Program Description - Centre pour enfant Timiskaming Child Care


Program Description - Centre pour enfant Timiskaming Child Care
Englehart Program Description / Descriptions des programmes
September 2015 septembre
Monday (Closed in pm)
Lundi (fermé durant l’après midi)
*Please check calendar for activities and details*
*S.v.p. vérifier le calendrier pour les activités et détails.*
Tuesday / mardi
*Playgroup *10-11 :30 / Groupe de jeux 10 h–11 h 30
Free play, crafts. Snack and circle time. / Jeux, bricolages,
goûter et cercle.
Wednesday / mercredi
*Lets Bounce* 10-11
Join us for some bouncy house fun.
*Tumble Time* 10-11
Children, ages 0-6 years, will have the opportunity to
develop their strength, balance, flexibility and endurance
through play.
*Drop In* 1-4
Experience our wonderful playroom and resource centre
with access to toys, games and craft material.
*Jeux libres* 13 h-16 h
Venez jouer dans notre belle salle de jeux.
Thursday / jeudi
*Stroller Fit Workout with Crystal* 10-11
Enjoy a Brisk workout outside with the group.
*Cardio Poussette avec Crystal* 10-11
Profitez d'une marche à l'extérieur avec le groupe
*Drop In* 1-4
Experience our wonderful playroom and resource centre with
access to toys, games and craft material.
*Jeux Libres* 13 h-16 h
Venez jouer dans notre belle salle de jeux avec accès aux
jouets, des jeux, et du matériel pour faire du bricolage.
*Please check calendar for activities and details*
*S.v.p. vérifier le calendrier pour les activités et détails.*
Community Program Locations
Programmes dans la communauté:
Every Wednesday 9:30-11:30
Playgroup at École Assomption; please use the entrance at the
back of the school. Snack, art and circle time.
À tous les mercredis 9 h 30 à 11 h 30
Groupe de jeux à l’école Assomption; utilisez la porte arrière.
Il y aura un goûter, un bricolage et un cercle.
Thursday, September 24th, 9:45-11:15
Playgroup at the Elk Lake Public School.
Thursday, September 17th, 5:30-7pm
Join us at the Elk Lake Public School for some fun physical
activity with access to all equipment.
Workshops & Special Programs:
Ateliers et programmes spéciaux:
Saturday September 5th 10-12:30
*FREE Family Photos* Come and join us at the centre for
some FREE family photos. For children 0-6 years of
Samedi le 5 septembre 10 h-12 h 30
Photos de Famille Gratuites* Joignez-vous à nous au
centre pour des photos de famille GRATUITES. Pour les
enfants de 0 à 6 ans.
Friday September 11th
*Kids Have Stress Too Workshop*
Join us for this workshop with the OEYC Data Analysis
Coordinator Elizabeth to generate ideas that can help your
children manage stress.
*Learning Breakfast* 10-11 (every second Friday)
Start your day with a healthy breakfast and learn about different
*Déjeuner * 10 h-11 h (à tous les deux vendredis)
Commencez votre journée avec un déjeuner nutritif et venez
discuter de différents sujets avec nous!
*Please check calendar for activities and details*
*S.v.p. vérifier le calendrier pour les activités et détails.*
Thursday September 16 9-10:30
*Wake Up With Literacy*
Come get your body and brain moving first thing in the
morning with your children! Provided by our Early Literacy
Specialist, Onita Knight!
Thursday, September 17th
Take Time for Yourself
We will watch your children for you while you take a few
minutes for yourself, to take care of your body and spirit.
We will offer a hand soak/spa!
Saturday / samedi
*Drop In* 9-1 *Jeux libres* 9 h -13 h
September 26
*Family Fun with Math*
Explore Math concepts as a family in a fun interactive way.
Provided by our Early Literacy Specialist, Onita Knight!
Tuesday September 22nd
*Dreamcatcher Workshop*
Join us for this workshop with Elizabeth, and learn how to
design your very own dreamcatcher!