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Téléchargement PDF Hongrie et la Roumanie pour le compte des bourses locales. EPEX SPOT est une société européenne (Societas Europaea). Elle est basée à Paris avec des succursales à Leipzig, à Berne et à Vienne. Plus...

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2014-11-13_EPEX SPOT_15-Minute Intraday Call Auction to launch

2014-11-13_EPEX SPOT_15-Minute Intraday Call Auction to launch the emerging flexibility challenges of power markets. It will take place daily at 3 pm, before the opening of the continuous Intraday market for 15-minute contracts at 4 pm, and it will cover the 9...

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Téléchargement PDF Paris / Leipzig / Bern / Vienna, 2 June 2015. In May 2015, a total volume of 37.4 TWh was traded on EPEX SPOT’s Day-Ahead and Intraday power markets (May 2014: 31.3 TWh). This is the second best re...

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