Number 37 April 2010 - Alliance Française de Cork
Number 37 April 2010 - Alliance Française de Cork
Number 37 April 2010 Monthly newsletter for the Alliance Française Cork La lettre mensuelle de l’Alliance Française de Cork Editorial Chers Amis, dear Friends, The celebrated French Poet Jacques REDA joins us this month to bring to us his own enchanted vision of the world. Avril Nora CALLANAN, President, Jacques REDA, French Poet and Hélène DUQUIN, Director Af de CORK At the Franco-Irish Literary Festival in DUBLIN Castle Après l’hiver clément j’entends chacun se plaindre De l’extrême fraîcheur d’Avril, qui me convient. L’air vif, un ciel mouvant et gris qu’on voit se teindre Des bleus tendres divers qu’un souffle diluvien Noie et fait resplendir ensuite sur l’asphalte Entre les ébrouements parfumés des tilleuls : C’est bien. Le carrefour dont tous les feux s’exaltent -Orange, rouge, vert – se vide et l’on est seuls Emportés par le vent, vous et moi, belle ondée. Vous me restituez cette émouvante odeur Qui montait autrefois, de la rue inondée, Comme de l’avenir et de sa profondeur. Or ce n’était pourtant qu’une odeur de poussière Un peu poivrée, avec le sucre des jardins, L’iode des chevaux et l’âcreté du lierre Ou du buis se mêlant aux effluves soudain De la petite forge. Et limaille, soudure Composaient des bouquets où des brins de coucou Avaient aussi leur place, et l’acide verdure Qu’on rapportait les soirs de dimanche. Beaucoup D’autres printemps depuis ont rouvert les coroles Et ranimé le feu d’un soleil en péril, Mais s’il n’en reste rien de plus que des paroles, Je vis quand il revient le même mois d’avril. LEAVING CERT Seaweed A photographic exhibition by Véronique Mohally At the Alliance Française Gallery 24th March - 13th May 2010 Easter written and oral preparation courses Written Tuesday , Wednesday 7th April The exhibition will be officially Focus on all main elements of opened by written paper Vincent Hyland Specially devised handouts Ocean Explorer 8-hour course Veronique first came to Ireland as a Price €170 young girl and fell in love with the country before marrying a Cork man. She remembers developing black and white pictures in her parent's cellar with her grandfather and since then her love for photography has never left her. She studied Design in C.S.N and Interior Design in St John's College, Cork. Her exploration of the seashore presents us with many unexpected images. With the help of her artistic eye she Jacques REDA invites us on a voyage through the majestic beauty of Seaweeds. 6th Oral Thursday 8th and Friday 9th April Maximum immersion in an interactive group All topic areas Individual mock oral and advice sessions 8-hour course Price €170 For more information contact 021 4310677 or [email protected] This month Alliance Française de Cork is delighted to participate in Intensive preparation weekend for Leaving Cert Honours French Oral Exam Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th April 2010 Maximum immersion in an interactive group All topic areas Excellent handouts Practice sessions Individual mock oral and advice sessions 8.5-hour course Price €170 For more information contact 021 4310677 or [email protected] Jacques RÉDA and Niamh SWEENEY, Af de Cork Courses Coordinator, Imperial Hotel Cork Alliance Française de Cork in association with Cork City Library presents Lecture by French poet Cork Volunteer Fair 2010 9th – 11th April at Cork City Hall For more information go to Jacques RÉDA Introduced by Rosemary CANAVAN Poet & literary translator Thursday 15th April 2010 Jacques Réda is a French poet, jazz critic, and flâneur. He was chief editor of the Nouvelle Revue Française from 1987 to 1996. For more information contact 021 4310677 or [email protected] World Book Fest Market Saturday 24th April 2010 Grand Parade, Cork New and old French books at great prices! For more information go to Easter break Monday 29th March – Sunday 11th April 2010 During the break office will be open Monday – Friday 9.30am – 5.30pm Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 9.30am-5.30pm Sat: 9.30am - 4pm (closed for lunch 1.30pm - 2.30pm) European Symposium organised by AF to celebrate 60th Anniversary of Schuman Declaration Coming up on 18th May 2010, at University College Cork Alliance Francaise Cork Enterprise House, 2nd Floor, 36 Mary Street, Cork Tel/Fax: +353 (0)21 431 06 77 [email protected] (P) & (C) 2006 Alliance Française de Cork Ltd
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surrealism, describes CÉSAIRE as “A
black man who embodies not simply the
Black race but all mankind, who will
remain for me the prototype of human