Littoral-Kent Seminar
Littoral-Kent Seminar
Littoral-Kent Seminar Date Tuesday, May 14th Location School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science Cornwallis Building University of Kent Canterbury Programme Time Room 10.30-11.30 Christophe Bourel (Université Lille Nord de France ULCO, Calais): Resonant effects in 3D dielectric metamaterial: artificial magnetism. COLT 2 11.30-12.30 Olivia Constantin (University of Kent): Carleson embeddings and integration operators of Volterra type on Fock spaces COLT 2 12.30-2.00 Buffet lunch McVittie Library 2.00-3.00 Bruno Martin (Université Lille Nord de France ULCO, Calais): Riemann Hypothesis, trigonometric sums and continued fractions. COLT 2 3.00-4.00 Ana Loureiro (University of Kent): TBA COLT 2 4.00 Tea & Coffee McVittie Library
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