Laurence Revey Album : Le clôt des Chèrafoins


Laurence Revey Album : Le clôt des Chèrafoins
Laurence Revey
Album : Le clôt des Chèrafoins - Le Cliot des Tsèrafoin – Le creux des fées - The fairy hollow
Lo Bressét
Chôd fornél de piérra
A warm stone (wood) stove
Fllama du crosuél
The flame of the oil lamp
Fllâr de la fumiére (foma)
The smelle of smoke
L’at fèrmâ les uelys
It (the baby) has closed its eyes
L’est tot bien fasciê
It’s well tucked in
Dèvant la bogièra
In front of the stove hole (on the side)
Coment l’é lessiê
As I left it
Oh, la genta bèra
Oh, the pretty bonnet
Drome bien, l’enfant
Sleep well, child
Fôt pas s’enquiètar
Do not worry
Quièt tant qu’a dèman
Quiet until tomorrow (morning)
Drome ben l’est târd
Sleep well, it is late
« Mânèt fét grassét »
“Dirt makes people healthy”
(as they say in a proverb)
Mas vos fôt tot un
But one should of course not
Pas lessiér solèt
Leave it on its own
Cél pôvro pôpon
This poor baby
Fôt lo protègiér
It needs protecting
Tot long prendre souen
It always needs to be looked after
Fôdrêt lui balyér
It should be given
Plen de bèsotens (petiots bèsons, potens)
Plenty of small kisses
Tè balyerat, le via
Life will give you,
Cen qu’é pas possu(c)
What I have not been able to
Que t’é pas balyê (= Que j’é pas balyê-tè)
What I did not give you
Cen que t’as pas yu(c)
What you did not get
Drome bien, l’enfant
Sleep well, child
Yo tè balyo péx
I will give you peace
Tè tendré la man
I will hold your had
Lo long du chemin
Along the way