The Great East Japan Earthquake


The Great East Japan Earthquake
Cycle de conférences
JSPS Strasbourg et MUFJ
Dr. Takashi KOMURO
Tohoku University
The Great East Japan Earthquake:
experience of a researcher and damages to a
laboratory of chemistry in Tohoku University
The Great East Japan Earthquake (March 11, 2011) and its aftershocks caused major
damages to the research institutes in Tohoku University. In this seminar, I would like to talk
about my experience in the earthquakes and damages to experimental instruments in my
parent laboratory, namely, Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, after presentation on an
outline of my research (synthesis and reaction of metal–silicon complexes).
Entrée libre, conférence en anglais et tout public
Mercredi 2 novembre 2011 à 17h30
Maison Universitaire France-Japon
42a, Avenue de la Forêt Noire à Strasbourg
Contacts et informations
JSPS Strasbourg Office (03 68 85 20 17) - Maison Universitaire France Japon (03 68 85 20 12)