Paris October 13-15, 2006 Hotel reservation form
Paris October 13-15, 2006 Hotel reservation form
Welcome Message / Message de Bienvenue Dear Colleague, For the second year, the European Masters in Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine (EMAA) will be the meeting of reference, where over 1,400 expected physicians will obtain the answers they seek, thanks to the important innovations, the diversity and quality of the topics presented by European and International Experts. More than ever, the Palais des Congrès of Paris, two steps away from the Champs Elysées, will be the ideal place for the EMAA. You will have the opportunity to be introduced to the latest techniques and to attend high standard courses and workshops: The EMAA is a very PRACTICAL and INTERACTIVE congress where each paper effectively corresponds to an application in your daily practice. Another feature of the EMAA resides in the fact that specialists in aesthetics will be introduced to anti-aging medicine and that antiaging doctors will gain from the knowledge in aesthetics. Our concern is to ensure that both domains could combine their respective knowledge for the global management of aging. The sessions will focus on the following subjects: Aesthetic Dermatology, Medicine and Surgery: • Innovations, controversies and debates. • Conference review in aesthetic dermatology. • Practical approach of aesthetic medicine with live workshops for beginners. • Advanced courses in aesthetic medicine and surgery. • Simple and safe aspects of aesthetic medicine that anti-aging physicians can implement. • Live demonstrations. Anti-Aging Medicine: • Evidence-based anti-aging medicine. • Advanced courses, controversies and debates. • Practical workshops for beginners (patient examination, assessment, etc.). • Advanced workshops for anti-aging physicians. • Simple and safe aspects of anti-aging medicine that aesthetic physicians can implement. During the coffee and lunch breaks offered on site, you will be able to stroll through a large exhibition of the top aesthetic and antiaging companies. We look forward to your participation and to welcoming you to Paris. The Scientific Organisation Committee Cher Confrère, Chère Consœur, Comme pour sa première édition, qui a réuni l’année dernière plus de 1200 praticiens, ces 2es “Masters” Européens en Médecine Esthétique et Médecine Anti-Âge (EMAA), ont pour objectif de répondre à vos attentes actuelles en vous proposant les meilleures conditions pour une réunion de référence, qui se singularisera par la diversité et la qualité des sujets présentés par des Experts Européens et Internationaux. Le Palais des Congrès de Paris, à deux pas des Champs Elysées, au coeur de Paris, est un endroit exceptionnel pour accueillir une manifestation de l’envergure de l’EMAA. Outre le fait de vous proposer le congrès de la rentrée où seront présentés les nouvelles techniques et des cours de haut niveau dans votre spécialité, nous souhaitons organiser un congrès particulièrement PRATIQUE et INTERACTIF où chaque présentation pourra trouver une application dans votre exercice courant. Il y aura un angle spécifique complémentaire : apporter au médecin spécialiste de l’esthétique les bases opérationnelles de médecine anti-âge, et les bases de l’esthétique au médecin anti-âge, pour qu’ils puissent, l’un et l’autre, inclure un complément à leur pratique, dans le souci constant d’une prise en charge globale du vieillissement. Les sessions seront structurées comme suit : Dermatologie, Médecine et Chirurgie Esthétiques : • Nouveautés, controverses et débats en esthétique médicale et chirurgicale. • Ateliers de formation pratique en esthétique pour les praticiens débutants. • Cours avancés pour les praticiens confirmés. • Toutes les techniques esthétiques « simples et sûres » que le médecin anti-âge peut pratiquer. • Ateliers avec démonstrations en direct. • Retransmission de « Live Surgery » Médecine Anti-Age : • Les bases et les preuves scientifiques de la médecine anti-âge. • Cours avancés, controverses et débats. • Ateliers de formation pratique pour les débutants (consultation, bilans, comment mettre en route un traitement anti-âge). • Ateliers pratiques pour les praticiens confirmés. • Tout ce que le médecin esthétique peut pratiquer en médecine anti-âge, « simple et sûre ». Une exposition où seront présentes les sociétés spécialisées dans ces domaines se tiendra dans une atmosphère agréable et conviviale, où de délicieux déjeuners et pauses vous seront offerts pour votre plaisir et votre détente. Nous souhaitons avoir le plaisir de vous accueillir à l’EMAA 2006 ! Le Comité d’Organisation Scientifique Scientific Committee / Comité Scientifique Anti-Aging Medicine Aesthetic Surgery Aesthetic Dermatology Claude Dalle, MD - Paris, France Thierry Hertoghe, MD - Brussels, Belgium Antoine Paraskevas, MD - Paris, France François Petit, MD - Paris, France Koenraad de Boulle, MD - Aalst, Belgium Phillip Levy, MD - Geneva, Switzerland Mario Trelles, MD - Cambrils, Spain Faculty Members / Orateurs ACCARDO Ciro ANDRÉ Pierre BELHAOUARI Lakhdar BELLONIAS Evangelos BENCI Maurizio BENSLIMANE Fadh BICHET Jean-Christophe BRACCINI Frédéric BONVALLOT Thierry CARLY Dominique CHAUCHARD Claude CLAUDE Olivier COLEMAN Sydney DALLE Claude DAVIES Clarence DE BOULLE Koenraad DE JAEGER Christophe DERSOT Jean-Marc FRÉCHET Patrick GALLUCCI Marco GOLKOVA Monika GOMEZ Bruno GRIFFITHS Tamara HERTOGHE Thérèse HERTOGHE Thierry JAMIN Christian JENKINS Paul KANAKOPOULOS Angelos KATSAMBAS Andreas KINNEY Brian M. KOPERA Daisy KRAUSE Mario LACROIX Bruno LAFARGE-CLAOUÉ Béatrice LAMBERT Jo BANIGE Oleg BOISNIC Sylvie BOUCQ Denis DIVARIS Marc FORENZA Annamaria FRANC Claude GRAND-VINCENT Anne HERVIER Jean-Marc LAJEUNIE Alain LANDAU Marina LEIBASCHOFF Gustavo LUPIN Mark OH Suk-Joon PEUCHANT Christine REYTAN Natalie RICHTER Erik-Alexander RINALDI Fabio TORDJMAN Michel VANNINI Fulvio VÉLEZ Mariano Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Cervico Facial Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Gynecologist Anti-Aging Medicine Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Anti-Aging Medicine Anti-Aging Medicine Dermatologist Geriatrist, Anti-Aging Oral Implantologist Aesthetic Medicine Plastic Surgeon Anti-Aging Medicine Anesthesiologist Dermatologist Endocrinologist Anti-Aging Medicine Endocrinologist Endocrinologist Economist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Anti-Aging Medicine Physiotherapist Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Naples Paris Toulouse Athens Firenze Casablanca Paris Nice Paris Fleurus Paris Paris New York Paris Zollikon Aalst Paris Paris Paris Pisa Prague Paris Manchester Zellik Brussels Paris London Athens Athens Los Angeles Graz Hanover Paris Paris Gent Italy France France Greece Italy Morocco France France France Belgium France France USA France Switzerland Belgium France France France Italy Czech Rep. France UK Belgium Belgium France UK Greece Greece USA Austria Germany France France Belgium LANIGAN Sean LEVY Jean-Luc LEVY Phillip MARÉCHAL Thierry MARTHAN Jules MOGA Anne MOOKHERJEE Robin MORDON Serge NEESER Karl J. PARASKEVAS Antoine PARIENTE Alexandra PASCAL Jean-François PECKITT Ninian PERRING Michael PETIT François PHILIPP Carsten M. PIERPAOLI Walter RASPALDO Hervé RÉSIMONT Stéphane RITTES Patricia RUEFF Dominique RZANY Berthold SATTLER Gerhard SMARRITO Stéphane SOLER Colette STEJSKAL Vera THIOLY-BENSOUSSAN Daphné TREGEAR Cecilia TRELLES Mario TROSSEL Robert VAN BOGAERT Gina VAN DER LUGT Claudia VIGLINO Sandra VILA JOYA Ana VOGELAAR Emar France France France France Italy France France Italy France Israël Argentina Canada Korea France Germany Netherlands Italy France Italy Spain BENADIBA Laurent GIOTIS Konstantine P. JALALI Mir Hadi Aziz LANCRI Martine LEIBZON Luidmila Workshops / Ateliers Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Facial Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Medicine Research & Training Aesthetic Medicine Dermatologist Aesthetic Medicine Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Mesotherapist Dermatologist Industry Dermatologist Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic Medicine Dermatologist Paris Paris Nice Paris Roma Lyon Paris Naples Paris Ramat Gan Buenos Aires Vancouver Seoul Bordeaux Butchen Milan Paris Naples Barcelona Dermatologist Birmingham Dermatologist Marseille Dermatologist Geneva Aesthetic Medicine Paris Aesthetic Medicine Vauvert Aesthetic Medicine Paris Plastic Surgeon Paris Biophysicist Lille Physiologist Bangkok Plastic Surgeon Paris Anti-Aging Medicine Paris Plastic Surgeon Lyon Maxillo Facial Surgeon Doncaster Andrologist, Psychotherapist London Plastic Surgeon Paris Dermatologist Berlin Research Scientist Gordola Facial Plastic Surgeon Cannes Anti-Aging Medicine Brussels Dermatologist Sao Paulo Anti-Aging Medicine Vallauris Dermatologist Berlin Dermatologist Darmstadt Plastic Surgeon Paris Industry Paris Immunologist Danderyd Dermatologist Paris Anti-Aging Medicine London Plastic Surgeon Cambrils Anti-Aging Medicine Rotterdam Anti-Aging Medicine Hdeilaart Aesthetic Medicine Meijel Instructor, DermopigmentationGeneva Dermatologist Madrid Biochemist Bunnick UK France Switzerland France France France France France Thailand France France France UK UK France Germany Switzerland France Belgium Brazil France Germany Germany France France Sweden France UK Spain Netherlands Belgium Netherlands Switzerland Spain Netherlands Free Communications / Communications Libres Plastic Surgeon Industry Dermatologist Dermatologist Aesthetic Medicine CME CREDITS Following the approval from the UEMS Section of Dermato-Venereology, the EACCME has granted European CME credits (ECMEC) to the congress E4AM European Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Organization Euromedicom 29 bld de la République 92250 La Garenne-Colombes / France Tel : +33 (0) 1 56 83 78 00 Register on line Fax : +33 (0) 1 56 83 78 05 [email protected] WOSAAM World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine Traduction simultanée en Français dans toutes les salles English simultaneaous translation in all rooms Traducción simultánea en Español en todas las salas excepto en las salas de talleres (241 y 242 AB) Paris France Athens Greece Tehran Iran Paris France Hod-Ha Sharon Israël AAMS PRACTICAL 16 HOURS EUROSCIA European Organization for Scientific Anti-Aging Medicine With the support of the A4M American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Venue Palais des Congrès de Paris 2, place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris / France Members of following societies can get the benefit from the "Member" rate to registrate. If your society is not listed, you can nevertheless benefit from this rate by sending a certification. Les membres des sociétés ci-après bénéficient du tarif "Membre" pour leur inscription. Si votre société n'est pas listée, vous pouvez quand même bénéficier de ce tarif en envoyant un certificat. European Societies - Sociétés Européennes : European Organisation for Scientific Anti-Aging Medicine • Association for the Development of Orthomolecular Nutrition • Associazone Medici Italian Anti-Aging • Belgian Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • British Anti-Ageing Medical Association • British Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Catalan and Balears Society in Anti-aging Medicine • College de Recherche International en Chirurgie Esthétique • Croatian Academy of Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine • Czech Corrective Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology Society • Czech Dermatovenerology Society • Czech Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Dutch Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • European Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology • European Academy of Quality of Life and Longevity Medicine • European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • European Society for Laser Aesthetic Surgery • European Society for Laser Dermatology • French Society of Anti-aging Medicine • German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Greek Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • German Hormone Society • Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences • Gestalt Institut • Hellenic Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Institut Européen du Viellissement • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine of Ukraine • Italian society of Longevity Medicine • National Bulgarian Society for Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine • Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology • Polish Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Polish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • Russian Academy of Scientific and Longevity Medicine • Sociedad Española de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética • Société Française de Chirurgie Esthétique • Société Française de Médecine et Physiologie du Viellissement • Sociedad Italiana de Cirurgia Estetica • Société Internationale de Mesotherapie • Spanish Gran Canarian Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Swiss Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Academy of Longevity Medicine • Turkish Society of Cosmetology Lecturers • Union Internacional de Medicina y Cirurgia del Rejuvenecimiento International Societies - Sociétés Internationales : World Society for Anti-Aging Medicine • American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • American Academy of Dermatology • American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine • American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine • Ana Aslan International Academy of Aging • Asia Pacific Academy of Anti Aging Medicine • Asociación de Medicina Anti-aging y Estética Argentina • Asociacion Mexicana de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Association Tunisienne de Médecine Esthétique et de Cosmétologie • AustralAsian Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Brazilian Society of Anti-Aging • Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery • Chinese Society of Cosmetic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine • Dermatological Society of Mauritius • Hong-Kong College of Anti-Aging Medicine • Indonesian Anti-Aging Society • International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Academy of Longevity Medicine • International Hormone Society • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery • Iranian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Japan Anti-Aging Medical Association • Japan Society of Clinical Aesthetic Anti-aging Medicine • Korean Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Korean Anti-Aging Medical Association • Malaysian Menopause Society • Melbourne Collagan Foundation & Anti-Aging Society • Middle East Academy for Medicine of Ageing • Moroccan Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Esthetic Surgery • National Academy of Sports Medicine • Neurological Research Institute • Peruvian Society of Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine • Philippine Association of primary Skin Health Physicians • South American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • Society of Anti-Aging Medicine Malaysia • Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Anti Aging • Sociedade Brasileira de Antienvelhecimento • Sociedad Venezolana de Anti-Envejecimiento y Longevidad • World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine • World Anti-Aging Medical Association Course in English Traduction en Français AESTHETIC PRE-COURSE OCTOBER 11 - 12, 2006 The Aesthetic Pre-Course to master the last most efficient techniques for FACE & BODY presented by International experts Presentation of the Course: - The purpose of this course is to provide to the medical doctor willing to INTRODUCEor IMPROVE the presented techniques in his practice, to obtain a very high level training, presented by renowned International experts in each field. - You will have, for each topic a scientific presentation followed by “Live” demonstration,in view to see with precission the techniques presented. - Each presentation and demonstration will be concluded by a “Questions and Answers” session to allow each participant togo further in the comprehension of the techniques shown. - You will receive the “Course Book” with all the presentations proposed, as a personal complementary support to your training. - During this 2-Day Course you will have the necessary TIME to really learn and IMPROVE these techniques. - The DEMONSTRATIONS will be made LIVE (on site or from a medical office) with patients, adapted material and products. Presentation du cours : - L’objet de ce cours est de proposer au médecin qui souhaite INTEGRER ou PARFAIRE les techniques présentées dans sa pratique, d’obtenir un haut niveau de formation, présenté par des experts internationaux de renom, dans chaque domaine. - Vous aurez pour chaque sujet une présentation scientifique suivie par des démonstrations “En Direct” sur des patients, qui vous permettront de voir avec précision les techniques proposées. - Chaque présentation et demonstration sera suivie d’une session “Questions/Réponses” afin de permettre à chaque participant de parfaire au mieux sa compréhension des techniques. - Vous recevrez le livre du cours, reprenant tous le exposés, en soutien complémentaire à votre formation. - Durant ces cours de 2 jours, vous aurez le TEMPS nécessaire pour réllement apprendre et PERFECTIONNER ces techniques OCTOBER 11 - BODY Course - Fat, Lipolysis LAST non-invasive techniques for Body contour treatments Lipolysis Mesotherapy CarboxyTherapy OCTOBER 12 - FACE Course MAJOR non-invasive procedures for Face rejuvenation Claudia I. M. van der LUGT, MD - Aesthetic Doctor - Meijel, The Netherlands Pierre ANDRE, MD - Dermatologist - Paris, France Obtained her Medical degree at the University of Groningen in 1991. Specialised in the Laser technique and other non-invasive treatments she started her own private clinic "Alizonne", preventive and cosmetic medicine, in Meijel, the Netherlands in 1997. As the demand for weight reduction and body contour treatments grew very high, it was challenging to develop a non-invasive method to attack this problem. Since 2003 she is specialised in the injection-lipolysis treatment resulting in a position as trainer and member of the Medical Board of the Network-lipolysis ISL. Member: ESLAS (European Society Laser Aesthetic Surgery), AECS (Association European Cosmetic Surgery) NVCG (Dutch Society for Cosmetic Medicine) and AAMS (Anti-Aging Medical Specialisation). Past Clinical Professor, department of skin surgery, Henri Mondor Hospital - Creteil, France. Member and Lecturer: French society of Dermatology - College of Dermatologic Surgery - American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) - Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID) - International Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ISDS) - European Academy of Dermatology & Venerology (EADV) Honorary member of the European Society for Laser in Dermatology (ESLD). Founder and Past President of the European Society for Aesthetic & Cosmetic dermatology (ESCAD). Author of more than 60 scientific publications and books chapters. Scientific director of several cosmetic dermatological meetings. Serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. Fillers Philippe PETIT, MD - Mesotherapist - Bordeaux, France Phillip LEVY, MD - Dermatologist - Geneva, Switzerland Dr Philippe PETIT is an authority in Mesotherapy for years, he was President of the first founded French Society of Mesotherapy, and he is now the President of the International Society of Mesotherapy (SIMeso). Dr Philippe PETIT has created the first diploma of Mesotherapy at Bordeaux University and animated the Circle of Study and Research in Mesotherapy of Aquitaine (CERM). He trained many doctors in the world in mesotherapy, and was one the the former practicians to introduce Mesotherapy for Aesthetic procedures. Graduated in Anthropology in 1974 in Montreal - Licensed in both Internal Medicine and Dermatology in both the USA and Switzerland. Pioneer in Esthetic Dermatology, having introduced Botulinum Toxin in his private practice in 1995. Member and Lecturer: American Academy of Dermatology - European Academy of Dermatology World Congress of Dermatology - Invited Faculty at the University of San Francisco and University of Paris for Minimally Invasive Esthetic Surgery Courses. Faculty for the French Diplôme Universitaire' for Esthetic Dermatology Author of many scientific articles and book chapters on dermatology and esthetic subjects, and has been featured on many TV programs as well as in many newspaper and magazine articles. He is currently Editor of the series entitled "Expert Approaches to Using Botulinum Toxins". Botulinum Toxin Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF, MD - Aesthetic Doctor - Buenos Aires, Argentina Sohail MANSOOR, MD - Dermatologist - London, United kingdom Medical degree and OBGYN residency at the Buenos Aires University in Argentina, 1972. Established since 2002 in Dallas Texas. President of the International Union of Lipoplasty -IUL - Chairman International Academy in Aesthetic Medicine and Pathology - IAAMP - Director of the International School of Mesotherapy (ISM) Member: Founding member and first President of the Argentina Association of Aesthetic Medicine (1986). Directed the first course in Aesthetic Medicine in the School of Medicine in the University of Buenos Aires (1990). Chairman of the International School of Mesotherapy ISM. President of the International Union of Lipoplasty. International Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Honor Member of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery - Honor Member of the French Society of Aesthetic Surgery… Lecturer: Organizes courses on Liposuction (Lipoplasty) and Aesthetic Medicine procedures around the world. Published in March 2006 a reference book in USA about Cellulite. Qualified in Medicine in 1989 - Received training in Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery. Member and certified: MBBS, DTM, DRCP. Derm, MSc.Derm, FAAD, FASDS, ABAAM. Is one of new generation of Specialists practising holistic approach in combining Cosmetic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine to enhance the quality and quantity of life. Certified in both European and American Boards in Anti-Aging Medicine. Dermatologist and a Lead Dermatologic Surgeon in an associated university hospital in London and practising cosmetic surgery and anti-aging medicine in his private practices in Harley Street, Amersham and BUPA Hospitals. His interest lies in Facial Rejuvenation and Hormone correction and has lectured extensively in both professional and public settings. Chemical Peels Marlen SULAMANIDZE, MD - Plastic surgeon - Moscow, Russia Susp.Threads Dr Sulamanidze is the former inventor of the concept of suspension with threads in aesthetic application and is the develloper of the APTOS Threads. He trained thousands of practicians all over the world in many seminars and congresses. He created a course on threads and continously developped the technique and the material to use. He has been a lecturer in almost all the major congresses in Aesthetic Medecine and Surgery. During this course Dr Sulamanidze will present is new techniques and products for the Threads procedures. PROGRAM REGISTRATION OPENING: 8.30 am If you wish to register On-Site, please contact EuromediCom 48 hrs before the course to confirm availability We recommend to register before the date of the course to avoid waiting and be sure to obtain, on-site the Course material (Course Book, CD’s and Videos). VENUE: CAP 15 13 quai de Grenelle - 75015 Paris (close to the Eiffel Tower) OCTOBER 11 All the presentations will have a plan structure similar to the following: Introduction - Basics Dosage - protocols - Material Indications - What kind of patient to treat and NOT to treat - The Best Results Most efficient Techniques - Best personal Tricks! Best combinations with other Cosmetic treatments - How to optimize the results Post Treatment for the patient Eventual complications - How to solve them OCTOBER 12 The BODY Course will focus on all the latest non-invasive techniques for efficient treatments on Fat. The FACE Advanced Course will present the updated most efficient noninvasive procedures for Face rejuvenation. 9.30 - 11.45 - Lipolysis course 11.45 - 12.30 - LIVE DEMONSTRATION - Lipolisys 12.30 - 14.00 - Lunch/Déjeuner (offered on-Site) 14.00 - 15.30 - Carboxytherapy course - including: Why Carboxitherapy in Aesthetic Medicine? - Carboxitherapy in Cellulite, Phlebology, Psoriasis, Ulcus - The Comprehensive Treatment: Carboxitherapy + Mesotherapy 15.45 - 16.30 - LIVE DEMONSTRATION - Carboxytherapy 16.30 - 18.30 - Mesotherapy course 17.45 - 18.30 - LIVE DEMONSTRATION - Mesotherapy 9.00 - 10.30 - Fillers 10.30 - 11.00 - LIVE DEMONSTRATION - Fillers 11.00 - 12.15 - Botulinum Toxin - including : Upper / Lower face 12.15 - 13.00 - LIVE DEMONSTRATION - Botulinum Toxin 13.00 - 14.00 - Lunch/Déjeuner (offered on-Site) 14.00 - 15.30 - Chemical Peels - including : phenol medium peels 15.30 - 16.00 - LIVE DEMONSTRATION - Chemical Peels 16.15 - 17.30 - Suspension threads - including: New procedures, new threads and material. 17.30 - 18.15 - LIVE DEMONSTRATION - Suspension Threads Coffee breaks offered on-site - 10.30 - 10.50 & 15.30 -15.45 Coffee breaks offered on-site - 10.10 - 10.30 & 16.00 - 16.15 COMPANIES: All products and material will be available at the exhibitors booths on-site. SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE - EMAA 2006 FRIDFAY 13 Traduction simultanée en Français English simultaneous translation Traducción simultánea en Español excepto en las salas 241 y 242 AB BLUE AUDITORIUM ROOM MAILLOT 10.00 am : Registration - Badges pick up 2.00 pm 4.00 pm TOTAL AESTHETIC REHABILITATION ROOM 241 / NUTRITION 4.00 - 4.30 pm ROOM 242 AB 11.00 am - 1.00 pm : AAMS written examination WORKSHOP 1 - Anti-Aging WORKSHOP 1 - Mediform Natural anti-aging solutions WORKSHOP 2 - Anti-Aging WORKSHOP 2 - Promoitalia Melatonin use Break - Visit the Exhibitors 4.30 pm 6.30 pm FILLERS SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOP 3 ActiveCosmEthics CARDIOLOGY WORKSHOP 4 - LCA PHARMA ABC WORKSHOP 3 for beginners in anti-aging medicine 7.30 am : Registration - Badges pick up 8.30 am 10.30 am ENDOCRINOLOGY SATURDAY 14 10.30 - 11.00 am Aesthetic Dermatology and Surgery WORKSHOP 5 - Anti-Aging Neurodegenerative diseases Break - Visit the Exhibitors BREAKTHROUGHS IN LASERS AND PHOTOTHERAPY 11.00 am 1.00 pm WORKSHOP 4 - Anti-Aging Curing food allergies FREE COMMUNICATIONS BOTULINUM TOXIN EX CATHEDRA 1.00 - 2.00 pm ENDOCRINOLOGY (continuation) WORKSHOP 5 - Teoxane WORKSHOP 6 - ProCytech NEUROLOGY WORKSHOP 7 - Promoitalia WORKSHOP 8 - Juvederm LUNCH OFFERED ON SITE 2.00 pm 4.00 pm LIPOLYSIS WORKSHOP 9 - Corneal WORKSHOP 10 - Lumenis WORKSHOP 11 - Revitacare WORKSHOP 12 - Filorga PSYCHIATRY 4.00 - 4.30 pm Break - Visit the Exhibitors 4.30 pm 6.30 pm EXTREME COSMETIC SURGERY 6.30 - 7.30 pm WORKSHOP 13 - Teoxane WORKSHOP 11 - Mediform WORKSHOP 15 - Anteis WORKSHOP 16 - Colbar PSYCHOLOGY MEET TOGETHER COCKTAIL OFFERED ON SITE SUNDAY 15 7.30 am : Registration - Badges pick up BOTULINUM TOXIN Live Demonstration 8.30 am 10.30 am 10.30 - 11.00 am 11.00 am 1.00 pm CREATE A SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE IN COSMETIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY WORKSHOP 6 - Anti-Aging Diets for weight reduction WORKSHOP 8 - Anti-Aging Nutritional therapies for the skin XYZ WORKSHOP 7 for advanced physicians in anti-aging medicine Break - Visit the Exhibitors CREAMS, PEELS, MESOTHERAPY AND OTHER SKIN TREATMENTS AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY WORKSHOP 17 - Medicamat WORKSHOP 9 - Anti-Aging Growth Hormone treatment WORKSHOP 18 AA-Medical Systems WORKSHOP 10 - Anti-Aging Testosterone in women LONGEVITY MEDICINE ANTI-AGING MEDICINE GOLD SPONSORS AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS Live Demonstrations ANTI-AGING WORKSHOPS SILVER SPONSORS Exhibiting Companies 3D Matrix • Abadia Technologies • ACI Audit & Stratégie • ActiveCosmEthics • Adoderm • Aesthetic Buyers Guide • Allergan • Alma Lasers • Anteis • Antiage Solutions • Anti-Aging Medical Systems • Astuces de • Auriga International • Bioform Medical Europe • Body Language • Candela Europe • Choc Médical • Clinipro • Colbar • Cornéal Développement (Surgiderm - Juvederm) • Contura International • Cosmetic Technologies (Palomar, Light Bio Science) • Cristal Beauty • Cutera Europe • Delta Médical (Syneron) • Deltex • DHI Medical Group • Ellipsys • Euromedix • Euromi • IVD • Journal of European Anti-Ageing Medicine • JPB International • Laboratoires Filorga • Laboratoires Sebbin • LCA Pharmaceuticals • Les Caves du Palais • Lumenis • Medicamat • Mediecos International • Mediform Group • Medithèque • Mene Moy • Mentor • Mesalyse • Microlab Biomedical • Phitogen • Power-Plate • Procytech • PromoItalia Group • Q-Med (Restylane) • Rejuvenal Europe • Revitacare • Sabater Analysis • Skintech Medicage • Techdent • Teoxane Laboratories • Utrilog International • VS Physio • and many others... FRIDAY OCTOBER 13 / VENDREDI 13 OCTOBRE BLUE AUDITORIUM / AMPHI BLEU 2.00 pm ROOM / SALLE MAILLOT 2.00 pm “FROM TOE TO NAIL”: TOTAL AESTHETIC REHABILITATION RAJEUNISSEMENT DE LA TÊTE AUX PIEDS NUTRITION: Can we heal the age-related obesity? NUTRITION : Pouvons-nous guérir l'obésité liée à l'âge ? Chairmen: Claude CHAUCHARD, Clarence DAVIES Chairmen: Antoine PARASKEVAS, Jean-Christophe BICHET - Rejuvenation of the aging nose - Rajeunissement du nez vieillissant - Rejuvenation of the lower face - Rajeunissement du bas du visage - Rejuvenation of the hands - Rajeunissement des mains Frédéric BRACCINI (France) Fadh BENSLIMANE (Morocco) Sydney COLEMAN (USA) - Importance of stem cells in transplanted fat - Importance des cellules souches dans la graisse transplantée Sydney COLEMAN (USA) - Buttocks and thigh rejuvenation - Rajeunissement des fesses et des cuisses Jean-Francois PASCAL (France) - Rejuvenation of the genitalia - Rajeunissement des organes génitaux Jean-Christophe BICHET (France) - Rejuvenation of the breast using suspension threads - Rajeunissement de la poitrine avec des fils de suspension Ciro ACCARDO (Italy) - Increasing muscle weight by changing the food choice - Augmenter la masse musculaire en changeant de nourriture Bruno LACROIX (France) - Preventing obesity by avoiding foods that reduce thyroid, sex-hormone and growth-hormone - Prévenir l’obésité en évitant de consommer des aliments qui réduisent les hormones thyroïdiennes, sexuelles et l’hormone de croissance Gina VAN BOGAERT (Belgium) - Reducing cellulite and abdominal obesity with growth hormone, testosterone, DHEA replacement: Mechanisms, doses, etc. - Réduire la cellulite et l'obésité abdominale avec l'hormone de croissance, la testostérone, la DHEA : mécanismes, doses, etc. Claude CHAUCHARD (France) - Hyperprotein diets / Diètes hyperprotéinées Clarence DAVIES (Switzerland) - How to optimize leptin and insulin to stop taking on weight - Comment optimiser la leptine et l’insuline pour stopper la prise de poids Bruno LACROIX (France) - Losing up to 140 kilos by avoiding allergic foods - Perdre jusqu'à 140 kilos en évitant les aliments allergisants Mario KRAUSE (Germany) - Discussion, questions/answers - Discussion, questions/réponses 4.00 pm Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 4.30 pm 4.30 pm FILLERS SYMPOSIUM CARDIOLOGY: Can we heal atherosclerosis with anti-aging SYMPOSIUM PRODUITS DE COMBLEMENT Chairmen: Pierre ANDRÉ, Sydney COLEMAN therapies? CARDIOLOGIE : Pouvons-nous guérir l’athérosclérose avec les thérapies anti-âge ? - Overview of resorbable / non-resorbable / semi-resorbable products (how long on the market, studies, particularities, indications…) - Revue générale : résorbables / non résorbables / semi-résorbables (recul, études cliniques, particularités, techniques, indications...) Koenraad DE BOULLE (Belgium) - Hormone replacements that prevent and/or reverse coronary heart diseases - Les remplacements hormonaux qui préviennent et/ou inversent les maladies coronariennes Michael PERRING (UK) - Don’t only think about filling wrinkles, think also about volumes! - Ne pensez pas qu’à combler les rides, pensez aussi aux volumes ! Pierre ANDRÉ (France) - Hormone replacements that improve serum lipids - Les remplacements hormonaux qui améliorent les taux lipidiques Christophe DE JAEGER (France) - Complications of fat and cosmetic fillers - Complications du lipofilling et des produits de comblement Sydney COLEMAN (USA) - Estradiol and other estrogens: Their various effects on the heart - Estradiol et autres estrogènes : leurs différents effets sur le coeur Christian JAMIN (France) - Complications of resobable fillers and how to manage them - Les complications avec les produits résorbables et comment les traiter Speaker to be announced - DHEA replacement, serum lipids and coronary heart diseases - DHEA, lipides et maladies coronariennes Dominique CARLY (Belgium) - Complications of non resobable fillers and how to manage them - Les complications avec les produits non résorbables et comment les traiter Maurizio BENCI (Italy) - Vitamin supplementation for better arteries and veins - Les suppléments vitaminiques pour de meilleures veines et artères Dominique RUEFF (France) - Legal matters - Aspects médico-légaux - Advanced investigation techniques for detection of vascular pathologies - Techniques d’investigation avancées pour la détection de pathologies vasculaires Paul JENKINS (UK) Berthold RZANY (Germany) - Combinations for lips: Fillers with Botulinum Toxin - Combinaisons pour les lèvres : comblement et toxine botulique Phillip LEVY (Switzerland) - Combinations for lips: Fillers with permanent make-up - Combinaisons pour les lèvres : comblement et maquillage permanent Sandra VIGLINO (Switzerland) Chairmen: Christophe DE JAEGER, Christian JAMIN - Mercury and other heavy metal toxics: How to diagnose and the beneficial effects of detoxification on serum lipids and the cardiovascular system - Mercure et autres métaux lourds toxiques : comment les dépister et les effets bénéfiques de la désintoxication sur les lipides et le système cardiovasculaire Vera STEJSKAL (Sweden) DEBATE: Is atherosclerosis reversible? DÉBAT : l’athérosclérose est-elle réversible ? 6.30 pm End of the 1st day - Fin du 1er jour Panel Speakers FRIDAY OCTOBER 13 / VENDREDI 13 OCTOBRE ROOM / SALLE 241 ROOM / SALLE 242 AB 2.00 pm 2.00 pm WORKSHOP 1 proposed by MEDIFORM ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 1 WORKSHOP 1 proposé par MEDIFORM WORKSHOP ANTI-ÂGE 1 - Updates in Radiofrequency Technologies - Technologies de Radiofréquence : Mises à jour Mariano VÉLEZ (Spain) - The natural anti-aging solutions - Les solutions anti-âge naturelles Erik-Alexander RICHTER (Netherlands) 3.00 pm 3.00 pm WORKSHOP 2 proposed by PROMOITALIA ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 2 WORKSHOP 2 proposé par PROMOITALIA WORKSHOP ANTI-ÂGE 2 - Application technique and results of a new powerful anti-oxidation and firming formula combining Idebenone and DMAE - Technique d’application et résultats d’une nouvelle formule anti-oxydante puissante, combinant Idebenone et DMAE - Melatonin use on degenerative diseases - Utilisation de la mélatonine dans les troubles dégénératifs Walter PIERPAOLI (Switzerland) - Long term effects and results of a new hyaluronic acid filler formulation with Coesix™ technology - Résultats et effets à long terme d’un nouvel acide hyaluronique formulé avec la technologie Coesix™ Annamaria FORENZA (Italy) 4.00 pm Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 4.30 pm 4.30 pm WORKSHOP 3 proposed by ACTIVECOSMETHICS WORKSHOP 3 proposé par ACTIVECOSMETHICS - Hydractive® for skin rejuvenation - Hydractive® pour le rajeunissement cutané - Cellulyse® for liposculpture: How to use these products in your every day practice - Cellulyse® pour la liposculpture : Utiliser ces produits dans votre pratique de tous les jours Jules MARTHAN (France) 5.30 pm WORKSHOP 4 proposed by LCA PHARMACEUTICALS WORKSHOP 4 proposé par LCA PHARMACEUTICALS - Hyaluderm Revitalize®: Technics and results of facial revitalisation with intradermal micro-injections of hyaluronic acid (non cross-linked) and with an high molecular weight - Hyaluderm Revitalize® : Techniques et résultats de la revitalisation du visage par micro-injections intradermiques d'acide hyaluronique de haut poids moléculaire et non réticulé Christine PEUCHANT (France) ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 3 ABC WORKSHOP FOR BEGINNERS IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORKSHOP ANTI-ÂGE 3 WORKSHOP ABC POUR LES MÉDECINS DÉBUTANTS EN MÉDECINE ANTI-ÂGE - Fundamentals for beginners: How to set up an anti-aging practice? How to diagnose (exam, lab-tests, etc.)? Which treatments and how to prescribe? Overview of the available treatments Basics to start a patient management Etc. - Les bases de la médecine anti-âge Comment démarrer une activité anti-âge ? Quels diagnostics, quels examens ? Quels traitements et comment les prescrire ? Revue des traitements disponibles Les bases pour démarrer la prise en charge de vos patients Etc. Alexandra PARIENTE (France) Gina VAN BOGAERT (Belgium) Thierry HERTOGHE (Belgium) 6.30 pm End of the 1st day - Fin du 1er jour EMAA 2007 October 12-14, 2007 Paris - Palais des Congrès Save the Date SATURDAY OCTOBER 14 / SAMEDI 14 OCTOBRE BLUE AUDITORIUM / AMPHI BLEU 8.30 am ROOM / SALLE MAILLOT 8.30 am BOTULINUM TOXIN EX CATHEDRA TOXINE BOTULIQUE EX CATHEDRA Chairmen: Koenraad DE BOULLE, Phillip LEVY - The upper face: Anatomy - Le haut du visage : anatomie Lakhdar BELHAOUARI (France) - The upper face: Practical injection points - Le haut du visage : les points d’injection Koenraad DE BOULLE (Belgium) - The lower face and the neck: Anatomy - Le bas du visage et le cou : anatomie Hervé RASPALDO (France) - The lower face and the neck: Practical injection points - Le bas du visage et le cou : les points d’injection Phillip LEVY (Switzerland) - Other Toxins: Legal matters - Les autres toxines : aspects médico-légaux Pierre ANDRÉ (France) - Complications and how to manage - Les complications et comment les gérer Speaker to be announced - Combining BotulinumToxin with other treatments - Combiner la toxine botulique avec d'autres traitements Gerhard SATTLER (Germany) - Discussion, questions/answers - Discussion, questions/réponses 10.30 am Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors Pause / Visite de l’exposition 11.00 am BREAKTHROUGHS IN LASERS AND PHOTOTHERAPY DERNIÈRES AVANCÉES EN LASERS ET AUTRES TECHNOLOGIES DE PHOTOTHÉRAPIE Chairmen: Mario TRELLES, Jean-Luc LEVY - Future trends in non ablative rejuvenation - La tendance du futur en rajeunissement non ablatif Carsten M. PHILIPP (Germany) - Current state of Photodynamic Therapy in aesthetic dermatology - Etat actuel de la photothérapie dynamique en dermatologie esthétique Sean LANIGAN (UK) - Stretch marks: Treatments with high energy infrared pulsed light - Vergetures : traitements avec lumière infrarouge pulsée d’énergie puissante Jean-Luc LEVY (France) - Laser assisted skin closure (LASC) accelerates wound healing and improves the quality and appearance of surgical scars - La suture assistée par laser accélère la cicatrisation et améliore la qualité et l’apparence des cicatrices chirurgicales Serge MORDON (France) - New generation of high energy systems for aesthetics and dermatology - Nouvelle génération d’appareils de haute energie en esthétique et en dermatologie Mario TRELLES (Spain) - Cellulitis and topical treatments: Possibilities of the new technologies - La cellulite et ses traitements actuels : possibilités des nouvelles technologies Daisy KOPERA (Austria) - Combined non ablative treatments in facial and body aesthetics - Combinaison de traitements non ablatifs dans le traitement esthétique facial et corporel Claudia VAN DER LUGT (Netherlands) ENDOCRINOLOGY: Melatonin new unexpected anti-aging properties ENDOCRINOLOGIE : Nouvelles propriétés inattendues de la mélatonine Chairmen: Walter PIERPAOLI, Claude DALLE - In which countries is melatonin authorized? - Dans quels pays la mélatonine est-elle autorisée ? Monika GOLKOVA (Czech Republic) - Melatonin use against macular degeneration - Utilisation de la mélatonine contre la dégénérescence maculaire Monika GOLKOVA (Czech Republic) - Local application of melatonin for scalp hair growth - Application locale de mélatonine pour la repousse du cheveu Speaker to be announced - Melatonin for protection against sunburn by UV - La mélatonine pour protéger des brûlures par UV Speaker to be announced - How melatonin improves sleep: Extensive review of the studies: - Comment la mélatonine améliore-t-elle le sommeil : revue des études ouvertes et en double aveugle Claude DALLE (France) - A major protector against cardio and cerebrovascular diseases? - Mélatonine : un protecteur majeur contre les maladies cardio et cérébrovasculaires ? Walter PIERPAOLI (Switzerland) - Melatonin: Key hormone to anti-aging hormone replacement therapies by resetting circadian rhythms and correcting hormone balances? - Mélatonine : hormone clé dans les thérapies anti-âge de remplacement hormonal, par le réajustement des rythmes circadiens et la correction des équilibres hormonaux Walter PIERPAOLI (Switzerland) 10.00 am ENDOCRINOLOGY: Can GH replacement partially heal aging? L'hormone de croissance peut-elle partiellement prévenir le vieillissement ? Chairmen: Walter PIERPAOLI, Claude DALLE - Cancer reduction with growth hormone replacement in adults - L'hormone de croissance dans la réduction du cancer chez l'adulte Claude DALLE (France) - Troubling side effects of growth hormone: how to solve them? - Effets secondaires génants de l’hormone de croissance : comment les résoudre ? Thierry HERTOGHE (Belgium) 10.30 am Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors Pause / visite de l’exposition 11.00 am ENDOCRINOLOGY (continuation) - How good are the growth hormone secretagogues - Les effets bénéfiques des secrétagogues de l'hormone de croissance Claude DALLE (France) - Improving growth hormone and IGF-1 levels by diet adjustment - Améliorer les niveaux d'hormone de croissance et d'IGF-1 par l'ajustement du régime alimentaire Thérèse HERTOGHE (Belgium) 11.30 am NEUROLOGY: Can we heal neurodegenerative diseases of aging? NEUROLOGIE : Pouvons-nous guérir les maladies neurodégénératives ? Chairmen: Walter PIERPAOLI, Mario KRAUSE - Alzheimer’s disease / Maladie d’Alzheimer Walter PIERPAOLI (Switzerland) - Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis / Sclérose amyotrophique latérale Mario KRAUSE (Germany) - Parkinson / Maladie de Parkinson Thierry HERTOGHE (Belgium) - Macular degeneration: Carnosine, and others - Dégénérescence maculaire : carnosine, etc. Monika GOLKOVA (Czech Republic) DEBATE: Can we prevent and cure neurodegenerative diseases? DÉBAT : pouvons-nous pévenir et traiter les maladies neurodégénératives ? Panel Speakers 1.00 pm Lunch offered on site - Déjeuner offert sur place SATURDAY OCTOBER 14 / SAMEDI 14 OCTOBRE ROOM / SALLE 241 ROOM / SALLE 242 AB 8.30 am 8.30 am FREE COMMUNICATIONS IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY COMMUNICATIONS LIBRES EN DERMATOLOGIE ET CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUES Chairmen: Laurent BENADIBA, Jules MARTHAN - Investigation of 500 patients suffering of alopecia areata - Etude de 500 patients souffrant d’alopécie Mir Hadi Aziz JALALI (Iran) - Direct hair follicle extraction and placement, a new technique - Extraction et placement directs du follicule chevelu : nouvelle technique Konstantine P. GIOTIS (Greece) - Mesotherapy with Idebenone and DMAE - Mésothérapie avec idebenone et DMAE Annamaria FORENZA (Italy) - Kemiperoxy therapy: Synergic combination of CO2 and mesotherapy - Combinaison synergique du CO2 et de la mésothérapie Fulvio VANNINI (Italy) - How to maximize the opportunity for mesoGLOW - Comment optimiser le mesoGLOW Jules MARTHAN (France) - Skin rejuvenation with Exoderm lift enhanced by mechanical abrasion - Exoderm lift optimisé par abrasion mécanique : résultats Liudmila LEIBZON (Israel) - Filler studies: To choose the safest and more effective implant - Comment choisir le comblement le plus sûr et le plus efficace : étude Martine LANCRI (France) - Relooking: The essential complement with the aesthetic surgery? - Relooking : un complément indispensable à la chirurgie esthetique ? Laurent BENADIBA (France) - Growth factors and facial lipofilling - Facteurs de croissance et lipofilling facial Frédéric BRACCINI (France) ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 4 WORKSHOP ANTI-ÂGE 4 - Curing food allergies - Traiter les allergies alimentaires Mario KRAUSE (Germany) Dominique RUEFF (France) 9.30 am ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 5 WORKSHOP ANTI-ÂGE 5 - How to treat neurodegenerative diseases? - Comment traiter les désordres neurodégénératifs Vera STEJSKAL (Sweden) 10.30 am Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 11.00 am 11.00 am WORKSHOP 5 proposed by TEOXANE WORKSHOP 6 proposed by PROCYTECH WORKSHOP 5 proposé par TEOXANE WORKSHOP 6 proposé par PROCYTECH - Advanced injection techniques for the global wrinkles treatment with the Teosyal® range - Techniques avancées pour le traitement global des rides avec la gamme Teosyal® Mark LUPIN (Canada) - Outline®: The safest technique to smooth out wrinkles and shape facial contours - Outline®: La technique la plus sûre pour lisser les rides et corriger les volumes du visage Denis BOUCQ (France) 12.00 pm 12.00 pm WORKSHOP 7 proposed by PROMOITALIA WORKSHOP 8 proposed by JUVEDERM WORKSHOP 7 proposé par PROMOITALIA WORKSHOP 8 proposé par JUVEDERM - Kemiperoxy™: A new single injection methodology combining the synergic action of CO2 and a meso-cocktail - Kemiperoxy™ : une nouvelle méthode d’injection unique combinant l’action synergique du CO2 et d’un cocktail de mésothérapie - Practical points in injection of Juvederm® Johns Injection Method - Les points pratiques d’injection de Juvederm® Méthode d’injection de Johns Suk-Joon OH (Korea) - Fibrologie™: Intra-dermal radiofrequency for selective fibrosis - Fibrologie™ : radiofréquence intradermique pour les fibroses sélectives Fulvio VANNINI (Italy) Jean-Marc HERVIER (Italy) 1.00 pm Lunch offered on site - Déjeuner offert sur place All day long Room to be announced WORKSHOPS proposed by AA-MEDICAL SYSTEMS WORKSHOPS en continu proposés par AA-MEDICAL SYSTEMS - Carboxytherapy: A new era in the treatment of the cellulitis - Carboxythérapie : une nouvelle ère dans le traitement de la cellulite Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF (Argentina) SATURDAY OCTOBER 14 / SAMEDI 14 OCTOBRE BLUE AUDITORIUM / AMPHI BLEU 2.00 pm ROOM / SALLE MAILLOT 2.00 pm PSYCHIATRY: Can we prevent or heal the anxiety that increases LIPOLYSIS with aging? LIPOLYSE Chairman: François PETIT, Chairwoman: Patricia RITTES - Current state of the art - L’état de l’art Thierry MARÉCHAL (France) - How does injection lipolysis work? - Comment fonctionnent les injections de lipolyse ? Ninian PECKITT (UK) - Lipolysis of the face - La lipolyse du visage Patricia RITTES (Brazil) - Technical pearls - Détails techniques François PETIT (France) - Reduction of saddlebag trochanteric bulges: Halfsided pilot study - Réduction de la culotte de cheval : étude pilote Daisy KOPERA (Austria) - Liposculpture by mesotherapy - Lipolyse par mésothérapie Jules MARTHAN (France) - Ultrasound-assisted lipolysis - Lipolyse assistée par ultrasons Anne MOGA (France) Colette SOLER (France) - Discussion, questions/answers - Discussion, questions/réponses PSYCHIATRIE : Pouvons-nous empêcher ou guérir l'anxiété qui augmente avec le vieillissement ? Chairmen: Michael PERRING, Dominique RUEFF - Vitamin approaches - Approches vitaminiques - Amino-acids - Les acides aminés Robert TROSSEL (Netherlands) Emar VOGELAAR (Netherlands) - Plant extracts - Les extraits de plantes Dominique RUEFF (France) - How can sport and spa (thalassotherapy) reduce anxiety? - Comment le sport et la thalassothérapie réduisent l’anxiété Karl J. NEESER (Thailand) - Testosterone’s effects on anxiety - Effets de la testostérone sur l’anxiété - Hormone therapies - Les traitements hormonaux Michael PERRING (UK) Speaker to be announced - Discussion, questions/answers - Discussion, questions/réponses 4.00 pm Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 4.30 pm 4.30 pm EXTREME COSMETIC SURGERY CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE DE L’EXTRÊME Chairmen: Antoine PARASKEVAS, Thierry BONVALLOT interventions? PSYCHOLOGIE : Pouvons-nous devenir plus heureux avec des traitements anti-âge ? Chairmen: Cecilia TREGEAR, Thierry HERTOGHE - Extreme relooking of the face - “Relooking” extrême du visage Olivier CLAUDE (France) - Large volume liposuccion and body contouring - Liposuccion de grand volume et remodelage corporel Evangelos BELLONIAS (Greece) - Lunch-time procedures - Procédures réalisables entre “midi et deux” - Anesthesia by hypnosis - Anesthésie par hypnose PSYCHOLOGY: Can we become happier with anti-aging Marco GALLUCCI (Italy) Bruno GOMEZ (France) - Extreme ages: When should we start? when to stop? - Ages extrêmes : quand commencer la chirurgie ? Quand l’arrêter ? Thierry BONVALLOT (France) - Mutiple surgical combined procedures: When to stop? - Procédures chirurgicales multiples combinées : quand arrêter ? Robin MOOKHERJEE (France) - Large baldness, scar reduction: The underestimate utility of the Frechet's extensor - Calvitie étendue, réduction de cicatrice : l’intérêt sous-estimé de l’extenseur de Fréchet Patrick FRÉCHET (France) - The psychology of centenarians and their hormonal underlayer - La psychologie des centenaires et leur soutien hormonal Thierry HERTOGHE (Belgium) - The positive emotions that make you live longer: Scientific review of the studies - Les émotions positives qui font vivre plus longtemps : revue des études scientifiques Cecilia TREGEAR (UK) - The negative emotions that shorten your life: An evidence-based report - Les émotions négatives qui réduisent l'espérance de vie : un rapport basé sur l'évidence Monika GOLKOVA (Czech Republic) - The psychology happiness: A booster of long life? - La psychologie du bonheur : un accélérateur de longue vie ? Speaker to be announced DEBATE: Is happiness mainly the result of inborn character or can it be increased with medical and psychological interventions? DÉBAT : Le bonheur est-il principalement le résultat du caractère inné ou peut-il être amélioré par des interventions médicales et psychologiques ? Panel Speakers - Discussion, questions/answers - Discussion, questions/réponses 6.30 pm Meet Together Cocktail offered on site - Cocktail de Bienvenue offert sur place 7.30 pm End of the 2nd day - Fin du 2e jour SATURDAY OCTOBER 14 / SAMEDI 14 OCTOBRE ROOM / SALLE 241 2.00 pm ROOM / SALLE 242 AB 2.00 pm WORKSHOP 9 proposed by CORNEAL WORKSHOP 10 proposed by LUMENIS WORKSHOP 9 proposé par CORNEAL WORKSHOP 10 proposé par LUMENIS - Surgiderm®: The reference in hyaluronic acid for filling wrinkles, defining lips and enhancing facial volumes - Surgiderm®: la référence en acide hyaluronique pour combler les rides, redéfinir les lèvres et améliorer les volumes faciaux - Aluma™: Radiofrequency for skin laxity treatment - Aluma™ : Traitement par radiofréquence de la laxité cutanée Fabio RINALDI (Italy) ® - Voluma Corneal : The new volume enhancing implant - Voluma Corneal® : le nouvel implant volumateur Speaker to be announced 3.00 pm 3.00 pm WORKSHOP 11 proposed by REVITACARE WORKSHOP 12 proposed by FILORGA WORKSHOP 11 proposé par REVITACARE WORKSHOP 12 proposé par FILORGA - Facial biorevitalization with vitamins and hyaluronic acid - Biorevitalisation faciale avec vitamines et acide hyaluronique - Isogel® : A new generation of hyaluronic acid filler Corrective Dermatology: Innovations and injection techniques - Isogel® : dernière génération d'acide hyaluronique de comblement Dermatologie corrective : innovations et techniques d'injections Oleg BANIGE (France) Michel TORDJMAN (France) 4.00 pm Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 4.30 pm 4.30 pm WORKSHOP 13 proposed by TEOXANE WORKSHOP 14 proposed by MEDIFORM WORKSHOP 13 proposé par TEOXANE WORKSHOP 14 proposé par MEDIFORM - How to become a specialist for lips treatment and volumes with Teosyal Kiss® and Teosyal Ultra Deep® - Comment devenir un spécialiste du traitement des lèvres et des volumes avec Teosyal Kiss® et Teosyal Ultra Deep® - New Visalink® technology to obtain Visagel®, a 100% cross linked undiluted hyaluronan - Nouvelle technologie Visalink® pour obtenir Visagel®, un hyaluronan non dilué, à 100% de double réticulation Jean-Luc LEVY (France) Lakhdar BELHAOUARI (France) 5.30 pm 5.30 pm WORKSHOP 15 proposed by ANTEIS WORKSHOP 16 proposed by COLBAR WORKSHOP 15 proposé par ANTEIS WORKSHOP 16 proposé par COLBAR - Mesolis®: Our new range of rejuvenation products - Mesolis® : notre toute nouvelle gamme de produits de rajeunissement du derme Anne GRAND-VINCENT (France) - Evolence® and Evolence Breeze®: Experience and impressions Case studies and a live demonstrations - Evolence® et Evolence Breeze®: expérience et impressions Cas cliniques et démonstrations en direct Chairman: Koen DE BOULLE (Belgium) Natalie REYTAN (Germany) Marina LANDAU (Israel) 6.30 pm Meet Together Cocktail offered on site - Cocktail de Bienvenue offert sur place 6.30 pm Meet Together Cocktail with the Speakers, the Delegates and the Exhibitors Cocktail de Rencontre avec les Orateurs, les Participants et les Exposants The Scientific Committee and EuroMediCom are pleased to welcome you to this friendly Cocktail offered on site, on the exhibit area Le Comité Scientifique et EuroMediCom sont heureux de vous convier à cet amical Cocktail offert sur place au sein de l’exposition 7.30 pm End of the 2nd day Fin du 2e jour SUNDAY OCTOBER 15 / DIMANCHE 15 OCTOBRE BLUE AUDITORIUM / AMPHI BLEU 8.30 am ROOM / SALLE MAILLOT 8.30 am BOTULINUM TOXIN LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS CREATE A SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE IN COSMETIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY TOXINE BOTULIQUE DÉMONSTATIONS EN DIRECT OPTIMISER SA PRATIQUE EN MÉDECINE ET CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUES Chairwoman: Tamara GRIFFITHS Chairman: Pierre ANDRÉ Operators: Koenraad DE BOULLE (Belgium) Phillip LEVY (Switzerland) Hervé RASPALDO (France) Lakhdar BELHAOUARI (France) - Patients, with various indications (upper face, lower face, neck), will be treated in direct live - Des patients, avec des indications diverses (haut et bas du visage, cou), seront traités en direct Chairwoman: Béatrice LAFARGE-CLAOUÉ Chairman: Brian M. KINNEY - A global approach for aesthetic rehabilitation - Approche globale de la réhabilitation esthétique Brian M. KINNEY (USA) - How to set up a smart practice - Comment mettre en place un cabinet intelligent Brian M. KINNEY (USA) - How you can increase your prescription sales by 300% - Comment vous pouvez augmenter votre activité de 300% Angelos KANAKOPOULOS (Greece) - What customers want and expect - Ce que vos patients veulent et attendent Speaker to be announced - Cosmetic medicine: Panacea or Pandora's box? - Médecine esthétique : panacée ou boîte de Pandore ? Ninian PECKITT (UK) - Put yourself on the show: The TV experience - Mettez-vous sur le devant de la scène : l’expérience de la TV TV Journalist to be announced - Get the most out of the web - Tirez le meilleur d’Internet Stéphane SMARRITO (France) - Technical equipment and investment: Make the right choices - Equipement technique et investissement : faites le bon choix Béatrice LAFARGE-CLAOUÉ (France) - Coach yourself: Become who you want to be! - Changez ! Devenez celui que vous voulez être François PETIT (France) 10.30 am Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 11.00 am 11.00 am CREAMS, PEELS, MESOTHERAPY, OTHER SKIN TREATMENTS CRÈMES, PEELINGS, MESOTHÉRAPIE ET AUTRES TRAITEMENTS CUTANÉS Chairmen: Jo LAMBERT, Andreas KATSAMBAS - Overview of peels - Revue générale des peelings LONGEVITY MEDICINE : What can we do to live longer? MÉDECINE DE LONGEVITÉ : Que pouvons-nous faire pour vivre plus longtemps ? Chairmen: Christophe DE JAEGER, Dominique RUEFF Ana VILA JOYA (Spain) - Nutritional therapies that may significantly extend life - Les thérapies nutritionnelles qui peuvent prolonger la vie de manière significative Cecilia TREGEAR (UK) Andreas KATSAMBAS (Greece) - The best dietetic principles to life extension: A review of the studies - Les meilleurs principes diététiques pour un allongement de la vie : revue des études Clarence DAVIES (Switzerland) - Melasma: Pathogenesis and treatment - Mélasma : pathogenèse et traitement - Overview of anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams: What does really work? - Revue générale des crèmes anti-rides et anti-âge : qu’est-ce qui marche vraiment ? Tamara GRIFFITHS (UK) - Antioxidants: What does really work? - Antioxydants : qu’est-ce qui marche vraiment ? Jo LAMBERT (Belgium) - Mesotherapy: Decollete, face - Mésothérapie : décolleté, visage Daphne THIOLY BENSOUSSAN (France) - Healthy gums, healthy life, how to avoid tooth loss and live…. longer? - Bonnes gencives, bonne santé, comment conserver ses dents et vivre... plus longtemps ? Jean-Marc DERSOT (France) - Physical exercise, a good way to extend life? - L’exercice physique, un bon moyen de prolonger la vie ? Stéphane RÉSIMONT (Belgium) - Stem cells therapy: May it increase longevity? - Les cellules souches peuvent-elles augmenter la longévité ? Robert TROSSEL (Netherlands) DEBATE: What can we do to extend our life considerably? DÉBAT: Que pouvons-nous faire pour prolonger considérablement notre vie ? Panel Speakers 1.00 pm End of the EMAA 2006 - Fin de l’EMAA 2006 SUNDAY OCTOBER 15 / DIMANCHE 15 OCTOBRE ROOM / SALLE 241 8.30 am ROOM / SALLE 242 AB 8.30 am ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 6 XYZ WORKSHOP 7 FOR ADVANCED PHYSICIANS IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORKSHOP ANTI-ÂGE 6 - Great diets for weight reduction - Les meilleurs régimes pour perdre du poids Mario KRAUSE (Germany) Clarence DAVIES (Switzerland) 9.30 am ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 8 WORKSHOP ANTI-ÂGE 8 - The Spa - Anti-Aging Connection - Les effets anti-âge du Spa Karl J. NEESER (Thailand) WORKSHOP XYZ 7 POUR LES MÉDECINS CONFIRMÉS EN MÉDECINE ANTI-ÂGE - Improve your anti-aging practice Biological datas and follow-up Hormonal replacement therapies Etc. - Améliorer votre pratique médicale anti-âge Données biologiques et suivi des examens Traitements hormonaux substitutifs Etc. Claude DALLE (France) Thérèse HERTOGHE (Belgium) 10.30 am Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 11.00 am 11.00 am WORKSHOP 17 proposed by MEDICAMAT ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 9 WORKSHOP 17 proposé par MEDICAMAT WORKSHOP ANTI-ÂGE 9 - Aqua rejuvenation, a facial rejuvenation by high water pressure - L’Aqua rejuvenation, le rajeunissement facial par hyper pression d’eau - Growth Hormone treatment - Traitement par hormone de croissance Claude DALLE (France) Marc DIVARIS (France), Sylvie BOISNIC (France), Claude FRANC (France) 12.00 pm 12.00 pm WORKSHOP 18 proposed by AA-MEDICAL SYSTEMS ANTI-AGING WORKSHOP 10 WORKSHOP 18 proposé par AA-MEDICAL SYSTEMS WORKSHOP ANTI-ÂGE 10 - Meso-Perfusion: Complete your mesotherapy - Méso-Perfusion : Compléter votre mésothérapie Alain LAJEUNIE (France) - Testosterone treatment in women - Traitement par testostérone chez la femme Cecilia TREGEAR (UK) GENERAL INFORMATION CONGRESS LOCATION Palais des Congrès de Paris 2, place de la Porte Maillot, 75017 Paris - For more than 30 years, the Palais des Congrès de Paris has largely contributed to make the city the world capital of international congresses. It is located at the Porte Maillot, at a few minutes walking distance of the "Gold Triangle": Champs Elysées, Place de l’Etoile, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré... More than ever, the Palais des Congrès de Paris is the ideal place of meetings of scale. AIR TRANSPORTATION REFERENCE TO BE QUOTED: AXZE SE 6525 Validity: from 08/10/2006 to 20/10/2006 - On international routes. Discounts registered under GGAIRAFEVENTNEGO. On presentation of this original document, Air France offices throughout the World will offer you preferential fares (suject to conditions) from your country of departure on the regular full fare in business or economy class for your round-trip journey to attend this event. Your nearest Air France office: - On the domestic network within metropolitan France. Discounts registered under GGAIRAFCONGRES. This original document will entitle you to a rebate of up 45% (subject to conditions) on the regular full fare in economy class for your round-trip journey on the Air France metropolitan domestic network to attend this event. To book and obtain your electronic ticket within France, contact 0 820 820 820 (0,12 €/min) or your travel agent in metropolitan France or your Air France office. Your nearest Air France office in France at: This document mandatory to issue the ticket will be required at any point of the journey to justify the fare. Members of Air France’s partner-carriers will receive “miles“ on their loyalty programme when using Air France flights. Check details with your Air France office. TRAIN A discount rate of 20 to 25% of the basic fare, valid for all services under SNCF pricing system, in 1st or economic class corresponding to the standard level 1 fare charged on TGV services and the fare applicable to other train services, exclusive of any reservation charges or supplements. The voucher ticket has a two-week validity and shall include at least one day of the congress within this two-week period. Please ask the Congress Organization for vouchers (see registration form). LANGUAGES Official languages: French / English. Simultaneous translation in French, English, Spanish in all rooms (except Spanish in rooms 241 and 242 AB). HOTELS A number of rooms close to the Palais des Congrès has been booked especially for the delegates, to negociated prices, through our partner Conferencia Travel.The number of rooms is limited; we recommend you to book your room as soon as possible and before September 20, 2006 by sending the hotel form to EuroMediCom or by making your reservation on line. Beyond this date, booking will depend on availability. On-line reservation is available at Informations hotels : Tél : +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 – E-mail : [email protected] For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel (special rates available only through Conferencia Travel) Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment. Metro - Distance to Congress • MÉRIDIEN ETOILE**** 81 boulevard Gouvion Saint Cyr 75017 PARIS • CONCORDE LA FAYETTE**** 3 Place du Général Koenig 75017 PARIS • BEST WESTERN PREMIER PERGOLÈSE**** 3, rue Pergolèse 75016 PARIS • NEUILLY PARK*** 23, rue Madeleine Michelis 92200 NEUILLY • HARVEY*** 7 bis, rue du Débarcadère 75017 PARIS • MAC MAHON*** 3, avenue Mac Mahon 75017 PARIS • VILLA DES TERNES*** 97 avenue des Ternes 75017 PARIS • BEST WESTERN RÉSIDENCE IMPÉRIALE*** 155 avenue Malakoff 75116 PARIS • BEST WESTERN VICTOR HUGO*** 19, rue Copernic 75016 Paris • STAR ETOILE*** 18 rue de l'Arc de Triomphe 75017 PARIS • PALMA*** 46 rue Brunel 75017 PARIS • AMBASSADE** 79, rue Lauriston 75116 PARIS • PACIFIC** 11, rue Fondary 75015 PARIS Porte Maillot In front Porte Maillot On site Porte Maillot 5 min walk Les Sablons 7 min walk Porte Maillot 3 min walk Charles de Gaulle Etoile 5 min by metro Porte Maillot 2 min walk Porte Maillot 3 min walk Victor Hugo 15 min by bus Argentine 10 min walk Porte Maillot 5 min walk Boissière 10 min by metro Dupleix 20 min by metro Single 260 € Double / Twin 270 € 215 € 225 € 210 € 220 € 150 € 165 € 145 € 155 € All prices 145 € 160 € in € (euros) 145 € 160 € including 140 € 150 € 140 € 160 € 140 € 150 € 130 € 150 € 90 € 105 € 69 € 80 € taxes and breakfast REGISTRATION FEES Before Sept. 30th 2006 After Sept. 30th 2006 Delegate - 3 days ............................................................................................................................................................ 430 € ............................ 490 € - 1 or 2 days (day rate) .............................................................................................................................. 170 € / day .................. 200 € / day - delegate already registered to the AAMS Seminar or to the Pre-Course Face & Body .............................. 330 € ............................ 390 € Member of Association* or Scientific Society* with certification only *National and International Societies of Anti-Aging, Aesthetic Medicine, Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology, etc. - 3 days ............................................................................................................................................................ 380 € ............................ 450 € - member already registered to the AAMS Seminar or to the Pre-Course Face & Body................................ 300 € ............................ 370 € Student, Nurse, Allied-Health, Physiotherapist with certification only - 3 days ............................................................................................................................................................ 330 € ............................ 390 € - 1 or 2 days (day rate) .............................................................................................................................. 120 € / day .................... 150 € / day - student, nurse already registered to the AAMS Seminar or to the Pre-Course Face & Body ...................... 280 € ............................ 340 € Accompanying person (access to exhibit and aesthetic workshops only) - 3 days ............................................................................................................................................................ 240 € ............................ 280 € - 1 or 2 days (day rate) .............................................................................................................................. 100 € / day .................... 120 € / day Aesthetic Pre-Course FACE & BODY (October 11 and 12 at le Cap 15 - Paris 15) - Delegate 2 days ............................................................................................................................................ 850 € ............................ 950 € - Member of Association of Scientific Society 2 days .................................................................................... 750 € ............................ 850 € - Student, Nurse, Allied-Health 2 days .......................................................................................................... 650 € ............................ 750 € - 1 day (day rate) ........................................................................................................................................ 450 € / day .................... 550 € / day Registration fees include access to all sessions (except for accompanying persons), workshops and commercial exhibit, coffee breaks, lunches and cocktails offered on site, a certificate of attendance, the conference book, a congress bag and all related documentation. EMAA 2006, Paris October 13-15, 2006 Registration form - Fiche d’inscription Family Name / Nom : First Name / Prénom : Specialty / Spécialité : Address / Adresse : Zip code / Code postal : City / Ville : Country / Pays : Tel. : Fax : Please type in capital letters En lettres capitales SVP E-mail : REGISTRATION FEES / Droits d’inscription Include access to all sessions, workshops and commercial exhibit, coffee breaks, lunches and cocktails offered on site, a certificate of attendance, the conference book, a congress bag and all documentation. Early registration before / avant Late registration after / après 30 September 2006 and on-site / et sur place Delegate / Congressiste 3 days / 3 jours X 13/10 X 14/10 X 15/10 Delegate also registered to 1 pre-course / Congressiste inscrit à 1 pré-cours 13/10 14/10 15/10 2 days / 2 jours Please tick the day(s) Cochez le(s) jour(s) 13/10 14/10 15/10 1 day / 1 jour } Member of Scientific Society (certificate requested) Membre d’une Société Scientifique (attestation à joindre obligatoirement) X 13/10 X 14/10 X 15/10 3 days / 3 jours Member also registered to 1 pre-course / Membre inscrit à 1 pré-cours Student, Nurse, Physiotherapist, Assistant (certificate requested) 430 330 340 170 30 September 2006 € € € € 490 390 400 200 € € € € No registration will be validated without certificate or proof Aucune inscription ne sera validée sans l’envoi d’une attestation 380 € 300 € 450 € 370 € No registration will be validated without certificate or proof Aucune inscription ne sera validée sans l’envoi d’une attestation Etudiant, Infirmière, Kiné, Assistante (attestation à joindre obligatoirement) 330 € 390 € X 13/10 X 14/10 X 15/10 3 days / 3 jours 280 € 340 € Student, RN registered to 1 pre-course / Etudiant, Infirmière inscrit à 1 pré-cours 240 € 300 € 13/10 14/10 15/10 2 days / 2 jours Please tick the day(s) Cochez le(s) jour(s) 120 € 150 € 13/10 14/10 15/10 1 day / 1 jour } Accompanying Person (access to exhibit only + workshops) Accompagnant(e) (accès à l’exposition seulement + workshops) X 13/10 X 14/10 X 15/10 3 days / 3 jours 13/10 14/10 15/10 2 days / 2 jours Please tick the day(s) Cochez le(s) jour(s) 13/10 14/10 15/10 1 day / 1 jour 240 € 200 € 100 € PRE-COURSES } AAMS - Anti-Aging Medicine Specialization - 6-day Seminar Venue: CAP15 - 3 Quai de Grenelle 75015 PARIS 1650 € X 7/10 X 8/10 X 9/10 X 10/10 X 11/10 X 12/10 6 days / 6 jours Day rate / Prix/jour 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 11/10 12/10 Aesthetic Pre-Course FACE AND BODY (lunches included) X 11/10 11/10 X 12/10 12/10 Venue: CAP15 - 3 Quai de Grenelle 75015 PARIS Please tick the day / Cochez le jour 1750 € 300 € x ... day(s) = .......... € Tick the day(s) and multiply by the day rate / Cochez le(s) jour(s) et multipliez par le tarif jour 2 days / 2 jours 1 day / 1 jour 280 € 240 € 120 € Student Member Non Member Student Member Non Member 650 € 750 € 850 € 750 € 850 € 950 € 450 € 550 € AAMS WRITTEN EXAMINATION (for the AAMS delegates in 2nd cycle - October 13, 11.00 am/1.00 pm) MEMBERSHIP WOSAAM 1 YEAR (150 € for individual member - Free for Scientific Societies or Associations) SUBSCRIPTION JEAAM (Journal of European Anti-Aging Medicine) - 1 Year (4 issues) 550 € 150 € 100 € PAYMENT / Paiement des droits d’inscription Please find enclosed the total payment of / Veuillez trouvez, ci-joint, mon règlement total de : Total : .......................... € Bank check in € to Euromedicom / Chèque en € à l’ordre d’Euromedicom Bank transfer in € to Euromedicom / Virement bancaire en € en faveur d’Euromedicom ☛ In case of payment by bank transfer, please add 15 € to the total fees (bank charges) / En cas de paiement par virement bancaire, merci d’ajouter 15 € au montant total (frais bancaires) Paying bank: HSBC Address: 10 bis ave Gabriel Peri - F-95100 Argenteuil Account holder: Euromedicom sarl Bank code: 30938 Branch code: 00051 Account number: 00106040002 Key digits: 01 IBAN : FR 76 3093 8000 5100 1060 4000 201 BIC - SWIFT : LUBPFRPP payment transfer form should clearly state the name(s) of the delegate(s) and the reference “EMAA 2006” ☛ ThePrécisez le nom du ou des congressiste(s) et la référence « EMAA 2006 » sur les documents bancaires Credit card / Carte de crédit : Visa Card number / N° de carte : Eurocard/Mastercard American Express Diners Club Card holder’s name / Nom du porteur : ________________________________________________ Expiry date / Date d’expiration 3 digits code / Cryptogramme : Signature : CANCELLATION POLICY / ANNULATION • Before 30 September 2006: refund -10% / Remboursement -10 % • Between 30 Sept. 2006 and 10 October 2006: refund -30% / Remboursement -30 % • After 10 October 2006 : no refund / pas de remboursement I would like to receive .... train reduction coupons / Je souhaite recevoir ... coupons de réduction SNCF I would like to receive an official letter of invitation (Visa formalities) / Je souhaite recevoir une lettre officielle d’invitation pour l’obtention de Visa Please fill 1 FORM PER PERSON and send to / Compléter 1 BULLETIN PAR PERSONNE et le renvoyer à : EuroMediCom - 29 boulevard de la République - 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - France Tel : +33 (0)1 56 837 800 - Fax : +33 (0)1 56 837 805 - Email : [email protected] Registration on line with secured credit card payment / Inscription en ligne avec paiement sécurisé EMAA 2006 - Paris October 13-15, 2006 Hotel reservation form / Fiche de réservation hôtelière To make your choice, please see hotels list in the General Information or Pour choisir votre hôtel, reportez-vous à la liste dans les Informations Générales ou RETURN THIS FORM (or a copy) / RENVOYER CETTE FICHE (ou une copie) FAX : +33 (0)1 56 83 78 05 or by mail / ou par courrier EuroMediCom - 29 bld de la République - 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - France Hotels information: Tel: +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 - email: [email protected] - Family Name / Nom First Name / Prénom Address / Adresse Zip Code / Code postal City / Ville Country / Pays Phone / Tél. Fax Email HOTEL SELECTION / SELECTION DE L’HOTEL : 1st Choice ..................................................... 2nd Choice ..................................................... 3rd Choice ....................................................... RESERVATION Family name - 1st name Nb of room(s) Type of room Arrival Departure single double twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ single double twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ single double twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ Reservation conditions through Conferencia Travel: Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment Conditions de réservation par Conferencia Travel : Aucune réservation ne sera traitée sans prépaiement total Bank check of the total amount in Euros, enclosed, payable to Conferencia Travel (Residents in France) Chèque bancaire en Euros, du montant total de ma réservation, à l’ordre de Conferencia Travel (résidents en France) Credit Card / Carte de Crédit : Credit Card number / N° de carte : Visa Eurocard/Mastercard American Express Cardholder’s name / Nom du porteur : ______________________________________________________ Expiry date / Date d’expiration : (month/year) 3 digits code / Cryptogramme : Bank transfer on request (+15€ fees) / Virement bancaire sur demande (+15 €) Signature : Cancellation policy / Conditions d’annulation - If you cancel more than 15 days prior to the arrival, you will only be charged a 30€ fee. If you cancel between 15 days (included) and the date of arrival, one night will be charged. If you reduce your stay or the number of rooms before your arrival, a 30€ fee will be charged. No refund will be made for no-shows or early check-out date. For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel These special rates are only available through Conferencia Travel - Une annulation faite à plus de 15 jours de votre arrivée entraînera une pénalité de 30€. - Une annulation faite entre 15 jours (inclus) et la date de votre arrivée entraînera une pénalité égale au montant d’une nuit. - Une réduction de la durée de séjour ou du nombre de chambres faite avant votre arrivée entraînera des frais de 30€. - Aucun remboursement n’est possible en cas de no-show (non présentation à l’hôtel) ou de départ anticipé. Pour toute modification ou annulation, contacter Conferencia Travel Les tarifs ne sont valables qu’en passant par Conferencia Travel
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