(a)French I Module 6 Curriculum Guide 2014-2015
(a)French I Module 6 Curriculum Guide 2014-2015
Arlington Independent School District LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH CURRICULUM GUIDE FRENCH I- Module 6 PROFICIENCY:Acceptable Range for Student Performance Novice Low Novice Mid Novice High Intermediate Low Intermediate Mid End of Level Proficiency Target: Novice High My Style! Module Focus Enduring Understandings Learning another language enables people to communicate effectively with those who use that language. Learning another language enables people to compare languages and cultures in order to broaden their view of the world around them. Learning another language helps people understand and appreciate diverse cultures. Learning another language allows people to access information in that language and make connections with other areas of life. Learning another language helps people live and continually learn in a global society. I can identify and talk about clothing items and accessories I can talk about buying clothes in a store I can give my opinion about clothes I can talk about shopping in stores and online in France I can discuss the role of fashion in France “I Can” Statements TEKS LEVEL 1 Novice Mid – Novice High 1. Interpersonal communication: speaking and writing. The student negotiates meaning through the spoken and written exchange of information in rehearsed and unrehearsed situations in a variety of contexts. The student uses a mixture of words and phrases and some simple sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: Mon look! Instructional Resources Communication Vocabulary Divided by Category.doc French Clothes ppt Les Vêtements.ppt Les Vêtements1.ppt Module 6 Body Parts /Clothing Communicative Activities.doc Semester 2 Review : Ma Ville b. express and exchange personal opinions or preferences in spoken and written conversation; Les SitesWeb Culturels 2.doc d. articulate requests, offer alternatives, or develop simple plans in spoken and written conversation; e. participate in spoken Module 6 Vocabulary Module 6_I Can Statements a. ask and respond to questions about everyday life in spoken and written conversation; c. ask and tell others what they need to, should, or must do in spoken and written conversation; Vocabulary Les Sites Web Utiles Culturels1.doc TPRS Resources: Look, I Can Talk! & Mini-Stories for Look, I Can Talk by Blaine Ray Discovering French Nouveau-Bleu 1 Total Physical Response Storytelling: p. 13-14, p. 43-46 ® Arlington Independent School District, LOTE Department Help students acquire the essential academic language of this lesson by establishing the terms for the building blocks of French grammar. Demonstrative Adjective Interrogative Adjective Assessment Module 6 Interpersonal Speaking Assessment Module 6 Interpersonal Speaking Rubric Module 6 Interpretive Reading Assessement Irregular Adjective Comparison of Adjectives Pronoun – On Imperative Regular Verbs: IR /RE 2014 - 2015 Module 6 Presentational Speaking/optional Writing Assessment Module 6 conversation using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and gestures; and f. participate in written conversation using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and style. 2. Interpretive communication: reading and listening. The student comprehends sentence-length information from culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials as appropriate within highly contextualized situations and sources. The student uses the interpretive mode in communication with appropriate and applicable grammatical structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. Les Vêtements du Sports, Le Shopping, Un Match de Tennis, Catherine et Son Argent Games : Je Fais un Voyage et J’apporte… L’espionnage TE p. 253A StemChangingVerbs: Acheter Préférer Irregular Verb:Mettre Review : Module 6 Self-Evaluation Semester 2 Review: Ma Ville.ppt French Proficiency Assessment Reading and Listening Practice – see LOTE website Assessment Page, Proficiency Tab Discovering French Nouveau – Bleu 1 A Votre Tour: p. 264-5, 274-5, 282-3, 294-5 p. PA7 Vêtements The student is expected to: a. demonstrate an understanding of culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials in everyday contexts; b. identify key words and details from fiction and nonfiction texts and audio and audiovisual materials; c. infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in highly contextualized texts, audio, and audiovisual materials; and d. identify cultural practices from authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials. 3. Presentational communication: speaking and writing. The student presents information orally and in writing using a mixture of words and phrases and some simple sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: a. state and support an opinion or preference orally and in writing; and b. describe people, objects, and simple situations orally and in writing using a mixture of words, phrases, and simple sentences. Cultures See shared content folder: Module 6 Teacher Created Activities Folder for projects, videos, music, and internet links. Les Sites Web Utiles Culturels1.doc Discovering French Nouveau – Bleu 1 Note Culturelle: Le Grand Magasin, p. 266 ; Les Jeunes et la Mode p. 276 ; L’argent des Jeunes p. 285 Activité: Google Earth Connections Thinking Maps -- French Discovering French Nouveau – Bleu 1 Unit 2 Entreacte Unit 6 Entreacte www.classzone.com Unite 6 Webquest: Shopping for Clothes in Paris A Votre Tour Activity: Le Shopping (Choosing, Describing, Numbers to 1000, Prices) ® Arlington Independent School District, LOTE Department 2014 - 2015 Presentational Speaking Rubric Module 6 Presentational Writing Rubric Module 6 Presentational Speaking and Writing Combined Rubric (optional) Comparisons Discovering French Nouveau – Bleu 1 p. 283 ex. 3 speaking somparison of actors, etc. ex. 4 Compare yourself to others Note Culturelle: p. 266 « Le Grand Magazin » p. 276 « Les Jeunes et La Mode » p. 300 Entreacte « Achats par Internet » Activité: Google Earth Communities www.classzone.com Unite 6 Webquest: Shopping for Clothes in Paris A Votre Tour Activity: Le Shopping (Choosing, Describing, Numbers to 1000, Prices) Useful Internet Links: Les Sites Web Utiles Culturels1.doc Les SitesWeb Culturels 2.doc Online clothes shopping: Galeries Lafayette www.galerieslafayette.com Printemps www.printemps.com Le Bon Marché www.lebonmarche.com http://www.laits.utexas.edu/fi ® Arlington Independent School District, LOTE Department 2014 - 2015
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