de la Côte depuis maintenant 24
ans et j'espère toujours
rester digne d'être membre de la
C'est donc pour cela qu'après avoir
participé à la réunion de Sydney et
quitté l'Australie, je me prepare
pour mon prochain arrêt important
qui sera de rencontrer les Frères de
la Côte de Capetown et de
Saldanha Bay. Je me rejouis vivement de cette rencontre, d'autant
que je n'ai pas encore eu l'occasion
de rencontrer aucun d'entre eux
lors des réunions internationales
auxquelles j'ai participé.
Ces rencontres sont ce qui apporte
toute sa valeur à mon voyage, et
I Fratelli della Costa
Spesso durante il mio viaggio
molti mi hanno detto: “ma perché
sei sempre così di corsa, perché
non ti prendi il tempo per visitare
le Galapagos, le Tuamotu, le Fiji,
perché vai a Noumea da Tonga
quando la rotta logica è quella
diretta per andare in Nuova
Zelanda, ecc.”
Ho fatto un po’ di fatica a spiegare
che non sto facendo una crociera
intorno al mondo. Piuttosto io sto
facendo un viaggio a vela intorno
al mondo per visitare i Fratelli
della Costa che sono sulla rotta per
Sydney e per partecipare al
Raduno mondiale dei Fratelli a
Sydney nel marzo del 2010. Poi,
nel viaggio di ritorno, visiterò altri
Fratelli anche se devo fare qualche
centinaio di miglia fuori rotta.
So bene che fra i lettori ci sono
alcuni che non sono marinai, ancor
meno che Fratelli della Costa, e
allora ho pensato che è doverosa
una piccola spiegazione.
Dal momento che ci sono più di
3.000 Fratelli della Costa sparsi
per il mondo in più di 30 paesi ci
sono anche probabilmente 3.000
definizioni tutte valide. La mia è
che la Fratellanza della Costa è
una comunità di navigatori dei
mari che divide lo stesso amore
per il mare e praticano fra di sé la
stessa solidarietà dei Fratelli di
sangue di una famiglia unita.
Far parte di questa comunità è un
onore che ci dobbiamo
guadagnare. Non si può acquistare
né si può aderire dietro semplice
domanda. Si deve dimostrare nel
corso di diversi anni che si
possiede questo amore per il mare
e questo senso di solidarietà che
sono i nostri valori essenziali. E se
dimostrate che vi potete inserire
armoniosamente nel gruppo dei
Fratelli con i quali siete in
contatto, questo gruppo vi potrà
allora eventualmente invitare a far
parte di questa comunità.
Io sono Fratello della Costa da 24
anni e spero sempre di rimanere
degno di appartenere alla
E’ dunque per questo che, dopo
aver partecipato al Raduno di
Sydney e aver lasciato l’Australia,
mi preparo per la prossima tappa
che sarà l’incontro in Sudafrica
con i Fratelli di Capetown e di
Saldanha Bay.
Sono molto eccitato per questo
incontro dal momento che non ho
ancora avuto l’opportunità di
incontrare nessuno di loro nelle
riunioni alle quali ho partecipato.
Questi incontri sono per me la
sostanza e il valore del mio
viaggio e questo vale
abbondantemente il percorso verso
il Sudafrica e il doppiaggio del
Capo di Buona Speranza.
Estratto dal libro di bordo di
Indice Contents Sommaire
Brise-Galets: Editorial : 1 - 3
Noticias nacionales: 4 - 8
Derniers voyages: 8 - 9
TTP: what future? : 10
Libros/ Video: 11
Les Frères belges font savoir que
Jean Pierre Lacroix, le BOSCO,
ancien Grand Frère de Belgique et
haut personnage de la Confrérie
mondiale est parti rejoindre nos
Frères qui naviguent sur les mers
toujours sereines.
La Hermandad
de la Costa
A menudo durante mi viaje, la
gente me ha preguntado “por qué
tienes tanta prisa, porqué no te
tomas tu tiempo para visitar las
Islas Galápagos, el Tuamotu, las
Fiji, por qué vas a Noumea desde
Tonga, cuando la ruta normal para
cualquier otro es ir directo a
Nueva Zelanda, etc..”
He tenido un tiempo arduo,
explicando que no estoy haciendo
un crucero alrededor el mundo
Para mí, este es un viaje para
visitar a los hermanos de la costa a
lo largo de la ruta, mientras estaba
navegando a la reunión mundial
de los hermanos en Sydney, y
después al volver a casa,
continuar visitando a los grupos de
hermanos en mi viaje de regreso,
aunque ello a veces me tome
algunos cientos de millas mas.
De nuevo, debido a que algunas
de las personas que lee este blog
no son marineros o aún menos
hermanos de la costa, debo quizá
dar un poco mas de explicaciones.
Puesto que hay más de 3,000
hermanos de la costa por todo el
mundo en unos 30 países, hay
probablemente 3,000 definiciones,
cada una de ellas tan buenas como
La mía es ésta. La hermandad de
la costa es una comunidad de
navegantes que comparten el
mismo amor por el
mar y
practican entre ellos la misma
solidaridad, como si en ella
hubiera una familia unida por
hermanos de sangre.
El pertenecer a esta comunidad es
un honor que tiene que ser ganado.
No puede ser comprado o ser
concedido ante una simple
petición. Uno tiene que demostrar
en el transcurso de varios años,
que el amor al mar y un fuerte
sentido de solidaridad están entre
sus valores dominantes y que uno
puede congeniar con el grupo que
Entonces el grupo puede invitarlo
a que se integre a la comunidad.
He sido un hermano de la costa
por 24 años y espero que siga
siendo siempre alguien digno de
pertenecer a la hermandad.
Y esta es la razón por la cual ahora
que he dejado Australia y la
reunión en Sydney, mi siguiente
gran detención, será la bahía de
Ciudad del Cabo y de Saldanha,
donde hay hermanos de la costa de
la hermandad de Sudáfrica. Estoy
mirando hacia adelante, el
reunirme con aquellos hermanos
que nunca he encontrado antes, en
ninguna de las reuniones
internacionales a las que he
Es aquí para mí, donde el valor y
propósito de este viaje se funden y
se hace mucho más digno tomar
la trayectoria alrededor de
Sudáfrica y el Cabo de Buena
Le décès est survenu le 14 septembre à la suite d'une tumeur foudroyante au cerveau, dépistée au
début août. Il n'est pas revenu du
coma artificiel dans lequel il était
placé depuis 15 jours.
La consolation de ses proches est
qu'il soit parti doucement sans
souffrances. II avait 70 ans.
Sa fille qui vit à Sydney est rentrée
à Bruxelles.
Cette triste nouvelle étant
parvenue à la rédaction peu
avant le bouclage de ce numéro, l'hommage que mérite le Bosco sera publié dans
notre prochaine édition.
La table de "Gent" avait la charge
d’organiser le Branle-Bas
Navigant de Belgique.
A la Pentecôte les Frères ont
rejoint le port d’Oostende où le
Grand Frère "Péric la Bectance"
aidé par plusieurs Frères et
captives de la table, avaient prévu
les festivités.
Plus de 190 participants dans 51
bateaux ont répondu à l’invitation
et furent amarrés dans le bassin
"Vlotdok ".
Plusieurs Frères hollandais et
français sont venus se joindre à
La journée du dimanche débuta
par la recherche des traces
laissées par nos ancêtres
flibustiers ostendais. La course
de pédalo entre table fut très
serrée, celle des sabots fut à
nouveau remportée par notre
Frère Flip Bustier. La soirée
débuta par un barbecue bien
arrosé par une cuvée des Frères
en blanc ou rouge selon les goûts.
Notre Frère "Dockside" fit danser
les couples jusqu’aux petites
Le lundi après les pistolets,
l’éclusage de départ se fit en 2
L’apothéose fut à la sortie du
chenal, à la grande surprise de
tous, le Grand Frère National de
Belgique et le Grand Frère de
Gent saluèrent les Frères en leur
envoyant des gerbes d’eaux
depuis le bateau po mpe
"Zeehond "
Grandiose !
La Hermandad de la Costa de
Chile cuenta desde Abril de
1989, con un Consejo de
Hermanos Mayores, el cual
simbólicamente representa a los
siete Hermanos Fundadores.
Este Consejo lo constituyen siete
Hermanos activos, más antiguos
y meritorios dentro de la
Hermandad y cuyo cargo es de
carácter vitalicio y sólo se pierde
por renuncia o fallecimiento.
Es así que debido al zarpe al Mar
de la Eternidad, del Hermano
Mayor Sergio “Gran Forbantes”
Dighero, los Capitanes
Nacionales reunidos en
Asamblea a fines de Junio,
eligieron a un nuevo integrante
de este Consejo y la elección
recayó en el Hermano Carlos
“Mercader de Venecia” García
G., Rol 565, de la Nao
Concepción, quien asumió como
el HHM Nr.7.
Es de todos conocido que el 27
de Febrero de este año un
terremoto y posterior tsunami
afectaron las Costas de la zona
sur de Chile. Este fenómeno
afecto a varios Hermanos de la
Costa y sus familias, lo que
generó una inmensa muestra de
Solidaridad de parte de varias
Mesas del Litoral mundial. .
Se recibieron apoyos solidarios
no solo con innumerables
muestras de afecto y cariño, sino
que además el aporte monetario
generoso en doblones que la
Capitanía Nacional, canalizó en
ayuda material a los Hermanos
mas damnificados de las Naos de
la zona azotada por el terremoto.
La primera acción, y
transcurridos apenas una semana
fue enviar un camión con
aproximadamente 2 toneladas de
alimentos no perecibles, los que
fueron repartidos equitativamente
a todas las Naos de la zona y
cuya distribución estuvo a cargo
de una partida de abordaje
encabezada por el Lugarteniente
Nacional, Oficiales Nacionales y
Capitanes de la Zona.
La Segunda acción de apoyo se
realizó en el mes de Abril y
consistió en entregarles a seis
Her ma n o s q ue p er d i e r o n
completamente sus casas, los
enseres básicos como; una
cocina, una cama matrimonial
con sus aditamentos, dos camas
single con sus aditamentos, una
lavadora y un refrigerador. Los
Hermanos beneficiados con este
aporte corresponden a: uno de la
Nao de Lota-Coronel, uno de la
Nao de Tome-Dichato y cuatro
de la Nao de Constitución.
La tercera y última acción
solidaria con los damnificados es
el aporte mensual de una
cantidad de alimentos para 13
Hermanos que perdieron su
fuente laboral y que ayudaremos
hasta que se agoten los recursos
de que disponemos.
En cada una de las tres
actividades la selección de los
beneficiados se realizó por la
comisión antes descrita y dirigida
por el Lugarteniente Nacional.
En un par de meses mas y cuando
termine el último aporte a los
trece beneficiados, se entregará
We are waiting for you
un informe contable detallado y
con los documentos pertinentes
para que la comisión designada al
efecto, realice la auditoria
respectiva, la que será enviada a
todas las Naos que concurrieron
con los aportes solidarios y
conozcan el manejo en detalle de
sus aportes.
La Capitanía Nacional de Chile,
en nombre de todos los
Hermanos Chilenos y en especial
de aquellos que se vieron
afectados por el sismo y tsunami,
quiere aprovechar de agradecer a
través del TTP, la generosidad de
las Mesas del Mundo, por este
tremendo gesto de fraternidad.
Daniel “Chiricuto” Alvarez A.
Capitán Nacional
Zafarrancho Aniversario 60
Años: En las próximas semanas
será enviado el programa con que
la Hermandad de la Costa de
Chile celebrará sus 60 años de
existencia. Este Zafarrancho se
realizará entre el jueves 31 de
marzo y el domingo 3 de abril,
del 2011, en Santiago y sus
alrededores. Posteriormente a
ello, se ofrecerán alternativas de
Tour por la semana, tanto a la
zona Norte como a la zona Sur de
Chile, para los Hermanos que
deseen contratarlos.
The German Brotherhood is
preparing three great
international events for the
upcoming year (All tables in
Germany will host you if you
decide to prolong your stay in
- 4th International Goose Fair,
Berlin, December 8th-12th, 2010
The table Berlin-Potsdam is
celebrating his 4th International
Goose Fair with an exiting
program. Just some of the
highlights: have dinner on the TV
–tower in 320 metres height in
the revolving restaurant, visit of
the Reichstag Berlin with his
famous dome, have a glance at
the manufacturing of the
worldwide well known Prussian
porcelain and the spectacular
Goose Fair at the Potsdamer
Yacht Club.
- Sailing in formation on the
rivers around Berlin, end of
May 2011,
The table Berlin-Potsdam is
planning to charter boats and to
do one week sailing in formation
from Berlin/Ketzin to Havelberg.
We intend to have less contact
with banks and marinas as
possible. We will anchor the
boats on the lakes, lieing
alongside, having a lot of fun.
We will stay overnight in a
marina in Havelberg, visiting that
old town, doing thousands of
ORZAS and return to Ketzin.
River raft in Bavaria,
August 11th – 14th, 2011
During the “Gaeubodenfest” at
Straubing (like the Oktoberfest in
Munich – just better) we will
enjoy Bavarian hospitality: one
evening in the tents of the
“Gaeubodenfest” with Bavarian
beer, bretzels and sausages, one
night in a typical Bavarian inn,
doing the river raft (one day with Bavarian music, beer and a
lot of water) and enjoying the
parade of the coaches in
Contact: [email protected]
New Experiences of a
Swiss Brother
This spring we, my captive
Monika, our son Lars and I,
decided to sail in tidal waters (in
the Channel) instead of the
Mediterranean. Our trip took us
to Saint Malo France. We started
three days later than expected
due to bad weather conditions.
The start of our turn was at our
son’s 4th birthday therefore we
first celebrated his birthday in the
morning at 5 o’clock, then we
left Sain Malo heading towards
Guernsey. In St Peter
Port/Guernsey we were already
expected by the brothers / frères
of the coast Paul Wiggins
(Gasoil) and John Prout (Scribe
of the Guernsey Table). They
warmly welcomed us on the
Channel Island. John invited us
for dinner which we accepted and
enjoyed very much. On the next
day John and his wife Sandra
drove us all round the Island. It
was just great! Thank you very
After crossing the Channel we
spent two days in Torquay/UK
and one in Dartmouth/UK before
sailing back to Guernsey. John
gave us the hint to fall dry in the
port of St. Aubin in Jersey.
Tables of the german Brueder
der Kueste, are cooperative
members of the Caravelle “LISA
von LUEBECK“ a replica from a
mediaeval Hanseship from the
15th century.
Unfortunately we were just about
ten minutes too late. So we didn’t
have enough water to enter St.
Aubin marina therefore we
headed to St. Helier Marina.
After two days we had to go back
to Saint Malo. On this crossing
we had quite thick fog. Just
before reaching the safe water
buoy of Saint Malo the sun got
trough again and we had a very
nice end of this beautiful cruise.
It was special for me as a Swiss
representing the Bavarian Table,
being on a French boat, flying the
French flag and meeting brothers
of Guernsey, that was very
Thanks again, it was great.
André Meier, Table of Bavaria
“LISA von Luebeck“ and the
Brueder der Kueste
A ship as center of a
Brothers from Table LuebeckTravemuende payed a visit to the
new polish table Gdansk.
And they came, stylish as
possible, by a rebuilt Caravelle.
It was a brotherly delight, when
on a short stop on the Hela
peninsula, Brothers from Gdansk
borded. The black flags were
flying in the wind when we
crossed Gdansk Bay and entered
the harbour where we moored
opposite the famous Crane Gate.
Brother Andrzej Drapella,
Captain of the Gdansk table, is an
experienced sailor, who, for
instance last summer, spent 3
month for scientific studies with
Spitzbergen in Polar areas.
As already on our first visit in
2006, he proved to be a
wonderful organizer (berth, fuel,
reception with town mayor,
Polish Admiral and press).
Next highlight was the ZAF at
the Gdansk seamans club. No
visiting Brother should miss that
Charly Brueser, Eike Lehmann
and Dieter Baars from Table
Luebeck-Travemuende handed
over the presents and on Sunday,
12th of September we weighed
anchor for Luebeck again.
Our hope for comfortable winds
failed again. If You sail east wind
will be east, sailing west, wind
will be west.
Navigating in 15th century people
simply had more time.
And we ?
boot-duesseldorf 2011
Keeping up with a good tradition,
Duesseldorf Table will host
visiting Brothers in connection
with "boot-duesseldorf 2011"
Friday 21st of January,
informal evening at one of
the famous Altbier Pubs.
Saturday 22nd dinner at
the Duesseldorf Yacht
Strasse 30
German Brothers and Captives
are looking forward to welcome
many of You from all over the
world, during the World
biggest boat show as well as for
the ZAF.
For all the details, please contact
our secretary from Duesseldorf
Joerg.C. Mueller-Duenow
[email protected]
Les Frères de la Côte italiens
organisent une croisière d’une
semaine sur la Méditerranée
(Genova. Marseille, Barcelone,
Tunisie, Malta, Messine, Civitavecchia, Genova) avec la MSC
Splendida du samedi 16 au 23
Programme détaillé de la manifestation et une fiche de réservation sur demande au Grand
Commodoro Marcello Bedogni
([email protected])
Tous les Frères de la Côte du
monde sont les bienvenus.
The italian Brotherhood of the
Coast organizes a cruise on the
MSC Splendida from October 16
to 23 in the Mediterranean Sea
(Geneva. Marseille, Barcelone,
Tunisie, Malta, Messine, Civitavecchia, Genova).
Planning and booking forms are
available on demand to the Gran
Commodoro Marcello Bedogni
([email protected])
All Brothers of the Coast of the
world are welcome.
Pour visiter le site web italienne il
faut obtenir le login chez la vigie
int. à l’adresse e-mail [email protected]
End of June 2010 a sombre period started for The Warsaw Table. Two Brothers, namely Jerzy
Mańkowski (21) and Aleksy
Pugacewicz (106), departed for
The Eternal Seas. They were
buried with Brotherhood ceremonial rites. Two farewells in three
weeks time clouded the mood
somehow but let us remember an
old Roman adage: ‘Navigare
necesse est, vivere non est necesse”…
It is so inscribed, since 1545, on
the doorway to “Haus der Seefahrt” in Hanseatic League city
of Bremen. But long history of
Hanse and its connections did not
finished yet. Among member
cities were - and still are, Lübeck
and Gdańsk.
In between 9 and 12 September
Brothers from Gdańsk, welcomed, (for the second time since
April 2006), a beautiful replica of
To visit the italian website you
need a login to be asked at the email address [email protected].
Giovanni Bigozzi Vigia Int.
15th century carrack Hanse Ship
built 1999-2004 with a great participation of The Lübeck Table,
Brother Charly Brueser, captain
Dieter Baars and others, who
now often sail her as a crew. Like
on the first time, Polish Brothers
embarked her for trip from Hel
peninsula sailing across the
Gdańsk Bay, wined and dined
guests at the famous “Zejman”
tavern. The ship moored in front
of Maritime Museum and was
open for spectators. The Storman
of Gdańsk Table Brother Andrew
Drapella (89) divulges that there
is a reciprocal fraternal sail voyage to Lübeck in the making for
the next year…
Earlier in June/July there was also
a visit from French Brothers.
They arrived on the sy CHRISRIC to Baltic south coast -
plains why Russians were coming…
The other occasion was in London, where sts FRYDERYK
CHOPIN concluded on 12th of
September her several months of
promoting throughout European
harbours the Year of Fryderyk
Chopin – the composer. My small
National Captain elect
At a Captain’s Meeting hosted by
the Sun Coast Table in Bradenton,
FL a new National Captain was
elected. The new National Captain elect is Charles Hankins
a.k.a. Ozo from the San Antonio
Table. He will take over from
National Captain Tom Collier
a.k.a. Ursa Major January 1,
2011. The U.S. tables would like
to thank National Captain Tom
Collier for his dedicated service
during the last 8 years.
Kołobrzeg, Gdańsk, Gdynia - and
were welcomed by our Brothers
there. As usual - they were notable guests in the “Zejman” tavern which is now official seat of
Gdańsk Table. Captain of Normandy Table surprised us by
speaking Polish. Then we learned
that his name is Jan Mondzelewski (Tabarka) His companion
Brother Bernard Couvercelle
(Ajut) departed Poland later sailing single-handedly to Sweden…
As a London resident and Polish
Vigia I did have an opportunity to
welcome on behalf of the Brothers Polish sail training ships on
their assignments in UK. The
final of Tall Ship Race 2010 was
an occasion for crews of sts POGORIA, ORP ISKRA and other
participants (including Russian
MIR) to pay respect and place
wreaths on the grave of Captain
Mamert Stankiewicz in British
Hartlepool. He died as a captain
of transatlantic ms PILSUDSKI
torpedoed at the early stages of
WW II. But he was a graduate of
a tsarist imperial Naval Academy
in Sankt Petersburg and this ex-
personal satisfaction is that I was
one of the participants of successful breaking of the Guinness record for the longest line of dancers performing the national dance Polonaise abroad. It was organized and lead by young crew of
the ship.
As for the future plans:
- Brother Maciej Krzeptowski
(80) is sailing soon sy DAR
SZCZECINA to Danish harbour
Hanstholm with memorial plaque
for fishermen perished there 35
years ago.
- The Polish national Zafarrancho
is scheduled for two days: Saturday and Sunday 20-21 November
2010 in Gdansk. The Table there
is in charge of preparation and
more detailed info will appear in
due time. We cordially invite Brothers who would like take part!
Please let me know your intentions by mail to [email protected]
Jerzy Knabe (2)
VI Polonia
The Potomac Table, later renamed Upper Chesapeake Bay
Table, had been in jeopardy after
the accidental death of its captain
and founder, Ron Reifsteck a.k.a.
Falcon, in an airplane accident
over the Bahamas several years
ago, and by the untimely passing
of its latest Captain, Harold
Bailley a.k.a. Brumby. It was
agreed to remove its name from
the directory. The remaining
Brothers will be assimilated by
the Chesapeake Bay Table and
the Salomon’s Table.
Les Frères de la Côte
de Belgique
déplorent plusieurs départ de
Frères pour leur
ultime croisière.
A la table de Gent, c’est notre
Frère "Plaquette" FC n° 200, qui a
appareillé pour son ultime croisière. Frère de la Côte depuis 1976,
beau-fils de notre Frère n° 1, il lui
a toujours fait honneur.
Bien connu des plaisanciers, étant
le fournisseur des "plaquettes"
souvenirs distribuées lors des différentes régates des clubs et accrochées sur les cloisons de nos bateaux.
Farewell "Plaquette".
La table de Bruxelles a vu le Frère "Maes le Rouge" FC n° 78, appareiller pour son ultime croisière.
Frère de la Côte depuis 1961 il
s’est distingué par ses croisières
hauturières à une époque où l’électronique à bord n’existait pas.
Pilier de la table de Bruxelles, il
ne manquait aucun Branle-bas, et
certainement pas ceux des baptêmes. Bon vent "Maes le Rouge".
La table d’Antwerpen a vu son
Frère "Pilule" FC n° 56, larguer
ses amarres. Pharmacien il a mis
au point une recette contre le mal
de mer, prisée par les plaisanciers
de tous pays, à commencer par la
famille royale, jusqu’au Japon et
…même au pôle sud !
Frère Fondateur de la table d’Anvers en 1959, Louis y a été Grand
Frère, il a aussi été Scribe National. Pendant 50 ans il a participé à
tous les numéros comiques de la
table. Pendant ce demi-siècle il fut
un modèle pour des générations
d’engagés et de Frères, un exemple vivant et spontané de l’Octalogue.
Le 20 mars dernier, à près de 95
ans, lors du Branle-Bas National
organisé à Anvers, droit comme
un I et d’une voix de stentor, il
lança encore son irrésistible et
"terribilé" Orza, célèbre par-delà
nos frontières, suivi d’une longue
ovation debout. Ce fut son dernier,
six semaines plus tard il a subitement largué les amarres pour sa
dernière traversée.
Sadly I must inform that our Brother Jerzy Mariusz Mañkowski
(21) from Warsaw Table of BOC
Poland departed for his last trip on
Eternal Seas on 27th June. His
send-off by Polish Brothers is on
1st July 2010 at St. Christopher
Church in Podkowa Lesna near
Warsaw where he lived and worked.
In his 78 years he was an entrepreneur, builder, shipwright and a
sailor. Sailed the seas since 1946,
built yachts not only for himself notably the famous sailing yacht
MARIA, on which our late
“Monje del Mar”
Brother M±czka crisscrossed the
oceans for 15 years, was one of his
own careful creations.
He will be missed by brothers. On
his departure we wish him favourable winds forever.
Warsaw Table of Polish BoC lost
a second member this month. On
19th July 2010 our 70 years old
Brother Aleksy Pugacewicz
( lost his fight with
cancer and departed for happier
seas. Beside of being mechanical
engineer specializing in typography and yachtsman, he was a
curious of the world traveler with
remarkable knowledge of the
Asian landmass.
On 23rd July Brothers and colleagues from Yacht Club of Poland
gave him ceremonial farewell in
Warsaw’s Orthodox Church.
We wish him serene and free of
troubles eternal sailing.
Jerzy Knabe VI, Hermandad de la
Costa Polonia
quel futur,
what future,
che futuro ?
Seuls 5 Frères ont répondu à
nos questions (sur les 2450 qui
ont reçu le dernier TTP). Trois
réponses étaient des remerciements accompagnés d'encouragements, et deux contenaient des
commentaires répondant plus
précisément à nos questions.
Rappelons que la principale
question qui était posée était:
lisez-vous TTP sur votre ordinateur, ou l'imprimez-vous? L'intérêt de cette question est en
effet de savoir si la version pdf
que nous diffusons est encore
adaptée, ou si nous devrions
passer à une newsletter en format html. Voici ces deux réponses dans leur langue originale:
Soltanto 5 Fratelli sui 2.450 che
hanno ricevuto l’ultimo numero
del Tortuga Post hanno risposto
alle nostre domande. Tre risposte
sono state di ringraziamento
a c c o m p a g n a t e
d a
incoraggiamenti e due
contenevano delle risposte precise
come richiesto dal nostro
questionario. Ricordiamo che la
domanda principale era: leggete
voi il Tortuga Post sul vostro PC
o lo stampate? L’interesse di
questa domanda era in effetti di
conoscere se la versione pdf che
noi diffondiamo è ancora valida
oppure se non è il caso di passare
a una versione in formato .html e
quindi accessibile solo dal web.
Ecco le due risposte nella loro
lingua originale:
Sólo 5 Hermanos respondieron a
nuestras preguntas (sobre un
total de 2450 que recibieron el
último TTP). Tres respuestas
eran dando las gracias,
acompañadas de estímulos y dos
contenían comentarios
respondiendo más precisamente
a nuestras preguntas.
Recordemos que la pregunta
principal que se planteaba era:
leen ustedes el TTP en su
ordenador o lo imprimen. El
interés de esta pregunta es en
efecto, saber si se adaptan a la
versión pdf en la que difundimos
o deberíamos pasar a un boletín
informativo en formato HTML.
Ahí tienen estas dos respuestas
en su versión original.
Only 5 Brothers replied to our
questions (from the 2,450 who
received the last TTP). Three
responses were thank yous together with encouragements.
Two contained comments answering our questions more precisely. The primary question
asked was: Do you read TTP on
your computer or do you print it?
The purpose of this question being to know if we should continue
publishing our newsletter in pdf
format or should we change to an
html format. Here are the two
responses in their own language:
From GB
You have invited my comments about
My personal comments cannot be very
enlightening for you to read. I think it
is an excellent, vital, and underappreciated communications medium!
A great deal of time and effort goes
into its compilation and production. I
suspect you do not get enough feed
back to tell you how good it is and
how important it is as a "bonding
agent" for the international culture of
the Brotherhood.
In answer to your questions:
1. It is very important for the reason
stated above.
2. Personally, I read it mostly on the
computer. I do print out some pages
which are of particular interest, but I
do not print it out in full.
3. I like the multilingual format and
columnar layout. The digital format
has revolutionised distribution for the
better in every way.
In FdelaC(GB), we have not been
great contributors. We must do better!
In recent years, the Fleet Council of
FdelaC(GB) has been rightly criticised for its poor national and international communications. The present
National Captain has made a determined effort to improve communications
on all fronts. The best way to achieve
this has been discussed at length at
Fleet Council and I believe, in spite of
some problems with our National
website, we are improving.
Traditionally, information from the
TTP has been disseminated orally by
Table Scribes. It is now distributed in
digital form to every individual GB
Brother who has an email address
(about 98%)
I hope my comments are helpful.
Bryan Osborne
De France
En réponse a vos questions dans The
Tortuga Post 58 :
1 Tortuga doit exister. C'est le lien
entre toutes les tables du monde. Mais
aussi il faut le faire vivre et cela est du
ressort de chaque pays, table nationale,table régionale. Une table nationale se doit de demander a ses frères
d'aider a l'information, de se faire
connaitre et reconnaitre dans ses devoirs et son savoir être.
2 Imprimer pour le conserver et liberer de la place sur l'ordinateur. Au
moins un frère de chaque table ( le
scribe )se doit d'un devoir de mémoire
et en l'imprimant assure une sauvegarde papier.
3 Préparation du Tortuga : si pas d'informations rédactionnelles aller la
demander a la table nationale concernée.
Annonce de la date de la prochaine
parution et de la cloture des rédactionnels
Ceci n'est qu'une petite reflexion qui
associée a d'autres pourra peut-être
répondre aux souhaits de SECOIN.
Merci de votre dévouement pour le
travail réalisé.
Fraternités et amitiés
Le Goeland FDLC 497 scribe Pro-
LIBRI N o t r e n o u v e l l e
Boucan de la Table ProvenceToulon à Porquerolles en 2008
consacrée aux vidéos a suscité
un réel intérêt . Voici donc une
seconde moisson de clips
découverts sur la toile...
N'oubliez pas de nous signaler
la parution de vos livres et articles importants, pour autant,
naturellement, que ces publications aient un lien avec la mer
et la navigation..
Do not forget to notify us of the
publication of your books and
articles. It is important naturally that these publications
have a bond with the sea and
No olviden notificarnos de la
publicación de sus libros o
articulos. Es importante que se
mantenga un enlace entre
nuestros hermanos, el mar y la
Non mancate di segnalarci la
pubblicazione dei vostri libri e
articoli. Naturalmente è
importante che queste
pubblicazioni trattino
argomenti di mare e di
La nostra nuova rubrica dedicata
ai video ha suscitato un vivo
interesse. Ecco dunque un
ulteriore elenco di indirizzi web
sui quali potrete trovare
interessanti video di Fratelli di
tutto il mondo.
Nuestra nueva rubrica
consagrada a los videos suscitó
un verdadero interés. Aquí tienen
una segunda cosecha de clips
descubiertos sobre el telón…
Our new section dedicated to
videos has aroused a real interest.
Here is another harvest of video
clips discovered on the web.
eo/x5id97_b o ucan-p q x-mai2008_people
Zafarrancho 2004 de los Hnos
Chilenos en Copiapó
Otra película chilena: Ritual de
Clips shot during the German
Zaf 2004 in Straubing, Bavaria.
Où on découvre Pisse-au-vent,
dit Olivier Stern-Veyrin, ancien
Grand frère de France et
célébrité de la voile, quittant la
Seyne-sur-mer en 1995 à bord de
Taper: "Stern Veyrin"
Youtube ou aller à
E n ter " Za f ar r a nc ho " and
"Straubing" on Youtube or
Vol.XVI/4 no 59 IX.2010
El Tortuga Post es enviado libremente por
E-mail a todos los Hermanos que se están
inscritos en BOC-Lista. Las Hermandades
nacionales están autorizadas para utilizarlo
de acuerdo a sus necesidades: copias,
traducciones parciales, etc, con la condición
sin embargo que siempre se indique la
fuente. Por su parte, los Vigías
internacionales comunicarán con uno u otro
de los redactores o a SECOIN las noticias
de su fraternidad. Estos comunicados serán
escritos en una de los cuatro idiomas
oficiales de la fraternidad, y no traducidos
The Tortuga Post is sent free by e-mail to
all the Brothers who are on the BOC-List.
The national Brotherhoods are authorized
to use it to fit their needs: copies, partial
translations, etc., with the condition that the
source always be indicated. For their part,
the International Lookouts will
communicate the news of their Brotherhood
to one of editors or to SECOIN. These
official news will be written in one of the
four official languages of the Brotherhood
and will normally not be translated.
The Brotherhood's
La Memoria de la
La Memoria della
La Mémoire de la
Deadlines, délais, plazos,
No. 60 15/12/2010
No. 61 15/03/2011
No. 62 15/06/2011
No. 63 15/09/2011
Editor honorario de la parte española:
Aldo Devoto Pascualetti Honorary English Editor :
René Fiechter Director of the publication
And English Editor:
Tony Olmer (SECOIN)
6 Fourth Street
Norwalk, CT 06855 U.S.A.
Phone: (++1) 203-854-9558
Fax: (++1) 203-852-0260
@: [email protected]
Editor de la parte española :
Rene Olhaberry Gonzalez
Faro Evangelistas 472, Las Condes Santiago
Tel. fijo:
(56 2) 8487193
Móvil: 98217839
@: [email protected]
The Tortuga Post est adressé gratuitement
par e-mail à tous les Frères qui figurent sur
la BOC-List. Les confréries nationales sont
autorisées à l'utiliser au mieux de leurs
besoins: copies, traductions partielles, etc., à
la condition toutefois que la source soit
toujours indiquée.
Pour leur part, les
Vigies internationales communiqueront à
l'un ou l'autre des rédacteurs ou à SECOIN
les nouvelles de leur confrérie. Ces
communiqués seront rédigés dans l'une des
quatre langues officielles de la Confrérie, et
ne seront normalement pas traduits.
Il The Tortuga Post è inviato gratuitamente
per posta elettronica a tutti i Fratelli che
sono nella BOC-List. Le Fratellanze
Nazionali sono autorizzate a utilizzare per
le loro esigenze copie e traduzioni anche
parziali a condizione che ne sia sempre
indicata la fonte. Da parte loro i Vigìa
Internazionali comunicheranno a uno dei
Redattori o a SECOIN le notizie relative
alla loro Fratellanza. Questi comunicati
saranno redatti in una delle quattro lingue
ufficiali della Fratellanza e di regola non
saranno tradotti.
Boletín informativo oficial
de los Hermanos de la Costa.
The official news bulletin
of the Brotherhood of the Coast.
Bulletin d'information officiel
des Frères de la Côte.
Notiziario ufficiale dei Fratelli della Costa
Editore della parte italiana:
Giovanni Bigozzi
Via di San Vito 22/5
50124 Firenze ITALIA
tel : (+39) 055 7135462
Fax: (+39 055 7310338
mobile (+39) 338 3281904
@: [email protected]
Editeur de la partie française ,
coordination finale et production:
Jacques Rial
Tony Olmer
6 Fourth Street
Norwalk, CT 06855 U.S.A.
Phone: (+1) 203-854-9558
Fax: (+1) 203-852-0260
@: [email protected]
Eggwaldstrasse 16,
Tél.: (++41 31) 839 19 85
Mobile: ++41 79 356 17 86
@: [email protected]
Next issue:
no 60
XII. 2010
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