Le Cocorico Cocorico - AATF of Central New York


Le Cocorico Cocorico - AATF of Central New York
Le Cocorico
l’AATF de New York Central
HIVER 2013
TOME V No. 2
Sous la
In thisplume
Sous la plume
Président…………………… 1
Chers collègues,
Dates Importantes……………7
Robin Brown
[email protected]
Vice President / Contest
Jennifer Reed
[email protected]
Jolene Bennett
[email protected]
Sarah Woodward-Jones
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Roseann Lorefice
[email protected]
AATF Regional Representative
Nancy Wolman
[email protected]
As I turn the page of my calendar to December, I smile
with anticipation... Yes, Christmas is coming. But Dec. 6- la
Fête de Saint-Nicolas- is just days away! And I love to share
this holiday with my students. I teach them about the sabots many even make them for extra credit! (I have gathered quite
a collection over the years) You know how the tradition goes:
Before going to bed December 5, children put their shoe in
front of their door in hopes that Saint Nicolas will visit and
leave some sweets and small gifts for them.
If Saint Nicolas could visit your school, what "gifts" would
you hope to receive in your classroom? Consider these:
- mutual respect among students
- enthusiasm for learning
- service to community
- language immersion
- appreciation of cultural differences
- travel opportunities for all
- collaborative spirit
- French forever!
I wish you and your loved ones a healthy and happy holiday
season. May your sabot be filled with all YOU hope for!
----Robin Brown
Le Cocorico
LES CERCLES FRANÇAIS: Fayetteville-Manlius
Celebrated National French Week
On Friday, November 8, 2013, over twenty members
of Fayetteville-Manlius High School’s French Club took an
after-school field trip to the Community Folk Art Center to
visit an exhibit of paintings by the Haitian artist Philippe
Dodard. The exhibit, called “Philippe Dodard : The Idea of
Modernity in Haitian Contemporary Art,” featured several
rooms of canvases by the artist, known for his work in
abstract forms and in the indigénisme movement.
The field trip capped a week of festivities, including
a French Music Day at school and the showing of the movie
Maurice Richard at the Onondaga Free Library.
-- Submitted by Denise Mahns, FMHS French Club advisor
FROM: Oneonta Central Schools:
The language clubs at Oneonta Middle and High Schools had an International
Market on November 8th. Students highlighted different countries and engaged
community members in games, crafts, food and fun facts from each venue. There was also
a talent show led by students. The audience was wowed by the talented teenagers who
performed numbers such as cancan dancing, sitar playing, singing, bagpipe blowing and
classical Indian dancing. The exchange students were introduced and the evening ended
with a few zumba numbers where the audience could join in. Great fun was had by all.
The French Club at Oneonta High School will celebrate Saint Nicholas Day with a
fondue luncheon “sans chaussures”. One pot will have cheese and another chocolate.
Each student will bring in something to "trempe." When they go to put their shoes back
on, they will find treats in them, both edible
and non-edible. The years that there are
non-Christian students, the club celebrates
Escalade. Students are reminded of the
story of the attack on the city-state of
Geneva. Tradition says that the invading
Savoyards, climbing the walls, were
defeated because the residents poured
boiling vegetable soup on them. In
there is a plastic
vegetable tossing contest ending with a
lunch of vegetable soup followed by some good Swiss chocolate.
--submitted by Janis LaRoo, French Teacher
Le Cocorico
C'est quoi le Québec?
Un groupe de professeurs et francophones se sont réveillés tôt samedi matin le 26 octobre
pour parler français et célébrer la belle province avec AATF de CNY. Emily Hall,
professeur de français à West Seneca Central Schools, a voyagé de Buffalo pour partager
avec AATF. Elle a expliqué son travail sur les contes québecois avec les jeux de
vocabulaire, la culture québecoise, les films et tout ce qu'elle fait avec ses étudiants pour
étudier le Québec. Ken McCluskey, professeur retraité, a raconté l'histoire de Québec avec
beaucoup d'anecdotes- les explorateurs, les maladies, les guerres, l'église, la politique et
beaucoup d'autres histoires drôles et intéressantes. Après, on a déjeuné "à la cabane à
sucre" avec tortière, sirop d'érable et biscuits d'érable.
--submitted by Jolene Bennett, CHS French Teacher
Workshop presenters Ken
McCluskey and Emily Hall
display the flag of Québec.
La tortière, as enjoyed by workshop participants Sarah Dailey, Denise
Mahns and Lori Ann Heller.
FYI: On our own website, www.aatfcny.org , we have added a link to Pi Delta Phi,
the French National Honor Society for undergraduate and graduate students at accredited
public and private colleges
and universities in the United
States. It is the oldest
academic honor society for a
modern foreign language in
the country. Founded as a
departmental honor society
at the University of California,
Berkeley in 1906, Pi Delta
Phi was nationalized the following
year when the Beta Chapter
was established at the University
of Southern California. There
are currently more than 350
members of the society in the
United States and at two
representative chapters at the
American Universities in Paris and Aix-en-Provence in France. There are currently 33
chapters of PDP in the state of New York. The society offers generous undergraduate
scholarships for summer study in France and Québec.
Le Cocorico
In response to a request in the AATF National Bulletin in September 2012, French
Clubs and National French Honor Societies from 19 different schools held fundraisers and
raised enough to pay for tuition and school uniforms for 100 students. These students have
been identified as the neediest in the village of Paulette, Haiti. French teachers and friends
of French teachers donated funds for summer training for 13 of the teachers in Paulette.
These individuals funded 15 days of teacher training in the summer of 2012 and 15 days of
teacher training in the summer of 2013. Most of the primary school teachers in Haiti have
the equivalent education of a sophomore in high school so this training was needed and
will improve the quality of education in the two schools in Paulette. The training focused
on teaching methods and classroom management.
But the needs continue. French Clubs, National French Honor Societies, and
individuals may choose any of the sponsorships below to help. Donations may be made
payable to “Park Central Presbyterian Church” with “Haiti FEED” written in the memo
line on the check. Checks may be sent to: Financial Officer Ken Sharkey, Park Central
Presbyterian Church, Haiti Educational Partnership, 504 East Fayette St., Syracuse, NY
--submitted by Georgette Schmidt ([email protected]
FYI: There is a free exhibit of Haiti art at the Community Folk Art Center, 805 E.
Genesee St., Syracuse. Featured is Haitian artist Philippe Dodard. Please note that the
Gallery is open until 5 p.m. It is closed on Mondays. The exhibit runs until December 7.
You may reach the gallery at (315) 442-2230.
Les Fables du Père Almyre
by Joseph Almyre
• a new window into Haitian culture
• suitable for high school and college students
• use the illustrations as speaking prompts
“A l’instar de La Fontaine, je me sers des homes, des
animaux, d’ autres éléments présents dans la nature pour
instruire mes contemporains et tenter de les aider à respecter
notre environnement et toutes les créatures qui y ont leur
--Father Joseph Almyre
Available in the U.S. from www.lecturesdefrance.com
Le Cocorico
FOUNDATION: Connie Fredericks Malone (sister of Carole) and director of the
foundation and Dr. James Malone, a Career Development and Educational Consultant,
will present multiple assemblies and visit individual French classes at Fayetteville-Manlius
High in Manlius, NY on Thursday, February 27th. This will be the second year the Carole
D. Fredericks Foundation has presented ‘Carole Fredericks: The African-American
Chanteuse’ for the high school’s Black History Month Celebration. This year students
from the middle school will be bussed to the high school to attend the assemblies.
The story of Carole Fredericks (1952-2001) is uniquely inspirational. The narrative
of her life fosters the notion that students can transcend their current circumstances to
achieve success through determination and perseverance. Her story is international in
scope and important to students in France, the United States, Africa and the world.
Dr. and Mrs. Malone are now accepting requests for presentations in the United
States and France for 2014. To reserve a school
assembly for Black History Month (February) please
contact the Carole D. Fredericks Foundation by email
The French Traveler, Inc.
[email protected] or by telephone 585 2331825 Ponce de Leon Blvd. #346
2426. Reservation deadline is January 15, 2014.
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Tel: 941-544-6777
Vous rêvez de renouveler vos cours avec de
nouvelles idées?
Venez donc nous rejoindre l’été prochain!
Jean Marc Humbert, Director of the Friends of America
Cultural Exchanges has notified us that he is looking for
host teachers and schools for a group of French students
coming to the U.S. The group of 15 and 16 year olds
anticipates coming for 10 to 13 days in April 2014. If
interested, contact Marie Rule , Director of Summer
Programs, FACES, 28879 Escalante Rd., Quail Valley
CA 92587 http://www/faces1.com
Exclusively for Language Teachers
Stage d’immersion
culturelle & linguistique
Earn 85 Professional Development Hours
Le Pays Basque et le Sud-Ouest
Dr. Hazel Cramer, professor emerita from SUNY
Cortland, offers a website for anyone interested in
hosting a French teaching assistant, levels K – 12 and
(from the editor: Please note that AATF of CNY does not endorse
these offerings, but is simply making them available to our
July 13-24, 2014
 Seminars on burning issues in French society today
 Excursions of historic & cultural significance in the
Basque Country
 Speak, hear, breathe French only; reside in hotels in
town centers
 Leisure time to relax, chat, browse
 Our 17th year!
Detailed program, cost, testimonials:
The French Traveler
[email protected]
Le Cocorico
Visages …Meet
Nancy Amerault, our colleague at Westhill
High School, who has taught for 11 years. She has a definite southern
connection, having attended James Madison University in
Harrisonburg, VA and notes that her family lives down South:
Virginia, North Carolina and Florida. She does have two bilingual
cats, both New York natives. She readily admits that she most enjoys
…”the interactions that I have with my students in and out of class as
we communicate en français—their enthusiasm is contagious. I also
enjoy that I feel like I am learning as much as they are with each
school year.”
• French author: Ronsard, J. Anouilh, M. Duras, M. Tremblay, J. Verne, St-Exupéry,
• French food: une baguette, bien chaude avec du fromage puant
• French music: Francis Cabrel, Gérald de Palmas, Zaz
• French quote: “Nous ne voyons jamais les choses telles qu’elles sont, nous les
voyons telles que nous sommes” –Anaïs Nin
Among her many awards she cites membership in Pi Delta Phi, Phi Sigma Iota (the
International Foreign Language Honor Society, Kappa Pi( National Art Honor Society),
and The Golden Key National Honor Society. In 2011, she was named Rookie of the Year
by the Fulton Teachers Association.
She celebrates her students’ success by giving certificates for work well done. And
we would NEVER guess in a million years that after college, she spent seven years as a
jeweler before deciding to pursue a teaching degree. Having majored in French and Art
History, with a minor in metals, she began a metal smithing career in Brussels, Belgium as
an apprentice to a jeweler. She worked there, then in Boston, MA and finally in Norfolk,
FORMIDABLE! Our colleague is certainly “douée” and multi-talented!!!
Congratulations to
Clayton Callahan who teaches at
Schools who was selected to be our
Social Media Manager.
As such, he will be in charge of our
presence on Facebook and Twitter. We will forward more information when the accounts
are active.
NOTE: At our fall meeting, changes to our constitution were voted on and ratified by
members who were present. You may access this document on our website:
Le Cocorico
December 25
January 1
Le Jour de l’An
January 10
deadline for orders for the French Contests
January 20
Martin Luther King Day
February 1
8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Goldstein Student Center at Syracuse University
Contact: Barbara Gordon [email protected]
February 14 – 28
FLES Contest Dates
Administrator: Jennifer Reed ([email protected]
March 11
Le Grand Concours
Administrator: Jennifer Reed [email protected]
April 5
AATF of CNY Spring Workshop
Time, Place and Theme: TBA
Take your students on a tour en français!!
Contact [email protected]