Hermès Perfume, the art of living


Hermès Perfume, the art of living
12-16, RUE AUGER - 93694 PANTIN CEDEX - TÉL. +33 (0)1 49 42 80 00 - FAX +33 (0)1 49 42 80 01
Hermès Perfume, the art of living
The story of Hermès began in 1837, when Thierry Hermès, an artisan
harness maker, opened a workshop in Paris. Perfume has been an integral
part of Hermès’ history since the 1930s, and has evolved in unison with
other in-house crafts. But it was in 1951 that the perfumery venture took
off, with Eau d’Hermès, composed by Edmond Roudnitska. Ten years later,
Calèche arrived, Hermès’ first fragrance for women. Since then there has been
a succession of creations from the great names in perfumery, each making a
unique auteur contribution, as both craftsmen and artists, to the commitment
to perfumery at the house of Hermès.
In 2004, Jean-Claude Ellena joined the house to become its exclusive in-house
perfumer. An artist with olfactory emotions, an aesthete dedicated to purity
and materials, Jean-Claude Ellena began to write a new chapter in the story
of Hermès fragrances. His liberated approach mirrors that of Hermès: each
creation is the finest illustration of skills that place craftsmanship, individuality
and a rigorous element of fantasy at the heart of his work.
In 2014, designer-perfumer Christine Nagel joined Hermès to take
responsibility for the development of new projects, working alongside
Jean-Claude Ellena, who continues his role of creating and asserting Hermès’
olfactory style.
In the same year, Hermès has expanded its “savoir-faire” from the art of
personal fragrance to the art of living fragrance... in another way. The history
of the craft has been enriched with two new chapters: Le Bain Hermès and
Le Parfum de la maison.
With Le Bain Hermès, Hermès fragrances take up residence in the bathroom:
soaps, gels, lotions and balms contribute to a joyous and colourful celebration
of the senses, offering experiences and fragrance rituals that are as intense and
special as the act of applying fragrance to oneself.
With Le Parfum de la maison, Hermès opens the door to a new olfactory and
sensorial space at the heart of our private lives. For this collection of scented
objects, it has appointed a dedicated perfumer: Céline Ellena.
Thus the Hermès art of living fragrance extends to every room in the home,
echoing the Hermès art of living.
In the library of Hermès perfumes, each creation, each object tells a story, and
draws you into an imaginary world.
Les Parfums-Romans
Like stories filled with characters and events, the Parfums-Romans extend time
with their longevity, and take their inspiration from the heritage of Hermès.
The “classics” - Calèche, Amazone, Équipage, Bel Ami and more - and the
“new novels” like Eau des Merveilles, Terre d’Hermès, Voyage d’Hermès and Jour
d’Hermès each tell a different story and invite us to share the imaginary world
of the house.
Les Parfums-Nouvelles
Shorter stories with fewer characters and events, the Parfums-Nouvelles - Jardins
et Colognes - concentrate time around the moment. An olfactory stroll in
the footsteps of the in-house perfumer, the Parfums-Jardins establish a sensory
geography inspired by annual themes at Hermès. The Colognes Hermès are
generous figurative expressions of simple pleasures, and sit perfectly in this
register of olfactory snapshots.
Les Parfums-Poèmes
Sober and intense, like haikus, the Parfums-Poèmes reinvent a precious and
unusual aspect of nature, sublimated by the inspired writing of a composer
eager to break new ground. With their raw materials named directly to
produce subtle sensations and ineffable impressions, Hermessence is a collection
of unique fragrances intended exclusively for Hermès stores.
Les Rêveries
Written in free form, as if following the mind’s wanderings, the Rêveries
spread their words throughout the home, offering each of its inhabitants a
springboard to their own imagination. Five reveries open the collection:
Des pas sur la neige, Fenêtre ouverte, Temps de pluie, Champ libre, A cheval !
These five perfumes take the form of three families of objects, for the home
and for travel, designed by Guillaume Bardet: the Origami Horse, the Pebble
and the Candle Bowl.