Course of Study – French 9 (323)


Course of Study – French 9 (323)
Course of Study – French 9 (323) Updated 9/2014
I. General Description and Objectives:
French 9 (323) is the course for students who have satisfactorily completed the French Program at the Middle School. The course is proficiency-­‐based and stresses communicative functions.
Textbook: C’est à toi! 2 by Karla Winther Fawbush, Toni Theisen, Dianne B. Hopen and Diana Moen. Published by EMC Publishing. Chapters 1-­‐6. Course Objectives:
1. To increase students’ vocabulary, enabling to communicate with greater ease in everyday situations. 2. To develop students’ listening skills. 3. To introduce new grammatical structures needed for communication. 4. To further develop reading and writing ability. 5. To enrich students’ understanding of French culture and civilization. II. Course Content
Vocabulary Topics:
Dates Time Weather School Subjects Sports Verbs:
Regular –er, -­‐ir, and –re verbs
Irregular verbs: aller, venir, faire, avoir
Conversational future (Futur proche)
Definite and indefinite articles
Il y a and il n’y a pas
Contractions of à and de
Possessive adjectives
Question formation
Leisure Activities
School Supplies
Meeting and Greeting People
Units 1-­‐ 6
Vocabulary Topics:
Personality adjectives
Art and museums
Animals: zoo and farm
Bodies of water
Correspondence and postal office
Food and drink
Toiletries and bath
Verbs: Grammar: Chores
Grooming articles
Wedding expressions
Movies and T.V. programs
Leisure activities
Musical instruments
Banking expressions
-­‐ review present tense
-­‐ être en train de, venir de, revenir, devenir
-­‐ irregular verbs: prendre, mettre, voir, sortir, partir, lire, vouloir, devoir, pouvoir, dormir, s’asseoir, se lever, falloir, offrir, ouvrir, courir, dire et écrire (présent et passé composé)
-­‐ passé composé of regular avoir verbs – positive, negative, and interrogative
-­‐ passé composé of être verbs
-­‐ reflexive verbs (présent and passé composé just with body parts)
-­‐ boot verbs: acheter, préférer, répéter, appeler, lever, jeter
-­‐ agreement with passé composé direct and indirect object pronouns
-­‐ double pronouns
-­‐ Adjectives: regular, irregular, forms, positions, plurals
-­‐ Questions: est-­‐ce que, inversion, n’est-­‐ce pas
-­‐ Negative formations: ne… pas, jamais, personne, que, rien, plus
-­‐ Definite, indefinite, partitive, demonstrative adjectives
-­‐ Commands
. City and country prepositions
-­‐ Reflexive verb commands and passé composé
-­‐ Direct object pronouns – me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les in present and past tenses
-­‐ Indirect object pronouns – me, te, nous, vous, lui, leur
-­‐ Imparfait
-­‐ Futur simple -­‐ Present participle
Culture: Art Unit: focus on Picasso
Holidays in France (Ex: La Toussaint (1886), Musée des beaux-­‐arts de Nancy d’Emile Friant)
Le Bal de Neige et le Carnaval de Québec (Mardi Gras around the World)
Les Antilles: Haïti, Martinique, Guadeloupe
French transportation: métro, RER, SNCF
Provinces and cities in France
Geography including rivers and mountains
Products of France
Sports and leisure activities
The Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco
Déjeuner du matin – Jacques Prévert
Culminating Activities: *Cooking Show
*Poster and research on a province of France
*Memorize and illustrate Déjeuner du matin
*Brochures of Le Carnaval de Québec or Bal de Neige winter festivals
*Creation of a publicité