Spécial Fabrication Additive
Spécial Fabrication Additive
Novembre 2015 OPPORTUNITES DE PARTENARIATS EUROPEENS Spécial Fabrication Additive L’Agence Régionale du Développement et de l’innovation (ARDI) Rhône-Alpes, membre d’Entreprise Europe Network (EEN) a sélectionné des offres et demandes de technologies sur la thématique « fabrication additive » parmi plus de 6000 opportunités. Ces profils sont diffusés en anglais car ils proviennent de plus de 50 pays. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les résumés de ces profils, un complément d’information est disponible sur simple demande. L’objectif de cette newsletter est d’informer les entreprises et centres de recherche des innovations et opportunités d’affaires internationales. Pour toute information et accompagnement au partenariat technologique européen, contactez votre conseiller EEN à l’ARDI Rhône-Alpes. OFFRES DE TECHNOLOGIES Ceramic and multi-material 3D-printing technology (ref: TODE20151014002) A German SME offers powderbed-based 3D printing for the production of ceramic components. A dense micro structure and functional structures within the printed ceramic component.can be created. Properties are improved. This is among others interesting for prototype manufacturing. Applications are e.g. in medical, mechanical and electrical industry.The SME is looking for partners to introduce the system via commercial agreements with technical assistance or for research or technical agreements. Learning program for additive manufacturing, 3D printing of technical metal parts (ref: TONL20140509002) A Dutch research institute offers a learning programe for 3D printing technology for technical metal parts, directly from 3D computer aided design (CAD) data. The parts are built ‘layer-by-layer’ using (own and client-specific) metal powder which is selectively melted into a solid part. The technology is capable of predicting and achieving the right microstructure and homogenious properties in the final material. The institute is looking for commercial ageements with technical assistance. Additive Manufacting of new materials with Electron Beam Melting (EBM) (ref: TODE20150521001) The Chair of Fluid Technology and Microfluidics of a university situated in the North-Eastern part of Germany develops new metal materials using an electron beam melting system, an additive manufacturing technology by which it is possible to produce complex, three-dimensional metal parts of any composition. Partnership for further development in manufacturing new materials for various applications is sought. Options are technical cooperation agreement or research cooperation agreement. Additive manufacturing, 3D printing of technical plastic parts (ref: TONL20140509001) A Dutch research institute developed a 3D printing technology capable of producing technical plastic parts directly from 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) data. The technology focusses on (serial) manufacturing of functional parts with good mechanical properties, high resolution and customized blends. The institute is looking for companies in the medical, aerospace, and high tech markets to transfer know how in the frame of a commercial agreement with technical assistence. Direct manufacturing of metallic parts through electron beam melting (ref: 11 BE 0324 3KBO) Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is an innovative technique used to manufacture ready-to-use metallic parts. In the EBM process fully dense metal parts are built up layer-by-layer of metal powder melted by a powerful electron beam. Each layer is melted to the exact geometry defined by a 3D model. A Belgian collective research center is looking for partners for research, technical and/or commercial cooperation, adaptation to specific needs, testing of new applications, applications in new domains. DEMANDES DE TECHNOLOGIES Technology for prototypes 3D printed nail jewellery (ref: TRNL20150818001) A Dutch company in the nail jewellery is looking for a 3Dprinting company that can help with developing new prototypes for high quality 3D-printed nail jewellery in various suitable materials (plastic, metal and in different structures). The company is looking for a technology which can produce prototypes for very thin 3Dprinted nails. They are looking for a partner within the frame of a technical cooperation agreement in Germany, Finland, Denmark and the UK. Manufacturer of high quality candles using refined paraffin, palm and bees wax is looking for 3D printing technology (ref: TRBG20150807001) A Bulgarian company, the leader on the market, specialized in production of high quality candles using refined paraffin, palm and bees wax is looking for manufacturers of 3D printers with suitable technology to enable the production of a new line of candles by using a 3D printer. The company is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance. Seeking for suppliers of micro mechanical parts, electric machine winding and magnets for high speed applications (Ref: TRIT20141216001) An Italian SME developing compact size microturbines and microgenerators is looking for specialised suppliers of high precision micro mechanical parts, small electric machine winding and magnets for high speed applications. Manufacturers/suppliers in the following areas are sought: -Micro-machining of complex geometries both metal and plastic (micro-milling, 5 axis milling, 3D printing etc…) -Micro-rotor balancing -Small electric generator winding -Ring magnets for high speed applications, up to 100k rpm (Neodymium and bonded Neodymium magnets both with carbon fibre bandage) -Custom power electronics (PFC, battery chargers, DC-DC converters) OFFRES COMMERCIALES Polish producer of 3D printers seeks commercial agents (ref: BOPL20140203001) A Polish SME specialized in the production of 3D printers is looking for commercial agents interested in cooperation within EU. The company delivers ready-to-use 3D printers as well as DIY (Do It Yourself) kits for assembly. Offered 3D printers are CE marked and available for demonstration. Possible form of cooperation commercial agreement. A Dutch high-end designbrand is looking for sales agents for 3D printed / lasered jewelry and accessories (ref: BONL20150918001) A Dutch company designs 3D printed / lasered jewelry and accessories. Another part is digitally printed textiles: silk scarves and interior-textiles. All produced in limited editions in the Netherlands. The designs are unique, with a story and fine quality. The company is looking for sales agents in Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and United Kingdom and is interested in cooperation in the framework of a commercial agency agreement or a distribution services agreement EVENEMENTS MANUFUTURE 23-24 nov 2015-Luxembourg Conferences and Brokerage Event (B to B) on: - adaptive manufacturing - zero defect manufacturing - additive manufacturing - circular economy - industry 4.0 - key enabling technologies http://www.manufuture2015.eu/ Abonnez-vous et recevez, par e-mail, une sélection d’opportunités technologiques ou d’affaires. Cette sélection est personnalisée en fonction de vos domaines d’intérêt. Vous aussi diffusez gratuitement votre offre/demande de technologies ou offre/demande commerciale dans toute l’Europe via Entreprise Europe Network. Pour plus d’informations : ARDI Rhône-Alpes Sara Maiez-Tribut, Référent Bureau Europe [email protected] 04 79 25 36 74
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opportunites de partenariats europeens
Spécial Engineering/process
L’Agence Régionale du Développement et de l’innovation (ARDI) Rhône-Alpes, membre d’Entreprise Europe Network
(EEN) a sélectionné ...
opportunites de partenariats europeens
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