Recherche Logiciel Pour Gagner A La Roulette
Recherche Logiciel Pour Gagner A La Roulette
TEST REPORT Report Number: K Number Ref: Sample Number: Cust Sample ID/Job No: Schedule Class: Date Sampled: Date Received: Hrs On Oil: Hrs On Equipment: Oil Changed? Top Up Oil brand Oil grade Status STATUS 1078767 K1046839 1 GRAHAM 3DEN 18/11/2009 27/11/2009 N/K 1078 N N/K N/K SAE 20W40 REPORT NUMBER Satisfactory 1078767 ☺ DATE COMPLETE 1/12/2009 Caution values for ENGINE EQUIPMENT DETAILS SERIAL NO: 46006044 ☺ ID: PARENT EQUIPMENT: BOAT VISCOSITY @ 100°C (ASTM D445) mm²/s VISCOSITY @ 40°C (ASTM D445) mm²/s VISCOSITY INDEX (ASTM D2270) FUEL DILUTION (OL1007) %W/W 14.46 106.8 139 1.4 <12.5 >16.3 0.041 0.364 13.3 4.44 9.23 10 0.15 2.5 50 25.0 COMP SERIAL: MAKE: FLEMMING 55 PORT 3.5 TOTAL SOOT (OL1108) %w/w OXIDATION (OL1027) NITRATION (OL1026) TOTAL BASE NUMBER (OL1021) mg KOH/g PARTICLE QUALITY INDEX (OL1028) CHROMIUM mg/L LEAD mg/L COPPER mg/L TIN mg/L NICKEL mg/L ALUMINIUM mg/L SILICON mg/L SODIUM mg/L POTASSIUM mg/L BORON mg/L CALCIUM mg/L ZINC mg/L PHOSPHORUS mg/L SULPHUR mg/L MAGNESIUM mg/L MOLYBDENUM mg/L OPERATION DETAILS OIL MANUFACTURER: N/K OIL TYPE: N/K OIL GRADE: SAE 20W40 26 TOP UP (L): N/K LUBE CAPACITY (L): 20 METALS (OL1052) mg/L IRON mg/L MODEL: ENGINE MODEL: C8-3M3 450 FTIR SCAN EXT. (ASTM E2412) WATER (OL1020) %w/w COMPARTMENT: ENGINE LH 4 0.2 <1 1 <1 <1 2 2 4 <1 2 3157 1375 1077 4630 8 <1 70 10 25 25 35 3 20 15 30 OIL CHANGED: N FILTER CHANGED: N BRANCH: SITE: CUSTOMER DETAILS CUSTOMER CODE: 632127 NAME: GRAHAM R YOUNG ADDRESS: PO BOX 163 BELMONT WA 6014 ADDITIVE ADDITIVE ADDITIVE ADDITIVE ADDITIVE ADDITIVE RESULTS OF SAMPLE ANALYSIS Comments: 1078767 * Results are satisfactory. * Resample at manufacturer's recommended intervals for assessment. CONTACT: GRAHAM PHONE: 08 9481 8787 FAX: MOBILE: 0428177063 Abnormal values X = Uncategorised abnormal value A = Slightly elevated abnormal value B = Elevated abnormal value C = High abnormal value D = Critical abnormal value Tested by: Oilcheck Sydney Laboratory 95 Clapham Road Sefton NSW 2162 Australia . Page 1 of 2 GRAHAM R YOUNG PO BOX 163 BELMONT WA 6014 Report: 1078767 Wear metals 1.2 4 Normalised ppm 1 3.5 0.8 3 0.6 2.5 2 0.4 1.5 1 0.2 0.5 0 Normalised Iron ppm 4.5 Chromium Cr Copper as Cu Lead as Pb Tin as Sn Iron as Fe 0 1 (1078 HRS) Sample (Equipment time) Fuel dilution 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Sodium as Na Aluminium Al Silicon as Si %w/w ppm Contamination elements 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Fuel dilution 1 1 8 07 (1 8 07 (1 S) HR S) HR Sample (Equipment time) Sample (Equipment time) Did you know: The information that you would normally find on the back of the report has moved. We’ve made it easier to read and understand on the web along with other interesting information. For more information visit us on the web at Did you know: Graphed metal results are normalised, this means we are only comparing results at standard intervals i.e. 200 hours for engines, 500 hours for non-engines. This is only for trending purposes so you can compare the current results with past results. For more information visit us on the web at Did you know: It is important to fill out the sample description forms correctly. The information that you provide us with will help us to know more about your sample, and help us help you for when you get the report back. For more information visit us on the web at Did you know: If you take the sample when the oil is cold it will reduce the accuracy of the sample. The majority of the particles we are looking for fall to the bottom and may not be tested. So make sure the samples are taken at operating temperatures to get the maximum benefit out of your INSPEC oil analysis This analysis is to aid scheduled maintenance only. NO GUARANTEE expressed or implied is made against failure of this equipment and any liability is limited to replacement cost of the sampler. Title and interest in any intellectual property generated from analysis of all samples provided to the laboratory is vested and owned by Oilcheck Pty Limited for statistical purposes only. Page 2 of 2