15 Septembre 2013 - Paroisse Sainte
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08 Septembre 2013
formation for singing the Responsorial Psalm. Cantors of all abilities and experience are invited. Saturday, September 21, 2013 (registration 9:30am, workshop 10am - 3pm), St. Martha's Church, Leth...
Plus en détail25 mai 2014 - Paroisse Sainte
Day of information on Religious Life. Invitation to young single women, ages 16-35. Are you curious about religious life? Do you have questions? Come spend time with a small group of Sisters on Sun...
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compassionate care of a person whose disease is no longer responsive to traditional treatment aimed at cure. To register call: 403-218-5507 (or 5508) or email: [email protected]....
Plus en détail04 sept 2016 - Paroisse Sainte
on Oct. 7, 2016 at Holy Spirit Catholic Church (10827 24th St. SW Calgary) for ages 33 to 44. CO-PARENTING - An educational 5-week program for separated/divorced parents that teaches helpful commun...
Plus en détailBulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary
Palio of Calgary will be celebrated Saturday, September 19, 2015. Mark your calendars for this fun filled family day at the Strathmore Rodeo Grounds featuring an open air Mass at 5pm with Bishop He...
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