Enrichir le dictionnaire électronique du grec moderne: Le cas des


Enrichir le dictionnaire électronique du grec moderne: Le cas des
Enrichir le dictionnaire électronique du grec moderne: Le cas des verbes
préfixés par καλο- et ψιλο-
Eva Fista1
Université Aristote de Thessalonique, Grèce
In this article, we describe the results of a systematic study of the prefixes καλο, ψιλοwhen used with simple verbs of Modern Greek. In this study we have enriched in a
semi-automatic way the DELAGR (Electronic Dictionary of simple Greek words) and
the DELAFGR (Electronic Dictionary of conjugated forms of Greek). The article
presents a number of remarks on the construction of the verbs composed of a simple
verb with a prefix and it discusses their inflection. Their syntactic and semantic
description through a systematic study of the verbs included in the Greek LexiconGrammar will complete this research. Such analysis is ongoing.
Keywords: Prefixation, electronic dictionary, verbal inflection.
Laboratoire de Traduction et de Traitement automatique du Langage, Evangelia Fista
<[email protected]>