CLASSROOM ENGLISH Piste22- Good morning


CLASSROOM ENGLISH Piste22- Good morning
Françoise CASALI
Good morning ! / Good afternoon !
Hello = Hi !
Hello boys and girls → Hello Miss / Sir
Hello Miss Smith / Missis Ruppets / Missis James !
Nice to see you !
Please, come in. Let's go into the classroom
Sit down ≠ Stand up
It’s time for the English lesson. Ready ? Let's start !
Take out (Sortez) ≠ Put away(Rangez)
How are you ?
I’m fine (très bien) /I’m fine too (aussi)/ ok / so so / sleepy (j’ai sommeil)/
tired (je suis fatigué)/ not very well(pas très bien)
I’ve got a headache (mal de tête) / a fever (de la fièvre)/ a cold (un rhume) /
a sore throat (mal de gorge)/ the flu (la grippe)
your English notebooks
exercise books
Stand your name cards up in front of you, please
What’s today’s date ? Friday 5 th September 2007
(the fifth of September) two thousand and seven
1 st January: the first of January 2008
9th January 2008
(the ninth of January)two thousand and eight
Who’s absent ?John is absent /John and Mary are absent
How many boys / girls (are there here today ?) Let’s count !
What’s the weather like today ?
It’s sunny / windy / cloudy / stormy / It’s raining / snowing
Are you staying for lunch ? Are you having lunch at school ? (Restes tu à la
- Yes I am / No I’m not.
26 - John, ask Peterthe question
Put your hand(s) up (levez la main), please and wait
Switch on / off the light please ! (allumez / éteignez)
Draw the curt(ai)n(s) please (tirez les rideaux)
Françoise CASALI
Pick a name / pick one (prends en un(e))
- Don’t cheat (Ne triche pas)
- Here you are !(Voilà)
- Thank you ! Thanks → you're welcome ! (Avec plaisir)
- Please -look- look at me –look at the blackboard
- listen carefully (écoutez attentivement)– listen to me- listen to the CD
- be quiet(taisez vous) what's the matter with you ?(qu’est ce qui se passe?)
- turn around ( tourne toi) -keep still ( restez tranquilles)–cross your arms
(croisez les bras)
- stop talking (arrêtez de parler)
- stand up and come to the board (viens au tableau)
- -open / close(fermer) / lock (fermez à clé) the door
- Listen and point to the picture( montrez l’image)
- Repeat
/ one at a time (un à la fois)
\ all together(tous ensemble)
- Try again(essayez à nouveau) – Say it again – Do it again- Go on !(allez)
- Take your time /slowly (lentement)# Quickly please/ Hurry up ! (rapidement)
- Louder please (plus fort) # Lower your voice (plus doucement)
- Make a sentence (Fais une phrase)
- What's the English for......
- Good / Very good / Well done (bravo) / Brilliant / Fantastic / Super/ Great
-Don't shout (Ne crie pas) # Don't cry (Ne pleure pas)
- Who can help him / her ?(qui peut l’aider?)
- Come and give your notebook(s) / Can I have your notebook(s) please ?
- John and Peter ,come here,please !
- Let's sing (chantons) / Sing along with the CD
- Cut out the pictures (Découpez les images) - Colour the pictures
- Please,John, can you come and wipe the blackboard ?(essuyer le tableau)
Françoise CASALI
- Return to your seat(s)(retourne à ta place)
- A memory game
- A guessing game
Close your eyes
Open your eyes
Guess what's missing . It's
(devine ce qu’il manque0)
27- Time's up ! (C'est l'heure)
It's break time !(
C'est l'heure de la récré)
- See you next week !(A la semaine prochaine) See you on Monday (A lundi)
- Have a nice holiday ! (Bonnes vacances) Have a nice week end !
- Underline
- Cross out
- Stick - Use a glue stick or Sellotape (scotch)
- Tick √ (yes) or cross X (No)
Circle a word
- Take your pen(s) (stylos)
pencil case(s) (trousses)
coloured pencil(s) to colour the pictures (crayons de couleur)
felt-tip pen(s) (feutres)
rubbers / eraser(s) US (gommes)
ruler(s) (règles)
school bag(s) (cartables)
- Cut (Coupez) -Cut out (Découpez)- Use a pair of scissors
- Fill in the blanks (Complétez)
- Match the picture with the word (Reliez l'image au mot)
- Highlight the word (surlignez )
- Bring me the book Please hand in the book
Aide à la prononciation Enregistrement téléchargeable