Professional Summary Research Support Publications


Professional Summary Research Support Publications
 Thérèse Migraine-George Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures and Women's,
Gender, and Sexuality Studies A&S Romance Languages & Literature - 0377 Old Chemistry Building - 716D 513-556-2748
[email protected]
Professional Summary
Thérèse Migraine-George is the author of African Women and Representation: From
Performance to Politics (Africa World Press, 2008), From Francophonie to World Literature in
French: Ethics, Poetics, and Politics (University of Nebraska Press, 2013), a book of essays: Mes
Etats-Unis: Portraits d'une Amérique que vous ne connaissez pas (Edilivre, 2009), and two
novels: Amour de travers (Edilivre, 2010) and Envol (Edilivre, 2014). She has also published
various articles and book chapters on Francophone writers, African literatures, cultures, and films,
and queer studies. Research Support
06-2001 08-2001 Taft Research Fellowship African Aesthetics and Politics 06-2005 08-2005 Taft Research Fellowship African Women and Representation 01-2010 03-2010 Taft Faculty Release Fellowship New Aesthetics of Francophone Women
Writers 2010 2011 Taft Center Fellowship (Post)Francophone Writers and the Creation of a New World
Literature in French 11S 01-2017 04-2017 Taft Research Fellowship The Aesthetics and Politics of Difference in France Publications - Abbrev
Peer Reviewed Publications 1996. "Aux Antipodes de l'Exotisme, ou l'Envers de la Carte
Postale dans l'Œuvre de Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska." Women in French Studies: 4-13. Book 2008. African Women and Representation: From Performance to Politics. Trenton, New
Jersey: Africa World Press & The Red Sea Press. African Women and Representation
Book Chapter 2006. "From Exile to Dislocation: Anowa's Wandering Agency in Ama Ata Aidoo's
Anowa." In African Literatures at the Millennium, edited by Arthur D. Drayton, Omofolabo
Ajayi-Soyinka, and I. Peter Ukpokodu. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press. 95-103. Book Chapter Forthcoming 2014: "'The Child is Dead': Motherhood, Sacrifice, and the Promise of
the Next Generation in Véronique Tadjo's Reine Pokou.”In Family Memory-Work: Writing the
Home in Contemporary African Literature, edited by Yianna Liatsos. 2014US Author Book Chapter Forthcoming: “Performances of Power, Mimicry, and Subversion in Tess
Onwueme’s Work.” In Emerging Perspectives on Tess Onwueme, edited by Maureen N. Eke.
Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Book 2009. Mes Etats-Unis: Portraits d’une Amérique que vous ne connaissez pas. (Essay).
Paris: Editions Edilivre. Mes Etats-Unis
Book 2010. Amour de travers. (Novel). Paris: Editions Edilivre. Amour de travers
Peer Reviewed Publications 1999. "Specular Desires: Orpheus and Pygmalion as Aesthetic
Paradigms in Petrarch's Rime Sparse" (A. Owen Aldridge Prize). Comparative Literature Studies
36 (3): 226-246. Peer Reviewed Publications 2003. "Ama Ata Aidoo's Orphan Ghosts: African Literature and
Aesthetic Postmodernity." Research in African Literatures 34 (4): 83-9. Peer Reviewed Publications 2003. "Beyond the'Internalist' vs. 'Externalist' Debate: African
Homosexuals' Local-Global Identities in Two Films, Woubi Chéri and Dakan." Journal of African
Cultural Studies 16 (1): 45-56. Peer Reviewed Publications 2007. "Swiss Trash: L'Autre Suisse de Dunia Miralles." International
Journal of Francophone Studies (10th Anniversary Volume) 10 (1-2): 173-191. Peer Reviewed Publications 2007. "'L'Autre' dans Champs de bataille et d'amour de Véronique
Tadjo." Women in French Studies 15: 67-83. Peer Reviewed Publications 2009. "La Femme de Gilles de Madeleine Bourdouxhe ou la
'fugurante identité' d'un roman belge de langue française." Special issue of International Journal
of Francophone Studies 12 (2-3): 321-339. Peer Reviewed Publications 2011. "De Traversée de la mangrove à Histoire de la femme
cannibale: l'Art comme 'Arme Miraculeuse' chez Maryse Condé." Romanic Review 101 (3):
497-519. 2011A Author Book 2013. From Francophonie to World Literature in French: Ethics, Poetics, and
Politics. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press. From Francophonie to World
Literature in French 2013US Author Peer Reviewed Publications 2014. "From Masisi to Activists: Same-Sex Relations and the Haitian
Polity." Journal of Haitian Studies 20 (1): 8-33. 2014US Author Book 2014. Envol. (Novel). Paris: Editions Edilivre. Envol 2013FS Peer Reviewed Publications 2016. Ashley Currier and Thérèse Migraine-George. "Queer Studies
/ African Studies: An (Im)possible Transaction?" GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 22
(2). Special Issue: "Area Impossible: The Geopolitics of Queer Studies": 281-305. 2016SS Editorial Co-edited Journal Issue, with Ashley Currier: special issue of the Journal of Lesbian
Studies: "'Lesbian'/Female Same-Sex Sexualities in Africa." Peer Reviewed Publications 2016. Thérèse Migraine-George and Ashley Currier,
“Querying/Queering African Archives: Methods and Movements.” WSQ Special Issue: “Queer
Methods” 44 (3-4): 190-207. 2016SS Peer Reviewed Publications Forthcoming: Ashley Currier and Thérèse Migraine-George:
"Queer/African Identities: Questions, Limits, Challenges." In Introduction to Women's Studies: a
Reader, ed. L. Ayu Saraswati, Barbara Shaw, and Heather Rellihan. Oxford University Press. Peer Reviewed Publications Forthcoming: "Biopolitical Anxieties: 'Marriage for All' and the Politics
of Difference in France." Special Forum on "The Global Politics of Homophobia" edited by Amy
Lind, Politics and Gender.
Paper Presentations
(2005). African Theaters and the Postcolonial State: The Example of Werewere Liking's
Village et Fondation Ki-Yi. African Literature Association ,Boulder, Colorado. (2006). Art as 'Miraculous Weapon' in Maryse Condé's Works. Romance Studies Colloquium
,Eugene, Oregon. (2007). Social Suicide or 'Romanesque' Passion? Madeleine Bourdouxhe's La Femme de
Gilles. M/MLA (Midwestern Modern Language Association) ,Cleveland, Ohio. (2008). The Year of Anthologies: The Blackwell Anthology of African Literary Criticism and
Theory. African Literature Association ,Macomb, Illinois. (2009). 'L'enfant est mort': mythe, mémoire et sacrifice dans Reine Pokou de Véronique
Tadjo. Conseil International d'Etudes Francophones ,New Orleans, Louisiana. (2011). Ecriture de l'impertinence dans Le Roi de Kahel de Tierno Monénembo. M/MLA
,Saint-Louis. 11A (2012). Ecriture du désir et désir d'écriture dans l'oeuvre de Nina Bouraoui. Kentucky
Foreign Language Conference ,Lexington, KY. 12W (2012). From Poetics to Politics: Writing as Civic Debt in Lyonel Trouillot's "L'Amour avant
que j'oublie" . M/MLA ,Cincinnati. 12W (2013). "Nou se masisi, e nou fyè!": Homosexuals as Masisis and Activists in Haiti. "Haiti in a
Globalized Frame" International Conference ,Tallahassee, Florida. 13US (2013). Same-Sex Marriage and the Politics of Difference in France. NWSA (National
Women's Studies Association) Conference ,Cincinnati. 13SS (2013). Roundtable: Methods, Means, and Mores: "Doing" Global and Transnational Women
and Gender Research. NWSA (National Women's Studies Association) Conference
,Cincinnati. 13US (2013). Roundtable: Postcolonial Studies Across Disciplines and Languages. Cincinnati
Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures ,Cincinnati. 13US (2014). "That Obscure Object of Desire: Homosexuality and Islam". ASA (African Studies
Association) Conference ,Indianapolis. (2015). Roundtable "The Politics of Homophobia" with Ashley Currier, Amy Lind, Momin
Rahman and Rahul Rao. ,Taft Research Center, University of Cincinnati. 21SS (2015). "(Im)possible Representations: Queer Agency through African Visual Arts". African
Studies Association ,San Diego, CA. (2016). “(In)visible Desires: Queer Women in African Literature". IFJP (International Feminist
Journal of Politics) Conference ,University of Cincinnati. 16FS (2014). Roundtable "From World Literature to Cinema Without Borders: A Discussion about
Boundaries in French and Francophone Studies". Cincinnati Conference on Romance
Languages and Literatures ,University of Cincinnati. (2016). Roundtable “World Cinema & Television in French”. ,University of Cincinnati. 16FS (2014). "How Can Someone be French? The Other White Man in 19th-century Africa".
Africana Studies Lecture Series ,University of Cincinnati. (2017). “Queer Art, Archival Fever, and the Politics of Desire in Africa”. 2017 PAC/ACA
(Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association) ,San Diego. Honors and Awards
2015 LGBTQ Center Rainbow Award for Outstanding Faculty 2016 WGSS Outstanding Faculty Award 16FL 2016 Fellow of the Graduate School 16FS Service
Policy and Curriculum Committee Committee Member Departmental Service University 2003
2008 University Research Council, College of Arts and Sciences Committee Member
University/College Service 2007 2008 Dean's Advisory Committee, College of Arts and Sciences Committee Member University/College
Service 2007 2008 Taft Board Executive Committee Committee Member University/College Service 2007 2008 Taft Faculty Travel Grants Committee Committee Member University/College Service 2007 2009 Director of Undergraduate Studies Departmental Service 2008 2009 Fulbright Interview Committee Committee Member University/College Service 2006 Taft Center Fellowship Committee Committee Member 2011 2014 13SS RLL Research Committee Committee Chair 2011 2013 12W Advisory Board in the Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Committee
Member 2012 2014 13SS Diversity Task Force, College of Arts and Sciences Committee Member 2012 2013 12W Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, College of Arts and Sciences Committee
Member 2012 2013 12W Taft Student Award Committee Committee Member University/College Service 2013 2014 13SS Graduate Director, Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Departmental Service
13SS Chair of the A&S Graduate Council Committee 2015 2016 Academic Program Review Committee Committee Member 2016 Collaboration with the Cincinnati Museum Committee Committee Member Storytelling Committee Committee Member Education
Institution:Université Lyon 3 France Maîtrise de Lettres Modernes 1993 Institution:University of Kent at Canterbury UK MA in French 1993 Institution:University of Missouri at St Louis MA in English 1994 Institution:Université Lyon 3 France DEA de Langue, Littérature et Civilisation Française 1995 Institution:University of Colorado at Boulder PhD in Comparative Literature 2000 Research and Practice Interests
My areas of interest are African and Francophone literature, French and Francophone women
writers, queer studies, and creative writing. Other Experience and Professional Memberships
2008 UC Early Summer Instructional Technology Institute AP reader in French for ETS and external reviewer for AP French module curriculum (2012)
/2S/12S 2015-16 UC Women Lead Program Courses Taught
FR 112: Elementary Conversational French FR 115: Extended Basic French 5 FR 181: World Cultures: French FR 252: Composition and Conversation FR 253: Composition and Conversation FR 300: Writing about French/Francophone Culture FR 301: Understanding French/Francophone Culture in Conversation FR 312: The Francophone World FR 313: French Culture in Cinema FR 314: France Today FR 341: Introduction to French Literature FR 383: Francophone Cultures: Africa and the Caribbean FR 384: Francophone Cultures: Quebec FR 425: Advanced French Conversation 1 FR 426: Advanced French Conversation 2 FR 491: Advanced Composition and Conversation FR 493/523: Stylistics FR 755: Introduction to Francophone Literature FR 786: African Feminisms FR 870: Francophone Feminisms FR 872: Africa Today FR 873: African Cultural Studies RLL 711: European Studies Seminar SWLC 801: Introduction to Literary Theory FR 4029/7019: Queer Francophone Lit/Culture WGSS 4019/7029: Gender, Sexuality, Culture Preferred Information
Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Thérèse Migraine-George Other Information
Description:Media Interview: November 30, 2014: interview for the national Canadian TV channel
CTV News about the election of the new Secretary General of Francophonie Michaëlle Jean.