9th anti-aging medicine world congress 2011
Final Program 9th Anti-Aging Medicine World congress 2011 As Scientific Directors, it is a great privilege to invite you to participate in the 9th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress in Monte Carlo to be held under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco. This year our guest of honor will be from the United States of America. We are very proud to welcome the following leaders in Aesthetic Surgery, Dermatology and Anti-Aging Medicine to this faculty: Thomas Biggs, Fredric Brandt, Monica Driscoll and Christopher Zachary. We have prepared an outstanding program in line with our commitment to innovation, expertise, and excellence, sharing a wealth of experience as well as teaching skills. The Scientific Committee of the AMWC has designed an extensive and full program with international faculty members from over 95 countries to contribute to the improvement of your everyday practice. In addition, following the development of Preventive and Anti-Aging medicine the AMWC 2011 will include numerous advanced academic and clinical sessions with lectures presented by prominent experts in the field as well as from research centre and universities. We also hope and are confident that you will enjoy your visit to the very exclusive and elegant Principality of MONACO! We look forward to welcoming you to the AMWC 2011. En tant que Directeurs Scientifiques, nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à participer à cette 9ème Edition de l’AMWC de Monaco, qui se tiendra sous le Haut Patronage de SAS le Prince Albert II de Monaco. Cette année, le pays mis à l'honneur sera les Etats-Unis d’Amérique. Nous sommes très fiers d’accueillir les quatre Experts Internationaux parmi les plus renommés dans les domaines de la Dermatologie, de la Chirurgie Esthétique et de la médecine Anti-Age : Thomas Biggs, Fredric Brandt, Monica Driscoll et Christopher Zachary. Nous avons élaboré un programme de grande qualité, conforme à notre engagement face à l'innovation, à l'expertise et à l'excellence, afin de partager avec vous contenu scientifique et expérience. Le Comité Scientifique de l’AMWC a conçu un programme très diversifié et de haut niveau réunissant des professionnels de plus de 95 pays, ceci afin de toujours mieux contribuer à l'amélioration de votre pratique quotidienne. De plus, pour suivre l’évolution de la médecine de Prévention et Anti-âge, l’AMWC 2011 proposera de nombreuses sessions académiques et pratiques en Anti-âge présentées par des experts réputés dans ce domaine ainsi que des Centres de Recherche et Universités. Pierre ANDRÉ, Claude DALLE, Patrick TRÉVIDIC Scientific Directors / Directeurs Scientifiques ELITE SPONSOR DIAMOND SPONSORS GOLD SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSOR SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION: 15 CME CREDITS The AMWC is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Please check the website for any further information: www.uems.net. The AMWC is designated for up to 15 CME credits. In Europe, this accreditation concerns all the specialists, who should turn to their national authorities in order to validate the CME points in their home European countries. In America, EACCME credits are recognized by the American Medical Association towards the Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA). To convert EACCME credit to AMA PRA category 1 credit, contact the AMA through their website: www.ama-assn.org. At the end of the conference, you will receive your Certificate of Attendance. In France, AMWC is accredited by the French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SOFCPRE) - FMC College Label under the reference BTQWVBWT8T. For more information: www.plasticiens.org VENUE Grimaldi Forum 10, avenue Princesse Grace 98000 Monaco Principality of Monaco www.grimaldiforum.com ORGANIZATION WWW.EurOMEdiCOM.COM AMWC Monaco Euromedicom PCO 29 bd de la République 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - FRANCE Tel. +33 1 56 837 800 Fax. +33 1 56 837 805 [email protected] SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS ANTI-AGING, WELL-BEING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY International Advisory Board International Advisory Board Claude CHAUCHARD Christophe de JAEGER Hong-Kong / France France Pierre ANDRÉ France David LAI China Claude DALLE France Patrick TRÉVIDIC France Anthony BENEDETTO Andreas KATSAMBAS Brian KINNEY USA Greece USA HONORARY PRESIDENTS MEDICAL SPA International Advisory Board Daniel PELLA Slovakia Ascanio POLIMENI Italy Alfred WOLF Germany Thomas BIGGS USA AESThETIc DERMATOLOGy & SURGERy Michael ATLAN Nabila AZIB Nicolas BACHOT Ashraf BADAWI Anthony BENEDETTO Fahd BENSLIMANE Philippe BERROS Jean-Christophe BICHET Pierre BOUHANNA Frédéric BRACCINI Isabelle CATONI Régis CAUCHOIS Olivier CLAUDE Flavio FACCHINI Eckart HANEKE Fabio INGALLINA Brian KINNEY Oliver P. KREYDEN Jacques LAGIER Marc LEFEBVRE-VILLARDEBO Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF Thierry LEMAIRE Frederico LORETTO Sohail MANSOOR Leonardo MARINI Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Oculoplastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Cervico Facial Surgeon Dermatologist Maxillo Facial Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Oculoplastic Surgeon Vascular Surgeon Cosmetic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Fredric BRANDT USA Monica DRISCOLL Christopher ZACHARY USA USA Ph. BLANCHEMAISON Mario KRAUSE France Germany Pakpilai THAVISIN Thailand scientific coordinAtors Tours, France Rabat, Morocco Paris, France Cairo, Egypt Philadelphia, USA Casablanca, Morocco CHPG, Monaco Paris, France Paris, France Nice, France Neuilly, France Paris, France Paris, France Florence, Italy Friburg, Germany Catane, Italy Los Angeles, USA Muttenz, Switzerland Nice, France Paris, France Buenos Aires, Argentina Paris, France Paris, France London, UK Trieste, Italy Xavier NOEL Hervé PADEY Armand PARANQUE Antoine PARASKEVAS Michèle PELLETIER Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI Eric PLOT Hervé RASPALDO Marco STABILE Yves SURLEMONT Mario TRELLES Inès VERNER Plastic Surgeon Maxillo Facial Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Facial Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Bordeaux,France Cannes, France Paris, France Paris, France Toulon, France Bangkok, Thailand Paris, France Cannes, France Cremona, Italy Rouen, France Cambrils, Spain Kiryat Ono, Israël ANTI-AGING AND PREVENTIVE MEDIcINE & MEDISPA Claude CHAUCHARD Monika GOLKOVA David LAI Georges MOUTON Gianluca PAZZAGLIA Daniel PELLA Ascanio POLIMENI Octavio VIERA Bernard WEBER Alfred WOLF Anti-Aging Practitioner Neurologist Anti-Aging Practitioner Sports & Functional Medicine Oncologist Prof. of Cardiology Neuroendocrinologist Pediatrist Biologist Gynecologist Paris, France / Hong-Kong Prague, Czech Rep. Hong-Kong Burgos, Spain Perugia, Italy Kosice, Slovakia Roma, Italy Palma, Spain Junglinster, Luxembourg Ulm, Germany internAtionAl scientific Advisory BoArd MeMBers Argentina Julio FERREIRA, MD Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF, MD Ruben MULHBERGER, MD Belgium Koenraad de BOULLE, MD Georges MOUTON, MD Didier VOCHELLE, MD Brazil Wilmar J. ACCURSIO, MD Canada Vince BERTUCCI, MD Wayne CAREY, MD Xiao yan JIANG, Prof. Uttam U. KALICHARRAN, MD China & Hong Kong Claude CHAUCHARD, MD David LAI, MD Ruxiang WANG, MD Colombia William MURILLO, MD Czech Republic Monika GOLKOVA, MD Egypt Ashraf BADAWI, MD France Nicolas BACHOT, MD Etienne-Emile BEAULIEU, Prof. Patrick CHERIN, Prof. Germany Eckart HANEKE, Prof. Mario KRAUSE, MD Alfred WOLF, Prof. Greece Andreas KATSAMBAS, MD Evangelos BELLONIAS, MD Hungary Imre ZS-NAGY, Prof. India Anoop CHATURVEDI, MD Israel Ines VERNER, MD Italy Ilaria GHERSETICH, Prof. Ascanio POLIMENI, Prof. Japan Yoshikazu YONEI, Prof. Toshikazu YOSHIKAWA, Prof. Luxembourg Bernard WEBER, Prof. Malaysia Dato HARNAM, MD Janethy BALAKRISHNAN, MD Monaco Philippe BERROS, MD Morocco Fahd BENSLIMANE, MD The Netherlands Martino NEUMANN, MD Emar VOGELAAR, MD Philippines Roland ANGELES, MD Nancy GARCIA TAN, MD Poland Stefan ZGLICZYNSKI, Prof. Ryszard RATAJCZAK, Prof. Barbara WALKIEWICZ, MD Romania Bogdan Dimitrie NICULAE, MD Catalin ENACHESCU, MD Russia Lev BERSTEIN, Prof. Irina DMITRIEVA, Prof. Slovak Republic Daniel PELLA, Prof. South Africa Duncan CARMICHAEL, MD Spain José MARQUEZ-SERRES, MD Mario TRELLES, MD Ocatvio VIERA, MD Switzerland Oliver KREYDEN, MD Phillip LEVY, MD Eleonore LUKA PILLA, MD Thailand Nopadon NOPPAKUN, Prof. Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI, MD Pakpilai THAVISIN, MD Turkey Cemal SENYUVA, Prof. United Kingdom Marios KYRIASIS, MD Sohail MANSOOR, MD USA Anthony BENEDETTO, Prof. Michael KAMINER, Prof. Bruce KATZ, MD Carolina IBANEZ VENTOSO, MD AMWc 2011 - PARTNER SOcIETIES World Society Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine • European Organisation for Scientific Anti-Aging Medicine • European Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • American Academy of Dermatology • Ana Aslan International Academy of Aging • Argentine Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asia Pacific Academy of Anti Aging Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asociación de Medicina Anti-aging y Estética Argentina • Asociacion Mexicana de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Association for the Development of Orthomolecular Nutrition • Association Tunisienne de Médecine Esthétique et de Cosmétologie • Associazone Medici Italiani Anti-Aging • AustralAsian Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Acupuncteurs Associés • Belgian Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Brazilian Society of Anti-Aging • Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery • British Anti-Ageing Medical Association • British Longevity Society • British Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Catalan and Balears Society in Anti-aging Medicine • Chinese Society of Cosmetic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine • College de Recherche International en Chirurgie Esthétique • Croatian Academy of Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine • Czech Corrective Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology Society • Czech Dermatovenerology Society • Czech Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Dermatological Society of Mauritius • Dutch Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Egyptian Society Plastic Surgeons • European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology • European Academy of Quality of Life and Longevity Medicine • European Society for Laser Aesthetic Surgery • European Society for Laser Dermatology • European Society of Aesthetic Surgery • European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • European Society of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology • French Society of Aesthetic Surgery • French Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • German Hormone Society • German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences • Gestalt Institut • Greek Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hong-Kong College of Anti-Aging Medicine • HUEM • Indonesian Anti-Aging Society • Indonesian Society for Anti-Aging Physician • Institut Européen du Viellissement • International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Academy of Longevity Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine of Ukraine • International Hormone Society • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery • Iranian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Italian society of Longevity Medicine • Japan Anti-Aging Medical Association • Japan Society of Clinical Aesthetic Anti-aging Medicine • Japanese Society for Aesthetico-Medical Technology • Kazakhstani Society of Mesotherapists • Korean Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Korean Anti-Aging Medical Association • Latin American SPA Associety • Malaysian Menopause Society • Melbourne Collagen Fundation & Anti-Aging Society • Middle East Academy for Medicine of Ageing • Morocco Society of Plastic Reconstructive & Esthetic Surgery • National Academy of Sports Medicine • National Bulgarian Society for Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine • Neurological Research Institute • Pacific Academy of Aesthetic Specialists • Peruvian Society of Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine • Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians • Polish Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology • Polish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatry, Ana Aslan • Russian Academy of Scientific and Longevity Medicine • Russian Association of Laser Medicine Specialists • Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Anti Aging • Spanish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine of Canari Island • Sociedad Española de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética • Sociedad Italiana de Cirurgia Estetica • Sociedad Venezolana de Anti-Envejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedade Brasileira de Antienvelhecimento • Société Française de Chirurgie Esthétique • Societé Française de Médecine et Physiologie du Vieillissement • Société Internationale de Mesotherapie • Society Brazilan of Plastic Surgery • Society for Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Malaysia • Society for Preventive Gerontology and Geriatrics • South African Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • South American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • Spanish Gran Canarian Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Swiss Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Academy of Longevity Medicine • Turkish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Society of Cosmetology Lecturers • Union Internacional de Medicina y Cirurgia del Rejuvenecimiento • World Anti-Aging Medical Association, and many more... scientific sessions lecturers and faculty ACCURSIO Wilmar AHARONI Claude ALIEV Gjumrakch ALOISANTONI Vincenzo ALTARKEET Dalal ANDRE Pierre AVRAM Mathew AZIB Nabila BACHOT Nicolas BADAWI Ashraf BAHADORAN Philippe BANSLIMANE Fahd BARONE Ruta Suzana BEILIN Ghislaine BELMONTESI Magda BENEDETTO Anthony CANTECOR Benedicte BERRINO Pietro BERROS Philippe BESINS Thierry BEUSTES-STEFANELLI M. BICHET Jean-Christophe BIGGS Thomas BISCHOF Marco BLANCHEMAISON Ph. BLANDINI Fabio BOISNIC Sylvie BONNEFON Alain BOUHANNA Eric BOUHANNA Pierre BRACCINI Frédéric BRANDT Fredric BRIGHTMAN Lori (TBC) CADIC Philippe CALDERHEAD Glen CANTECOR Benedicte CAREY Wayne CARMICHAEL Duncan CASSUTO Daniel CATONI Isabelle CHATURVEDI Anoop CHAUCHARD Claude CHIGNON-SICARD B. CHRISTIAEN Benoit CIAIS Gaston CLAUDE Olivier CONNELL Bruce COUPÉ Marlène DALLE Claude DAMMACO Maria Adele DAY Doris DE Boulle Koenraad DE Jaeger Christophe DELMAR Henry DELONCA Denis DEPREZ Philippe DIERICKX Christine DOSS Nejib DRISCOLL Monica DROSNER Michael (TBC) DU Liling FACCHINI Flavio FATEMI Afschine FAUTECK Jan Dirk FOUQUE Linda FRATILA Alina FUNK Wolfgang GANSS Christopher GARCIA Philippe GAULTIER Frederick GENAZZANI Alessandro GENNAI Alessandro GHERSETICH Ilaria Endocrinologist Sao Paulo, Brazil Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Biochemist/Nutritionist San Antonio, USA Prof. Internal Med/Molecular Pharmaco. Rome, Italy Dermatologist Kuwait-City, Kuwait Dermatologist Paris, France Dermatologist Boston, Usa Plastic Surgeon Rabat, Morocco Dermatologist Paris, France Dermatologist Cairo, Egypt Prof. Dermatology Nice, France Plastic Surgeon Casablanca, France Anti-Aging Practitioner Madrid, Spain Aesthetic Practitioner Paris, France Dermatologist Milan, Italy Dermatologist Philadelphia, Usa Dermatologist Marseille, France Plastic Surgeon Genes, Italy Oculoplastic Surgeon CHPG, Monaco Plastic Surgeon Nice, France Plastic Surgeon Lausanne, Switzerland Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Houston, USA Research Scientist Berlin, Germany Phlebologist Paris, France Researcher / Neurobiologist Pavia, Italy Dermatologist Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Montpellier, France Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Dermatologist Paris, France Facial Plastic Surgeon Nice, France Dermatologist Miami / New York, Usa Dermatologist New York, USA Aesthetic Practitioner Orléans, France Laser Scientist Tochigi-Ken, Japan Galenic Pharmacologist Marseille, France Dermatologist Montreal, Canada Anti-Aging Practitioner Cape Town, South Africa Plastic Surgeon Milan, Italy Dermatologist Paris, France Anti-Aging Practitioner Sugarland, USA Anti-Aging Practitioner Paris/HK, France/Chine Plastic Surgeon Nice, France Pedicurist, Chiropodist Paris, France Dental Surgeon Nice, France Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Santa Ana, Usa Lymphologist Montpellier, France Anti-Aging Practitioner Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Bari, Italy Dermatologist New York, Usa Dermatologist Aalst, Belgium Geriatrist, Gerontologist Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Cap D’Antibes, France Plastic Surgeon Bordeaux, France Aesthetic Practitioner Empuriabrava, Spain Dermatologist Boom, Belgium Dermatologist Tunis , Tunisia PhD. Molecular Bio. & Biochemistry Piscataway, USA Dermatologist Munich, Germany Ophtalmic Surgeon Shenyang, China Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Dermatologist, Surgeon Dusseldorf, Germany Anti-Aging Practitioner Munster, Germany Dermatologist Nice, France Dermatologist Bonn, Germany Plastic Surgeon Munich, Germany Surgeon/CEO Ticeba Heidelmberg, Germany Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Dental Surgeon Paris, France Ass. Prof. of Gynecology Modena, Italy Plastic Surgeon Bologna, Italy Dermatologist Florence, Italy GOETTMANN-BONVALLOT S. Dermatologist (TBC) Paris, France GRANDO Sergei Dermatologist Irvine, USA HASE Michael Psychiatrist Bad Bevensen, Germany HE Wei Ophthalmologist Shenyang, China China HERTZOG Bernard Aesthetic Practitioner Paris, France HIBINO Sawako Anti-Aging Practitioner Kyoto, Japan HUMBERT Philippe Dermatologist Besançon, France IBANEZ Ventoso Carolina Molecular Biologist Piscataway, USA IWANAMI Kaeko Internal Medicine Tokyo, Japan IBLHER Niklas Plastic Surgeon Fribourg, Germany INGALLINA Fabio Plastic Surgeon Catane, Italy JAUFFRET Jean-Luc Plastic Surgeon Marseille, France JELKS Glenn (TBC) Plastic & Oculoplastic Surgeon New York, Usa JIANG Xiaoyan Ass. Prof. of Genetics Vancouver, Canada KALIA Yogeshvar N. Prof. Pharmaceutical Science Genève, Switzerland KALTENBRUNNER W. Cardiologist Vienna, Austria KANE Michael Plastic Surgeon New York, Usa KANODIA Raj Plastic Surgeon Beverly Hills, Usa KATSAMBAS Andreas Dermatologist Athens, Greece KATZ Bruce Dermatologist New York, Usa KAUVAR Arielle Dermatologist New York, Usa KESTEMONT Philippe Facial Plastic Surgeon Nice, France KINNEY Brian Plastic Surgeon Los Angeles, USA KLEINE-GUNK Bernd Anti-Aging Practitioner Furth, Germany KONTUREK Peter Prof. Internal Med/Gastro Erlangen, Germany KRAUSE Mario Anti-Aging Practitioner Hannover, Germany KREYDEN Oliver Dermatologist Muttenz, Switzerland KUMAMOTO Yoshiaki Prof. of Urology & Andrology Sapporo, Japan LAI David Anti-Aging Practitioner Hong-Kong, China LADVOCAT Cintra H. Plastic Surgeon Rio de Janeiro, Brazil LAFARGE-CLAOUÉ B. Plastic Surgeon Paris, France LAGIER Jacques Oculoplastic Surgeon Nice, France LAMBOLEY Denis Anti-Aging Practitioner Paris, France Nice, France LARROUY Jean-Claude Dermatologist LEFEBVRE-VILARDEBO Marc Vascular Surgeon Paris, France LEGRÉ Regis (TBC) Plastic & Hand Surgeon Marseille, France LEVY Jean-Luc Dermatologist Marseille, France LEWIS Wendy Plastic Surgery Consultant New York, USA LORETTO Frederico Plastic Surgeon Paris, France MAGGIONI Cristina Gynecologist Mila, Italy MAIZETOVA Zulya Dermatologist London, UK MANSOOR Sohail Dermatologist London, UK MARIGLIANO Vincenzo Prof. of Gerontology Rome, Italy MARINI Leonardo Dermatologist Trieste, Italy MARMUR Ellen Dermatologist New York, USA MAROTTA Francesco Prof. of Gastroenterology Milan, Italy MARTHAN Jules Aesthetic Practitioner Vauvert, France MARTINEZ DEL CAMPO M. Gynecologist UK MATTHIAS Imhof Dermatologist Frankfurt, Germany MAZZUKA Marcos Pediatrist Palma de Mallorca, Spain MEIGEL Eva Dermatologist Hamburg, Germany MICHEELS Patrick Aesthetic Practitioner Geneva, Switzerland MINICONI Marie-Jeanne Dermatologist Nice, France MIROUZE Daniel Gastroenterologist Montpellier, France MITZ Vladimir Plastic Surgeon Paris, France MODSCHIEDLER Thomas Plastic Surgeon Nice, France MONHEIT Gary D. Dermatologist Birmingham, USA MORETTI Michael Editor The Aesthetic Guide Aliso Viejo, USA MORTENSEN Svend Aage Prof. of Cardiology Copenhagen, Denmark MüHLBERGER Ruben Anti-Aging Practitioner Buenos Aires, Argentina MUSARELLA Paul Anti-Aging Practitioner Zeist, Netherlands NADJAFI-TRIEBSCH C. Anti-Aging Practitioner Riehen, Switzerland NARBONNE Jean-F. Prof. Environement/Toxicology Bordeaux, France NAVARRO Gérard Dental Surgeon Paris, France NEDELCU Ioan Prof. Dermatology & Venerology Bucharest, Romania NIFOROS François (TBC) Plastic Surgeon Lyon, France NOEL Xavier Plastic Surgeon Bordeaux, France PADEY Hervé Maxillo Facial Surgeon Cannes, France PARASKEVAS Antoine Plastic Surgeon Paris, France PARIS Jérôme Facial Plastic Surgeon Marseille France PARK Dae Hwan Plastic Surgeon Daegu, South Korea ACCARDO Ciro AMGAR Gilbert ASSASSA Sam AUDHYA Tapan BARINI Clelia BENADIBA Laurent CAMENISH Colette CARLOTTI Bruno CECCARELLI Maurizio COMBO Peter COSTIL Philippe DESCHODT Bernard DEWANDRE Luc DUNCAN Diane I. Plastic Surgeon Torre del Greco, Italy Morphological A-A Medicine Maisons Laffitte, France Aesthetic Practitioner Beverly Hills, USA Biochemist New York, USA Aesthetic Practitioner Formigine, Italy Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Surgeon Zurich, Switzerland Face and Neck Surgeon Nice, France Aesthetic Practitioner Rome, Italy Plastic Surgeon Paris, France General Surgeon Paris, France Face and Neck Surgeon Draguignan, France Aesthetic Practitioner Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Fort Collins, USA EL Achkar Ibrahim FILAJ Vladimir FORENZA Annamaria FRITZ Klaus GENNAI Alessandro GHALILI Michael Kambiz HANNOUN Sonia KACKI Marek KAIDBEY Shafic KARDASI Maria KERSCHER Martina KHRUSTALEVA Irina LATOUCHE Xavier ALESSANDRINI Andrea ALSOUFI Aref BELHAOUARI Lakhdar BONAN Paolo COHEN Joel COULON Pierre DAVID Jacques André DE MAIO Mauricio Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Ophtalmologist Aesthetic Practitioner Plastic Surgeon DEBERRY Bernard DIVARIS Marc FORTE Riccardo GONDINET Alain LEVY Phillip PINTO Herman PYOTT David RUMYANTSEVA Elena PASCAL Jean-François PASINI Evasio PASSERON Thierry PAUL Malcolm PAZZAGLIA Gianluca PELLA Daniel PELLETIER Michèle PENA Vincenzo PESCE Alain PETCHNGAOVILAI C. PICCERELLE Philippe PIOVANO Luca PLOT Eric POIREAUDAU Serge POLIMENI Ascanio POLLACK Sheldon PONS-GUIRAUD Annick POZZO Jean-Marc RASPALDO Hervé REDAELLI Alessio ROBERT Bard ROMO III Thomas ROUGEREAU Guillaume ROWLAND-PAYNE C. ROZENBERG Damian RYBAR Rafael SABATER Juan SABATIER Henry SALEH Hesham SALOMON Denis SARFATI Eric SAVELLI Marie-Pierre SAWANOBORI Masakazu SCAPAGNINI Giovanni SCHäUFELE Eva SECNAZI Pierre SHIRASAWA Takuji SIMONCINI Tomasso SHOKEIR Hisham SOLNIK Catherine STONEK Felix SU Min SURLEMONT Yves TANNOUS Zeina TENG-UMNUAY Patana THAVISIN Pakpilai THIOLY-BENSOUSSAN D. TRÉVIDIC Patrick VALENTI Giorgio VALSAMIS Marios VAN Bogaert Gina VAN Der Lugt Claudia Van LIMBURG STIRUM J. VERNER Ines VIGNERON Jean-Luc VIERA Octavio VINCENTELLI Andrea VINSKI Deby VOCHELLE Didier VOLF Nadia VOLPEI Charles WAHL Gregor WATANABE Sho WEBER Bernard WEILL David WESSOLLY Johannes WIEST Luitgard WOLF Alfred WOLLINA Uwe YONEI Yoshikazu YOSHIMURA Kotaro ZACHARY Christopher ZERBINATI Nicola Plastic Surgeon Lyon, France Cardiologist Brescia, Italy Dermatologist Nice, France Plastic Surgeon Newport Beach, USA Oncologist Peruggia, Italy Prof. of Cardiology Kosice, Slovak Republic Dermatologist Toulon, France Plastic Surgeon Fribourg, Germany Prof. of Geriatrics Monte Carlo, Monaco Dermatologist Bangkok, Thailand Prof. Pharmaco/Dermatology Marseille, France Plastic Surgeon Rome, Italy Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Prof. of Rheumatology & Re-education Paris, France Neuro-Endocrinologist Milan, Italy Dermatologist Toronto, Canada Dermatologist Paris, France Ophthalmologist Paris, France Facial Plastic Surgeon Cannes, France Vascular Surgeon, Aesthetic Practitioner Milan, Italy Prof. of Radiology New York, USA Plastic Surgeon New York, Usa Orthopedic Surgeon Paris, France Dermatologist London, UK Anti-Aging Practitioner Buenos Aires, Argentina Cardiologist Kosice, Slovak Republic Pharmacologist Barcelona, Spain Plastic Surgeon Nice, France Facial Plastic Surgeon London, UK Dermatologist Geneva, Switzerland Oculoplastic Surgeon Toulon, France Galenic Pharmacologist Marseille, France Internal Med/Anti-Aging Medicine Tokyo, Japan Clinical Biochemist Molise, Italy MD & Psychoanalyst Munich, Germany Aesthetic Practitioner Paris, France Prof. of Aging Control Syst. Tokyo, Japan Prof. of Gynecology Pisa, Italy Dermatologist Cairo, Egypt Rheumatologist Paris/HK, France/Chine Gynecologist Poysdorf, Austria Ophtalmic Surgeon Shenyang, China Plastic Surgeon Bordeaux, France Dermatologist Boston, Usa Nephrologist Bangkok, Thailand Anti-Aging Practitioner Bangkok, Thailand Dermatologist Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Prof. of Gerontology Parma, Italy Phlebologist Athens, Greece Anti-Aging Practitioner Hoeilaart, Netherlands Aesthetic Practitioner Meijel, Netherlands Anti-Aging Practitioner Zurich, Switzerland Dermatologist Savyon, Israel Dermatologist St Paul-De-Vence, France Anti-Aging Practitioner Palma de Gran Canaria, Spain Aesthetic Medicine Furiani, France Anti-Aging Practitioner Jakarta, Indonesia Dermatologist Brussels, Belgium Spec. Acupuncture & Neurology Paris, France Plastic Surgeon Nice, France Dermatologist Berlin, Germany Gal Dir. National Inst. Health & Nutrition Tokyo, Japan Biologist Junglinster, Luxemburg Industry Gland, Switzerland Aesth. Pract/Nutritionist Ludwigsburg, Germany Dermatologist Munich, Germany Prof. of Gynecology Ulm, Germany Dermatologist Dresden, Germany Anti-Aging Practitioner Tokyo, Japan Ass.Prof. of Aesthetic Surgery Tokyo, Japan Dermatologist Irvine, Usa Dermatologist Varese, Italy contributing lectures speakers Plastic Surgeon Beirut, Lebanon Plastic Surgeon Tirana, Albania Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Practitioner Rome, Italy Dermatologist Landau, Germany Plastic Surgeon Bologna, Italy Prosthodontist New York,USA Aesthetic Practitioner Paris, France Nephrologist & Internal Medicine Nashville, USA Anti-Aging Practitioner Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Dermatologist Athens, Greece Dermatologist Hamburg, Germany Plastic Surgeon Moscow, Russia Plastic Surgeon Paris, France MAZZEO Francesca Plastic Surgeon Parma, Italy MOTTALEB Mamdouh Salah A Consultant Plastic Surgeon Cairo, Egypt NA Jongju Surgeon Seoul, South Korea NOEL Xavier Plastic Aesthetic Surgeon Bordeaux France PIPIC Nedim Cervico Facial Surgeon Vienna, Austria RAPPL Thomas Plastic Surgeon Graz, Austria RAUS Peter Ophthalmologist, Oculoplastic Surgeon Geel, Belgium SIRITO Mario Armando Anti-Aging Practitioner Genoa, Italy SMITH Riekie Aesthetic and Sport Physician Pretoria, South Africa SULAMANIDZE George Plastic Surgeon Tibilisi, Georgia VANNINI Fulvio Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Practitioner Naples, Italy VANO Marc Aesthetic Practitioner Cannes, France WEIDMANN Michael J. Dermatologist & Phlebologist Augsburg, Germany WEISS Xanya CEO Arasys Perfector Honolulu, USA Workshops speakers Rome, Italy Bad Homburg, Germany Toulouse, France Firenze, Italy Englewood, USA Ales, France Paris, France Sao Paulo, Brazil Stomatologist Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic surgeon General Practitioner Dermatologist Aesthetic Practitioner Industry Dermatologist Irvine, USA Paris, France Como, Italy Paris, France Geneva, Switzerland Barcelona, Spain Irvine, USA Moscow, Russia SEBAGH Jean-Louis SEBBAN Sandrine SOYANO Shinichi SWIFT Arthur TAIEB Maryna WEIDMANN Michael WEILL David ZENKER Sabine Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Practitioner Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Practitioner Dermatologist Industry Gland, Dermatologist Paris, France Paris, France Kyoto, Japan Westmount , Canada Paris, France Augsburg, Germany Switzerland Munich , Germany keynote lecturers some of the famous lecturers of the aMWc 2011 AESThETIc DERMATOLOGy & SURGERy Mathew M. AVRAM, MD, JD, is the director of the MGH Dermatology Laser & Cosmetic Center. He is the Faculty Director for Procedural Training in the Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School. He is an expert in laser surgery, aesthetic dermatologic procedures such as Botox, soft tissue fillers and chemical peels, and dermatologic surgery. He is the Program Chair of the 2010 American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery annual meeting. Anthony BENEDETTO, MD PhD, is currently Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology, Univ. of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, as well as founder and medical director of the Dermatologic SurgiCenter in Philadelphia and in Drexel Hill, where he practices Mohs Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery. He is member and he holds committee positions in various national and international dermatologic societies and is currently the North American Vice President of the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology. Thomas BIGGS, MD PhD, is a Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas) and a Visiting Professor of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons. He is a Life member of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons and a member of many other societies. He is Editor-in-Chief of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, official Journal of ISAPS and the author of several publications. Fredric BRANDT, MD, is a board-certified member of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Dermatology. In practice for more than 20 years, Dr. Brandt is the largest user of injectable collagen and Botox in the world and the pioneer of the “neck-lift,” a nonsurgical antiaging procedure. Dr. Brandt is a clinical associate professor of dermatology at the Univ. of Miami and a published writer, and is internationally sought after in his industry as a lecturer. Bruce F. CONNELL, MD, is Plastic Surgery specialist in Santa Ana, California (USA). Member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Dr Connell is affiliated with Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital. He is also author of many articles in plastic and reconstructive surgery with special expertise in facial surgery. Michael KANE, MD, is Plastic Surgeon in private practice in New York, USA. He is board-certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Member of many professional organizations including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the New York County Medical Society, the Medical Society of the State of New York, and the international Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. He is the author of The Botox Book which has now been translated and published worldwide Andreas KATSAMBAS, MD, is Professor, Chairman of the Dpt. of Dermatology and Venereology, “A. Sygros” Hospital, School of Medicine, Univ. of Athens, Greece. President of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Board member of the Int. League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS), Chairman of the ILDS Awards Committee, Member of many National and International Medical Societies. Arielle KAUVAR, MD, an internationally renowned board certified Dermatologist, Laser Surgeon and Mohs (skin cancer) Surgeon, is founding director of New York Laser & Skin Care, USA. She has been helping patients reveal and maintain their healthiest skin for over 17 years. As a leading authority on laser surgery, cosmetic dermatology and skin cancer, she lectures nationally and internationally, writes extensively and is frequently interviewed by media. Brian M. KINNEY, MD, FACS, MSME, is Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon in Los Angeles, USA. He is a member of the Honorary Society, American Association of Plastic Surgeons. He serves on the Board of Directors of ASAPS, ASPS, PSEF in the USA and was elected the President of PSEF in 2005-2006. Internationally, he serves on the Board of Directors and is Parliamentarian at IPRAS. He is most recently appointed the Chairman of the Board of the National Endowment for Plastic Surgery in the USA. ANTI-AGING, PREVENTIVE & WELL-BEING MEDIcINE Monica DRISCOLL, PhD, is a Professor, Dpt. of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Rutgers Univ., USA. Her research uses C. elegans as a model system to study developmental neurogenetics and the molecular genetics of neuronal function and dysfunction, mechanosensation, neurodegenerative cell death and aging. Member of NIH Study Section Cellular & Molecular Biology of Neurodegeneration & of the American Federation for Aging Research Scientific Advisory Board. Alessandro D. GENAZZANI is Assosiate Professor at the University of Modena, Italy. Degreed in Endocrinology and in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prof. Genazzani is the Chief of the Gynecological Endocrinology Center at the University of Modena, Italy. Prof. Genazzani published more than 135 peer reviewed papers on International Journals, and is author/co-author of 12 books. Carolina IBáñEZ VENTOSO is Research Associate and Faculty at the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Rutgers University, New Jersey, US. She obtained her Ph.D. in Molecular Biology & Genetics from the University of Glasgow, UK, and her B.S. in Genetics, Cell & Molecular Biology from the “Universidad Autonoma of Barcelona”, Spain. Bernd KLEINE GUNK, is head of the Gynecology Department of the Euromed Clinic, Fürth. He is practicing operative surgery as well as Gynecological Endocrinology. He is President of the German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, editor in Chief of the German Journal "Gynecology and Obstetrics" and is giving regular lectures at the University of Oradea, Rumania. Peter KONTUREK, MD, is Prof. of Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology, 1st Dpt. of Medicine, Univ. Erlangen, Nuremberg, Germany. Head of Gastroenterology Research Laboratory and Nutrition Team, and Deputy Head of Endoscopy Unit at the same institution. Yoshiaki KUMAMOTO MD, PhD is president of the Japanese Medical Society of Mens’ Health and director of the Japanese Institute of Clinical Andrology. Prof. Kumamoto is Professor Emeritius of the Sapporo Medical University (Urology & Andrology). He is also honorary president of the Japanese Foundation for Sexual Health Medicine and adviser of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine and Adrescentology. Swend Aage MORTENSEN, MD DrMedSci, FESC is Chief Physician, Associate Professor of Medicine, the Univ. Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark. He is Medical Director of Cardiac Transplant Program, The Heart Centre, Rigshospitalet and Fellow of The European Society of Cardiology. He has participated in working groups on heart failure and organ transplantation. He is Member of the Danish Society of Transplantation Board. He is also vice-chairman of The Int. Coenzyme Q10 Association. Jean-François NARBONNE, PhD, is Professor in Food and environmental Toxicology at the University Bordeaux 1, France. He is Expert at the National Food Safety Agency (AFSSA) since 1999, Member of the Scientific Committee National Environmental Safety Agency (Since 2007). Dae-Hwan PARK, MD, PhD, FACS, is the Head of Plastic Surgery of Catholic University of Daegu. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Korean Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and is a guest reviewer of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He is the Pdt of Korean Society of Oculoplastic Surgery and Daekyung Wound Healing Society and the Director of Tissue Engineering Center. Daniel PELLA, MD, PhD, FICC, FICN, is Professor of Cardiology and Head of Preventive and Sports Medicine Centre at Louis Pasteur Univ. Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Kosice, Slovakia. President Elect of the International College of Nutrition, Executive Director of the International College of Cardiology, Scientific secretary of the Slovak Association of Atherosclerosis and Chairman of the Control Committee of the Slovak Society of Cardiology. Philippe PICCERELLE, PhD, is Professor of Pharmacology in Marseille, France. He is expert in galenic and cosmetology at Aix / Marseille Pharmacy University & CNRS (National Scientific Research Center) Chemical Complex Sytems. Ellen MARMUR, PhD, is an Associate Professor and the Chief of Dermatologic and Cosmetic Surgery at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. She specializes in skin cancer, surgery, cosmetic surgery, and women’s health dermatology. Her first book, Simple Skin Beauty (Atria Publishing) was released Cristina MAGGIONI, PHD, is a Professor of Gynaecologic-Obstetrics at the Univ. of Milan October 2009. & Researcher in various topics related to endocrinology, gynecology and obstetrics such Gary D. MONHEIT, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Dermatology Dpt., Univ. of as In vitro fertilization, cronobiology and endocrinological interpretations, psychosomatic Alabama - Birmingham Medical Center. He is a fellow of The American Academy pathologies, PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following childbirth, and more. Writer of Dermatology, The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the American and co-wroter of several books, she is also Member of the Editorial Board of the ‘Journal Association of Liposuction Surgeons, American Association of Hair Restoration of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology’. Surgeons, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and American Academy of Juan SABATER TOBELLA, PhD, is doctor in pharmacology, analyst and founder Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, among others. He was Pdt of the American Academy of laboratory of clinical analysis Sabater–Tobella & of the Biochemichal Clinical of Cosmetic Surgery 2001 and serves on the board of directors. Institute, Fondation Juan March. He promotes research, the formation and diffusion of personalized medicine, application of protocols of prevention and Thomas ROMO III, MD, is Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. Current treatments adapted to the genetic singularity and molecular of each person Director of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at both Lenox Hill Hospital and The Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in NY, USA. As a world-renowned and applied to each disease. innovator in surgical techniques for facial plastic surgery, he recently completed Giovanni SCAPAGNINI, MD, PhD in Neurobiology, Institute of Biochemistry, the Silver Book Edition on Endoscopic Brow Lifting for Karl Storz Inc. He published Univ. of Catania, Italy, Visiting Scientist, Laboratory of Adaptive Systems, also 6 new surgical techniques for rhinoplasty surgery in the latest editions of the periodical National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of “Facial Plastic Surgery”. the Health. He published several scientific papers on international journal and in scientific books. Zeina TANNOUS, MD, is Dermatologist and the Director of Mohs/Dermatologic Takuji SHIRASAWA, MD & PhD, is Professor in Ageing Control Medicine, Surgery at Boston VA Medical Center. She is also on faculty at Massachusetts Juntendo Univ., Tokyo, Japan, Director of the Japan Anti-Aging Association, of General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Tannous' research Japan Biogerontology and of the Biorehabilitation Association. His scientific interests include the application of lasers and light sources in the treatment of interests are: Molecular Biology of Aging & Gerontology, Molecular Genetics of dermatologic conditions as well as non-invasive imaging of skin. Alzheimer’s Diseases and Analysis of Athletic Gene. Luitgard WIEST, MD, is Dermatologist in Munich, Germany. She started her Tomasso SIMONCINI is Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, medical carrier in Ethiopia and until today she remains involved in humanitarian Univ. of Pisa. He is the Scientific Director of the Molecular and Cellular aid working for “Cap Anamur” organization in Somalia, Angola, Mozambique, Gynecological Endocrinology Laboratory (MCGEL), the Executive Secretary of Vietnam and other developing countries. At present, Dr Wiest is also the Vicethe International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology and serves on the President of the International Society of Dermatology. Board of the European Society of Gynecology. Christopher ZACHARY, PhD, is Professor and Chair of Dermatology (Department Alfred S. WOLF, MD, PhD, is Professor at the University of Ulm, Germany, in of Dermatology at the University of California at Irvine). He is one of the Gynecology and Obstetrics, Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine and nation’s leading researchers and clinicians with developing and using laserLaboratory Medicine, working in the filed of AAM and Preventive Medicine assisted treatments to rejuvenate aging and damaged skin. since 1999. He is Chairman of the 1st European “Master of Science for Preventive Medicine” at the Dresden International University. Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery Anti-Aging & Preventive Medicine Thursday March 24 - Jeudi 24 mars Program-at-a-glance room vAn dongen LeveL -2 Aesthetic dermAtoLogy & surgery CONTROVERSIES IN HAND REJUVENATION CONTROVERSES DANS LE RAJEUNISSEMENT DE LA MAIN THE BIOLOGICAL CLOCK AGEING AROUND THE CLOCK! HORLOGE BIOLOGIQUE ET VIELLISSEMENT UPDATES IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE LES NOUVEAUTÉS EN MÉDECINE ANTI-âGE FACIAL MELASMAS AND PIH: AN UPDATE MELASMA FACIAL & PIH : MISE A JOUR 17:30 18:30 OCULOFACIAL REJUVENATION: HOW TO REGAIN A YOUTHFUL LOOK RAJEUNISSEMENT OCULOFACIAL : COMMENT REDONNER LA JEUNESSE AU REGARD ? Program-at-a-glance Auditorium Prince Pierre LeveL -2 Aesthetic dermAtoLogy & surgery 8:30 9:30 9:30 10:30 NEUROTRANSMITTERS LATEST UPDATES NEUROTRANSMETTEURS MISE à JOUR PATIENT’S COMFORT DURING INJECTIONS CONFORT DU PATIENT EN COURS DE TRAITEMENT PAR INJECTIONS COMPLICATED CASES INTERACTIVE SESSION CAS CLINIQUES COMPLEXES FAMOUS FACES: HOW TO DEAL WITH CELEBRITIES! FAMEUX VISAGES : QUELLE APPROCHE…POUR QUELLES CÉLÉBRITÉS ! 12:00 13:00 Auditorium cAmiLLe BLAnc LeveL -2 Anti-Aging & Preventive medicine medicAL sPA registrAtion & BAdge Pick uP VOLUMAZING INJECTIONS AND FACIAL RISKS: THE FORBIDDEN ZONES INJECTIONS VOLUMATRICES ET RISQUES FACIAUX : LES ZONES INTERDITES HORMONES HORMONES FACE, EYES, MOUTH & SKIN VISAGE, YEUX, BOUCHE & PEAU DERMATOLOGICAL PROCEDURES PROCÉDURES DERMATOLOGIQUES PRACTICAL STEM CELLS FOR AESTHETICS CELLULES SOUCHES PRATIQUES POUR L’ESTHÉTIQUE BOTULINUM TOXIN - THE BEST PRACTICE FOR THE UPPER FACE TOXINE BOTULINIQUE : LES MEILLEURES TECHNIQUES POUR LE HAUT DU VISAGE 20:00 - 23:00 Aesthetic Workshop Q-med cLiniPro uLtherA fiLorgA Phitogen hoLding medicis Adoderm medicALoo Body tite roc room vAn dongen LeveL -2 Aesthetic dermAtoLogy & surgery 7.30 - 8.30 room Auric LeveL -2 Anti-Aging & Preventive medicine Aesthetic dermAtoLogy & surgery room nijinski LeveL -1 Aesthetic WorkshoPs room rAveL 1 LeveL -2 Aesthetic WorkshoPs room rAveL 2 LeveL -2 Aesthetic WorkshoPs BRAIN AGING SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS AU VIEILLISSEMENT CEREBRAL Aesthetic Workshop PrimeQuAL AL WELL BEING MANAGEMENT IN MEDICAL SPA cosmoscience ALLergAn ALLergAn GSAAM SESSION GSAAM SESSION Q-med ALLergAnn ALLergAn BACK & BONES LE DOS & LES OS teoxAne LABorAtories ALLergAn ALLergAn ALLergAn ALLergAn Aesthetic Surgery Teaching Course LEDS ACADEMY LEDS ACADEMY NEW TRENDS IN LASERS AND LIGHTS LES NOUVELLES TENDANCES EN LASERS ET LUMIèRES DECOLLETE AND BREASTS IN WOMEN OVER 50 LE DÉCOLLETÉ ET LA POITRINE CHEZ LA FEMME APRèS 50 ANS HAIR MICROGRAFTS: THE NEWEST TECHNIQUES LES MICROGREFFES DE CHEVEUX LES NOUVELLES TECHNIQUES Anteis ALLergAn ALLergAn INNOVATIONS & THE FUTURE IN AESTHETIC MARKET FUTUR ET INNOVATIONS DU MARCHÉ DE L’ESTHÉTIQUE teoxAne LABorAtories ALLergAn ALLergAn vivAcy LABorAtories revitAcAre LABorAtory fiLorgA regen LAB medicALoo PerfAction dekA coffee BreAk 16:00 - 16:30 17:30 18:30 Aesthetic Workshop CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE LECTURES CONTRIBUTIVES EN MEDECINE ANTI-AGE USA SPECIAL 15:00 16:00 needLe concePt Lunch BreAk 13:00 - 14:00 16:30 17:30 VIDEO CORNER BY THE EXPERTS LES VIDEOS DES EXPERTS coffee BreAk REJUVENATION IN MEN: SOMETHING SPECIAL? LE RAJEUNISSEMENT CHEZ L’HOMME : QUELLES SPÉCIFICITÉS ? 14:00 15:00 room rAveL 2 LeveL -2 Aesthetic WorkshoPs Friday March 25 - Vendredi 25 mars 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 12:00 room rAveL 1 LeveL -2 Aesthetic WorkshoPs WeLcome cocktAiL in the Presence of h.s.h. the Prince ALBert ii of monAco 19:00 - 21:00 7:00 room nijinski LeveL -1 Aesthetic WorkshoPs coffee BreAk 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 17:30 room Auric LeveL -2 registrAtion & BAdge Pick uP - Exhibit opens at 13:00 9:00 - 13:00 15:00 16:00 • Morning 9:00 to13:00 / Matinée 9:00 à 13:00 • Local and regional anesthesia / Anésthésie locale and régionale • Anatomy and facial risk / Le risque anatomique et facial •V Volumizing products / Produits volumateurs • Injections techniques - LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS / Techniques d’injection – Démonstrations en direct • Managing complications / Gestion des complications Auditorium cAmiLLe BLAnc LeveL -2 Anti-Aging & Preventive medicine Auditorium Prince Pierre LeveL -2 Aesthetic dermAtoLogy & surgery WorkshoPs Medical Spa E2E PrE-COurSE • VOLuMETriC iNJECTiONS rooM Van dongen Half-day E2E expert advanced course E2E course on Thursday, March 24th 2011, from 9:00 to 13:00 *To attend the E2E sessions, it is necessary to register. Access with AMWC PASS “3”, “4” or “5” 14:00 15:00 Aesthetic Surgery Teaching Course STRESS MANAGEMENT PRISE EN CHARGE DU STRESS PRACTICAL PREVENTIVE GENETICS AND AESTHETIC APPLICATIONS GÉNÉTIQUE PRÉVENTIVE PRATIQUE ET APPLICATIONS ESTHÉTIQUES FEET AND ANKLES: A MAJOR STEP IN THE REJUVENATION AND BEAUTYFICATION PROCESS PIED ET CHEVILLE : UNE ÉTAPE INCONTOURNABLE DU PROCESSUS DE RAJEUNISSEMENT & D'EMBELLISSEMENT CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETICS LECTURES CONTRIBUTIVES EN ESTHETIQUE sPeAkers officiAL dining cocktAiL Program-at-a-glance Auditorium Prince Pierre LeveL -2 Aesthetic dermAtoLogy & surgery Saturday March 26 - Samedi 26 mars Auditorium cAmiLLe BLAnc LeveL -2 Anti-Aging & Preventive medicine medicAL sPA registrAtion & BAdge Pick uP 7:00 PREVENTIVE NEUROLOGY NEUROLOGIE PREVENTIVE 8:30 9:30 BEAUTY AND HEALTHY SKIN UNE PEAU BELLE ET SAINE 9:30 10:30 DETOXIFICATION IN 2011 DÉTOXIFICATION EN 2011 12:00 13:00 USA SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH IN GENETICS FOR CANCER SURGICAL PROCEDURES PROCÉDURES CHIRURGICALES PREVENTION DERNIèRES AVANCÉES SCIENTIFIQUES EN GÉNÉTIQUE POUR LA PRÉVENTION DU CANCER 15:00 16:00 BOTULINUM TOXIN – THE BEST PRACTICE FOR THE LOWER FACE TOXINE BOTULINIQUE : LES MEILLEURES TECHNIQUES POUR LE BAS DU VISAGE EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE IN PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY MÉDECINE FACTUELLE EN CARDIOLOGIE PRÉVENTIVE JAAM SESSION JAPANESE ANTI-AGING MEDICINE SESSION JAAM MEDECINE ANTI-AGE JAPONAISE 17:30 18:30 20:30 room rAveL 1 LeveL -2 Aesthetic WorkshoPs room rAveL 2 LeveL -2 Aesthetic WorkshoPs merz Aesthetics Aesthetic Workshop Aesthetic Workshop merz Aesthetics cynosure PrimeQuAL gALdermA Q-med genethiA gALdermA cromA ProfessionAL dietetics Aesthetic Surgery Teaching Course ADVANCED SESSION IN LASERS AND LIGHTS PERFECTIONNEMENT EN LASERS ET LUMIèRES CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETICS LECTURES CONTRIBUTIVES EN ESTHETIQUE FAT, CELLULITE & LIPOPLASTY SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM GRAISSE, CELLULITE & LIPOPLASTIE CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETICS LECTURES CONTRIBUTIVES EN ESTHETIQUE THE GREAT QUESTIONS IN AESTHETIC TREATMENTS FOR FAT LES GRANDES QUESTIONS SUR LES TRAITEMENTS ESTHÉTIQUES DE LA GRAISSE teoxAne FRENCH RIVIERA EXPERTS SURGICAL SESSION LABorAtories ProLLenium Aesthetic dermAL skin tech teoxAne LABorAtories soLtA medicAL medicALoo Aesthetic Workshop jAPAn Bio Products Aesthetic Workshop Aesthetic Workshop Aesthetic Workshop Aesthetic Workshop Led triWings coffee BreAk 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 17:30 room nijinski LeveL -1 Aesthetic WorkshoPs Lunch BreAk 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 15:00 7.30 - 8.30 room Auric LeveL -2 Aesthetic dermAtoLogy & surgery coffee BreAk 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 12:00 room vAn dongen LeveL -2 Aesthetic dermAtoLogy & surgery MAXI INJECTIONS: YES OR NO? LES INJECTIONS DE GRANDS VOLUMES : OUI OU NON ? ANTI-AGING UPDATES THE ITALIAN EXPERIENCE NOUVEAUTÉS EN ANTI-âGE L’EXPÉRIENCE ITALIENNE MARKETING AND STRATEGIES FOR A SUCCESSFUL MEDISPA MARKETING ET STRATÉGIES POUR LE SUCCèS DE VOTRE SPA MÉDICAL ARM EMBELLISHMENT EMBELLISSEMENT DU BRAS FRENCH RIVIERA EXPERTS MEDICAL SESSION "forever young" gALA evening At the sPorting cLuB of monAco - do not miss this unforgetABLe event! Thursday March 24 Jeudi 24 mars Afternoon / Après-midi AuDitorium Prince Pierre level -2 Aesthetic DermAtology & surgery 14:00 - 16:00 Controversies in hand rejuvenation Controverses dans le rajeunissement de la main co-chAir: Annick Pons-guirAuD, luitgArD Wiest, mArc lefebvre-vilArDebo • Considering hand anatomy and functionality, what to do and not to do? / Considérant l’anatomie et la fonctionnalité de la main : que faire et ne pas faire ? regis legrÉ, frAnce • Focus on crumpled skin: I use mesotherapy / Focus sur la peau froissée : j'utilise la mésothérapie hervÉ PADey, frAnce • Focus on crumpled skin: I use hyaluronic acid / Focus sur la peau froissée : j'utilise l’acide hyaluronique mAgDA belmontesi, itAly • Focus on crumpled skin: I use Platelet Rich Plasma / Focus sur la peau froissée : j'utilise l’acide hyaluronique Alessio reDAelli, itAly • Focus on volumizing: I use calcium hydroxylapatite / Focus sur les volumes : j'utilise l’hydoxylapatite de calcium lucA PiovAno, itAly • Focus on volumizing: I use polylactic acid / Focus sur les volumes : j'utilise l’acide polylactique Alessio reDAelli, itAly • Focus on volumizing: I use high viscosity hyaluronic acid / Focus sur les volumes : j'utilise l’acide hyaluronique de haute viscosité Jules mArthAn, frAnce • Focus on dilated veins: I use phlebectomy / Focus sur les veines dilatées : je fais une phlébectomie mArc lefebvre-vilArDebo, frAnce • Focus on dilated veins: I use soft sclerotherapy / Focus sur les veines dilatées : je fais une sclérothérapie douce mArios vAlsAmis, greece 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 Coffee break Oculofacial Rejuvenation: How to regain a youthful look Rajeunissement oculofacial : comment redonner la jeunesse au regard ? chAir: PhiliPPe berros, JAcques lAgier, Wei he • Anatomy of the periorbital area: The best way to avoid complications / Anatomie de la région périorbitaire : la meilleure façon d’éviter les complications JAcques lAgier, frAnce • Eyelid wrinkle treatments by chemical peels and mesotherapy: some efficient and safe techniques / Traitement des rides et ridules des paupières par peelings chimiques : les techniques efficaces et sûres JeAn luc levy, frAnce • Eyelid wrinkle treatments by laser: Which one to choose? / Traitement des rides et ridules des paupières par laser : lequel choisir ? bruce kAtZ, usA • Oculofacial rejuvenation by lipostructure / Rajeunissement périorbitaire par lipostructure yves surlemont, frAnce • Oculofacial rejuvenation by hyalurostructure / Rajeunissement périorbitaire par hyalurostructure PhiliPPe berros, chPg monAco • Eye bag discoloring: Several origins, several treatments / La couleur du cerne : plusieurs origines, plusieurs traitements Pierre AnDrÉ, frAnce • Eyebrow lifting in 2011: combining medical techniques / Lifting du sourcil en 2011 : Les techniques médicales combinées frAnçois niforos, frAnce • Eyebrow lifting in 2011: combining medico-surgical techniques / Lifting du sourcil en 2011 : Les techniques médico chirurgicales combinées thomAs romo iii, usA • Asian eye rejuvenation in 2011: tales of improvement / Le rajeunissement du regard Asiatique en 2011 : les progrès min su, chinA room vAn Dongen level -2 14:00 - 16:00 Facial melasmas and post-inflammatory pigmentation: An update Melasma facial et pigmentation post-inflammatoire : mise a jour chAir: PhiliPPe bAhADorAn, christine Dierickx • Melasma and post-inflammatory pigmentation: An in depth look / Mélasma et pigmentation post-inflammatoire : enquête neJib Doss, tunisiA • New trends in pigmentary disorder therapies / Nouvelles tendances dans les traitements des troubles pigmentaires AnDreAs kAtsAmbAs, greece • Electroporation efficacy: Studying melasmas / Etude de l’électroporation et mesure de l’efficacité dans les melasmas PhiliPPe bAhADorAn, frAnce • Transdermic treatment by bleaching agents using laser and electroporation / Laser et électroporation pour administration transdermiques d’agents dépigmentants yogeshvAr n. kAliA, sWitZerlAnD • Fractional laser therapy and melasma: Where do we stand? / Laser fractionnel et melasmas : qu’en est-il réellement ? christine Dierickx, belgium • The Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser in the treatment of melasma / Le laser Q-Switch pour le traitement du mélasma Arielle kAuvAr, usA • Melasma and the sun: What to do? / L‘été des melasmas : que faire ? JeAn luc levy, frAnce 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:30 Coffee break Patient’s comfort during injections Confort du patient en cours de traitement par injections chAir: Anthony beneDetto, Pierre AnDrÉ, mAlcolm PAul •Pain: Main hindrance in injections? Clichés and evidence based medicine / La douleur : principal frein à l’injection ? Les idées reçues et les preuves scientifiques Anthony beneDetto, usA •HA alone vs HA with lidocaine: Studies overview / Acide hyaluronique seul vs acide hyaluronique avec lidocaine : revue de la littérature xAvier noel, frAnce •How to manage pain during pre and post operative time? interest and comparison of different painless techniques / Comment prendre en charge la douleur en pré et post-opératoire ? intérêts et comparaison des différentes techniques pour diminuer la douleur nAbilA AZib, morocco •Techniques for administering local anesthesia for facial filler injections / Les techniques d’anesthésie locale avant injection de produits de comblement mAlcolm PAul, usA •Needle vs cannula: does cannula help to reduce pain? / Aiguille vs canule : la canule diminue-t-elle la douleur ? bernArD hertZog & hervÉ rAsPAlDo, frAnce 17:30 - 18:30 Famous faces: How to deal with celebrities! Visages connus : quelle approche…pour quelles célébrités ! chAir: hervÉ rAsPAlDo • Introduction and concepts / Introduction et concepts hervÉ rAsPAlDo, frAnce • Botulinum toxin and fillers in the Belgium Royalty / Toxine botulinique et produits de comblement au Royaume de Belgique koenrAAD De boulle, belgium • The Beverly Hills challenge treating Stars and starletts / Les particularités de traiter des Stars et des starlettes à Beverly Hills rAJ kAnoDiA, usA • How to sleep well after performing a Face-lift in New York treating celeb’s / Comment tranquille après avoir pratiquer un Lifting sur une célébrité à New York thomAs romo iii, usA • Glamorous Dermatology in New York and Miami for VIP’s / L’effet glamour en dermato-esthétique à New York et Miami chez les célébrités freDric brAnDt, usA 19:00 - 21:00 WeLcome cocktAiL in the Presence of h.s.h. the Prince ALBert ii of monAco Thursday March 24 Jeudi 24 mars Afternoon / Après-midi Anti-Aging & Preventive meDicine 14:00 - 15:00 AuDitorium cAmille blAnc level -2 The Biological clock Ageing around the clock! Horloge Biologique et viellissement chAir: cristinA mAggioni, Peter konturek • Heart Rate Variability to measure and regulate your biological clock / La variabilité du rythme cardiaque (VRC) pour mesurer et réguler votre horloge biologique Denis LAMbOLEy, frAnce • The gut-clock interactions / Interactions entre intestins et horloge biologique Peter KONTurEK, germAny • Can we delay the biological clock? / Peut-on retarder notre horloge biologique sPeAker tbA • The biological clock and cancer connections / Liens entre horloge biologique et cancer cristinA MAGGiONi, itAly 16:00 - 16:30 15:00 - 16:00 Coffee break On the Front Lines of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine Médecine Préventive et Anti-âge d’avant garde chAir: clAuDe DAlle, fAbio blAnDini • Cutting edge information in 2011 / L’information de pointe en 2011 clAuDe dALLE, frAnce • LED and anti-aging Medicine: A new field to explore? / LEDs et médecine anti-âge, une nouvelle discipline à explorer ? clAuDe dALLE, frAnce • Gastrointestinal dysfunctions in Parkinson’s disease: a predictive event in the natural history of the disease / Dysfonctions gastrointestinales dans la maladie de Parkinson : Une indication prédictive dans l’historique de la maladie fAbio bLANdiNi, itAly • Assessment of biological status of tissues in anti-aging / Évaluation du statut biologique des tissus en ati-âge DAmiAn rOzENbErG, ArgentinA 16:30 - 17:30 What’s new in neurotransmitters Nouveautés sur les neurotransmetteurs chAir: AlfreD Wolf, christoPhe De JAeger • Stress and Neurotransmitters / Stress et neurotransmetteurs AlfreD WOLF, germAny • 3D brain cartography supply to the functional evaluation of neurotransmitters / Apport de la cartographie cérébrale 3D dans l’évaluation fonctionnelle des neurotransmetteurs christoPhe De JAEGEr, frAnce • Control your appetite by neurotransmitters / Contrôler l’appétit par les neurotransmetteurs sPeAker tbA • Revue of the available neurotransmitters tests this year / Revue des tests de neurotransmetteurs disponibles cette année PAul MuSArELLA, netherlAnDs 17:30 - 18:30 Complicated clinical cases - Interactive Session Cas cliniques complexes – Session interactive PAnel of exPerts: clAuDe chAuchArD, clAuDe DAlle, mArio krAuse, AlfreD Wolf • 3 complicated cases presented in 10 min by experts + Q & A • 20 min interactive exchange between the audience and the Experts on specific cases brought by the participants • Send your “case submission” to [email protected] • Présentation de 3 cas cliniques complexes en 10 min + Q & R • 20 min d’échanges interactifs avec l’auditoire sur des cas particuliers amenés par des participants. • Envoyez votre “proposition de cas” à [email protected] room Auric level -2 14:00 - 16:00 Video Corner by the Experts Le coin vidéo des experts chAir: clAuDe AhAroni, PAtrick trÉviDic Several speakers will share their techniques and expertise with videos Plusieurs orateurs partageront leurs techniques et leur expertise avec des vidéos 16:30 - 18:30 Contributing updates in Anti-aging Medicine Mises à jour contributives en médecine anti-âge chAir : christoPhe De JAeger • Ethnic Variety in Pharmacogenomics and its effects on clinical practice shAfic KAidbEy, sAuDi ArAbiA • Anti-Aging Effect of Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): An Open Label, Randomized study tAPAn AudHyA, usA • Role of ozone/oxygen in fibroblast growth factor activation. Discovering the facts mArio ArmAnDo SiriTO, itAly • Power of Signalling in Anti-aging: You can build new proteins by changing the signals at the genome xAnyA WEiSS, usA • Dietary fat in cardiovascular disease prevention PAtAnA TENG-uMNuAy, thAilAnD 19:00 - 21:00 WeLcome cocktAiL in the Presence of h.s.h. the Prince ALBert ii of monAco Thursday March 24 Jeudi 24 mars room niJinski level -1 14:00 - 15:00 needLe concePt New frontiers in facial filling with Magic Needle Nouvelles perspectives dans le comblement du visage avec Magic Needle freDric brAnDt, usA bernArD hertZog, frAnce 15:00 - 16:00 Q-med Afternoon / Après-midi room rAvel 1 level +1 14:00 - 15:00 14:00 - 15:00 Aesthetic WorkshoP Aesthetic WorkshoP to Be Announced to Be Announced cLiniPro 15:00 - 16:00 LIPOCRYO : The new fat reducer cryotechnology LIPOCRYO : La nouvelle cryotechnologie qui réduit les adiposités Q-Med workshop, Restylane hermAn Pinto, esPAgne JAcques AnDrÉ DAviD, frAnce fiLorgA Clinical results of Filorga’s overall approach of skin ageing: combine dermal fillers and polyrevitalizing solution to prevent and protect Résultats cliniques de l’approche globale du vieillissement cutané de Filorga : combiner fillers et solution polyrevitalisante en prévention et correction sPeAkers tbA 17:30 - 18:30 Adoderm Varioderm® - a new generation of hyaluronic acid filler for all aesthetic indications Varioderm® - une nouvelle génération d’acide hyaluronique pour toutes les indications esthétiques Aref Alsoufi, germAny michAel WeiDmAnn, germAny uLtherA 15:00 - 16:00 Micro-Focused Ultrasound for Non-Invasive Skin Lifting Ultrason micro-ciblé pour un lifting de la peau non invasif DiAne duNCAN, usA coffee BreAk 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:30 room rAvel 2 level +1 16:30 - 17:30 Phitogen hoLding Regenyal Idea – when the plasticity of filler inspires the creation of new techniques aimed to wrinkles correction and volume restoration Regenyal Idea - quand la malléabilité du comblement inspire la création de nouvelles techniques pour la correction des rides et la restauration des volumes medicis 16:30 - 17:30 Makers of the LipoSonix System The LipoSonix System: New Data and Enhanced Results Le Système Liposonix : Nouvelles données et meilleurs résultats sPeAkers tbA AnDreA ALESSANdriNi, itAly 17:30 - 18:30 medicALoo - Body tite New indications with Body Tite skin thightening and Fractora by the first bipolar radio frequency fractional treatment (skin and wrinkle) / Nouvelles indications d’effet tenseur sur le visage, les bras et tous le corps par radio frequence Body Tite et Fractora mArc diVAriS, frAnce mAlcolm PAuL, usA 17:30 - 18:30 roc Bioelectricity and skin rejuvenation Bioelectricité et rajeunissement cutané Annick PONS-GuirAud, frAnce koenrAAD dE bOuLLE, belgium Friday March 25 Vendredi 25 mars Morning / Matin 7:30 - 8:30 AESTHETIC SURGERY TEACHING COURSE / COURS AVANCÉS DE CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE course Directors: fAhD benslimAne, fAbio ingAllinA, Antoine PArAskevAs •teaching course 1: Facial Surgery / cours avancé 1 : Chirurgie de la face •teaching course 2: Eyelid Surgery / cours avancé 2 : Chirurgie de la paupière COURSES OBJECTIVES / OBJECTIFS DES COURS - Know the different techniques from the experts with videos / Connaître les différentes techniques des experts avec vidéos - Understand and identify the up-to-date procedures to rejuvenate or beautify the treated area Comprendre et identifier les procédures mises à jour pour le rajeunissement ou l’embellissement des zones traitées - Be able to know the indications of the different techniques / Etre capable de connaître les indications des différentes techniques - Know the pre-op check up and post-op cares / Connaître les contrôles pré-opératoires et les soins post-opératoires - Be able to diagnose a complication and to treat it properly / Être capable de diagnostiquer une complication et de la traiter To attend the Teaching Courses: Separate registration PASS 2 or ”Full Pass 4 or 5” registration required Pour assister aux Cours Avancés : Inscription séparée aux cours PASS 2 ou inscription ”Full Pass 4 ou 5” requise contributors (PreliminAry list): thomAs biggs, usA bruce connell, usA rAJ kAnoDiA, usA briAn kinney, usA mAlcolm PAul, usA thomAs romo iii, usA AuDitorium Prince Pierre level -2 Aesthetic DermAtology & surgery 8:30 - 10:30 room vAn Dongen & room Auric level -2 Voluma zing inje ctions and facial risks: The Forbidden zones Injections volumatrices et risques faciaux : les zones interdites chAir: PAtrick trÉviDic, gAry monheit, rAJ kAnoDiA • Anatomy: Fat compartments and septa – Important things to know / Anatomie : compartiments graisseux et membranes – Le plus important à connaître fAbio ingAllinA, itAly • Risky and forbidden areas / Les zones à risques et les zones interdites PhiliPPe berros, chPg, monAco • Volumazing injections: The ‘Can-U-Lift’ / Injections volumatrices : ma technique “Can-U-Lift” freDric brAnDt, usA • Anatomical and clinical correlations - How to perform a good injection / Corrélations anatomo-cliniques – Comment pratiquer une bonne injection ? Middle third of the face / Tiers moyen du visage gAry D. monheit, usA - Temple: A key area of rejuvenation / Tempe : une zone clé du rajeunissement thierry besins, frAnce Chin & mandibular ligament / Menton & ligaments mandibulaires PhiliPPe gArciA & PAtrick treviDic, frAnce • How to avoid and treat complications / Comment éviter et traiter les complications luitgArD Wiest, germAny • How to treat excessive volume with hyaluronidase / Comment traiter un excès de volume par la hyaluronidase PhiliPPe DePreZ, sPAin 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 Coffee break Rejuvenation in men: Something special? Le rajeunisse ment che z l’homme : quelles spécificités ? chAir: ines verner, xAvier noel, bruce connell • Male vs female skin aging: Is there a difference? / Vieillissement cutané chez l’homme et la femme : quelles differences ? PhiliPPe humbert, frAnce • Special cosmetics for males: Myth or reality? / La cosmétique « spéciale hommes » : mythe ou réalité ? PhiliPPe Piccerelle, frAnce • Botulinum toxin in men: What are the differences? / La toxine botulinique chez l’homme : quelles particularités ? oliver kreyDen, sWitZerlAnD • Rejuvenation by fillers: What is different? / Rajeunissement par produits de comblement: quelles particularités ? PAtrick micheels, sWitZerlAnD • Men’s lips: Particularities and consequences on rejuvenation process / Les lèvres de l’homme : les particularités et les conséquences sur le processus de rajeunissement vincenZo PenA & niklAs iblher, germAny • Particularities of perioral rejuvenation in men / Particularités du rajeunissement périoral chez l’homme hervÉ PADey, frAnce • Particularities of facelift in men / Le lifting chez l’homme : les particularités bruce connell, usA room vAn Dongen level -2 8:30 - 10:30 Leds academy Leds academy chAir: michèle Pelletier, mArco bischof • The role of light in the organism / Le rôle de la lumière dans l’organisme mArco bischof, germAny • Visible light and pigmentation / Lumière visible et pigmentation thierry PAsseron, frAnce • Low Laser Therapy (LLT): The LEDs’ ancestor / La photobiomodulation par Low level laser therapie ou l’ancêtre des LEDs gAston ciAis, frAnce • Brief classification of phototherapeutic LED devices, and their role in accelerating wound healing / Brève classification des dispositifs de photothérapie et leur rôle dans la cicatrisation glen cAlDerheAD, JAPAn • Clinical Cases: Presentation, discussion and opening ways / Exposés et discussion de différents cas cliniques : les ouvertures 1 - LEDs and striae: My experience / LEDs et vergetures : mon expérience clAuDiA vAn Der lugt, netherlAnDs 2 - LEDs and carboxytherapy: My protocol for striae / LEDs, carboxythérapie et vergetures : mon protocole PhiliPPe cADic, frAnce 3 – LED rejuvenation: Confirmation by in vitro and in vivo experimentations / Le rajeunissement par LED : les preuves in vitro t in vivo linDA fouque, frAnce 4 – Photobiomodulation (high power LED) for repigmentation of stretch marks maintened “alive” / Photobiomodulation par LED de haute puissance pourla repigmentation des vergetures maintenues en survie sylvie boisnic & michèle Pelletier, frAnce 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 Coffee break New Trends in Lasers and Lights Les nouvelles tendances en lasers et lumières chAir: AshrAf bADAWi, christoPher ZAchAry • Overview of non-ablative fractional resurfacing / Revue des traitements fractionnels non ablatifs de relissage cutané ZeinA tAnnous, usA • Ablative fractional vs non-ablative fractional / Fractionnel ablatif vs fractionnel non ablatif gAry D. monheit, usA • Fractionated rejuvenation… At home! / Rajeunissement fractionné… A la maison ! christoPher ZAchAry, usA • New applications in treating photo-aged skin by fractional CO2 Laser / Nouvelles applications du CO2 fractionné dans le traitement du vieillissement photo-induit nicolA ZerbinAti, itAly • Can CO2 fractional laser replace with chemical peels? / Le CO2 fractionné peut-il remplacer les peelings chimiques ? JeAn-clAuDe lArrouy, frAnce • Innovations in combination treatments: updates on fillers and laser rejuvenation / Innovations dans les traitements de rajeunissement combinés comblements et lasers Doris DAy, usA • Other combined treatments with lasers / Les autres traitements combinés avec les lasers leonArDo mArini, itAly • Fractional Q-switch in treatment of pigmented lesions and tatoos / Le Q-Switch fractionné pour le traitement des lésions pigmentaires et le détatouage hishAm shokeir, egyPt 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break Friday March 25 Vendredi 25 mars Morning / Matin AuDitorium cAmille blAnc level -2 Anti-Aging & Preventive meDicine 8:30 - 10:30 Male Hormones and Longevity Hormones masculines et longévité chAir: giorgio vAlenti, vincenZo AloisAntoni • One of the secrets for long life: optimal balance among the 3 main anabolic hormones (insulin,gh,igf-1), the safest strategy to improve it / Un des secrets de longévité: Equilibre optimal entre les 3 hormones anaboliques principales (insuline, gh, igf-1) : La stratégie la plus sûre pour l’améliorer vincenZo ALOiSANTONi, itAly • Prostate cancer neovascular responses to antioxidant therapies / Cancer de la prostate et ses réactions neovasculaires aux thérapies anti oxydantes robert bArd, usA • Testosterone metabolism and elimination in men / Métabolisme et élimination de testostérone chez le sujet masculin DuncAn CArMiCHAEL, south AfricA • How to control and end thyroiditis completely? / Comment commander et finir définitivement avec la thyroïdite ? ginA VON bOGAErT, netherlAnDs • Progesterone – Protective Hormone for Men / Progestérone - hormone protectrice pour les hommes ? christA NAdJAFi-TriEbSCH, sWitZerlAnD • Reversing emotional aging with oxytocin, the hormone of love and well being / Renverser le vieillissement émotif avec l’oxytocine, l’hormone de l’amour et du bien-être Deby ViNSKi, inDonesiA • Partial androgen deficiency of the aging male (PADAM): An innovative focus on diagnostic and therapeutic issues / Insuffisance androgénique partielle chez l’homme vieillissant : Mise en lumière innovante sur les solutions diagnostiques et thérapeutiques giorgio VALENTi, itAly 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 Coffee break Anti-aging to improve appearance and functions - Face, Eyes, Mouth & Skin L’anti-âge pour améliorer l’apparence et la fonction - Visage, Yeux, Bouche & Peau chAir: PhiliPPe Piccerelle, sohAil mAnsoor • Anti-aging effects of polyphenols for topical application: Innovative cosmeceuticals / Effets anti-âge des polyphénols pour l’application topique: cosméceutique Innovante PhiliPPe PiCCErELLE, frAnce • Periorbital zones and aging / Zones périorbitaires et viellissement JeAn-mArc POzzO, frAnce • Skin and stress / Peau et stress AlfreD WOLF, germAny • From rare desease to anti-aging targets / De la maladie rare à la cible anti-âge beneDicte CANTECOr, frAnce • Nutrigenetics and skin / Nutrigénetique et peau ZulyA MAizETOVA, uk • Anti aging enemies in your mouth / Les ennemis de l’anti-âge dans votre bouche John vAn LiMburG STiruM, sWitZerlAnD • Antiaging targets: New trens to develop cosmeceutics / Cibles d’anti-âge : Nouvelles tendances pour développer la cosmeceutique mArie-Pierre SAVELLi, frAnce • The xeno-free culture of human retinal progenitor cells / Intérêt de la culture de cellules souches rétiniennes en milieu pur Wei HE, chinA • Deuterium based antiwrinkle and anti-skin aging topical treatment / Traitement topique à base de déterium contre le vieillissement cutané ioAn NEdELCu, romAniA room Auric level -2 8:30 - 9:30 Brain Aging Solutions / Soluciones para Prevenir el Envejecimiento Cerebral Spanish Session / Sesión en Español chAir : octAvio vierA, rubÉn mülhberger • Neurotransmitters and Nutrition - Good Foods for Neurotransmitters / Neurotransmisores y Nutrición: Cómo Mejorar nuestros Neurotransmisores mediante la Nutrición octAvio ViErA, sPAin • Nutritional Intolerance and the Brain. Can food intolerance create aging of the brain? / Intolerancia Alimentaria y Cerebro: ¿Puede la Intolerancia Alimentaria Empeorar la Función Cerebral? miguel MArTíNEz dEL CAMPO, uk • Stress, Inmune Systems and Brain Function / Estrés, Sistema Inmune y Función Cerebral mArcos MAzzuKA, sPAin • Does own Aesthetic feeling improve brain function in old people / ¿Puede la Percepción Estética y la Espiritualidad mejorar la Función Cerebral? rubÉn MüLHbErGEr, ArgentinA meDicAl sPA 9:30 - 10:30 Well-being management in the Medical Spa Prise en charge du bien-être pour le Spa Médical chAir : PAkPilAi thAvisin, mArio krAuse •Stress - different perspectives / Stress différentes approches et perspectives mArio KrAuSE, germAny •Easy solutions for stress management – NAdA : Acupuncture & Heart Coherence Training / Solutions simples pour la prise en charge du stress - NAdA: Acunpuncture et formation à la cohérence cardiaque michAel HASE, germAny •The gut pollution and probiotics / La pollution de l’intestin et les probiotiques PAkPilAi THAViSiN, thAilAnD •Medical detoxification / détoxification médicale PAtAnA teng-umnuAy, thAilAnD 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 Coffee break GSAAM Session - German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine / Société Allemande de Medicine Anti-âge chAir: bernD kleine-gunk, AlfreD Wolf • Treating Stress and Burnout, a new integrative Approach / Traiter le stress et l’épuisement, une nouvelle approche integrative AlfreD WOLF, germAny • Phyto-chemoprevention , Phytonutriens as Cancer Fighters ? / Phyto-chemoprevention , les phytonutriments pour lutter contre le cancer JAn Dirk FAuTECK, germAny • Menopausal women safe treatment - Renaissance of HRT / Prise en charge sure de la femme ménopausée – Renaissance du TSH bernD KLEiNE-GuNK, germAny • Cosmoceuticals – Micronutrients against Skin Aging / Cosméceutiques: Les micronutriments contre le viellissement de la peau evA MEiGEL, germAny 12:00 - 13:00 Back & bones: Staying up to remain young Dos et squelette : Rester droit pour rester jeune chAir: clAuDe chAuchArD, DAniel mirouZe • Liver and fatigue / Foie et fatigue DAniel MirOuzE, frAnce • Thoracic Kyphosis as a risk factor for incident vertebral fractures and changes in the quality of life in post menopausal women with osteoporosis / Cyphose Thoracique, facteur de risque pour la survenue de fractures vertébrales ,et altération de la qualité de vie chez les femmes ménopausées osteoporotiques cAtherine SOLNiK, frAnce • Aging major risk: thoracic kyphosis and back pain. Prevention and Reeducation / Le risque majeur du vieillissement ,la cyphose thoracique et le mal de dos. Prevention et Reeducation serge POirEAudAu, frAnce • Male arthrosis in the upper back : Prevention and reeducation / Arthrose du dos chez l’homme. Prevention et reeducation clAuDe CHAuCHArd, frAnce / hong kong 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break Friday March 25 Vendredi 25 mars room niJinski level -1 8:30 - 9:30 room rAvel 1 level +1 PrimeQuAL 8:30 - 9:30 Aesthetic WorkshoP to Be Announced cosmoscience 9:30 - 10:30 Dermasculpt microcannula injection technique unsing Dermyal Filler Démonstration des microcanules Dermasculpt en association avec Dermyal luc DeWAnDre, frAnce room rAvel 2 level +1 Botulinum Toxin Automatic Injection System Système d’injection automatique de Toxine Botulique DAviD WEiLL, sWitZerlAnD ALLergAn 9:30 - 10:30 Allergan Workshop mAuricio dE MAiO, brAZil; Joel COHEN, usA; Arthur SWiFT, cAnADA; gregor WAHL, germAny; koenrAAD dE bOuLLE, belgium; PhilliP LEVy, sWitZerlAnD; herve rASPALdO, frAnce; lAkhDAr bELHAOuAri, frAnce; DAviD PyOTT, uSA 9:30 - 10:30 ALLergAn Allergan Workshop mAuricio dE MAiO, brAZil; Joel COHEN, usA; Arthur SWiFT, cAnADA; gregor WAHL, germAny; koenrAAD dE bOuLLE, belgium; PhilliP LEVy, sWitZerlAnD; herve rASPALdO, frAnce; lAkhDAr bELHAOuAri, frAnce; DAviD PyOTT, uSA coffee BreAk 10:30 - 11:00 Q-med 11:00 - 12:00 ALLergAn 11:00 - 14:00 11:00 - 14:00 ALLergAn Q-Med workshop, Restylane teoxAne LABorAtories 12:00 - 13:00 Facial sculpting with TEOSYAL PureSense Remodelage facial avec TEOSYAL PureSense freDric brAnDt, usA 13:00 - 14:00 Allergan Workshop mAuricio dE MAiO, brAZil; Joel COHEN, usA; Arthur SWiFT, cAnADA; gregor WAHL, germAny; koenrAAD dE bOuLLE, belgium; PhilliP LEVy, sWitZerlAnD; herve rASPALdO, frAnce; lAkhDAr bELHAOuAri, frAnce; DAviD PyOTT, uSA Allergan Workshop mAuricio dE MAiO, brAZil; Joel COHEN, usA; Arthur SWiFT, cAnADA; gregor WAHL, germAny; koenrAAD dE bOuLLE, belgium; PhilliP LEVy, sWitZerlAnD; herve rASPALdO, frAnce; lAkhDAr bELHAOuAri, frAnce; DAviD PyOTT, uSA Lunch BreAk 14:00 - 15:00 Anteis Modélis: The latest evolution in volumetric facial rejuvenation Modélis : La dernière évolution en rajeunissement facial volumétrique DAniel cAssuto, itAly 15:00 - 16:00 teoxAne LABorAtories Repairing the periocular region with TEOSYAL PureSense fillers (temple and eyebrow lift) Traitement de la zone périorbitaire avec la gamme TEOSYAL PureSense (tempes et paupières) ALLergAn 14:00 - 16:00 Allergan Workshop mAuricio dE MAiO, brAZil Joel COHEN, usA Arthur SWiFT, cAnADA gregor WAHL, germAny koenrAAD dE bOuLLE, belgium PhilliP LEVy, sWitZerlAnD herve rASPALdO, frAnce lAkhDAr bELHAOuAri, frAnce DAviD PyOTT, uSA 14:00 - 16:00 ALLergAn Allergan Workshop mAuricio dE MAiO, brAZil Joel COHEN, usA Arthur SWiFT, cAnADA gregor WAHL, germAny koenrAAD dE bOuLLE, belgium PhilliP LEVy, sWitZerlAnD herve rASPALdO, frAnce lAkhDAr bELHAOuAri, frAnce DAviD PyOTT, uSA WAyne cArey, cAnADA coffee BreAk 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:30 vivAcy LABorAtories STYLAGE® Lidocaine Range and Injection Techniques using cannulas Gamme STYLAGE® Lidocaine et techniques d’injection à la canule mArynA tAieb, frAnce sAnDrine sebbAn, frAnce 16:30 - 17:30 revitAcAre LABorAtory CytoCare CE class III - Synergy of the Rejuvenating and of the Softfilling by REVITACARE CytoCare CE classe III - Synergie de la Revitalisation et du Softfilling par REVITACARE hervÉ PADey, frAnce 16:30 - 17:30 fiLorgA All you must know for an efficient mesotherapy with NCTF. Rejuvenation and other indications: proven and approved protocols Tous les secrets d’une mésothérapie efficace avec le NCTF. Rajeunissement et autres indications : les protocoles prouvés et approuvés sPeAker tbA 17:30 - 18:30 regen LAB PRP platelets rich plasma, new injection technique & combine with fillers PRP platelets rich plasma, nouvelle technique d’injection combinée avec des produits de comblement AlAin GONdiNET, frAnce 17:30 - 18:30 medicALoo - PerfAction Airgent : injecteur d’acide hyaluronique avec kinetic, sans aiguilles; nouvelles indications d’injection sur les mains et les rides du cou Airgent system for collagen regeneration and dermal thickening without needdles airgent, a novel treatment modality for anti-aging powered by kinetic sylvie boisnic, frAnce sAbine Zenker, germAny 17:30 - 18:30 dekA Smartxide2 new applications in skin resurfacing Smartxide2 nouvelles applications pour le relissage cutané PAolo bONAN, itAly Friday March 25 Vendredi 25 mars Afternoon / Après-midi AuDitorium Prince Pierre level -2 Aesthetic DermAtology & surgery 14:00 - 16:00 USA Special – Dermatological procedures Session spéciale USA – Procédures dermatologiques chAir: christoPher ZAchAry, Anthony beneDetto, AnDreAs kAtsAmbAs • Cosmeceuticals: Making sense of topical agents / La cosmétique: de la science aux applications pratiques ellen mArmur, usA • Anatomy for the aesthetic surgeon / L’anatomie utile aux procédures esthétiques Anthony beneDetto, usA • Neurotoxins: Making choices, getting results! / Les neurotoxines : faire les bons choix pour les meilleurs résultats gAry D. monheit, usA • Fillers: Sophisticated choices in practice / Les comblements : les choix sophistiqués en pratique freDric brAnDt, usA • Optimal lasers for facial vascular treatment / Les meilleurs lasers pour traiter les désordres vasculaires du visage Arielle kAuvAr, usA • Skin rejuvenation with fractional lasers / Les lasers fractionnés pour le rajeunissement cutané christoPher ZAchAry, usA • Making sense of body contouring / Le remodelage du corps en pratique mAtheW AvrAm, usA • Overview of non-ablative fractional resurfacing / Revue des traitements non ablatifs de relissage cutané ZeinA tAnnous, usA 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 Coffee break Botulinum toxin: the best practice for the upper face Toxine botulinique : les meilleures techniques pour le haut du visage chAir: koenrAAD De boulle, fAbio ingAllinA, michAel kAne • Anatomical areas: Understanding the “whys and wheres” of injections / Anatomie de la zone : comprendre où injecter et pourquoi PAtrick trÉviDic, frAnce & fAbio ingAllinA, itAly • Botulinum toxin in the peri- and infraorbital region / Injections dans la région péri et infraorbitaire mAtthiAs imhof, germAny • Special indications, advanced and uncommon techniques / Indications particulières, techniques avancées et moins communes ellen mArmur, usA • Botulinum toxin face lifting; Does it pass the test? / Lifting facial à la toxine botulinique : est-ce crédible ? michAel kAne, usA • Total freeze vs natural look / Blocage musculaire total ou conservation des expressions ? freDric brAnDt, usA • Is bolulinum toxin suitable for eyebrow elevations? / La toxine botulinique est-elle appropriée pour relever les sourcils ? sPeAker tbA • Different patterns in glabella approach: optimizing your results? / Les différentes approches thérapeutiques pour la glabelle : comment optimiser vos résultats koenrAAD De boulle, belgium • How to manage Botulinum toxin complications in the upper face / Savoir gérer les complications de la toxine botulinique lors des traitements du haut du visage christoPher roWlAnD-PAyne, uk room vAn Dongen level -2 14:00 - 16:00 Decollete and breasts in women over 50 Le décolleté et la poitrine chez la femme après 50 ans chAir: JeAn-christoPhe bichet, briAn kinney • What’s the request in aesthetic medicine practice? / Quelle est la demande en médecine esthétique ? ghislAine beilin, frAnce • Skin rejuvenation of the decollete using hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin / Rajeunissement cutané du décolleté avec acide hyaluronique et toxine botulinique DAPhnÉ thioly-bensoussAn, frAnce • Breast evolution in women over 50 / Evolution du sein après 50 ans thomAs biggs, frAnce • Choosing the best prosthesis for woman over 50 / Quelle prothèse choisir pour une femme après 50 ans ? briAn kinney, usA • The life of a prosthesis: Life expectancy, morphological transformation, the differences between pre and retro pectoral, the morphological differences between the various prostheses, differences between smooth and textured prostheses, differences according to surgical way / La vie d’une prothèse : durée de vie, transformation morphologique, les différences entre pré et rétro pectorale, les différences morphologiques entre les différentes prothèses, les differences entre prothèses lisses et textures, les differences selon la voie d’abord briAn kinney, usA • Management of the falling breast - Polyurethane breast implant: My experience / Gestion du sein tombant - Mon experience avec les prothèses de sein en polyuréthane henrique lADvocAt cintrA, brAZil • Managing complications / Gestion des complications Pietro berrino, itAly • Lipostructure: The big differences between Europe and USA / Lipostructure : les grandes différences franco-américaines mAriA ADele DAmmAco, itAly • Hyaluronic acid and aging breast in 2011 / Acide hyaluronique et sein vieillissant : application pratique en 2011 AlessAnDro gennAi, itAly • Decollete and photorejuvenation: Indications, technique and complications / Photorajeunissement du décolleté : indications, techniques, avantages et complications michAel Drosner, germAny (tbc) 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 Coffee break Feet and ankles: A major step in the rejuvenation and beautyfication process Pied et cheville : une étape incontournable du processus de rajeunissement & d'embellissement chAir: mArc lefebvre-vilArDebo, guillAume rougereAu • The foot: Our first venous heart / Le pied, notre premier coeur veineux mArc lefebvre-vilArDebo, frAnce • Ankle and foot swelling: From cosmetic to pathological / Chevilles et pieds enflés : de l’esthétique à la pathologie mArlène couPÉ, frAnce • 26 bones in the foot, and nearly that many reasons for calf and foot swelling / 26 os dans le pied : beaucoup d’explications au gonflement du pied et de la cheville guillAume rougereAu, frAnce • High heels and beauty: where’s the problem? / La beauté sur talons hauts : quel est le problème ? benoit christiAen, frAnce • Foot beautification requires ablation of varicose veins / L’embellissement du pied passé par l’ablation des veines mArc lefebvre-vilArDebo, frAnce • Treatment of spider veins for cosmetic improvement of the foot / Traitement des varicosités pour une amelioration esthétique du pied PhiliPPe blAnchemAison, frAnce • Ankle reshaping: what can be done? / Remodelage de la cheville : comment faire ? Denis DeloncA, frAnce • Foot rejuvenation: let’s go all the way to the nails! / Rajeunissement du pied : N’oubliez pas les ongles ! soPhie goettmAnn-bonvAllot, frAnce (tbc) 20:00 - 23:00 sPeAkers officiAL dining cocktAiL Friday March 25 Vendredi 25 mars Afternoon / Après-midi AuDitorium cAmille blAnc level -2 Anti-Aging & Preventive meDicine 14:00 - 16:00 Practical Stem cells for Aesthetics «Status of Stem Cell in Cosmetic Rejuvenation & Restoration» Cellules souches pratiques pour l’Esthétique « Statut des Cellule souches dans le rajeunissement cosmétique » chAir: DAviD lAi, DAe hWAn PArk • Adipocyte biology & cosmetic use of adipose derived stem cells / Biologie de l’adipocyte et utilisation cosmétique de cellules souches graisseuses kotAro yOSHiMurA, JAPAn • Breast augmentation with stem cells / Augmentation mammaire avec des cellules souches kotAro yOSHiMurA, JAPAn • Practical automated stem cell extraction a coming reality / Extraction de cellule souche automatisée pratique, une nouvelle réalité DAe hWAn PArK, south koreA • Adipose derived stem cell for total facial rejuvenation / Cellule souche adipeuse pour rajeunissement facial total DAe hWAn PArK, south koreA • skin rejuvenation in the face with autologous cells / Rajeunissement facial avec des cellules souches autologues christoPher GANSS, germAny • Technique to obtain adipose tissue mesenchymal stems cells / Technique pour obtenir les cellules souches mésenchymateuses de tissu adipeux rutA Suzana bArONE, sPAin • Placental growth factor for Anti-Aging therapy / Facteur de croissance placentaire pour la thérapie anti-âge sAWAko HibiNO, JAPAn 16:30 - 17:30 Stress management in 2011 Prise en charge du stress en 2011 chAir: mArio krAuse, PAkPilAi thAvisin meDicAl sPA • Do easy solutions exist for stress management? / Des solutions faciles existent-elles pour la gestion du stress ? PAkPilAi THAViSiN, thAilAnD • Chronic stress: Psychoneuroendocrine immunological network imbalance and neuro-immune senescence / Stress chronique : déséquilibre du réseau immunologique psychoneuroendocrinien et sénescence neuro-immune AscAnio POLiMENi, itAly • Neurobiology of burnout and fatigue / Neurobiologie de la fatigue et de l’épuisement (burn-out) AlfreD Wolf, germAny • Stress and biochronological issues / Stress et bio-chronologie JAn-Dirk FAuTECK, germAny (tbc) • Japanese Spa (Onsen) and Anti-Aging Medicine / Spa japonais (Onsen) et medicine anti-âge kAeko iWANAMi, JAPAn 17:30 - 18:30 Practical preventive genetics, the «How To» Génétique préventive pratique «Comment faire ?» chAir: bernArD Weber, evA schäufele • Which are the best and easiest genetic tests in your office in 2011? / Les meilleurs tests génétiques simples pour votre pratique en 2011 ? bernD KLEiNE-GuNK, germAny • Nutrigenetics for skin health: beauty from the inside / Nutri-génétique et qualité de peau : la beauté de l’intérieur evA SCHäuFELE, germAny • Prevention of Skin ageing: Practical applications of dermatogenetic testing / Prévention du vieillissement cutané : les applications pratiques de test de dermato-génétique ZulyA MAizETOVA, uk • Practical applications of pharmacogenetics in antiaging medicine / Les applications pratiques de la pharmaco-genétique en médecine anti-âge JuAn SAbATEr, sPAin • Genetic predisposition to alopecia - towards a personalized prevention and treatment of hair loss? / Prédisposition génétique à l’alopécie - vers une prévention personnalisée et traitement de la chute des cheveux bernArD WEbEr, luxemburg Aesthetic DermAtology & surgery 14:00 - 15:00 room Auric level -2 Hair micrografts: The newest techniques Les microgreffes de cheveux : les nouvelles techniques chAir: Pierre bouhAnnA • Micrografts for male and female baldness / Microgreffes pour le traitement de la calvitie masculine et féminine Pierre bouhAnnA, frAnce • Micrografts for eyebrow and eyelash alopecia / Microgreffes pour le traitement de l’alopécie de sourcil et de cil eric bouhAnnA, frAnce • Newest hair surgery research / Les dernières recherches et avancées en chirurgie capillaire sPeAker tbA 15:00 - 16:00 Innovations and the future in the aesthetic market Futur et innovations du marché de l’esthétique chAir: olivier clAuDe, eric Plot • Review of New Medical Aesthetic Technologies / Revue des nouvelles technologies esthétiques michAel moretti, usA • Multi-Polar RF Magnetic Pulse Technology / Radiofréquence multipolaire et ondes magnétiques Pierre AnDrÉ, frAnce • Botulinum toxin automatic injection system / Système d’injection automatique de toxine botulinique DAviD Weill, sWitZerlAnD • Updates on new instrumentations for filling agent injections (cannula) / Avancées en matière d’injection de produits de comblement (canule) flAvio fAcchini & freDerico loretto, frAnce • Topical Neurotoxin : Data from two new studies / Toxine botulinique par voie topique : nouvelles données issues de deux études cliniques michAel kAne, usA • PDS plate: A breakthrough for septal rhinoplasty / Plaque en PDS : une avancée pour la rhinoplastie septale heshAm sAleh, uk 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 Coffee break Contributing Lectures in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery chAir: nAbilA AZib, Antoine PArAskevAs • Periorbital treatment following Sam HAMRA zygorbicular plane - My experience since 1999 xAvier NOEL, frAnce • Diamond excision of conjunctiva and retractor muscle advancement for correction of mild ectropium Peter rAuS, belgium • Septorhinoplasty for the Arabic Nose: Simple Endonasal Techniques mAmDouh sAlAh A. MOTTALEb, egyPt • Ideal breast’s social interview frAncescA MAzzEO, itAly • Why a genital cosmetic surgery today for women? xAvier LATOuCHE, frAnce • Liposuction: A study on its development and growth in Albania vlADimir FiLAJ, AlbAniA • How retaining ligaments can influence aesthetic facial procedures thomAs rAPPL, AustriA • Reconstruction of the difficult nose with bone/cartilage graft neDim PiPiC, AustriA • Surgical rhinoplasty after failure and complications of medical rhinoplasty bruno CArLOTTi, frAnce • State of the art Rhinoplasty tissue engineering cartilage ibrAhim EL ACHKAr, lebAnon • Endoscopic Aesthetic Surgery of the Face: Minimal Incisions Vertical Endoscopic Lift (MIVEL) AlessAnDro GENNAi, itAly • Mammary augmentation with Macrolana vs prothesis: Indications, advantages and disadvantages lAurent bENAdibA, frAnce • In search of optimal approach to the midface rejuvenation irinA KHruSTALEVA, russiA • Bariatric surgery PhiliPPe COSTiL, frAnce 20:00 - 23:00 sPeAkers officiAL dining cocktAiL Saturday March 26 Samedi 26 mars Morning / Matin 7:30 - 8:30 AESTHETIC SURGERY TEACHING COURSE / COURS AVANCÉS DE CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE course Directors: fAhD benslimAne, fAbio ingAllinA, Antoine PArAskevAs •teaching course 3: Neck Surgery / cours avancé 3 : Chirurgie du cou •teaching course 4: Breast Augmentation Surgery / cours avancé 4 : Chirurgie d’augmentation mammaire COURSES OBJECTIVES / OBJECTIFS DES COURS - Know the different techniques from the experts with videos / Connaître les différentes techniques des experts avec vidéos - Understand and identify the up-to-date procedures to rejuvenate or beautify the treated area Comprendre et identifier les procédures mises à jour pour le rajeunissement ou l’embellissement des zones traitées - Be able to know the indications of the different techniques / Etre capable de connaître les indications des différentes techniques - Know the pre-op check up and post-op cares / Connaître les contrôles pré-opératoires et les soins post-opératoires - Be able to diagnose a complication and to treat it properly / Être capable de diagnostiquer une complication et de la traiter To attend the Teaching Courses: Separate registration PASS 2 or ”Full Pass 4 or 5” registration required Pour assister aux Cours Avancés : Inscription séparée aux cours PASS 2 ou inscription ”Full Pass 4 ou 5” requise Aesthetic DermAtology & surgery 8:30 - 10:30 room vAn Dongen & room Auric level -2 contributors (PreliminAry list): thomAs biggs, usA bruce connell, usA rAJ kAnoDiA, usA briAn kinney, usA mAlcolm PAul, usA thomAs romo iii, usA AuDitorium Prince Pierre level -2 Beauty and healthy skin Une peau belle et saine chAir: nicolAs bAchot, AnDreAs kAtsAmbAs, sohAil mAnsoor • Dermatological aspects of facial aging / Aspects dermatologiques du vieillissement facial luitgArD Wiest, germAny • Parameters of Beauty / Les Paramètres de la beauté DAlAl AltArkeet, kuWAit • Beauty and dysmorphophobia: How to manage the problem / Beauté et dysmorphophobie : savoir faire la part des choses AshrAf bADAWi, egyPt • Smoking is not sexy; It makes your skin old / Fumer n’est pas sexy ; Ca vieillit ! sergei grAnDo, usA • Are cosmetics still interesting in 2011? / Les cosmétiques restent-ils intéressants en 2011 ? nicolAs bAchot, frAnce • New topical technologies for facial rejuvenation / Nouvelles technologies topiques pour le rajeunissement facial AnDreAs kAtsAmbAs, greece • Clinical and biometrological evaluation after mechanic stimulation of the face by Endermolift / Evaluation clinique et biométrologique après mécano-stimulation du visage par la technique Endermolift PhiliPPe humbert, frAnce • Chemical peels: indications overview / Peelings chimiques : revue des indications PhiliPPe DePreZ, frAnce • Melasma and tretinoin peeling mask / Mélasma et masque à la trétinoine ilAriA ghersetich, itAly • Challenge of cosmetic synergy arrangement of the future: Aquarejuvenation combined with LED / Le concours d’une synergie cosmetique moderne: Aquarejuvenation et LED michèle Pelletier, frAnce 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 Coffee break USA Special – Surgical Procedures Session spéciale USA – Procédures chirurgicales chAir: thomAs biggs, PAtrick trÉviDic, briAn kinney • Breast surgery / Chirurgie du sein thomAs biggs, usA • Neck surgery / Chirurgie du cou bruce connell, usA • Contemporary blepharoplasty / La blépharoplastie d’aujourd’hui mAlcolm PAul, usA • Body surgery / Chirurgie du corps briAn kinney, usA • Eyelids surgery / Chirurgie des paupières glenn Jelks, usA (tbc) • Current management in rhinoplasty / La rhinoplastie d’aujourd’hui thomAs romo iii, usA room vAn Dongen level -2 8:30 - 10:30 Advanced Session in Lasers and Lights Perfectionnement en lasers et lumières chAir: Pierre AnDrÉ, AlinA frAtilA • Difficult laser-IPL cases in hair removal / Les cas difficiles d’épilation au laser-IPL christine Dierickx, belgium • Difficult tattoo removal cases / Les cas difficiles de détatouage isAbelle cAtoni, frAnce • Using laser-IPL to diminish physical scars / Comment améliorer les cicatrices avec le laser-IPL ? ZeinA tAnnous, usA • Rejuvenation in dark skin / Le rajeunissement des peaux foncées AshrAf bADAWi, egyPt • A scientific look at wound healing / La cicatrisation : les aspects scientifiques Denis sAlomon, sWitZerlAnD • Fractional radio-frequency: indications and results / Radiofréquence fractionnée : indications et résultats DAniel cAssuto, itAly (tbc) • The benefits of ablative lasers in skin rejuvenation / Quel rajeunissement cutané peut-on attendre d’un laser ablatif ? AlinA frAtilA, germAny • Lasers in oral aesthetic surgery / Lasers et chirurgie esthétique de la bouche freDerick gAultier & gÉrArD nAvArro, frAnce 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 Coffee break Fat, Cellulite & Lipoplasty Symposium Symposium graisse, cellulite et lipoplastie chAir: gustAvo leibAschoff, clAuDe DAlle • Obesity: the inflammatory disease / L’obésité : un désordre inflammatoire kArine clement, frAnce (tbc) • Hormonal therapies that may reduce the localized fat and cellulite – What to check before lipolysis or fat reduction? / Les traitements hormonaux qui peuvent réduire la graisse localisée et la cellulite. Quelles analyses avant une lipolyse ou une réduction graisseuse ? clAuDe DAlle, frAnce • Cellulite: Is it a fat, hormonal or microcirculatory problem? A comprehensive approach for excellent medical and aesthetic results / Cellulite : est-ce un problème de graisse, d’hormones ou de microcirculation ? Le traitement complet pour un bon résultat médical et esthétique PhiliPPe blAnchemAison, frAnce • Genetic profile of the cellulite and the chrono cellulite / Le profil génétique de la cellulite et la « Chrono cellulite » bernArD Weber, luxembourg • Menopause and cellulite: How to manage hormonal changes? / Cellulite et ménopause : comment gérer les changements hormonaux ? clAuDe DAlle & gustAvo leibAschoff, frAnce • Cellulite: an assessment of current technologies / Cellulite : évaluation des techniques mAtheW AvrAm, usA • The pathophysiology of the lipolysis. What happen to fat cells after an aggressive lipolysis / Physiopathologie de la lipolyse. Qu’arrive-t-il aux cellules graisseuses après une lipolyse agressive ? mAx lAfontAn, frAnce • Skin tightening: The trick of temperature and collagen remodeling / Retendre la peau : rôle de la température sur la stimulation du collagène clAuDiA vAn Der lugt, netherlAnDs • Total body lifting / Le lifting total du corps olivier clAuDe, frAnce 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break Saturday March 26 Samedi 26 mars Morning / Matin AuDitorium cAmille blAnc level -2 Anti-Aging & Preventive meDicine 8:30 - 9:30 Preventive Neurology Neurologie Préventive chAir: AlAin Pesce, WilmAr Accursio • Brain function and orthomolecular medicine / Fonction cérébrale et médecine orthomoléculaire WilmAr ACCurSiO, brAZil • Spirituality and brain function: A preventive approach / La spiritualité peut-elle améliorer la fonction cérébrale ? Denis LAMbOLEy, frAnce • Latest treatments and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease / Dernières mises à jour dans la prévention de la maladie d’Alzheimer et son traitement AlAin PESCE, monAco • New preventive, predictive diagnostics learnings on Neuro-degenerative diseases / Derniers enseignements issus des nouveaux outils de diagnostic prédictif des maladies neuro-dégénératives vincenZo MAriGLiANO, itAly 9:30 - 10:30 Detoxification in 2011 Détoxification en 2011 chAir: JeAn-frAnçois nArbonne, mArio krAuse • Are we able to prevent the skin intox? / Pouvons-nous empêcher l’intoxication de la peau ? PAtAnA TENG-uMNuAy, thAilAnD • Can we have a practical real body detox in 2011? / Peut –on avoir, en pratique, une réelle détoxification de l’organisme en 2011 JeAn-frAnçois NArbONNE, frAnce • Oxidative Phosphorylation – Aerobic w/o Lactate / Phosphorylation oxydative anaérobique sans lactate John vAn LiMburG STiruM, sWitZerlAnD • Detox anti-aging therapy in Japan / Thérapie de détoxification anti-âge au Japon mAsAkAsu SAWANObOri, JAPAn 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 Coffee break Scientific Breakthrough in Preventive Genetics & Longevity Dernières avancées scientifiques en génétique préventive et longévité chAir: monicA Driscoll, JohAnnes Wessolly • SNPs for breast and prostate health assessment / SNPs pour l’évaluation des seins et de la prostate felix STONEK, AustriA • Genetic typing for Diabetes and cardiovascular prevention / Genotype pour la prévention du risque cardiovasculaire et du diabéte Wilhelm KALTENbruNNEr, AustriA • Detoxification Genetics ~ Role in Preventive Medicine / Génétique de détoxification ~ Rôle dans la médecine préventive DAviD LAi, hong kong • Mental Wellness ~ A Genetic Interpretation! / Bien-être mental ~ Une interprétation génétique! JohAnnes WESSOLLy, germAny • Longevity - A Molecular Perspective / Longévité - une perspective moléculaire monicA driSCOLL, usA • MicroRNAs and Aging ~ Update 2011 / MicroA.R.N. et vieillissement ~ Mise à jour 2011 cArolinA ibANEz VENTOSO, usA Aesthetic DermAtology & surgery 8:30 - 10:30 room Auric level -2 Contributing Lectures in Facial Rejuvenation with fillers and threads chAir: mArtinA kerscher, Jules mArthAn • Comprehensive anatomy of the aging face Jules MArTHAN, frAnce • Stabilised hyaluronic acid-based gel of non-animal origin for skin rejuvenation: face, neck and décolletage mArtinA KErSCHEr, germAny • Soft restoration with nasha gel and thermage: can it be considered as a non- surgical face lift? cleliA bAriNi, itAly • The medical face lifting: regeneration of the face tissues mAuriZio CECCArELLi, itAly • Liquid Facelift Hong Kong style without canula but needle DAviD LAi, hong kong chinA • Modern techniques in facial rejuvenation with stabilized hyaluronic acid-based gel of non-animal origin: Handling and a new, less invasive technique with the Pix’L needle of Thiebaud in Softlift Concept colette CAMENiSH, sWitZerlAnD • Volumizing and Relaxing: A combination treatment for facial rejuvenation sAbine zENKEr, germAny • A needle-cannula revolution in the three-dimensional remodeling of the facial contour with fillers fulvio VANNiNi, itAly • Flexible Needles: Validation. New applications soniA HANNOuN AnD bernArD HErTzOG, frAnce • Aging Eyelids: Is the Solution Lifting or Re-Inflation? sAm ASSASSA, usA • Beautiful eyes - Non-surgical eye lift riekie SMiTH, south AfricA • Dark circles and tear valley: Superficial injections using the Dermasculpt® microcannula luc dEWANdrE, frAnce • Antigravity correction methods of ageing face - Light Lift. Fight against the gravitaional ptosis george SuLAMANidzE, georgiA • Intemporal thread Peter COMbO, frAnce 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 Coffee break Contributing Lectures – Lasers and Miscellaneous chAir: JeAn-luc vigneron, ghislAine beilin • Nd:YAG Laser Q-switched for Tattoo and pigmentation removal ciro ACCArdO, itAly • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) for rejuvenation klAus FriTz, germAny • Nd:YAG 1064nm Laser in Treatment of Periocular Lower Eyelid Veins AshrAf bAdAWi, egyPt • CO2 laser micro-beam vaso-ablation: A new and perfect solution for facial spider veins mArek KACKi, usA • Noninvasive central facelifting with Ulthera DiAne i. duNCAN, usA • Objective evaluation of trichloroacétic acid peeling session gilbert AMGAr, frAnce • Standards of mesotherapy michAel J. WEidMANN, germAny • Rejuvenation of the lower face: The close relationship between aesthetic medicine and dentistry michAel KAMbiz GHALiLi, usA • Why the phenol peeling remains a confidential technique being safe and giving outstanding results? bernArD dESCHOdT, frAnce • Autologous mesotherapy in combination with fractional therapies mAriA KArdASi, greece • The New Device, DermaStamp®. Vertical Micro-needle Technology JongJu NA, south koreA • Revitalizing the skin inside out. Treating dermis and epidermis through combined treatments with bio-revitalizing solutions and multi-components chemical peeling AnnAmAriA FOrENzA, itAly • Griffing®: Soft technique for the eyebrow’s repositioning (30 year-practice) mArc VANO, frAnce 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break Saturday March 26 Samedi 26 mars Afternoon / Après-midi AuDitorium Prince Pierre level -2 Aesthetic DermAtology & surgery 14:00 - 16:00 Botulinum toxin – The Best Practice for the Lower Face Toxine Botulinique : les meilleures techniques pour le bas du visage chAir: freDric brAnDt, hervÉ rAsPAlDo, ellen mArmur • Anatomical areas: Understanding the “whys and wheres” of injections / Anatomie de la zone : comprendre où injecter et pourquoi PAtrick trÉviDic, frAnce, fAbio ingAllinA, itAly • New consensus for the lower face / Nouveau consensus pour le bas du visage gregor WAhl, germAny • Special indications, advanced and off label techniques for the middle and inferior third of the face / Indications particulières, techniques avancées et hors AMM pour le milieu et le tiers inférieur du visage AlinA frAtilA, germAny • Marionette lines: BoNT-A and combined management / Traiter les plis d’amertume avec la toxine botulinique et d’autres combinaisons uWe WollinA, germAny • Neck and platysma: when - when not, why - why not, what (not) to expect? / Cou et platysma : quand ? – pourquoi ? et qu’en attendre (ou pas) ? koenrAAD De boulle, belgium • Botulinum toxin Asian Style / Les techniques d’injection en Asie chAriyA PetchngAovilAi • What are the possible complications when treating the lower face by botulinum toxin? How to manage them / Quelles sont les complications possibles lors du traitement du bas du visage avec la toxine botulinique ? Comment les gérer ? DiDier vochelle, belgium • Different techniques to avoid complications in the lower face / Les différentes techniques pour éviter les complications dans le bas du visage mAtthiAs imhof, germAny 16:30 - 18:30 Maxi Injections: Yes or no ? Les injections de grand volume : oui ou non ? chAir: PAtrick trÉviDic, oliver kreyDen, WAyne cArey • Volumemap for the liquid face lift / Anatomie des volumes faciaux pour la compréhension des injections WolfgAng funk, germAny • Maxi injection fillers: Their indications and limits / Indications et limites des maxi injections de produits de comblement 1. Big volumes in one time / Gros volumes en une fois WAyne cArey, cAnADA 2. Small volumes several times in short period / Petits volumes en plusieurs fois sur une courte durée DAniel cAssuto, itAly (tbc) • Digital proof of different techniques (IRM, etc.) / La « preuve en images » des différentes techniques (IRM, etc.) PAtrick TréVidiC, frAnce • New injection techniques for dermal fillers / Nouvelles techniques d’injection de produits de comblement shelDon PollAck, cAnADA • Can maxi injections replace surgery? / Les maxi injections peuvent-elles remplacer la chirurgie ? thierry besins, frAnce • Surgical consequences of high volume injections or multi injection sessions with different products / Les incidences sur la chirurgie du rajeunissement de l’injection de gros volumes ou de plusieurs sessions d’injections avec des produits différents hervÉ rAsPAlDo, frAnce • Hyaluronidase: The practical “how to” / Utilisation de la hyaluronidase en pratique Pierre AnDrÉ, frAnce room vAn Dongen level -2 14:00 - 16:00 The great questions in aesthetic treatments for fat 8 minutes to convince you with the proper anwers Les grandes questions sur les traitements esthétiques de la graisse 8 minutes pour convaincre chAir: gustAvo leibAschoff, PhiliPPe blAnchemAison • The mecano-stimulation in the cellulite treatment: The right steps for a physiological treatment (Endermologie®) / La mécano-stimulation dans le traitement de cellulite : la bonne démarche pour un traitement physiologique (Endermologie ®) gustAvo leibAschoff, ArgentinA • Choosing the right radiofrequency: Monopolar, bipolar, tripolar or multipolar? / Radiofréquence : entre monopolaire, bipolaire, tripolaire ou multipolaire, laquelle choisir ? sPeAkers tbA • Cryolipolisys / Cryolipolyse sPeAker tbA • Non invasive ultrasounds: What are its mechanisms and effects? / Ultrasons non invasifs : quels mécanismes et quelles actions ? Afschin fAtemi, germAny (tbc), Pierre secnAZi, frAnce (tbc) • State of art of Lipoplasty / Lipoplastie : Etat de l’art 1. Is lipoplasty a treatment of obesity? / La lipoplastie est-elle le traitement de l’obesité ? gustAvo leibAschoff, ArgentinA 2. Which are the hormonal changes after Lipoplasty? / Quels sont les changements hormonaux après une lipoplastie ? clAuDe DAlle, frAnce 3. How lipoplasty helps long term weight management? / Comment la lipoplastie aide au maintien du poids à long terme ? olivier clAuDe, frAnce 4. Different techniques / Les différentes techniques : a. Laserlypolisis / Lipolyse laser eric Plot, frAnce b. Radio frequency assisted lipoplasty / Lipolyse assistée par radiofréquence mArc DivAris, frAnce c. Water jet assisted liposuction / Water Jet liposuccion sPeAker tbA d. Ultrasound assisted liposuction / Liposuccion assistée par ultrasons sPeAker tbA e. The new cannulas / Les nouvelles canules olivier clAuDe, frAnce 16:30 - 18:30 Arm Embellishment Embellissement du bras chAir: vlADimir mitZ, olivier clAuDe, ghislAine beilin • How the arm ages / Comment le bras vieillit sPeAker tbA • Skin Surface treatments / Traitements de la peau ghislAine beilin, frAnce • Velashape / Velashape lori A. brightmAn, usA (tbc) • Laser-assisted lipolysis / Lipolyse laser eric Plot, frAnce • Brachioplasty with longitudinal scar / Brachioplastie avec cicatrice longitudinale JeAn-frAnçois PAscAl, frAnce (tbc) • Brachioplasty with axillary scar / Brachioplastie avec cicatrice axillaire vlADimir mitZ, frAnce • Skin rejuvenation and scar improvement with needling / Rajeunissement cutané et amélioration des cicatrices avec la technique du « Needling » mAtthieu beustes-stefAnelli, sWitZerlAnD 20:00 - 23:00 «forever young» gALA evening At the sPorting cLuB of monAco - do not miss this unforgetABLe event! Saturday March 26 Samedi 26 mars Afternoon / Après-midi room Auric level -2 Aesthetic DermAtology & surgery 14:00 - 16:00 French Riviera Experts Surgical Session Société Azuréene de Médecine et de Chirurgie Esthétique et Plastique (SAMCEP) chAir: frÉDÉric brAccini, chArles volPei • Minimal invasive approach in facial surgical rejuvenation / Approche chirurgicale mini invasive du rajeunissement facial henry sAbAtier, frAnce • Facial lipostructure or mid face lifting. How to choose? / Lifting médio facial ou lipostructure : comment choisir? chArles volPei, frAnce • Deep vertical lift associated with suspensions sutures AlAin bonnefon, frAnce • Midface lifting. “Moving plate” for surgical strategy / Lifting médio facial : « plaque tournante » d’une décision chirurgicale henry DelmAr, frAnce • Combined approach in oculofacial rejuvenation / Approche combinée pour le rajeunissement du regard JAcques lAgier, frAnce • New trends in rhinoplasty / Nouveautés en rhinoplastie frÉDÉric brAccini, frAnce • Management of the falling breast - Polyurethane breast implant: My experience / Gestion du sein tombant - Mon experience avec les prothèses de sein en polyuréthane JeAn-luc JAuffret, frAnce • New trends in breast surgery / Nouveautés en chirurgie mammaire thomAs moDschieDler, frAnce • Up to date with PIP prosthesis in breast implants / Les prothèses PIP, le point actuel berengère chignon-sicArD, frAnce 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 Coffee break French Riviera Experts Medical Session Société Azuréene de Médecine et de Chirurgie Esthétique et Plastique (SAMCEP) chAir: frÉDÉric brAccini, chArles volPei • Injections in oculofacial medical rejuvenation. No pain, no bruises! / Injections oculofaciales sans douleur et sans hématomes ! PhiliPPe berros, chPg monAco • Association fractional laser and LED / Association laser fractionné et LED eric sArfAti, frAnce • Fractionnal CO2: New trends and latest consensus / CO2 fractionné : nouvelles orientations et consensus mArie-JeAnne miniconi, frAnce • Laser lipolysis / Lipolyse laser AnDreA vincentelli, frAnce • Deep peels: How and why? / Peelings profonds : comment et pourquoi ? JeAn-luc vigneron, frAnce • Botulinum Toxin and advanced practice / Toxine botulinique en pratique avancée PhiliPPe kestemont, frAnce • Facial palsy: The use of medical solutions / Réhabilitaion médicale des paralysies faciales JÉrôme PAris, frAnce • Vigipil: The way to manage aesthetic complications / Vigipil : une gestion efficace des complications esthétiques JeAn-clAuDe lArrouy, frAnce AuDitorium cAmille blAnc level -2 Anti-Aging & Preventive meDicine 14:00 - 15:00 Cardiovascular disease and widespread metabolic syndrome epidemic Pathologie cardiovasculaire et épidémie du syndrome métabolique chAir: DAniel PellA,svenD AAge mortensen • Role of anti-inflammatory treatment in atherosclerosis / Rôle de traitement anti-inflammatoire dans l’athérosclérose DAniel PELLA, slovAk rePublic • Innovative trends in chronic heart failure treatment / Tendances innovatrices dans le traitement des chronique rAfAel rybAr, slovAk rePublic • Metabolic syndrome – atherosclerosis equivalent ? / Syndrome métabolique - équivalent de l’athérosclérose ? DAniel PELLA, slovAk rePublic • Nutritional and metabolic aspect of myochondrial disease / Aspect alimentaire et métabolique de la maladie myochondriale svenD AAge MOrTENSEN, DenmArk • Oxidative Stress Induced Mitochondrial DNA Overproliferation and Deletion, Cellular Hypoperfusion and Hypometabolism - in the Context of Aging / Surprolifération et effacement d’ADN Mitochondrial, hypoperfusion cellulaire et hypometabolisme - induits par le stress oxydant dans le contexte du vieillissement gJumrAkch ALiEV, usA 15:00 - 16:00 Japanese Session - JAAM Session (Japanese Association of Anti-aging Medicine) Session japonaise - Session JAAM (Association Japonaise de Médecine) chAir: tAkuJi shirAsAWA • Japanese centenarian study and longevity / Etude sur la longévité des centenaires Japonais tAkuJi SHirASAWA, JAPAn • Anti-Aging Medical Checkup System in Japan / Système de check-up médical anti-âge au Japon yoshikAZAu yONEi, JAPAn • Male medicine in Japan / Andrologie au Japon yoshiAki KuMAMOTO, JAPAn • Nutrition in Anti-Aging / Nutrition en Anti-âge, l’approche Japonaise sho WATANAbE, JAPAn 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:30 Coffee break Preventive and Anti-Aging medicine - The Italian experience Médecine Préventive et Anti-âge – l’expérience Italienne chAir: AscAnio Polimeni, AlessAnDro genAZZAni • What’s the safest estrogen balance? Exploring and managing a critical factor in aging men / Quel est l’équilibre en œstrogène le plus sûr ? Exploration et prise en charge du facteur critique chez l’homme vieillissant AscAnio POLiMENi, itAly • Aging and the physiological neuroendocrine decay of menopausal transition / Vieillissement et affaiblissement physiologique neuroendocrinien de la transition ménopausique AlessAnDro GENAzzANi, itAly & tomAsso SiMONCiNi, itAly • Biomarkers of ageing: The state of the art /Biomarqueurs du vieillissement: L’état de l’art giovAnni SCAPAGNiNi, itAly • A novel approach to improve mitochondrial function in the aging process / Une approche innovante pour améliorer la fonction mitochondriale dans le processus du vieillissement evAsio PASiNi, itAly • The cancer like a foetus and the oncologic patient like a pregnant person: a novel paradigm for cancer / Le cancer tel un foetus et le patient comme une personne enceinte : Un nouveau paradigme dans le cancer giAnlucA PAzzAGLiA, itAly 17:30 - 18:30 Successful solutions for the Medispa Solutions à succès pour le Medispa chAir : PAkPilAi thAvisin, PhiliPPe blAnchemAison meDicAl sPA • Stress solutions in the Medical Spa / Les solutions au stress dans un spa medical mArio KrAuSE, germAny tbc • Endermospa – first stage towards the Medical Spa / L’Endermospa – première étape vers le medispa PhiliPPe bLANCHEMAiSON, frAnce • Global trends in Medispa and skincare services for 2011 and beyond / Les tendances globales du Spa Médical en 2011 et au-delà WenDy LEWiS, usA • 8 elements: A unique effective technique / 8 élements : Une seule technique efficace nADiA VOLF, frAnce • Increase your sales in your Medispa now! / Augmentez les ventes dans votre spa medical dès maintenant PAkPilAi THAViSiN, thAilAnD Saturday March 26 Samedi 26 mars room rAvel 1 level +1 room niJinski level -1 merz Aesthetics 8:30 - 10:30 The Full Facial Approach - Experience the Merz Aesthetics Portfolio Approche globale du visage - Expérimentez la gamme Merz Aesthetics sPeAker tbA 8:30 - 9:30 8:30 - 9:30 Aesthetic WorkshoP - to Be Announced Aesthetic WorkshoP - to Be Announced cynosure 9:30 - 10:30 New directions in the treatment of cellulite lasting effects in just one treatment Innovations dans le traitement de la cellulite effets optimum en un seul traitement bruce KATz, usA PrimeQuAL 9:30 - 10:30 Botulinum Toxin Automatic Injection System Système d’injection automatique de Toxine Botulique DAviD WEiLL, sWitZerlAnD coffee BreAk 10:30 - 11:00 gALdermA 11:00 - 13:00 Q-med 11:00 - 12:00 A New portfolio to provide your patient with full face treatment Une nouvelle gamme pour le traitement intégral du visage de vos patients sPeAker tbA Q-Med workshop, Macrolane sPeAker tbA cromA 12:00 - 13:00 Facial enhancement with Princess hyaluronic acid fillers Embellissement du visage avec l’acide hyaluronique Princess Pierre coulon, frAnce Lunch BreAk 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:00 room rAvel 2 level +1 teoxAne LABorAtories Enhancing & restoring facial vectors with TEOSYAL PureSense fillers Restaurer et sublimer les expressions du visage avec la gamme de comblement TEOSYAL PureSense rAJ kAnoDiA, usA JeAn-louis sebAgh, frAnce Permeance™: the new philosophy for dermal filler implants. New horizons of biorevitalization: The new protocol for systemic dermal restructuring. An exclusive biotechnology for a topical skin regeneration. Permeance™ : la nouvelle philosophie en matière de comblement. Nouvelles perspectives pour la biorevitalisation: le nouveau protocole de restructuration systémique de la peau. Une biotechnologie exclusive pour une régénération topique riccArDo forte, itAly ProfessionAL dietetics 12:00 - 13:00 ProLLenium 14:00 - 15:00 Needle-less HA injection for Dermal Remodeling using High Pressure Infusion Injections d’acide hyaluronique sans aiguille pour le remodelage du visage par haute pression bernArD dEbErry, uSA soLtA medicAL 15:00 - 16:00 Thermage CPT and Fraxel DUAL - Advanced Insights for Skin Tightening and Rejuvenation Thermage CPT et Fraxel DUAL - Raffermissement et rajeunissement cutanés sPeAker tbA 16:00 - 16:30 genethiA 11:00 - 12:00 coffee BreAk 16:30 - 17:30 jAPAn Bio Products JBP Placental Therapy Featuring Facial Acupuncture Points in Japan Thérapie placentaire par JBP présentant les points d’acupuncture du visage au Japon sAWAko HibiNO, JAPAn Injection Treatment with JBP Ultra-Thin Walled Needles Injections avec les aiguilles gainées ultra fines JBP shinichi SOyANO, JAPAn 17:30 - 18:30 Aesthetic WorkshoP - to Be Announced New concept of revitalization therapy: physiological biostimulation of fibroblasts by Amino Acid Functional Cluster Nouveau concept en thérapie de revitalisation : biostimulation physiologique des fibroblastes par groupe d’acides aminés fonctionnel elenA ruMyANTSEVA, russiA 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch BreAk 14:00 - 15:00 Aesthetic dermAL skin tech Anti ageing combined tritherapy by association of “transdermal skin relaxation” (BoNtA568Aesthetic Dermal) + “Injectable lift” class III (Reparestim HA CE- Aesthetic Dermal) + “Dermo-epidermal rebuilding” (Easy TCA- Skin Tech) Trithérapie anti vieillissement par association de “relaxation cutanée transdermique” (BoNtA 568 – Aesthetic Dermal) + “Lifting Injectable” classe III (Reparestim HA CE – Aesthetic Dermal) + “reconstruction Dermo Epidermique” (Easy TCA – Skin Tech) PhiliPPe DePreZ, sPAin 15:00 - 16:00 medicALoo triWings Every news indications for triwings l.e.d, stretch-marks repigmentation wound healing, hair transplants stimulation, pigmental and vascular lesions Toutes les nouveautés sur le triwings LED, avec repigmentations des vergetures l’anti-age, la cicatrisation, la chutes des cheveux et les taches pigmentaires michele Pelletier, frAnce linDA fouque, frAnce 16:30 - 18:30 Aesthetic WorkshoP - to Be Announced GENERAL INFO _________________“AMWC 2011 GRAND PRIX” LOTTERY__________________ An entertaining LOTTERY will offer the participants of the AMWC 2011 the ______________________CONGRESS LOCATION______________________ possibility to win two journeys of respectively 5000 euros and 3000 euros and many other prizes (like full supported Congress Packages 2010 including hotel The Principality of Monaco is located on the French Riviera, and registration). about 25 minutes from Nice. Its exceptional location allows it to enjoy 310 days of sunshine per year. Monaco’s _____________WOSIAM MEETING_________________________ exceptional location, between mountain and sea, its Open to Medical Scientific Societies and Associations Representatives gardens, its entertainment, its athletic and cultural events all qualities which make it an unforgettable destination. The WOSIAM - World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine will The Grimaldi Forum, close to all the hotels, is ideally located by the seaside. The organize a private meeting for representatives of all medical national and average temperature in March is 19-21°C and the weather is often sunny. International scientific associations involved in the field of Preventive & AntiAging medicine. ________VISA INFORMATION AND OFFICIAL LETTERS OF INVITATION________ For more information, please connect to www.wosiam.org IMPORTANT: To join this private meeting it is necessary to be the President or The passport and visa requirements for persons visiting Monaco as tourists an officially mandated representative of the medical or scientific Association. are the same as for France. For further details, contact any French consulate To get your INVITATION, please send your request and personal information by in your country. Official letters which may be necessary in some countries for fax: +331 56 837 805 or email: [email protected] administrative reasons (VISA) can be sent by e-mail: [email protected]. These letters do not engage the congress secretariat to any financial support ___________________________HOTELS_____________________________ neither obligation nor responsibility relative to the Visa. Hotels close to Grimaldi Forum have been booked especially for ___________________________EXHIBITION_________________________ the AMWC delegates at negotiated prices through our partner. On-line reservation is available at www.euromedicom.com Over 6500 m2 of exhibition space (250 exhibiting companies) of interest in Hotels informations: Conferencia Travel Aesthetic Dermatology and Medicine, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Anti-Aging Medicine, Nutrition, Well Being, Medical Spa, etc. will be on permanent display. Tel: +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 - E-mail: [email protected] For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel (special rates only _______________________AIR TRANSPORTATION______________________ available through our partner). Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment - All prices are breakfast INDENTIFIER CODE: 0893S and taxes included. Other hotels will be proposed later. Valid date range for discount: 19/03/2011 to 31/03/2011 Please regularly visit: www.euromedicom.com/amwc2011/hotels The airlines of SKYTEAM, Official Alliance Network for our event, offer attractive airfares for participants. SKYTEAM comprises 10 leading international airlines: ____________________REGISTRATION FORMALITIES____________________ Aeroflot, Aeromexico, Air France, Alitalia, Continental, CSA Czech Airlines, Delta, KLM, Korean Air, Northwest Airlines, serving 728 cities in 149 countries with Registration confirmation over 15 000 flights daily. Each attendee registered in advance will receive a confirmation of registration To benefit from these special offers, link up with www.skyteam.com/ by the congress office. Please bring a copy of your registration confirmation globalmeetings and quote the Identifier Code. Through this site you can also letter at the on-site registration to speed up the process. If you do not have a access the schedules of all SkyTeam partners to plan your flights on the airline confirmation letter and there is no record payment receipt by the congress office, of your choice. you will be required to provide payment on-site, even if you think a payment was AIR FRANCE: Discounts are applied to a wide range of airfares, in all classes of remitted previously. Any duplicate payment resulting will be resolved following travel Espace Première (First), Espace Affaires (Business) and Tempo (Economy) the meeting. on all flights of the Air France worldwide network. To access the preferential fares granted for this event, use this link: www.airfrance-globalmeetings.com. On-site registration, badge and congress material pick-up This event brochure serves to justify the application for the preferential airfare. The congress office registration desk will be located in the Grimaldi Forum at Keep it with you as you may be asked for it at any point during your journey. To the Diaghilev level. Please keep in mind that on-site registration can be time locate your nearest Air France sales point, consult: www.airfrance.com consuming. Everyone is strongly encouraged to register at least 15 days prior to the congress. You are reminded to bring your confirmation letter with you when _________________FREE GROUND TRANSPORTATION___________________ you pick up your badge and meeting material. We recommend that attendees allow sufficient time to pick up their badges prior to the meeting, to avoid the • between Nice and Monaco: a free shuttle service will be provided by the missing of a session. organization to all participants from Nice airport (Terminal 1 and 2) to Monaco on March 23rd (from 12.00pm to 10.00pm) and March 24th (from 7.00am to Please wear your badge! 4.00pm). From Nice station and Monaco, many trains are available (20 minute- Attendees are required to pick up and wear their conference badges at all times trip) every 15 minutes. Transfers by helicopter and private pick-up service are throughout the meeting. No access into the Venue and Congress sessions will be arranged by Conferencia Travel. Taxis: 45 minutes to 1 hour trip (average cost: allowed without wearing the badge. This allows us to ensure adequate security 70 to 100 euros depending on the traffic). for your safety. If you misplace your badge, a 200 Euros fee will be charged to • in Monaco: only showing their badge, AMWC delegates will have free access replace it. to all bus networks in Monaco during all the meeting. Cancellation _____LANGUAGES - SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION___ We will refund the complete registration fee less 50 Euros processing fee if written cancellation reaches us +30 days prior to the congress, 30 % of the The official congress languages are English and French. total payment if cancellation made between 30 to 15 days before. No refund Simultaneous translation in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Russian will be will be possible at less than 15 days prior to the event and in case of no-shows provided in the 2 main rooms. French / English in the other rooms. or early departure. FOREVER YOUNG...THE GALA EVENING YOU WILL REMEMBER!!! For this 9th edition of the AMWC, we have again the exceptional pleasure of organizing the Gala Evening at the Salle des Etoiles of the Sporting Club of Monaco on saturday March 26th. We have prepared for you an unforgettable show you will enjoy with a delicious dinner. After the Show, let’s dance.... and feel Forever Young!!! HOTELS IN MONACO Distance to the Grimaldi Forum Breakfast SINGLE DOUBLE TWIN Hôtel de PARIS * * * * * 15 min walk Included 300 € 320 € 320 € Hôtel METROPOLE MONTE CARLO * * * * * 12 min walk Included 300 € 320 € 320 € MONTE-CARLO BEACH HOTEL* * * * * 15 min walk Included 225 € 250 € 250 € Hôtel HERMITAGE * * * * 15 min walk Included 250 € 260 € 260 € Hôtel FAIRMONT MONTE CARLO * * * * 5 min walk Included Hôtel PORT PALACE * * * * 12 min walk Included Hôtel LE MERIDIEN BEACH PLAZA * * * * 5 min walk Included No Availabilities MONTE-CARLO BAY HOTEL & RESORT * * * * 10 min walk Included No Availabilities No Availabilities 225 € 250 € 250 € Included 175 € 175 € 175 € 20 min walk Included 185 € 185 € 185 € 12 min by bus n°6 Included 175 € 175 € 175 € VISTA PALACE * * * * 15 min by taxi or available shuttle Included 165 € 195 € 195 € LES TERASSES D’EZE * * * * 20 min by taxi or available shuttle Included 165 € 195 € 195 € NI Hôtel * * * 10 min by bus n° 4 Included 165 € 165 € NA Hôtel AMBASSADOR-MONACO * * * 10 min by bus n° 4 Included 155 € 175 € 175 € APARTHOTEL ADAGIO MONACO PALAIS JOSEPHINE * * * * 15 min walk Included 110 € 125 € 125 € APARTHOTEL ADAGIO MONACO MONTE CRISTO * * * 20 min walk Included 110 € 125 € 125 € Hôtel FORUM * * * 20 min walk Included 95 € 110 € 110 € COLUMBUS MONACO * * * NOVOTEL MONTE-CARLO * * * MARRIOTT RIVIERA LA PORTE DE MONACO * * * * 10 min by bus n°6
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