The Tortuga Post
The Tortuga Post
THE TORTUGA POST ________________________________________________________________________ Boletín informativo de la Hermandad de la Costa Bulletin d'information des Frères de la Côte * Newsletter of the Brotherhood of the Coast Notiziario dei Fratelli della Costa Vol. XVIII/4 No 69 XII.20I2 Editorial T he December issue of TTP is my opportunity to report on SECOIN’s activity for the past year. With the support of the team, Jacques Rial, Rene Olhaberry, Maurizio Piantoni and Bernard Lefèvre TTP continues to be the vital link of our fraternity. I have appealed in vain to our Chinese and Greek brotherhoods for reports on their activities and dealt with the regrettable end of the Maltese Brotherhood. It has been noted that since the Directory has been withdrawn from TTP Brothers seem less aware of its importance. The consequence being scarce updates. I would like to announce that an up to date version will be distributed to all National Captains and Vigies in January and that the deadline for submission for updates will be December 31. Please remember that a copy of the Directory is always available on. up/secoin/files/TREASURE/ Its accuracy is up to you. In 2013 we will start preparations of the agenda for the National Captain’s meeting which will take place during the World Zaf in 2014. Please start thinking about items to be included in the agenda. I will also be bringing you through TTP the latest on the World Zaf. In the meantime, may you all enjoy fair winds and calm seas during the holiday season. Orza! Rascal, SECOIN FRANÇAIS L e numéro de décembre de TTP me donne l'occasion de rendre compte des activités de Secoin durant l'année écoulée. Avec l'assistance de Jacques Rial, René Olhaberry, Maurizio Piantoni et de Bernard Lefèvre, TTP continue d'être le lien vital de notre Confrérie. J'ai appelé en vain les Frères chinois et grecs à nous faire rapport de leurs activité, et me suis aussi occupé de la regrettable fin de la Confrérie maltaise. On a relevé que, depuis que le Directory a été retiré de TTP, les Frères semblent être moins conscients de son importance. La conséquence est que les mise à jours sont rares. Je voudrais annoncer que nous en distribuerons une version mise à jour à tous les Capitaines nationaux et aux Vigies internationales en janvier. Le délai pour l'envoi des mises à jour est fixé au 31 décembre. Mais souvenez vous que le Directory est toujours disponible sur p/secoin/files/TREASURE/. Son exactitude dépend naturellement de vous. En 2013, nous commencerons la préparation de l'agenda de l'Assemblée des Capitaines nationaux qui se tiendra durant le Zaf mondial de 2014. Je vous prie de commencer à penser aux points qu'il faudrait mettre à l'ordre du jour . Je vous tiendrai au courant par TTP des derniers développements concernant le Zaf mondial. En attendant, je vous souhaite bon vent et mer calme durant les Fêtes. OOOrza Rascal, SECOIN 2 THE TORTUGA POST ESPAÑOL E l número de Diciembre del TTP es mi oportunidad para informar sobre la actividad de SECOIN durante el año recién pasado. Con el apoyo del equipo, constituido por Jacque Rial, René Olhaberry, Maurizio Piantoni y Bernard Lefevre, el TTP sigue siendo el vínculo vital de nuestra fraternidad. He recurrido en vano a nuestras Hermandades de China y de Grecia para que informen sobre sus actividades y nos hemos ocupado del lamentable término de la Hermandad de Malta. Se ha podido observar que, desde que el Directorio fue retirado del TTP, los Hermanos parecen menos conscientes de su importancia. La consecuencia es la escasez de actualizaciones. Me gustaría anunciar que una versión actualizada se distribuirá a todos los Capitanes Nacionales y Vigías en Enero y que el plazo para la presentación de actualizaciones será el 31 de Diciembre. Por favor, recuerde que una copia del Directorio esta siempre disponible en: p/secoin/files/TREASURE/. La veracidad de la información depende de Ustedes. En el 2013 comenzaremos los preparativos de la agenda para la reunión de Capitanes Nacionales que tendrá lugar durante el Zaf Mundial en el 2014. Por favor, empiecen a pensar sobre los temas que deseen incluir en la agenda. Yo también estaré entregándoles a través del TTP, las últimas noticias sobre el Zaf. Mundial. Mientras tanto, deseo a todos que disfruten de buenos vientos y mares en calma, durante la temporada de vacaciones. ponibile. p/secoin/files/TREASURE/ La sua precisione dipende da voi. Orza! Rascal, SECOIN ITALIANO Nel 2013 inizieremo i preparativi dell'ordine del giorno per la riunione dei Capitani Nazionali, che si svolgerà durante lo Zaf Mondiale nel 2014. Si prega di iniziare a pensare ad argomenti da inserir e nell'ordine del giorno. Vi informerò attraverso il TTP sulle novità riguardanti lo Zaf Mondiale. I Nel frattempo, possiate godere di venti favorevoli e mare calmo durante le festività natalizie. l numero di dicembre di TTP è la mia occasione per riferire sull'attività SECOIN per l'anno passato. Con il supporto del team, Jacques Rial, Rene Olhaberry, Maurizio Piantoni e Bernard Lefevre TTP continua ad essere l'anello vitale della nostra fraternità. Ho fatto appello invano ai nostri confratelli Cinesi e Greci per avere relazioni sulle loro attività e affrontato la fine spiacevole della Fratellanza Maltese. E 'stato osservato che, poiché il Direttorio non è più pubblicato sul TTP, i Fratelli sembrano meno consapevoli della sua importanza. La conseguenza è di divenire poco aggiornati. Vorrei annunciare che una versione aggiornata alla data verrà distribuita a tutti i Capitani Nazionali e Vigie nel mese di gennaio e che il termine per la presentazione degli aggiornamenti sarà il 31 dicembre. Si ricorda che una copia della directory è sempre dis- Orza! Rascal, SECOIN With the Greatings of Con los mejores votos de Avec les meilleurs vœux de Con i migliori auguri de SECOIN + THE TORTUGA POST 3 NATIONAL NEWS THE TORTUGA POST della Tavola francese d’Aquitane con la Tavola di Venezia. BELGIQUE MALTA Sad News Mail received sept. 21, 2012 This is to inform you that as from today I need officially to drop my title of National Captain of the Maltese Brotherhood for the Brothers of the Coast since I remain the only member of the group. At this stage I believe the Brotherhood in Malta can be considered closed Wish the best for all of you and my doors are always opened for friends and brothers even if I will pull down my flag as from today. With deep sorrow and all my respect. Luigi Cacciatore.,___ All’ombra della sempre splendida Piazza San Marco, le affascinanti passeggiate fra calli e campi hanno fatto da preludio alla zingarata che si è svolta venerdì sera sui prati del Diporto Velico con la partecipazione di alcuni Fratelli della Tavola Ticinese. L’incontro con i Fratelli di altre Tavole è stato foriero di nuovi rapporti che uniscono e rinforzano sempre più lo spirito dell’Ottalogo. Raduno delle Barche di Venezia Nella stupenda cornice della città di Venezia dal 22 al 24 giugno si è svolto il Raduno Nazionale delle Barche del Solstizio d’Estate in concomitanza del gemellaggio Cette année, c’était à la table d’Antwerpen d'organiser le BBN de 2012. A défaut de terres inconnues, la table a choisi l’île artificielle de "Neetje Jans" en Hollande, construite pour les fameux travaux du Delta afin de préserver le pays des inondations lors de tempête en période de forte marée. Il sabato di buon’ora gli equipaggi si sono prepararti per la regata/veleggiata nella laguna veneziana mentre, sull’isola della Certosa, nel primo pomeriggio si teneva il Consiglio Grande e Generale. A sera, prima della Cena di Gala, si teneva la cerimonia d’investitura di tre nuovi Fratelli e la premiazione delle barche e degli equipaggi partecipanti alla regata. La serata di Gala si è conclusa fra golpe de canon e terribili orzeeee con l’inno della Fratellanza “Va pensiero” intonato a “squarciagola” da tutta la Tripulacion. ITALIA Branle-bas naviguant (BBN) du 26 au 28 mai 2012 C’est ainsi que 43 bateaux répondirent à l’appel, pleins de boucaniers, de polvera negra, blanca et …de captives. Tout commence par un captains drink offert par le Grand Frère de la table "’t Nippertje". Le dimanche 27 mai après le briefing, les équipent se préparent pour les différentes épreuves. Chaque table sélectionne un bateau et l’équipage pour un affrontement entre tables. D’autres activités attendent les frères restés sur l’île: tournoi de fléchettes, concours de la plus longue épluchure de pommes de terre (pour les captives), et moultes épreuves plus ludiques les unes que les autres. En début de soirée, après l’apéro, nous avons vu un court métrage sur les travaux du Delta.. 4 THE TORTUGA POST C’est la table de Nieuwpoort qui a été la meilleure des différentes épreuves de la journée. Ce w-e est rehaussé par la présence parmi nous du Grand Frère de New York « The Big Hopper », Robert Coles et sa charmante captive (qui nous a quittés, hélas cet automne). Le BBQ suivi d’une soirée dansante s’est terminée aux petites heures. Un Frère m’a fait remarquer que chaque année nous bénéficions d’un temps radieux, nous pouvons donc en conclure que le tout puissant est un Frère de la Côte. !!! (CQFD) Des Frères de Belgique à Lorient. 22/06/2012. Tout se passait derrière le vieux môle du port et en mer. La semaine des cadets est en mémoire de beaucoup de navigateurs actuels. Plusieurs d’entre eux sont devenus Frères de la Côte. C’était le temps du commodore Henri Leten FC007 BIBENDUM. la salle pour le prochain Boucan National en mars prochain. Chers Grands Frères, chers scribes, chers Frères, Cela se passera le samedi 16 mars 2013 Eh oui ! C’est le Grand Boucan de Belgique, qu’aucun Frère, qu’aucune Captive, ne peut manquer. Organisé dans le centre historique de la ville de Gand. Un MUST. !!! Alors à vos agendas. !! Mise à l’eau du BICHE, construit aux Sables d’Olonne en 1934. Le Grand Conseil du 2 octobre 2012 Après plusieurs années de restauration le dernier thonier de l’Ile de Groix (dundee de pêche, il y en a eu plus de 300) a été mis à l’eau à Lorient. Quatre yachts de Frères de la table de Gand: Corille, Lascar, Serenity et Twins avaient fait le déplacement. Au total nous étions à 13 (frères et captives gantois). Plusieurs frères français étaient également présents. Le BICHE est un peu belge, car installé de 1956 à 1969 à Zeebrugge, il fut le bateau dortoir pour les jeunes du RBSC pendant la saison de navigation.( écolages, semaine des Cadets, etc.). La plupart des jeunes de ces années y ont fait leurs premières armes nautiques. Le Grand Frère National et son Scribe ont organisé le Grand Conseil National. Le débriefing de la saison 2011 – 2012 confirme la bonne santé de nos 5 tables. L’organisation du branle-bas national (bbn) et du branle-bas naviguant (bbnav) sont félicité pour leur réussite. Le bbn a été une réussite car tous les frères de la table de Zeebrugge ont mis la main à la pâte, que ce soit pour le bar, la cuisine et les animations. Le service à table étant assuré par les engagés de chaque table, ce qui a permis de réduire considérablement les prix. Le bbnav a été pareil grâce à la contribution de toute la table. La table de Gand a déjà réservé Un nouvel annuaire des frères belges est prévu pour mars 2013. L’Etalonneur enverra le listing à chacun pour contrôle et correction. Une version sera envoyée à Bernard Lefevre pour améliorer la boclist. Une réédition de notre Log-Book est également prévue. L’agenda des branle-bas des tables est crée. Notre « Gardien des Hautes œuvres » Chas souhaite être relevé de ses fonctions. Compte A Flot le remercie pour son travail mais suggère de prendre le temps de la réflexion sur le sujet. Une réunion pour superviser le Grand Boucan est programmée fin janvier. Il se fait tard et il est urgent de passer à table … car les gosiers sont en manque de poudre pour nos Orza. Et c’est rassasié que chacun a rejoint sa baie. Ca Taille FC 183, Vigie internationale et Momo FC234 5 GERMANY Fresh breeze from Hamburg After three years of careful preparation, the “Brueder-der-KuesteDeutschland” on weekend 26th to 28th of Oct., celebrated the inauguration or their new Table Back Hamburg. 103 Brothers and Captives representing 7 countries and 22 different Tables came to witness the ceremony. On first evening, an impressive parade of tricorns walked the city by passing the historical building of “Flying P.Liner” shipping company Laisz towards the building of “Patriotic Society” where the ceremony was held by national Captain Heinz Scheel under assistance of the former SECOIN Jacques Rial and intern. Vigie Christian Berghausen. Eilert Wilcks, who has been chosen to be the first Captain of the new “TISCH BACK HAMBURG” then introduced his highly motivated crew of Christian Blunck, Dr. Konrad Rippmann, Ecki Stade, Christoph Barz, Peter Rösch and Olaf Tolzien and we all could feel what a vivid new table started in Hamburg. They all did a perfect job to organize this weekend. It was on Hermano Kurt “Kapbitter” Angelbeck, Hermano Mayor Chile, Gentil Hombre del Mar and Brother at Nao Valparaiso for 60 years as the official THE TORTUGA POST representative of the national Captain Chile Luis “Camaron” Navarrete, to memorize in an emotional way of how our Hermandad started and spread its special spirit around the world since then. He also expressed the historical commercial relationship between Hamburg and Chile as well as his own family rootes. There were more speeches, presentations and messages of goodwill from all parts of the world with sometimes emotional background. What an experience for the new Brothers. The formalities over, a group of Brothers and Captives from Tisch Bayern, gave a beautiful choral performance led by the talented Ulrich Kinstner on guitar and his Captive on percussion. Famous old Hamburg seamen songs by Brother Charly Brueser, inspired the whole society to spontanously join in a fantastic huge brotherly circle. Saturday, we met for that special bus harbour tour into normally restricted areas to show our guests the “heart” of Hamburg. O-tone national Captain GB Bryan Osborn: This was a fascinating visit, with full commentary, face to face with the giant working cranes and gantries in the container ports of Hamburg, one of the largest in the world. The tour also included a visit to the international Seamens Club “ Duckdalben” last year chosen as the best in the world, which provides a home from home to seamen exposed to enormous stress and time pressure in a globalised maritime economy. In the evening we borded the old cargo vessel MS “Bleichen” for a pirate party in the ship`s cavernous hold. Fantastic looking Pirates and Captives carried their treasures and finest wardrobes. Live music by new Hamburg Brother Olaf Toltzien and his band as well as Uli Kinstner with the Bavarians again, together with food and unlimited amounts of wine and beer, helped to ignore falling temperatures. We have been honoured by our GB Brothers who took this opportunity for raising two Engagees from Kent Invicta Table to full Freres. It was the first time that engages from GB have been raised on an overseas event before a full international gathering of pirates. Weekend ended following morning as there were optional tours to see the Hamburg Boat Show, joining a visit to the unique “International Maritime Museum” under the expertise of Hamburg Brother Konrad Rippmann, Railway Wonderland etc, etc. We say Thank You to all who came from even far away countries and continents, to support us in this inauguration of the 5th German Table, “TISCH BACK HAMBURG”, another brotherly harbour in Germany Welcome any time 6 ITALIA 55° RADUNO NAZIONALE dei LUOGOTENENTI MARSALA 26 / 28 OTTOBRE 2012 Su incarico del Consiglio Grande e Generale della Fratellanza italiana la Tavola di Marsala, guidata dal Luogotenente Carlo Pellegrino – Il Poeta, ha organizzato con grandissimo successo il 55° Raduno Nazionale dei Luogotenenti. Tre giorni di festa rallegrati da numerosissimi golpes de cañon sparati con il superbo vino Marsala che, munito di un permesso speciale, ha sostituito nell’occasione il tradizionale rhum. Il buon vino dunque, fornito dalle storiche cantine del luogo, ma sopratutto l’allegria alimentata dai Fratelli d ella T avo l a o sp i ta nt e e immediatamente condivisa dalle varie Tripulaciones, sono stati i protagonisti di quest’incontro fraterno. Si inizia venerdì mattina con la visita al Museo Militaria, guidati con rara competenza lungo le esposizioni dei vari oggetti storici e garibaldini della raccolta. A seguire la visita al Baglio Oro (antica dimora padronale tipica del luogo) che ha offerto un quadro delle attività di queste residenze del secolo scorso. Sabato mattina visita a Mozia, la magica isoletta davanti a Marsala con i meravigliosi ricordi dei navigatori THE TORTUGA POST fenici e poi le Saline, che per la poesia dei loro paesaggi hanno attirato sguardi incantati dei Fratelli. Nel pomeriggio Consiglio Grande e Generale della Fratellanza italiana, concluso con l’investitura di ben ventiquattro nuovi Fratelli uno dei quali di nazionalità uruguaiana. La cena di gala, allestita URRAAA ripetuti. Divertente e di successo l’inno goliardico co mposto d allo Scrivano di Marsala Piero Pellegrino – Colibrì, insieme all’attivissima Cautiva Sonia ed alla sua famiglia. L’inno è stato eseguito più volte ed in varie occasioni per richiesta dei Fratelli che lo hanno cantato sempre a squarciagola. all’insegna della tipica cucina siciliana, ha riunito duecentocinquanta persone, tra Fratelli, Cautivas ed Infiltrados provenienti da diverse parti d’Italia. Accompagnati da ripetuti golpes de cañon, il Gran Commodoro Marcello Bedogni – El Cabeçon e i membri del Governo nazionale della Fratellanza hanno premiato i vincitori dell’ormai tradizionale Premio Nazionale Fratelli della Costa, riservato alle attività svolte dalle Tavole ed ai Fratelli che si sono maggiormente distinti nell’anno trascorso. Fra le Tavole partecipanti quella di Marsala si è aggiudicata il primo premio. La notizia è stata accolta con gioia dai Fratelli di Tavola e da tutti i presenti, che hanno voluto ringraziare con un lungo applauso anche la simpatica accoglienza della Tavola organizzatrice. Nella sezione - “Navigazioni dei Fratelli” il vincitore è stato Mario Zappia - Il Conte, Fratello della Tavola di Catania, anch’egli accolto da OORZZEEE e La domenica – ultimo giorno – visita ad Erice, maestosa e imponente sulla sua collina, con le stradine medievali ed il castello immersi nella nebbia. La visita al centro storico di Marsala ha chiuso l’evento: il museo degli arazzi, l’arco di Garibaldi e il centro sono stati invasi dagli ultimi gruppi festanti di questo fortunato arrembaggio. Infine l’ultimo “sciogliete le righe” con saluti e brindisi al vino ed ai Fratelli di Marsala per annegare il dispiacere di lasciare luoghi e compagnia così piacevoli. 7 GB A CUTTING OUT OPERATION Many Brothers of the Coast worldwide can claim great achievements at sea. Global and National circumnavigations, Atlantic and Pacific crossings, rounding the Great Capes, Arctic and Antarctic explorations, all accomplished in the very best of maritime traditions. Those of us with only modest achievements in this respect look on in awe and admiration at these intrepid adventurers. But how many of them, I wonder, have explored the narrowing upper reaches of a newt* infested river, dodging the shallows and the overhanging tree branches of virgin forest as they wind through uncharted meanders, ever deeper into an unknown hinterland? This was the challenge set by the Past National Captain of Frère de la Côte(GB), Mike Arnold to the members of Solent Table at the end of a rather dismal summer sailing season in 2012. The challenge was inspired by the exploits of Captain Horatio Hornblower, described by his creator, C.S.Forrester, as a “cutting out operation”. The venue was the Hamble River which flows into the Solent just east of Southampton Water at THE TORTUGA POST Hamble Point, near the pretty village of Hamble. It provides an extremely popular haven with many well appointed ( - and expensive!) marinas and easy access to the Solent and English Channel at all states of the tide. There are literally thousands of boats of all types moored in this short stretch of river at its seaward end. The Hamble River is to yachting what Trafalgar Square is to road traffic! Why, then, all this talk about “uncharted waters?” Well, at Bursledon the river is crossed by the A27 trunk road and the M27 motorway by two low bridges. This makes any passage to the north only navigable by boats with a low air draft, ruling out most yachts. A few motor boats can just about make it under the bridges, but the river rapidly becomes very shallow. Only craft such as inflatable dinghies and RIBs can navigate the upper reaches of the river, and even then, only with meticulous attention to the state of the tide. Matters are further complicated by the fact that this river, unusually, has two high tides in every tidal cycle. For these reasons, the upper reaches of the Hamble River remain “unknown waters” to most, even though they are so close to a very popular sailing area On a particular Sunday, carefully chosen because of the time and range of the tides, a flotilla of small craft, manned by Solent Frères and their Captives, assembled at Deacon’s Boatyard and began the perilous passage north, under the road bridges and into the depths of the Hampshire countryside. There was an immediate air of tranquillity, ruffled only slightly by scurrying waterfowl and diving birds. A local fisherman on the bank gawped at the unusual sight of this passing flotilla, and a native in a kayak looked anxiously at the washes made by its boats. A leadsman in the leading RIB sounded the depth of water as the flotilla proceeded cautiously upstream. The river narrowed dramatically and meandered through lush woodland. Overhanging foliage whisked off headgear, miraculously without whisking off heads. Yet another hazard. Eventually, the craft arrived at a rickety landing stage with but a few inches of water to spare beneath their hulls. There was a small native settlement, Curdridge, and a quaint watering hole called “The Horse & Jockey”. The explorers ventured ashore, and sampled a pint or two of the local warm ale. The natives were friendly and hospitable and prepared the most magnificent roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for the explorers. With meticulous timing, just as the second high water began to fall, the Brothers bade farewell to the natives, thanking them and promising to return e’er long. They set off safely downstream on the falling tide back to Deacon’s Boatyard and civilisation. Intrepid? Well, perhaps not! But great fun, and ‘something different’. (*A ’newt’ is not unlike a very small and particularly vicious crocodile native to Hampshire, England!) 8 THE TORTUGA POST respectivas cautivas, más de ochenta personas disfrutando de estos emocionantes y emotivos momentos. CHILE Nao Valparaíso: “Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial” El Jueves 22 de Noviembre, alrededor de las 19 hrs en el salón de honor de la I. Municipalidad de Valparaíso el Alcalde Sr. Jorge Castro entregaba un pergamino a nuestro Capitán Renato “Abracadabra” De Lucca, en ese pergamino se nomina a nuestra Nao Valparaíso oficialmente como “Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial” de la ciudad. El Capitán de la Nao Valparaíso”, Renato De Lucca, indicó que “el haber sido reconocidos como Patrimonio Inmaterial de Valparaíso es un honor y un orgullo para nuestra Cofradía. Es un reconocimiento merito-rio y que da cuenta de que hacemos una labor muy importante en la difusión de los valores de la gente que ama el mar. Estamos muy contentos y agradecidos puesto que la declaratoria significa un compromiso con Valparaíso”. Kurt “KapBitter” Angelbeck, el único fundador de nuestra Nao con vida nos recuerda que “ No olvidemos que nuestra Nao fue creada un 2 de Febrero del año 1952 y sus primeras reuniones o zafarranchos se efectuaron en el En la foto, el CN de la Hermandad chilena Luis “Camarón” Navarrete, al Restaurant “Flora Norero” de la calle Blanco en Valparaíso, de eso centro Renato De Lucca “Abracadabra” , Capitán de Nao Val- hace ya más de 60 años.” paraíso y el Alcalde de la ciudad don Jorge Castro. Hubo numerosos invitados de importancia entre los que podemos mencionar al Presidente de la Liga Marítima el CA Eri Solís, el Director del Museo Marítimo Nacional el CA Sr. Cristián Del Real, el Gerente del Patrimonio Marítimo el CN Sr. Elías Tramón, el Concejal Sr. Máximo Silva gran gestor de esta nominación, nuestro gran “Camarón” , Capitán Nacional de nuestra Hermandad quien hizo un viaje relámpago desde Talcahuano para estar con nosotros, Hermanos de la Costa de Santiago y San Antonio, y obviamente la tripulación toda de la Nao Valparaíso con sus Nuestra rueda de gobierno la han dirigido más de 24 Hermanos que han sabido y dejado en cada una de sus singladuras una gran huella que se mantendrá por muchos años y que servirá para que el próximo Capitán que llegue mantenga la misma dirección de respeto, disciplina, fraternidad, compañerismo y amor al mar. La obediencia a nuestro Octálogo y Ordenanzas son factores básicos en este juego. Seguiremos en la misma senda trazada por nuestros fundadores y que nos corresponde seguir con la seguridad de lograr éxitos en nuestros simbólicos abordajes, combatiendo codo a codo, todos unidos. Hno. Mario Cerpa aka “Tiburón Blanco” TBC Nao Valparaíso ARGENTINA En la última Reunión de Capitanes celebrado el 26 de Octubre del 2012, fue designado por unanimidad Capitán Nacional de la Hermandad de la Costa de Argentina, el her mano Luis Bonomo “ELBOGA”. El cambio de mando de la Capitanía Nacional se efectuó, durante el Zafarrancho que se realizó inmediatamente después de la elección. La nueva Oficialidad Nacional de la HDC de Argentina quedo conformada de la siguiente manera: Capitán Nacional: Luis Bonomo “ELBOGA” l [email protected] Lugarteniente Nacional: Pedro López Leiva “KIWI” Vigía Internacional: Roberto Grin “TURCO” [email protected] 9 Escribano Nacional:Carlos G. Vanasco “GEROLANO” Comisario Nacional:Norberto Jacquet “YACARE” Veedor Nacional: Miguel Idoy “VIEJO CONTRABANDISTA” Contramaestre Nacional: Carlos Rodríguez“JUCARO” Oficial Nacional Custodio Registro ROL de Hermanos:Piloto Mayor Nestor Dusseti “CACHAFAZ” POLAND/USA US Brothers Attend Back to Back Zafs in Poland And Germany OCTOBER 18-28, 2012 American Brothers attended Polish and German Zafs in Gdansk, Poland, and Hamburg, Germany, held over two consecutive weekends starting October 18, 2012. This was the first time I can recall that two Zafs were coordinated so that Brothers could easily attend two Zafs in relatively close proximity in two countries over two consecutive weekends. In Gdansk, 107 Brothers and Captives attended the “PolishAmercian Friendship Zaf” from the USA, France, Germany, and Great Britain in addition to our Polish Brothers. The Polish Zaf started with an Old Gdansk City Tour. Gdansk was almost completely destroyed during WWII and the Polish Government rebuilt Gdansk using old plans and drawings. This effort THE TORTUGA POST was successful in recreating the look and feel of the old city and similar techniques were used in rebuilding other Polish cities and also in Germany. Afterwards a quick change into pirate dress and the Zaf commenced in the Zeyman (Seaman) Club. You have to see it to fully appreciate what “funky” means. The wooden one-story building is located on a canal across from the Four Star Gdansk Hotel, where most of the Brothers stayed. After a short walk past a bomb site, one sees what might best be described as a “rustic” exterior. Once inside, any lover of the sea immediately feels at home. Shelves on the walls are chockfull of maritime memorabilia, artefacts from around the world, paintings, statues, beer mugs, tarred rope and nautical “junk”. Weave your way through the wooden ships’ timbers, fish nets, wooden tables and benches, and you come to a gloriously cluttered little bar, where friendly ladies dispense endless gallons of free beer. Absolutely a nautical treasure! After a hearty rustic meal, singing, hugging and back-slapping began as Brothers met up with old acquaintances and made new ones - I was most fortunate to meet a Polish Brother who is living in Chicago! A hush fell on the room as a very attractive young lady appeared on stage with an Irish harp, serenading us with Gaelic folk songs. The next day and unusual for October, the sun shone brightly and the temperature shot up to 20˚C, perfect for a boat trip down the estuary into the Gulf of Danzig on the Baltic Sea in a classic wooden sailing boat, also “funky”. This was followed in the afternoon with guided tours of the impressive new Maritime Museum and the restored historic dockside “crane”, powered by men walking inside a giant “hamster wheel”. That evening there was a formal buffet dinner at Hotel Gdansk, where gifts were exchanged, including from US National Captain Charlie Hankins. A lusty Polish male voice choir entertained with folk music and traditional sea shanties, which we were all encouraged to join in. The wine and beer flowed freely, accompanied by many ORZAAAs! The first Polish/American Zafarrancho proved a huge success, thanks to the warm and generous hospitality of our Polish Brothers and the efforts of Polish National Captain Jerzy Paleolog in arranging this memorable Zaf. 10 THE TORTUGA POST El Tortuga Post es enviado libremente por Email a todos los Hermanos que se están inscritos en BOC-Lista. Las Hermandades nacionales están autorizadas para utilizarlo de acuerdo a sus necesidades: copias, traducciones parciales, etc, con la condición sin embargo que siempre se indique la fuente. Por su parte, los Vigías internacionales comunicarán con uno u otro de los redactores o a SECOIN las noticias de su fraternidad. Estos comunicados serán escritos en una de los cuatro idiomas oficiales de la fraternidad, y no traducidos normalmente. The Tortuga Post is sent free by e-mail to all the Brothers who are on the BOC-List. The national Brotherhoods are authorized to use it to fit their needs: copies, partial translations, etc., with the condition that the source always be indicated. For their part, the International Lookouts will communicate the news of their Brotherhood to one of editors or to SECOIN. These official news will be written in one of the four official languages of the Brotherhood and will normally not be translated. The Tortuga Post est adressé gratuitement par e-mail à tous les Frères qui figurent sur la BOC-List. Les confréries nationales sont autorisées à l'utiliser au mieux de leurs besoins: copies, traductions partielles, etc., à la condition toutefois que la source soit toujours indiquée. Pour leur part, les Vigies internationales communiqueront à l'un ou l'autre des rédacteurs ou à SECOIN les nouvelles de leur confrérie. Ces communiqués seront rédigés dans l'une des quatre langues officielles de la Confrérie, et ne seront normalement pas traduits. Il The Tortuga Post è inviato gratuitamente per posta elettronica a tutti i Fratelli che sono nella BOC-List. Le Fratellanze Nazionali sono autorizzate a utilizzare per le loro esigenze copie e traduzioni anche parziali a condizione che ne sia sempre indicata la fonte. Da parte loro i Vigìa Internazionali comunicheranno a uno dei Redattori o a SECOIN le notizie relative alla loro Fratellanza. Questi comunicati saranno redatti in una delle quattro lingue ufficiali della Fratellanza e di regola non saranno tradotti. Deadlines, délais, plazos, scadenze for/pour/para/per 2013 : No. 70 No. 71 No. 72 No. 73 15/03/2013 15/06/2013 15/09/2013 01/12/2013 ATTENTION: tu reçois The Tortuga Post parce que tu figures sur la BocList. Si tu changes d'adresse, envoie donc ton nouvel e-mail directement au responsable de la BocList (et non à la rédaction) : ATENCIÓN : Tu recibes The Tortuga Post porque figuras en el listado del BOCLIST. Si cambias de dirección envía tu nuevo email directamente al BOCLIST (y no a esta redacción) : ATTENZIONE: tu ricevi il The Tortuga Post perchè sei memorizzato nella BocList. Se cambi indirizzo manda la tua nuova e-mail direttamente al responsabile della BocList e non a questa redazione: WARNING: You receive The Tortuga Post because you appear on the BocList. If you change your address please send your new email directly to the managing party for the BocList (and not the publisher of TTP): [email protected] THE TORTUGA POST Vol.XVIII/4 no 69 XII.2012 Boletín informativo oficial de los Hermanos de la Costa. The official newsletter of the Brotherhood of the Coast. Bulletin d'information officiel des Frères de la Côte. Notiziario ufficiale dei Fratelli della Costa Editor honorario de la parte española: Aldo Devoto Pascualetti Honorary English Editor : René Fiechter Director of the publication and English Editor: Tony Olmer (SECOIN) Phone: (+1) 203-854-9558 @: [email protected] Editor de la parte española : Rene Olhaberry Gonzalez Tel. fijo: (56 2) 8487193 Móvil: 98217839 @: [email protected] Editore della parte italiana a.i.: Maurizio Piantoni, tel. 00 39 06 3016622 mobile 00 39 348 7806234 @: [email protected] Editeur de la partie française , coordination finale et production: Jacques Rial SECOIN: Tony Olmer 6 Fourth Street Norwalk, CT 06855 U.S.A. Phone: (+1) 203-854-9558 Fax: (+1) 203-852-0260 Mobile: ++41 79 356 17 86 @: [email protected] THE TORTUGA POST Next issue: III 2013 @: [email protected] Indice Contents Sommaire Secoin's Editorial, 1 Noticias nacionales, 3
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