Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary
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Calendrier Paroissial
plans? You will join in sharing the Gospel message and Catholic tradition in ways that are creative yet genuine, bringing them to life for young people and families. Become part of it today… visit ...
Plus en détail25 mai 2014 - Paroisse Sainte
Upcoming Dates: May 26/June 13, 14, and Aug 25/Sept 12, 13 and Sep 15/Oct 3, 4. For info and/or registration contact 403-218-5505 or email [email protected]. Project Rachel, an ecume...
Plus en détailBulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary 19 juillet 2015
plans? You will join in sharing the Gospel message and Catholic tradition in ways that are creative yet genuine, bringing them to life for young people and families. Become part of it today… visit ...
Plus en détail08 mai 2016 - Paroisse Sainte
Announcements from the Catholic Pastoral Centre for May 8th 2016 | Ascension of the Lord VIGIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE - Bishop Henry will preside over a Vigil for the protection of human life a...
Plus en détailRevenus des offrandes : 28 août: 1 716,50$ 4 sept.: 3 009,96
Kids First. It will be offered on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm. on the following dates: Sep 22, 29, Oct 6, 20 & 27. This 5 week program provides tools to create effective communication skill...
Plus en détailIntentions de messes de la part de Calendrier paroissial.
$150/couple. Tickets can be purchased through St. Ambrose Parish office. Call 403-3453400 to reserve. Proceeds go to St. Ambrose Parish Hall Building Fund. The Calgary Diocesan Marriage Preparation...
Plus en détail01 mai 2016 - Paroisse Sainte
present World Youth Day At Home. You can donate by using two options. 1. Online at onerock.ca – “How can I help” page OR 2. By sending a cheque designated for One Rock made payable to RC Diocese of...
Plus en détailCalendrier paroissial Brunchs des Chevaliers de Colomb
evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm. on the following dates: Sept 22, 29, Oct 6, 20 & 27. Provides tools to create effective communication skills for parents who are separated or divorced. It is recommended...
Plus en détail05 avril 2015 - Paroisse Sainte
silent auction items. Calgary Pro-Life Association 35th Annual Hike for Life on Saturday, May 9, 8:30 am – noon at Prince’s Island Park. Contact www.calgaryprolife.com or 403-243-0691. Project Rach...
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