Adult Language Classes – Spring 2016 Spring 2016 – NEW French


Adult Language Classes – Spring 2016 Spring 2016 – NEW French
Adult Language Classes – Spring 2016
Spring 2016 – NEW French Classes description
100 - Introduction to French 0 - Absolute Beginners
This class will is dedicated to students who want to start French from scratch. This class
will also allow new students who missed the first session to catch up with the 101
(Beginners) or 102 (False Beginners) classes and, eventually, join them later in the year.
511- French for travelers 1 & 2- False beginners and above
“French for travelers” will help you prepare your summer trip to a Francophone country:
directions, safety tips, cultural background. This class will also help you book and elect the
best activities and accommodations. This session only!
521 - Play in French! 1 & 2 - False beginners and above
“Play in French” is a fun class where you will lean French by only playing games (card games,
board games, guessing games). In a casual atmosphere, with no homework or complex
grammar, meet with other students to relax and learn at the same time!
591 - Understanding French humor- Intermediate and above
Did you notice that Americans and French humor are different? You do not get what is
funny in French movies or in French press? Learn to laugh at French jokes with this
workshop. Understanding play of words and situations better, you will be able to appreciate
humor from both side of the Atlantic.
401 - Vie culturelle francophone à Boston - Advanced and Very Advanced
Les évènements culturels francophones ou liés à la culture francophone sont nombreux à
Boston, qu’íl s’agisse d’expositions, de concerts, de festivals (cinéma, danse) ou de
conférences. L’ambition de ce cours est d’aider les étudiants à mieux appréhender leur
participation à ces évènements en les préparant en classe et en leur offrant les outils pour
une meilleure compréhension de l’œuvre ou du sujet.