Career Objective Education and Certificates Work Experience


Career Objective Education and Certificates Work Experience
Home address: 141 rue Commandant Charcot
69110 Ste Foy les Lyon, France
Phone number: (033) 6 73 46 56 84
Date of birth: 22/10/1985
Familial status: Maried
[email protected]
Career Objective
I would like to study the environment and work to protect it. So, I would like use theses
knowledges to protect nature and increase public awareness of the emergency to do it.
Education and Certificates
Juin 2008
Juin 2006
Juin 2005
Juillet 2003
Master in science : Environment and Risk (Claude Bernard
University, Lyon1)
Master degree in science : Ecophysiology and et Ethology (ULP,
Thirst year university degree in science: Cellular Biology and
Physiology (Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg)
Secondary year university degree in science: Biology and Geology
(Henry Poincaré University, Nancy 1)
First year to prepare for the top French veterinary school (Nancy,
France), with work about the Cl- ions and cystic fibrosis disease
(Poincaré High School, Nancy)
High School Diploma in Science (Nancy-Metz Academy, France)
Work Experience
Since 2013
Since 2008
2004 and
Voluntary referent for awareness activities about environment, WWF
Lyon (69), voluntary
Responsable of environmental studies in Naturalism, Rhône (69),
voluntary with environmental associations (LPO, Frapna, GHRA)
Organizer for activities about nature and environment, LPO Rhône/
Naturama/ MJC Chaponost, Lyon’s zoo (69, France), employee, 3
Responsable of environmental studies in Ethology, University of
Lethbridge (AB, Canada), internship with G.R. Michener, 5 months
«Time and activity budgets and mating success of male
Richardson's ground squirrels”
Responsable of environmental studies in Ecophysiology,
Strasbourg’s DEPE (67), internship with J.H. Lignot, 2 months
“Variations of skin temperatures of the Python during the digestion,
in infrared”
Monitor for childs, Custines (54) and Gard’Eden (69), internship and
employee, 1 months and 5 months
Special Skills
• Computer utilization with Internet; Microsoft Word, Power-Point, Excel; Minitab and R
(statistics package); Biotas (spatial studies package)
Mother tongue: French
Good skills, both written and oral in English
Sport: horse-riding, fitness, hiking
Driving license, Car; BAFA (animator certificate); PSC1 (rescue certificate)
Hobbies: Animals, Protection of wildlife, watch documentaries about animals, films of
fantasy, listen to music of films
Hélène Simon
Activités régulières
MJC Chaponost
58 rue Etienne Gros
69630 Chaponost, France
Phone : (O33)4 78 45 25 38
[email protected]
Pr. Jean-Hervé Lignot
Centre d’Ecologie et Physiologie
23 rue Becquerel
67087 Strasbourg cedex 2, France
Phone : (033)3 88 10 69 38
[email protected]
Pr. Gail Michener
Department of Biological Sciences
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, AB, Canada
T1K 3M4
Phone : 1 403 329 2568
[email protected]