Unité 4 Leçon 12
Classe Date B L E U LEÇON 12 La voiture de Roger À vendre As in the United States, French people put up signs in various places telling about an automobile they’d like to sell. Often the advertisement describes a car that is slightly better than the actual article. You are going to prepare such an advertisement in French. Block Scheduling Copymasters Projet 1 Unité 4 Leçon 12 Nom Materials: a poster board, colored pens, scissors, glue or tape, magazines, Internet access Preparation: Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. • Decide on the kind of automobile you’d like to sell. • Browse through magazines for an appropriate picture or download a picture from the Internet. • Make notes about what you want to tell about the car: its nationality? its age? its color? its size? • Does this car have added features? une radio? un lecteur CD? un téléphone? • What can you say that will help sell the car? (Ex. C’est une excellente voiture.) • Decide on an appropriate price for your car and use the Internet to convert that price to euros. (€) • Create an imaginary name, address, and phone number as a contact person. • Lay out your pictures and captions on the poster board. • Make your final decisions. • Fasten material to the poster board. • Present your car to the class. Pacing suggestion: after completion of Leçon 12, Section C p. 89 Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Unité 4, Leçon 12 Block Scheduling Copymasters Unité 4 Leçon 12 Nom Classe Date B L E U Mon animal de compagnie Block Scheduling Copymasters Projet 2 Like Americans, the French love and indulge their pets. The stereotypical French poodle or small dog in a purse can be seen everywhere. This project is an opportunity for you to talk about your pet or if you don’t have a pet to talk about an imaginary pet. Remember that not all pets are cats and dogs, some people have exotic pets in France as well as in the United States. Materials: a poster board, colored pens, scissors, magazine pictures, glue or tape, personal photos, bilingual dictionary access, Internet access • Decide on the pet you would like to present. • Look up the word for that pet in a bilingual dictionary. • Decide what things you would like to say about the pet: its name, its age, its color, its size, its activities, its likes and dislikes. • Bring in personal photos of your pet, magazine clippings, or pictures from the Internet. • Write captions for your pictures. • Have a classmate read and edit your captions. • Position your pictures and captions on the poster board. • Decide on a final layout. • Affix your materials to the poster board and decorate appropriately. • Add any necessary language to the poster. • Practice presenting your pet in front of a classmate. • Present your pet to the class. Pacing suggestion: after completion of Leçon 12, Section D p. 90 Unité 4, Leçon 12 Block Scheduling Copymasters Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. Preparation: Classe Date B L E U Unité 4 Leçon 12 Nom Learning Scenarios Le cinéma Work with a partner and role-play a scene in which you discuss recent films and actors. Describe the film. (Ex. C’est un film excellent, très amusant.) Talk about the actors and actresses. (Ex. Julia Roberts est très bonne actrice. Elle est sympathique.) Add what material you can to your scenario, perhaps making arrangements to see a certain film at a certain time. Present your role-play to the class. Scénario 2 C’est qui? Work with a partner. Role-play a situation where you are meeting several people for the first time and trying to remember who is who. Ask your partner about several people using colors and other adjectives to describe them. Use the actual students in the class to refer to. (Ex. Qui est la jeune fille sympathique en marron?) Present your role-play to the class. Block Scheduling Copymasters Scénario 1 Scénario 1 Targeted Standards Teacher’s Reflections 1.1 Interpersonal Communication 1.3 Presentational Communication 4.2 Cultural Comparisons Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. 5.1 School and Community Scénario 2 Targeted Standards Teacher’s Reflections 1.1 Interpersonal Communication 1.3 Presentational Communication 3.2 Acquiring Information 5.2 Lifelong Learning p. 91 Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Unité 4, Leçon 12 Block Scheduling Copymasters Unité 4 Leçon 12 Nom Classe Date B L E U Block Scheduling Copymasters Scénario 3 À la télé Work with a partner. Role-play a scenario in which you are watching American TV with a French friend and telling him/her about the various people and things you see on the screen. (Ex. Les soupes Campbell sont bonnes. or C’est B.B. King. C’est un saxophoniste super.) Present your roleplay for the class. Scénario 4 Une boum Work with a partner and role-play a scene where you are planning to throw a party during the year. You are having trouble choosing the day and a good color scheme. Your partner reminds you of the holidays you might celebrate and suggests appropriate colors. (Ex. Le 17 mars, c’est la Saint-Patrick! La couleur de la Saint-Patrick, c’est le vert.) End by deciding on a date and a color scheme. Afterwards, present your scene to the class. Scénario 3 Targeted Standards Teacher’s Reflections 1.1 Interpersonal Communication 1.3 Presentational Communication 4.2 Cultural Comparisons Scénario 4 Targeted Standards Teacher’s Reflections 1.1 Interpersonal Communication 1.3 Presentational Communication 4.2 Cultural Comparisons 5.2 Lifelong learning p. 92 Unité 4, Leçon 12 Block Scheduling Copymasters Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. 5.2 Lifelong Learning Classe Date B L E U Unité 4 Leçon 12 Nom Change-of-Pace Activities Un rêve fantastique Work with a partner. The teacher will give you each a pair of grids about animals and colors. By selecting coordinates on the grid, choose the colors of ten animals you have dreamed about. (Ex. un éléphant jaune.) Then try to guess the colors of the animals in your partner’s dream by asking questions. (Ex. Est-ce que c’est un lion vert?) Whenever your answers match, you score a point. The student pair with the most points wins. un lion un un une éléphant tigre girafe un chien un chat un crocodile un un une lézard rhinocéros panthère Mon un partenaire lion un un une éléphant tigre girafe un chien un chat un crocodile un un une lézard rhinocéros panthère Moi jaune blanc noir Block Scheduling Copymasters Activité 1 vert bleu rouge rose orange marron gris jaune blanc Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. noir vert bleu rouge rose orange marron gris p. 93 Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Unité 4, Leçon 12 Block Scheduling Copymasters Unité 4 Leçon 12 Nom Classe Date B L E U Mots-croisés: Les couleurs Block Scheduling Copymasters Activité 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACROSS 3. 6. 7. 8. 9. DOWN La couleur du chocolat. La couleur d’un éléphant. La couleur d’une orange. La couleur de l’océan. La couleur du charbon (coal). Activité 3 1. 2. 4. 5. 8. La couleur de l’Irlande. La couleur du ketchup. La couleur d’un flamand (flamingo). La couleur d’une banane. La couleur de la page. La couleur des mois de l’année Many people associate certain colors with the various months. Which two colors do you associate with each month? janvier Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre p. 94 novembre décembre Unité 4, Leçon 12 Block Scheduling Copymasters Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Classe Date B L E U Activité 4 Quelques descriptions des chaussures rouge une montre un appareil-photo chinoises suisse bleu américaines gris noir B des chaussures rouge italienne japonais américaine américain française une montre un appareil-photo une voiture française italien japonaise françaises bleu une voiture suisse japonaise gris Block Scheduling Copymasters Work with a partner. The teacher will give you a chart with information missing about the origin of each item. You will need to ask questions of your partner to find out the missing information. Do not look at your partner’s chart. A Unité 4 Leçon 12 Nom américaine espagnoles noir Activité 5 Devinette Work in groups of three or four. On five index cards write the names of famous people or bands. You may also use products, if you know the name of the item in French. Pass your cards to another group. Each person in your group gets a card and tries to make the others guess the hidden identity by making statements. The player who is able to make others guess with the least amount of statements wins. C’est une journaliste. Elle est intelligente. C’est une bonne journaliste. Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. Ex. Katie Couric: p. 95 Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Unité 4, Leçon 12 Block Scheduling Copymasters Unité 4 Leçon 12 Nom Classe Date B L E U Block Scheduling Copymasters Activité 6 Avis de recherche Your pet has run away and you want to get him back. So, you will draw a poster of your pet and fill out a description of him. When you are finished, separate the picture from the form and turn them both in to the teacher. The teacher will assign a random number to the information form and post the information form and the picture on opposite walls. You will then view the missing pets of the entire class. Read their descriptions and vote by number, writing the number on the picture. Comment s’appelle-t-il? De quelle couleur est-il? (noir, gris, roux etc.) Est-il petit ou grand? Est-il timide? Est-il gentil ou méchant? Est-il mignon ou amusant? Est-il intelligent? Est-ce qu’il aime nager? Qu’est-ce qu’il aime manger? Activité 7 C’est génial! Listen as the teacher describes various scenarios. (Ex. Il n’y a pas de classe mercredi.) Then react to the situation with a C’est . . . expression. (Ex. C’est chouette!) Next, provide two or three scenarios of your own for your classmates to react to with a C’est . . . expression. p. 96 Unité 4, Leçon 12 Block Scheduling Copymasters Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. Mon animal
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