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Community Bulletin Communautaire Région Tignish-Palmer Road area Tél: 882-0475 Fax: 882-0482 Tél.: (902) 882-0475 Téléc.: (902) 882-0482 Courriel/E-mail: [email protected] TIGNISH FISHERIES CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION LTD. Owned and Operated by “Member owned and controlled” Tignish 882-2303 Société Saint-Thomas Aq uin Comité régional Rév.-S.-É. Perrey 119 ch DeBlois, Tignish (Î.-P.-É.) C0B 2B0 Member Fishermen Ph: (902) 882-2050 Fax: (902) 882-2846 Judes Point Tignish Co-Operative Association Ltd. Owned and Operated by ‘The people of West Prince’ 882-2020 The above major community sponsors are greatly appreciated. Les commanditaires mentionnés ci-haut sont grandement appréciés. 10 janvier 2010 / January 10, 2010 LE CONSEIL RÉV. S-É.-PERREY INC. Les bureaux du Conseil Rév. S.-É.-Perrey inc. sont situés dans le Centre acadien de Prince-Ouest à DeBlois, Prince Ouest, Î.-P.-É. La mission du conseil est de développer et promouvoir la communauté acadienne en organisant des activités culturelles et événements communautaires représentant les intérêts éducatifs, historiques, culturels, économiques et politiques des Acadiens de la région. La plupart des noumbreuses activités du Conseil Rév. S.-É.-Perrey inc. Se déroulent dans la composante communautaire du Centre acadien de Prince-Ouest. Toute personne de la grande région de Prince-Ouest parlant le français, l’anglais ou tout autre language est cordiallement invitée à prendre part aux activitiés. LE CONSEIL RÉV. S-É.-PERREY INC. The offices of Le Conseil Rév. S.-É.-Perrey inc. are located in the Centre acadien de Prince-Ouest, DeBlois, West Prince, P.E.I. The Conseil’s mission is to develop and promote the West Prince Acadian community by organizing cultural activities, community events and providing services in french while representing educational, historical, cultural, economic and political interests of Acadians from the area. Most of the numerous activities of Le Conseil Rév. S.-É-Perrey are held in the community component of the Centre acadien de Prince Ouest. Everyone from the large West Prince area of either french, english or other language is most welcomed to attend any of the activities. ‡ ‡ ROYAL STAR FOODS Stockroom and Fishmart Hours: OPEN Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ONLY. Office Hours: will remain the same: OPEN Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; closed from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for lunch. SOUPER À LA MORUE SALÉE Le Club des coeurs joyeux invite la communauté à un souper à la morue salée le vendredi 22 janvier au Centre acadien de Prince-Ouest à DeBlois de 16h30 à 18h30. Billets (6$ pour membres et 10$ pour non-membres) disponibles à la porte ou en contactant le président au 882-2893 ou 8820475. SALT FISH SUPPER Le Club des coeurs joyeux welcomes the Community to a Salt Fish Supper on Friday, January 22nd from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Le Centre acadien de Prince-Ouest in DeBlois. Tickets are available ($6.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members) at the door or by calling the Club president at 8822893 or Le Centre at 882-0475. Everyone is welcome! MINOR HOCKEY “AAA” ZONING MEETING Tignish Minor Hockey Association is hosting a meeting on Tuesday, January 12th at 6:30 p.m. at Credit Union Arena to address the issue of possibly rezoning for “AAA” Hockey. This meeting is for all parents interested or involved in AAA Hockey (Atom to Midget levels). Parents of AAA Players are asked to attend this meeting as feedback is required before a vote on January 16th by Association Presidents. COURS COMMUNAUTAIRES DE M.E. CALLAGHAN DERNIÉRE CHANCE POUR VOUS INSCRIRE AU COURS COMMUNAUTAIRES. Date limite est le mardi 12 janvier 2010. Participants, professeurs, membre pour le conseil sont demandés! Pour vous inscrire s.v.p. téléphoner Eileen Brown 882-3056 ou Ida Gaudet 882-2997. M. E. CALLAGHAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL THE LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR OUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL PROGRAMS will be on Tuesday, January 12th! Instructor, participants and board members needed! To register, please contact Eileen Brown 882-3056 or Ida Gaudet 882-2997. FORMATION POUR LES 50 ANS + Les Francophones de l’âge d’or de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard en collaboration avec le Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É., vous offre une formation sur la base des ordinateurs et Appareil photo numérique. Cette formation vous est offerte dans votre propre communauté. Si ces cours vous intéressent appeler Nicole Noonan au 902-888-1682 ou par courriel [email protected]. Ces cours commenceront en janvier et pour ceux et celles qui nous donnent leur nom on vous appellera pour confirmer une date avec vous. GORDON’S TOURS April 24 , 2010 Gaithers Concert May 30th, 2010 Daniel O’Donnell Concert July, 2010 Newfoundland for 12 days September, 2010 Île-de-la-Madelaine Also, spring shopping trip to USA - date to be announced soon. Call David at 853-3219 or Florence at 853-4213 for more information. th Sunday, January 10th Monday, January 11th Friday, January 15th - ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION - TIGNISH Breakfast at the Branch - 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. Bingo; start time 7:15. D.J. 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Winner of the Prince County Hospital gift basket was Brenda Doyle, Harper Road. Drawn on December 21st. Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets. ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY CENTRE HAPPENINGS Jamboree at the Community Centre on Thursday, January 14th at 8:00 p.m. featuring Everett Boulter, Willie & Wanda Dunbar. Admission is $5.00. Coffee, tea, light lunch and door prize. RÉUNION ANNUELLE DE ST. FELIX C.W.L. Réunion Annuelle de St. Felix C.W.L. sera le lundi 11 janvier au Centre Communautaire de St. Felix. Aussi les membership seront dues. Nouveaux membres sont les bienvenus. ST. FELIX C.W.L. ANNUAL MEETING St. Felix C.W.L. Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, January 11th at the St. Felix Community Centre at 7:30 p.m. Membership will be due also. New Members always welcome! TIGNISH MINOR HOCKEY TICKET DRAW The Winners of the TMHA Ticket draw held on December 13th, 2009 were: Justina Doucette, $500 Tignish Co-op gift certificate; and George Arsenault (Nail Pond), $250 Tignish Co-op gift certificate. Congratulations to our winners! ALPHA TOURS Alpha Tours has two tours for 2010: Daniel O’Donnel Concert: Saint John, N.B. May 28th & 29th. Tour includes: transportation, show and hotel (double occupancy). $295.00 per person. Only 15 seats left! You don’t want to miss this one! Best of Spain & Portugal: October 8th to 25th departs from Charlottetown. See Madrid, Toleto, Rock of Gibraltar, visit the tomb of Christopher Columbus, the Walled Town of Avila. Includes six (6) three course meals (one being dinner and Flamencoo show). Contact Carol Bishop at 902-566-3207 for more information. BOUTIQUE AU CENTRE ACADIEN DE PRINCE-OUEST Veuillez noter que la boutique du Centre acadien de Prince-Ouest est ouverte de 8h30 à 16h30 du lundi au vendredi. Dans la boutique vous pourrez retrouver des articles souvenirs acadiens, drapeaux, cartes postales, plaques d’autos et bonbons, etc... Aussi que des cartes et chandelles avec citations en français, des bijoux, vitraux et divers autres articles cadeaux de nos partenaires Antrim Sisters, Cathy’s Jewellery Creations et Sylvia Doucette. Info.: 882-4075. BOUTIQUE AT LE CENTRE ACADIEN DE PRINCE-OUEST Please note that the Boutique at the Centre acadien de Prince-Ouest, DeBlois is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday. In the Boutique, you will find Acadian souvenirs, flags, postcards, license plates and candies, etc... Also cards with french quotations, jewellery, stained glass and numerous other gift ideas from our partners Antrim Sisters, Cathy’s Jewellery Creations and Sylvia’s stained glass. For more info., please call 882-0475. LIBERTY PALMER ROAD AL-ANON If your home is unhappy because someone drinks too much... we can help you. Liberty Palmer Road Group meets every Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Palmer Road Community Centre. Check out the website: www.al-anon.alateen.org. ST. LOUIS T.O.P.S. St. Louis T.O.P.S. meets every Monday at the St. Louis Community Hall. Weigh-in is from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. and our meeting is from 6:30 to 7:00. Life to see old members returning and new members are always welcomed! MERCI Merci à ma famille, amis et voisins pour une journeée agréable pendant mon 80ieme anniversaire de naissance. Merci pour les souhaits de fêtes, beaux cadeaux et le bon manger et aussi d’avour partagé cette journée avec moi. Que Dieu vous bénisse. Alyre Richard THANK YOU My heartfelt thank you to my family, friends and neighbours for a most enjoyable day on the occasion of my 80th Birthday Party. Thank you for the birthday wishes, lovely gifts and great food and especially for sharing this day with me! May God bless you all. Alyre Richard Ì Ì Ê Í Í > > > > CARDPLAY Cardplay & activities every Tuesday starting at 1:00 p.m. in the “Coeurs joyeux” room at Le centre acadien de Prince-Ouest, DeBlois. Sponsored by Le Club des coeurs joyeux. Joutes de cartes et activités à tous les mardis débutant à 13h00 dans la salle “Coeurs joyeux” au Centre acadien de Prince-Ouest, DeBlois. Parrainé par Le Club des coeurs joyeux. Cardplay for the “Senior’s Sunshine Club” every Thursday Afternoon at the Tignish Legion at 2 p.m. Knights of Columbus 45's Card Game Wednesdays at 8:00 (doors open at 6:00) at Palmer Road Hall. 80% of the take given out and 50/50. Miminegash Fire Dept. Texas Hold’em - Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Miminegash Fire Hall. BINGOS Palmer Road Comm. Bingo - Sunday afternoon 50/50 Bingo at 2:00 p.m. Cookie jar and Build-up Jackpot. Tignish Legion - Monday Evenings starting at 7:15 p.m. Now featuring Satellite Bingo! Miminegash Fire Dept. Bingo Tuesdays - mini bingo starting at 7:15 p.m. Support your Fire Dept. Tignish Parish Centre Bingo Wednesday evenings - mini bingo at 7:15 p.m. regular rounds.
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16 janvier, 2011 - E.
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for adults and $12.00 for children 12 years and under. Limited seating - by reservations only. Call Ann at 8823836 to reserve. Location: Tignish Shore Community Centre. Serving dessert, tea, coffee...
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Community Bulletin Communautaire
Région Tignish-Palmer Road area
Tél.: (902) 882-0475
Téléc.: (902) 882-0482
Y:\Bulletin Communautaire\Bulletin 2008\bulletin 19 - E.
Community Bulletin Communautaire
Région Tignish-Palmer Road area
Tél.: (902) 882-0475
Téléc.: (902) 882-0482