toronto - Allied Properties REIT


toronto - Allied Properties REIT
WINNERS opening
in Toronto’s
St. Lawrence Area
Designer Hilary Radley on
Montreal’s Ave du Parc
Number TEN architects
Greening up Winnipeg
• Quebec City’s Mountain
Equipment Co-op
• Totum’s Golfing Tips
• Winnipeg’s Dimension Display
• Toronto’s King West –
a Walk to New Beach
Toronto’s Cheval Keeps the
Party Going at 606 King West
Long on Martinis and Short on Beer,
Cheval Keeps the Party Going at 606
Part of the Cheval renovations to 606 King West included rebuilding the East wall.
KING WEST CENTRAL, TORONTO / - Inspired by the
impulsive parties that can break out in Paris cafés, Mykonos
beach bars and Milan nightclubs, King West’s latest lounge,
Cheval, encourages its guests to let their hair down and
mingle a little.
Named for the building’s occupants over a century ago
when it was an RCMP stable, Cheval opened this February
on the King West site of what was most recently the funloving, watering hole 606. And that vibe hasn’t changed.
“The whole party atmosphere is still here, we just classed-up
the place,” says Rosalie Rosales, Managing Director of Uniq
Lifestyle Group, which operates Cheval along with Brant
House, West Lounge and Liberty Village’s Maro.
A party at every table
“But we lure a different crowd than 606 did, we offer a
party at every table attitude and each night is always one to
be remembered,” says Rosales, adding that Cheval is meant
to compliment the area’s existing establishments like Susur
Lee and KiWe.
“We all share a common demographic,” she says,
explaining the new nightclub caters mostly to the
twentysomething professional Bay Street crowd and
“jet-setting individuals who have experienced first hand,
international parties.”
Multi-coloured mood lighting, sleek bar surfaces, intimate
booths and a sunken lounge area form an experience that is
nothing like the building’s former self. In fact, a lot about
606 King West had to change.
When Uniq was gutting the space for renovations, it found
it had to have the east side of the building rebuilt, hence the
new brick wall along the courtyard entrance.
Interior by the Designer Guys
Designed by Precipice Design Studio’s well-known trio of Allen
Chan, Anwar Mukhayesh and Matt Davis, a.k.a. the Designer
Guys, Cheval’s main design feature is the ceiling. Inspired by
the rolling North American landscape, it becomes a focal point
by bringing all the other design features together.
The bright colours at the bar areas are conducive to
socializing while the dance floor and hollow areas have a
more exclusive, sexy feel, given their dim light and subdued
The short beer list is perhaps the first indication that this is
martini territory, the most popular of which is a tart Raspberry
Martini, garnished with strawberries and Lychee fruit.
And with the patio season well underway, the post-work
drink crowd should make note that Cheval’s 120-person,
standing-room-only roof top oasis opens at 5:00 p.m.
Thursday and Fridays.
For users looking to host launches, company get-togethers
and other corporate theatre, Cheval has an event management
team versed in all aspects of event planning, media relations,
sponsorship and marketing.
Trailer Park Boys: Trailer Park Productions, Topsail Productions
Atomic Betty: Breakthrough Animation and Atomic Cartoons (Canada) and TeleImages Kids (France)
The Power of Television... Funding
force, there isn’t a more powerful medium than television.
That’s why the creation and exhibition of Canadian
programming has become a fundamental principle of
Canada’s broadcasting policy.
It’s also why the Canadian Television Fund (CTF) at 50
Wellington Street East in Toronto exists: to provide financial
support to independent Canadian television production. Its
office works to have more Canadian programming in prime
time and support the broadcast of great Canadian TV. These
are the people who fund shows like Little Mosque on the Prairie,
Degrassi: The Next Generation and The Rick Mercer Report.
“We’re looking at ensuring that Canadians have quality
Canadian programming that they want to watch on television,”
says MaryBeth McKenzie, CTF Director of Communications.
“Most people think of us as the funders, but we also conduct
research, undertake important policy work to ensure our
programs are effective, and measure audience success
with the programs we fund,”continues McKenzie.
Culturally significant programming
Canada’s small domestic market makes it extremely
difficult to finance television programming made
primarily for Canadian audiences, especially in
English Canada. Left to pure market forces, certain
types of Canadian and culturally significant
programming would simply not be made.
Created in 1996 as a private-public
partnership to support the production
and broadcast of high-quality Canadian
television programs, the Canadian
Television Fund has, over the past ten
years, contributed $2.2 billion to
The Rick Mercer Report: CBC
support 4,470 productions. This has resulted in more than
23,000 hours of television and has triggered more than
$7.4 billion in production volume across the country.
Funding is provided through a rules-based funding system
(Broadcaster Performance Envelopes) and Special Initiatives.
“The CTF specifically funds under-represented genres and
programming with the goal to have our funded productions
aired in prime time,” explains McKenzie, “Funding is provided
to support drama, variety and performing arts, children and
youth, and documentaries in English, French and Aboriginal
languages. Our Special Initiatives programs also support
minority language productions, development and versioning.”
Funding and equity investment
The Department of Canadian Heritage contributes $100 million
to the CTF’s annual budget and the rest is derived from cable
and direct-to-home companies that contribute four percent of
gross annual revenues to the CTF, to support Canadian
independent production, as mandated by the CRTC.
All funding goes directly to independent producers
across the country. The economic spin-off is the
foundation of a growing, professional television
industry that creates and sells Canadian programs
around the world.
Last year, the CTF used 95.5 percent of its $273.5
million revenues to fund 509 production projects
and 370 development projects. So, whether
your taste runs to the high jinx of Trailer
Park Boys, the cartoon fun of Atomic Betty,
or intriguing documentaries like Turning
Points of History, when the credits run,
the Canadian Television Fund is there –
just look for the maple key graphic.
3 • SUMMER 2007
The Canadian Television Fund, at 50 Wellington Street East, finances comedies, documentaries, and everything in between.
MEC : Le site de Québec respecte les
ST-ROCH, QUÉBEC / - Il est tout de même ironique que les
75 000 membres de Mountain Equipment Co-Op à Québec
aient indiqué, dans une récente enquête, que leur principale
activité de plein air était le vélo alors que la fameuse coopérative,
sise au 405 boulevard St-Joseph Est, ne vend pas une bicyclette!
« Nous offrons tous les accessoires de vélo possibles et
imaginables, des sacoches, des miroirs, des porte-bagages,
des pneus et des supports à vélo, mais pas de bicyclettes »,
affirme Yves Leduc, responsable du magasin de Québec,
installé depuis 2004 au coin de la rue de la Couronne dans
le quartier St-Roch.
Les vêtements sont de loin la catégorie d’articles que le
magasin vend le plus, suivi des sacs, des accessoires de camping,
de canoë-kayak et d’escalade, puis des tentes, qui se partagent
équitablement le reste des ventes. D’ailleurs, le magasin de
Québec affiche d’excellents chiffres dans ce domaine. Malgré
sa taille relativement petite par rapport à d’autres magasins
MEC, le site de Québec enregistre constamment de bons
résultats. Peut-être parce que, dispersés dans une vaste région,
ses clients sont prêts à faire le détour jusqu’à St-Roch pour
s’approvisionner, certains ne reculant pas devant les huit heures
de route qu’il faut faire pour venir de Gaspé!
Un environnement urbain
Ce spécialiste du plein air est un complément apprécié dans
le quartier St-Roch, non seulement pour son achalandage,
mais aussi parce que le site reflète l’engagement de MEC
pour la protection de l’environnement et notamment pour la
réhabilitation des quartiers urbains.
Yves Leduc, gérant du site depuis l’ouverture en mai il
y a trois ans, explique que MEC choisit toujours des
emplacements qui sont bien desservis par les transports en
commun et faciles d’accès en vélo.
With a largely dispersed population of outdoor enthusiasts in the
region, the Quebec City MEC, at 405 St-Joseph Blvd. East draws
shoppers from as far away as Gaspé.
Le magasin de Québec est l’un des sites dont les locaux
n’appartiennent pas à MEC. Les sites dont MEC est
propriétaire, de Halifax à Victoria, peuvent tous se vanter
d’avoir un toit écologique et une structure certifiée LEED
qui permet de réduire leurs effets sur l’environnement.
Plus de 2,5 millions de membres
Le magasin de Québec a été installé dans un bâtiment existant,
mais le personnel est tout de même parvenu à y ajouter des
éléments écologiques, notamment des toilettes à débit d’eau
restreint et des matériaux de construction provenant de sources
renouvelables ou par exemple, des peintures sans COV.
Fondée en 1971 par des étudiants de l’Université de la
Colombie-Britannique qui avaient décidé de créer une
entreprise proposant des articles difficilement trouvables au
Canada, comme des crampons à glace, des cordes d’escalade
et des ARVA, MEC compte aujourd’hui plus de 2,5 millions
de membres au Canada et dans le monde.
Des séminaires hebdomadaires
Un des chefs de file de l’équipement et du vêtement pour
la pratique des activités de grande nature (plein air non
motorisé), MEC propose des produits et des services pour les
activités comme la randonnée, l’escalade, le vélo et le ski.
Parmi les services offerts, le magasin de Québec organise
par exemple des séminaires hebdomadaires sur des thèmes
allant des voyages exotiques à l’entretien d’un vélo ou à
la sensibilisation à l’environnement.
s principes écologiques de la société
MEC Quebec City Location in tune with Retailer’s Enviro Policies
ST. ROCH, QUEBEC CITY / - There’s a funny thing about the
Mountain Equipment Co-Op’s 75,000 members in Quebec City.
In a recent survey, when asked what outdoor activity they
engaged in the most, cycling easily topped the list. But the
retailer, at 405 St-Joseph Blvd. East, doesn’t sell bicycles.
“We have everything for bikes, like panniers, racks, mirrors,
shoes and derailleur tools, but no bikes,” says Yves Leduc, the
manager of the Quebec City location nestled on the corner of
de la Couronne in the Cartier St-Roch since 2004.
Clothing, or what retailers call soft goods, is by far the store’s
largest selling category, with the other departments like packs,
camping accessories, paddling, climbing and tents all sharing
the rest of the sales equally. And sales here are good. Despite
its small size, relative to other MEC stores, the location is
said to post consistently high numbers. Perhaps because it is
destination shopping.
With a largely dispersed population of outdoor enthusiasts
in the region, the Quebec City MEC has been known to draw
shoppers from as far away as Gaspé, an 8-hour drive.
Urban environment
The store was a welcome addition to the retail component of
the neighbourhood, and in keeping with MEC’s interest in urban
revitalization as part of a greater commitment to the environment.
Leduc, who has managed the store since it opened in May
three years ago, says that MEC seeks locations that are well
served by public transit and generally easy to bike to.
The Quebec City store is one of the few locations in which
MEC is a tenant. Stores where MEC owns the building, from
Halifax to Victoria, boast green roofs and innovative LEED-certified
designs that lower the environmental impact of these spaces.
More than 2.5 million members
The Quebec City store opened in an existing building, but the
team still managed to bring a number of green innovations to
finishing the space, incorporating low flush toilets, using
building materials from renewable sources and employing
non-VOC paints, for example.
Careful attention to the environmental impact of its activities
is necessarily tied to MEC’s operating philosophy. It is recognized
for its commitment to community and sustainability, and since
1987, when its grants program was established, MEC has given
over $9 million to Canadian environmental initiatives.
Established in 1971 by University of British Columbia students
who decided to start a business that would stock items no other
retailer in Canada would consider, like ice crampons, climbing
ropes and avalanche beacons, MEC now has more than 2.5 million
members throughout Canada and around the world.
Weekly seminars
As a leading retailer of outdoor clothing and equipment, MEC
provides products and services for self-propelled outdoor activities
like hiking, climbing, cycling and skiing. On the service side
of things, the Quebec City store runs weekly seminars that
cover topics ranging from exotic travel, to bike maintenance to
environmental awareness.
Check the Quebec City MEC’s web site for information
on upcoming events, and paddlers should look for upcoming
boat demonstration nights that Leduc says are still being
5 • ÉTÉ 2007
Front Street East Gets ‘Thrill of the Find’
with New Winners
part of your brain that is hard-wired to engage in
reward-seeking behaviour. Called the ventral
striatum, it is primed for pleasure and essentially
the thing that keeps you on You Tube for a very
long time. It is also the part of your brain most
likely to get a tickle when you go into a Winners
Known for their “thrill of the find” inventories of
brand name and designer clothing for 60 percent
less than you’re likely to pay anywhere else, these
stores are not particularly fancy with their no frill
layouts and plain overhead lighting.
More like a game
But the Winners experience isn’t so much about
the store environment. It’s more like a game than
it is shopping, in part because stores have new
merchandise arriving every week. And with a
new store scheduled to open this fall in the
St. Lawrence Market area at 35 Front Street
East, lunch hours in the neighbourhood will
never be the same.
Winners owes its seemingly endless supply of
new items to its parentage. While the store began
in Toronto in 1982, eight years later it was acquired
by Framingham, Massachusetts-based The TJX
Companies, the parent company of TJ Maxx, one
of the world’s the largest off-price retailers of
apparel and home fashions.
TJX gives Winners buying power
TJX’s international sourcing and buying power,
expanded network of contacts, financial backing
and a clear vision for growth, enabled Winners
stores to open across Canada and to offer a wider
variety of merchandise, including menswear, home
fashions, women’s shoes and accessories.
As a key member of the company’s growing
family, Winners joined the ranks of TJ Maxx,
Marshalls and Homegoods in the U.S. Other brands
have since been added - A.J. Wright, Bob’s Stores
(U.S.) and TK Maxx in the U.K.
Using the runways as inspiration, the store’s
buyers travel to the fashion capitals of the world
leveraging valued vendor relationships to negotiate
great deals wherever and whenever they happen.
Winners buyers, it seems, are as hard-wired for
the “thrill of the find” as its customers.
Site of a new Winners store
this fall, the Beardmore
building, on Front Street East,
was built in 1872.
« Des trouvailles » près du
St. Lawrence Market
ST. LAWRENCE MARKET, TORONTO / - Il y a dans le cerveau
un tout petit coin qui se spécialise dans la recherche de la récompense.
On l’appelle le striatum ventral. C’est justement cette zone du cerveau,
destinée au plaisir, qui vous fait passer des heures devant You Tube.
C’est aussi celle que vous éveillez lorsque vous entrez dans un magasin
Winners. Ces derniers, dont la présentation et l’éclairage n’ont
absolument rien de sophistiqué, sont connus parce qu’ils nous donnent
l’occasion de «faire des trouvailles» parmi une sélection de vêtements
de marques vendus avec 60% de rabais.
C’est surtout un jeu
Mais l’expérience Winners n’a rien à voir avec l’apparence des lieux.
Il s’agit plus d’un jeu que d’une séance de magasinage, surtout parce
qu’il y a de nouveaux arrivages chaque semaine. Or cet automne, un
nouveau magasin doit ouvrir ses portes au 35 rue Front Est qui devrait
changer à jamais la pause-déjeuner de ceux qui travaillent dans le
quartier du St. Lawrence Market.
C’est apparemment à sa société mère que Winners doit sa quantité
infinie de stocks sans cesse renouvelée. En effet, inauguré à Toronto en
1982, le premier magasin de la chaîne a été acheté huit ans plus tard
par The TJX Companies, basée à Framingham (Massachussetts), société
mère de TJ Maxx, parmi les plus importants détaillants au monde de
vêtements mode et d’articles pour la maison offerts à prix d’aubaine.
HomeSense makes sense
at 193 Yonge Street
The popularity of Winners’ home department
prompted the launch of a new off-price chain
dedicated solely to home fashions. In Spring 2001,
the chain opened its first Homesense stores,
offering, brand name home accessories and décor
from around the world – all at the same savings
for which Winners is known. Homesense currently
operates 33 stores in Ontario (the new location
at 193 Yonge Street also happens to be an Allied
Properties REIT building), eleven in British Columbia,
eight in Alberta, one in Saskatchewan, one in
Manitoba, nine in Quebec, one in Newfoundland,
two in Nova Scotia and two in New Brunswick.
Winners bénéficie du pouvoir d’achat de TJX
Grâce au pouvoir d’achat et d’approvisionnement de TJX à l’échelle
internationale, à son réseau étendu de relations, à ses appuis financiers
et à ses objectifs de croissance judicieux, Winners a pu ouvrir des
magasins dans tout le Canada et offrir une plus large sélection de
produits, notamment des vêtements pour homme, des articles pour
la maison, des chaussures et des accessoires pour femmes.
Winners est devenu l’un des membres clés de ce regroupement de
magasins qui comprend TJ Maxx, Marshalls et Homegoods aux
États-Unis. D’autres noms se sont ajoutés par la suite - A.J. Wright,
Bob’s Stores aux États-Unis, et TK Maxx au Royaume-Uni.
Inspirés par les grands
couturiers, les acheteurs
de la société parcourent les
grandes capitales de la
mode en mettant à profit
leurs relations avec les fournisseurs. Ils peuvent ainsi
saisir les bonnes occasions
qui se présentent et les
négocier au meilleur
prix. Tout comme leurs
clients, les acheteurs
de Winners semblent
pour « faire des
trouvailles. »
HomeSense, rue Yonge
La popularité du rayon d’articles pour la
maison a incité Winners à lancer une nouvelle
chaîne de magasins entièrement consacrée
aux articles de maison. Au printemps 2001,
elle a donc inauguré ses premiers magasins
HomeSense. HomeSense compte actuellement
33 magasins en Ontario (celui situé au 193
rue Yonge se trouve aussi dans un édifice
d’Allied Properties REIT), onze en ColombieBritannique, huit en Alberta, un au Manitoba,
un dans le Saskatchewan, neuf au Québec,
deux en Nouvelle-Écosse, deux au NouveauBrunswick et un à Terre-Neuve.
7 • SUMMER 2007
Celebrated Outerwear Designer Plans Latest
Collections and New Brand from Parc Ave. HQ
two coat collections a year, a line of
handbags, a line of shoes and a whole
other brand being introduced this year to
stores in the U.S., Montreal-based fashion
designer Hilary Radley’s work continues
to expand internationally. But 1,200 square
feet of sunny studio space at 6300 Avenue
du Parc is all she and VP Damien Lekatis
need to plan the next collection and
manage a name whose influence on
outerwear has been lauded by the fashion
industry and media alike for more than
12 years.
The British-born and educated Radley
is known mainly for her work with women’s
coats, where her boiled wool and quilted
jackets have long drawn attention for
combining classic looks with a feminine fit.
As the creative director of the brand that
bears her name, Radley’s ready adoption
of advanced technologies (using laser
cutting on some pieces thus eliminating
the need for hemming) and her international
business acumen have brought her many
honours, among them the Woolmark
Design Excellence Award (three times)
and being named ELLE magazine’s
Designer of the Decade. With her fall
collection poised to hit the stores later in
the summer, Radley is currently focused
on developing her Spring 2008 line.
“We’re working on general themes that
will thread through all our products,” says
Radley, explaining that she works with a
number of design teams to put together
collections that feature some 75 different
styles. The handbags she develops, for
example, will draw a quilting theme from
a coat from the same season. “There are a
lot of touches in the shoes and bags that
come from the outerwear collection,”
explains Lekatis.
While you will find the designer’s wares
across Canada at exclusive retailers, almost
80 percent of her business is conducted in
the U.S., and her new brand, Hilary Radley
New York, is slated to begin appearing in
federated stores, like Macy’s.
Avenue du Parc, une spécialiste du vêtement
d’extérieur prépare ses prochaines collections
Avec deux collections de manteaux par an, une ligne de sacs à main, une ligne
de chaussures et une toute nouvelle marque lancée cette année aux États-Unis,
Hilary Radley, créatrice de mode installée à Montréal, poursuit son avancée au
niveau international. Mais les 1 200 pi2 qu’elle occupe au 6300 avenue du
Parc avec Damien Lekatis, vice-président de la firme, lui suffisent pour préparer
sa prochaine collection et gérer une marque dont l’influence dans le domaine
du vêtement d’extérieur est applaudie par les médias et le milieu de la mode
depuis plus de 12 ans.
Sa collection d’automne étant attendue dans les magasins à la fin de l’été,
Hilary Radley se consacre actuellement à sa collection de printemps 2008.
« On cherche des thèmes qui se retrouveront dans tous nos produits »,
explique Hilary Radley en ajoutant qu’elle travaille avec plusieurs équipes de
créateurs pour préparer des collections comptant quelque 75 styles différents.
Les sacs à main qu’elle dessine, par exemple, reprendront le thème matelassé
d’un manteau de la même saison.
Ses collections sont disponibles dans tout le Canada dans des boutiques de
prestige, mais près de 80 % des affaires de la société sont réalisés aux ÉtatsUnis. D’ailleurs, sa nouvelle marque, Hilary Radley New York, devrait être lancée
dans de grandes chaînes de magasins américains, et notamment à Macy’s.
Display Dimensions a marketing firm with display expertise
Display’s work often comes down to a matter of seconds.
Every time the Winnipeg design and display company’s
creations are set up, it estimates it has all of about four
seconds to attract attention, make an impression,
communicate a message, and have the company name
It’s a tall order, but the firm, based out of 9,000
square-foot showroom/office space in the Exchange
District’s 250 McDermot, has been at it for about 25 years,
so it has some background when it comes to marketing.
In fact, its experience is such that it has even crossed the
divide from being simply a design and production service
provider that supplies display systems and hardware, to a
full service communications group and the agency of record
for large clients like Nunavut Tourism.
A specialty in display
“We think of ourselves as more of a design studio providing
most of the services of an advertising agency,” says Jo Ann
Greisman, the firm’s general manager, “but with a specialty
in display.”
Dimension Display has actually re-invented itself three
times over its 25-year history. In its original form and under
a different name, it was a graphic design studio/creative
agency with its own photo studio and an accomplished
display division.
In 1988, the original company disbanded, enabling the
remaining elements of the firm to redirect their energies into
expanding products and services in the exhibit area. And by
the mid 1990s there was a strategic redeployment back into
the broader marketing communications arena.
Today, Dimension Display offers a broad range of marketing
communications services with expertise in display and trade
show marketing, branding, web design and development.
Brand name portable systems
But it hasn’t abandoned its roots, and more than half of its
second floor space is dedicated to showing its display marketing
capabilities. As the regional distributor for brand name
portable and modular systems, related accessories and custom
fabrication capabilities, it offers solutions for a wide range
of display needs and budgets. But competition is tightening
with Chinese product now entering the Winnipeg market.
“It has become much more competitive than it was in the
last five years,” says Greisman, who admits that while the
pricing of Chinese display products are certainly good, and
in some cases the quality is adequate, but she says these tend
to falter when it comes to warranties.
As a distributor, this may alter the marketplace, but for
now, Greisman, along with her partner, Len Greisman, will
concentrate on the diversification of the operation, and
working with Manitoba Hydro and other clients, both big
and small, to make those four seconds on the tradeshow
floor count.
Besides being Nunavut Tourism’s agency of record, Dimension
Display designs the bureau’s displays. It also distributes outdoor
display systems (left).
9 • SUMMER 2007
Making Impressions
Stopping Time in its Tracks
Exchange District Photographer Captures Memories
From family photos to glamour shots to pet portraits, Janzen’s studio, at 264 McDermot Ave., specializes in intimate work,
has an interesting perspective on families. Having been a
portrait photographer for the last 28 years, he sees this most
basic of social units as an ever-changing entity. And it his job
to capture the essence of what that entity is when a family
enters his 2,600-square-foot studio at 264 McDermot Ave.
in Winnipeg’s Exchange District.
Part philosopher, part psychologist, Janzen began his
fledgling photography service in 1979 as most do, turning a
passion for the frozen image into weekend wedding work.
But business was brisk and his ability to create a rapport with
his subject, a quality that most photographers will tell you
is an invaluable skill, prompted him to quit his day job and,
with the help of his wife Iris, pursue photography full-time.
Now, Janzen, who is also the current president of the
Professional Photographers of Canada, devotes most of his
time to photographing people, and he never tires of it.
A moment in time
Families are always changing, he says. “Babies are born,
people die, people get married, separated. When people want
a family portrait, we recognize that we’re capturing a moment
in time, where this is their family today.”
The goal, he explains, is to create an overall experience
that is memorable, so that when a subject looks at the portrait,
they will remember how they felt when it was taken.
“The image is important, but your experience of the whole
process is important as well,” says Janzen, who admits the
process of getting that image is not without its challenges.
“With family portraits, you have the two groups with the
shortest attention spans, young children and adult males,”
he jokes.
Focusing on the client
The key, he says, is to work with people on the level they
relate to best. To do that, Janzen always schedules a planning
meeting where they can get to know each other and get a
sense of what would create just the right experience.
It’s an ability that has also lead to other forms of portraiture,
including glamour photography.
“My favorite glamour clients are those who say they
never look good in photos. We can turn that around, and
build their self-esteem,” he says, explaining that many of
the women he photographs do so to make private albums
for their significant others.
Location, location, location
While Janzen’s studio is always busy with all manner of
subject, including pets and babies, he still does a fair bit
of location work. He stopped doing weddings a few years
back, but will still shoot the occasional nuptials, as long as
it’s something interesting (last year he traveled to Cancun
for one and North Carolina for another).
Working with his wife Iris, who runs the administrative
side of the business and does most of the photo retouching,
Janzen continually strives to give his clients an experience
to remember.
3 Easy Exercises to
Tune your Golf Swing
3 exercices faciles pour
améliorer votre élan de golf
by Dr. Craig Davies HBSc, DC
Par Dr Craig Davies HBSc, DC
One way to improve your swing is to improve the core strength
of your hips and pelvis. If these are not stable, there is no way you
can hold your proper position, and most likely you’ll perform the
undesired “hip slide”.
Une des manières d’améliorer votre élan est de solidifier vos hanches et votre
bassin. Si ce duo n’est pas stable, il est impossible de rester dans la bonne
position et on obtient un glissement de la hanche à proscrire absolument!
Here are two exercises and one stretch to help your hip’s rotator
cuff muscles. Follow these exercises, which can be done fairly
quickly, and you could notice a difference in your swing within a
couple weeks!
Voici deux exercices et un étirement qui renforceront les muscles de la coiffe
des rotateurs de la hanche. Grâce à ces exercices, qui ne prennent que
quelques minutes, vous pourriez remarquer une amélioration de votre geste
en quelques semaines seulement!
1. À genoux
1. Left Lifts from Kneeling Position
BUT : Renforcer les stabilisateurs des hanches, le bas du dos et les abdominaux.
WHY: Strengthens hip stabilizers, lower back and abdominals.
EXERCICE : À genoux, levez la jambe sur le côté en vous assurant que le petit
orteil est au même niveau que le talon. Effectuez deux séries de 10 répétitions.
Augmentez le nombre de répétitions à mesure que vous progressez jusqu’à ce
que vous arriviez à 20 par série.
HOW: From a kneeling position, raise leg to the side making sure
baby toe is level with heel. Perform 2 sets per leg at 10 repetitions
per set. Increase the repetitions as you become stronger to
20 per set.
2. Side Plank with Side Leg Lift and Hip Dip:
WHY: Firms and tightens mid-section (abdominals, obliques and
lower back), shoulders and hips.
HOW: Lie sideways with elbow directly under shoulder joint. Bottom
leg should be bent and top leg straight. Push your body upwards so
that its full weight is balanced between your elbow, knee and foot.
Lift leg to hip level. Lower the leg down to the mat. Complete 5 to
10 repetitions.
For the hip dip portion, begin from the same start position as above.
Bring hip down. Complete 5 to 10 repetitions.
2. Allongé sur le côté
BUT : Consolider la ceinture abdominale (les abdominaux, les obliques et le
bas du dos), les épaules et les hanches
EXERCICE : Allongé sur le côté avec le coude sous l’articulation de l’épaule,
jambe du dessous pliée et jambe du dessus tendue, soulevez votre corps pour
que son poids soit réparti entre le coude, le genou et le pied. Levez la jambe
jusqu’au niveau de la hanche. Reposez la jambe sur le tapis. Effectuez 5 à 10
À partir de la même position, descendez la hanche. Effectuez 5 à 10 répétitions.
3. Étirement
BUT : Étirer les muscles fessiers et les ischio-jambiers (arrière de la cuisse).
3. Cross-legged Buttocks and Hamstring Stretch
WHY: Stretches the muscles of buttocks and hamstrings
(back of the thighs).
HOW: Lie on back with knees bent about shoulder-width apart and
feet flat on the floor. Cross your right ankle over left thigh and bring
both knees to your chest. Bring both hands behind right thigh and
gently increase the stretch in buttocks by bringing legs closer to
your chest. Then straighten left thigh and feel the stretch in the
hamstrings. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
For more exercises or treatment tips, or if you have any
questions, contact Dr. Craig Davies at [email protected]
or at (416) 979-2449.
EXERCICE : Allongé sur le dos avec les pieds au sol et les genoux pliés et
écartés de la largeur des épaules, posez votre cheville droite sur votre cuisse
gauche et mettez les deux genoux sur la poitrine. Posez ensuite les deux
mains derrière la jambe droite et étirez les muscles fessiers en approchant
davantage les jambes de votre poitrine. Puis tendez la jambe gauche et
vous sentirez vos ischio-jambiers s’étirer. Gardez la position pendant 20 à 30
secondes. Faites le même mouvement de l’autre côté.
Pour d’autres exercices, des conseils ou toute question, veuillez communiquer
avec le Dr Craig Davies à l’adresse [email protected] ou par
téléphone au (416) 979-2449.
11 • ÉTÉ 2007
Un compositeur montréalais qui innove
toujours grâce à l’expérience
Un disque sur iTunes et un
récent Génie pour la meilleure
musique originale (Sans elle),
Jean Robitaille cherche toujours
a créer quelque chose de
se sent peut-être un peu seul de son camp par ces temps-ci.
Certes, il vient de remporter un Génie, il a été intronisé au
Panthéon des Auteurs et Compositeurs Canadiens et il a
récemment assuré la direction musicale de la soirée hommage
à Jean Béliveau au Centre Bell. Mais, il est un des rares avec
autant d’années de métier -près de 40 ans- à avoir encore
beaucoup de plaisir à innover en alliant sa vaste experience aux
nouveaux outils musicaux qu’offrent la nouvelle technologie.
« Peu de compositeurs de mon âge travaillent encore.
Je suppose que je continue car je m’adapte volontiers aux
changements techniques et à l’évolution musicale », déclaret-il dans les 2 000 pi2 de son studio, Image Sonore, installé
boulevard Saint-Laurent au Balfour.
Certes, grâce au progrès technique, l’ordinateur est
aujourd’hui très présent dans la production de son, ce qui
a incité un grand nombre de compositeurs à prendre une
retraite anticipée. Mais les ordinateurs ne sont utilisés que
dans la partie technique du travail.
« Comme disait Félix Leclerc », remarque-t-il, « un vieux
pommier ça donne pas des vieilles pommes ».
D’un point de vue créatif, les tendances et les styles musicaux
évoluent si vite que seul un compositeur chevronné sait
trouver les bonnes clés et composer des mélodies qui
marchent. Or avec 400 chansons, 4 000 thèmes publicitaires
et 18 films à son actif, Jean Robitaille sait ce qu’il fait.
Il a d’ailleurs remporté trente Coqs, décernés par le Publicité
Club de Montréal, deux Lions d’or à Cannes, un Clio à New
York et le Grand prix décerné par le USA Television
Commercial Festival.
« C’est l’art de découvrir quelque chose de nouveau qui
permet de composer un morceau », déclare Jean Robitaille
pour expliquer la force créative qui nourrit sans relâche son
imagination et son enthousiasme depuis ses débuts dans
les années 60.
À l’époque, Jean Robitaille était un jeune musicien (saxophone
et piano) qui avait décidé de s’essayer à la composition en
créant la musique de l’Opéra noir de Gabriel Cousin.
Ce succès lui a permis ensuite de travailler pour plusieurs
émissions de radio et de télévision, notamment Les CoucheTard. C’est alors qu’il a fait sa marque avec le célèbre Festival
d’humour (CKAC), dont il est le co-fondateur.
Après une dizaine d’années dans les milieux de l’information
et de la publicité, la musique le rattrape. En 1976, il participe
à la composition de Je t’aime, chanson qui sera interprétée
durant la cérémonie de clôture des Jeux Olympiques devant
des millions de spectateurs.
Depuis, il touche à tous les domaines. Son talent l’emmène de
la télévision au cinéma ou aux chansons-thèmes. Il a composé
celle des Blue Jays de Toronto et celle des Canadiens de
Montréal. Il a assuré aussi la direction musicale et artistique
de grands événements, comme l’ouverture des Jeux de
l’Arctique (Nunavut) et la soirée hommage à Jean Béliveau
au Centre Bell.
Avec la prochaine sortie d’un nouveau disque sur iTunes et
le récent Génie qu’il a remporté pour la meilleure musique
originale (celle du film de Jean Beaudin, Sans elle), Jean
Robitaille n’a pas encore écrit sa dernière note.
« Il faut de l’expérience pour créer quelque chose de nouveau.
Et c’est toujours ce que je cherche à faire : trouver une
nouvelle approche. »
L’iPOD de Jean
Récemment intro
nisé au Panthéon
des Auteurs et
Compositeurs Ca
nadiens, Jean Ro
taille, a débuté
en tant que com
positeur dans le
nées 60. Que
peut-on bien tro
uver sur l’iPOD
qui a 400 chan
sons, 4 000 thèm
es publicitaires
18 films à son ac
1. Sigur Ròs All - Alternative
2. Afterlife - Qu
iet letters - Am
3. The Necks Drive by, Mosqu
ito - Jazz
4. Ojos de Bruj
o - Techari - Sp
ish Arab Jazz
5. Dhafer Yous
sef - Digital Prop
ty- Jazz
6. Daniel Béla
nger - Échec du
ériel (québécois
7. Mr Roux - Ah
si j’étais beau et
and (French)
8. Angela Hew
ittt - The Keyboa
rd Concertos of
9. Evan Parker
- Memories (Fre
10. Crash - Mar
k Isham (Sound
Montreal Composer Finds
Broadest Experience Yields
Newest Approaches to Music
ST. LAURENT, MONTREAL / - Jean Robitaille might be feeling
a little lonely these days. Sure, he’s just won a Genie, was
inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame and
recently musical director of the Jean Beliveau tribute show
at the Bell Centre but the thing of it is, he’s been composing
music for close to forty years now and as such, he hasn’t
many peers with the same breadth and depth of experience.
“There are very few composers my age still working.
I suppose it’s that I am willing to adapt with great pleasure
to technical changes and to musical evolution,” he says
breezily from his 2,000-square-foot studio, Image Sonore,
in Montreal’s The Balfour on St. Laurent Blvd.
Granted, the technical revolution that has brought more
computer-focused work into the realm of sound production
has also forced more than its share of composers into
retirement, but computers are only the technical part of
the equation.
From a creative perspective, music styles and trends
evolve so quickly it takes someone with experience to
find the right hook and recognize melodies that can work.
And with 400 original songs, 4,000 ads and 18 films to
his credit, it appears Robitaille has the ability to deliver.
With a disk about to be released on iTunes, and fresh
from a best original score Genie win for work on Jean
Beaudin’s Sans Elle, Robitaille is just getting started.
“It takes experience to create something new, and that’s
what I’m always looking to do, find that new approach.”
Image Sonore’s
studio is located in
The Balfour at
3575 St. Laurent Blvd.
Latest Allied Acquisition
in Toronto Designed by
Casa Loma Architect
ST. LAWRENCE MARKET, TORONTO / - One of the latest
buildings to enter the Allied Properties REIT portfolio,
45-55 Colborne Street, is an E.J. Lennox-designed,
turn-of-the-last-century, four-storey.
“It is a strategic addition to the St. Lawrence
Market component of our Toronto portfolio,” says
Michael Emory, Allied Properties REIT President and
CEO. “The property is adjacent to 50 Wellington Street
East, which we acquired in 2004. With it, we’ll have
nearly 200,000 square feet in the St. Lawrence Market
area and over half a million square feet in Downtown
The property is located on the south side of
Colborne Street, just west of Church Street. It is comprised of 43,408 square feet of GLA and, designed by
E.J. Lennox and built in 1888, it is designated as being
historically significant.
Lennox is best known for his work on Old City Hall
(his caricature can be seen on the facade of that
Queen Street West building, he’s the one with the
handlebar moustache) and Casa Loma.
13 • ÉTÉ 2007
Digital and Design Firm OneMethod Finds
More than One Way to Tell a Marketing Tale
OneMethod had always thought corporate training could
be more than just a day in a boardroom flipping through a
binder in tandem with a lackluster Powerpoint presentation.
In bringing their advertising experience and digital
marketing expertise to bear on the problem of boring internal
communications, OneMethod not only established itself
as a solid player in employee training, it sowed the seed for
what is now a full service digital and design firm with a
national and international client list.
“We treated training like it was an event,” says Steve
Miller, the firm’s creative director and one of the original
six members of a team owner Amin Todai assembled in
2001 to start his company.
Delivering branded training
Working predominantly with the Nokia office in Dallas,
OneMethod leveraged its team’s online capabilities and
strategic marketing thinking to deliver training sessions that
were branded and designed around a particular product.
So, for example, if a phone’s main feature was its music
capabilities, the event would be held in a downtown club
where videos, music, 3-D animation and flash presentations
would bring the training material to life. And it worked.
“We were getting ‘numbers trained’ that they had never
seen before,” recalls Miller.
While still a strong component of their current work,
internal communications is not by any means its extent.
With clients like CineplexOdeon, Samsung, Wrigley’s,
MobiTV, the second largest mobile television network in
the U.S. and MGA Entertainment (makers of BRATZ dolls),
OneMethod has worked on a number of wide-ranging
Two summers ago, the firm helped Mastercard launch
MyCard, its first pre-paid, re-loadable card in Canada. They
created the name and logo, designed the card, developed
print and broadcast advertising, as well as creating the website
and designing all the collateral.
Canada’s hottest dancer
When Wrigleys ventured into the cinnamon-flavoured
gum market with its new Excel Inferno, OneMethod worked
with a promotions company to organize a series of crosscountry street teams that would go to club districts, armed
with a dancing gorilla mascot and a fully wrapped SUV
loaded with a beefy sound system, to encourage club-goers
to audition for Canada’s hottest dancer.
Samples of the gum, appropriately packaged as matches,
were handed out, and people were encouraged to go online
to vote for the best dancer. And for three months following
the promotion, Excel Inferno was the country’s best selling
cinnamon gum.
With a growing roster of Canadian clients, the firm found
its Mississauga offices were increasingly less convenient when
it came to downtown meetings and attracting talent.
“It was tough to get good talent to travel out there,” says
Miller from the firm’s former offices in the city’s North West.
That’s why they moved into new space in the heart of Liberty
Village at 135 Liberty Street in July.
OneMethod developed promotions for
Excel Inferno, helped MasterCard
develop and launch MyCard, and
continues to deliver branded training
programs for Nokia.
New Beach a 10-minute walk down Spadina
a disconnect between the city and the
waterfront that a new beach at the foot
of Spadina aims to correct. HTO Park is
designed to give the public access to the
lake in a way that acknowledges both the
city and the water, hence the name, which
is intended to denote the chemistry
between the water and city.
Harbourfront has its share of parks, but
what’s water without sand? That’s why,
south of the grassy berms, past the fledgling
willows and silver maples and in among
the concrete paths and slab benches,
you’ll find a 14,000-square-foot sandbox,
complete with 42 yellow umbrellas. And
just along the water’s edge, a 400-foot long
boardwalk made of Brazilian hardwood
(Ipe) adds a touch of refinement to this
urban setting.
Officially opened in early June, HTO
stands as the city’s newest waterfront park and
marks the beginning of a parks renaissance
in Toronto. The idea is that a reinvestment
program will align the city’s parks, trails and
physical assets with the social, economic and
cultural needs of its residents.
et West
Queen Stre
“Toronto’s continued prosperity hinges
upon the renewal of our waterfront,”
Mayor David Miller said at the park’s
opening ceremony. “For too long Toronto’s
waterfront was neglected, simply ignored or
developed with uses incompatible with a
people-friendly waterfront for Torontonians.
This park is another step in our reclamation
of our waterfront.”
Spadina Av
King Street
Bathurst St
Front Street
r Expy
ay W
s Qu
A team of architects led by Janet
Rosenberg (Janet Rosenberg + Associates
Landscape Architects of Toronto), Claude
Cormier (Claude Cormier architectes
paysagistes of Montreal) and Siamak Hariri
(Hariri Pontarini Architects of Toronto),
collaborated with staff from Toronto Parks,
Forestry and Recreation to create the new park.
The innovative park design was selected
following an international design competition,
undertaken by the city in 2003.
15 • SUMMER 2007
King West Central Gets Waterfront Access
Number TEN Architectural Group designed the new Winnipeg Humane Society
along with George Miers & Associates.
Number TEN Greens up Winnipeg
with New Humane Society
and University Science Complex
When the new Winnipeg Humane Society opens its doors
in September, amid the wagging tails, there’ll be plenty of
pomp and pageantry that comes with unveiling an exciting
new facility, designed to service a community.
But beyond feting the opening of a new building, Number
TEN Architectural Group, who designed the facility along
with George Miers & Associates, will also be celebrating the
culmination of an innovative and rewarding design process,
as well as a symbol of its core principles.
Committed to local environment
Occupying approximately 10,000 square feet at 115
Bannatyne Avenue, on the third floor, the 50-person
architectural and interior design practice, with offices in
Winnipeg and Victoria, remains fastidiously committed
to Winnipeg and to the local environment.
With its design of the MTS Centre, in association with
Sinks Combs Dethlefs, Number TEN was one of the first
forces to drive the business and cultural renaissance that is
taking place in downtown Winnipeg. And it continues to
drive significant projects forward through its involvement
with the interior design of the Manitoba Hydro Office Tower
with Marshall Cummings/IBI of Toronto; and the signage
it has developed with Apple Design Inc. for the Winnipeg
James Armstrong Richardson International Airport.
The firm also leads the advancement of sustainable
design in Manitoba with LEED® Gold projects, including
the Winnipeg Humane Society, currently under construction,
and the design of the University of Winnipeg Science
Complex and Richardson College for the Environment
with Busby Perkins + Will.
Early sustainable designs
Number TEN was at the forefront of sustainable design in
1993 with its innovative design and award-winning green
roof for the Ducks Unlimited Canada Head Office and Oak
Hammock Marsh Conservation Centre.
“We have an increasing number of LEED®-accredited
professionals and are developing our own sustainable design
tools and protocol to use with clients,” says Barbara Myers,
the firm’s Director of Business Development.
As a leader in design innovation and implementation,
the firm has established areas of excellence in commercial,
hospitality, institutional, education and recreation design.
It has also implemented projects in the U.S., Africa, and
Pakistan, and recently provided Canadian planning and
building expertise in Eastern Europe, Russia, and the United
Kingdom. Number TEN has strong modernist roots in the
community complemented by a forward thinking, vigorous
approach to design.