julie andrée t.


julie andrée t.
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Situant le corps et l’espace au cœur de sa recherche,
Julie Andrée T. se manifeste en installation et en performance. Entre le poétique et le quotidien, son travail
propose des zones communes abstraites mais reconnaissables afin d’investir différents champs de questionnement à la fois culturels et existentiels. Depuis 1996,
elle a exposé ses œuvres et présenté ses performances
au Canada, aux États-Unis, en Europe, en Asie et en
Amérique du sud. En 2003 elle joint le groupe de performance Black Market International. L’artiste fut professeure invitée dans le programme de performance à la
School of Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) entre 2008 et
2011 et est membre du comité de programmation du
Lieu (Québec) ainsi que commissaire à ses heures.
Photo Francis O’Shaughnessy
julie andrée t. à / at Art Nomade 2013
Événement principal / Main Event
VENDREDI / FRIDAY 18.10 @ 19 h / 7 PM
Pulperie de Chicoutimi (Bâtiment 1912)
Dimanche / Sunday 20.10 @ 13 h à 16 h / 1 to 4 PM
Café Cambio / Le Sous-bois
Table ronde / Artist Talk
Since 1996 Julie Andrée T.’s installations and performance works have been shown in Canada, U.S.A, South
America, Asia and Europe. Since 2003 she has been
part of the performance group, Black Market International. Between the poetic and the mundane, her work
explores common areas which are abstract but nevertheless recognisable, in order to question both cultural
and existential elements. Body and space are the center of her research. She uses the body as a space and
vehicle for metaphors and poetry. She tries to reach a
place where personal identity is lost. Although this is a
utopian idea, it might be the only way to find a common
abstract language to understand what we do and who
we are. In 2008 and 2011 she was a guest professor at
the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston (USA)
where she taught performance art. She is a member of
the Inter/Lieu (Quebec City) programming committee
and also a curator.