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Volume ! Archives ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ “Changing the tune”: practical information ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellectuelle et est la propriété exclusive de l'éditeur. Les œuvres figurant sur ce site peuvent être consultées et reproduites sur un support papier ou numérique sous réserve qu'elles soient strictement réservées à un usage soit personnel, soit scientifique ou pédagogique excluant toute exploitation commerciale. La reproduction devra obligatoirement mentionner l'éditeur, le nom de la revue, l'auteur et la référence du document. Toute autre reproduction est interdite sauf accord préalable de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. est un portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales développé par le Cléo, Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte (CNRS, EHESS, UP, UAPV). ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Référence électronique « “Changing the tune”: practical information », Volume ! [En ligne], Archives, mis en ligne le 22 janvier 2016, consulté le 30 septembre 2016. URL : Éditeur : Éd. Mélanie Seteun Document accessible en ligne sur : Document généré automatiquement le 30 septembre 2016. La pagination ne correspond pas à la pagination de l'édition papier. L'auteur & les Éd. Mélanie Seteun “Changing the tune”: practical information “Changing the tune”: practical information 1 The selected conference proceedings were published, under the title Politiques des musiques populaires au XXIe siècle [The politics of popular music in the 21st century], Elsa Grassy and Jedediah Sklower, eds. Table of contents and order here. Les actes choisis du colloque ont été publiés aux Éditions Mélanie Seteun, sous le titre Politiques des musiques populaires au XXIe siècle. Consultez la table des matières et commandez l’ouvrage ici. Dear participants, First of all, we would like to thank you for your interest in our conference. We are looking forward to meeting you all in Strasbourg for what promises to be an inspiring academic event! Registration 2 You will find the registration form at the bottom of this page. Please return it to Alenka Barber-Kersovan (barber[at]aspm-online[dot]org), Elsa Grassy (e[dot]grassy[at]yahoo[dot]fr) and Jedediah Sklower (jedediahsklower[at]hotmail[dot]com). At this time you do not need to send any payment. The registration fee of €30 (current students exempted) and any additional amount for meals will have to be paid in cash at the conference. Program 3 4 The programme is online here. The CFP is here: English / Français. About the workshops 5 Each workshop is one hour and thirty minutes long, which gives each speaker roughly 30 minutes. Please keep your actual presentation down to twenty minutes, musical excerpts included, so as to leave some time for Q&A and interaction between participants. Language 6 Since the conference language is English, we need those of you that submitted an abstract in another language to send us an English translation of the title of your presentation before April 1. Equipment 7 Conference rooms are equipped with video projectors and screens only. Laptops will be provided by panel moderators (to be announced later) in case you cannot bring your own. Please have your powerpoint presentation on a USB key. Contributors from countries using different electrical standards are requested to bring their own converters and/or plug adapters. Accommodation 8 We have obtained special rates from the following hotels and university hostels: HÔTEL AUX TROIS ROSES 7 rue de Zurich – 67000 Strasbourg Tel. +33 (0)3 88 36 56 95 Fax. : +33 (0)3 88 35 06 14 (From France, dial 03 88… / From abroad, skip the zero) Rate: €75,75 , breakfast and tax included. Bookings before April 11. HÔTEL ESPLANADE 1, boulevard Leblois – 67000 Strasbourg Tel. +33 (0)3 88 61 38 95 Fax +33 (0)3 88 60 66 87 Rates: Single room: €60 / Double: €65 / Breakfast: €8 Tax: €0.60 Bookings before April 5. Volume ! 2 “Changing the tune”: practical information (NB:You might get better rates on the hotel website if you book early enough – they have discounts for this period.) RÉSIDENCE LA GALLIA 1, boulevard de la Victoire - 67084 Strasbourg Cedex Tel. +33 (0)3 88 21 28 50 Fax: + 33 (0)3 88 35 71 52 Email: [email protected] Rates: - Standard rooms (these are bedrooms with an integrated bathroom cabin) = €16.65 for students, €32.25 for others - Guest rooms (with a real bathroom, separate from the bedroom)= €26.05 for students, €35.35 for others. 9 In order to get a room at those rates, you will need to mention you are coming for the conference when calling to make a reservation. You will then be asked for a credit card number. You will find more options here: Conference environment Conference Site 10 The conference will take place at the Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme – Alsace (MISHA) which is located on the campus of the University of Strasbourg, 5 allée du Général Rouvillois (map: ). All of the hotels mentioned in the accommodation section are within walking distance of the MISHA (20-30 minutes). Misha map How to get there? 11 12 13 14 From the Strasbourg train station: Take the A tram to Illkirch or the D tram to Aristide Briand. Change at Homme de Fer for the C tram to Neuhof. Get off at Esplanade. The MISHA will be on your right. If you are driving there from the A4 highway (coming from the NW): Follow the signs for Germany-Offenbourg, then follow “Esplanade” after the tunnel (keep to your left). Turn left and take the Danau bridge (pont du Danube). After Ankara street (rue d’Ankara) and the traffic light, there is a stop sign: turn left into London Street (rue de Londres). At the next traffic light, go straight until Place d’Athènes: the MISHA is on your right. If you are driving there from the A35 highway (coming from the South): Get off the highway at “Place de l’Etoile-Neudorf” and keep left. Follow the signs for Germany (Allemagne)-KehlOffenburg. Getting to Strasbourg Strasbourg has a well-connected train station (2 hours and 30 minutes from Paris), as well as an airport (Entzheim: Shuttles connect the airport Volume ! 3 “Changing the tune”: practical information 15 16 to the center of the city every 30 minutes on average (the trip takes 9 minutes). For more information on the shuttles, visit this page: airport-information/access-to-the-airport/shuttle-train. Tickets are €3.90 and can be bought at the airport, either before you exit the building (the machine will be to your left) or on the platform. If you’re landing in Frankfurt, you can book a bus with Lufthansa that will take you to the Strasbourg train station in 3 hours. This can be a great option if you are coming from afar. See details and booking options here: us/info_and_services/from_to_airport?nodeid=3163668&l=en&cid=1000390 Another option is the Baden-Baden airport (serviced by many low-cost companies, here:, which has a shuttle service to Strasbourg (http:// or the Basel-Mulhouse airport, right on the border between France and Switzerland ( As you can see, we are quite European! What to do in Strasbourg before or after the conference? 17 Here is the website for the tourist office: Varia Internet connection on campus 18 There will be a computer room at your disposal in the conference building. A wi-fi connection will also be available on site. Emergency information 19 20 From a French phone: for the police, dial 17 for the fire department, dial 18 for having a doctor sent to you wherever you are, 24/7, dial 3624 for “SOS médecin." We remain at your disposal if you have any further question. Best regards, Alenka, Elsa & Jedediah. Pour citer cet article Référence électronique « “Changing the tune”: practical information », Volume ! [En ligne], Archives, mis en ligne le 22 janvier 2016, consulté le 30 septembre 2016. URL : Droits d'auteur L'auteur & les Éd. Mélanie Seteun Volume ! 4
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