michael burns


michael burns
T 416.367.6091
F 416.361.2796
[email protected]
Valeurs mobilières, marchés financiers et sociétés
Financement des entreprises et valeurs mobilières
Gestion des investissements
Capital d'investissement
Fonds d’actions de sociétés fermées, fonds spéculatifs
et fonds d’investissement alternatifs
Fusions et acquisitions
Formation / Admission au Barreau
​LLB, Dalhousie University, 1990
Michael Burns is a partner in the Investment Management Group in the Toronto office
of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP. His primary focus is in the areas of securities law,
hedge funds and structured products with additional experience in the financing of
junior resource issuers. Michael has extensive experience in the structuring, offering
and sale of structured investment products such as commodity pools and closed ended
investment trusts. Michael also provides counsel to both foreign and domestic domiciled
investment fund managers and advisors on the offering of their investment funds and
services in Ontario.
B. Comm. (Cum Laude), Dalhousie
University, 1987
Ontario, 1992
Activités professionnelles
Alternative Investment Management
Association, Canada-Chairman
Investment Fund Institutes of Canada
Ontario Bar Association- Securities
Law Subcommittee
Canadian Bar Association
Activités communautaires
Minor hockey coach
Michael's securities work involves a wide variety of mergers and acquisitions,
divestitures and corporate finance transactions which include take-over bids (hostile
and friendly), proxy contests, private placements, rights offerings, and initial public
offerings, acting on behalf of both issuers and underwriters/agents. Michael's corporate
finance experience has included issuers in industries such as mining (both junior and
senior issuers), advertising/corporate communications, television/entertainment
production, real estate investment trusts and transportation.
Michael provides on-going advice to public issuers concerning continuous disclosure
obligations, shareholder communications, executive compensation, corporate
governance, preparations for annual and special meetings and general corporate
Minor baseball coach
Represents and advises investment fund managers and portfolio
managers on the structuring and offering of hedge funds and other
pooled investment products in Canada.
Represents and advises Canadian investment fund managers on the
structuring and offering of offshore hedge funds.
Extensive experience in the registration and ongoing compliance
obligations of investment fund managers, portfolio managers and dealers
under applicable securities legislation.
Advises foreign-domiciled investment fund managers on the offering and
registration requirements associated with the marketing and distribution
Avocats | Agents de brevets et de marques de commerce
© 2016 Borden Ladner Gervais
S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L.
(«BLG»). Tous droits réservés
of the securities of foreign domiciled hedge funds in Canada.
Represents and advises issuers and dealers in connection with offering
of securities in Canada via prospectus and private placement.
Acts on behalf of both acquirors and targets on mergers, acquisitions and
take-over bids (friendly and hostile).
Represents shareholders in connection with proxy contests.
Advises issuers with respect to continuous disclosure obligations and
corporate governance matters in Canada.
Generally advises on corporate, commercial and securities law matters.
Co-Author, "CSA's Proposed Harmonized Report of Exempt Distribution,"
BLG's Securities and Capital Markets Bulletin, October 2015.
Co-Author, "Wrapper Amendments Bring Relief - But Not for Everyone,"
BLG Investment Management Bulletin, September 2015.
Author, "New Report of Exempt Distribution Form Proposed For
Domestic and Foreign Investment Funds," Securities Bulletin, April 2014.
Author, "Portal Registration Requirements," Crowdfunding Bulletin, April
2014 (with Stuart English).
Author, "Phase 2 of the Modernization of Investment Funds Project –
Alternative Funds Framework and Extension of Comment Period,"
Securities Bulletin, July 2013 (with Kimberly J. Poster, Jason A. Chertin,
Alison Kim, Hilary Hennick).
Author, "Phase 2 of the Modernization of Investment Funds Project –
Closed-End Funds II," Securities Bulletin, June 2013 (with Kimberly J.
Poster, Jason A. Chertin).
Author, "Phase 2 of the Modernization of Investment Funds Project –
Closed-End Funds," Securities Bulletin, May 2013 (with Kimberly J.
Poster, Jason A. Chertin, Alison Kim, Hilary Hennick).
Author, "Phase 2 of the Modernization of Investment Funds Project –
Mutual Funds," Securities Bulletin, May 2013 (with Kimberly J. Poster,
Jason A. Chertin, Alison Kim, Hilary Hennick).
Author, "Government of Canada announces new support for Canadian
venture capital funds," private equity bulletin, May 2013.
Author, "Investment Funds and Asset Management - Regulatory Update,"
Securities and Public Markets Bulletin, July 2012.
Author, "Divergent Paths – Securities Regulatory Authorities in Nine
Canadian Jurisdictions Propose to Adopt Different Rules for Registration
of Non-Resident Investment Fund Managers," Securities and Public
Markets Bulletin, March 2012.
Author, "International Investment Fund Managers May Need to Register
in Canada - Revised Registration Requirements and Exemptions for NonResident Investment Fund Managers Published for Comment," Securities
and Public Markets Bulletin, February 2012.
Avocats | Agents de brevets et de marques de commerce
© 2016 Borden Ladner Gervais
S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L.
(«BLG»). Tous droits réservés
​Recognized in the 2015 edition of Who's Who Legal: Canada (Private
Borden Ladner Gervais S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L. (BLG) est un grand cabinet juridique canadien
qui offre à ses clients une gamme complète de services, principalement en droit des
affaires, litige commercial et arbitrage ainsi que propriété intellectuelle. BLG est l’un des
premiers cabinets juridiques en importance au pays; il compte plus de 725 avocats,
agents de propriété intellectuelle et autres professionnels dans 5 grandes villes du
Canada. BLG répond aux besoins de ses clients, que ce soit en matière de litige, de
financement ou d’enregistrement de brevets et de marques de commerce.
Avocats | Agents de brevets et de marques de commerce
© 2016 Borden Ladner Gervais
S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L.
(«BLG»). Tous droits réservés