anti-aging medicine world congress
anti-aging medicine world congress
Dear Colleague, Dear Participant, On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a great privilege to invite you to participate to the 7th AntiAging Medicine World Congress in Monte-Carlo from March 19 to 21, 2009, to be held under the High Patronage of S.A.S. Le Prince Albert II de Monaco. The Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress Scientific Committee has invited the most distinguished Under the High Patronage of S.A.S. International Experts in Anti-Aging Medicine, Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology, to share with you, during Le Prince Albert II de Monaco 3 days, this Global Multi-disciplinary Congress of Anti-Aging Medicine. Taking into account expectation of the public for safe therapies in order to look and feel both better and younger, an important new approach of the AMWC 2009 resides in providing an important part to educational transversal sessions for an effective Well-Being medicine, combining SAFE Anti-aging practice with non-invasive aesthetic techniques. It will also provide the foundations for physicians from Aesthetics, General Practice and other Specialties, to offer efficient and safe therapies aiming at preventing aging, avoiding pathologies and making people who are already healthy, “healthier”. In addition, and in line with the development of the preventive and Lifespan Medicine, the Anti-Aging experts as well as the Endocrinologists, the Gynaecologists and any other specialist will find advanced academic scientific sessions with lectures presented by prominent experts from famous universities and international research centres. This AMWC 2009 will also see the launch of a new program for Medical Spa, in association with the “World Medical Spa Association”. Following last year’s success, a new Lottery Prize with a value of 8000 Euros and many other prizes will be available to the participants during the congress. Do not miss the drawing of prizes which will take place on TEOXANE’s booth on Saturday March 21 at 4.00 pm. Another important highlight of the Congress will be our pleasure to welcome the delegates at the stunning "Salles des Etoiles" of the Monte-Carlo Sporting Club for an unforgettable Gala Dinner and Show on Saturday evening. We hope that you will enjoy the Congress and that your interactivity with your colleagues from so many different countries and horizons will promote a creative exchange of ideas and will be personally rewarding for you. We also hope and are confident that you will enjoy your visit of the very exclusive and elegant Principality of MONACO! Very Sincerely Yours, The Organizing Committee ELITE SPONSOR AMONG THE 200 EXHIBITNG COMPANIES DIAMOND SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS OFFICIAL PRESS PARTNER INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION: 15 CME CREDITS The AMWC is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Please check the website for any further information: The AMWC is designated for up to 15 CME credits.In Europe, this accreditation concerns all the specialists, who should turn to their national authorities in order to validate the CME points in their home European countries. In America, EACCME credits are recognized by the American Medical Association towards the Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA). To convert EACCME credit to AMA PRA category 1 credit, contact the AMA through their website : At the end of the conference, you will receive your Certificate of Attendance. En France, l’AMWC est labellisé FMC-Collège par la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique (SOFCPRE) sous la référence W8NNAB6WBH Information : SIMULTANEAOUS TRANSLATION VENUE ORGANIZATION Grimaldi Forum 10, avenue Princesse Grace 98000 Monaco Principality of Monaco EuroMediCom 29 boulevard de la République 92250 La Garenne-Colombes, FRANCE Tel.: +33 1 56 837 800 Fax: +33 1 56 837 805 [email protected] ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORLD CONGRESS 2009 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE WELL-BEING, ANTI-AGING, PREVENTIVE & LIFESPAN MEDICINE Pierre ANDRÉ Anthony BENEDETTO Patrick TRÉVIDIC Claude DALLE Thierry HERTOGHE USA France Belgium France France MEDICAL SPA David LAI Christophe de JAEGER Xiaoyan JIANG Gianluca PAZZAGLIA Pakpilai THAVISIN Mario KRAUSE Ph. BLANCHEMAISON China France Canada Italy Thailand Germany France SCIENTIFIC COORDINATORS AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY Pierre ANDRÉ Dermatologist Paris, France Anthony BENEDETTO Dermatologist Philadelphia, USA Philippe BERROS Oculoplastic Surgeon France-CHPG Monaco Jean-Christophe BICHET Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Olivier CLAUDE Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Yohann DERHY Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Eckart HANEKE Professor of Dermatology Friburg, Germany Fabio INGALLINA Plastic Surgeon Catane, Italy Oliver KREYDEN Dermatologist Muttenz, Switzerland Cédric KRON Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Marc LEFEBVRE-VILLARDEBO Vascular Surgeon Paris, France Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF Cosmetic Surgeon Buenos Aires, Argentina Sohail MANSOOR Dermatologist London, UK Leonardo MARINI Dermatologist Trieste, Italy Xavier NOEL Plastic Surgeon Bordeaux, France Hervé PADEY Maxillo Facial Surgeon Cannes, France Arnaud PARANQUE Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Antoine PARASKEVAS Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI Dermatologist Bangkok, Thailand Eric PLOT Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Claude DALLE Monika GOLKOVA Thierry HERTOGHE Christophe de JAEGER Xiaoyan JIANG David LAI Georges MOUTON Gianluca PAZZAGLIA Ascanio POLIMENI Ronald VIRAG Philippe BLANCHEMAISON Mario KRAUSE Pakpilai THAVISIN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE Anti-Aging Practitioner Paris, France Neurologist Prague, Czech Rep. Anti-Aging Practitioner Brussels, Belgium Geriatrist, Gerontologist Paris, France Prof. Biology & Genetics Vancouver, Canada Anti-Aging Practitioner Hong Kong, China Sports & Functional Medicine Velroux, Belgium Oncologist Perugia, Italy Neuroendocrinologist Roma, Italy Vascular Surgeon, Sexual Medicine Paris, France MEDICAL SPA Phlebologist Paris, France Anti-Aging Practitioner Hannover, Germany Dermatologist, Anti-Aging Med. Bangkok, Thailand INTERNATIONAL BOARDMEMBERS MEMBERS INTERNATIONALSCIENTIFIC SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY ADVISORY BOARD Argentina Julio FERREIRA, MD Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF, MD Ruben MULHBERGER, MD Australia Bill ANTON, MD Belgium Koenraad de BOULLE, MD Georges MOUTON, MD Didier VOCHELLE, MD Brazil Wilmar J. ACCURSIO, MD Canada Vince BERTUCCI, MD Wayne CAREY, Prof. Uttam U. KALICHARRAN, MD China & Hong Kong David MC CHAN, MD Claude CHAUCHARD, MD Walter KING, Prof. David LAI, MD Czech Republic Monika GOLKOVA, MD France Nicolas BACHOT, MD Etienne-Emile BEAULIEU, Prof. Thierry BESINS, MD Patrick CHERIN, Prof. Claude DALLE, MD Ronald VIRAG, MD Germany Eckart HANEKE, Prof. Mario KRAUSE, MD Greece Andreas KATSAMBAS, Prof. Evangelos BELLONIAS, MD Hungary Imre ZS-NAGY, Prof. Italy Damiano GALIMBERTI, Prof. Ilaria GHERSETICH, Prof. Ascanio POLIMENI, Prof. Japon Yoshikazu YONEI, Prof. Toshikazu YOSHIKAWA, Prof. Malaysia Dato HARNAM, MD Janethy BALAKRISHNAN, MD The Netherlands Martino NEUMANN, Prof. Emar VOGELAAR, MD Philippines Roland ANGELES, MD Nancy GARCIA TAN, MD Poland Stefan ZGLICZYNSKI, Prof. Ryszard RATAJCZAK, MD Romania Bogdan Dimitrie NICULAE, MD Catalin ENACHESCU, MD Russia Lev BERSTEIN, Prof. Irina DMITRIEVA, Prof. South Africa Duncan CARMICHAEL, MD Spain Miguel MARTINEZ DEL CAMPO, MD Mario TRELLES, MD Octavio VIERA, MD Switzerland Phillip LEVY, MD Eleonore LUKA PILLA, MD Walter PIERPAOLI, PhD Thailand Nopadon NOPPAKUN, Prof. Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI, MD Pakpilai THAVISIN, MD United Kingdom Marios KYRIASIS, MD Michael PERRING, MD Sohail MANSOOR, MD USA Anthony BENEDETTO, Prof. Anoop CHATURVEDI, MD Michael KAMINER, Prof. Suzie SCHUDER, MD AMWC 2009 - PARTNER SOCIETIES World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • European Organisation for Scientific Anti-Aging Medicine • European Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • American Academy of Dermatology • Ana Aslan International Academy of Aging • Argentine Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asia Pacific Academy of Anti Aging Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asociación de Medicina Anti-aging y Estética Argentina • Asociacion Mexicana de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Association for the Development of Orthomolecular Nutrition • Association Tunisienne de Médecine Esthétique et de Cosmétologie • Associazone Medici Italiani Anti-Aging • AustralAsian Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Acupuncteurs Associés • Belgian Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Brazilian Society of Anti-Aging • Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery • British Anti-Ageing Medical Association • British Longevity Society • British Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Catalan and Balears Society in Anti-aging Medicine • Chinese Society of Cosmetic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine • College de Recherche International en Chirurgie Esthétique • Croatian Academy of Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine • Czech Corrective Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology Society • Czech Dermatovenerology Society • Czech Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Dermatological Society of Mauritius • Dutch Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Egyptian Society Plastic Surgeons • European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology • European Academy of Quality of Life and Longevity Medicine • European Society for Laser Aesthetic Surgery • European Society for Laser Dermatology • European Society of Aesthetic Surgery • European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • European Society of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology • French Society of Aesthetic Surgery • French Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • German Hormone Society • German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences • Gestalt Institut • Greek Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hong-Kong College of AntiAging Medicine • HUEM • Indonesian Anti-Aging Society • Indonesian Society for Anti-Aging Physician • Institut Européen du Viellissement • International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Academy of Longevity Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine of Ukraine • International Hormone Society • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery • Iranian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Italian society of Longevity Medicine • Japan Anti-Aging Medical Association • Japan Society of Clinical Aesthetic Antiaging Medicine • Japanese Society for Aesthetico-Medical Technology • Kazakhstani Society of Mesotherapists • Korean Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Korean Anti-Aging Medical Association • Latin American SPA Associety • Malaysian Menopause Society • Melbourne Collagen Fundation & Anti-Aging Society • Middle East Academy for Medicine of Ageing • Morocco Society of Plastic Reconstructive & Esthetic Surgery • National Academy of Sports Medicine • National Bulgarian Society for Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine • Neurological Research Institute • Pacific Academy of Aesthetic Specialists • Peruvian Society of Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine • Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians • Polish Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology • Polish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatry, Ana Aslan • Russian Academy of Scientific and Longevity Medicine • Russian Association of Laser Medicine Specialists • Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Anti Aging • Spanish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine of Canari Island • Sociedad Española de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética • Sociedad Italiana de Cirurgia Estetica • Sociedad Venezolana de Anti-Envejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedade Brasileira de Antienvelhecimento • Société Française de Chirurgie Esthétique • Societé Française de Médecine et Physiologie du Vieillissement • Société Internationale de Mesotherapie • Society Brazilan of Plastic Surgery • Society for Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Malaysia • Society for Preventive Gerontology and Geriatrics • South African Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • South American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • Spanish Gran Canarian Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Swiss Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Academy of Longevity Medicine • Turkish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Society of Cosmetology Lecturers • Union Internacional de Medicina y Cirurgia del Rejuvenecimiento • World Anti-Aging Medical Association SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS LECTURERS AND FACULTY ALLEGRA Claudio ANDRE Pierre ANDREWS-SUDRE Raoul BACHOT Nicolas BADAWI Ashraf BARANOVA Helena BASSAILLE MOSSE Dany BELBACHIR Anissa BELMONTESI Magda BENEDETTO Anthony V. BENSLIMANE Fahd BERGER André BERROS Philippe BERTUCCI Vince BESINS Thierry BEUSTES-STEFANELLI Matthieu BICHET Jean-Christophe BIRKMAYER George BJERRING Peter BLANCHEMAISON Philippe BONUCCI Massimo BOUHANNA Pierre BRACCINI Frédéric CAMENISCH Colette C. CAREY Wayne CARMICHAEL Duncan CATONI Isabelle CHATURVEDI Anoop CHAUCHARD Claude CHERIN Patrick CLAUDE Olivier CORNIL Christophe COTTERILL John DAHAN Sandrine DALLA COSTA Rosanna DALLE Claude DE BOULLE Koenraad DE JAEGER Christophe DE MAIO Mauricio DEPREZ Philippe DERHY Yohann DESOUCHES Christophe DOBS Adrian Sandra EDOUTE Yeouda EVENOU Philippe FATEMI Afschin FOGLI Alain FUJIMOTO Takahiro GABARD Bernard GARCIA-TAN Nancy GASPAR Adrian GAUTHIER Jules GLASER Rebecca HAJDUK Petr HANEKE Eckart HE Wei HEAVEY Stéphanie HERTOGHE Thierry HIBINO Sawako HUBER Johannes HUMPHRIES Keith IBANEZ VENTOSO Carolina INGALLINA Fabio JIANG Xiaoyan KALICHARRAN Uttam. U KALTENBRUNNER Wilhelm KANAKOPOULOS Angelos KANE Michael A. C. KARU Tiina KATSAMBAS Andreas KATZ Bruce E. KONTUREK Peter C. KRAUSE Mario KREYDEN Oliver Philip LACROIX Bruno LAGIER Jacques LAI David Ying Ching LARROUY Jean-Claude LEE Young-Seob LEFEBVRE-VILARDEBO Marc Prof of Angiology & Phlebology Dermatologist President of Aspen Spa Management Dermatologist Dermatologist European Expert Genomics for Health Dermographist Anesthesiologist Dermatologist Prof of Dermatology Plastic Surgeon Holistic & Aesthetic Practitioner Ophtalmologist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Hand & Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Biologist, Biochemist Prof of Dermatology Phlebologist Oncologist Dermatologist Cervico-Facial Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Prof of Dermatology Anti-Aging Practitioner Dermatologist Anti-Aging Practitioner Anti-Aging Practitioner Internal Medicine Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist R&D, Industry Plastic Surgeon Anti-Aging Practitioner Dermatologist Geriatrist, Gerontologist Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Practitioner Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Prof of Oncology, Endocrinologist Internist Dermatologist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Laser Therapist Pharmacologist, Biometrologist Dermatologist Cosmetic Surgeon Anti-Aging Practitioner Hormone Therapist Plastic Surgeon Prof of Dermatology Prof of Ophtalmology E2E Founder Anti-Aging Practitioner Anti-Aging Practitioner Prof in Gynaecology Senior Scientist, BC Cancer Agency Molecular Biologist, Biochemist Plastic Surgeon Ass. Prof in Genetics Anesthesiologist, Anti-Aging Practitioner Cardiologist Managing Director, Industry Plastic Surgeon Laser Scientist Prof of Dermatology Prof of Dermatology Internist, Gastroenterologist Anti-Aging Practitioner Dermatologist Nutritionist Cervico-Facial Surgeon Anti-Aging Practitioner Dermatologist Prof of Plastic Surgery Vascular Surgeon Rome, Italy Paris, France Fort Lauderdale, USA Paris, France Cairo, Egypt Nice, France Paris, France Paris, France Milano, Italy Philadelphia, USA Casablanca, Morocco Beverly Hills, USA Beausoleil, France Woodbridge, Canada Paris/Nice, France Lausanne, Switzerland Paris, France Vienna, Austria Vejle, Denmark Paris, France Roma, Italy Paris, France Nice, France Stockholm, Sweden Montréal, Canada Cape Town, South Africa Paris, France Sugarland, USA Paris, France/Hong Kong Paris, France Paris, France Nice, France Leeds, UK Paris, France Genova, Italy Paris, France Aalst, Belgium Paris, France Sao Paulo, Brazil Empuriabrava, Spain Paris, France Marseille, France Baltimore, USA Haifa, Israel Paris, France Dusseldorf, Germany Marseille, France Tokyo, Japan Basel, Switzerland Manila, Philippines Mendoza, Argentina Mont St Hilaire, Canada Dayton, USA Prague, Czech Republic Freiburg, Germany Beijing, China Paris, France Brussels, Belgium Doshisha, Japan Vienna, Austria Vancouver, Canada Piscataway, USA Catania, Italy Vancouver, Canada Toronto, Canada Vienna, Austria Athens, Greece New York, USA Moscow, Russia Athens, Greece New York, USA Erlangen, Germany Hannover, Germany Muttenz, Switzerland Giens, France Nice, France Hong Kong, China Nice, France Incheon, South Korea Paris, France ACCARDO Ciro BAHADORAN Philippe BAUER Ute BAUERSACHS Eva BEILIN Ghislaine BERTOLOTTO Corine BESTER Jurie BONAN Paolo CASADEI Alessandro CAVALLINI Maurizio CHEHADI Souleymane COHEN Jean-Luc CONINGS Willy ELSON Melvin EMERSON Russell FAGRELL Dan FORENZA Anna Maria FOUQUE-PARACHINI Linda GABERT André GONTAREK JAGIELSKA Alexandra HAYMAN Greg ICHIHASHI Masamitsu KALIA Yogeshvar N. KESTEMONT Philippe KHANNA Bob KRULIG Eduardo LANDAU Marina Plastic Surgeon Prof of Dermatology Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Practitioner PhD INSERM Aesthetic Practitioner Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Aesthetic Practitioner Biochemist Dermatologist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Practitioner Dermatologist Industry Dermatologist Industry Prof of Dermatology Research Scientist, Teacher Facial Plastic Surgeon Maxillo-facial Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Naples, Italy Nice, France Bad Wiessee, Germany Nice, France Paris, France Nice, France Johannesburg, South Africa Florence, Italy Mestre, Italy Milano, Italy Dakar, Senegal Marseille, France Monaco Burns, Canada Haywards Heath, UK Göteborg, Sweden Roma, Italy Nice, France Loos, France Warsaw, Poland London, UK Kobe, Japan Geneva, Switzerland Nice, France London, UK Tenerife, Spain Herzlia Pituach, Israel LEIBASCHOFF Gustavo LETESSIER Serge LEVY Jean-Luc LEVY Phillip LICHTLÉ Patrick LORETO Frederico LOWE John LUINO Christophe LUPIN Mark LUSSIEZ Bruno MANCINI Aldo MANNELLA Paolo MANSOOR Sohail MARINI Leonardo MORDON Serge MORETTI Michael MOUTON Georges NAFTOLIN Frederick NIFOROS François NOEL Xavier OLIVERES-GHOUTI Catherine PADEY Hervé PARANQUE Armand PARASKEVAS Antoine PAZZAGLIA Gianluca PELLA Daniel PELLETIER Michèle PEREIRA Luis Haroldo PETCHNGAOVILAI Chariya PETIT Philippe PETOIN Sylvain PHELIPEAU Jérôme PICKETT Andy PIERPAOLI Walter PINA Riccardo PIOVANO Luca PLOT Eric POLIMENI Ascanio PRIOR Jerilynn C. RAOUF Afshin RASPALDO Hervé REBELO Angelo REDAELLI Alessio RINALDI Fabio ROCHON Philippe ROUGIER Andre ROUGIER Yann ROWLAND-PAYNE Christopher SALOMON Denis SATTLER Gerhard SCAPAGNINI Giovanni SCHEFLAN Michael SCHUDER Suzie SCOTT Eleanor SECKEL Brooke R. SELIKTAR Dror SIMONCINI Tommaso SLUGA Maria Celeste SORBELLINI Elisabetta TARA William THAVISIN Pakpilai THOMAS Neil TOSA Mayumi TREACY Patrick TREPSAT Frank TREVIDIC Patrick TURHAN Ali VALSAMIS Marios VERNER Ines VERSCHOORE Michèle VIEL Roberto VIERA Octavio VIGNERON Jean-Luc VINSKI Deby Susanti Pada VOCHELLE Didier VORONSKA Elena WANG Beatrice WEISS Robert Cosmetic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Dermatologist Industrial Director Plastic Surgeon Chiropractic Dr, Psychologist, Researcher EUROMEDICOM & WOSAAM co-Founder Dermatologist Orthopedic Surgeon Oncologist Gynecologist Dermatologist Prof of Dermatology Research Scientist, INSERM Editor, Publisher Sport & Functional Medicine Prof of Gynaecology Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Maxillo-facial Surgeon Maxillo-facial Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Oncologist Prof of Cardiology Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Mesotherapist Plastic Surgeon Spa CEO PhD, R&D Ipsen Anti-Aging Practitioner Nutritionist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Neuroendocrinologist Prof of Endocrinology Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Stem cells Facial Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Vascular Surgeon, Aesthetic Practitioner Dermatologist Research Scientist, INSERM Pharmacologist, R&D Industry Nutritionist Dermatologist Dermatologist Dermatologist Biochemist Plastic Surgeon Psychiatrist Cardiovascular & Diabets Research Plastic Surgeon Biomedical Engineer Prof of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecologist, Aesthetic Practitioner Dermatologist Head of Natural Therapies, SHA Clinic Dermatologist, Anti-Aging Practitioner Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Practitioner Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Scientist, Prof of Hematology Phlebologist Dermatologist Dermatologist, Industry Plastic Surgeon Pediatrist, Anti-Aging Practitioner Dermatologist Anti-Aging Practitioner Dermatologist Aesthetic Practitioner Dermatologist Oculoplastic & Facial Plastic Surgeon Buenos Aires, Argentina Paris, France Marseille, France Geneva, Switzerland Bornel, France Paris, France Houston, USA Paris, France Victoria, Canada Nice, France Naples, Italy Pisa, Italy London, UK Trieste, Italy Lille, France Aliso Viejo, USA Velroux, Belgium New York, USA Lyon, France Bordeaux, France Paris, France Cannes, France Paris, France Paris, France Perugia, Italy Kosice, Slovakia Toulon, France Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Bangkok, Thailand Bordeaux, France Paris, France Vichy, France Wrexham, UK Riva S. Vitale, Switzerland Milano, Italy Roma, Italy Paris, France Roma, Italy Vancouver, Canada Vancouver, Canada Cannes, France Lisboa, Portugal Milano, Italy Milan, Italy Lille, France Asnières, France Nice, France London, UK Geneve, Switzerland Darmstadt, Germany Molise, Italy Tel Aviv, Israel Los Angeles, USA Leeds, UK Burlington, USA Tel Aviv, Israel Pisa, Italy Buenos Aires, Argentina Milan, Italy Alicante, Spain Bangkok, Thailand Birmingham, UK Tokyo, Japan Dublin, Ireland Geneve, Switzerland Paris, France Poitiers, France Athens, Greece Savyon, Israel Asnières, France London, UK Las Palmas, Spain St Paul de Vence, France Jakarta, Indonesia Brussels, Belgium Paris, France Montreal, Canada Chicago, USA Industry Dermatologist PhD Industry Aesthetic Practitioner Aesthetic Practionner Aesthetic Practitioner Orthopaedic Surgeon Industry Mesotherapist Aesthetic Practitioner, Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Industry Plastic Surgeon Endocrinologist Aesthetic Practionner Plastic Surgeon Dentist and Plastic surgeon Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Practitioner Pharmacist Engeneer, R & D Industry Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Paris, France Dubai, UAE Braine l’Alleud, Belgium Vauvert, France Paris, France Geneva, Switzerland Paris, France Japan Le Bouscat, France Turin, Italy Geneva, Switzerland Hamburg, Germany Butchen, The Netherlands Bristol, UK Pozzuoli, Italy Paris, France Naples, Italy Oslo, Norway Tbilisi, Georgia Amsterdam, The Netherlands Bunnik, The Netherlands Lille, France Augsburg, Germany New York, USA Munich, Germany WORKSHOPS / SYMPOSIA SPEAKERS LE GOFF Claude LUKIAN JOVANOVIC Radmila MARCHAL Alfred MARTHAN Jules MEDDAHI Rania MICHEELS Patrick MUSY Gilles OCADA Mariko PEUCHANT Christine PIERSINI Patrizia POLLA Luigi PRAGER Welf RICHTER Erik-Alexander SACKS Lisa SAVOIA Antonella SEBBAN Sandrine SITO Giuseppe STEIN Tveten SULAMANIDZE George VAN EIJK Tom VOGELAAR Emar WASSMER Benjamin WEIDMANN Michael J. ZDINAK Lisa ZENKER Sabine CONTRIBUTING LECTURES SPEAKERS AMSELLEM Jean-Pierre, Plastic Surgeon - Pessac, France BARUSCO Marco, Hair Transplant Surgeon - Maitland, USA BERNSTEIN Lev, Oncologist - St Petersburg, Russia BONNEFON Alain, Plastic Surgeon - Montpellier, France BOON Laurence, Plastic Surgeon - Brussels, Belgique BURZYNSKI Stanislaw, Anti-Aging Practioner - Huston, USA CRASSAS Yves, Plastic Surgeon - Lyon, France DAVID Jacques-André, Aesthetic Practitioner - Paris, France DE ANGELIS Francesca, Plastic Surgeon - Naples, Italy DEUTSCH Roger, CEO Cell Science Systems - Deerfield, USA FERRU Guy, Anti-Aging Practioner - Canton, USA GALIMBERTI Damiano, Anti-Aging Practioner - Milano, Italy GENTILE Herve F., Prof of Plastic Surgery - Corpus Christi, USA GIOTIS Konstantinos, CEO DHI - Athens, Greece GOLDSTEIN Arthur, Dental Surgeon - Monaco GUBANOVA Elena, Dermatologist - MoscowRussia HASENGSCHWANDTNER Franz, Nutritionist - Bad Leonfelden, Austria KARDASI Maria, Dermatologist - Kalamata, Greece KLEHR Nikolaus W., Immunologist - München, Germany KOEHLER Christian, Cosmetic Surgeon - Zurich, Switzerland KOUTNA Nina, Dermatologist - Prague, Czech Republic LUKA PILLA Eleonora, Anti-Aging Practioner - Geneva, Switzerland NASRAT Abdullah, Surgeon - Jeddah, KSA OQUINARENA Eric, Dental Surgeon - Nice, France PAPASITORIOU Alexandros, Dental Surgeon - Athens, Greece PIPIC Nedim, Prof of Cervico-Facial Surgery - Vienna, Austria SHELKOVITZ Tzachi, Dermatologist - Givataim, Israel STRAND Anders, Dermatologist - Uppsala, Sweden SULAMANIDZE Marlen, Plastic Surgeon - Tbilisi, Georgia VANNINI Fulvio, Aesthetic Practitioner - Naples, Italy VANO Marc, Aesthetic Practitioner - Cannes, France VILLARD Frédéric, Hair Transplant Specialist - Geneva, Switzerland ZIEMANN Wolfgang, Biochemist - Hamburg, Germany Keynote Lecturers Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery Some of the Famous Lecturers of the AMWC 2009 Preventive, Anti-Aging & Lifespan Medicine Robert A. WEISS, MD - Chief of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Ophthalmic Oncology Services at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Partner of the Chicago Eye Institute, and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Illinois Medical Center. He has lectured and published extensively. He has participated in several international visiting professorships and he has received numerous teaching awards including The Chicago Curriculum in Ophthalmology "Teacher of the Year" and the Golden Apple from the physicians-in-training at the University of Illinois as the "Best Teacher in Ophthalmology." Frederick NAFTOLIN, MD, PhD, FACOG, FRCOG - Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Director, Reproductive Biology Research, co-director Interdisciplinary program in Menopause Medicine at New York University School of Medicine. He is the author of more than 600 original publications and reviews, has edited 12 books and is an editor/associate editor of three journals. He has been honored by the Arnaldo Bruno Prize of the Italian Academy (Lincei) in 2002. He is currently on the Executive Board of the ISGE - International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology and the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Anthony V. BENEDETTO, MD, DO FACP - Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology University of Pennsylvania and Medical Director of Dermatologic SurgiCenter in Philadelphia. R. Keith HUMPHRIES, MD, PhD - Senior Scientist, British Columbia Cancer Agency Professor, Dpt. of Medicine, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Research interests in the molecular regulators of normal hematopoietic stem cells and their leukemic counterparts. Andreas KATSAMBAS, MD - Professor of Dermatology and Venereology University of Athens, Greece. President of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Author of over 170 publications in international journals and numerous chapters in international books. Wayne CAREY, MD - Associate Professor of Dermatology at Royal Victoria Hospital, and Director of Dermatology Surgery at McGill University, Montreal, Canada Michael KANE, MD - Plastic Surgeon in private practice in New York, USA. Board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is the author of numerous chapters in surgical textbooks, and is also the author of The Botox Book which has now been translated and published worldwide. Leonardo MARINI, MD - Dermatologist, Medical Director at the Skin Doctors’ Center of Trieste, Italy. He developed an extensive expertise in the various fields of laser dermatology. He proudly served as Founder President of the European Society for Laser Dermatology (ESLD) and as President of the European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology (ESCAD). Luiz Haroldo PEREIRA, MD - Plastic Surgeon, Chief of the Plastic and Reconstructive Department at the Central Hospital IASERJ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery. Bruce E. KATZ, MD - Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Director of the Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Director of the Juva Skin & Laser Center in New York, USA. He is a leading innovator of advanced laser technologies. He has published extensively in leading medical and scientific journals. Wei HE, MD - Professor of Ophtalmology, President of Shenyang He Eye Hospital, of Dalian He Eye Hospital, of He Postgraduate institute of Ophthalmology & Visual Science in Dalian, of He College of Ophthalmology & Optometry in Shenyang Medical University. Michael SCHEFLAN, MD - Plastic Surgeon at the Atidim Medical Center in Tel Aviv, Israël. Board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He has for the last 20 years traveled extensively to educate himself and teach others. In doing so he has gained world wide recognition and was awarded in 1999 and 2002 as best panelist by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Young-Seob LEE, MD PhD - Professor of Plastic Surgery, President of AAAM (Anti-aging Academy of Aesthetic Medicine), Incheon, Korea. Xiaoyan JIANG, MD, PhD - Associate Professor, Dpt of Medical Genetics, Univ. of British Columbia. Senior Scientist in the Terry Fox Laboratory of the BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the Shanghai Institute of Medical Genetics of the Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. School of Medicine. Paolo MANNELLA, MD, PhD - Gynaecologist - Molecular and Cellular Gynecological Endocrinology Laboratory Dpt. of Reproductive Medicine and Child Development Div. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Univ. of Pisa, Italy. Author of several international publications with special focus on menopause and hormonal effects on cardiovascular and brain system. Daniel PELLA, MD, PhD, FICC, FICN - Professor of Cardiology and Head of Preventive and Sports Medicine Centre at Louis Pasteur Univ. Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Kosice, Slovakia. President Elect of the International College of Nutrition, Executive Director of the International College of Cardiology, Scientific secretary of the Slovak Association of Atherosclerosis & Chairman of the Control Committee of the Slovak Society of Cardiology. Jerilynn C. PRIOR, BA, MD, FRCPC, ABIM, ABEM - Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. She is internationally known for her work showing that progesterone increases bone formation by stimulating osteoblasts. Ali G. TURHAN, MD, PhD - Professor of Hematology and Scientist. Chief of the Division of Laboratory Hematology and Oncology at the University of Poitiers, France. Adrian Sandra DOBS, MD, MHS, - Professor of Medicine and Oncology, Director of the Clinical Trials Unit, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA. She is an active investigator in the field of male gonadal function. Tommaso SIMONCINI, MD PhD - Researcher in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dpt of Reproductive Medicine and Child Development, Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univ. of Pisa, Italy. Since 1999 he is the head of the Molecular and Cellular Gynecological Endocrinology Laboratory at the same institution. Afshin RAOUF, MD - Senior Scientist Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology and Assistant Professor Department of Immunology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Peter C. KONTUREK, MD - Professor for Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology - 1st Dpt of Medicine, University Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany. Head of Gastroenterological Research Laboratory and Nutrition Team, and Deputy Head of Endoscopy Unit at the same institution. PRE-CONGRESS - ANTI-AGING MEDICINE 4-DAY SEMINAR, MARCH 15 to 18 COURSES CONDUCTED IN ENGLISH See details at: Registration at 7:30 am the first day Time schedule: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm The Fellowship with Intensive Post-Graduate Training AAMS COURSE EXAMINATIONS Post University Certificate 2-Year Program (Total 240 Hrs) Preventive & Longevity Medicine including: Hormone Replacement - Nutrition - Physical exercice - Psychology - Sexology - Stress Management - Environmental Medicine and more... CREATED IN MARK YOUR Possibility to pass a written examination Next module: SPRING SEMINAR at the end of each module (3hrs). PSYCHOLOGY AND SEXUAL ENDOCRINOLOGY You can take the examination at the end of the THE ABC OF LIFESPAN MEDICINE module or at the end of any next one. Budapest, HUNGARY, May 2009 Obligatory Registration You must register at Dates and venue to be precised least 21 days (3 weeks) before the examination session to be able to pass it. 2002, THE MOST RENOWNED ANTI-AGING More info: TRAINING IN THE Module 2: DIET, OBESITY MANAGEMENT AND MAJOR ANTI-AGEING THERAPIES - THE ABC OF LIFESPAN MEDICINE MACRONUTRIENTS & HEALTH & LIFESPAN - Good proteins: fish, meat, poultry - Controversial proteins - The milk paradox - Healthy carbohydrates: vegetables & fruits - Grains, cereals: the controversy (bread, pastas, muesli) DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND CANCER PREVENTION - Aids for digestion: hydrochloric acid, - Pancreatic and plant enzymes - Probiotics ELECTROLYTE AND PH BALANCE - Acid-base balancing in diet, drink water and lifestyle: introduction Acid-base balancing workshop - Diets of longer life - Toxic drinks OBESITY AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT - How to reduce insulin - Toxic foods - Treatment of too thin patients HORMONE, APPETITE AND OVERWEIGHT - Leptin - GHrelin - Other hormones of appetite (Cholecystokin, …) - Treatment of obese persons with hormone treatments - Bulimia and anorexia FACTORS THAT IMPACT ON THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM FAMOUS PEOPLE - Famous endocrinologists and anti-aging therapists - The hormone deficiencies of famous people DYSBIOSIS - Intestinal yeast infection - Parasitic infections - Leaky gut syndrome and its lab tests CALENDAR ADRENAL HORMONES - Safe cortisol treatment - DHEA treatment - Controversies on DHEA treatment - 7-keto-DHEA - Androstenedione - Aldosterone and how to manage treatment problems - Interactive sessions - Mini-exam PINEAL HORMONE - Melatonin deficiency and treatment - Treating melatonin deficiency in patients with lab tests within reference ranges - Critical studies on cancer and sleep - Melatonin controversies - Diet FOR WORLD COURSES DVD’S, 2 DAYS OF SELF VIDEO LEARNING MACRONUTRIENTS AND HEALTH AND LIFESPAN - The milk paradox - Grains, cereals: the controversy (bread, pastas, muesli) - Sprouted grains: the only edible grains? - Fibre and health - Sugar, sweets, soft drinks and other carbs - Healthy and unhealthy fats - The cholesterol paradox - False claims in food industry OBESITY MANAGEMENT - Statistics on leanness and overweight - Diets to lose weight (Atkins, Paleolithic Diet, South beach diet, Zone diet, Montignac diet, Pritikin, Shelton, etc.) - Water: longevity and preventive effects on age-related disease - The psychology of obesity - Healthy foods to eat - Healthy food habits DISEASE PREVENTION AND ADJUVANT TREATMENTS - Sodium bicarbonate treatment - Consuming deuterium depleted water: may it help to prevent or help cure cancer, diabetes, aging? Order your self video learning material using the AMWC registration form enclosed BECOME AN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE EXPERT WITH INTENSIVE TRAINING - Seminar Fees: 1200 Euros DURING AMWC 09 COURSES CONDUCTED IN ENGLISH Self learning with CDs and an exceptional textbook The WOSAAM (World Society of AntiAging Medicine), considered as the fastest growing scientific Society (over 5000 physicians from 120 nations in the clinical specialty of anti-aging medicine) proposes two Board Certification Examinations: NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE ANTI-AGING MEDICINE Modalities: Register and receive the learning material to prepare the examination. Previous to the exam an expert will present a 3 hours Review on the main topics of the certification. NEXT EXAMINATION SESSIONS: MONTREAL (Canada), June 26 & 27, 2009 during PACAAM - Panamerican Congress Review Thursday March 19, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm Examination session Saturday March 21, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Your position as a WOSAAM Board-Certified will enhance your status in the eyes of your patients and colleagues with a titled position in a major international scientific society. PARIS (France), October 2 & 3, 2009 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE during EMAA - European Congress SAN DIEGO, November 7 & 8 More info: NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE Review Friday March 20, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Examination session Saturday March 21, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm BECOME A WOSAAM BOARD CERTIFIED PHYSICIAN IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE & NUTRITION! - Certification Fee: 1450 Euros ALL DAY MEDICAL SPA TRAINING - CONGRESS OPENING - March 19 COURSES CONDUCTED IN ENGLISH MARKETING TIPS & STRATEGIES FOR YOUR SUCCESS With Manon Pilon, Canada Author of Anti-Aging the Cure based on your Body Type. FOR MEDICAL SPA & Anti-Aging Practices: World Spa consultant, recognized educator, researcher, medical esthetician, spa owner, international Director of Education for Europe Cosmétiques/Europelab and author of The Anti-Aging Cure: Based on your Body Type, Manon Pilon has conducted seminars throughout the world, educating skin care specialists, estheticians, dermatologists, nurses as well as plastic surgeons and several physicians on skin health, skin disorders and their prevention. Manon Pilon remains very active in the medical-spa industry, continuously using her voice to give back to the esthetic, spa & medical community. She host a weekly radio show called The NewLifestyles Show on CJAD Radio. Ms. Pilon presents her extensive consulting experience and in the Spa / Medical Spa business, based on many years of experience working in different countries. Marketing tips and strategies that have proved successful in the short and long term are described, including different ways to increase revenue and credibility by offering new treatment approaches. Image is very important and her approach has been found to effectively increased retail and service sales, doubled revenue and ensured customer loyalty. Summary of what you will learn from this class: Introduction to marketing tips and strategies that you should implement in your facility. Learn different ways to increase revenue and increase your credibility by offering new approaches. Increase your retail and service sales! Get easy and effective marketing ideas in a few minutes. Learn how to double your revenue and built customer loyalty. Learn the marketing strategies that have transformed Medical-spas, spas and clinics around the world. Mrs. Pilon will discuss the four key ingredients to success in this presentation. ROOM VAN DONGEN 2-3 ADVANCED MEDICAL SPA TRAINING PROGRAM 8.30 am - Registration opening Medical Spa concepts flow and start up overview 9.00 - 10.30 am How to choose the right services for today's medical spas Services: Most profitable & least profitable + strategic services Discussion on effective services and product development How to benefit from cross marketing services and products Setting up your business with effective and cost efficient marketing tools Equipment Overview Hiring The Right Team 11.00 am - 12.30 pm The importance of the first interview - The "must-have" qualities for each employee - Learn how to impact employee's performance at work with motivation - The value of detailed job descriptions - Management tips - Compensation structures Retail Strategies: The Benefits & Methods 2.00 - 3.30 pm Techniques that prevent losing credibility and your good reputation The key behind a successful retail environment - Learn how to choose products that suit your businesses character and goals - Inventory and turnover - Result oriented retail strategies - Creating loyalty programs and promotional calendars Introduction to the new "WORLD MEDICAL SPA ASSOCIATION" 4.00 - 4.30 pm Definition of a Medical Spa and the activities of the Society. Marketing Your Medical Spa 4.30 - 6.30 pm Learn different ways to increase revenue and increase your credibility by offering new approaches. Generate more than 500,000 Euro per treatment room. Get easy and effective marketing ideas in a few minutes. Learn how to double your revenue and build customer loyalty. Learn the marketing strategies that have transformed Medical-spas, spas and clinics around the world. More info: Course Fee: 230 Euros POST-CONGRESS COURSE PARIS COURSES CONDUCTED IN ENGLISH Full Course fees (March 27-28): 1600 Euros Day 2 (March 28) Course fees: 500 Euros March 27 (cadaver dissection): limited seats E2E is a unique course combining for the first Friday March 27 time theory & live demonstrations in the fast Medicine Faculty of Paris growing field of Anti-Aging. 45 Rue des Saints Pères - 75006 PARIS Closest Metro station: Saint Germain des Prés Demand for non-invasive procedures is increasing, more and more often combined 9.00 am - 1.00 pm - Theoretical course with aesthetic surgery. At this crossroad we • Viewing of E2E scientific videos and presentations felt it is important to acquire a strong about techniques used during cadaver labs experience and knowledge about these • Anatomy and facial anaesthesia • Anatomy and botulinum toxin techniques and tools. and volumetric injection E2E Training material support : Clear and •• Anatomy orbital and peri oral area simple fact sheets will be given out to all • Peri Nose injections participants as well as a CD ROM. • Harmonic® Scalpel E2E Stay in touch after the course : A smart • Laserlipolysis and other lipolysis techniques link on internet opened • Macrolane® for buttocks and breast enhancement to all participants will allow you to ask • Hand rejuvenation with fillers question to the scientific team. 1.00 - 2.00 pm - Lunch break E2E EXPERTS: Dr. BENSLIMANE, Dr. CAUCHOIS, Dr. INGALLINA, Dr. PARASKEVAS, Dr. CLAUDE, Dr. TREVIDIC, Dr. BICHET, Dr. NOEL, Dr. PADEY, Dr. PARANQUE, Dr. DERHY, Dr. BRACCINI, Dr. BERROS, Dr. KRON, Dr. NIFOROS, Dr. LEFEBVRE-VILARDEBO, Dr. RICHTER, Dr. PLOT, Dr. BUIS, Dr. SARFATI, Dr. CLOUGH... 2.00 - 6.00 pm - Cadaver Dissection Lab. The participants take part to each different workshop 6.00 pm - Conclusions and debriefing 7.00 pm - Cheeses and wines testing Saturday March 28 Sainte Anne Hospital - PARIS 2 bis rue d’Alésia - 75014 Paris Closest Metro station: Glacière 9.00 am - 1.00 pm - Theoretical course Background: Anatomy and facial anaesthesia, botulinum toxin and volumetric injections Areas: Lips, nose, tear rough & rings, jaw line and marionett’s fold, hands Future and innovations: in ultracision, fillers, suture, laser, volume 1.00 - 2.00 pm - Lunch break 2.00 - 7.00 pm - Live Demos, clinical cases Live demos and review of patients post combined treatments - Clinical cases: - Face, nose, lips, marionett’s folds and hands treated with botulinum toxin, HA and mesotherapy - Body: Breast and buttocks augmentation under local anaesthesia with Macrolane™ Clinical cases: Interactive Q/A More info and registration: AESTHETIC DERMATOLGY & SURGERY SIMULTANEAOUS TRANSLATION THURSDAY MARCH 19 15.00 - 16.00 17.30 - 18.30 Room Camille Blanc Room Auric Room Ravel 1 Room Ravel 2 Level -2 Level -1 (Diaghilev) Level -2 Level -2 Level +1 (Ravel) Level +1 (Ravel) Level -2 WOSAAM Board Nutition review 10.30-13.30 Room Auric Registrations opening at 10.30 - Exhibit open at 12.00 FILLERS SYMPOSIUM ALL ABOUT THE FILLING AGENTS BREAST REJUVENATION ANTI-AGING MEDICINE PERSPECTIVES ANTI-AGING MED. WS WS 1 STIEFEL LAB TESTS / OBESITY LABORATORIES WORKSHOP ASAHI KASEI KURARAY MEDICAL WS 3 PROMOITALIA ANTI-AGING MEDICAL SYSTEMS WS 2 PROLLENIUM WS 4 Refreshments Break in the exhibit hall FILLERS SYMPOSIUM FUTURE & INNOVATIONS FACIAL SOFT TISSUES MARKET & INDUSTRY ENHANCEMENT HORMONE THERAPY CONTRIBUTING LECTURES WS 5 AESTHETIC DERMAL IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & AURIGA SURGERY WS 7 INTERNATIONAL WS 6 DERMACEUTIC PIERRE FABRE WS 8 DERMOESTHETIQUE Opening Ceremony - Cocktail hosted by the Monaco Government, in the presence of SAS The Prince Albert II 7.00 Registrations opening at 7.00 - Exhibit open at 8.00 9.30 - 10.30 BOTULINUM TOXIN SYMPOSIUM RESURFACING THE SKIN 11.00 - 12.00 12.00 - 13.00 OPTIMAL HEALTH CONSULTATION WS 13 BOTULINUM TOXIN SYMPOSIUM COSMETIC PRACTICE MENOPAUSAL MEDICINE & MARKETING 15.00 - 16.00 17.30 - 18.30 TEOXANE TEOXANE E2E SESSION CLINICAL CASES PART 1 ENHANCING THE SKIN PART 1 LATEST ADVANCES IN STEM CELLS TRANSPLANTATION WS 17 VIVACY CROMA AESTHETICS WS 20 WS 18 WS 21 Q-MED ANTEIS E2E SESSION CLINICAL CASES PART 2 ENHANCING THE SKIN PART 2 WS 23 DIETARY MODIFICATION AND GENOTYPING FOR CARDIOVASCULAR RISK MEDICAL SPA WS 25 ALLERGAN ALLERGAN WOSAAM MEETING 7.00 Registrations opening at 7.00 - Exhibit open at 8.00 9.30 - 10.30 FOR LIPS & PERI ORAL REJUVENATION FAT AESTHETIC TREATMENTS PART 1 12.00 - 13.00 15.00 - 16.00 WS 14 ANTEIS WS 16 COLBAR LIFESCIENCE WS 19 FILORGA FILORGA WS 22 WS 24 DEKA SOLTA MEDICAL WS 26 MEMBERS ONLY WS 27 HOW TO COMPLETE PATIENT’S EXPECTATIONS BETWEEN 38 TO 65 CONTROVERSIES IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY FAT AESTHETIC TREATMENTS PART 2 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE HORMONE THERAPIES AND CANCER RISK ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP HEALTH & BEAUTY ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP BIOMARKERS ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP TESTOSTERONE ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP THYROID / SEXUALITY MEDICAL SPA WS 29 BIOPHOTON & REMAKE SKINTECH WS 28 WOSAAM Board Anti-aging review 17.00-20.00 Room Van Dongen 2 LIPOSONIX NORDIC AESTHETICS WS 30 WS 31 WS 34 ANTEIS Q-MED WS 32 WS 35 TEOXANE TEOXANE WS 33 FILORGA COLBAR WS 36 LIFESCIENCE WOSAAM Board Nutition exam 11.00-13.00 Room Van Dongen 2 Lunch Break 13.00 - 14.00 14.00 - 15.00 ADODERM WS 12 ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP SURGERY ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP LUXOPUNCTURE Refreshments Break in the exhibit hall 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 12.00 JAPAN BIO PRODUCTS Refreshments Break in the exhibit hall Interactive session 18.30 - 19.30 8.30 - 9.30 WS 10 Lunch Break Interactive session 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 17.30 MEDICAL SPA WS 15 13.00 - 14.00 14.00 - 15.00 CONTRIBUTING LECTURES WS 9 PALOMAR MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & TEOXANE SURGERY WS 11 Refreshments Break in the exhibit hall 10.30 - 11.00 FRIDAY MARCH 20 Room Van Dongen 2-3 19.00 - 20.00 8.30 - 9.30 SATURDAY MARCH 21 SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE Room Nijinski 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 17.30 MEDICAL SPA Auditorium Prince Pierre 10.30 14.00 - 15.00 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE ORIGINAL AESTHETIC PROCEDURES WITH BTX AND FILLERS EXPERTS’ VIDEO CORNER CUTTING EDGE IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WS 37 WS 40 LCA MUST LEDS WS 38 WS 41 Q-MED PROMOITALIA WS 39 REVITACARE GENETHIA WS 42 WOSAAM Board Anti-Aging exam 13.30-15.30 Room Van Dongen 2 Refreshments Break in the exhibit hall 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 17.30 HAND REJUVENATION 17.30 - 18.30 20.30 ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP NEWEST TECHNOLOGIES IMPORTANT STRESS MANAGEMENT IN LASERS & LIGHTS BREAKTHROUGH IN REGENLAB THERAPIES ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WS 47 WS 43 OSYRIS MEDICAL MESOESTETIC WS 45 WS 44 ACTIVE COSMETHICS WS 46 APTOS “Forever Young” Gala Evening at the Sporting Club of Monaco - Do not miss this fantastic Event!!! MEDICAL SPA ADVANCED TRAINING MANON PILON PRE and POST-COURSES Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Advanced Trainings MARCH 15 to 18, 2009 - Monaco Columbus Hotel Thursday March 19th / Jeudi 19 Mars AAMS - Module 2, 4 Days 9h00 - 18h00 Room / Salle VAN DONGEN 2-3 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE SPECIALIZATION MARKETING TIPS & STRATEGIES FOR YOUR SUCCESS With Manon Pilon, Author of Anti-Aging the Cure based on your Body Type. For MEDICAL SPA & Anti-Aging Practices Registration required 230 Euros The most renowned and advanced scientific training in Preventive, Longevity and Anti-Aging Medicine. Post University Certificate including: Hormone replacement - Nutrition Physical exercise - Psychology Sexology - Stress management Environmental Medicine and more... MARCH 19-20-21, 2009 - Monaco Grimaldi Forum - Room Van Dongen 2 MARCH 27-28, 2009 - Paris Ste Anne Hosp. & Medicine Faculty WOSAAM BOARD CERTIFICATION ADVANCED AESTHETIC COURSE EXPERT ANTI-AGING & NUTRITION The official certification program by the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSAAM). 2 separate Board Certifications: ANTI-AGING MEDICINE Review : March 20th 17h - 20h Exam: March 21st 13h30 - 15h30 NUTRITIONAL THERAPIES Review : March 19th 10h30 - 13h30 Exam: March 21st 11h00 - 13h00 TO EXPERT E2E is a unique advanced aesthetic course combining for the first time: . Theory . Live demonstrations . Practice on cadaver Including: injection techniques (fillers, BTX), suspension threads, lasers and lights, ultrasounds, and many other aesthetic techniques... See details and location at T H U R S D AY A F T E R N O O N • J E U D I A P R È S - M I D I 10.30 am : Conference Registration Opening 12.00 pm : Congress and Exhibit Opening T H U R S D AY M A R C H 1 9 AFTERNOON • JEUDI 19 MARS APRÈS-MIDI AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY 10 AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE 14.00 - 16.00 FILLERS SYMPOSIUM - ALL ABOUT THE FILLING AGENTS / SYMPOSIUM FILLERS - TOUT SUR LES PRODUITS DE COMBLEMENT Co-Chairs: PIERRE ANDRÉ, DENIS SALOMON, WAYNE CAREY The science of hyaluronic acid / La science de l'acide hyaluronique DENIS SALOMON, SWITZERLAND Polylactic acid: When, why and how? / L’acide polylactique : quand, pourquoi et comment? ALESSIO REDAELLI, ITALY Calcium hydroxylapatite: When, why and how? / Le calcium hydroxylapatite : quand, pourquoi et comment? PATRICK TREACY, IRELAND Collagen: When, why and how? / Le collagène : quand, pourquoi et comment? ANTHONY BENEDETTO, USA All fillers, all complications / Tous les produits de comblement, toutes les complications ECKART HANEKE, GERMANY Hyaluronidase: How I use it? Which one and which indications? La hyaluronidase : comment l'utiliser ? Quel type et pour quelles indications ? PIERRE ANDRÉ, FRANCE What's new in filling agents for the body? Quoi de neuf dans les produits de comblement pour le corps ? PATRICK TREVIDIC, FRANCE 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 18.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION FILLERS SYMPOSIUM - FACIAL SOFT TISSUES ENHANCEMENT / SYMPOSIUM FILLERS - LES COMBLEMENTS Co-Chairs: PATRICK TRÉVIDIC, MARK LUPIN, KOENRAAD DE BOULLE DU VISAGE Numeric evaluation in aesthetic and anti-aging dermatology Evaluation numérique en dermatologie esthétique et en dermatologie anti-âge BERNARD GABARD, SWITZERLAND Broad rejuvenation of the face with fillers / Le rajeunissement total du visage avec des produits de comblement WAYNE CAREY, CANADA Injectable orbital rejuvenation: Which depth is the best? Le rajeunissement orbitaire par injections : à quelleprofondeur injecter ? MICHAEL KANE, USA How I enhance the lips? / Comment rajeunir et mettre en valeur les lèvres ? INES VERNER, ISRAEL How I enhance the nose with fillers? Comment mettre en valeur le nez avec des produits de comblement ? KOENRAAD DE BOULLE, BELGIUM Large volume filler - Total facial rejuvenation: Where does it belong and how deep should it be? Le rajeunissement facial total avec des grands volumes d’injectables : ma technique, mon expérience MICHAEL KANE, USA ROOM / SALLE NIJINSKI 14.00 - 16.00 BREAST REJUVENATION / LE RAJEUNISSEMENT DES SEINS Co-Chairs: JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BICHET, MICHAEL SCHEFLAN The Art of breast / L’Art du sein acid for mammary augmentation or to complete augmentation L’acide hyaluronique pour l’augmentation mammaire ou pour compléter l’augmentation New advances in lipofilling / Nouvelles avancées en lipofilling Breast augmentation with polyurethane implants Augmentation mammaire avec les implants de polyuréthane Reffinement in breast augmentation: The axillary approach Raffinement dans l’augmentation mammaire : la voie axillaire Prejudice on breast implants / Partis pris sur l’implantation des prothèses mammaires Myths and realities on implants / Mythes et réalités sur les implants Breast and areola tattooing / Tatouage de seins et aréoles JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BICHET - PATRICK TRÉVIDIC, FRANCE Hyaluronic 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 18.30 New COFFEE FUTUR BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE COLETTE C. CAMENISCH, SWEDEN MICHAEL SCHEFLAN, ISRAEL LUIZ HAROLDO PEREIRA, BRAZIL LUIZ HAROLDO PEREIRA, BRAZIL SYLVAIN PETOIN, FRANCE MICHAEL SCHEFLAN, ISRAEL DANY BASSAILLE MOSSE, FRANCE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION FUTURE & INNOVATIONS - MARKET AND INDUSTRY ET INNOVATIONS - LE MARCHÉ ESTHÉTIQUE ET ANTI-AGE Co-Chairs: OLIVIER CLAUDE, ERIC PLOT trends in aesthetic dermatology / Nouvelles tendances en dermatologie esthétique CHRISTOPHER ROWLAND-PAYNE, UK AestheticData®: The new reference for aesthetic marketing information AestheticData® : la nouvelle référence pour l’information marketing en esthétique STÉPHANIE HEAVEY, FRANCE evolution of the Global Aging Management - New trends in Anti-Aging practice - Medical Spa new market perspectives Evolution du management global du vieillissement - Nouvelles tendances du marché de la médecine anti-âge Perspectives du marché du Medical Spa CHRISTOPHE LUINO, FRANCE Non-core aesthetic practices: A rapidly growing market segment Les nouveaux médecins ”hors cible” esthétique : un marché grandissant MICHAEL MORETTI, USA The 1st pre and post injection skincare program / Le 1er programme de soin cosmétique pré et post injection SANDRINE DAHAN, FRANCE New generations of dermal fillers for the body: New products and new developments Les nouvelles générations de produits de comblement pour le corps : nouveaux produits et développements OLIVIER CLAUDE, FRANCE Perthese® Sensitive: New generation of breast implants / Perthese® Sensitive : nouvelle génération d’implants mammaires PATRICK LICHTLÉ, FRANCE Cosmetic Botulinum Toxin / La toxine botulique en esthétique - New developments: Products, data and trials / Nouveaux développements, données et essais cliniques ANDY PICKETT, UK - Understanding the realities of BONT A in clinical practice / Comprendre les réalités de la toxine botulique A en pratique MAURICIO DE MAIO, BRAZIL Laser assisted cartilage reshaping: State of the art and perspectives Le remodelage du cartilage par laser : état de l’art et perspectives SERGE MORDON, FRANCE Real time control and vizualisation of 2D dosimetry in laser lipolysis Contrôle en temps réel et visualisation en dosimétrie 2D de la lipolyse laser PHILIPPE ROCHON, FRANCE The 19.00 - 20.00 WELCOME COCKTAIL HOSTED BY THE MONACO GOVERNMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF SAS LE PRINCE ALBERT II DE MONACO COCKTAIL DE BIENVENUE OFFERT PAR LE GOUVERNEMENT MONÉGASQUE, EN PRÉSENCE DE SAS LE PRINCE ALBERT II DE MONACO T H U R S D AY A F T E R N O O N • J E U D I A P R È S - M I D I 10.30 am : Conference Registration Opening 12.00 pm : Congress and Exhibit Opening ANTI-AGING, PREVENTIVE AND LIFESPAN MEDICINE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SESSION 14.00 - 16.00 ANTI-AGING PERSPECTIVES / PERPECTIVES EN ANTI-AGE Co-Chairs: ELEONORA LUKA PILLA, DAMIANO GALIMBERTI Against the aging process. Who and what is it for ? / Prévenir le vieillissement : pour qui et pourquoi ? ELEONORA LUKA PILLA, SWITZERLAND Foetal programming and dichotomy of age-associated non-communicable diseases: Is prevention feasible? Programmation foetale et maladies non héréditaires liées à l’âge : la prévention est-elle possible ? LEV BERNSTEIN, RUSSIA The world misconception and misbehavior towards Helicobacter Pylori is leading to major spread of illness L’Helicobacter Pylori responsable de la propagation de maladies : une idée fausse et une attitude erronée ABDULLAH NASRAT, SAUDI ARABIA Autologous master stem cells in anti aging therapy / Les cellules souches autologues en anti-âge NIKOLAUS W. KLEHR GERMANY A pro-inflammatory multi-gene polymorphism profile to predict the Alzheimer risk disease Profil de polymorphisme génétique pro-inflammatoire dans la prédiction du risque d’Alzheimer DAMIANO GALIMBERTI, ITALY Life extension through application of chromatin remodeling agent / Chromatine et longevité STANISLAW BURZYNSKI, USA Dental conditions and multifactorial diseases: Diagnosis and treatment / Etat dentaire et maladies multifactorielles ERIC OQUINARENA, FRANCE 16.00 - 16.30 COFFEE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION Thyroid - When and how ? / Thyroïde - Quand et comment ? Male hypogonadism: Who should be treated? / Hypogonadisme chez l’homme : qui traiter ? Estradiol & Progesterone When and how ? / Estradiol & Progestérone - Quand et comment ? Testosterone in women - When and how ? / Testostérone chez les femmes - Quand et comment ? Melatonin - When and how ? / Mélatonine - Quand et comment ? Growth Hormone therapy - When and how ? / Hormone de croissance - Quand et comment ? JOHN LOWE, USA ADRIAN SANDRA DOBS, USA JOHANNES HUBER, AUSTRIA REBECCA GLASER, USA PETER C. KONTUREK, GERMANY THIERRY HERTOGHE, BELGIUM ANTI-AGING WORKSHOPS ROOM / SALLE AURIC ANTI-AGING WORKSHOPS 14.00 - 14.40 LAB TESTS The benefits of salivary hormone measurements in anti-aging medicine Les avantages des tests salivaires de mesure hormonale en médecine anti-âge Achieving immune balance through nutrition / Réaliser l'équilibre immunitaire par la nutrition WOLFGANG ZIEMMANN, GERMANY ROGER DEUTSCH, USA 14.40 - 15.00 OBESITY Obesity and therapies / Obésité et thérapies 15.00 - 16.00 ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP GUY FERRU, USA PROPOSED BY ASAHI KASEI KURARAY MEDICAL 16.00 - 16.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY CONFÉRENCES PARTICIPATIVES EN DERMATOGIE ET CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUES Co-Chairs: NICOLAS BACHOT, ALAIN BONNEFON 16.30 - 18.30 Cervico-facial lipoplasties: Difficult cases JEAN-PIERRE AMSELLEM, FRANCE Osteotomies in rhinoplasty Facelift: A light and efficient procedure, with long-lasting effect ALAIN BONNEFON, FRANCE Forehead and brow rejuvenation: An alternative aproach NEDIM PIPIC, AUSTRIA Lipostructure in reconstructive surgery LAURENCE BOON, BELGIQUE HERVÉ GENTILE, USA Mastopexy: How to achieve persistent results. New approaches MARLEN SULAMANIDZE, GEORGIA 19.00 - 20.00 ROOM / SALLE AURIC APRÈS-MIDI The possibility of therapeutic apheresis for preventive medical care: Advantages of therapeutic apheresis in preventive medical field Intérêt thérapeutique de l’aphérèse dans le processus du vieillissement MARIKO OCADA, JAPAN - SAWAKO HIBINO, JAPAN AFTERNOON • JEUDI 19 MARS / PAUSE PRACTICAL ADVANCED SESSION - ANTI-AGING, PREVENTIVE AND LIFESPAN MEDICINE ENDOCRINOLOGY - HORMONE THERAPY FROM THE LEADING EXPERTS - THE HOW TO DO? LA THÉRAPIE HORMONALE - L’AVIS DES LEADERS - COMMENT LA PRATIQUER? Co-Chairs: THIERRY HERTOGHE, JOHANNES HUBER 16.30 - 18.30 BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL T H U R S D AY M A R C H 1 9 ROOM / SALLE CAMILLE BLANC Mesotherapy with Growth Factors MARIA KARDASI, GREECE innovative procedure in aesthetic medicine - Electroporation JACQUES ANDRÉ DAVID, FRANCE Intradermic bipolar radiofrequency - Use on specific pathologies: Acne, scars and stretch mark treatment FULVIO VANNINI, ITALY 100 treatments using 1540 Er:Glass laser for stretch marks improvements: Clinical and histological results FRANCESCA DE ANGELIS, ITALY Removal of gingival melanin pigmentation by radiofrequency surge ARTHUR GOLDSTEIN, MONACO Dental implants - The link to total facial aesthetics ALEXANDROS PAPASITORIOU, GREECE An WELCOME COCKTAIL HOSTED BY THE MONACO GOVERNMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF SAS LE PRINCE ALBERT II DE MONACO COCKTAIL DE BIENVENUE OFFERT PAR LE GOUVERNEMENT MONÉGASQUE, EN PRÉSENCE DE SAS LE PRINCE ALBERT II DE MONACO 11 T H U R S D AY A F T E R N O O N • J E U D I A P R È S - M I D I 10.30 am : Conference Registration Opening 12.00 pm : Congress and Exhibit Opening AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS Workshop 1 proposed by STIEFEL LABORATORIES An update on the characteristics and indications of collagen inducers Une mise à jour sur les caractéristiques et les indications des inducteurs de collagène UTE BAUER, GERMANY 14.00 - 15.00 15.00 - 16.00 Workshop 3 proposed by PROMOITALIA - Increasing results of hyaluronic acid implant: Contestual use of HA filler plus Vitamin C biorivitalization / Améliorer les résultats d’implants d’HA : utilisation combinée de comblement d'HA et de biorevitalisation à la vitamine C - Long lasting effect: What about a creation of a microcapsule around HA filler? / Effet durable : pourquoi ne pas créer une microcapsule autour de l’implant d'HA ? ANNA MARIA FORENZA - ANTONELLA SAVOIA, ITALY 16.00 - 16.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL 14.00 - 15.00 MESOTHERAPY ELECTROPORATION - Increase the efficiency and reduce the side effects MESOTHÉRAPIE COUPLÉE À L’ELECTROPORATION - Augmentez l'efficacité et réduisez les effets secondaires CARBOXYTHERAPY - How to safely pratice the best carboxytherapy CARBOXYTHÉRAPIE - Pratiquez une carboxythérapie efficace et sûre GUSTAVO LEIBASCHOFF, ARGENTINA 15.00 - 16.00 Workshop 5 proposed by AESTHETIC DERMAL Reparestim HA & XL Hair in combination with ExcellDerm Reparestim HA & XL Hair en combinaison avec ExcellDerm PHILLIPE DEPREZ, SPAIN, 17.30 - 18.30 Workshop 7 proposed by AURIGA INTERNATIONAL New hyperpigmentation treatment / Nouveau traitement pour l’hyperpigmentation ALFRED MARCHAL, FRANCE 19.00 - 20.00 Workshop 4 proposed by PROLLENIUM Advanced techniques utilizing the newest filling materials Techniques avancées utilisant les produits de comblement de dernière génération MELVIN ELSON, CANADA / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 16.30 - 17.30 Workshop 2 proposed by AA-MEDICAL SYSTEMS COMBINED WITH ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 16.30 - 17.30 Workshop 6 proposed by DERMACEUTIC Assumption of responsibility of the pigmentary irregularities on each phototype: Skins black, Maghrebian, Asian, Lebanese, white… / Prise en charge des irrégularités pigmentaires sur chaque phototype : peaux noires, maghrébines, asiatiques, libanaises, blanches… SOULEYMANE CHEHADI, SÉNÉGAL Treatment of the cutaneous ageing of the brown, Asian and clear skins Traitement du vieillissement cutané des peaux brunes, asiatiques et claires JEAN-LUC VIGNERON, FRANCE 17.30 - 18.30 Workshop 8 proposed by PIERRE FABRE DERMOESTHETIQUE Anatomy and fillers / Anatomie et comblement PHILIPPE KESTEMONT - LINDA FOUQUE PARACHINI, FRANCE WELCOME COCKTAIL HOSTED BY THE MONACO GOVERNMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF SAS LE PRINCE ALBERT II DE MONACO COCKTAIL DE BIENVENUE OFFERT PAR LE GOUVERNEMENT MONÉGASQUE, EN PRÉSENCE DE SAS LE PRINCE ALBERT II DE MONACO THURSDAY MARCH 19 AFTERNOON • JEUDI 19 MARS APRÈS-MIDI ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 F R I D AY M O R N I N G • V E N D R E D I M A T I N 7.00 am : Conference Registration Opening 8.30 am : Congress and Exhibit Opening AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE 8.30 - 10.30 ORBITAL REJUVENATION AND RESHAPING / LE RAJEUNISSEMENT ET LE REMODELAGE DE Co-Chairs: PHILIPPE BERROS, MICHAEL KANE, YOHANN DERHY LA ZONE ORBITAIRE F R I D AY M A R C H 2 0 M O R N I N G • V E N D R E D I 2 0 M A R S M AT I N The look: An essential vector of the identity and youthfulness / Le regard : un vecteur essentiel d'identité et de jeunesse THIERRY BESINS, FRANCE Traditional Chinese medicine for beauty / Médecine traditionnelle chinoise et beauté WEI HE, CHINA Micro-Fat graft liposculpture in peri-ocular and orbital volume augmentation Liposculpture par micro greffe graisseuse pour l’augmentation du volume périorbitaire ROBERT WEISS, USA TarSys bioengineered eyelid spacer grafts for upper and lower eyelid repair and reconstruction TarSys : un nouveau procédé de greffe pour corriger les paupières supérieure et inférieure ROBERT WEISS, USA Oculoplastic management of dark circle and wrinkles / Gestion oculoplastique des cernes et des rides PHILIPPE BERROS, FRANCE How to treat the peri orbital apparent vessels? Comment traiter les vaisseaux apparents dans la zone péri-orbitaire ? MARC LEFEBVRE-VILARDEBO, FRANCE The eye brow in a real state / Le sourcil “dans tous ses états” CHRISTOPHE DESOUCHES - ALAIN FOGLI, FRANCE How to avoid complications of injections and other techniques in the periorbital area? Comment éviter les complications des injections et autres techniques dans la zone péri-orbitaire? JACQUES LAGIER, FRANCE Micro fat grafting: A superb tool in improving old facial aesthetic surgery La micro greffe graisseuse : un excellent outil pour améliorer la chirurgie faciale traditionnelle FRANK TREPSAT, SWITZERLAND 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 13.00 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION BOTULINUM TOXIN SYMPOSIUM / SYMPOSIUM TOXINE BOTULIQUE Co-Chairs: OLIVER KREYDEN, VINCE BERTUCCI, FABIO INGALLINA What you must know about anatomy before injecting (video) Ce que vous devez connaître de l'anatomie avant d’injecter (vidéo) Botulinum toxins A: Are there any differences between them? / Toxines botuliques A : des différences ? Uses of botulinum toxin in Asians / L’utilisation de la toxine botulique chez les sujets asiatiques Treating the upper face: My technique / Le traitement du haut du visage : ma technique Treating the lower face: My technique / Le traitement du bas du visage : ma technique Traps and complications of botulinum toxins: How to avoid them ? Pièges et complications des Toxines Botuliques : comment les éviter ? Unusual uses of botulinum toxin (hyperhidrosis, bruxism, etc.) Les utilisations inhabituelles de la toxine botulique (hyperhydrose, bruxisme, etc.) FABIO INGALLINA, ITALY PIERRE ANDRÉ, FRANCE NANCY GARCIA TAN, PHILIPPINES VINCE BERTUCCI, CANADA ANTHONY BENEDETTO, USA MAURICIO DE MAIO, BRAZIL OLIVER KREYDEN, SWITZERLAND ROOM / SALLE NIJINSKI 8.30 - 10.30 RESURFACING THE SKIN / LE RELISSAGE CUTANÉ Co-Chairs: ANTHONY BENEDETTO, NANCY GARCIA TAN, BRUCE KATZ TCA peel: Well-known, cheap and very effective / Le peeling au TCA : bien connu, bon marché et très efficace SOHAIL MANSOOR, UK peel: Is it always up to date? / Le peeling au phénol : est-il toujours d'actualité ? JEAN-LUC VIGNERON, FRANCE Combined peels: A good solution for many problems / Les peelings combinés : une bonne solution à beaucoup de problèmes PHILIPPE EVENOU, FRANCE Use of CO2 laser: Old and newest technologies / Le laser CO2 : les technologies anciennes et les plus récentes PETER BJERRING, DENMARK Use of Erbium:YAG laser: Old and newest technologies Le laser Erbium:YAG : les technologies anciennes et les plus récentes PIERRE ANDRÉ, FRANCE How to resurface Asian skin? / Comment faire le relissage d’une peau asiatique ? NANCY GARCIA TAN, PHILIPPINES Fractional laser resurfacing: Fractured hopes or the real deal? Le resurfacing au laser fractionnel : espoirs brisés ou vrai challenge ? BRUCE KATZ, USA Phenol 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 13.00 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION COSMETIC PRACTICE AND MARKETING / LA PRATIQUE ESTHÉTIQUE : LES PRÉCAUTIONS ET Co-Chairs: LEONARDO MARINI, ASHRAF BADAWI, BROOKE SECKEL Aesthetic request: A global survey / Demande esthétique : une enquête Appearence and self esteem / Apparence et auto estime The importance of communication skills in cosmetic dermatology LE MARKETING globale L'importance des outils de communication dans la dermatologie esthétique type of ambulatory practice I like and how to proceed? Quelle pratique ambulatoire préférer et comment procéder ? Risks assessment and management before a cosmetic procedure Évaluer et gérer les risques avant une procédure esthétique What we never learned through our studies: The main failures to avoid during consultation Ce que nous n'avons jamais appris par nos études : les principales erreurs à éviter pendant la consultation Advantages and traps of the Internet / Les avantages et les pièges de l'Internet : MARC LEFEBVRE-VILARDEBO, FRANCE JOHN COTTERILL, UK ASHRAF BADAWI, EGYPT Which LEONARDO MARINI, ITALY ANISSA BELBACHIR, FRANCE THIERRY BESINS, FRANCE ERIC PLOT, FRANCE - How to create your website? / Comment créer votre site Web ? - How to deal with the forums when your name is negatively quoted? / Comment gérer une critique négative de votre pratique sur les forums ? 14 13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE DÉJEUNER ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION F R I D AY M O R N I N G • V E N D R E D I M A T I N 7.00 am : Conference Registration Opening 8.30 pm : Congress and Exhibit Opening ANTI-AGING, PREVENTIVE AND LIFESPAN MEDICINE ROOM / SALLE CAMILLE BLANC PRACTICAL SESSION: WELL-BEING MEDICINE (OPTIMAL HEALTH) 8.30 - 10.30 HOW TO ORGANISE YOUR “OPTIMAL HEALTH CONSULTATION” / COMMENT ORGANISER VOTRE CONSULTATION DE Co-Chairs: SOHAIL MANSOOR, MARIO KRAUSE “SANTÉ OPTIMALE” Basical tests to do for an efficient Anti-Aging practice? / Les tests de base pour une pratique anti-âge efficace Genetic tests and their practical applications for early prevention Les tests génétiques et leurs applications pratiques pour une prévention précoce HELENA BARANOVA, FRANCE The hormones to improve patient’s health, the ones to avoid Les hormones qui améliorent la santé des patients, celles à éviter MARIO KRAUSE, GERMANY Aesthetical hormone treatments - Safe therapies to feel younger and stronger Traitements hormonaux esthétiques - Les thérapies sûres pour se sentir plus jeune et plus fort CLAUDE DALLE, FRANCE SOHAIL MANSOOR, UK Safe new exercise to improve quality of life (based on NASA techniques for astronauts) Les nouveaux exercices qui améliorent la qualité de vie (basés sur les techniques de la NASA pour les astronautes) BRUNO LACROIX, FRANCE How to treat tired adrenals / Comment traiter les glandes surrénales fatiguées 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 13.00 Estrogen Update COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE DUNCAN CARMICHAEL, SOUTH AFRICA CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ISGE* ADVANCED SESSION - LATEST UPDATE & CONTROVERSIES IN MENOPAUSAL MEDICINE SESSION ISGE* AVANCÉE - DERNIÈRES MISES À JOUR ET CONTROVERSES DANS LES TRAITEMENTS DE LA MÉNOPAUSE Co-Chairs: FREDERICK NAFTOLIN, DAVID LAI storm through menopausal transition / Orage d'oestrogène au travers de la transition ménopausique of isoflavones and Menopausal health / Mise à jour sur les isoflavones et traitements de la ménopause JERILYNN C. PRIOR, CANADA PAOLO MANNELLA, ITALY Estrogens and progestins: Molecular basis for chemical differences Oestrogènes et progestines : Base moléculaire pour des différences chimiques A TOMMASO SIMONCINI, ITALY new look at the women’s health initiative and HRT / Un nouveau regard à l’initiative de la santé des femmes et HRT FREDERICK NAFTOLIN, USA Current HRT practice from a genetic perspective / Pratique courante de l’HRT grâce à une perspective génétique JOHANNES HUBER, AUSTRIA *International Society of Endocrinology / Gynaecology AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY ROOM / SALLE AURIC CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY CONFÉRENCES PARTICIPATIVES EN DERMATOLOGIE ET CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUES Co-Chairs: PHILIPPE DEPREZ, PIERRE BOUHANNA 8.30 - 10.30 Results with a new innovative hyaluronic acid MICHAEL J. WEIDMANN, GERMANY The DHI Technique. A new method of hair restoration KONSTANTINE P GIOTIS, GREECE FUE: The unescaple popularisation using Punch Hair Matic® YVES CRASSAS, FRANCE The follicule unit succion FRÉDÉRIC VILLARD, SWITZERLAND Transplanting facial hair MARCO BARUSCO, USA Carboxytherapy in the treatment of effluvium and alopecia NINA KOUTNA, CZECH REPUBLIC Volume restoration and contouring of the buttocks with stabilized HA-based gel of non-animal origin COLETTE C. CAMENISCH, SWEDEN Results with a new filler generation based on agarose CHRISTIAN KOEHLER, GERMANY Use 10.30 - 11.00 / PAUSE COFFEE of combined techniques that synergize the “long lasting effect” of hyaluronic acid: Combination with vitamin C and combination with monopolar RF needle localized ANNA MARIA FORENZA, ITALY Stabilized hyaluronic acid-based gel of non-animal origin for skin rejuvenation of the face, upper neck and décolletage: Preliminary safety results ANDERS STRAND, SWEDEN Shape and aging of lips of Causasian woman ELENA GUBANOVA, RUSSIA Side effects in aesthetic dermatology TZACHI SHELKOVITZ, ISRAEL Dermographism to help medical aesthetic restoration MARC VANO, FRANCE New Studies on Lipolysis - Evidenced based science FRANZ HASENGSCHWANDTNER, GERMANY BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL F R I D AY M A R C H 2 0 M O R N I N G • V E N D R E D I 2 0 M A R S M AT I N CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION MEDICAL SPA ROOM / SALLE AURIC 11.00 - 13.00 ON THE WAY TO THE PERFECT MEDICAL SPA / SUR LA ROUTE DU PARFAIT MEDICAL SPA Chair: PAKPILAI THAVISIN The Medical Spa market / Le marché du Medical Spa MARIO KRAUSE, GERMANY Spa facing the economic crisis? / Le Medical Spa face à la crise économique ANGELOS KANAKOPOULOS, GREECE Set-up and management of a successful Medical Spa / Comment créer et gérer avec succès un Medical Spa ? RAOUL ANDREWS SUDRE, USA Medical Introduction of the new "WorldMediSpa" Association / Introduction de la nouvelle association “WorldMediSpa” MARIO KRAUSE, GERMANY - PAKPILAI THAVISIN, THAILAND PHILIPPE BLANCHEMAISON, FRANCE 13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE DÉJEUNER ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION 15 F R I D AY M O R N I N G • V E N D R E D I M A T I N 7.00 am : Conference Registration Opening 8.30 pm : Congress and Exhibit Opening AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 8.30 - 9.30 Workshop 9 proposed by PALOMAR MEDICAL 9.30 - 10.30 Workshop 11 proposed by TEOXANE 10.30 - 11.00 COFFEE Placental therapy for hair restoration and skin rejuvenation: Live demonstration Thérapie placentaire pour la restauration des cheveux et le rajeunissement cutané : démonstration en direct SAWAKO HIBINO, JAPAN - MASAMITSU ICHIHASHI, JAPAN 9.30 - 10.30 TEOSYAL® Ultimate: A new HA product for more volume TEOSYAL® Ultimate : un nouvel acide hyaluronique pour plus de volume RANIA MEDDAHI, FRANCE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL Workshop 10 proposed by JAPAN BIO PRODUCTS LTD Workshop 12 proposed by ADODERM VARIODERM®: A new development on hyalururonic acid fillers and new mesotherapy treatment methods VARIODERM® : un nouveau développement d’acide hyaluronique pour le comblement et une nouvelle méthode de mésothérapie MICHAEL WEIDMANN, GERMANY / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 11.00 - 13.00 Workshop 13/15 proposed by TEOXANE 11.00 - 12.00 2 HOUR-PRACTICAL WORKSHOP Express gentle lift using the tri-site bolus technique with TEOSYAL® WORKSHOP PRATIQUE DE 2 HEURES Lifting doux express par la technique de bolus en 3 points avec TEOSYAL® WAYNE CAREY, CANADA 13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL Workshop 14 proposed by ANTEIS The ideal combination for the global treatment of facial aging with ANTEIS product ranges / La combinaison idéale pour le traitement global du visage vieillissant avec la gamme de produits ANTEIS SABINE ZENKER, GERMANY 12.00 - 13.00 Workshop 16 proposed by COLBAR LIFESCIENCE Advanced indications for collagen: How to treat cheeks, chin and lips with EVOLENCE® / Indications avancées du collagène : comment traiter les joues, le menton et les lèvres avec EVOLENCE® BOB KHANNA, UK - WELF PRAGER, GERMANY / PAUSE DÉJEUNER ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ANTI-AGING WORKSOPS ROOM / SALLE VAN DONGEN 2-3 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORKSHOP - BIOMET 9.00 - 9.30 Anti-aging surgery in short stature persons: Growth Hormone diet or bone marrow graft? Chirurgie de rallongement osseux chez les personnes de petite taille : hormone de croissance ou graisse de moelle osseuse ? GILLES MUSY, FRANCE ROOM / SALLE VAN DONGEN 2-3 9.30 - 10.30 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORKSHOP - LUXOPUNCTURE Luxopuncture : No-needle acupuncture to easily and efficiently care functional disorders and anti-aging in overweight, face rejuvenation, menopause disorders, tobacco & drug addiction, stress & insomnia Luxopuncture : Acupuncture sans aiguille pour une prise en charge aisée et efficace de déséquilibres fonctionnels et de l'anti-âge pour le surpoids, le rajeunissement du visage, les troubles de la ménopause, les dépendances tabagique & aux toxiques, le stress & l'insomnie PHILIPPE BLANCHEMAISON, FRANCE - ANDRÉ GABERT, FRANCE 10.30 - 11.00 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION F R I D AY M A R C H 2 0 M O R N I N G • V E N D R E D I 2 0 M A R S M AT I N LASER LIPO: 924 / 975nm, the optimal laser wavelengths for melting fat and tightening skin LASER LIPO: 924 / 975nm : les longueurs d’ondes optimales pour traiter la graisse et raffermir la peau BROOKE SECKEL, USA 8.30 - 9.30 ROOM / SALLE VAN DONGEN 2-3 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORKSHOP 11.00 - 12.00 The anti-inflammatory diet and supplements to fight Psoriasis and Rosacea Le régime anti-inflammatoire et les compléments alimentaires pour combattre le psoriasis et la rosacée ERIK-ALEXANDER RICHTER, THE NETHERLANDS Anti-Aging beauty from the inside through laboratory testing and the use of supplements La beauté anti-âge grâce aux tests et aux compléments alimentaires EMAR VOGELAAR, THE NETHERLANDS ROOM / SALLE VAN DONGEN 2-3 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORKSHOP 12.00 - 13.00 Using biomarkers today and Male normalising Utilisation des biomarqueurs et normalisation masculaine 13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL GREG HAYMAN, UK - WILLY CONINGS, MONACO / PAUSE DÉJEUNER ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION 17 FRIDAY AFTERNOON • VENDREDI APRES-MIDI AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE F R I D AY M A R C H 2 0 A F T E R N O O N • V E N D R E D I 2 0 M A R S A P R E S - M I D I 14.00 - 16.00 16.30 - 18.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION EXPERT TO EXPERT INTERACTIVE SESSION - CLINICAL CASES SESSION INTERACTIVE “EXPERT TO EXPERT” - CAS CLINIQUES Co-Chairs: PIERRE ANDRÉ, PATRICK TRÉVIDIC PART 2 Fillers: Periorbital & full face - 3 cases / Fillers: zone périorbitale et visage - 3 cas MICHAEL KANE, USA Aud Minimally invasive facial surgery / Chirugie faciale mini invasive FABIO INGALLINA, ITALY direc ience Botulinum Toxin - 3 cases / Toxine botulique - 3 cas ANTHONY BENEDETTO, USA t vot e* Botulinum Toxin & fillers - 3 cases / Toxine botulique et comblements - 3 cas DIDIER VOCHELLE, BELGIUM Votes and discussion with the experts at the end of each case / Votes et discussion avec les experts à la fin de chaque cas Each expert will present 3 clinical cases with the possible treatments (multiple choice questions): - one classical case - one complex case - one complication Each participant can answer, anonymously, with a personal keypad. The results are displayed on the screen and will be followed by a debate with the panel experts. Chaque expert présentera 3 cas cliniques avec les différentes options thérapeutiques (QCM) : - un cas simple - un cas difficile - une complication A l'aide d'un boîtier interactif, chaque participant votera de manière anonyme pour la solution qui lui semble le mieux adaptée. Les résultats des votes s'afficheront à l'écran. L'expert donnera alors la solution qu'il a choisie et chaque cas sera suivi d'un débat avec le panel des experts. Compare your practice to that of the experts! Comparez votre pratique à celle des experts ! ROOM / SALLE NIJINSKI 14.00 - 16.00 ENHANCING THE SKIN / L’EMBELLISSEMENT DE LA PEAU Co-Chairs: ANDREAS KATSAMBAS, DIDIER VOCHELLE, MICHÈLE VERSCHOORE PART 1 Mechanisms and clinical signs of aging skin / Les mécanismes et les signes cliniques du vieillissement cutané BÉATRICE WANG, CANADA effects of sub-erythemal doses of UVA / Les effets biologiques des doses sub-erythémales d'UVA ANDRÉ ROUGIER, FRANCE A novel approach of photo-protection / Une approche originale de la photo-protection MAGDA BELMONTESI, ITALY - MICHÈLE VERSCHOORE, FRANCE Cosmeceuticals: What's new? / Les cosmétiques : quoi de neuf ? NICOLAS BACHOT, FRANCE Chemical Peels: The state of the art in 2009 / Les peelings chimiques : état de l’art en 2009 CATHERINE OLIVERES-GHOUTI, FRANCE Melasma: Pathogenesis and treatment / Melasma : pathogenèse et traitement ANDREAS KATSAMBAS, GREECE A novel approach of treatment of Asian skin hyperpigmentation Une nouvelle approche de traitement de l’hyperpigmentation chez le sujet asiatique MAYUMI TOSA, JAPAN How to treat red faces? / Comment traiter les visages couperosés ? DIDIER VOCHELLE, BELGIUM Mesotherapy: What I like to do! / Mésothérapie : ce que j'aime faire ! PHILIPPE PETIT, FRANCE Biological 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 18.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ENHANCING THE SKIN / L’EMBELLISSEMENT DE LA PEAU Co-Chairs: PETER BJERRING, LEONARDO MARINI, JEAN-LUC VIGNERON IPL PART 2 and rejuvenation / Lumière pulsée et rajeunissement : évaluation PIERRE ANDRÉ, FRANCE Present and future expectations / Les LED : ce que l’on peut en attendre aujourd’hui et demain JEAN-LUC VIGNERON, FRANCE Fractional ablative and non-ablative laser resurfacing for wrinkle removal Relissage cutané avec les laser fractionnels ablatifs et non-ablatifs BROOKE SECKEL, USA Radiofrequency: From science to clinical outcomes / La radiofréquence : de la science aux résultats cliniques MICHELLE PELLETIER, FRANCE I2PL and photodynamic therapy / I2PL et thérapie photodynamique PETER BJERRING, DENMARK Pulsed dye lasers in facial rejuvenation: Any advantages? Lasers à colorant pulsé pour le rajeunissement facial : quels avantages ? ASHRAF BADAWI, EGYPT SPF.R: Sequential Photothermal Fractional Rejuvenation combining short pulse Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers SPF.R : Rajeunissement photothermique fractionnel séquentiel combinant le Nd:YAG et l’Er:YAG d’impulsion courte LEONARDO MARINI, ITALY LED: 18 PART 1 Chemical peels - 3 cases / Peelings - 3 cas PHILIPPE EVENOU, FRANCE Aud Laser treatments - 3 cases / Traitements lasers - 3 cas LEONARDO MARINI, ITALY direc ience t vot Medical & surgical rhinoplasties / Rhinoplasties médicales et chirurgicales - 3 cas HERVÉ RASPALDO, FRANCE e* Hand rejuvenation - 3 cases / Rajeunissement des mains - 3 cas MARC LEFEBVRE-VILARDEBO, FRANCE Votes and discussion with the experts at the end of each case / Votes et discussion avec les experts à la fin de chaque cas 16.00 - 16.30 EXPERT TO EXPERT INTERACTIVE SESSION - CLINICAL CASES SESSION INTERACTIVE “EXPERT TO EXPERT” - CAS CLINIQUES Co-Chairs: PIERRE ANDRÉ, PATRICK TRÉVIDIC 18.30 END OF THE 2ND DAY FIN DU 2E JOUR FRIDAY AFTERNOON • VENDREDI APRES-MIDI ANTI-AGING, PREVENTIVE AND LIFESPAN MEDICINE ROOM / SALLE CAMILLE BLANC ADVANCED SESSION - SESSION AVANCÉE 14.00 - 16.00 The basics of stem cell biology and the origin and fate of leukemic stem cells Les bases de la biologie de cellules souches - Origine et destin des cellules souches dans la leucémie ALI TURHAN, FRANCE The origin and fate of breast cancer stem cells / Origine et destin des cellules souches dans le cancer du sein AFSHIN RAOUF, CANADA Challenges in targeting cancer stem cells: Lessons from Leukemia Défis dans la recherche sur les cellules souches du cancer : expérience de la leucémie XIAOYAN JIANG, CANADA Self-renewal programs in normal and leukemic stem cells Programmes d’auto-renouvellement des cellules souches saines et leucémiques KEITH HUMPHRIES, CANADA Modulation of Aging & healthspan by MicroRNA Répercussions des MicroRNA sur le vieillissement et la santé CAROLINA IBANEZ-VENTOSO, USA Autologous stem cell transplantation for cosmetic procedures Greffe de cellules souches autologues pour des procédures cosmétiques YOUNG-SEOB LEE, SOUTH KOREA 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 18.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ADVANCED SESSION - SESSION AVANCÉE MODIFICATION AND GENOTYPING FOR CARDIOVASCULAR RISK, METABOLIC SYNDROME AND DIABETES MODIFICATIONS ALIMENTAIRES ET GÉNOTYPE CONTRE LE RISQUE CARDIOVASCULAIRE, SYNDROME MÉTABOLIQUE ET DIABÈTE Co-Chairs: WILHELM KALTENBRUNNER, DAVID LAI DIETARY How CoQ10 & n-3 PUFA affect cardiovascular health Comment la coenzyme Q10 et le n-3 PUFA affectent la santé cardio-vasculaire Statin vs CoQ10 - The true story / Statine vs coenzyme Q10 - La vraie histoire The anti cholesterol diet. Hypocholesterolemic foods and their means of action Le régime anti-cholestérol. Les aliments hypocholestérolémiants et leurs modes d’action Clock genes and diabets / Gènes de l'horloge biologique et diabète Preventive Genetics for metabolic syndrome - A coming reality La génétique préventive pour le syndrome métabolique. Une réalité proche Genetic Polymorphism Interleukin - 6 Receptor SNP and metabolic syndrome Récepteur génétique SNP du polymorphisme Interleukin-6 et syndrome métabolique DANIEL PELLA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC DANIEL PELLA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC GEORGES MOUTON, BELGIUM ELEANOR SCOTT, UK WILHELM KALTENBRUNNER, AUSTRIA G. NEIL THOMAS, UK AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ROOM / SALLE AURIC Workshop 17 proposed by VIVACY STYLAGE S, M, L, XL: The first intradermal antioxidant remodeling gel with hyaluronic acid. Indications, techniques, results STYLAGE S, M, L, XL : le premier gel d'acide hyaluronique intradermique, anti-oxydant, remodelant. Indications, techniques, résultats SANDRINE SEBBAN, FRANCE 14.00 - 15.00 15.00 - 16.00 Workshop 20 proposed by CROMA AESTHETICS What's so S.M.A.R.T about Princess? New HA based products by CROMA Aesthetics Pourquoi Princess est-il different ? Le nouvel acide hyaluronique par CROMA Aesthetics 16.00 - 16.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION MEDICAL SPA 16.30 - 18.30 ALEKSANDRA GONTAREK-JAGIELSKA, POLAND MARINA LANDAU, ISRAEL ROOM / SALLE AURIC PRACTICAL MEDISPA - WHICH PROCEDURES AND PRODUCTS TO PROPOSE?/ LES PROCÉDURES À PROPOSER Chair: PHILIPPE BLANCHEMAISON F R I D AY M A R C H 2 0 A F T E R N O O N • V E N D R E D I 2 0 M A R S A P R E S - M I D I LATEST ADVANCES IN STEM CELLS TRANSPLANTATION AND MOLECULAR MECHANISM OF AGING AND CANCER LES DERNIÈRES AVANCÉES DANS LA GREFFE DE CELLULES SOUCHES - MÉCANISME MOLÉCULAIRE DU VIEILLISSEMENT ET DU CANCER Co-Chairs: XIAOYAN JIANG, CLAUDE DALLE How to choose the best protocols for your Spa / Comment choisir les meilleurs protocoles pour votre Spa PHILIPPE BLANCHEMAISON, FRANCE Luxopuncture: No-needle acupuncture to easily care functional disorders and anti-aging Luxopuncture : acupuncture sans aiguille pour la prise en charge des désordres fonctionnels et anti-âge PHILIPPE BLANCHEMAISON, FRANCE A dermatological Spa integrated in a clinical dermatology centre / Intégration d’un Spa dermatologique dans un centre clinique FABIO RINALDI, ITALY Treatments offered by a dermatological Spa: 1+1=3 / Traitements offerts dans un Spa dermatologique : 1+1= 3 ELISABETTA SORBELLINI, ITALY Holistic and Innovative approaches in Medical Spa / Approches holistiques et innovatives en Medical Spa PAKPILAI THAVISIN, THAILAND How I created the MediSpa®, in Europe / Comment j'ai créé le Medispa® en Europe FRANÇOIS NIFOROS, FRANCE Experience of a dermo-cosmetic leader in the Spa world / Expérience d'un leader de la dermo-cosmétique dans l'univers du Spa JÉRÔME PHELIPEAU, FRANCE 18.30 END OF THE 2ND DAY FIN DU 2E JOUR 19 F R I D AY A F T E R N O O N • V E N D R E D I A P R È S - M I D I AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 14.00 - 15.00 Workshop 18 proposed by Q-MED 14.00 - 15.00 DAN FAGRELL, SWEDEN 15.00 - 16.00 Workshop 21 proposed by ANTEIS Advanced face and neck treatment with ESTHÉLIS and FORTÉLIS Traitement avancé du visage et du cou avec ESTHÉLIS et FORTÉLIS STEIN TVETEN, NORWAY 16.00 - 16.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL FILLER X-HA3, the first polyvalent cross-linked hyaluronic acid filler allowing a global treatment of facial aging: Medium and deep wrinkles, lips and lips contour - Indications and advantages X-HA3, le premier implant d'acide hyaluronique réticulé polyvalent permettant un traitement global du vieillissement du visage : rides moyennes et profondes, volume et contour des lèvres - Indications et avantages FRÉDERIC BRACCINI, FRANCE - ALESSIO REDAELLI, ITALY 15.00 - 16.00 Workshop 22 proposed by FILORGA MESO-PEEL: A new technique of peri-orbital rejuvenation through the combination of mesotherapy and peel resurfacing - NCTF 135HA + Glykopeel MAX - Techniques and results MESO-PEEL : une nouvelle technique de rajeunissement de la zone péri-orbitaire, par combinaison de la mésothérapie et du peeling resurfaçant - NCTF 135HA + Glykopeel MAX - Techniques et résultats PHILIPPE PETIT - PHILIPPE BERROS, FRANCE / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 16.30 - 18.30 Workshop 23 proposed by ALLERGAN 16.30 - 17.30 The Allergan leadership programme AMWC 2009 Relax, refill and volumise: The Practical Course Détendre, combler et redonner du volume : Le Cours Pratique d’Allergan JURIE BESTER, SOUTH AFRICA MAURICIO DE MAIO, BRAZIL PHILLIP LEVY, SWITZERLAND HERVÉ RASPALDO, FRANCE Workshop 24 proposed by DEKA CO2 fractional applications in aged skin. Experiences with SmartXide DOT Les applications du laser CO2 fractionné. Experience avec SmartXide DOT PAOLO BONAN, ITALY 17.30 - 18.30 Workshop 26 proposed by SOLTA MEDICAL Latest advances in skin tightening, contouring and fractional resurfacing / Les derniers progrès en raffermissement cutané, affinement des contours et relissage fractionné LISA ZDINAK, USA - RADMILA LUKIAN JOVANOVIC, UAE LUIGI POLLA, SWITZERLAND END OF THE 2ND DAY FIN DU 2E JOUR 18.30 ANTI-AGING WORKSOPS ROOM / SALLE VAN DONGEN 2-3 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORKSHOP - TESTOSTERONE 14.00 - 15.00 Chair: THIERRY HERTOGHE Testosterone Risks pellet implants: Anti-aging phenomenon / Implants de testostérone : un phénomène dans l’anti-âge REBECCA GLASER, USA of testosterone treatment in male hypogonadism / Risques du traitement à la testostérone chez l’homme ADRIAN SANDRA DOBS, USA ROOM / SALLE VAN DONGEN 2-3 ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORKSHOP - HORMONES THERAPIES 15.00 - 16.00 Thyroid Chair: THIERRY HERTOGHE treatment: Tips for treatment / Traitements de la thyroïde: astuces pour le traitement JOHN LOWE, USA Practical treatment of love and sexual disorders in women with hormone therapies Traitements pratiques des désordres sexuels chez les femmes grâce aux thérapies hormonales SUZIE SCHUDER, USA F R I D AY M A R C H 2 0 A F T E R N O O N • V E N D R E D I 2 0 M A R S A P R E S - M I D I Latest innovations within the RESTYLANE range Dernières innovations dans la gamme RESTYLANE Workshop 19 proposed by FILORGA END OF THE 2ND DAY FIN DU 2E JOUR 18.30 WOSAAM MEETING 18.45 - 20.30 ROOM / SALLE AURIC PRIVATE MEETING FOR OFFICIAL REPRESENTANTS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES The WOSAAM and EuroMediCom organize a private meeting for Presidents or officially mandated Representatives of any medical national scientific society & association involved in the field of Aesthetic, Anti-aging and Preventive Medicine. Program: 6.45-7.00 pm Introduction and presentation / 7.00-7.30 pm New projects and perspectives ; Cooperation opportunities / 7.30-8.00 pm Open debate. IMPORTANT: Obligatory pre-registration required - To register, please contact Sandra at the WOSAAM booth (D2) 21 SATURDAY MORNING • SAMEDI MATIN 7.00 am : Conference Registration Opening 8.00 am : Congress and Exhibit Opening AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE LIPS 8.30 - 10.30 AND PERIORAL REJUVENATION / LE RAJEUNISSEMENT DES LÈVRES ET DE LA ZONE Co-Chairs: ARMAND PARANQUE, ANTOINE PARASKEVAS, HERVÉ PADEY PÉRI-ORALE S AT U R D AY M A R C H 21 M O R N I N G • S A M E D I 21 M A R S M AT I N 22 Anatomy of the aging lower face and clinical implications (video) L’anatomie du bas du visage vieillissant et les implications cliniques (vidéo) FABIO INGALLINA, ITALY - ANTOINE PARASKEVAS, FRANCE Aging mechanisms of the lips: Practical demonstration / Mécanismes de vieillissement des lèvres : démonstration XAVIER NOËL, FRANCE Facial beautification: The sens of balance between upper and lower face Embellissement du visage : le sens de l’harmonie entre le haut et le bas du visage FAHD BENSLIMANE, MOROCCO How to create beautiful lips with volumetric techniques Comment créer des belles lèvres avec des techniques volumétriques ANTOINE PARASKEVAS, FRANCE Perioral rejuvenation with CO2 laser / Rajeunissement de la zone péri-orale avec laser au CO2 SERGE LETESSIER, FRANCE Perioral phenol peel: How to deal with ? / Peeling péri-oral au phénol : comment le gérer ? PHILIPPE DEPREZ, FRANCE Men mouth: Particularities / La bouche de l’homme : particularités HERVÉ PADEY, FRANCE 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 13.00 COFFEE CONTROVERSIES IN BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY / LES CONTROVERSES EN DERMATOLOGIE Co-Chairs: PIERRE ANDRÉ, PATRICK TRÉVIDIC, FAHD BENSLIMANE ET CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUES Does the endoscopic surgery keep a place vs Botulinum Toxin? La chirurgie endoscopique garde-t-elle sa place face à la toxine botulique ? HERVÉ RASPALDO, FRANCE Are large deep injections of fillers going to replace fat grafting? Les injections profondes de produits de comblement vont-elles remplacer les greffes graisseuses ? MICHAEL KANE, USA Is Macrolane™ going to replace prosthesis? / Le Macrolane™ va-t-il remplacer les prothèses ? PATRICK TRÉVIDIC, FRANCE Penis enlargement with the use of Macrolane™: Hype or reality? / L’augmentation pénienne avec Macrolane™ : mythe ou réalité ? ROBERTO VIEL, UK Does the baldness treatment still have any future? / Quel avenir pour les traitements de la calvitie ? PIERRE BOUHANNA, FRANCE The pros and the cons about suspension threads / Le pour et le contre des fils de suspension GUSTAVO LEIBASCHOFF, ARGENTINA Will nose aesthetic injections replace rhinoplasty? / Les injections esthétiques du nez remplaceront-elles la rhinoplastie ? FRÉDÉRIC BRACCINI, FRANCE Are hyaluronic acids all the same? / Les acides hyaluroniques sont-ils tous les mêmes? FREDERICO LORETO, FRANCE ROOM / SALLE NIJINSKI 8.30 - 10.30 FAT AESTHETIC TREATMENTS / LES TRAITEMENTS ESTHÉTIQUES DE LA GRAISSE ET DE LA CELLULITE Co-Chairs: GUSTAVO LEIBASCHOFF, PHILIPPE BLANCHEMAISON, ANGELO REBELO Minisymposium cellulite / Mini-symposium cellulite Constitutional functional venopathy / Veinopathie fonctionnelle constitutionnelle CLAUDIO ALLEGRA, ITALY How to treat cellulite? Overview of the latest techniques Comment traiter la cellulite ? Présentation des dernières techniques PHILIPPE BLANCHEMAISON, FRANCE The protocols for the cellulite treatment / Les protocoles pour le traitement de la cellulite GUSTAVO LEIBASCHOFF, ARGENTINA Possibilities to treat cellulite with phosphatidylcholine (PPC) Les possibilités de traiter la cellulite avec la phosphatidylcholine MICHAEL J. WEIDMANN, GERMANY Minisymposium cellulite and hormone therapy Mini-symposium cellulite et traitements hormonaux 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 13.00 COFFEE / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION FAT AESTHETIC TREATMENTS / LES TRAITEMENTS ESTHÉTIQUES DE LA GRAISSE ET DE Co-Chairs: GUSTAVO LEIBASCHOFF, ERIC PLOT, ADRIAN GASPAR chemical lipolysis / Lipolyse chimique Understanding phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxicolate for a safe use Comprendre la phosphatidylcholine (PPC) et le deoxicolate pour une utilisation sûre PHILIPPE DEPREZ, SPAIN Is it true that electroporation helps mesotherapy? / L’électroporation améliore-t-elle la mésothérapie ? MARIA CELESTE SLUGA, ARGENTINA Injection-lipolysis & external ultrasounds to treat localised fat accumulations Lipolyse par injections et ultrasons pour traiter les amas graisseux localisés ROSANNA DALLA COSTA, ITALY Minisymposium aesthetic treatments / Traitements esthétiques Carboxytherapy in the treatment of cellulite, stretch marks and skin laxity (face and body) / Carboxythérapie pour le traitement de la cellulite, des vergétures et de la laxité cutanée GUSTAVO LEIBASCHOFF, ARGENTINA Mesotherapy vs no-needle mesotherapy / Mésothérapie vs mésothérapie sans aiguille PHILIPPE PETIT, FRANCE Minisymposium radiofrequency / Radiofréquence Radiofrequency (RF) plus ultrasound for the localized obesity / RF et ultrasons pour traiter l’obésité localisée PETER HAJDUK, CZECH REPUBLIC 13.00 - 14.00 With hormone therapy vs without / avec vs sans hormones ANDRÉ BERGER, USA - CLAUDE DALLE, FRANCE Minisymposium liposuction vs Laserlipolysis Mini-symposium liposuccion vs lipolyse laser How to treat disgracious lipodystrophies by liposuction? Comment traiter les lipodystrophies disgracieuses par liposuccion ? GERHARD SATTLER, GERMANY Laserlipolysis for the treatment of fat deposits / Traitement des amas graisseux par la lipolyse laser ? BRUCE KATZ, USA Minisymposium laserlipolysis / Mini-symposium lipolyse laser The right protocol to use laserlipolysis / Le bon protocole pour la lipolyse laser GUSTAVO LEIBASCHOFF, ARGENTINA The right protocol to use diode laser / Le bon protocole pour l’utilisation du laser diode PHILIPPE ROCHON, FRANCE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL Minisymposium LUNCH BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL PART 1 LA CELLULITE PART 2 Bipolar RF combined with infrared light / RF bipolaire combinée avec lumière infra-rouge SPEAKER TBA Synergy of multipolar RF and magnetic pulse / RF multipolaire en synergie avec pulsation magnétique YEOUDA EDOUTE, ISRAEL Minisymposium ultrasounds (US) / Ultrasons (US) High frequency US for body sculpting / US haute fréquence pour le remodelage corporel AFSCHIN FATEMI, GERMANY Low frequency US for the treatment of localized lipodystrophies US basse fréquence pour le traitement de lipodystrophies localisées TAKAHIRO FUJIMOTO, JAPAN Minisymposium surgical procedures / Procédures chirurgicales Liposculpture under lipocontrol / Liposculpture sous lipo-contrôle ERIC PLOT, FRANCE Liposculpture with vibration cannula / Liposculpture avec canule vibrante ANGELO REBELO, PORTUGAL Liposculpture plus laserlipolysis / Liposculpture + lipolyse au laser ADRIAN GASPAR, ARGENTINA / PAUSE DÉJEUNER ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION SATURDAY MORNING • SAMEDI MATIN 7.00 am : Conference Registration Opening 8.00 am : Congress and Exhibit Opening ANTI-AGING, PREVENTIVE AND LIFESPAN MEDICINE ROOM / SALLE CAMILLE BLANC PRACTICAL SESSION - SESSION PRATIQUE HOW TO COMPLETE PATIENT'S EXPECTATIONS BETWEEN 38 TO 65 COMMENT RÉPONDRE AUX EXIGENCES DU PATIENT ENTRE 38 ET 65 ANS Co-Chairs: ASCANIO POLIMENI, CLAUDE CHAUCHARD 8.30 - 10.30 The safe treatments to improve sexuality in men and women (including hormones) Les traitements sans danger pour améliorer la sexualité chez les hommes et les femmes (hormones incluses) CLAUDE CHAUCHARD, FRANCE How to provide a good program to reduce "belly" and overweight Comment adapter un bon programme pour réduire le "ventre" et le surpoids DEBY VINSKI, INDONESIA How to cope with stress ? / Comment gérer le stress ? UTTAM U. KALICHARRAN, CANADA How to treat baldness, an overview of latest techniques Comment traiter la calvitie, présentation des dernières techniques PIERRE BOUHANNA, FRANCE Cardiac rejuvenation, hormones for your heart / Rajeunissement cardiaque, des hormones pour votre coeur ANOOP CHATURVEDI, USA How to maintain brain efficiency in 2009 (pregnenolone) / Comment maintenir l'efficacité de cerveau en 2009 ASCANIO POLIMENI, ITALY 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 13.00 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ADVANCED SESSION - SESSION AVANCÉE ANTI-AGING MEDICNE - TO INCREASE LIFESPAN AND REDUCE OR PREVENT CANCER RISK MÉDECINE ANTI-ÂGE - POUR PROLONGER L’ESPERANCE DE VIE ET RÉDUIRE OU PRÉVENIR LES RISQUES DE CANCER Co-Chairs: GIANLUCA PAZZAGLIA, THIERRY HERTOGHE The method of Hans Nieper (+1998) - Physic theory to treat patients La méthode de Hans Nieper (+1998) - La théorie physique pour traiter les patients A new anti-cancer and anti-aging protein from a human liposarcoma cell line Une nouvelle proteine anti-cancer et anti-âge issue d’une lignée de cellules de liposarcome humain The anti-aging effect on NADH- Coenzyme 1 / l’effet de l’anti-age sur NADH-Coenzyme 1 Does anti-aging medicine shorten or prolong lifespan ? La médecine anti-âge prolonge-t-elle ou raccourcit-elle l’espérance de vie ? Anti-cancer nutrients / Nutriments anti-cancer The road foward to seamless healthcare for our aging population Vers une prise en charge médicale globale de notre population vieillissante MASSIMO BONUCCI, ITALY ALDO MANCINI, ITALIA GEORGES BIRKMAYER, AUSTRIA THIERRY HERTOGHE, BELGIUM GIOVANNI SCAPAGNINI, ITALY FREDERICK NAFTOLIN, USA MEDICAL SPA ROOM / SALLE AURIC MEDICAL SPA: FOOD AS MEDICINE / MEDICAL SPA : LA NOURRITURE QUI SOIGNE Chair: MARIO KRAUSE 8.30 - 10.30 The fundaments of nutrition in a Medispa / Les fondements de la nutrition dans un Medispa Optimized Nutrition in Medical SPA / Nutrition optimisée immunisante dans un Medical Spa Nutritional genomics - Exclusive tool for personalised medical SPA approach Génomique de la nutrition - Les outils exclusifs pour une approche personnalisée du medical Spa Natural products to improve quality of life / Des produits naturels pour améliorer qualité de vie Personalized Macrobiotic Nutrition / Nutrition macrobiotique personnalisée The anti-aging Zone Diet / Le régime anti-âge “Zone Diet” Immunologic 10.30 - 11.00 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE PAKPILAI THAVISIN, THAILAND MARIO KRAUSE, GERMANY HELENA BARANOVA, FRANCE RICCARDO PINA, ITALY WILLIAM TARA, SPAIN GIANLUCA PAZZAGLIA, ITALY CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION S AT U R D AY M A R C H 21 M O R N I N G • S A M E D I 21 M A R S M AT I N AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS 11.00 - 12.00 ROOM / SALLE AURIC Workshop 31 proposed by ANTEIS Mesolis + : The interest of glycerol in skin rehydration Mesolis + : l’intérêt du glycerol dans la réhydratation de la peau 12.00 - 13.00 Workshop 34 proposed by Q-MED Volume restoration and body contouring with Macrolane Restoration des volumes et contour du corps avec Macrolane 13.00 - 14.00 PATRICK MICHEELS, SWITZERLAND LUNCH BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL AFSCHIN FATEMI, GERMANY - ALESSANDRO CASSADEI, ITALY LISA SACKS, UK / PAUSE DÉJEUNER ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION 23 SATURDAY MORNING • SAMEDI MATIN AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 Workshop 27 proposed by BIOPHOTON & REMAKE What’s new in anti-aging ! LED: Treat by non thermic lights REMAKE: Fill, correct and volume for two years Parlons neuf en anti-âge ! LED : traiter par des lumières non thermiques REMAKE : combler, corriger et donner du volume pour deux ans MICHÈLE PELLETIER - EVA BAUERSACHS, FRANCE 8.30 - 9.30 9.30 - 10.30 Workshop 29 proposed by SKINTECH Treatment of melasma with Easy TCA Traitement du melasma avec Easy TCA PHILLIPE DEPREZ, SPAIN 10.30 - 11.00 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL Workshop 28 proposed by LIPOSONIX 8.30 - 9.30 High intensity focused ultrasound for body sculpting: Performance advancements and patient benefits Ultrasons concentrés de haute intensité pour le remodelage du corps : performance et bénéfices pour les patients AFSCHIN FATEMI, GERMANY MICHAEL KANE, USA Workshop 30 proposed by NORDIC AESTHETICS A holistic approach to aesthetic medicine Une approche holistique de la médecine esthétique PATRIZIA PIERSINI, ITALY 9.30 - 10.30 / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 11.00 - 13.00 Workshop 32/35 proposed by TEOXANE X-PEEL: The 1 controlled TCA-phenol peel with no risk, no pain and no downtime X-PEEL: le 1er peeling TCA-phenol contrôlé sans risque, sans douleur, sans éviction sociale EDUARDO KRULIG, SPAIN st 2 hour-practical workshop TEOSYAL Techniques - The complete solution Workshop pratique de 2 heures Techniques d'injections avec les produits TEOSYAL Une solution complète MARK LUPIN, CANADA Workshop 36 proposed by COLBAR LIFESCIENCE Correction of small deficiencies of the face with EVOLENCE® BREEZETM Correction des petits défauts du visage avec EVOLENCE® BREEZETM GIUSEPPE SITO, ITALY 12.00 - 13.00 13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH BREAK / PAUSE DÉJEUNER Workshop 33 proposed by FILORGA 11.00 - 12.00 SATURDAY MARCH 21 MORNING • SAMEDI 21 MARS MATIN 7.00 am : Conference Registration Opening 8.00 am : Congress and Exhibit Opening SATURDAY AFTERNOON • SAMEDI APRES-MIDI AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY S AT U R D AY M A R C H 21 A F T E R N O O N • S A M E D I 21 M A R S A P R È S - M I D I AUDITORIUM PRINCE PIERRE BOTULINUM TOXIN AND FILLERS: ORIGINAL AESTHETIC PROCEDURES TOXINE BOTULIQUE ET PRODUITS DE COMBLEMENT : PROCÉDURES ESTHÉTIQUES ORIGINALES Co-Chairs: CHARIYA PETCHNGAOVILAI, YOUNG SEOB LEE, ANTHONY BENEDETTO 14.00 - 16.00 COSMETIC BOTULINUM TOXIN - “ASIAN STYLE” / TOXINE BOTULIQUE COSMÉTIQUE - “TECHNIQUES ASIATIQUES” Special botulin toxin injection techniques for breast and buttocks lift YOUNG SEOB LEE, SOUTH KOREA Techniques spéciales d’injection de toxine botulique pour le lifting des seins et des fesses Midface lifting with intra dermic injection technique / Le lifting médian par injection intra dermique CHARIYA PETCHNGAOVILAI, THAILAND Botulinum toxin to slim down jaw, masseter and nose Toxine botulique pour affiner la mâchoire, les masseters et le nez DEBY SUSANTI PADA VINSKI, INDONESIA Calf reduction with botulinum toxin intra muscular injection - Asian conventional technique Réduction du mollet par injection IM de toxine botulique - Technique conventionnelle asiatique CHARIYA PETCHNGAOVILAI, THAILAND Non conventional calf reduction with intra dermic technique vs intra muscular injection Technique non conventionnelle de réduction du mollet par technique intra dermique vs injection IM YOUNG SEOB LEE, SOUTH KOREA COMBINED TECHNIQUES FILLERS AND BOTULINUM TOXIN / TECHNIQUES COMBINÉES DE FILLERS ET TOXINE BOTULIQUE Full face rejuvenation with BoNT-A and fillers: Soft and effective Rajeunissement facial avec toxine botulique et comblements : technique douce et efficace PHILLIP LEVY, SWITZERLAND Medical rhinoplasty with HA and botulinum toxin / Rhinoplastie médicale avec AH et toxine botulique ALESSIO REDAELLI, ITALY 16.00 - 16.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION HAND REJUVENATION / LE RAJEUNISSEMENT DES MAINS Co-Chairs: MARC LEFEBVRE-VILARDEBO, ALESSIO REDAELLI 16.30 - 18.30 Survey: About the request of hand rejuvenation / Enquête à propos des demandes de rajeunissement de la main MARC LEFEBVRE-VILARDEBO, FRANCE Hand and face superficial layers: Are they equal for fillers injections ? Couches superficielles de la main et du visage : sont-elles égales face aux injections de fillers ? MATTHIEU BEUSTES-STEFANELLI, FRANCE "Soft" sclerotherapy of hand unwanted veins / Sclérothérapie douce des veines de la main MARIO VALSAMIS, GREECE Hand fat grafting / Rajeunissement des mains par greffe de graisse RENÉ-FRANÇOIS NIFOROS, FRANCE Hand rejuvenation with HA / Rajeunissement des mains avec l’acide hyaluronique MAGDA BELMONTESI, ITALY Hand rejuvenation with collagen / Rajeunissement des mains avec le collagène ANTHONY BENEDETTO, USA Hand injections of polylactic acid / Injections d’acide polylactique dans la main ALESSIO REDAELLI, ITALY Hand rejuvenation with calcium hydroxylapatite / Rajeunissement des mains avec le calcium hydroxylapatite LUCA PIOVANO, ITALY Arthrosic deformities of the fingers: Surgical solutions to functional and aesthetic problem Déformations arthrosiques des doigts : les solutions chirurgicales aux problèmes fonctionnels et esthétiques BRUNO LUSSIEZ, FRANCE ROOM / SALLE NIJINSKI EXPERTS’ VIDEO CORNER / LE COIN VIDÉO DES EXPERTS Co-Chairs: FABIO INGALLINA, MICHAEL KANE, ROBERT WEISS 14.00 - 16.00 VIDEOS COMMENTED BY THE EXPERTS: ATTEND THIS SESSION AND LIVE PROCEDURES AS IF YOU WERE IN THE OPERATING ROOM VIDÉOS COMMENTÉES PAR LES EXPERTS : ASSISTEZ À CETTE SESSION ET VIVEZ LES PROCÉDURES COMME SI VOUS ÉTIEZ DANS LA SALLE D’OPÉRATION Facial anatomy / Anatomie faciale FABIO INGALLINA, ITALY Volume and aging face MICHAEL KANE, USA Volume et visage vieillissant Laser lipolysis / Laser lipolyse ERIC PLOT, FRANCE Combined techniques for perioral rejuvenation / Techniques HERVÉ PADEY, FRANCE combinées pour rajeunissement péri-oral 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 18.30 COFFEE Facial reshaping with Voluma™ / Remodelage du visage avec Voluma™ PIERRE ANDRÉ, FRANCE Medical rhinoplasty / Rhinoplastie médicale FRÉDÉRIC BRACCINI, FRANCE Buttocks enhancement with Macrolane™ / Embellissement des PATRICK TRÉVIDIC - CÉDRIC KRON, FRANCE fesses avec le Macrolane™ Fractional resurfacing / Relissage par laser fractionnel BRUCE KATZ, USA Axillary approach for mammary implants / Voie axillaire pour les implants mammairesCHRISTOPHE CORNIL, ERIC PLOT, PATRICK TRÉVIDIC, FRANCE MPX laser assisted lipolysis device and facelift procedure / Lipolyse BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL ARMAND PARANQUE, FRANCE laser et lifting / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION THE NEWEST TECHNOLOGIES IN LASERS AND LIGHTS TO BE KNOWN LES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES LASERS ET LES LUMIÈRES À CONNAÎTRE Co-Chairs: LEONARDO MARINI, PETER BJERRING, ISABELLE CATONI I2PL vs PDL / I2PL vs PDL Nd:YAG laser and hair reduction / Epilation au laser Nd:YAG Hair removal with Alexandrite laser: Indications, contra-indications and results PETER BJERRING, DENMARK ASHRAF BADAWI, EGYPT Epilation au laser Alexandrite : indications, contre-indications et résultats JEAN-LUC LEVY, FRANCE ISABELLE CATONI, FRANCE LISA ZDINAK, USA JEAN-LUC LEVY, FRANCE What's new in Q-switch YAG laser? / Quoi de neuf en laser YAG Q-switch ? Advances in radiofrequency body sculpting / Avancées en radiofréquence pour le remodelage corporel Radiofrequency and face rejuvenation / Radiofréquence et rajeunissement facial The future of LED: Chromobiomodulation and dynamic phototherapy with the new LEDs Le futur des LED : chromobiomodulation et photothérapie dynamique avec les nouvelles LED The rebirth of CO2 laser / La renaissance du laser CO2 Pearl Fractional resurfacing laser / Laser resurfacing fractionnel Pearl Pixel, Fraxel, Punches & Co: A comparison of Erbium:YAG and CO2 / Comparaison entre Erbium:Yag et CO2 Combination of transfer radiofrequency and LED for firmness and cellulite treatment Combinaison radiofréquence transfert et LED pour la fermeté de la peau et le traitement de la cellulite 26 18.30 20.30 END OF AMWC 2009 - FIN DE L’AMWC 2009 “FOREVER YOUNG” GALA EVENING AT THE SPORTING CLUB - SOIRÉE DE GALA “FOREVER YOUNG” AU TIINA KARU, RUSSIA JEAN-CLAUDE LARROUY, FRANCE FRANCOIS NIFOROS, FRANCE REINHARD W. GANSEL, GERMANY GHISLAINE BEILIN, FRANCE SPORTING CLUB SATURDAY AFTERNOON • SAMEDI APRES-MIDI ANTI-AGING, PREVENTIVE AND LIFESPAN MEDICINE ROOM / SALLE CAMILLE BLANC Latest review in anti-aging medicine - Amazing new data in 2008/2009 Dernière revue sur la médecine anti-age - Données étonnantes en 2008/2009 CLAUDE DALLE, FRANCE Melanotan: News from an extraordinary peptide (to become tanned, slim and sexy) Melanotan : nouvelles d’un extraordinaire peptide (pour devenir bronzé, mince et sexy) CLAUDE DALLE, FRANCE The concept of hormone balancing in perimenopause - Canadian experience Le concept de l’équilibre hormonal en périménopause - L’expérience canadienne JERILYNN C. PRIOR, CANADA Importance of the concept of acid/base balance in anti-aging medicine Importance du concept d’équilibre d’acide base en médecine anti-âge YANN ROUGIER, FRANCE Better results of anti-ageing medicine treatment in women than men: "Metabolic advantages of woman versus man" Meilleurs résultats des traitements de médecine anti-age chez la femme que chez l’homme : avantages métaboliques de la femme sur l’homme OCTAVIO VIERA, SPAIN An alternative to growth hormone: Placental power Une alternative à l’hormone de croissance : le pouvoir du placenta SAWAKO HIBINO, JAPAN 16.00 - 16.30 16.30 - 18.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION IMPORTANT BREAKTHROUGH IN ANTI-AGING MEDICNE - THE EFFECTIVE RESULTS OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE IMPORTANTES AVANCÉES EN MÉDECINE ANTI-AGE - LES RÉSULTATS EFFECTIFS D’UNE MÉDECINE PRÉVENTIVE Chair: CHRISTOPHE DE JAEGER Contribution of the noninvasive 3D cardiac techniques for the evaluation and the follow-up of the patients Apport des techniques cardiaques non invasives 3D pour l’évaluation et le suivi des patients CHRISTOPHE DE JAEGER, FRANCE Action of the genic therapy on the increase of the muscle mass Action de la thérapie génique sur l’augmentation de la masse musculaire PATRICK CHÉRIN, FRANCE Melatonin Zn-Se can reverse age related DMLA / Impact de la mélatonine Zn-Se sur la DMLA WALTER PIERPAOLI, ITALY Rejuvenation and repair of the cartilage: New concepts / Régénérescence et réparation du cartilage: nouveaux concepts DROR SELIKTAR, ISRAEL Impact of pregnenolone treatment on cerebral ageing (P300) Impact de la prise de prégnenolone sur le vieillissement cérébral (P300) ELENA VORONSKA, FRANCE AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS 14.00 - 15.00 ROOM / SALLE AURIC Workshop 37 proposed by LCA HYALUDERM REVITALIZE, anti-ageing treatment using micro-injections of natural sodium hyaluronate HYALUDERM REVITALIZE, traitement anti-âge par micro-injections de hyaluronate de sodium CHRISTINE PEUCHANT, FRANCE 15.00 - 16.00 Workshop 40 proposed by MUST LEDS Photobiological mechanisms of light therapy via mitochondrial respiratory chain Mécanisme d'action photobiologique par la lumière thérapie via l'activation de la chaîne respiratoire mitochondriale TIINA KARU, RUSSIA - CLAUDE LE GOFF, FRANCE 16.00 - 16.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 16.30 - 17.30 ROOM / SALLE AURIC PRACTICAL STRESS MANAGEMENT - PSYCHOLOGY / MANAGEMENT DU STRESS EN PRATIQUE - PSYCHOLOGIE S AT U R D AY M A R C H 21 A F T E R N O O N • S A M E D I 21 M A R S A P R E S - M I D I CUTTING EDGE ANTI-AGING MEDICINE / MÉDECINE ANTI-AGE DE DERNIÈRE GÉNÉRATION Co-Chairs: CLAUDE DALLE, JERILYNN C. PRIOR 14.00 - 16.00 Practical techniques that immediately reduce stress Les techniques pratiques qui réduisent immédiatement le stress Effects of stress on aging Les effets du stress sur le vieillissement 17.30 17.30 -- 18.30 18.30 JULES GAUTHIER, CANADA SUZIE SCHUDER, USA Anti-Aging/Aesthetic Workshop 47 proposed by REGEN LAB Autologous growth factors injections / Injections autologues de facteurs de croissance 18.30 20.30 END OF AMWC 2009 - FIN DE L’AMWC 2009 “FOREVER YOUNG” GALA EVENING AT THE SPORTING CLUB - SOIRÉE DE GALA “FOREVER YOUNG” CLAUDE DALLE, FRANCE AU SPORTING CLUB 27 SATURDAY AFTERNOON • SAMEDI APRES-MIDI ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 14.00 - 15.00 Workshop 38 proposed by Q-MED Restylane Masterclass TOM VAN EIJK, THE NETHERLANDS - RUSSELL EMERSON, UK 15.00 - 16.00 Workshop 41 proposed by PROMOITALIA 1) Autologous Cells Rich Plasma (CRP), (Tray Life) for the skin platelets contain at least five growth factors that contribute to tissue formation Cellules autologues de plasma enrichi pour la reconstitution des tissus cutanés par facteurs de croissance CIRO ACCARDO, ITALY 2) Innovative use of low frequencies ultrasound: first experience on lipomas treatments and lipodystrophies Utilisation innovante des ultrasons à basse fréquence : 1e expérience de traitement sur lipomes et lipodystrophies FULVIO VANNINI - ANTONELLA SAVOIA, ITALY - TAKAHIRO FUJIMOTO, JAPAN 16.00 - 16.30 COFFEE BREAK AND VISIT EXHIBIT HALL 14.00 - 15.00 New techniques in mesotherapy for face and body Nouvelles techniques en mésothérapie pour le visage et le corps HERVÉ PADEY, FRANCE 15.00 - 16.00 Workshop 43 proposed by OSYRIS MEDICAL Adipocytolysis : Principles and clinical cases Choice of tools for adipocytolysis. Adipocytolyse : principes et cas cliniques Choix d’outils pour l’adipocytolyse Laser adipocytolysis: 2D-dosimetry contribution in real time control of treated tissue volume Le laser adipocytolyse : Contribution au contrôle en temps réel de la dosimétrie 2D dans le volume des tissus traités PHILIPPE ROCHON - BENJAMIN WASSMER ERIC PLOT - JEAN LUC COHEN, FRANCE 17.30 - 18.30 Workshop 45 proposed by MESOESTETIC Facial Hyperpigmentations: New transdermic treatments Hyperpigmentations faciales : nouveaux traitements transdermiques YOGESHVAR N. KALIA, SWITZERLAND - JEAN-LUC LEVY, FRANCE PHILIPPE BAHADORAN - CORINE BERTOLOTTO, FRANCE Workshop 42 proposed by GENETHIA A new synergic program of skin biorevitalization: Association between hyaluronic acid and polynucleotides Un nouveau programme synergique de biorevitalisation de la peau : association entre acide hyaluronique et polynucléotides MAURIZIO CAVALLINI, ITALY / PAUSE CAFÉ ET VISITE DE L’EXPOSITION ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 2 ROOM / SALLE RAVEL 1 16.30 - 17.30 Workshop 39 proposed by REVITACARE 16.30 - 17.30 Workshop 44 proposed by ACTIVECOSMETHICS Mesolipolysis Mésolipolyse JULES MARTHAN, FRANCE GHISLAINE BEILIN, FRANCE 17.30 - 18.30 Workshop 46 proposed by APTOS Minimally invasive lifting of the full face and neck rejuvenation by APTOS methods, using new resorbable suture material light lift Lifting mini invasif du visage complet et rajeunissement du cou par les méthodes APTOS, utilisant une nouvelle suture résorbable GEORGE SULAMANIDZE, GEORGIA SATURDAY MARCH 21 AFTERNOON • SAMEDI 21 MARS APRES-MIDI AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS GENERAL INFORMATION / INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES CONGRESS LOCATION / LIEU DU CONGRÈS The Principality of Monaco is located on the French Riviera, about 25 minutes from Nice. Its exceptional location allows it to enjoy 310 days of sunshine per year. Monaco’s exceptional location, between mountain and sea, its gardens, its entertainement, its athletic and cultural events all qualities which make it an unforgettable destination. La principauté de Monaco est située sur la côte d’Azur a environ 25 mn de Nice. Son exceptionnelle situation géographique lui permet de bénéficier de 310 jours de soleil par an. Le site exceptionnel de Monaco, entre la montagne et la mer, ses jardins, ses événements sportifs et culturels, ses grands hôtels font de cette destination un endroit inoubliable. HOW TO GET THERE? / VISA - COMMENT S’Y RENDRE ? Motorway and road network: The European motorway network links Monaco to France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Benelux, Austria, and England. Railways: All trains stop at Monaco Station: TGVs, to and from Paris (five and a half-hour trip). Trains to Milan, Rome, Genova and Basel. Airlines: The International “Nice-Côte d’Azur” Airport connects Monaco with more than 86 destinations throughout the World. From Nice Airport to Monaco: By car or taxi, a 25-minute drive on the motorway. Shuttle service every hour (±20 euros). Monaco’s heliport brings the international “Nice-Côte d’Azur” Airport to the door of the Principality with a flight of only 6 minutes. To book your helicopter or car transportation, contact Conferencia Travel at +33 1 45 55 85 30. Autoroute : Le réseau d’autoroute Européen relie Monaco à la France, à l’Espagne, à l’Italie, à l’Allemagne, au Benelux, à l’Autriche, et à l’Angleterre. Train : Tous les trains s’arrêtent à la station de Monaco : TGV, vers et provenant de Paris (cinq heures et demi de trajet). Trains vers Milan, Rome, Gènes et Basel. Lignes aériennes : L’aéroport international “Nice-Côte d’Azur” relie Monaco à plus de 86 destinations dans le monde entier. De l’aéroport de Nice à Monaco : 25 minutes en voiture ou en taxi. Service de navette toutes les heures (±20 euros). Un vol de seulement 6 minutes en hélicoptère pour aller de l’héliport de Monaco à l’aéroport “ Nice-Côte d’Azur”. Pour réserver votre transport en hélicoptère ou en voiture, contactez Conferencia Travel au +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30. VISA INFORMATION AND OFFICIAL LETTERS OF INVITATION / VISA - LETTRES OFFICIELLES D’INVITATION The passport and visa requirements for persons visiting Monaco as tourists are the same as for France. For further details, contact any French consulate in your country. Official letters which may be necessary in some countries for administrative reasons (VISA) will be issued upon request (see registration form). You can also log on to get your invitation letter by e-mail. La demande de passeport ou visa pour les personnes venant visiter Monaco sont les mêmes que pour la France. Les lettres officielles nécessaires aux démarches administratives (Visa) dans certains pays peuvent être adressés sur demande. Ces lettres n’engagent le secrétariat du congrès à aucune prise en charge financière. Obtenez votre lettre d’invitation par Internet : ou par email : [email protected] EXHIBITION / EXPOSITION Over 6500 m2 exhibit (over 200 exhibiting companies) of interest in Aesthetic Dermatology and Medicine, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Anti-Aging Medicine, Nutrition, Well Being, Medical Spa, etc. will be on permanent display. Plus de 6500 m2 d’exposition (plus de 200 compagnies) liés à la dermatologie et la chirurgie esthétiques, la médecine anti-âge, la nutrition, le bien-être, le Médical Spa, etc. AIR TRANSPORTATION / TRANSPORT AÉRIEN IDENTIFIER CODE: 0665S - Valid for travel from 14/03/2009 to 26/03/2009 The airlines of SKYTEAM, Official Alliance Network for our event, offer attractive airfares for participants. SKYTEAM comprises 10 leading international airlines: Aeroflot, Aeromexico, Air France, Alitalia, Continental, CSA Czech Airlines, Delta, KLM, Korean Air, Northwest Airlines, serving 728 cities in 149 countries with over 15 000 flights daily. To benefit from these special offers, link up with and quote the Identifier Code. Through this site you can also access the schedules of all SkyTeam partners to plan your flights on the airline of your choice. AIR FRANCE: Discounts are applied to a wide range of airfares, in all classes of travel (Espace Première [First], Espace Affaires [Business] and Tempo [Coach]) on all flights of the Air France worldwide network. To acces the preferential fares granted for this event, use this link: This present document of the event serves to justify the application of the preferential airfare. Keep it with you as you may be asked for it at any point of your journey. To locate your nearest Air France sales point, consult: CODE IDENTIFIANT : 0665S - Validité du 14/03/2009 au 26/03/2009 Les vols de SKYTEAM, Réseau aérien officiel pour notre événement, offre des tarifs attractifs aux participants. SKYTEAM comprend 10 compagnies aériennes internationales: Aeroflot, Aeromexico, Air France, Alitalia, Continental, CSA Czech Airlines, Delta, KLM, Korean Air, Northwest Airlines, desservant 728 villes dans 149 pays avec plus de 15 000 vols par jour. Pour bénéficier de ces offres spéciales, connectez-vous à et entrez le code identifiant. Sur ce site, vous pouvez accéder aux horaires de vols des partenaires de SkyTeam et planifier votre voyage sur la compagnie de votre choix. AIR FRANCE: Des réductions sont appliquées sur une large partie des vols, sur toutes les classes de vol (Espace Première, Espace Affaires et Tempo) sur tous les vols Air France internationaux. Pour obtenir des tarifs préferentiels pour cet événement, utilisez le lien: Ce document original vous permettra d’obtenir des tarifs préférentiels. Gardez-le avec vous ! Pour connaître votre agence Air France la plus proche, consultez: LANGUAGES - SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION / LANGUES - TRADUCTION SIMULTANÉE FRENCH ENGLISH SPANISH ITALIAN RUSSIAN The official congress languages are English and French. Simultaneous Translation in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Russian will be provided in the 2 main rooms. French/English in the other rooms. Les langues officielles du congrès sont l’Anglais et le Français. Une traduction simultanée en Français, Anglais, Espagnol, Italien et Russe sera faite dans les deux salles principales. Français/Anglais dans les autres salles. “AMWC 2009 GRAND PRIX” LOTTERY / “AMWC 2009 GRAND PRIX” LOTERIE A entertaining LOTTERY, will offer the participants of the AMWC 2009 the possibility to win two journeys of respectively 5000 euros and 3000 euros and many other prizes (like full supported Congress Packages including hotel and registration). Participez à la LOTERIE de l’AMWC 2009 et gagnez deux voyages d’une valeur de 5000 euros et 3000 euros et de nombreux autres prix (Invitation à l’AMWC 2010 avec et sans prise en charge de l’hôtel). WOSAAM MEETING: Open to Medical Scientific Societies and Associations Representatives WOSAAM MEETING : Ouvert aux Sociétés et Associations Scientifiques et Médicales représentatives The WOSAAM - World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine will organize a private meeting for representatives of all medical national and International scientific associations involved in the field of Well-Aging medicine. This meeting will take place during the Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress 2009 on Friday March 20th at the congress place. GENERAL INFORMATION / INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES IMPORTANT: To join this private meeting it is necessary to be the President or an officially mandated representative of the medical or scientific Association. To get your INVITATION, please send your request and personal information by fax: +331 56 837 805 or email: [email protected]. La WOSAAM - World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine organise un meeting pour les représentants des associations et sociétés scientifiques et médicales nationales et internationales impliquées dans le domaine de la Médecine du Bien-Etre. Cette réunion aura lieu pendant le Congrès Mondial Anti-Âge 2009, le Vendredi 20 Mars. IMPORTANT: Pour participer à ce meeting privé, vous devez être Président d’une Association, d’une Société Scientifique ou représentant officiellement mandaté. Pour obtenir une invitation, merci d’envoyer votre demande avec vos informations personnelles par fax : +331 56 837 805 ou email: [email protected]. HOTELS Hotels close to Grimaldi Forum has been booked especially for the AMWC delegates at negociated prices through our partner Conferencia Travel. On-line reservation is available at - Hotels informations: Tel : +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 E-mail : [email protected] For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel (special rates only available through Conferencia Travel). Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment - All prices are breakfast and taxes included. Cancellation policy available on the form. To know more about the hotels (descriptive, location), please log on: Un contigent d’hôtels proche du Forum Grimaldi a été reservé à des tarifs exceptionnels par notre partenaire Conferencia Travel. Reservation On-line possible sur - Informations Hôtels : Tel : +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 E-mail : [email protected] Pour tout changement ou annulation, contactez Conferencia Travel (tarifs exceptionnels seulement via notre partenaire Conferencia Travel). Les réservations ne peuvent pas être confirmées sans un pré-paiement - Petits déjeuners et taxes inclus. Conditions d’annulation sur le bulletin de réservation. Pour en savoir plus sur les hôtels proposés (descriptif, situation), visitez : IMPORTANT: To secure your accommodation in Monaco, book your hotel as soon as possible and before January 20, 2009 IMPORTANT : Pour être certain d’avoir un hégergement à Monaco, réservez votre hôtel dès que possible et avant le 20 janvier 2009 HOTELS IN MONACO Distance to the Grimaldi Forum Hôtel de PARIS* * * * Palace SINGLE DOUBLE TWIN 1 Pers. 2 pers. 1 large bed 2 pers. 2 beds 300 € 320 € 320 € 300 € 320 € 320 € 250 € 260 € 260 € 225 € 250 € 250 € 225 € 250 € 250 € 225 € 250 € 250 € 215 € 215 € 215 € 175 € 175 € 175 € 175 € 175 € 175 € 135 € 155 € 155 € 110 € 130 € 130 € 99 € 120 € 120 € 95 € 110 € 110 € 95 € 125 € 125 € Place du Casino - MONTE-CARLO 15 min walk / 15 mn à pied Hôtel METROPOLE MONTE-CARLO* * * * Palace 4, avenue de la Madonne - MONTE-CARLO 12 min walk / 12 mn à pied Hôtel HERMITAGE* * * * Luxe Square Beaumarchais - MONTE-CARLO 15 min walk / 15 mn à pied Hôtel FAIRMONT MONTE-CARLO* * * * Luxe 12, avenue des Spélugues - MONTE-CARLO 5 min walk / 5 mn à pied Hôtel LE MERIDIEN BEACH PLAZA* * * * 22, avenue Princesse Grace - MONTE-CARLO 5 min walk / 5 mn à pied MONTE-CARLO BAY HOTEL & RESORT* * * * 40, avenue Princesse Grace - MONTE-CARLO 10 min walk / 10 mn à pied COLUMBUS MONACO* * * Luxe 23, avenue des Papalins - MONTE-CARLO 10 min by bus n°6 / 10 mn en bus n°6 NOVOTEL MONTE-CARLO* * * 16, boulevard Princesse Charlotte - MONTE-CARLO 20 min walk / 20 mn à pied MARRIOTT RIVIERA LA PORTE DE MONACO* * * * Le Port - 06320 CAP D'AIL 12 min by bus n°6 / 12 mn en bus n°6 Hôtel AMBASSADOR MONACO* * * 10, avenue Prince Pierre - MONTE-CARLO 10 min by bus n° 4 / 10 mn en bus n°4 Hôtel ALEXANDRA* * * 35, boulevard Princesse Charlotte – MONTE-CARLO 15 min walk / 15 min à pied APARTHOTEL ADAGIO MONACO MONTE CRISTO * * * 24, rue des Martyrs de la Résistance – BEAUSOLEIL 20 min walk / 20 min à pied Hôtel FORUM* * * 16, avenue d’Alsace – Place Moneghetti – BEAUSOLEIL 20 min walk / 20 min à pied Hôtel LE VERSAILLES* * 4, avenue Prince Pierre – Monaco 10 min walk / 10 min à pied FOREVER YOUNG... THE GALA EVENING YOU WILL REMEMBER!!! LE DINER DE GALA DONT VOUS VOUS SOUVIENDREZ !!! For this 7th edition of the AMWC, we have the exceptional chance to organize the Gala Evening at the Salle des Etoiles of the Sporting Club of Monaco.We have prepared for you an unforgettable show you will enjoy around a delicious dinner. After the Show, let’s dance.... and feel Forever Young!!! Register today! Pour cette 7e édition de l’AMWC, nous avons la chance exceptionnelle d’organiser le Dîner de Gala à la Salle des Etoiles du Sporting-Club de Monaco. Nous avons préparé pour vous un spectacle inoubliable qui vous surprendra autour d’un délicieux dîner. Après le spectacle, place à la danse... et restez toujours jeune !!! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant !!! WELCOME COCKTAIL / COCKTAIL DE BIENVENVENUE The Welcome Cocktail, hosted by the Government of the Principality of Monaco, will take place on Thusday March 19, from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm at the Grimaldi Forum (level 0, under the glass roof). All attendees and their spouses are welcomed. Le Cocktail de Bienvenue offert par le Gouvernement de la Principauté de Monaco aura lieu le jeudi 19 mars de 19h00 à 20h30, au Grimaldi Forum (niveau 0, sous la verrière). Tous les participants au Congrès sont les bienvenus ainsi que les accompagnants. WEATHER / LE TEMPS Weather is normally beautiful with mild temperatures during the day (average 19-23° C ; 66-74° F). A cette période de l’année, le temps est en général beau avec des températures douces (moyenne 19-23° C le jour). Save the Date: Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress 2010 April 8-10, 2010 - Palais des Congrès - PARIS, France AMWC2009RegFormFinal.qxp 22/12/08 11:22 Page 1 AMWC 2009 - ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORLD CONGRESS 2009 - MONACO MARCH 19-20-21, 2009 REGISTRATION FORM - TO BE SENT BY FAX TO +33 (0)156 837 805 (from USA & CANADA dial 011 33 1 56 837 805) PLEASE TYPE IN CAPITAL LETTERS Family Name ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... First Name ............................................................................................................Medical Specialty (Please Precise) .......................................................................................... Clinic Company ....................................................................................................Address ............................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Zip code ........................................................................................City .................................................................................................. Country ............................................................ Phone .............................................................. Fax .................................................................... E-mail* ........................................................................................................................ *Your email is requested to send your registration documents and electronic invoices REGISTRATION FORM Registration fees include: access to general sessions, workshops and commercial exhibit, coffee breaks, certificate of attendance, congress bag and conference book Before After RATE FOR 3 DAYS CONGRESS March 19 - 20 - 21, 2009 20/02/2009 20/02/2009 Delegates 3 days full passport Members of Scientific Society, with certification only* Students, Researchers, Universities, Residents, Nurses, Allied-Health with certification only* Delegates already registered to the AAMS Seminar Access to exhibit + Workshops ONLY (no access to general sessions) } *Obligatory send your certification by fax +33 1 56 83 78 05 or by e-mail: [email protected] MEDICAL SPA ADVANCED TRAINING (Thursday March 19 - From 9.00 am to 6.30 pm) - Fees for this training 430 € 380 € 300 € 250 € 200 € 520 € 430 € 350 € 300 € 250 € 200 € 230 € Registration to AMWC is not necessary to attend the MEDICAL SPA TRAINING, you can register to this course only. GALA DINNER (Saturday March 21st at the Sporting-Club of Monaco) - Reserve soon! Limited Seats PRE-COURSES & BOARDS WOSAAM BOARD CERTIFICATION Board Certification in Anti-Aging Medicine - Review on Friday March 20 - Examination on Saturday March 21 Board Certification in Nutritional Therapies - Review on Thursay March 19 - Examination on Saturday March 21 170 € 170 € x ____ person(s) =_________ € th SELECT HERE Learning Material (Textbooks, Cd’s, Videos...) 350 € st th Learning Material (Textbooks, Cd’s, Videos...) Board Examination Fee SELECT HERE 1450 € st 400 € Board Examination Fee 1550 € AAMS Seminar (Anti-Aging Medicine Specialisation) - March, 15 to 18, 2009 4-day module: 1200 € 1300 € 1 or several day(s) - Tick choosen days of participation: 15/03 16/03 17/03 18/03 Rate per day: 350 € 380 € x __day(s) =________ AAMS Examination 350 € 380 € 2-YEAR FREE WOSAAM MEMBERSHIP (World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine) offered with this registration (for MDs only): Advantages as member will start after this registration. If you do NOT wish to become a WOSAAM Member, please tick here PAYMENT I hereby forward the total amount of Bank check in € (Euros) enclosed, payable to EuroMediCom Bank transfer in € (Euros) to Euromedicom* TOTAL TO BE PAID: ...................................€ *In case of payment by bank transfer, please add 15 € to the total fees (bank charges) / En cas de payment par transfert bancaire ajouter 15 € de frais. VERY IMPORTANT: For administrative treatment purpose, Bank transfer must be made at least 10 DAYS prior to the congress, passed this date, the registrant may have to pay on site his registration and will be eventually refunded after the congress. Administrative process may take up to 30 days to identify the transfer and proceed to the refunding, after the event. / TRES IMPORTANT : Les virements doivent être effectués au moins 10 jours avant le congrès, passée cette date il pourra être demandé au participant de payer son inscription sur place. Le remboursement sera éventuellement fait après identification du virement, dans les 30 jours qui suivent la manifestation. OBLIGATORY: INDICATE THE PARTICIPANT NAME + "AMWC 09” on your bank transfer / INDIQUER LE NOM DU PARTICIPANT + “AMWC 09” sur votre virement Paying bank: HSBC Address: HSBC ASNIERES MARNE Account holder: Euromedicom sarl By Credit Card: Visa Credit card number: Bank code: 30056 Branch code: 00784 Account number: 07844720299 Eurocard / Mastercard American Express Dinners Cardholder’s name:_________________________________________________ / Obligatory; 3 digits code o r 4 digits code (AMEX) I would like to receive ........ train reduction coupon(s) - French Network Expiry date: Key digits: 17 IBAN : FR76 3005 6007 8407 8447 2029 917 BIC - SWIFT : CCFRFRPP Signature Cancellation policy: Before Feb. 20: Refund -50 % • Between Feb. 20 and March 5: Refund -10 % • After March 5: No refund Cancellation will be processed after written demand and one month after the Congress Please fill one form per registrant and send it (or copy) to: EuroMediCom - 29, boulevard de la République - 92250 La Garenne Colombes - France Tel: + 33 (0)1 56 83 78 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 56 837 805 e-mail: [email protected] ON LINE REGISTRATION AT : WWW.EUROMEDICOM.COM (Secured Payment) AMWC2009RegFormFinal.qxp 22/12/08 11:22 Page 2 AMWC 2009 - ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORLD CONGRESS 2009 - MONACO MARCH 19-20-21, 2009 HOTEL RESERVATION FORM - TO BE SENT BY FAX TO +33 (0)156 837 805 (from USA & CANADA dial 011 33 1 56 837 805) To make your choice, please see hotels list here or to PLEASE FILL & RETURN THIS FORM (or a copy) by fax or by mail before January 20th, 2008 HOTELS Distance to Congress Single* Double* (1 large bed) Twin* (2 beds) Hôtel de PARIS**** Palace 15 min walk 300 € 320 € 320 € Hôtel METROPOLE**** Palace 12 min walk 300 € 320 € 320 € Hôtel HERMITAGE**** Luxe 15 min walk 250 € 260 € 260 € Hôtel FAIRMONT**** 5 min walk 225 € 250 € 250 € Hôtel LE MERIDIEN BEACH PLAZA**** 5 min walk 225 € 250 € 250 € MONTE-CARLO BAY HOTEL & RESORT**** 10 min walk 225 € 250 € 250 € 10 min by bus n°6 215 € 215 € 215 € 20 min walk 175 € 175 € 175 € MARRIOTT RIVIERA LA PORTE DE MONACO**** 12 min by bus n° 6 175 € 175 € 175 € Hôtel AMBASSADOR-MONACO*** 135 € 155 € 155 € COLUMBUS MONACO*** Luxe NOVOTEL MONTE-CARLO*** 10 min by bus n° 4 Hôtel ALEXANDRA*** 15 min walk 110 € 130 € 130 € APARTHOTEL ADAGIO MONTECRISTO*** 20 min walk 99 € 120 € 120 € Hôtel FORUM*** 20 min walk 95 € 110 € 110 € Hôtel LE VERSAILLES*** 10 min walk 95 € 125 € 125 € *All room rates are Breakfast and Taxes included PLEASE TYPE IN CAPITAL LETTERS Family Name ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ First Name .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Zip code ........................................................................................City .................................................................................................. Country ............................................................ Phone .............................................................. Fax ...................................................................... E-mail ........................................................................................................................ RESERVATION FORM Please fill out the contact information part above Hotel reservation (Less than 4 rooms only - If more than 4 rooms, contact Conferencia Travel for special payment conditions) Family name Hotel choice Type of room Arrival date Departure date 1 ....................... 2 ....................... 3 ....................... single double twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ 1 ....................... 2 ....................... 3 ....................... single double twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ 1st....................... 2nd....................... 3rd....................... single double twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ 1st....................... 2nd....................... 3rd....................... single double twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ st nd st Nb of person(s) rd nd rd Reservation conditions Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment. You will receive all you need for a successful check in - an invoice stating the amount already paid - a voucher which you must show at check in. All the necessary information concerning your stay will be clearly stated. The voucher sent, should be considered as a guarantee for you reservation. Upon check out you will be requested to settle with the hotel the remaining amount stated on your voucher. Of course all extras are to be paid separately (meals, minibar, telephone). Bank check of the total amount in Euros, enclosed, payable to Conferencia Travel (French residents) Credit Card: Visa Eurocard / Mastercard Credit card number: Cardholder’s name: ______________________________________________ Expiry date: 3 digits code: American Express Signature Bank transfert on request to Conferencia Travel (+15 euros fees) Reservation & Cancellation policy: - Minimum stay : 2 nights / Durée minimum du séjour : 2 nuits - If you cancel more than 31 days prior to the arrival, you will be only charged 1 night / Une annulation + 31 jours avant l’arrivée 1 nuit de pénalité - If you cancel between 31 days (included) and the date of arrival, you will be charged 2 nights / Une annulation dans les 31 jours précédant l’arrivée : 2 nuitées dues - Reduction to a minimum of 2 nights possible whithout any fees / Réduction du séjour à un minimum de 2 nuits possible sans supplément - No refund will be made for no-shows or early check out date / Aucun remboursement en cas de non présentation à l’hôtel ou de départ anticipé For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel. These special rates are only available through Conferencia Travel. Hotels information at Conferencia Travel - Phone: +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 - Email: [email protected] Send this form to EuroMediCom - 29, boulevard de la République - 92250 La Garenne Colombes - France Fax: + 33 (0)1 56 83 78 05 ON LINE RESERVATION AT :
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