Seeking panelists for Rosacea Clinical Practice Guidelines
Seeking panelists for Rosacea Clinical Practice Guidelines
December 2014 Seeking panelists for Rosacea Clinical Practice Guidelines Jerry Tan, MD, FRCPC The organizing committee of these guidelines is soliciting interest from CDA members for participation as authors and voting panelists for rosacea treatment recommendations. The following non-remunerated positions are available: 1. Methodologist / Chair a. Requirements i. No conflicts of interest with industry regarding this therapeutic area ii. Prior guidelines experience – preferably methodologist or chair iii. Prior experience with Cochrane reviews, GRADE methodology and Delphi online process iv. Attendance at one meeting in Toronto January 2015 b. Role i. Coordinate all Guidelines sections with all panel members and medical writer ii. Transform Cochrane summary of findings and results into Delphi voting documents iii. Establish and complete all relevant Delphi surveys 2. Dermatology author and voting panel a. Requirements i. Prior guidelines development experience ii. Publication history and/or national prominence in rosacea iii. Understand levels of evidence using GRADE iv. Prior medical writing/publication experience v. Adherence to timelines for Delphi voting and section writing vi. Attendance at one meeting in Toronto January 2015 vii. Declaration of conflicts of interest b. Role i. Review relevant literature ii. Review Cochrane update for their specific sections / recommendations iii. Write treatment sections 1. Draft section outline 2. Coordinate writing with other coauthors and medical writer Deadline for expression of interest is: December 31, 2014 Nominations from this group will be forwarded to the CDA board and steering committee for further consideration. Please email Jerry Tan [email protected]. Editorial Board / Conseil de rédaction National editor/ Rédacteur en chef Charles W. Lynde, MD Markham, ON Chief Executive Officer / Chef de la direction Chantal Courchesne Ottawa, ON Regional editors / Rédacteurs régionaux Robert Jackson, MD Ottawa, ON Paul Kuzel, MD Edmonton, AB Benjamin Barankin, MD Toronto, ON Ian Landells, MD St. John’s, NL G. Daniel Schachter, MD Toronto, MD Marc Bourcier, MD Moncton, NB Catherine McCuaig, MD Montréal, QC Victoria Taraska, MD Winnipeg, MB Peter R. Hull, MD Saskatoon, SK Kathleen Moses, MD Ottawa, ON Catherine Zip, MD Calgary, AB Statements and opinions expressed in the CDA eBulletin reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily the CDA. The CDA does not assume responsibility or liability for damages arising from errors or omissions or from the use of information or advice contained in the CDA eBulletin articles or letters. Les textes et les opinions publiés dans le bulletin électronique de l’ACD reflètent les points de vue de leurs auteurs et non pas nécessairement ceux de l’ACD. L’ACD ne peut être tenue responsable des dommages qui pourraient résulter d’erreurs ou d’omissions reliées à l’utilisation de The Canadian Dermatology Association eBulletin is issued monthly as a forum for Association news, information of interest to members and for members’ opinions. Please notify the Executive Director of any change in address. L’Association canadienne de dermatologie publie chaque mois le bulletin électronique en tant que forum de nouvelles de l’Association, d’informations qui pourraient intéresser nos membres, ainsi que pour recueillir leurs opinions. Prière d’aviser la directeure générale pour tout changement d’adresse. CHANTAL COURCHESNE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER / CHEF de la DIRECTION renseignements ou de conseils inclus dans les articles ou lettres apparaissant dans le bulletin électronique. 425-1385 rue, Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K1H 8N4 Tel: (613) 738-1748 / 1-800-267-3376 | Fax: (613) 738-4695 [email protected]
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