Bulletin N°5, Activity blong Gaua Volkeno, Gaua Isl and, 18
Bulletin N°5, Activity blong Gaua Volkeno, Gaua Isl and, 18
Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources Geo-Hazard Section Port Vila Telephone: 22907 Fax: 22213 Bulletin blong Alert blong volkeno Bulletin N°5, Activity blong Gaua Volkeno, Gaua Isl and, 18 December 2009 14°16’0”S 167°30’0”E Summit (797m ) Wan narafala eraptiv phase blong Gaua volcano hemi bin start long Monday 14th December 2009 wetem wan significant erapsen blong asis. New eraptive phase ia hemi differen long previus activity through long way we I gat plante asis (tick plume) I kamaot long volcano since long Monday kasem tede mo kala blong asiss hemi dark pitim bifo (luk photos). Change ia hemi reflectem evolution blong source (alimentation) blong volkeno. Ol assis ia oli continue blong fuldaon long westen part blong Gaua mo wetem ol change blong daereksen blong win, oli save foldaon too long sam eria blong easten part blong aelan. Volcanic gas mesament blong Gaua volkeno long 17 December 2009 I soem se I gat moa tan 3,000 tones blong sulfuric gas I kamaot long volkeno ia long wan day. Ol infomesen ia oli confemem se activity blong volkeno ia hemi still strong mo strong activity ia bae hemi save stap longtaem. Alert Level blong activity blong volkeno ia hemi still stap long level 2 long Vanuatu Volcano Alert Level (VVAL). Monitoring blong volkeno ia hemi mas continue mo man I mas save ol eria blong denja blong volkeno ia follem hazard map we I stap long last page. Blong kasem moa infomesen yu save kontactem Geo-Hazard Unit blong Department blong Geology, Mines mo Water Resources, telephone 22907/22423 email [email protected], mo [email protected] , or luk long internet long www.geohazards.gov.vu . Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources Geo-Hazard Section Port Vila Telephone: 22907 fax: 22213 Volcano Alert Bulletin Bulletin N°5, Gaua Volcano activity Gaua Island, 18 December 2009 14°16’0”S 167°30’0”E Summit 2615ft (797m) A new eruptive phase of the Gaua volcano begun on Monday 14th December 2009 with the significant emissions of ashes. This new eruptive phase is different from previous activities in terms of the amount of ashes (represented by think plumes) that were emitted from the volcano since Monday and which is currently ongoing. The colour of the ash is also darker than previously (see photos). These changes reflect the evolution of the source (alimentation) of the volcano to be determined. Ash falls continue to persist in the western part of Gaua and with the changes in the direction of the wind; it is possible that ash falls may also be experienced in the eastern part of the island. Chemical analysis of the ashes that fell and were collected in October, which were carried out by York University in England, have indicated that there is a high concentration of chemicals which are hazardous to the human health within these ash particles from Gaua. A volcanic gas measurement of the Gaua volcano on 17th December 2009 shows that there are over 3,000 tones of sulphuric dioxide emitted from the volcano in one day. All these information confirms that the activity of this volcano is still very strong and may be maintained for a longer period of time. The Alert Level of this volcano’s activity is still maintained at Level 2 according to the Vanuatu Volcano Alert Level (VVAL). It is recommended that close monitoring of this volcano must continue, and that the population of Gaua must take precautions to wash any food crops before cooking and eating. People must also respect areas that have been declared dangerous according to the hazard map given on the last page of this bulletin. For specific information, please contact the Geo-Hazards Unit of the Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources, telephone 22907/22423 email [email protected], and [email protected] or web: www.geohazards.gov.vu . Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources Geo-Hazard Section Port Vila Telephone: 22907 Fax: 22213 Bulletin d’Alerte volcanique Bulletin N°5, Activité volcanique de Gaua, le 18 De cember 2009 14°16’0”S 167°30’0”E Summit 2615ft (797m) Une nouvelle phase éruptive du volcan de Gaua a eu lieu le lundi 14 Décembre 2009, accompagnée d’une forte émission de cendres. Cette phase éruptive diffère des activités précédentes par le fait que la colonne de cendres émise est plus concentrée avec des cendres de couleur plus sombres et qui est émise depuis le 14 décembre jusqu'à l’heure actuelle (voir photo). Cela traduit l’évolution de la source de l’alimentation du volcan qui reste a déterminé. Cette retombée de cendres continuent dans la partie Ouest de Gaua, avec le changement de la direction du vent, elle peut atteindre certaines régions la partie Est de l’île. Les analyses chimiques des cendres récupérées à Gaua au mois d’Octobre, effectuées par l’Université d’Angleterre (York University) souligne l’existence d’une importante concentration des particules toxiques dans les cendres. Suite á une mesure de gaz volcanique de Gaua prise, le 17 décembre 2009, on en déduit la présence de plus de 3,000 tonne de dioxyde de soufre sortant du volcan par jour, ce qui confirme la les images OMI. Ces informations confirment que l’activité de ce volcan reste forte et elle peut durer pendant un certain temps. En conséquence, le niveau d'alerte volcanique reste au niveau 2, selon le Vanuatu Volcano Alert Level (VVAL). Ainsi, il est primordial de continuer la surveillance de ce volcan. De même, les habitants de Gaua sont priés de bien laver les feuilles nourricières avant de les consommer. Enfin ses habitants doivent impérativement respecter les zones de danger des impacts du volcan indique sur la carte de risques situé á la dernière page. Pour plus d’information spécifique, contacter la section Risques Géologiques du Département de la Géologie, Mines et Ressources en Eaux, téléphone 22907, email [email protected], et [email protected] ou consulter le site internet www.geohazards.gov.vu Gaua volcano, 14 December 2009, view from the caldera rim Ash fall over on the North West Gaua, 17 December 2009, view from the aircraft Gaua volcano, 15 December 2009, view from the west Ash fall over on the South West Gaua, 17 December 2009, view from the aircraft Fig: Volcano hazard zoning of Gaua Island
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