Unité 1 Leçon 2 - Uplift Education
Unité 1 Leçon 2 - Uplift Education
Classe Date B L E U LEÇON 2 Block Scheduling Copymasters Projet 1 Famille et copains Unité 1 Leçon 2 Nom Ma famille Working in a group of three, draw a celebrity’s or fictional family tree. You should be able to talk about relationships within the family that you choose. Together, get ready to present the members of the family, tell their names and ages, and explain a few of the relationships. Materials: a poster board, colored pens, newspapers, magazines, photos, glue or tape Preparation: Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. • Brainstorm what type of family tree you would like to create: that of a fictitious family or of a famous family. • Look through magazines and newspapers for pictures to represent the family you want to introduce. You may also draw the pictures. • Decide on a method for drawing the family information on the poster board. • Draw the family tree and begin with one set of grandparents. Then add all of their children. You may wish to include in the diagram the second set of grandparents as well. • You may choose to add illustrations around your family tree to make it more decorative. • As a team, present your family tree to the class and tell about the peoplein the family. Pacing suggestion: following the completion of Leçon 2C p. 9 Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Unité 1, Leçon 2 Block Scheduling Copymasters Block Scheduling Copymasters Unité 1 Leçon 2 Nom Classe Date B L E U Projet 2 Les produits de France You are probably already familiar with many of France’s products, maybe owing to some stereotypes. But France offers more than wine, cheese, and perfume. The world’s fastest train (TGV) and plane (Concorde) are French. Work with a partner to discover France’s influence on the world economy through its products. Surf the Internet, check guide books or travel magazines, and scan encyclopedia articles for clues about French goods. It might also be a good idea to check the labels of various items you use on a daily basis to see what might say: Product of France. Materials: a poster board, colored pens, scissors, glue or tape, packaging, labels, or wrappers of French products, travel magazines, guide books, access to a bilingual dictionary, the library, and/or the Internet • Check travel guide books, encyclopedias and the Internet for a preliminary idea of what kinds of items are produced in France. • Discuss your early investigation with your partner, decide on (a) specific type(s) of products that you will report on, and divide the remaining tasks between you. • Make a list of the products that are in the category you have chosen. Look up the French for these words in a bilingual dictionary. • Return to the Internet and check in travel magazines for more information on the products that you have chosen. • Clip pictures or download images from the Internet, and write captions. • Draft any other information that you may include on your poster. • Read and edit each other’s work and prepare final drafts. • Lay out the pictures and other information on the poster board. • Decide on a final format. • Attach the pictures and information to the poster board. • Decide who will present which aspects of your research. • Present your poster to the class. Pacing suggestion: after completion of À votre tour! p. 10 Unité 1, Leçon 2 Block Scheduling Copymasters Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. Preparation: Classe Date B L E U Learning Scenarios Qui est-ce? Work with a partner. Take turns asking about and identifying members of your class. Find out or provide their names, and indicate whether they are friends, boys orgirls, or the teacher. Scénario 2 Les gens sur la photo Work in groups of three or four. Bring into class a couple of snapshots of your friends. Point out your friends in the photos to the members of your group and talk about them. Block Scheduling Copymasters Scénario 1 Unité 1 Leçon 2 Nom Scénario 1 Targeted Standards Teacher’s Reflections 1.1 Interpersonal Communication 2.1 Practices of Culture 4.2 Cultural Comparisons Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. 5.2 Lifelong Learning Scénario 2 Targeted Standards Teacher’s Reflections 1.1 Interpersonal Communication 2.1 Practices of Culture 4.2 Cultural Comparisons 5.2 Lifelong Learning p. 11 Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Unité 1, Leçon 2 Block Scheduling Copymasters Block Scheduling Copymasters Unité 1 Leçon 2 Nom Classe Date B L E U Scénario 3 Au téléphone List the names of the other students in your class in your notebook. Then circulate to exchange phone numbers with the other students in the class. Remember that telephone numbers in French are usually given in double digits. Scénario 4 Un album de famille Work with a partner. Bring snapshots of your family or a couple of magazine pictures depicting family life. Point out people in the pictures and identify them as family members, giving their names and ages. Scénario 3 Targeted Standards Teacher’s Reflections 1.1 Interpersonal Communication 2.1 Practices of Culture 4.2 Cultural Comparisons Scénario 4 Targeted Standards Teacher’s Reflections 1.1 Interpersonal Communication 2.1 Practices of Culture 4.2 Cultural Comparisons 5.2 Lifelong Learning p. 12 Unité 1, Leçon 2 Block Scheduling Copymasters Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. 5.2 Lifelong Learning Classe Unité 1 Leçon 2 Nom Date B L E U Change-of-Pace Activities Divisible ou indivisible? Work with a partner. Take turns calling out numbers. When you hear a number, tell by what numbers it can be divided or if it is a prime number that cannot be divided. Activité 2 De quel département est cette voiture? Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. In France, the last two digits of an automobile license plate correspond to one of the various départements of France. By reading the license plates below and looking at the list of department codes, identify, on a map of France, where the driver of the car lives. Ain Aisne Allier Alpes de Haute-Provence Alpes (Hautes) Alpes-Maritimes Ardèche Ardennes Ariège Aube Aude Aveyron Bouches-du-Rhône Calvados Cantal Charente Charente-Maritime Cher Corrèze Corse du Sud Corse (Haute) Côte-d’Or Côtes-d’Armor Creuse Dordogne Doubs Drôme Eure Eure-et-Loir Finistère Gard Garonne (Haute) Gers 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2A 2B 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Gironde Hérault Ile-et-Vilaine Indre Indre-et-Loire Isère Jura Landes Loir-et-Cher Loire Loire (Haute) Loire-Atlantique Loiret Lot Lot-et-Garonne Lozère Maine-et-Loire Manche Marne Marne (Haute) Mayenne Meurthe-et-Moselle Meuse Morbihan Moselle Nièvre Nord Oise Orne Pas-de-Calais Puy-de-Dôme Pyrénées-Atlantiques Pyrénées (Hautes) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Pyrénées-Orientales Rhin (Bas) Rhin (Haut) Rhône Saône (Haute) Saône-et-Loire Sarthe Savoie Savoie (Haute) Seine-Maritime Sèvres (Deux) Somme Tarn Tarn-et-Garonne Var Vaucluse Vendée Vienne Vienne (Haute) Vosges Yonne Belfort (Territoire de) ILE-DE-FRANCE Essonne Hauts-de-Seine Paris (ville de) Seine-et-Marne Seine-Saint-Denis Val-de-Marne Val-d’Oise Yvelines Unité 1, Leçon 2 Block Scheduling Copymasters Block Scheduling Copymasters Activité 1 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 75 77 93 94 95 78 p. 13 Block Scheduling Copymasters Unité 1 Leçon 2 Nom Classe Date B L E U Activité 3 Dominos Work with a partner. Cut out the domino pieces. Distribute them evenly between you. Then take turns to put together sentences about various people. You may lay one domino against those that are already on the board. Say the sentence aloud as you position the domino. If you do not have a domino that can fit the words on the board, you lose your turn. Win one point for each sentence you create. est une amie. Patrick est un ami. Marie-Claire est une copine. Robert est un copain. Alice est une fille. Raphaël est un garçon. Mme Thérault est une dame. M. Duval est un monsieur. Mlle Desjardins est une prof. M. Méthot est un prof. Francine Activité 4 Une nouvelle identité Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. Make two identical I.D. cards using small sheets of paper or 3 x 5 index cards. On your cards, write a fictitious name and a place of origin. Turn in one of your cards to your teacher and keep the other card. Wait for the teacher to announce the person he or she wants you to find (someone from the Côte d’Ivoire, someone whose last name is Dubois, etc). Circulating through the classroom, you will have one minute to discover this person after introducing yourself. When time is up, and if you have found the person you were looking for, introduce each other to the class using your fictitious identities. Your teacher may then change assignments to play another round. p. 14 Unité 1, Leçon 2 Block Scheduling Copymasters Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Classe Date B L E U Activité 5 Énigme Richard Duval Martin Simon X 0 0 Charlotte 0 Bruno 0 prof Block Scheduling Copymasters Complete the logic puzzle by carefully reading the clues and marking the grid. Put an “X” in the square that represents something that is true. If something is true for one person, it is false for the others. Put a “O” in the box to represent something that is not true. Clue one is shown for you. Unité 1 Leçon 2 Nom copain parent américain français canadien 1. M. Richard s’appelle Simon. 2. Mme Duval est une prof. 3. Bruno est un copain. 4. Le copain n’est pas américain. Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. 5. La dame est canadienne. Now answer these questions based on the grid: a. Qui est américain? b. Qui s’appelle M. Martin? c. De quelle nationalité est M. Martin? p. 15 Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Unité 1, Leçon 2 Block Scheduling Copymasters Block Scheduling Copymasters Unité 1 Leçon 2 Nom Classe Date B L E U Activité 6 Loto (Bingo) Work with a partner. Complete your lotto card by filling in numbers from 0 to 100. Use the call list to check off numbers that you will call for your partner in random order. Take turns calling numbers and checking them off your lotto grid. The first of you to call Loto! wins. Activité 7 Pioche! (Go fish) Work in groups of three or four. Each of you should create a set of ten cards with the names of various family members in French. (Père, mère, frère, soeur, oncle, tante, cousin, cousine, grandpère, grand-mère). Combine your cards with those of the group, shuffle and deal. Then play a game similar to Go fish! To ask for a card, say Tu as le père? Go fish: Allez à la pêche! Activité 8 Où est ma famille? Your teacher will give you a slip of paper listing you as a member of a family. You need to find the other members of your family in the classroom. Do this by introducing yourself to others using your new identity. Each family has five members. p. 16 Lucien Poitier frère – 8 ans Mathilde Poitier grand-mère – 68 ans Claire Martin mère – 39 ans Julie Martin soeur – 12 ans Annie LeClerc mère – 48 ans Étienne LeClerc frère – 13 ans Hélène Vincent mère – 37 ans Estelle Vincent tante – 28 ans Babette Rigaud mère – 47 ans Florence Rigaud soeur – 16 ans Unité 1, Leçon 2 Block Scheduling Copymasters Julien Poitier père – 39 ans Pierre Martin oncle – 43 ans Vincent LeClerc frère – 20 ans Laure Vincent soeur – 14 ans Jean-Marc Rigaud frère – 15 ans Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Copyright © McDougal Littell. All rights reserved. Sandrine Poitier soeur – 18 ans Céline Poitier mère - 37 ans François Martin père – 41 ans Daniel Martin frère – 13 ans Charles LeClerc père – 50 ans Bruno LeClerc frère – 16 ans Didier Vincent père – 37 ans André Vincent frère – 12 ans Napoléon Rigaud père – 54 ans Martine Rigaud soeur – 12 ans
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